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English Convos with Camille (Caleb Interview), PART 1.1 Caleb Interview — Learn English with Camille

PART 1.1 Caleb Interview — Learn English with Camille

Camille: Oi! Welcome back to my course, I'm so glad that you're here with us, and I'm so thankful that my friend Caleb is here.

Caleb: How are you?

Camille: I'm good, how are you?

Caleb: I'm good, yeah.

Camille: Thank you so much for being here.

Caleb: Yeah thanks for having me. I'm super excited.

Camille: I know, me too. We always have a good time when we hang out, and I thought Caleb would be a really fun person to interview because I just think he's interesting, he's amazing, he's done a lot of cool things, and so I hope that you guys will enjoy this video. So, let's get started. Where were you born?

Caleb: So, I was born, um, in a small town called Smithfield, North Carolina, um, it's a little bit East of the capital of North Carolina, which is Raleigh, um, so I grew up there from five till I graduated high school.

Camille: Wow, yeah from five years old?

Caleb: Yeah.

Camille: So where were you the first, oh, five years?

Caleb: Can we start over? I was born as I was five.

Camille: That was amazing, superhuman skill, wow.

Caleb: No, um, so I was born actually in a town called Greenville, North Carolina, okay and then we moved to like that area the Smithfield, North Carolina when I was five.

Camille: Yeah, okay.

Caleb: Yeah.

Camille: So, you were around for your first five years of life?

Caleb: Yes I was, I just wasn't birthed and I was a five-year-old.

Camille: Okay, wow, so when is, when was your birthday, or when is your birthday?

Caleb: Yeah, my birthday is January 13th, um, I was born in 1993. Um, so I'm currently 28 years old.

Camille: Wow and do you have any siblings?

Caleb: Yeah, I have one older brother, uh, his name is Nathan and he is seven and a half years older than me.

Camille: Okay and where does he live?

Caleb: Uh, he actually lives in Phoenix, Arizona.

Camille: Oh, wow, yeah so all the way on the other side of the country. Caleb: Yeah, so he lives there with his wife. I mean they have four kids, all under the age of 13.

Camille: Wow, that's amazing, do you see him often?

Caleb: Um, not really, I only see them around holidays, it's just really hard to make the trip, from here in South Carolina to Phoenix. My parents actually go out there a lot more often than I do, but I usually see them on holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas and stuff like that.

Camille: Yeah, that's nice.

Caleb: Yeah, yeah.

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PART 1.1 Caleb Interview — Learn English with Camille section|||||| Parte|Entrevista con Caleb||||| PART 1.1 Caleb Interview - Englisch lernen mit Camille PARTE 1.1 Entrevista a Caleb - Aprenda inglés con Camille PARTIE 1.1 Interview de Caleb - Apprendre l'anglais avec Camille PARTE 1.1 Intervista a Caleb - Imparare l'inglese con Camille PART 1.1 カレブ・インタビュー - カミーユと英語を学ぼう 1.1 칼렙 인터뷰 - 카밀과 함께 영어 배우기 1.1 DALIS Calebo interviu - Mokykitės anglų kalbos su Camille CZĘŚĆ 1.1 Wywiad z Calebem - Ucz się angielskiego z Camille PARTE 1.1 Entrevista com Caleb — Aprenda inglês com Camille ЧАСТЬ 1.1 Интервью с Калебом - Учим английский с Камиллой BÖLÜM 1.1 Caleb Röportajı - Camille ile İngilizce Öğrenin ЧАСТИНА 1.1 Інтерв'ю з Калебом - Вивчайте англійську з Каміллою 第 1.1 部分 Caleb 访谈 — 与 Camille 一起学习英语 第 1.1 部分 Caleb 访谈 — 和 Camille 一起学英语 第 1.1 部分 Caleb 訪談 — 與 Camille 一起學習英語

