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Learning English Broadcast, Study: Earth’s Inner Core May Be Changing Speed

Study: Earth's Inner Core May Be Changing Speed

A recent study suggests that the rate at which the Earth's center is turning is slowing down compared to the outer parts of the planet.

Earth scientists, or geologists, say that the center or core of the Earth can rotate, or turn, at a different rate than the outer areas.

The latest research appeared in the scientific publication Nature Geoscience.

The writers of the research are Xiaodong Song and Yi Yang of China's Peking University in Beijing. They used information about seismic waves from earthquakes to study the core.

Earth's inner core is a ball of hot iron that is a little smaller than the Moon. Because it floats in the liquid metal of the outer core, it can spin at a different speed than the rest of the planet.

In the 1930s, scientists discovered the Earth's core by studying changes in the speed of seismic waves as they travelled through the planet. The changes in speed showed that the core was a solid center made mostly of iron.

The new research by Song and Yang studied what they called “repeated seismic waves from the early 1990s.” They looked for changes in the amount of time seismic waves take to travel over the same paths inside the Earth.

The scientists suggest changes in the spin of Earth's core can explain the changes in travel times.

"We believe the inner core rotates, relative to the Earth's surface, back and forth, like a swing," they told The French news agency AFP. They added that its relative rotation changes about once every 35 years.

They also said these changes correspond with very small changes in “length of day”—the exact amount of time it takes for Earth to rotate on its axis.

In June 2022, John Vidale and Wei Wang, Earth scientists at the University of Southern California (USC), published a study in Science Advances.

They reported that between 1969 and 1971 the core rotated more slowly than the outer layers. They also said that after 1971, the core rotated faster than the outer layers. In their study, Wang and Vidale used data on seismic waves from nuclear test explosions.

Earth scientists say the Earth's core is difficult to understand and study. They disagree about how much, and how often, the spin might change. Some scientists argue that the speed of the spin does not change at all. They say the changes in seismic waves are caused by changes on the surface of the inner core instead of differences in how fast the core is spinning.

Hrvoje Tkalcic is a geophysicist at the Australian National University. He thinks scientists will disagree about the latest research.

He compared seismologists, who study earthquakes and seismic waves, to doctors "who study the internal organs of patients' bodies using imperfect or limited equipment.” He added: “Our image of the inner Earth is still blurry."

Song and Yang said scientists need years of seismic data to answer questions about Earth's core.

Vidale of USC said, "Something's happening and I think we're going to figure it out. But it may take a decade.”

I'm Andrew Smith.

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Study: Earth’s Inner Core May Be Changing Speed Studie: Innerer Erdkern verändert möglicherweise seine Geschwindigkeit Μελέτη: Πυρήνας της Γης μπορεί να αλλάζει ταχύτητα Study: Earth's Inner Core May Be Changing Speed Estudio: El núcleo interno de la Tierra podría estar cambiando de velocidad Étude : Le noyau interne de la Terre pourrait changer de vitesse Studio: Il nucleo interno della Terra potrebbe cambiare velocità 研究地球の内核の速度が変化している可能性 연구: 지구 내부 핵의 속도가 변할 수 있습니다. Tyrimas: vidinis Žemės branduolys gali keisti greitį Onderzoek: De binnenkern van de aarde verandert mogelijk van snelheid Badanie: Wewnętrzne jądro Ziemi może zmieniać prędkość Estudo: O núcleo interno da Terra pode estar a mudar de velocidade Исследование: Внутреннее ядро Земли может менять скорость Studie: Jordens inre kärna kan ändra hastighet Araştırma: Dünya'nın İç Çekirdeği Hız Değiştiriyor Olabilir Дослідження: Внутрішнє ядро Землі може змінювати швидкість 研究:地球内核可能正在改变速度 研究:地球內核可能正在改變速度

A recent study suggests that the rate at which the Earth's center is turning is slowing down compared to the outer parts of the planet. |||||||||||||||遅くなっている||||||||| ||||||taxa||comparado||||||||||||||||

