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Learning English Broadcast, US Military Investigates Cancer Linked to Nuclear Base Work

Nine American military officers who worked many years ago at a nuclear missile base have been diagnosed with a rare blood cancer. The Associated Press says military briefing documents suggest the cancer might be linked to the officers' service.

The cancer is non-Hodgkin lymphoma. One of the officers has died from the disease.

The documents were from a meeting led by a top member of the U.S. Space Force, Lieutenant Col. Daniel Sebeck. At the time, he suggested a possible connection between the cancer and the time at the missile base.

Sebeck refused the AP's request for comment about the briefing. He said the information was “predecisional.”

The soldiers were members of the United States Air Force. All worked at the Malmstrom Air Force base in the western state of Montana. Some worked as long ago as the 1990s.

At the time, Malmstrom had 150 nuclear missile launch structures called silos.

The soldiers who worked there are known as missileers. They work at the base several days straight. They are there to carry out presidential orders concerning the missiles.

At the meeting, Sebeck called the number of military members with cancer “concerning.” He also said 455 former missileers are now in the Space Force, including four of those who have cancer.

A spokesperson for the U.S. Air Force told the Associated Press that medical leaders in the military are working to “understand more.”

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma strikes about 19 out of 100,000 people in the U.S. each year. That means that nine cancer cases out of only hundreds of former missileers is concerning. In addition, most people diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma are in their 60s. In the case of the military officers, most worked at the base in their 20s and were diagnosed in their 30s and 40s.

It is not the first time health concerns have come up for soldiers who worked at Malmstrom. In 2001, an Air Force health group investigated the base after 14 cases of cancer were reported among missileers who worked there. The report that followed said the base was safe and that “sometimes illnesses tend to occur by chance alone.”

The news of the new cancer concern comes at the same time the U.S. military is talking more openly about the hazards soldiers face while serving. For example, President Joe Biden signed a law last August that offered more health services to former soldiers who may have been in contact with dangerous substances in smoke.

It is possible 3.5 million people could have health problems from such smoke.

Part of the new law said soldiers with health problems would be offered healthcare without having to prove their sickness came from the time they served in the military.

When asked about the cancer cases among the soldiers who worked at the missile centers, the Air Force spokesperson said “we are heartbroken for all who have lost loved ones or are currently facing cancer of any kind.”

At the same time, however, Sebeck's report noted that missileers should be “screened and tracked for the rest of their lives.”

I'm Dan Friedell.

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Nine American military officers who worked many years ago at a nuclear missile base have been **diagnosed** with a rare blood cancer. Nine American military officers who worked many years ago at a nuclear missile base have been diagnosed with a rare blood cancer. A nove ufficiali militari americani che hanno lavorato molti anni fa in una base missilistica nucleare è stato diagnosticato un raro cancro del sangue. 核ミサイル基地で長年働いていた9人のアメリカ軍将校が、珍しい血液がんと診断された。 Dziewięciu amerykańskich oficerów wojskowych, którzy wiele lat temu pracowali w bazie rakiet nuklearnych, zdiagnozowano rzadkiego raka krwi. Nove militares americanos que trabalharam há muitos anos numa base de mísseis nucleares foram diagnosticados com um cancro raro no sangue. У девяти американских военных, работавших много лет назад на ракетно-ядерной базе, был диагностирован редкий рак крови. Uzun yıllar önce bir nükleer füze üssünde çalışmış olan dokuz Amerikalı subaya nadir görülen bir kan kanseri teşhisi konuldu. 多年前在核导弹基地工作的九名美国军官被诊断出患有罕见的血癌。 The __Associated Press__ says military briefing documents suggest the cancer might be linked to the officers' service. The Associated Press says military briefing documents suggest the cancer might be linked to the officers' service. AP通信によると、軍の説明文書によると、このガンは将校の勤務と関係がある可能性があるという。 Associated Press twierdzi, że wojskowe dokumenty informacyjne sugerują, że rak może być powiązany ze służbą oficerską. Segundo a Associated Press, documentos de informação militar sugerem que o cancro pode estar relacionado com o serviço dos oficiais. По данным агентства Ассошиэйтед Пресс, в документах военных брифингов говорится, что рак может быть связан со службой офицеров. Associated Press, askeri brifing belgelerinin kanserin subayların hizmetiyle bağlantılı olabileceğini gösterdiğini belirtiyor. Associated Press повідомляє, що документи військового брифінгу свідчать про те, що рак може бути пов’язаний зі службою офіцерів. 美联社说,军事简报文件表明癌症可能与军官的服役有关。

