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Spotlight_podcasts_2, Robin Hood: An Old Hero

Robin Hood: An Old Hero

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight.

I'm Nick Page. Voice 2

And I'm Robin Basselin.

Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand no matter where in the world they live. Voice 1

Many years ago, a man lived in the forests of England.

He always carried his bow and arrows. He hunted deer and other animals. He had great skill with his weapons. He was poor, but many people respected him. The most beautiful woman in the kingdom loved him. He was a hero. But why? This man is a thief. He steals money from rich people. Then, he gives the money to poor people. Voice 2

This is the story of Robin Hood.

Robin Hood's story is famous. People like it because the story is about justice. And they have been telling versions of the story for centuries. But is the story true? Today's Spotlight is on the story of Robin Hood. Voice 1

Many people around the world think they know the story of Robin Hood.

A lot of people have seen the films of the story. But these are only the most recent versions. The Robin Hood story has changed a lot over the centuries. The true story of Robin Hood is much older and is very different. Voice 2

Stories about Robin Hood first appeared in the 13th century.

The name often appears in court records from that time. The authorities tried many men named “Robin Hood” for different crimes. People do not know a lot about these men. But they do know that these men were criminals. Experts have investigated many of these men, to find out if any of them were Robin Hood. Voice 1

In 1440, a writer made a note about a man named “Robert Hood.” Some experts think that this man may be the real Robin Hood.

The writer tells of Robert Hood and his friend Little John. They lived in Sherwood Forest in Nottinghamshire, England. A criminal named Roger Godberd was using the name “Robert Hood”. This false name hid his identity. Godberd was not a good man - he was a murderer. How, then, did the stories make him into a hero? Voice 2

Godberd was an outlaw.

The authorities had forced him out of the kingdom. Historical records say that Godberd was an outlaw because he fought against the King of England, King Henry III. During that time, rebels were fighting to control the government. They did not want a king. Instead, they wanted to rule. They believed that King Henry the Third was not just - he was too powerful. Voice 1

Godberd was one of those rebels.

He fought against the king in a great bloody battle. This made many people like him. They believed his fight against the king was good. And this is why some experts think Godberd was Robin Hood. However, the truth is unclear. The true Robin Hood may be someone else. And some experts do not think that there is a real Robin Hood! Voice 2

In the 15th century, ballads began to tell the story of Robin Hood.

Ballads are stories set to music. Most people could not read in those times. So ballads were a popular way to hear stories. They were easy to remember and easy to listen to. People would sing stories of great heroes and frightening battles. More and more people heard about Robin Hood because of these ballads. Voice 1

Many people told the story of Robin Hood.

But they all told the story in ways that were a little bit different. As a result, the story of Robin Hood began to change. It became difficult to know the true story. There was no way to know if he was even a real man. In the early ballads, Robin Hood is a great figure, always fighting for the poor. He fights against the Sheriff of Nottingham. The sheriff was like the police, a man who governed the area. But in these ballads, Robin Hood is a farmer, not a soldier like Godberd. And he does not steal from the rich. Voice 2

These ballads about Robin Hood became a part of the culture in England.

Every May, there is a holiday called May Day. May Day celebrates the season of Spring. And in the 15th century, it was very popular to celebrate Robin Hood on May Day. People wore green clothes to look like Robin Hood. They carried bows and arrows. They sang the ballads about him. They performed plays telling the story of Robin Hood. Voice 1

These May Day celebrations changed the stories.

The stories became more like the stories we know now. For example, the plays added the character of Maid Marian. Maid Marian was a beautiful, wealthy woman. Writers added her to the plays to give Robin Hood a woman to love. Voice 2

These plays also changed when Robin lived.

Originally, the stories were in the time of King Henry III. But the plays told the story in the time of King Richard. King Richard lived almost 100 years before King Henry. King Richard was called “The Lionheart” because he led many great battles. King Richard was a popular king, but he was frequently far away from England fighting battles. Robin Hood in these plays liked the king. He fought for the king while the king was away. Voice 1

These May Day celebrations created a new and different Robin Hood.

