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BBC Sounds – Homeschool History, Homeschool History – The Restoration (2)

Homeschool History – The Restoration (2)

Londoners could also pop along to the west of St Paul's Cathedral to see all sorts of rare and exotic oddities, including Egyptian mice, the thighbone of a giant, and even mermaid skin – for a small price of course, this isn't free.

Word of warning: Some of this stuff was fake. When I say 'some of this stuff', I mean 'all of this stuff' was fake. There's no such thing as mermaid skin.

So there we go, a lovely day out in the reign of King Charles II – well, lovely apart from the hanging criminal bodies.

But, that does bring us to the end of our whistle-stop tour of the Restoration. So it's time now for a quick-fire quiz to see how much you've learned. Pens, laptops and tablets ready, whatever you need to write down the answers.

OK, there are 5 questions.

Question No. 1: Who had been Lord Protector after King Charles I was executed?

Question No. 2: Before returning to England to be king, where had King Charles II been living?

Question No. 3: During the Restoration theatres reopened ad women were finally allowed to act on stage. Which famous actress was also King Charles II's girlfriend?

Question No. 4: Charles ordered that the people who'd had his dad executed should be dug up and put on spikes. Now, what was the posh Latin word for them?

And question No. 5: What did King Charles unsuccessfully try to ban for fear that people were gossiping about him?

OK, here are the answers:

The answer to Question 1 was: Oliver Cromwell.

The answer to Question 2 was: the Netherlands and France.

The answer to Question 3 was: Nell Gwyn.

The answer to Question 4 was: the regicides – great name for a punk band.

The answer to Question 5 was: coffee houses.

How did you do in the quiz? Did you get 5 out of 5?

OK, if you didn't then that's OK but you can go back and listen to the show again as a podcast and see if you can get 5 out of 5 the second time around.

Hopefully you've enjoyed today's rambunctious romp through the Restoration and you've learned some stuff, too.

Tune in next time for some more Homeschool History with me, Greg Jenner, and make sure to subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode.

Thanks very much for listening, take care and goodbye!

This was a Muddy Knees Media production for Radio 4 and BBC Sounds. The script was by Emma Nagouse, Gabby Hutchinson Crouch and me, the producer was Ben Green and the historical adviser was Rebecca Rideal.

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Homeschool History – The Restoration (2) 家庭教育||| |||การฟื้นฟู Educación en casa|||Restauración Homeschool Geschichte - Die Restauration (2) Homeschool History – The Restoration (2) Historia de la educación en casa - La Restauración (2) Histoire de l'école à domicile - La restauration (2) Storia homeschool - La Restaurazione (2) ホームスクールの歴史 - 維新 (2) 홈스쿨 역사 - 유신 (2) Istorija mokykloms namams - Atkūrimas (2) Historia Homeschool - Przywrócenie (2) História do ensino doméstico - A Restauração (2) Домашняя история - Реставрация (2) Ev Okulu Tarihi - Restorasyon (2) Історія домашньої школи - реставрація (2) 家庭学校历史——复兴 (2) 家庭学校历史 – 复兴 (2) 家庭學校歷史 – 復興 (2)