The cancer is non-Hodgkin lymphoma. 癌は非ホジキンリンパ腫です。 Rak to chłoniak nieziarniczy. O cancro é um linfoma não-Hodgkin. Рак - неходжкинская лимфома. Kanser Hodgkin dışı lenfoma. 癌症是非霍奇金淋巴瘤。 One of the officers has died from the disease. 警官の1人がこの病気で死亡した。 Jeden z funkcjonariuszy zmarł z powodu choroby. Um dos agentes morreu da doença. Memurlardan biri hastalık nedeniyle hayatını kaybetmiştir. 其中一名军官死于这种疾病。

The documents were from a meeting led by a top member of the U.S. Space Force, Lieutenant Col. Daniel Sebeck. その文書は、米宇宙軍のトップメンバーであるダニエル・セベック中佐が主導した会議のものだった。 Dokumenty pochodziły ze spotkania prowadzonego przez czołowego członka amerykańskich sił kosmicznych, podpułkownika Daniela Sebecka. Os documentos eram de uma reunião liderada por um membro de topo da Força Espacial dos EUA, o Tenente-Coronel Daniel Sebeck. Документы были получены на совещании, которое вел один из руководителей Космических сил США, подполковник Дэниел Себек. Belgeler, ABD Uzay Kuvvetleri'nin üst düzey bir üyesi olan Yarbay Daniel Sebeck tarafından yönetilen bir toplantıya aitti. 这些文件来自美国太空部队高级成员丹尼尔塞贝克中校主持的一次会议。 At the time, he suggested a possible connection between the cancer and the time at the missile base. 当時、彼はガンとミサイル基地での生活との関連性を示唆した。 W tym czasie zasugerował możliwy związek między rakiem a czasem w bazie rakietowej. Na altura, sugeriu uma possível ligação entre o cancro e o tempo passado na base de mísseis. Тогда он предположил возможную связь между раком и пребыванием на ракетной базе. O dönemde, kanser ile füze üssünde geçirilen süre arasında bir bağlantı olabileceğini öne sürmüştü. 当时,他提出癌症与导弹基地时间之间可能存在联系。

Sebeck refused the __AP's__ request for comment about the briefing. M. Sebeck a refusé de répondre à la demande de commentaires de l'AP au sujet de la réunion d'information. セベックはブリーフィングについてコメントを求めるAPの要請を拒否した。 Sebeck odrzucił prośbę AP o komentarz na temat odprawy. Sebeck recusou o pedido da AP para comentar o briefing. Себек отказал агентству AP в просьбе прокомментировать брифинг. Sebeck, AP'nin brifing hakkındaki yorum talebini reddetti. 塞贝克拒绝了美联社就简报发表评论的请求。 He said the information was “predecisional.” Powiedział, że informacje były „przeddecyzyjne”. Ele disse que a informação era "pré-decisória". Он сказал, что эта информация была "предрешающей". Bilginin "önceden verilmiş" olduğunu söyledi.

The soldiers were members of the United States Air Force. Żołnierze byli członkami Sił Powietrznych Stanów Zjednoczonych. Солдаты были военнослужащими ВВС США. Askerler Birleşik Devletler Hava Kuvvetleri mensuplarıydı. 这些士兵是美国空军的成员。 All worked at the Malmstrom Air Force base in the western state of Montana. 全員がモンタナ州西部のマルムストローム空軍基地で働いていた。 Wszyscy pracowali w bazie Sił Powietrznych Malmstrom w zachodnim stanie Montana. Todos trabalhavam na base da Força Aérea de Malmstrom, no estado ocidental de Montana. Все они работали на базе ВВС Мальмстром в западном штате Монтана. Hepsi de batıdaki Montana eyaletinde bulunan Malmstrom Hava Kuvvetleri üssünde çalışıyordu. 所有人都在西部蒙大拿州的马尔姆斯特罗姆空军基地工作。 Some worked as long ago as the 1990s. 1990年代から働いている人もいる。 Niektórzy pracowali już w latach 90. Alguns trabalharam já na década de 1990. Некоторые из них работали еще в 1990-х годах. Bazıları 1990'lardan beri çalışıyor. 有些早在 1990 年代就开始工作了。