He is not the Robin Hood of the early ballads. Instead of being a farmer, he is a loyal friend of the king. Instead of being alone, he now has Maid Marian. And instead of fighting against the king, he fights for the king while the king is gone. This is the Robin Hood many people know now. Voice 2

But there is one part that did not change.

Robin Hood is still a hero because he fights for the poor. He gets them the money that they need. He steals from rich people. Then he gives money to poor people. Robin Hood has become a symbol of justice for many people. He fights for justice for the poor - he wants all people to live well. And he wants to see equality between the poor and the rich. Many people think this is good. Voice 1

But most people also think stealing is wrong.

Do you think people can do wrong and still be good? Do you think Robin Hood can steal and still be a hero? You can email us your thoughts at radio@radioenglish.net. Or you can leave a comment on the script page of the program on our website. Voice 2

The writer and producer of this program was Dianna Anderson.

The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet at http://www.radioenglish.netThis .program is called, “Robin Hood: An Old Hero.” Voice 1

We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program.


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Robin Hood: An Old Hero Robin|Hut||| روبن|||| Robin Hood: Ein alter Held Robin Hood: un viejo héroe Robin des Bois : un vieux héros Robin Hood: un vecchio eroe ロビン・フッド:古き英雄 Robin Hood: Um velho herói Робин Гуд: старый герой Robin Hood: Eski Bir Kahraman Робін Гуд: старий герой 罗宾汉:一位老英雄 羅賓漢:一位老英雄

Voice 1 Голос 1

Welcome to Spotlight. Добро пожаловать в Spotlight.

I’m Nick Page. Я Ник Пейдж. Voice 2 Голос 2

And I’m Robin Basselin. |||Basselin そして、私はロビン・バセリンです。 А я Робин Баслен.

Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. O Spotlight utiliza um método especial de transmissão em inglês. It is easier for people to understand no matter where in the world they live. Voice 1

Many years ago, a man lived in the forests of England. 何年も前、男はイギリスの森に住んでいました。

He always carried his bow and arrows. 彼はいつも弓と矢を持っていた。 He hunted deer and other animals. |gejagt|Hirsche||| 彼は鹿や他の動物を狩った。 He had great skill with his weapons. 彼は武器に優れたスキルを持っていた。 Tinha grande habilidade com as suas armas. He was poor, but many people respected him. The most beautiful woman in the kingdom loved him. 王国で最も美しい女性は彼を愛していました。 He was a hero. But why? This man is a thief. ||||Dieb この男は泥棒です。 He steals money from rich people. 彼は金持ちからお金を盗む。 Then, he gives the money to poor people. Voice 2

This is the story of Robin Hood.

Robin Hood’s story is famous. |Робина Гуда||| |Hoods||| ロビンフッドの話は有名です。 People like it because the story is about justice. 物語が正義についてであるため、人々はそれが好きです。 And they have been telling versions of the story for centuries. そして彼らは何世紀にもわたって物語のバージョンを語ってきました。 E há séculos que se contam versões da história. But is the story true? Today’s Spotlight is on the story of Robin Hood. 今日のスポットライトはロビンフッドの物語です。 Voice 1

Many people around the world think they know the story of Robin Hood. 世界中の多くの人々は、ロビンフッドの話を知っていると思っています。

A lot of people have seen the films of the story. 多くの人がその物語の映画を見てきました。 But these are only the most recent versions. ただし、これらは最新バージョンにすぎません。 The Robin Hood story has changed a lot over the centuries. ロビンフッドの話は何世紀にもわたって大きく変化しました。 The true story of Robin Hood is much older and is very different. ロビンフッドの実話ははるかに古く、非常に異なっています。 Voice 2

Stories about Robin Hood first appeared in the 13th century. ロビンフッドについての物語は13世紀に最初に登場しました。

