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tech communication, Communication Professor Reacts to Steve Jobs iPhone 1 Speech (2)

Communication Professor Reacts to Steve Jobs iPhone 1 Speech (2)

We start with a strong foundation. iPhone runs OS X. (audience cheering)

In this last chunk, let's talk about some of the visual elements of how he presents and his visual aids.

Jobs likes to walk around the stage but he's not pacing nervously. He's walking with ease across a massive stage and he's walking with a purpose, in part to connect with a big, big audience throughout the auditorium.

In a situation like this, you have to make it more dynamic by taking up more space.

He's also gesturing really well. He uses textbook gestures really. He has a good home base where he brings his hands together at about belt level and he's making basic gestures once or twice per sentence. And then back to his home base.

He also has what you might call a second home base where he hangs his arms down by his side and looks really comfortable in that position as well. To me, those are the two best places to keep your hands when you're not actively gesturing.

His visual aids are really clear, simple, and use very few words. Many less experienced presenters fill their slides with data, diagrams, lots of text but that's a mistake. By comparison, his slides are really minimalistic. Sometimes his slides only show an image and use no words. This is a less is more approach. That's usually the best approach when it comes to visual aids.

You'll also notice he rarely looks back at his slides. Many presenters will turn away from their listeners and look at their slides most of the time. But he's mostly facing his listeners and I'm guessing he has another screen in front of him with his outline on it as well so he can just glance at it to stay on track.

So let's talk big picture advice and then I'll grade his presentation.

I really have only one minor improvement I would suggest. And it comes down to my personal preference. It's not as noticeable in the short segments we're looking at today, but I began to get tired of his long dramatic pauses that I watched, the more I watched. And it's the same feeling I get when I'm watching a Broadway type show or a musical on a stage. Sometimes it almost feels as if he's pausing to cue the audience or me to applaud. And I don't like it when stage actors pose and wait and make me feel like I'm obligated to applaud. And there are moments in this presentation where I got tired of that dramatic mechanism. I think that's mostly me, my own personal preference. But I also got the feeling that there were some long pauses where the audience was also confused and not sure if they were supposed to clap when he paused. Either way, that's the only minor change that I would suggest. Feel free to disagree with me.

So what grade would I give this presentation? Well, I would give it a D minus. I thought most of this was garbage. Just kidding. Of course, this is obviously an A plus presentation. Everything came together to make this a winner. The timing was right for the iPhone. It was, in the end, a great product. And Jobs knew he had a winner. He had every reason to deliver his message with complete confidence. Looking back, his presentation and the release of iPhone 1 did exactly as he predicted. It represented a revolutionary moment that changed phones forever.

So question for you. What grade would you give Jobs on this presentation? Do you really think he practiced this one or 200 times? Do you think that's just an urban legend? And of course, what else did I miss? And be sure to look in the description section of the video for some free public speaking resources for you.

Until next time, thanks. God bless, and I will see you.

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Communication Professor Reacts to Steve Jobs iPhone 1 Speech (2) Kommunikationsprofessor reagiert auf Steve Jobs iPhone 1-Rede (2) Un profesor de comunicación reacciona al discurso de Steve Jobs sobre el iPhone 1 (2) Un professore di comunicazione reagisce al discorso di Steve Jobs sull'iPhone 1 (2) スティーブ・ジョブズのiPhone1スピーチに反応するコミュニケーション教授(2) 스티브 잡스 아이폰 1 연설에 반응하는 커뮤니케이션 교수 (2) Hoogleraar communicatie reageert op toespraak Steve Jobs iPhone 1 (2) O professor de comunicação reage ao discurso de Steve Jobs sobre o iPhone 1 (2) Профессор коммуникации реагирует на речь Стива Джобса об iPhone 1 (2) Професор комунікацій відреагував на промову Стіва Джобса про iPhone 1 (2) 传播学教授对史蒂夫·乔布斯 iPhone 1 演讲的反应 (2)

We start with a strong foundation. Partiamo da una base solida. iPhone runs OS X. (audience cheering) |aplausos

In this last chunk, let's talk about some of the visual elements of how he presents and his visual aids. |||parte||||algunos|||||||||||| In quest'ultima parte, parliamo di alcuni elementi visivi del suo modo di presentare e dei suoi ausili visivi. 在最后一部分中,我们来谈谈他的呈现方式和视觉辅助工具的一些视觉元素。

Jobs likes to walk around the stage but he's not pacing nervously. A Jobs piace camminare sul palco, ma non cammina nervosamente. He's walking with ease across a massive stage and he's walking with a purpose, in part to connect with a big, big audience throughout the auditorium. 彼は巨大なステージを軽々と渡り歩き、客席中の大きな大きな聴衆とつながるためもあって、目的を持って歩いている。