At the time, Malmstrom had 150 nuclear missile **launch** structures called silos. 当時、マルムストロームにはサイロと呼ばれる核ミサイル発射施設が150基あった。 W tym czasie Malmstrom miał 150 struktur wyrzutni rakiet nuklearnych zwanych silosami. Na altura, Malmstrom tinha 150 estruturas de lançamento de mísseis nucleares chamadas silos. В то время в Мальмстреме было 150 пусковых сооружений для ядерных ракет, называемых шахтами. O dönemde Malmstrom'da silo adı verilen 150 nükleer füze fırlatma yapısı bulunuyordu. 当时,马尔姆斯特罗姆拥有 150 个称为发射井的核导弹发射结构。

The soldiers who worked there are known as missileers. ||||||||missilistes Les soldats qui y travaillaient sont connus sous le nom de "missileurs". そこで働いていた兵士たちはミサイラーとして知られている。 Żołnierze, którzy tam pracowali, są znani jako rakietnicy. Солдаты, работавшие там, известны как ракетчики. Burada çalışan askerler füzeciler olarak bilinmektedir. 在那里工作的士兵被称为导弹手。 They work at the base several days straight. Ils travaillent à la base plusieurs jours d'affilée. 彼らは何日も連続で基地で働く。 Pracują w bazie przez kilka dni z rzędu. Trabalham na base durante vários dias seguidos. Они работают на базе несколько дней подряд. Üste birkaç gün aralıksız çalışıyorlar. 他们连续几天在基地工作。 They are there to carry out presidential orders concerning the missiles. 彼らはミサイルに関する大統領命令を遂行するためにそこにいる。 Są tam, by wykonywać prezydenckie rozkazy dotyczące rakiet. Estão lá para cumprir ordens presidenciais relativas aos mísseis. Füzelerle ilgili başkanlık emirlerini yerine getirmek için oradalar. 他们在那里执行有关导弹的总统命令。

At the meeting, Sebeck called the number of military members with cancer “concerning.” He also said 455 former missileers are now in the Space Force, including four of those who have cancer. 会議で、セベックは、ガンを患っている軍人の数を「懸念している」と呼びました。彼はまた、455人の元ミサイル兵が現在宇宙軍に所属しており、そのうちの4人は癌を患っていると述べた. Na spotkaniu Sebeck nazwał liczbę żołnierzy z rakiem „zaniepokojoną”. Powiedział również, że 455 byłych rakietowców jest teraz w Siłach Kosmicznych, w tym czterech z tych, którzy mają raka. Durante a reunião, Sebeck considerou "preocupante" o número de militares com cancro. Disse também que 455 ex-militaristas estão agora na Força Espacial, incluindo quatro dos que têm cancro. Sebeck toplantıda kanserli ordu mensuplarının sayısını "endişe verici" olarak nitelendirdi. Sebeck ayrıca 455 eski füzecinin şu anda Uzay Kuvvetleri'nde görev yaptığını ve bunlardan dördünün kanser hastası olduğunu söyledi. 在会上,塞贝克称患有癌症的军人人数“令人担忧”。他还说,现在有 455 名前导弹发射手在太空部队服役,其中包括四名患有癌症的人。

A spokesperson for the U.S. Air Force told the Associated Press that medical leaders in the military are working to “understand more.” 米空軍のスポークスマンはAP通信の取材に対し、軍の医療指導者たちは "さらなる理解 "に努めていると語った。 Rzecznik Sił Powietrznych USA powiedział Associated Press, że przywódcy medyczni w wojsku pracują nad „więcej zrozumienia”. Um porta-voz da Força Aérea dos EUA disse à Associated Press que os líderes médicos das forças armadas estão a trabalhar para "compreender melhor". ABD Hava Kuvvetleri'nden bir sözcü Associated Press'e yaptığı açıklamada ordudaki tıbbi liderlerin "daha fazlasını anlamak" için çalıştıklarını söyledi. 美国空军发言人告诉美联社,军方的医学领导人正在努力“了解更多”。