The name often appears in court records from that time. ||||||Aufzeichnungen||| その名前は、当時の法廷記録によく登場します。 O nome aparece frequentemente nos registos judiciais dessa época. The authorities tried many men named “Robin Hood” for different crimes. ||||||||||Verbrechen 当局は、さまざまな犯罪で「ロビンフッド」という名前の多くの男性を裁判にかけました。 As autoridades julgaram muitos homens chamados "Robin dos Bosques" por diferentes crimes. People do not know a lot about these men. 人々はこれらの男性についてあまり知りません。 But they do know that these men were criminals. ||||||||Verbrecher しかし、彼らはこれらの男性が犯罪者であることを知っています。 Experts have investigated many of these men, to find out if any of them were Robin Hood. ||untersucht|||||||||||||| 専門家は、これらの男性の多くを調査して、ロビンフッドであるかどうかを調べました。 Os especialistas investigaram muitos destes homens para descobrir se algum deles era Robin dos Bosques. Voice 1

In 1440, a writer made a note about a man named “Robert Hood.” Some experts think that this man may be the real Robin Hood. 1440年、作家は「ロバート・フッド」という男についてメモを取りました。一部の専門家は、この男が本当のロビンフッドかもしれないと考えています。

The writer tells of Robert Hood and his friend Little John. 作家はロバート・フッドと彼の友人のリトル・ジョンについて語っています。 They lived in Sherwood Forest in Nottinghamshire, England. |||Sherwood|||Nottinghamshire| 彼らはイギリスのノッティンガムシャーにあるシャーウッドの森に住んでいました。 A criminal named Roger Godberd was using the name “Robert Hood”. |||Roger|Godberd|||||| Roger Godberdという名前の犯罪者は、「RobertHood」という名前を使用していました。 This false name hid his identity. |||verbarg|| この偽名は彼のアイデンティティを隠しました。 Godberd was not a good man - he was a murderer. |||||||||Mörder ゴッドバードはいい男ではなかった-彼は殺人者だった。 How, then, did the stories make him into a hero? では、どのようにして物語は彼を英雄にしたのでしょうか? Voice 2

Godberd was an outlaw. |||Gesetzloser ゴッドバードは無法者でした。

The authorities had forced him out of the kingdom. 当局は彼を王国から追い出した。 Historical records say that Godberd was an outlaw because he fought against the King of England, King Henry III. 歴史的記録によると、ゴッドバードはイングランド国王ヘンリー3世と戦ったため無法者でした。 During that time, rebels were fighting to control the government. |||Rebellen|||||| その間、反政府勢力は政府を支配するために戦っていました。 Durante esse período, os rebeldes lutavam para controlar o governo. They did not want a king. 彼らは王を望んでいませんでした。 Instead, they wanted to rule. 代わりに、彼らは支配したかった。 They believed that King Henry the Third was not just - he was too powerful. 彼らは、ヘンリー3世がただではなく、力が強すぎると信じていました。 Voice 1

Godberd was one of those rebels. ゴッドバードはそれらの反逆者の一人でした。

He fought against the king in a great bloody battle. 彼は大血の戦いで王と戦った。 This made many people like him. これは彼のような多くの人々を作りました。 They believed his fight against the king was good. 彼らは彼の王との戦いは良かったと信じていました。 And this is why some experts think Godberd was Robin Hood. そしてこれが、一部の専門家がゴッドバードをロビンフッドだと考える理由です。 However, the truth is unclear. しかし、真実は不明です。 No entanto, a verdade não é clara. The true Robin Hood may be someone else. 本当のロビンフッドは他の誰かかもしれません。 And some experts do not think that there is a real Robin Hood! そして何人かの専門家は本当のロビンフッドがあるとは思わない! Voice 2

In the 15th century, ballads began to tell the story of Robin Hood. ||||Balladen|||||||| 15世紀になると、バラードがロビンフッドの物語を語り始めました。

