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Spotlight_podcasts_2, History of the Bicycle

History of the Bicycle

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Christy Van Arragon.

Voice 2

And I'm Bruce Gulland. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

A busy city street. Cars and trucks pass quickly. A few people wait to cross. But then, all traffic stops. Suddenly, hundreds of people riding 2-wheeled bicycles fill the street. They are all riding together. After many minutes, the bicycles have all passed by. The traffic starts again. What just happened?

Voice 2

This was a ‘critical mass.' A critical mass is any large group of people riding bicycles together for one purpose. In China, the idea of a critical mass started for safety. Bicycle riders would stop at street crossings. They would wait until more bicycle riders stopped too. Soon, a large number of bicycle riders gathered. Then they all crossed the street together. They believed this kept them safe. It is difficult for one bicycle rider to cross a busy street alone. But, it is easy for car drivers to see a large group of bicycle riders.

Voice 1

Today, there are critical mass bicycle rides all over the world. Sometimes they are a kind of protest. But sometimes, they are just to show the importance of bicycles! Bicycles are important for transportation around the world. But how did they become so important? Today's Spotlight is on the history of the bicycle!

Voice 2

No one person invented the bicycle. Instead, many people worked together over time. Experts say that the first plans came from Leonardo da Vinci. This famous inventor and artist wrote plans for a modern bicycle hundreds of years ago. But inventors did not create the first working bicycle until the early 1800’s.

Voice 1

The first bicycle had wheels. But it did not have pedals to move the wheels. The rider pushed the bicycle forward by pushing his feet against the ground. People called these bicycles ‘pushbikes'. Voice 2

In the 1850’s and 60’s French inventors changed the design of the bicycle. They made the front wheel larger. And they put pedals on it. Riders used their feet on the pedals to push the bicycle forward. They made this bicycle with a heavy steel frame. And they made the wheels out of wood and iron. People called this bicycle the ‘boneshaker'. On the stone streets of that time, the bicycle shook the rider very hard. It was a painful ride!

Voice 1

Over the next ten years, inventors changed the design of the bicycle even more. They made the front wheel even larger. This increased its speed. They also added rubber tires on the wheels. People called this bicycle ‘the ordinary'. But these kinds of bicycles were difficult to ride. They were difficult to push forward. And it was difficult to change directions while riding.

Voice 2

In 1885, JK Starley invented the first modern bicycle. It looked very similar to the bicycles people ride today. Starley put similar sized wheels on the front and back of the bicycle. He also added a thin metal chain that worked between the pedals and the wheels. The chain let bicycle riders use the back wheel to change directions. He also added a better seat.

Voice 1

Starley's bicycle design was a large improvement from the old kind of bicycles. But it was still difficult to ride a Starley bicycle. It did not offer a very smooth ride. But in the 1890’s inventors made more improvements to the bicycle. They used better rubber for the wheels. They developed good brakes to stop the bicycle. It was not long before people all around the world used bicycles for sport and play.

Voice 2

People also started using bicycles as their main form of transport. Bicycles helped people get from place to place easier. Riding a bicycle is faster than walking. People also say that making bicycles helped scientists and inventors make better machines. In fact, famous inventors like Henry Ford and the Wright Brothers used bicycle technology to create cars and airplanes!

Voice 1

Bicycles also had large effects on societies around the world. For example, the bicycle changed life for women in many ways. Before bicycles were invented, in Western countries women usually wore large, close-fitting dresses. But when women started riding bicycles, they started wearing different clothes. They wore trousers like men usually wear. They also stopped wearing such close-fitting shirts or tops. Bicycles also made it possible for women to get around more. Some experts say that bicycles made women feel more independent. They made more women desire and demand freedom and respect.

Voice 2

Bicycles also changed the lives of people in cities. They helped reduce crowding in cities. People could live outside the city. Then they could ride bicycles into the city to work. Bicycles also made it easier for men and women to meet and marry. It expanded families because men and women could meet people who lived outside their small towns.