In a situation like this, you have to make it more dynamic by taking up more space. 在这种情况下,您必须通过占用更多空间来使其更具活力。

He's also gesturing really well. He uses textbook gestures really. 他真的用了教科书式的手势。 He has a good home base where he brings his hands together at about belt level and he's making basic gestures once or twice per sentence. 両手をベルトの高さくらいに合わせ、基本的なジェスチャーを1文に1、2回するような、いいホームベースを持っている。 他有一个很好的基础,他双手合十,大约与腰带齐平,每句话都会做一到两次基本手势。 And then back to his home base. 然后回到他的大本营。

He also has what you might call a second home base where he hangs his arms down by his side and looks really comfortable in that position as well. 他还有一个你可以称之为第二本垒的地方,他将双臂垂在身侧,在这个位置上看起来也很舒服。 To me, those are the two best places to keep your hands when you're not actively gesturing. 对我来说,当你不主动做手势时,这两个地方是你保持双手的最佳位置。

His visual aids are really clear, simple, and use very few words. 他的视觉教具非常清晰、简单,并且使用的文字很少。 Many less experienced presenters fill their slides with data, diagrams, lots of text but that's a mistake. 许多经验不足的演示者在幻灯片中填充了数据、图表和大量文本,但这是一个错误。 By comparison, his slides are really minimalistic. Sometimes his slides only show an image and use no words. This is a less is more approach. これは "less is more "なアプローチだ。 That's usually the best approach when it comes to visual aids.

You'll also notice he rarely looks back at his slides. Many presenters will turn away from their listeners and look at their slides most of the time. But he's mostly facing his listeners and I'm guessing he has another screen in front of him with his outline on it as well so he can just glance at it to stay on track. |||||||||||||||||||esquema||||||||||||||| でも、彼はほとんどリスナーの方を向いているし、目の前に自分のアウトラインが描かれた別のスクリーンがあって、それをちらっと見るだけで軌道修正できるようになっているんだろう。 但他主要面向听众,我猜他面前还有另一个屏幕,上面也有他的轮廓,这样他只需看一眼就可以保持在正轨上。

So let's talk big picture advice and then I'll grade his presentation. 那么,让我们谈谈大局建议,然后我会给他的演讲打分。

I really have only one minor improvement I would suggest. And it comes down to my personal preference. そして、それは私の個人的な好みに帰結する。 这取决于我个人的喜好。 It's not as noticeable in the short segments we're looking at today, but I began to get tired of his long dramatic pauses that I watched, the more I watched. 今日見ている短い区間では目立たないが、見れば見るほど彼の長いドラマチックなポーズに飽きてきた。 在我们今天看到的短片段中,这一点并不那么明显,但我看得越多,我就开始厌倦他长时间的戏剧性停顿。 And it's the same feeling I get when I'm watching a Broadway type show or a musical on a stage. Sometimes it almost feels as if he's pausing to cue the audience or me to applaud. |||||||||||||||aplaudir And I don't like it when stage actors pose and wait and make me feel like I'm obligated to applaud. 我不喜欢舞台演员摆好姿势等待,让我觉得我有义务鼓掌。 And there are moments in this presentation where I got tired of that dramatic mechanism. 在这次演讲中,有些时候我厌倦了这种戏剧性的机制。 I think that's mostly me, my own personal preference. 我认为这主要是我个人的喜好。 But I also got the feeling that there were some long pauses where the audience was also confused and not sure if they were supposed to clap when he paused. Either way, that's the only minor change that I would suggest. Feel free to disagree with me. 请随意不同意我的观点。

So what grade would I give this presentation? Well, I would give it a D minus. I thought most of this was garbage. Just kidding. Of course, this is obviously an A plus presentation. Everything came together to make this a winner. すべてがうまくかみ合って、この勝利につながった。 一切都齐心协力,使这成为胜利者。 The timing was right for the iPhone. It was, in the end, a great product. 最终,这是一个很棒的产品。 And Jobs knew he had a winner. He had every reason to deliver his message with complete confidence. Looking back, his presentation and the release of iPhone 1 did exactly as he predicted. It represented a revolutionary moment that changed phones forever.

So question for you. What grade would you give Jobs on this presentation? Do you really think he practiced this one or 200 times? Do you think that's just an urban legend? 你以为这只是都市传说吗? And of course, what else did I miss? And be sure to look in the description section of the video for some free public speaking resources for you.

Until next time, thanks. God bless, and I will see you. 上帝保佑,我会见到你。