**Camille:** Oi! Camille: Oi! Welcome back to my course, I'm so glad that you're here with us, and I'm so thankful that my friend Caleb is here. ||||||||||||||||grateful|||||| ||||||||||||||||berterima kasih|||||| مرحبًا بك مرة أخرى في الدورة التدريبية الخاصة بي، أنا سعيد جدًا لأنك هنا معنا، وأنا ممتن جدًا لوجود صديقي كالب هنا. Bem-vindo de volta ao meu curso, estou muito feliz por você estar aqui conosco e muito grato por meu amigo Caleb estar aqui. Kursuma tekrar hoş geldiniz, bizimle birlikte olduğunuz için çok mutluyum ve arkadaşım Caleb burada olduğu için çok minnettarım. 欢迎回到我的课程,我很高兴你和我们在一起,我非常感谢我的朋友 Caleb 在这里。

**Caleb**: How are you? كاليب: كيف حالك؟ Calebe: Como você está? 迦勒:你好吗?

**Camille**: I'm good, how are you? ||||kamu| كاميل: أنا بخير، كيف حالك؟ Camille: Eu estou bem, como você está? Camille: Ben iyiyim, sen nasılsın? 卡米尔:我很好,你好吗?

**Caleb**: I'm good, yeah. 迦勒:我很好,是的。

**Camille**: Thank you so much for being here. كاميل: شكرا جزيلا لوجودك هنا. Camille: Bardzo dziękuję za obecność. Camille: Muito obrigada por estar aqui. Camille: Burada olduğunuz için çok teşekkür ederim. 卡米尔:非常感谢你来到这里。

**Caleb**: Yeah thanks for having me. |sì|||| كاليب: نعم شكرا لاستضافتي. Caleb: Tak, dzięki za zaproszenie. Caleb: Sim, obrigado por me receber. Caleb: Evet, beni ağırladığınız için teşekkürler. Caleb:是的,谢谢邀请我。 I'm super excited. ||very enthusiastic |very| أنا متحمس للغاية. I'm super excited. Estou super entusiasmado. Çok heyecanlıyım. 我超级兴奋。

**Camille**: I know, me too. Camille: Vem, tudi jaz.|||| Camille: I know, me too. Camille: Eu sei, eu também. 卡米尔:我知道,我也是。 We always have a good time when we hang out, and I thought Caleb would be a really fun person to interview because I just think he's interesting, he's amazing, he's done a lot of cool things, and so I hope that you guys will enjoy this video. ||||||||passar o tempo|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||io|||||||| Vždycky se dobře bavíme, když se bavíme, a myslel jsem si, že Caleb by byl opravdu zábavný člověk na rozhovor, protože si myslím, že je zajímavý, je úžasný, udělal spoustu skvělých věcí, a tak doufám, že se vám bude líbit. tohle video. We always have a good time when we hang out, and I thought Caleb would be a really fun person to interview because I just think he's interesting, he's amazing, he's done a lot of cool things, and so I hope that you guys will enjoy this video. 저희는 항상 함께 어울릴 때 즐거운 시간을 보내는데, 케일럽은 정말 재밌고 멋지고 멋진 일을 많이 해왔기 때문에 인터뷰하기에 좋은 사람이라고 생각했어요. Zawsze dobrze się bawimy, kiedy spędzamy czas i pomyślałem, że Caleb byłby naprawdę fajną osobą do przeprowadzenia wywiadu, ponieważ uważam, że jest interesujący, niesamowity, zrobił wiele fajnych rzeczy, więc mam nadzieję, że spodoba wam się ten filmik. Nós sempre nos divertimos quando saímos, e eu pensei que Caleb seria uma pessoa muito divertida para entrevistar porque eu acho ele interessante, ele é incrível, ele fez muitas coisas legais, então eu espero que vocês gostem esse vídeo. Takıldığımızda her zaman iyi vakit geçiriyoruz ve Caleb'in röportaj yapmak için gerçekten eğlenceli bir kişi olacağını düşündüm çünkü onun ilginç, harika biri olduğunu, pek çok harika şey yaptığını düşünüyorum ve umarım siz de bu videoyu beğenirsiniz. So, let's get started. Então vamos começar. Where were you born? |||nato Onde é que nasceu? Nerede doğdun?

