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tech communication, Communication Problems Between Developers & Non-Developers

Communication Problems Between Developers & Non-Developers

Hey this is the daily overpass my name is Eric and I make apps. Now today I want to talk about communication problems between developers and non developers.

All right so today I wanted to talk about something that happened earlier today which was kind of funny and kind of annoying. But it has to do with the communications between developers and non developers.

Oh and let me start off by saying that I try to keep these videos a little bit more varied, so every so often I go outside to this big field outside the office. So if you're ever wondering why I'm always walking around in the woods like some sort of serial killer, it's not because I've just buried my latest victims and decided to talk about apps afterwards. It's just because it's outside right.

Anyway so we had this issue with the communication. And I pride myself at being able to communicate in technical and non-technical ways. I mean we all do in some respects. So able to explain things to our clients in a way that they understand a lot of times using metaphors or you're explaining you know an example. this this sort of works in this way imagine if it was this and that. right so I pride myself on that.

And a lot of times the clients really like to work with us because of that reason. they don't you know we don't they don't feel like we're dumbing it down or we're looking down on them because they don't speak the technical lingo. but then also to be able to talk to the developers about you know how this should work you know what types of technology we should use the structure the variable you know that kind of stuff the typical coding standards type of stuff so I pride myself on that but sometimes we get it wrong.

So here's the issue: so we have a project that we're just finishing up. it's a browser-based project and we're just doing the final stages that we have an issues list of certain things that we have to check. and we have so basically we're testing it on all the different types of browsers, so we have some things that are done and not done.

and the process is that the developers they do the work. they tell the QA tester that it's done. she'll test it she'll set it from you know unresolved to resolved or set it from yellow to green. or to red if it fails the test. and and that's how it goes.

so they've come to her weeks ago and said the site is now responsive and she looked at the spreadsheet and there was nothing on there so that's fine. she didn't change anything, but the spreadsheet says it needs to be mobile-friendly. and it didn't say anything about responsive. and it was just this disconnect right.

so I was getting annoyed like, why is this still not resolved? right? because and because she didn't know that by mobile-friendly we meant responsive and vice versa. and I mean they're not synonyms really. if you're a proper CSS person responsive means that the the site just responds to the changes in the screen size but most the time we when we talk about mobile-friendly websites we talk about them being responsive.

So that was it so anyway with just a little thing that even the client was saying, "why isn't this resolved yet?" and so it was done. It was like a nice easy fix, all we had to do is get the people in the right room. She was so apologetic about it, saying "I'm sorry, I didn't know that," and I thought, "well, that's not really her job to know that."

I specifically don't want technical people or developers being QA z', because I know from experience myself when I'm testing something and developers should test it anyway, but when I'm testing something as a developer, a lot of times I go straight for the SQL injection things, or I'll type in funny characters, and I'll try to do all this stuff to stress test the app, and I'll miss something completely blatantly obvious like a button has the wrong text on it or it's not lined up or something like that.

It's good to have somebody from, in my experience, my QA tester, I want them to be as close to the end-user as possible. So, I wasn't really upset that that was done, but it was just one of these kind of things where you learn about it, and it's funny. As developers, we have to be multilingual, we have to think in two different languages, and I suppose doctors are the same. Doctors have their technical language, we have our technical language, and anyway, just something to think about that I tell you guys about today. I thought it was kind of funny, even maybe a little annoying, but still kind of funny.

Anyway, That is it for today. I'll talk to you guys again tomorrow.

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Communication Problems Between Developers & Non-Developers |مشاكل|||| |||Deweloperzy|| Kommunikationsprobleme zwischen Entwicklern und Nicht-Entwicklern Communication Problems Between Developers & Non-Developers Problemas de comunicación entre desarrolladores y no desarrolladores Problèmes de communication entre développeurs et non-développeurs Problemi di comunicazione tra sviluppatori e non sviluppatori 開発者と非開発者間のコミュニケーションの問題 Communicatieproblemen tussen ontwikkelaars en niet-ontwikkelaars Problemas de comunicação entre programadores e não programadores Проблемы общения между разработчиками и не-разработчиками Geliştiriciler ve Geliştirici Olmayanlar Arasındaki İletişim Sorunları Проблеми комунікації між розробниками та не розробниками 开发人员与非开发人员之间的沟通问题 開發人員與非開發人員之間的溝通問題