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma strikes about 19 out of 100,000 people in the U.S. each year. Le lymphome non hodgkinien frappe chaque année environ 19 personnes sur 100 000 aux États-Unis. 非ホジキンリンパ腫は、米国では毎年10万人中約19人が罹患する。 Chłoniak nieziarniczy atakuje każdego roku około 19 na 100 000 osób w Stanach Zjednoczonych. O linfoma não-Hodgkin atinge cerca de 19 em cada 100.000 pessoas nos EUA todos os anos. Non-Hodgkin lenfoma her yıl ABD'de 100.000 kişiden yaklaşık 19'unda görülmektedir. 在美国,每年 100,000 人中约有 19 人罹患非霍奇金淋巴瘤。 That means that nine cancer cases out of only hundreds of former missileers is concerning. Cela signifie que neuf cas de cancer sur des centaines d'anciens lanceurs de missiles seulement sont préoccupants. つまり、数百人の元ミサイル使用者のうち、9人のがん患者がいることは問題なのだ。 Oznacza to, że dziewięć przypadków raka z zaledwie setek byłych rakietowców jest niepokojących. Isto significa que nove casos de cancro em apenas centenas de ex-militaristas é preocupante. Bu da sadece yüzlerce eski füzeci arasında dokuz kanser vakasının görülmesinin endişe verici olduğu anlamına gelmektedir. 这意味着仅数百名前导弹发射手中就有 9 例癌症病例令人担忧。 In addition, most people diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma are in their 60s. また、非ホジキンリンパ腫と診断される人の多くは60歳代です。 Além disso, a maioria das pessoas a quem é diagnosticado um linfoma não-Hodgkin está na casa dos 60 anos. Ayrıca, Hodgkin dışı lenfoma teşhisi konan kişilerin çoğu 60'lı yaşlardadır. 此外,大多数被诊断患有非霍奇金淋巴瘤的人都在 60 多岁。 In the case of the military officers, most worked at the base in their 20s and were diagnosed in their 30s and 40s. Dans le cas des officiers militaires, la plupart d'entre eux ont travaillé à la base dans la vingtaine et ont été diagnostiqués dans la trentaine ou la quarantaine. 軍人の場合、ほとんどが20代で基地に勤務し、30代と40代で診断された。 No caso dos militares, a maioria trabalhou na base na casa dos 20 anos e foi diagnosticada na casa dos 30 ou 40 anos. Askeri memurlar söz konusu olduğunda, çoğu 20'li yaşlarında üste çalışmış ve 30'lu ve 40'lı yaşlarında teşhis konmuştur. 就军官而言,大多数20多岁在基地工作,30多岁和40多岁被确诊。

It is not the first time health concerns have come up for soldiers who worked at Malmstrom. マルムストロムで働いていた兵士たちの健康問題が浮上したのは、これが初めてではない。 Não é a primeira vez que surgem preocupações com a saúde dos soldados que trabalharam em Malmstrom. Malmstrom'da çalışan askerlerin sağlık sorunları ilk kez gündeme gelmiyor. In 2001, an Air Force health group investigated the base after 14 cases of cancer were reported among missileers who worked there. Em 2001, um grupo de saúde da Força Aérea investigou a base depois de terem sido registados 14 casos de cancro entre os mísseis que aí trabalhavam. 2001 yılında Hava Kuvvetlerine bağlı bir sağlık grubu, burada çalışan füzeciler arasında 14 kanser vakasının bildirilmesi üzerine üssü incelemeye aldı. 2001 年,空军卫生小组在报告该基地工作的导弹人员中有 14 例癌症病例后对该基地进行了调查。 The report that followed said the base was safe and that “sometimes **illnesses** **tend** to **occur** by chance alone.” Le rapport qui a suivi indiquait que la base était sûre et que "les maladies ont parfois tendance à se produire uniquement par hasard". その後の報告書では、基地は安全であり、"病気は偶然に起こりがちである "とされている。 O relatório que se seguiu dizia que a base era segura e que "por vezes, as doenças tendem a ocorrer apenas por acaso". Bunu takip eden raporda üssün güvenli olduğu ve "bazen hastalıkların sadece şans eseri ortaya çıkma eğiliminde olduğu" belirtildi.