**Caleb**: So, I was born, um, in a small town called Smithfield, North Carolina, um, it's a little bit East of the capital of North Carolina, which is Raleigh, um, so I grew up there from five till I graduated high school. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Raleigh|||||||||||me gradué de|| |||||||||||スミスフィールド|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||um||||||Smithfield||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||escola كاليب: لقد ولدت في بلدة صغيرة تدعى سميثفيلد بولاية نورث كارولينا، وهي تقع قليلاً شرق عاصمة ولاية كارولينا الشمالية، وهي رالي، لذا نشأت هناك منذ الخامسة حتى تخرجت. المدرسة الثانوية. Caleb: Nasci numa pequena cidade chamada Smithfield, na Carolina do Norte, que fica um pouco a leste da capital da Carolina do Norte, que é Raleigh, por isso cresci lá desde os cinco anos até acabar o liceu. Caleb: Kuzey Carolina'da Smithfield adında küçük bir kasabada doğdum, Kuzey Carolina'nın başkenti Raleigh'in biraz doğusunda, beş yaşımdan liseden mezun olana kadar orada büyüdüm. Калеб: Отже, я народився, гм, у маленькому містечку під назвою Смітфілд, Північна Кароліна, гм, це трохи на схід від столиці Північної Кароліни, а це Ролі, гм, я ріс там із п’яти років до закінчення школи. вища школа.

**Camille**: Wow, yeah from five years old? Camille: Uau, sim, desde os cinco anos de idade? Camille: Vay canına, beş yaşından beri mi?

**Caleb**: Yeah. Caleb: Ja. Caleb: Sim.

**Camille**: So where were you the first, oh, five years? Camille: Wo waren Sie die ersten fünf Jahre? Camille: Então onde é que esteve nos primeiros, oh, cinco anos? Camille: Peki ilk beş yıl neredeydin? Камілла: Тож де ти був перші п’ять років?

**Caleb**: Can we start over? Caleb: Můžeme začít znovu? Können wir von vorne anfangen? Caleb: 다시 시작해도 될까요? Caleb: Podemos começar de novo? Baştan başlayabilir miyiz? Калеб: Чи можемо ми почати спочатку? 卡莱布:我们可以重新开始吗? I was born as I was five. Eu nasci com cinco anos. Beş yaşındayken doğdum. Я народився, коли мені було п'ять років. 我五岁时就出生了。

**Camille**: That was amazing, superhuman skill, wow. ||||extraordinary|ability| ||||超人的|| Camille: Foi incrível, uma habilidade sobre-humana, uau. Camille: Bu inanılmazdı, insanüstü bir beceri, vay canına.

**Caleb:** No, um, so I was born actually in a town called Greenville, North Carolina, okay and then we moved to like that area the Smithfield, North Carolina when I was five. ||||||||||||Greenville North Carolina|||||||||||region|||||||| 케일럽: 아니요, 저는 사실 노스캐롤라이나 주 그린빌이라는 마을에서 태어났고, 5살 때 노스캐롤라이나 주 스미스필드라는 지역으로 이사를 갔어요. Caleb: Não, hum, então eu nasci numa cidade chamada Greenville, na Carolina do Norte, ok, e depois mudámo-nos para essa zona, Smithfield, na Carolina do Norte, quando eu tinha cinco anos. Caleb: Hayır, aslında Kuzey Carolina'da Greenville adında bir kasabada doğdum, tamam ve sonra beş yaşındayken Smithfield, Kuzey Carolina gibi bir bölgeye taşındık.

**Camille**: Yeah, okay.

**Caleb**: Yeah.

**Camille**: So, you were around for your first five years of life? Camille: Takže jsi tu byl prvních pět let života? 카밀이에요 그럼 처음 5년 동안은 주변에 계셨나요? Camille: Então, estiveste presente nos teus primeiros cinco anos de vida? Камилла: Итак, первые пять лет жизни вы были рядом? Camille: Yani hayatının ilk beş yılında buralarda mıydın? Камілла: Отже, ти був поруч протягом своїх перших п’яти років життя? 卡米尔所以,你在你出生后的头五年一直在你身边? 卡蜜兒:那麼,你生命的前五年都是在這裡度過的嗎?