Hey this is the daily overpass my name is Eric and I make apps. |||||meeting summary|||||||| |||||wiadukt codzienny|||||||| こんにちは、これは毎日の陸橋です。私の名前はエリックです。アプリを作成しています。 Now today I want to talk about communication problems between developers and non developers. さて今日は、開発者と非開発者の間のコミュニケーションの問題について話したいと思います。

All right so today I wanted to talk about something that happened earlier today which was kind of funny and kind of annoying. ||||||||||||في وقت سابق||||||||||مزعج نوعًا さて、今日は、今日の初めに起こった、ちょっと面白くて、ちょっと迷惑な出来事について話したいと思います。 But it has to do with the communications between developers and non developers. しかし、それは開発者と非開発者の間のコミュニケーションに関係しています。

Oh and let me start off by saying that I try to keep these videos a little bit more varied, so every so often I go outside to this big field outside the office. أو(1)|||||||||||||||||||||||بين الحين والآخر|||||||حقل|||المكتب |||||||||||||||||||zróżnicowane|||||||||||||| 最初に言っておくと、私はこのビデオをもう少しバラエティに富んだものにしようとしている。 So if you're ever wondering why I'm always walking around in the woods like some sort of serial killer, it's not because I've just buried my latest victims and decided to talk about apps afterwards. ||||تتساءل|||||||||||||قاتل متسلسل|قاتل متسلسل||||||دفنت||أحدث ضحايا|ضحايا|||||||بعد ذلك なぜ私がいつも連続殺人犯のように森の中を歩き回っているのか不思議に思うかもしれないが、それは最新の犠牲者を埋葬した後、アプリの話をしようと思ったからではない。 It's just because it's outside right.

Anyway so we had this issue with the communication. على أي حال|||||||| And I pride myself at being able to communicate in technical and non-technical ways. ||||||||التواصل|||||| ||szczycę się|||||||||||| I mean we all do in some respects. |||||||الجوانب |||||||pewnych aspektach So able to explain things to our clients in a way that they understand a lot of times using metaphors or you're explaining you know an example. |||||||||||||||||في كثير من الأحيان||استعارات||||||| |||||||||||||||||||figurative language||||||| だから、お客さんに物事を理解できるように説明できるんだ。多くの場合、比喩を使ったり、例を挙げて説明したりする。 this this sort of works in this way imagine if it was this and that. ||||||||تخيل|||||| もし、これがこうだったら......と想像してみてほしい。 right so I pride myself on that.

And a lot of times the clients really like to work with us because of that reason. ||||||||||||||||تلك السبب |||||||||||||z tego powodu||| they don't you know we don't they don't feel like we're dumbing it down or we're looking down on them because they don't speak the technical lingo. |||||||||||نخفف||||||||||||||| |||||||||||simplifying||||||||||||||| |||||||||||spłycanie tego|||||||||ponieważ||||||żargon techniczny 技術的な専門用語を話せないからと言って、私たちがそれを矮小化したり、見下していると感じたりすることはない。 but then also to be able to talk to the developers about you know how this should work you know what types of technology we should use the structure the variable you know that kind of stuff the typical coding standards type of stuff so I pride myself on that but sometimes we get it wrong. |||||||||||||||||||||||التكنولوجيا|||||||||||||أشياء من هذا القب|||معايير البرمجة||||||||||||أحيانًا|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||struktura kodu|||||||||||||||||||||||||||

So here's the issue: so we have a project that we're just finishing up. ||||||||مشروع||||| it's a browser-based project and we're just doing the final stages that we have an issues list of certain things that we have to check. ||||مشروع||||||النهائية|المراحل النهائية||||||||بعض||||||نراجع ブラウザベースのプロジェクトで、最終段階でチェックしなければならない事項のリストを作っているところなんだ。 and we have so basically we're testing it on all the different types of browsers, so we have some things that are done and not done. ||||||||||||||||||||||مكتمل||| そのため、基本的にはすべての種類のブラウザでテストしています。