Londoners could also pop along to the west of St Paul's Cathedral to see all sorts of rare and exotic oddities, including Egyptian mice, the thighbone of a giant, and even mermaid skin – for a small price of course, this isn't free. |||||||||||||||||稀有的||异国情调的|稀奇古怪||埃及的|||巨人股骨||||||美人鱼皮|||||价格||||| ||||||||||||||||||||Seltsamkeiten|||||Oberschenkelknochen||||||Meerjungfrau|||||||||| Residents of London|||drop by|||||||||||||||||curiosities|||Egyptian mice||femur||||||mermaid skin|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||珍奇な物|||エジプトのマウス||巨人の大腿骨||||||人魚の皮|||||||||| los londinenses|podrían ver||ir rápidamente|por allí|||oeste|||San Pablo|catedral de San Pablo||||todo tipo de||raras y exót|||rare curiosidades||egipcias|ratones egipcios||fémur|||gigante||incluso|piel de sirena|piel de sirena||||||por supuesto||| Londoners could also pop along to the west of St Paul's Cathedral to see all sorts of rare and exotic oddities, including Egyptian mice, the thighbone of a giant, and even mermaid skin – for a small price of course, this isn't free. Los londinenses también podían acercarse al oeste de la Catedral de San Pablo para ver todo tipo de rarezas exóticas, incluyendo ratones egipcios, el fémur de un gigante e incluso piel de sirena, por un pequeño precio, por supuesto, esto no es gratis. ロンドン市民は、セント・ポール大聖堂の西側にも足を伸ばして、エジプトのネズミや巨人の太ももの骨、人魚の皮など、さまざまな珍しい品々を見ることができる。 Лондонці також можуть зазирнути на захід від собору Святого Павла, щоб побачити всілякі рідкісні та екзотичні дивацтва, включаючи єгипетських мишей, стегнову кістку велетня і навіть шкіру русалки - за невелику ціну, звісно, це не безкоштовно. 伦敦人还可以到圣保罗大教堂的西边去看看各种稀有和奇异的东西,包括埃及老鼠、巨人的大腿骨,甚至美人鱼的皮肤——当然要花很少的钱,这不是免费的。 伦敦人也可以到圣保罗大教堂西边的地方,看各种罕见和奇异的珍品,包括埃及老鼠、一个巨人的大腿骨,甚至是人鱼的皮肤——当然需要付小费,这不是免费的。

Word of warning: Some of this stuff was fake. ||警告||||||假的 ||advertencia||||cosas||falso Palabra de advertencia: Algunas de estas cosas eran falsas. 警告しておく:この中には偽物もあった。 Попередження: деякі з цих матеріалів були фальшивими. 警告:有些东西是假的。 警告:其中一些物品是假的。 When I say 'some of this stuff', I mean 'all of this stuff' was fake. ||||||东西|||||||| ||||||||||||||falso Cuando digo 'algunas de estas cosas', quiero decir que 'todas estas cosas' eran falsas. 私が『この中のいくつか』と言ったのは、『この中のすべて』が偽物だったという意味だ。 当我说“其中一些”时,我的意思是“所有这些”都是假的。 当我说“一些物品是假的”时,我是指“所有这些物品都是假的”。 There's no such thing as mermaid skin. |||||mermaid skin| ||tal cosa|||| No existe tal cosa como la piel de sirena. 人魚の肌なんてない。 没有人鱼皮之类的东西。

So there we go, a lovely day out in the reign of King Charles II – well, lovely apart from the hanging criminal bodies. ||||||||||统治时期|||||||||||| ||||||||||治世||||||||||吊るされた|| |allí||||hermoso|||||reinado||||Carlos II||hermoso|aparte de|de||ahorcados|criminales ahorcados|cuerpos de criminales Así que ahí vamos, un hermoso día en el reinado del rey Carlos II – bueno, hermoso aparte de los cuerpos de criminales colgados. そう、チャールズ2世時代の素敵な一日だ。 Ось так, чудовий день за часів правління короля Карла II - ну, чудовий, якщо не брати до уваги повішених злочинців. 所以我们开始了,在查理二世国王统治下度过了美好的一天——好吧,除了悬而未决的犯罪尸体之外,还很可爱。 所以在查理二世时代的一个美好的一天 - 除了悬挂的罪犯尸体外,一切都很美好。