Voice 1

Many things have changed since the first bicycle. More people use cars, buses and trucks for transport now. But inventors have made great improvements to the bicycle. Today's bicycles are easy to ride. They are much more comfortable. And they can go very fast. Bicycles continue to be a popular form of transportation in many parts of the world. In fact, in many places, bicycles are still the main form of transportation.

Voice 2

There are many good reasons to ride a bicycle. Bicycles do not damage the environment like cars do. Riding bicycles is good for your health! Also, riding a bicycle costs less money than driving a car. You do not need gas to ride a bicycle. And bicycles cost less money to fix.

Voice 1

Imagine what your city would look like if everyone used a bicycle to get around instead of a car or bus. There are some cities in the world that do look like this. Many cities in China and the Netherlands contain more bicycles than cars.

Voice 2

But in many cities around the world, people do not respect bicycle riders. In fact, in many modern cities, it can be very dangerous to ride a bicycle. Many people die every year in bicycle and car accidents. This is one reason why people ride their bicycles in a critical mass. They want people to recognize bicycle riders. They want people to learn to watch for them on the road. They want people to understand that bicycles are still an important form of transportation today.

Voice 1

The writer of this program was Sara DeKoster. The producer was Luke Haley. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom and the United States. You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet athttp://www.radioenglish.netThis .program is called ‘History of the Bicycle'. Voice 2

We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.

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History of the Bicycle Geschichte des Fahrrads Historia de la bicicleta Storia della bicicletta 自転車の歴史 자전거의 역사 Dviračio istorija História da bicicleta История велосипеда Bisikletin Tarihçesi Історія велосипеда 自行车的历史

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I’m Christy Van Arragon.

Voice 2

And I’m Bruce Gulland. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

A busy city street. にぎやかな街の通り。 Cars and trucks pass quickly. 車やトラックはすぐに通り過ぎます。 A few people wait to cross. 数人が交差するのを待ちます。 But then, all traffic stops. Pak se ale veškerá doprava zastaví. しかし、その後、すべてのトラフィックが停止します。 Suddenly, hundreds of people riding 2-wheeled bicycles fill the street. Najednou ulici zaplní stovky lidí na dvoukolových kolech. 突然、二輪自転車に乗っている何百人もの人々が通りを埋め尽くします。 They are all riding together. Všichni spolu jezdí. 彼らは皆一緒に乗っています。 After many minutes, the bicycles have all passed by. Po mnoha minutách projeli všechna kola. 数分後、自転車はすべて通り過ぎました。 The traffic starts again. What just happened?

Voice 2

This was a ‘critical mass.' Tohle byla 'kritická masa'. これは「臨界量」でした。 这是一个“临界质量”。 A critical mass is any large group of people riding bicycles together for one purpose. Kritická masa je jakákoli velká skupina lidí, kteří spolu jezdí na kolech za jedním účelem. 臨界量とは、1つの目的のために一緒に自転車に乗る大勢の人々です。 临界群体是指为了一个目的而一起骑自行车的一大群人。 In China, the idea of a critical mass started for safety. V Číně začala myšlenka kritického množství pro bezpečnost. 在中国,临界质量的概念始于安全。 Bicycle riders would stop at street crossings. Cyklisté by zastavovali na přechodech ulic. Велосипедисты останавливались на перекрестках улиц. They would wait until more bicycle riders stopped too. Počkali, až se zastaví i více cyklistů. Они подождут, пока остановятся и другие велосипедисты. Soon, a large number of bicycle riders gathered. Brzy se sešlo velké množství cyklistů. Then they all crossed the street together. Pak všichni společně přešli ulici. They believed this kept them safe. Věřili, že je to udrží v bezpečí. It is difficult for one bicycle rider to cross a busy street alone. Pro jednoho cyklistu je těžké přejít rušnou ulici sám. 对于一个骑自行车的人来说,独自穿过繁忙的街道是很困难的。 But, it is easy for car drivers to see a large group of bicycle riders. Ale pro řidiče automobilů je snadné vidět velkou skupinu cyklistů. 但是,汽车司机很容易看到一大群骑自行车的人。