and the process is that the developers they do the work. ||العملية|||||||| そのプロセスは、開発者たちが仕事をするということだ。 they tell the QA tester that it's done. |||اختبار ضمان الجودة|||| she'll test it she'll set it from you know unresolved to resolved or set it from yellow to green. هي ست||||||||||||||||الأصفر(1|| or to red if it fails the test. |||||يفشل|| and and that's how it goes. |||||تسير |||||tak to jest

so they've come to her weeks ago and said the site is now responsive and she looked at the spreadsheet and there was nothing on there so that's fine. ||||لها|منذ أسابيع||||||||||هي|نظرت|||||||لا شيء|||||لا بأس |||||||||||||responsywny||||||arkusz kalkulacyjny||||||||| she didn't change anything, but the spreadsheet says it needs to be mobile-friendly. |||||||||تحتاج|||محمول(1| and it didn't say anything about responsive. ||||||responsive design and it was just this disconnect right. |||||فصل| |||||rozbieżność|

so I was getting annoyed like, why is this still not resolved? ||||مستاء جداً||||||| right? because and because she didn't know that by mobile-friendly we meant responsive and vice versa. |||||||||||||||العكس صحيح and I mean they're not synonyms really. |||هم||| if you're a proper CSS person responsive means that the the site just responds to the changes in the screen size but most the time we when we talk about mobile-friendly websites we talk about them being responsive. |||مناسب||شخص CSS||||||||||||||حجم الشاشة||||||||||||||||||| |||prawdziwy|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

So that was it so anyway with just a little thing that even the client was saying, "why isn't this resolved yet?" ||||||||||||||العميل||||||| and so it was done. It was like a nice easy fix, all we had to do is get the people in the right room. ||||جميل||||||||||||||| She was so apologetic about it, saying "I'm sorry, I didn't know that," and I thought, "well, that's not really her job to know that." |||||||||||||||||||||وظيفتها|||

I specifically don't want technical people or developers being QA z', because I know from experience myself when I'm testing something and developers should test it anyway, but when I'm testing something as a developer, a lot of times I go straight for the SQL injection things, or I'll type in funny characters, and I'll try to do all this stuff to stress test the app, and I'll miss something completely blatantly obvious like a button has the wrong text on it or it's not lined up or something like that. |بشكل محدد|||||||||ز(1)|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||مباشرة||||||||||||||||||||||||التطبيق|||أفوت||تمامًا|||||زر (1)||||||||||محاذاة||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||wstrzykiwanie SQL|wstrzyknięcie SQL||||||||||||||||||||||||||rażąco oczywiste||||||||||||||||||| というのも、私自身、何かをテストするときは経験上、開発者がテストするべきだと分かっているからだ。しかし、開発者として何かをテストするときは、多くの場合、SQLインジェクションに直行したり、おかしな文字を入力したり、アプリをストレステストするためにいろいろやってみるのだが、ボタンの文字が間違っていたり、ボタンが並んでいなかったりといった、あからさまに明らかなことを見逃してしまう。

It's good to have somebody from, in my experience, my QA tester, I want them to be as close to the end-user as possible. ||||||||||||||||||||||المستخدم النهائي|| So, I wasn't really upset that that was done, but it was just one of these kind of things where you learn about it, and it's funny. ||||مضطرب|||||||||||||||||||||| だから、それが行われたことに腹を立てていたわけではないんだけど、ただ、こういうことのひとつなんだ。 As developers, we have to be multilingual, we have to think in two different languages, and I suppose doctors are the same. ||||||متعددي اللغات|||||||||||أفترض أن|||| ||||||wielojęzyczni||||||||||||||| 開発者として、私たちはマルチリンガルでなければならないし、2つの異なる言語で考えなければならない。 Doctors have their technical language, we have our technical language, and anyway, just something to think about that I tell you guys about today. |||||||||||||||||||||يا رفاق|| 医者には医者の専門用語があり、我々には我々の専門用語がある。 I thought it was kind of funny, even maybe a little annoying, but still kind of funny. ||||||||ربما|||||||| ちょっと面白いし、ちょっと腹が立つかもしれないけど、それでもちょっと面白いと思った。

Anyway, That is it for today. とにかく、今日はここまでだ。 I'll talk to you guys again tomorrow. |||||مرة أخرى|غداً 明日、また話そう。