But, that does bring us to the end of our whistle-stop tour of the Restoration. ||||||||||匆匆浏览||||| ||||||||||brief tour|||||The Restoration ||||||||||短い||||| |||nos lleva|||||||visita rápida||||| Pero eso nos lleva al final de nuestra rápida visita por la Restauración. しかし、これで維新の笛吹きツアーはおしまいだ。 Але на цьому ми завершуємо нашу екскурсію реставрацією. 但是,这确实让我们结束了我们的恢复之旅。 但是,这就将我们带到了王权恢复时期的旅程的尽头。 So it's time now for a quick-fire quiz to see how much you've learned. |||||||快问快答||||||| ||||||||pop quiz|||||| ||||||rápida|rápido|cuestionario rápido|||||| Entonces, ahora es el momento de un cuestionario rápido para ver cuánto has aprendido. では、どれだけ学んだか、早押しクイズの時間だ。 所以现在是时候进行快速测验,看看您学到了多少。 现在是时候进行一个快速问答游戏,看看你学到了多少。 Pens, laptops and tablets ready, whatever you need to write down the answers. |computers||平板电脑||||||||| bolígrafos|computadoras portátiles||||lo que sea|||||||respuestas Bolígrafos, portátiles y tabletas listos, lo que necesites para anotar las respuestas. ペン、ノートパソコン、タブレットを準備してください。答えを書くために必要なものは何でも。 Приготуйте ручки, ноутбуки та планшети - все, що вам потрібно, щоб записати відповіді. 准备好笔、笔记本电脑和平板电脑,随心所欲地写下答案。

OK, there are 5 questions. De acuerdo, hay 5 preguntas. はい、質問は5つあります。 好的,有 5 个问题。

Question No. 1: Who had been Lord Protector after King Charles I was executed? ||quién|||Lord Protector|Protector Lord||||||ejecutado Pregunta No. 1: ¿Quién había sido Lord Protector después de que el Rey Carlos I fue ejecutado? 質問番号1: チャールズ1世が処刑された後、誰が護国卿になったのですか? 问题一:查理一世被处决后,谁担任护国公?

Question No. 2: Before returning to England to be king, where had King Charles II been living? ||antes|regresando|||||||||||| Pregunta No. 2: Antes de regresar a Inglaterra para ser rey, ¿dónde había estado viviendo el Rey Carlos II? 问题 2:在回到英格兰当国王之前,查理二世国王住在哪里?

Question No. 3: During the Restoration theatres reopened ad women were finally allowed to act on stage. |||||||作为|||||||| ||||Restoration period|theater venues||as in advertisements|||||||| |||||teatros|reabrieron|y|las mujeres|verbo auxiliar|finalmente se|se les permitió|||| Pregunta No. 3: Durante la Restauración, los teatros reabrieron y finalmente se permitió a las mujeres actuar en el escenario. 第3問:王政復古期に劇場が再開され、ついに女性も舞台に立つことが許された。 问题 3:在复辟时期,剧院重新开放,最终允许女性登台表演。 Which famous actress was also King Charles II's girlfriend? |||||||二世的| |||||||二世| ||||también|||II|novia ¿Qué famosa actriz también fue la novia del Rey Carlos II? チャールズ2世の恋人でもあった有名な女優は? 哪位著名女演员也是查理二世国王的女朋友?

Question No. 4: Charles ordered that the people who'd had his dad executed should be dug up and put on spikes. |||||||||||||||||||尖桩上 |||||||||||||||||||on pikes |||ordenó que|que|||que habían|||||||desenterrados|||||picas Frage Nr. 4: Karl befahl, dass die Leute, die seinen Vater hatten hinrichten lassen, ausgegraben und auf Spieße gesteckt werden sollten. Pregunta No. 4: Carlos ordenó que las personas que habían ejecutado a su padre fueran desenterradas y puestas en picos. 问题 4:查尔斯下令将处决他父亲的人挖出来并钉上钉子。 Now, what was the posh Latin word for them? ||||||||sie ||||Elegant or refined|||| ||||elegante|latín elegante|||ellos Ahora, ¿cuál era la palabra latina elegante para ellos? さて、ラテン語で何と言うのだろう? Яке ж шикарне латинське слово було для них? 现在,他们的豪华拉丁词是什么?