Voice 1

Today, there are critical mass bicycle rides all over the world. Dnes jsou kritické hromadné jízdy na kole po celém světě. 如今,世界各地的自行车骑行量达到了临界点。 Sometimes they are a kind of protest. Někdy jsou jakýmsi protestem. Иногда они являются своеобразным протестом. 有时它们是一种抗议。 But sometimes, they are just to show the importance of bicycles! Ale někdy mají jen ukázat důležitost jízdních kol! Bicycles are important for transportation around the world. But how did they become so important? Ale jak se staly tak důležitými? Today’s Spotlight is on the history of the bicycle! 今天的焦点是自行车的历史!

Voice 2

No one person invented the bicycle. Nikdo nevynalezl kolo. Instead, many people worked together over time. Místo toho mnoho lidí časem spolupracovalo. Experts say that the first plans came from Leonardo da Vinci. Odborníci tvrdí, že první plány pocházely od Leonarda da Vinciho. This famous inventor and artist wrote plans for a modern bicycle hundreds of years ago. Tento slavný vynálezce a umělec sepsal před stovkami let plány na moderní jízdní kolo. But inventors did not create the first working bicycle until the early 1800’s. Ale vynálezci vytvořili první pracovní kolo až na počátku 19. století. 但发明家直到 1800 年代初才制造出第一辆工作自行车。

Voice 1

The first bicycle had wheels. První kolo mělo kola. But it did not have pedals to move the wheels. Neměl ale pedály pro pohyb kol. The rider pushed the bicycle forward by pushing his feet against the ground. Jezdec tlačil kolo dopředu tím, že tlačil nohy na zem. 骑车人用脚踩地来推动自行车前进。 People called these bicycles ‘pushbikes'. ||||脚踏车 Voice 2

In the 1850’s and 60’s French inventors changed the design of the bicycle. V 50. a 60. letech 20. století francouzští vynálezci změnili design jízdního kola. They made the front wheel larger. Zvětšili přední kolo. And they put pedals on it. A dali na to pedály. Riders used their feet on the pedals to push the bicycle forward. They made this bicycle with a heavy steel frame. And they made the wheels out of wood and iron. A udělali kola ze dřeva a železa. People called this bicycle the ‘boneshaker'. |||||颠簸车 On the stone streets of that time, the bicycle shook the rider very hard. Na tehdejších kamenných ulicích kolo jezdcem velmi silně otřásalo. It was a painful ride! Byla to bolestivá jízda!

Voice 1

Over the next ten years, inventors changed the design of the bicycle even more. Během následujících deseti let vynálezci změnili design jízdního kola ještě více. They made the front wheel even larger. Udělali přední kolo ještě větší. This increased its speed. Tím se zvýšila jeho rychlost. They also added rubber tires on the wheels. |||橡胶|||| Přidali také gumové pneumatiky na kola. People called this bicycle ‘the ordinary'. But these kinds of bicycles were difficult to ride. They were difficult to push forward. Těžko se tlačili dopředu. And it was difficult to change directions while riding. A při jízdě bylo těžké měnit směr.

Voice 2

In 1885, JK Starley invented the first modern bicycle. It looked very similar to the bicycles people ride today. Vypadalo to velmi podobně jako na kolech, na kterých dnes lidé jezdí. Starley put similar sized wheels on the front and back of the bicycle. He also added a thin metal chain that worked between the pedals and the wheels. The chain let bicycle riders use the back wheel to change directions. Řetěz umožňuje cyklistům používat zadní kolo ke změně směru. He also added a better seat. Přidal také lepší sedadlo.