Ballads are stories set to music. バラードは音楽に合わせた物語です。 Most people could not read in those times. 当時、ほとんどの人は読むことができませんでした。 So ballads were a popular way to hear stories. そのため、バラードは物語を聞くための人気のある方法でした。 They were easy to remember and easy to listen to. それらは覚えやすく、聞きやすいものでした。 People would sing stories of great heroes and frightening battles. ||||||Helden|||Schlachten 人々は偉大な英雄と恐ろしい戦いの物語を歌うでしょう。 More and more people heard about Robin Hood because of these ballads. これらのバラードのために、ますます多くの人々がロビンフッドについて聞いた。 Voice 1 ボイス1

Many people told the story of Robin Hood. 多くの人がロビンフッドの話をしました。

But they all told the story in ways that were a little bit different. しかし、彼らは皆、少し違う方法で物語を語りました。 As a result, the story of Robin Hood began to change. その結果、ロビンフッドの物語は変わり始めました。 It became difficult to know the true story. 実話がわかりにくくなりました。 There was no way to know if he was even a real man. 彼が本物の男でさえあるかどうかを知る方法はありませんでした。 In the early ballads, Robin Hood is a great figure, always fighting for the poor. 初期のバラードでは、ロビンフッドは常に貧しい人々のために戦っている素晴らしい人物です。 He fights against the Sheriff of Nottingham. ||||Sheriff||Nottingham 彼はノッティンガムの保安官と戦う。 Ele luta contra o Xerife de Nottingham. The sheriff was like the police, a man who governed the area. |||||||||regierte|| 保安官はその地域を統治した警察のようなものでした。 But in these ballads, Robin Hood is a farmer, not a soldier like Godberd. しかし、これらのバラードでは、ロビン・フッドは農民であり、ゴッドバードのような兵士ではありません。 And he does not steal from the rich. ||||stehlen||| そして彼は金持ちから盗むことはありません。 E não rouba aos ricos. Voice 2

These ballads about Robin Hood became a part of the culture in England. ロビンフッドに関するこれらのバラードは、イギリスの文化の一部になりました。

Every May, there is a holiday called May Day. |||||Feiertag||| 毎年5月には、メーデーと呼ばれる休日があります。 May Day celebrates the season of Spring. ||feiert|||| メーデーは春の季節を祝います。 O Dia do Trabalhador celebra a estação da primavera. And in the 15th century, it was very popular to celebrate Robin Hood on May Day. そして15世紀には、メーデーにロビンフッドを祝うことが非常に人気がありました。 People wore green clothes to look like Robin Hood. |trugen||||||| 人々はロビンフッドのように見えるように緑色の服を着ていました。 As pessoas vestiam roupas verdes para se parecerem com o Robin dos Bosques. They carried bows and arrows. They sang the ballads about him. |sangen|||| 彼らは彼についてバラードを歌った。 They performed plays telling the story of Robin Hood. 彼らはロビンフッドの物語を語る演劇を行いました。 Voice 1

These May Day celebrations changed the stories. これらのメーデーのお祝いは物語を変えました。

The stories became more like the stories we know now. 物語は私たちが今知っている物語のようになりました。 For example, the plays added the character of Maid Marian. ||||||||die Maid|Maid Marian たとえば、劇はメイドマリアンのキャラクターを追加しました。 Por exemplo, as peças acrescentaram a personagem de Maid Marian. Maid Marian was a beautiful, wealthy woman. メイドマリアンは美しく裕福な女性でした。 Maid Marian era uma mulher bonita e rica. Writers added her to the plays to give Robin Hood a woman to love. 作家はロビンフッドに愛する女性を与えるために彼女を劇に加えました。 Voice 2