And question No. 5: What did King Charles unsuccessfully try to ban for fear that people were gossiping about him? |||||||失敗して||||||||||| |||||||sin éxito|||prohibir||por miedo|||||| Und Frage Nr. 5: Was versuchte König Karl erfolglos zu verbieten, weil er befürchtete, dass die Leute über ihn tratschen würden? そして第5問:チャールズ王は、人々のゴシップを恐れて、何を禁止しようとして失敗したのか? 第 5 个问题:查尔斯国王因为害怕人们议论他而试图禁止什么但没有成功?

OK, here are the answers: 好的,这里是答案:

The answer to Question 1 was: Oliver Cromwell. ||||||Cromwell(1) 问题 1 的答案是:奥利弗克伦威尔。

The answer to Question 2 was: the Netherlands and France. ||||||los Países Bajos|| 问题 2 的答案是:荷兰和法国。

The answer to Question 3 was: Nell Gwyn. ||||||格温 |||||Nell Gwyn|Nell Gwyn 问题 3 的答案是:Nell Gwyn。

The answer to Question 4 was: the regicides – great name for a punk band. ||||||弑君者|||||朋克乐队| |||||||||||パンク| ||||||los regicidas|||||punk|banda musical 第4問の答えは「レギシデス」。パンク・バンドの名前としては最高だ。 问题 4 的答案是:弑君者——朋克乐队的好名字。

The answer to Question 5 was: coffee houses. 问题 5 的答案是:咖啡馆。

How did you do in the quiz? ||||||examen 你在测验中的表现如何? Did you get 5 out of 5? 你得到5分中的5分了吗?

OK, if you didn't then that's OK but you can go back and listen to the show again as a podcast and see if you can get 5 out of 5 the second time around. |||||||||||||escuchar|||programa||||||||||||||||la segunda vez 好吧,如果你没有那么没关系,但你可以回去再次收听节目作为播客,看看你第二次能不能得到 5 分(满分 5 分)。

Hopefully you've enjoyed today's rambunctious romp through the Restoration and you've learned some stuff, too. ||||喧闹的|嬉戏||||||||| ||||unbändig|||||||||| ||||騒がしい|||||||||| esperemos que|||de hoy|bullicioso|divertido recorrido|a través de||Restauración|||aprendido||cosas interesantes| Ich hoffe, Sie haben den heutigen Streifzug durch die Restauration genossen und auch etwas gelernt. 今日の維新の乱痴気騒ぎを楽しんでいただけたなら幸いだ。 希望你喜欢今天在 Restoration 期间的喧闹嬉戏,并且你也学到了一些东西。

Tune in next time for some more Homeschool History with me, Greg Jenner, and make sure to subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode. sintoniza||||||||||||||||||||||||te pierdas||episodio 次回も私、グレッグ・ジェンナーと一緒にホームスクール・ヒストリーをお楽しみに、そしてポッドキャストを購読して、エピソードを見逃さないようにしてください。 下次收听我 Greg Jenner 的更多家庭学校历史,并确保订阅播客,这样你就不会错过任何一集。

Thanks very much for listening, take care and goodbye! 聞いていただきありがとうございます、お元気で、さようなら! 非常感谢您的聆听,保重,再见!

This was a Muddy Knees Media production for Radio 4 and BBC Sounds. |||Muddy Knees|Knees|Muddy Knees Media|producción||||| これはラジオ4とBBCサウンズのためのMuddy Knees Media制作です。 这是 Muddy Knees Media 为 Radio 4 和 BBC Sounds 制作的作品。 The script was by Emma Nagouse, Gabby Hutchinson Crouch and me, the producer was Ben Green and the historical adviser was Rebecca Rideal. |guion||||Nagouse|Gabby Hutchinson|Hutchinson Crouch|Crouch||||productor||||||histórica|asesora histórica||Rideal|Rideal 剧本由 Emma Nagouse、Gabby Hutchinson Crouch 和我编写,制片人是 Ben Green,历史顾问是 Rebecca Rideal。