The news of the new cancer concern comes at the same time the U.S. military is talking more openly about the hazards soldiers face while serving. L'annonce de ce nouveau problème de cancer intervient au moment même où l'armée américaine parle plus ouvertement des risques auxquels les soldats sont confrontés pendant leur service. 米軍が兵士が兵役中に直面する危険についてよりオープンに語っているのと同じ時期に、新たながんに関する懸念のニュースが飛び込んできた。 A notícia da nova preocupação com o cancro surge na mesma altura em que as forças armadas dos EUA falam mais abertamente sobre os perigos que os soldados enfrentam enquanto servem. Новость о новой проблеме рака приходит в то же самое время, когда американские военные более открыто говорят об опасностях, с которыми сталкиваются солдаты во время службы. Yeni kanser endişesi haberi, ABD ordusunun askerlerin hizmet ederken karşılaştıkları tehlikeler hakkında daha açık bir şekilde konuştuğu bir dönemde geldi. For example, President Joe Biden signed a law last August that offered more health services to former soldiers who may have been in contact with dangerous substances in smoke. たとえば、ジョー・バイデン大統領は昨年8月、煙に含まれる危険物質に接触した可能性のある元兵士に、より多くの健康サービスを提供する法律に署名した。 Por exemplo, o Presidente Joe Biden assinou uma lei em agosto passado que oferecia mais serviços de saúde a antigos soldados que possam ter estado em contacto com substâncias perigosas no fumo. Например, в августе прошлого года президент Джо Байден подписал закон, который предлагал больше медицинских услуг бывшим солдатам, которые могли контактировать с опасными веществами в дыме. Örneğin, Başkan Joe Biden geçtiğimiz Ağustos ayında dumandaki tehlikeli maddelerle temas etmiş olabilecek eski askerlere daha fazla sağlık hizmeti sunan bir yasayı imzaladı.

It is possible 3.5 million people could have health problems from such smoke. このような煙によって350万人が健康被害を受ける可能性がある。 É possível que 3,5 milhões de pessoas possam ter problemas de saúde devido a esse fumo. Bu duman nedeniyle 3,5 milyon kişinin sağlık sorunları yaşaması mümkündür. 此类烟雾可能导致 350 万人出现健康问题。

Part of the new law said soldiers with health problems would be offered healthcare without having to prove their sickness came from the time they served in the military. 新法の一部では、健康上の問題を抱えた兵士は、その病気が兵役期間に起因するものであることを証明することなく、医療を受けられるとされている。 Parte da nova lei prevê que os soldados com problemas de saúde recebam cuidados de saúde sem terem de provar que a sua doença se deve ao facto de terem prestado serviço militar. Часть нового закона гласит, что солдатам с проблемами со здоровьем будет предлагаться медицинская помощь без необходимости доказывать, что их болезнь возникла во время их службы в армии. Yeni yasanın bir bölümü, sağlık sorunları olan askerlere, hastalıklarının orduda görev yaptıkları dönemden kaynaklandığını kanıtlamak zorunda kalmadan sağlık hizmeti sunulacağını söylüyordu.

When asked about the cancer cases among the soldiers who worked at the missile centers, the Air Force spokesperson said “we are heartbroken for all who have lost loved ones or are currently facing cancer of any kind.” Interrogé sur les cas de cancer parmi les soldats ayant travaillé dans les centres de missiles, le porte-parole de l'armée de l'air a déclaré : "Nous avons le cœur brisé pour tous ceux qui ont perdu des êtres chers ou qui sont actuellement confrontés à un cancer, quel qu'il soit". ミサイルセンターで働いていた兵士のがん患者について尋ねられた空軍の広報担当者は、「愛する人を亡くした人、あるいは現在何らかのがんに直面している人すべてに心を痛めている」と答えた。 Quando questionado sobre os casos de cancro entre os soldados que trabalharam nos centros de mísseis, o porta-voz da Força Aérea disse que "estamos de coração partido por todos os que perderam entes queridos ou que estão atualmente a enfrentar qualquer tipo de cancro". Отвечая на вопрос о случаях рака среди солдат, работавших в ракетных центрах, представитель ВВС сказал: «Мы скорбим за всех, кто потерял близких или в настоящее время сталкивается с раком любого вида». Füze merkezlerinde çalışan askerler arasındaki kanser vakaları sorulduğunda Hava Kuvvetleri sözcüsü "sevdiklerini kaybeden ya da şu anda herhangi bir kanser türüyle karşı karşıya olan herkes için üzgünüz" dedi.

At the same time, however, Sebeck's report noted that missileers should be “**screened** and tracked for the rest of their lives.” Dans le même temps, le rapport de Sebeck note que les porteurs de missiles devraient être "examinés et suivis pour le reste de leur vie". しかし同時に、セベックの報告書は、ミサイラーを "スクリーニングし、一生追跡調査する "べきだと指摘している。 Ao mesmo tempo, porém, o relatório de Sebeck assinala que os portadores de mísseis devem ser "rastreados e acompanhados para o resto das suas vidas". Ancak Sebeck'in raporu aynı zamanda füzecilerin "hayatlarının geri kalanında taranması ve takip edilmesi" gerektiğini de belirtmektedir.

I'm Dan Friedell. Je suis Dan Friedell.