**Caleb**: Yes I was, I just wasn't birthed and I was a five-year-old. |||||||生まれた||||||| |||||||nacido||||||| Caleb: Sim, eu era, só que não tinha nascido e era um miúdo de cinco anos. Калеб: Да, я был, просто я не родился, и мне было пять лет. Caleb: Evet öyleydim, sadece doğmamıştım ve beş yaşındaydım. 迦勒:是的,我是,只是我還沒出生,當時我才五歲。

**Camille**: Okay, wow, so when is, when was your birthday, or when is your birthday? |||||||||cumpleaños||||| Camille: Ok, uau, então quando é, quando foi o teu aniversário, ou quando é o teu aniversário? Camille: Tamam, vay canına, peki doğum günün ne zamandı ya da doğum günün ne zaman?

**Caleb**: Yeah, my birthday is January 13th, um, I was born in 1993. Caleb: Evet, doğum günüm 13 Ocak. 1993 doğumluyum. Um, so I'm currently 28 years old. |||actualmente|| Hum, então tenho atualmente 28 anos. Şu anda 28 yaşındayım.

**Camille**: Wow and do you have any siblings? |||||||brothers or sisters |||||||hermanos Camille: Uau, e tens irmãos?

**Caleb**: Yeah, I have one older brother, uh, his name is Nathan and he is seven and a half years older than me. Caleb: Sim, tenho um irmão mais velho, chama-se Nathan e é sete anos e meio mais velho do que eu. Caleb: Evet, bir ağabeyim var, adı Nathan ve benden yedi buçuk yaş büyük.

**Camille**: Okay and where does he live? Camille: Ok e onde é que ele vive?

**Caleb**: Uh, he actually lives in Phoenix, Arizona. ||||||Fénix, Arizona| Caleb: Na verdade, ele vive em Phoenix, Arizona. Aslında Phoenix, Arizona'da yaşıyor.

**Camille**: Oh, wow, yeah so all the way on the other side of the country. Camille: Oh, uau, sim, então é do outro lado do país. Camille: Vay canına, evet yani ülkenin diğer ucunda. Камілла: О, вау, так, аж на іншому кінці країни. 卡米爾:哦,哇,是啊,所以一直在這個國家的另一邊。 **Caleb**: Yeah, so he lives there with his wife. I mean they have four kids, all under the age of 13. Quero dizer, eles têm quatro filhos, todos com menos de 13 anos. Yani dört çocukları var, hepsi de 13 yaşın altında. 我的意思是他們有四個孩子,都在 13 歲以下。

**Camille**: Wow, that's amazing, do you see him often? Camille: Uau, isso é espantoso, vêem-no muitas vezes?

**Caleb**: Um, not really, I only see them around holidays, it's just really hard to make the trip, from here in South Carolina to Phoenix. |||||||||días festivos||||||||||||||| Caleb: Hum, nem por isso, só os vejo nas férias, mas é muito difícil fazer a viagem, daqui da Carolina do Sul até Phoenix. Caleb: Pek sayılmaz, onları sadece tatillerde görüyorum, Güney Carolina'dan Phoenix'e yolculuk yapmak gerçekten zor. My parents actually go out there a lot more often than I do, but I usually see them on holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas and stuff like that. Na verdade, os meus pais vão lá muito mais vezes do que eu, mas normalmente vejo-os em feriados como o Dia de Ação de Graças, o Natal e coisas do género. Aslında ailem oraya benden çok daha sık gidiyor ama onları genellikle Şükran Günü ve Noel gibi tatillerde görüyorum.

**Camille**: Yeah, that's nice. Camille: Yeah, that's nice.

**Caleb:** Yeah, yeah.