Voice 1

Starley’s bicycle design was a large improvement from the old kind of bicycles. Starleyho design jízdních kol byl velkým vylepšením od starého druhu kol. But it was still difficult to ride a Starley bicycle. It did not offer a very smooth ride. Nenabízel příliš hladkou jízdu. But in the 1890’s inventors made more improvements to the bicycle. They used better rubber for the wheels. They developed good brakes to stop the bicycle. It was not long before people all around the world used bicycles for sport and play. 不久之后,世界各地的人们都使用自行车进行运动和娱乐。

Voice 2

People also started using bicycles as their main form of transport. Bicycles helped people get from place to place easier. Riding a bicycle is faster than walking. People also say that making bicycles helped scientists and inventors make better machines. Lidé také říkají, že výroba jízdních kol pomohla vědcům a vynálezcům vyrábět lepší stroje. In fact, famous inventors like Henry Ford and the Wright Brothers used bicycle technology to create cars and airplanes!

Voice 1

Bicycles also had large effects on societies around the world. Jízdní kola měla také velký vliv na společnosti po celém světě. For example, the bicycle changed life for women in many ways. Before bicycles were invented, in Western countries women usually wore large, close-fitting dresses. Než byla vynalezena jízdní kola, v západních zemích ženy obvykle nosily velké, přiléhavé šaty. 在自行车发明之前,在西方国家,女性通常穿着宽大、贴身的衣服。 But when women started riding bicycles, they started wearing different clothes. They wore trousers like men usually wear. Nosili kalhoty, jaké muži obvykle nosí. They also stopped wearing such close-fitting shirts or tops. Také přestaly nosit takové přiléhavé košile nebo topy. Bicycles also made it possible for women to get around more. Jízdní kola také umožnila ženám více se pohybovat. Some experts say that bicycles made women feel more independent. Někteří odborníci tvrdí, že díky jízdním kolům se ženy cítily nezávislejší. They made more women desire and demand freedom and respect. Sie brachten mehr Frauen dazu, Freiheit und Respekt zu begehren und zu fordern.

Voice 2

Bicycles also changed the lives of people in cities. They helped reduce crowding in cities. People could live outside the city. Then they could ride bicycles into the city to work. Pak mohli jezdit na kole do města do práce. Bicycles also made it easier for men and women to meet and marry. It expanded families because men and women could meet people who lived outside their small towns. Rozšiřovalo rodiny, protože muži a ženy se mohli setkávat s lidmi, kteří žili mimo jejich malá města.

Voice 1

Many things have changed since the first bicycle. More people use cars, buses and trucks for transport now. But inventors have made great improvements to the bicycle. Today’s bicycles are easy to ride. They are much more comfortable. And they can go very fast. Bicycles continue to be a popular form of transportation in many parts of the world. In fact, in many places, bicycles are still the main form of transportation.

Voice 2

There are many good reasons to ride a bicycle. Bicycles do not damage the environment like cars do. Riding bicycles is good for your health! Also, riding a bicycle costs less money than driving a car. You do not need gas to ride a bicycle. And bicycles cost less money to fix.

Voice 1

Imagine what your city would look like if everyone used a bicycle to get around instead of a car or bus. Představte si, jak by vaše město vypadalo, kdyby všichni používali k přepravě kolo místo auta nebo autobusu. There are some cities in the world that do look like this. Na světě jsou některá města, která takto vypadají. Many cities in China and the Netherlands contain more bicycles than cars. Mnoho měst v Číně a Nizozemsku obsahuje více jízdních kol než automobilů.

Voice 2

But in many cities around the world, people do not respect bicycle riders. Ale v mnoha městech po celém světě lidé nerespektují cyklisty. In fact, in many modern cities, it can be very dangerous to ride a bicycle. Ve skutečnosti v mnoha moderních městech může být jízda na kole velmi nebezpečná. Many people die every year in bicycle and car accidents. This is one reason why people ride their bicycles in a critical mass. To je jeden z důvodů, proč lidé jezdí na kolech v kritickém množství. They want people to recognize bicycle riders. Chtějí, aby lidé poznali cyklisty. They want people to learn to watch for them on the road. They want people to understand that bicycles are still an important form of transportation today.

Voice 1

The writer of this program was Sara DeKoster. The producer was Luke Haley. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom and the United States. You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet athttp://www.radioenglish.netThis .program is called ‘History of the Bicycle'. Voice 2

We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.