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LIDA Stories, An old man as a husband

An old man as a husband

I thought Norwegian men were the best men in the world, but that is not true! Before I met the man who became my husband, I worked in a factory in Bangkok, and he lived in Pattaya. We met through the Internet and eventually became a couple.

After a while we decided to get married. I came from a poor family, so having a foreign husband who could take care of my family was part of my reason for marrying him.

We moved to Norway, and I started going to school to learn Norwegian. It was a difficult time. I did not have a driver's licence, and my husband had to drive me to school, wait for me, and drive back. It was an hour each way. After a while we moved closer, but he still insisted on driving me to school. He did not want me to walk alone.

I have hardly had any money since I came to Norway. Once, my husband gave me money for lunch, but since I had so little money, I kept it. My friends at school want to help me to get a job, but my husband says I cannot. He does not think working as a cleaner is appropriate for me.

Instead he had another job for me – building a garage. He was the boss and I did everything. He could not do much because he was ill. He did not give me any of the money he made from building the garage.

One day he said he was bored when he was home alone, so he decided we should get a dog. I did not want a dog as I was tired after school and I had homework to do. He said he would walk the dog every day, but in the end I had to take care of both the dog and my old husband.

I do not know what the future will bring. My plan is to go to another school, but my husband does not want me to do that. He is planning to move further away to make it difficult for me. I want to resist, but I do not know how. It is not as easy to live in a foreign country with an old man as a husband as I thought it would be.

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An old man as a husband Ein alter Mann als Ehemann Un anciano como marido 夫としての老人 남편으로서의 노인 Starszy mężczyzna jako mąż Um velho como marido Старик в качестве мужа Старий чоловік як чоловік 一个老男人当丈夫

I thought Norwegian men were the best men in the world, but that is not true! Я думала, что норвежские мужчины - самые лучшие в мире, но это не так! Before I met the man who became my husband, I worked in a factory in Bangkok, and he lived in Pattaya. До встречи с человеком, который стал моим мужем, я работала на фабрике в Бангкоке, а он жил в Паттайе. We met through the Internet and eventually became a couple. ||||||alla fine|||una coppia Nos conocimos a través de Internet y acabamos siendo pareja. Мы познакомились через Интернет и со временем стали парой.

After a while we decided to get married. Через некоторое время мы решили пожениться. I came from a poor family, so having a foreign husband who could take care of my family was part of my reason for marrying him. Я происходила из бедной семьи, поэтому наличие мужа-иностранца, который мог бы позаботиться о моей семье, было одной из причин, побудивших меня выйти за него замуж.

We moved to Norway, and I started going to school to learn Norwegian. Мы переехали в Норвегию, и я начал ходить в школу, чтобы выучить норвежский язык. It was a difficult time. Это было трудное время. I did not have a driver's licence, and my husband had to drive me to school, wait for me, and drive back. ||||||patente||||||||||||||| У меня не было водительских прав, и мужу приходилось отвозить меня в школу, ждать меня и возвращаться обратно. It was an hour each way. Дорога заняла час в каждую сторону. After a while we moved closer, but he still insisted on driving me to school. Через некоторое время мы переехали поближе, но он по-прежнему настаивал на том, чтобы возить меня в школу. He did not want me to walk alone. Он не хотел, чтобы я шла одна.

I have hardly had any money since I came to Norway. С тех пор как я приехал в Норвегию, у меня почти не было денег. Once, my husband gave me money for lunch, but since I had so little money, I kept it. Однажды муж дал мне денег на обед, но поскольку у меня было так мало денег, я оставила их себе. My friends at school want to help me to get a job, but my husband says I cannot. Мои школьные друзья хотят помочь мне найти работу, но мой муж говорит, что я не могу. He does not think working as a cleaner is appropriate for me. Он считает, что работа уборщицей мне не подходит.

Instead he had another job for me – building a garage. Вместо этого у него была другая работа для меня - строительство гаража. He was the boss and I did everything. Он был боссом, а я все делала. He could not do much because he was ill. Он многого не мог сделать из-за болезни. He did not give me any of the money he made from building the garage. Он не отдал мне ничего из денег, заработанных на строительстве гаража.

One day he said he was bored when he was home alone, so he decided we should get a dog. Однажды он сказал, что ему скучно одному дома, и он решил, что нам нужно завести собаку. I did not want a dog as I was tired after school and I had homework to do. Я не хотела заводить собаку, так как уставала после школы и мне нужно было делать уроки. He said he would walk the dog every day, but in the end I had to take care of both the dog and my old husband. Он сказал, что будет выгуливать собаку каждый день, но в итоге мне пришлось заботиться и о собаке, и о своем старом муже.

I do not know what the future will bring. Я не знаю, что ждет нас в будущем. My plan is to go to another school, but my husband does not want me to do that. Я планирую пойти в другую школу, но мой муж не хочет, чтобы я это делала. He is planning to move further away to make it difficult for me. Он планирует переехать еще дальше, чтобы усложнить мне жизнь. I want to resist, but I do not know how. |||||||non|| Quiero resistirme, pero no sé cómo. Я хочу сопротивляться, но не знаю, как. It is not as easy to live in a foreign country with an old man as a husband as I thought it would be. Жить в чужой стране со стариком в качестве мужа не так просто, как я думала.