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BBC Sounds – Homeschool History, Homeschool History – The Great Fire of London (2)

Homeschool History – The Great Fire of London (2)

And Question 5: Which brainy architect rebuilt St Paul's Cathedral?

OK, now it's time for the answers!

The answer to Question 1: London was mostly made from wood.

The answer to Question 2: The fire had broken out in a bakery on Pudding Lane.

The answer to Question 3: Our young school hero was William Taswell.

The answer to Question 4: England was at war with the Dutch Republic.

And the answer to Question 5: The architect was Christopher Wren.

How did you do? If you didn't get all five, that's OK. Why not listen to a different episode from series 1 or 2 on BBC Sounds. Hopefully you've learnt lots and are all fired up to learn some more. Tune in next time for some more Homeschool History and make sure to subscribe to the podcast on BBC Sounds so you never miss an episode.

Thank you for listening, take care and goodbye!

Homeschool History was a production by The Athletic for BBC Radio 4 and BBC Sounds.

The script was by Gabby Hutchinson Crouch, Emma Nagouse and me, the producer was Abi Paterson, the research assistant was Hannah MacKenzie and the historical adviser was Rebecca Rideal.

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And Question 5: Which brainy architect rebuilt St Paul's Cathedral? ||||Architekt|||| ||||architectural designer||Saint|| |||頭の良い||再建した|||セント・ポール |||inteligente arquitecto|arquitecto inteligente|reconstruyó||| そして質問5:どの頭の良い建築家がセント・ポール大聖堂を再建しましたか?

OK, now it's time for the answers! はい、今こそ答えの時間です!

The answer to Question 1: London was mostly made from wood. |||||||||madera 質問1の答え:ロンドンは主に木で作られていました。

The answer to Question 2: The fire had broken out in a bakery on Pudding Lane. |||||||||||||pudding| ||||||||||||||شارع |||||||||||||プディング通り| ||||||pasado perfecto|estalló||||panadería||Pudding Lane|Pudding Lane Die Antwort auf Frage 2: Das Feuer war in einer Bäckerei in der Pudding Lane ausgebrochen. 質問2への答え:火事はプディングレーンのパン屋で発生しました。

The answer to Question 3: Our young school hero was William Taswell. ||||||||||William Taswell 質問3への答え:私たちの若き学校のヒーローはウィリアム・タズウェルでした。

The answer to Question 4: England was at war with the Dutch Republic. ||||||||||república|República Holandesa 質問4への答え:イングランドはオランダ共和国と戦争中でした。

And the answer to Question 5: The architect was Christopher Wren. 并且||||||||| ||||||||Wren|Wren(1) そして質問5の答え: 建築家はクリストファー・レンでした。 E a resposta à pergunta 5: O arquiteto foi Christopher Wren.

How did you do? ¿Cómo te fue? あなたはどうでしたか? If you didn't get all five, that's OK. |||entendiste|||| Wenn Sie nicht alle fünf bekommen haben, ist das in Ordnung. Si no obtuviste los cinco, está bien. もし全ての5問に正解できなかった場合でも、問題ありません。 Why not listen to a different episode from series 1 or 2 on BBC Sounds. ¿Por qué no escuchar un episodio diferente de la serie 1 o 2 en BBC Sounds? Hopefully you've learnt lots and are all fired up to learn some more. ojalá||aprendido|||||||||| Tune in next time for some more Homeschool History and make sure to subscribe to the podcast on BBC Sounds so you never miss an episode. sintoniza|||||||||||||||||||||||||

Thank you for listening, take care and goodbye! Bedankt voor het luisteren, hou je goed en tot ziens!

Homeschool History was a production by The Athletic for BBC Radio 4 and BBC Sounds. Homeschool History was a production by The Athletic for BBC Radio 4 and BBC Sounds.

The script was by Gabby Hutchinson Crouch, Emma Nagouse and me, the producer was Abi Paterson, the research assistant was Hannah MacKenzie and the historical adviser was Rebecca Rideal. |||||||||||||||||||||MacKenzie||||||| |||||||エマ||||||||||||||||||||| |guion|||||||||||||Abi Paterson|Paterson|||asistente de investigación||Hannah MacKenzie|MacKenzie||||||| The script was by Gabby Hutchinson Crouch, Emma Nagouse and me, the producer was Abi Paterson, the research assistant was Hannah MacKenzie and the historical adviser was Rebecca Rideal.