These plays also changed when Robin lived. これらの戯曲は、ロビンが住んでいたときにも変わりました。

Originally, the stories were in the time of King Henry III. もともと、物語はヘンリー3世の時代のものでした。 Originalmente, as histórias passavam-se no tempo do rei Henrique III. But the plays told the story in the time of King Richard. しかし、劇はリチャード王の時代に物語を語りました。 King Richard lived almost 100 years before King Henry. リチャード王はヘンリー王のほぼ100年前に住んでいました。 King Richard was called “The Lionheart” because he led many great battles. |||||Löwenherz|||||| リチャード王は多くの素晴らしい戦いを主導したため、「ライオンハート」と呼ばれました。 King Richard was a popular king, but he was frequently far away from England fighting battles. |||||||||often|||||| リチャード王は人気のある王でしたが、彼はしばしばイギリスの戦闘から遠く離れていました。 Robin Hood in these plays liked the king. これらの劇のロビンフッドは王が好きだった。 He fought for the king while the king was away. 王が留守の間、彼は王のために戦った。 Voice 1

These May Day celebrations created a new and different Robin Hood. これらのメーデーのお祝いは、新しくて異なるロビンフッドを作成しました。

He is not the Robin Hood of the early ballads. 彼は初期のバラードのロビンフッドではありません。 Instead of being a farmer, he is a loyal friend of the king. 農夫である代わりに、彼は王の忠実な友人です。 Instead of being alone, he now has Maid Marian. 一人でいる代わりに、彼は今メイドマリアンを持っています。 And instead of fighting against the king, he fights for the king while the king is gone. そして、王と戦う代わりに、王がいなくなっている間、彼は王のために戦う。 This is the Robin Hood many people know now. これは多くの人が今知っているロビンフッドです。 Voice 2

But there is one part that did not change. |locally||||||| Aber es gibt einen Teil, der sich nicht geändert hat. しかし、変わらなかった部分が1つあります。

Robin Hood is still a hero because he fights for the poor. Robin Hood|Robin|||||||||| ロビンフッドは貧しい人々のために戦うので、今でもヒーローです。 He gets them the money that they need. 彼は彼らに彼らが必要とするお金を手に入れます。 He steals from rich people. 彼は金持ちから盗みます。 Ele rouba aos ricos. Then he gives money to poor people. それから彼は貧しい人々にお金を与えます。 Robin Hood has become a symbol of justice for many people. ロビンフッドは多くの人々にとって正義の象徴となっています。 He fights for justice for the poor - he wants all people to live well. 彼は貧しい人々のために正義のために戦う-彼はすべての人々がよく生きることを望んでいる。 And he wants to see equality between the poor and the rich. そして彼は貧しい人々と金持ちの間の平等を見たいと思っています。 E quer que haja igualdade entre os pobres e os ricos. Many people think this is good. 多くの人がこれは良いと思います。 Voice 1

But most people also think stealing is wrong. しかし、ほとんどの人はまた、盗むことは間違っていると思います。 Mas a maioria das pessoas também acha que roubar é errado.

Do you think people can do wrong and still be good? あなたは人々が間違ったことをすることができ、それでも良いと思いますか? Achas que as pessoas podem fazer coisas erradas e continuar a ser boas? Do you think Robin Hood can steal and still be a hero? ロビンフッドは盗むことができ、それでもヒーローになることができると思いますか? Achas que o Robin dos Bosques pode roubar e continuar a ser um herói? You can email us your thoughts at radio@radioenglish.net. あなたはradio@radioenglish.netで私達にあなたの考えを電子メールで送ることができます。 Or you can leave a comment on the script page of the program on our website. または、当社のWebサイトのプログラムのスクリプトページにコメントを残すことができます。 Voice 2

The writer and producer of this program was Dianna Anderson. ||||||||Dianna Anderson| このプログラムのライター兼プロデューサーはDiannaAndersonでした。 A escritora e produtora deste programa foi Dianna Anderson.

The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. As vozes que ouviram eram dos Estados Unidos e do Reino Unido. You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet at http://www.radioenglish.netThis .program is called, “Robin Hood: An Old Hero.” |||||||||||||||||netThis|||||||| Voice 1

We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Мы надеемся, что вы снова сможете присоединиться к нам в следующей программе Spotlight.