Earth scientists, or geologists, say that the center or core of the Earth can rotate, or turn, at a different rate than the outer areas. |||地質学者|||||||||||||||||||||

The latest research appeared in the scientific publication __Nature Geoscience__. |||||||出版物||地球科学 ||pesquisa|||||||

The writers of the research are Xiaodong Song and Yi Yang of China's Peking University in Beijing. ||||||シャオドン|||||||||| |os escritores||||||||||||||| They used information about **seismic** waves from earthquakes to study the core. ||||地震||||||| |||||||||||núcleo

Earth's inner core is a ball of hot iron that is a little smaller than the Moon. |||||||||||||menor||| Because it floats in the liquid metal of the outer core, it can spin at a different speed than the rest of the planet.

In the 1930s, scientists discovered the Earth's core by studying changes in the speed of seismic waves as they travelled through the planet. Dans les années 1930, des scientifiques ont découvert le noyau de la Terre en étudiant les changements de vitesse des ondes sismiques qui traversaient la planète. The changes in speed showed that the core was a solid center made mostly of iron.

The new research by Song and Yang studied what they called “repeated seismic waves from the early 1990s.” They looked for changes in the amount of time seismic waves take to travel over the same paths inside the Earth.

The scientists suggest changes in the spin of Earth's core can explain the changes in travel times.

"We believe the inner core rotates, relative to the Earth's surface, back and forth, like a **swing**," they told The French news agency AFP. |||||回転する||||||||||||||||||AFP通信社 |||||||||||||para frente e para trás|||||disseram||||| "Nous pensons que le noyau interne tourne, par rapport à la surface de la Terre, d'avant en arrière, comme une balançoire", ont-ils déclaré à l'agence de presse française AFP. They added that its relative rotation changes about once every 35 years. ||que||||||||

They also said these changes **correspond** **with** very small changes in “length of day”—the exact amount of time it takes for Earth to rotate on its axis. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||軸

In June 2022, John Vidale and Wei Wang, Earth scientists at the University of Southern California (USC), published a study in __Science Advances__.

They reported that between 1969 and 1971 the core rotated more slowly than the outer layers. |||||||回転した|||||| |||||||||||||camadas They also said that after 1971, the core rotated faster than the outer layers. |||||||||||外側| In their study, Wang and Vidale used data on seismic waves from nuclear test explosions. |||ワン||ヴィダル|||||||||爆発試験

Earth scientists say the Earth's core is difficult to understand and study. They disagree about how much, and how often, the spin might change. |||||||||rotação|| Some scientists argue that the speed of the spin does not change at all. They say the changes in seismic waves are caused by changes on the surface of the inner core instead of differences in how fast the core is spinning. ||||||||||||||||interno||||||||||| Selon eux, les variations des ondes sismiques sont dues à des changements à la surface du noyau interne plutôt qu'à des différences dans la vitesse de rotation du noyau.

Hrvoje Tkalcic is a geophysicist at the Australian National University. フルヴォイエ|トカルチッチ|||地球物理学者||||| He thinks scientists will disagree about the latest research.

He compared seismologists, who study earthquakes and seismic waves, to doctors "who study the internal organs of patients' bodies using **imperfect** or limited equipment.” He added: “Our image of the inner Earth is still **blurry**." ||地震学者||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ぼやけた Il a comparé les sismologues, qui étudient les tremblements de terre et les ondes sismiques, aux médecins "qui étudient les organes internes du corps des patients avec un équipement imparfait ou limité". Il a ajouté : "Notre image de la Terre intérieure est encore floue".

Song and Yang said scientists need years of seismic data to answer questions about Earth's core.

Vidale of USC said, "Something's happening and I think we're going to **figure it out**. Vidale, de l'USC, a déclaré : "Il se passe quelque chose et je pense que nous allons le découvrir. But it may take a **decade**.”

I'm Andrew Smith. Je suis Andrew Smith.