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Advanced Conversation with Jennifer, Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on Health Care in the U.S. 🩺 (2)

Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on Health Care in the U.S. 🩺 (2)

Arguments arise over how much each person should contribute. Should people

with higher incomes pay more? How much more? What's fair? Low-income households

aren't able to contribute as much, yet households with a higher income might

argue that they're being asked to shoulder too much of the burden. This is

especially true of the middle or upper-middle class.

Some politicians argue that although people would be paying higher taxes, their health care costs would be lower.

Would things balance out in the end?

Would they be better? Would they be worse?

Plenty of residents and citizens have come from other countries -- countries with

state-run healthcare systems, and there are mixed opinions.

On the one hand, countries with universal health care systems don't have to deal with all the

paperwork and billing issues that we Americans do because of our private

insurance companies. On the other hand, there are stories of longer wait times

at the doctor's office or just to schedule appointments and services.

There's a question of quality care. Would a government-run health care system be

able to pay medical professionals well?

If doctors and nurses and other health

care professionals aren't paid well, will they have enough incentive to perform

well every day and with every patient?

I'll end here. There's a lot to think about.

I welcome you to post opinions in the comments,

but I ask that everyone express ideas respectfully. Let's be open to hearing

different points of view as we continue this discussion.

If you found this lesson useful, then please like this video and don't forget to subscribe.

If you'd like to talk about health care or any other topic with me one-on-one, you can book

a 30-minute lesson. The link is in the video description.

As always, thanks for watching and happy studies!

Follow me, and gain more practice on Facebook and Twitter. I also have new videos on Instagram.

If you haven't already, subscribe to my channel so you get notification of every new video I upload to YouTube.

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Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on Health Care in the U.S. 🩺 (2) |||Jennifer||||||| Fortgeschrittenes Gespräch mit Jennifer über die Gesundheitsversorgung in den USA 🩺 (2) Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on Health Care in the U.S. 🩺 (2) Conversación avanzada con Jennifer sobre la atención sanitaria en Estados Unidos 🩺 (2) Conversation avancée avec Jennifer sur les soins de santé aux États-Unis 🩺 (2) Conversazione avanzata con Jennifer sull'assistenza sanitaria negli Stati Uniti 🩺 (2) ジェニファーの米国ヘルスケア上級会話 ᾧ (2) 미국 의료 서비스에 대한 제니퍼와의 고급 대화 🩺 (2) (2) Conversa avançada com Jennifer sobre cuidados de saúde nos EUA 🩺 (2) Расширенная беседа с Дженнифер о здравоохранении в США 🩺 (2) Jennifer ile ABD'de Sağlık Hizmetleri Üzerine İleri Düzey Söyleşi 🩺 (2) 与 Jennifer 深入对话美国医疗保健🩺(2) 與 Jennifer 深入對話美國醫療保健🩺(2)

Arguments arise over how much each person should contribute. Should people se partent les dépenses de manière équitable en fonction de leurs revenus respectifs ?

with higher incomes pay more? How much more? What's fair? Low-income households

aren't able to contribute as much, yet households with a higher income might |||||||ménages|||||

argue that they're being asked to shoulder too much of the burden. This is ||||||承担||||||| ||||||supporter||||||| ||||||bear|||||||

especially true of the middle or upper-middle class.

Some politicians argue that although people would be paying higher taxes, their health care costs would be lower.

Would things balance out in the end? ||平衡||||

Would they be better? Would they be worse?

Plenty of residents and citizens have come from other countries -- countries with

state-run healthcare systems, and there are mixed opinions.

On the one hand, countries with universal health care systems don't have to deal with all the

paperwork and billing issues that we Americans do because of our private

insurance companies. On the other hand, there are stories of longer wait times

at the doctor's office or just to schedule appointments and services.

There's a question of quality care. Would a government-run health care system be

able to pay medical professionals well?

If doctors and nurses and other health

care professionals aren't paid well, will they have enough incentive to perform |||||||||激励||

well every day and with every patient?

I'll end here. There's a lot to think about.

I welcome you to post opinions in the comments,

but I ask that everyone express ideas respectfully. Let's be open to hearing

different points of view as we continue this discussion.

If you found this lesson useful, then please like this video and don't forget to subscribe.

If you'd like to talk about health care or any other topic with me one-on-one, you can book

a 30-minute lesson. The link is in the video description.

As always, thanks for watching and happy studies!

Follow me, and gain more practice on Facebook and Twitter. I also have new videos on Instagram.

If you haven't already, subscribe to my channel so you get notification of every new video I upload to YouTube.