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Advanced Conversation with Jennifer, Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on College Tuition in the U.S.🎓 (1)

Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on College Tuition in the U.S.🎓 (1)

Hi there. I'm Jennifer from English with Jennifer, and in this video I'd like to

offer vocabulary and information that will help you talk about a hot topic in

the U.S. right now: college tuition and free public college. Should College be free?

If you're looking for more current issues like immigration, homelessness, and

health care, be sure to check out my conversation playlist and look for those

advanced conversation topics. My goal in all these videos is to give

English language learners the confidence to follow and participate in

conversations about these important issues. My goal is not to promote any

political agenda. And if you're interested in understanding the U.S.

system of education in detail, be sure to check out an older lesson of mine. I take

you through the system from preschool to graduate school. I'll put all useful

links in the video description. Okay? And hey! Don't forget to subscribe. I'll help

you make progress in English with a new video each week here on YouTube. I'm also

posting on Instagram, so be sure to follow me there as well. Okay. Let's start

our lesson.

Ten thousand dollars. What can you buy for that amount of money in the U.S.?

Well, $10K might pay the average hospital bill in the U.S. Shocking, right?

How about twenty-two thousand? Thirty thousand dollars? Or fifty-five thousand dollars?

Thirty six to fifty-five thousand dollars would buy you a parking space in

Boston. Perhaps not the best one, but a decent one. And all those amounts I just

listed would pay college tuition here in the U.S. at different types of colleges.

First, let's get one thing straight. What do I mean by "college"? In the U.S., high

school is what we call the final years of schooling. We have 12 grades. 9th,

10th, 11th, and 12th grades are high school. If you are a high school

student, you're between the ages of 14 and 18. When you finish high school, you

get a high school diploma. Then you can either work or go to college. "College" is

a general word for the study one does after high school in order to get an

undergraduate degree. You can get an undergraduate degree at a college or a

university. Community colleges have two-year programs. You study there to get

an associate's degree. That's a type of undergraduate degree. You could also

transfer from a community college to a four-year college in order to get a

bachelor's degree. A bachelor's degree is another type of undergraduate degree, but

it takes two more years to earn. You can get a

bachelor's degree at a college or a university. Here are common things we ask

and say in American English. Are you going to college? Do you plan to go to

college? Where did you go to college? Does he have a college degree? He's a college

student. She's a college professor. Their kids went off to college. My brother is

still in college. My sister is finishing college this year.

"College" in all those statements is a general word that could refer to either

a college or university.

So what's the difference between a college and a university? You can get the

same basic education and the same degree at a college or university in the U.S.

Colleges are generally smaller and don't always have a graduate program.

Universities are often larger, and, in fact, universities can be made up of

colleges. A large university can have 50,000 students or more. My small college

had a little over a thousand students.

Universities might have more research opportunities, and they usually have

bigger sports programs. Universities by definition are not more prestigious than

colleges. In fact, some elite colleges are very competitive and outrank many

universities. A liberal arts college gives students a chance to study in

different areas, especially before a student chooses a major. A major is one's

specialty. For example, I went to a small liberal arts college, and I chose to

study foreign languages and education. Besides things like Russian classes and

educational psychology, I took music and art classes. I even had one semester of

computer programming. And I took an African dance class to satisfy a

requirement for physical education. So from here on out, when I say "college," I'm

referring to universities and colleges in the U.S. One problem in our country

today is the rising cost of a college education. College tuition is rising each

year, but our yearly income isn't growing as fast. U.S. News and World Report listed

$10,116 as the average tuition at a public

college if you live in that state. Public colleges are schools run by the state.

State colleges and universities offer lower tuition for residents. In-state

tuition is lower than out-of-state tuition. An out-of-state student may pay

around $22,000. So if you go to a state school, it's cheaper to stay in your own

state. It could even be free.

Some public colleges offer free tuition for low-income and middle-income

families, so if a student's family has an income over a certain amount, say,

$125,000, they are not entitled to free tuition. If tuition is free,

should it be free for all or free only for some? What's fair? What's right? Let's

say there's one family that earns $100,000. They have one child and they

want to send that child to college. Now there's a second family and they earn

$130,000. That's just over the cutoff, but they have two children around the same

age. They want to send their two children to college. Does that second family

deserve any financial aid? Here's another way to look at it. State schools, as I

understand, receive state funding. Government money comes from tax dollars.

If some families are already paying higher taxes, should they also pay full

tuition at a public college? Some say yes. If you have more, you need to contribute

more. Some say no. If everyone shares at least some of the financial

responsibility and contributes, then no one will take their education for

granted. Here's one more question. Should students with a strong academic record

in high school be rewarded with lower tuition at a public college regardless

of their family's household income? Some state schools have free tuition and then

require students to remain in the state after graduation for a certain number of

years. It makes some sense, right? If the state invests in you, you should give

back to the community by starting your career in that state. Do you agree?

In recent news, there's been some discussion about making a stronger

connection between tuition assistance and the job market. If we have too many

people pursuing a medical degree, for example, and not enough people entering

other professions, should we perhaps give greater tuition assistance to those who

are willing to fill those open jobs? What do you think? If there's a shortage of

childcare workers or plumbers, would free training help attract young people and

also keep more students out of debt?

Tuition at a prestigious private college can be around $55,000. Once you add in

room and board, meaning a place to live and food to eat, the tuition (cost) for one year

of full-time education can be around $75,000. Yes.

Seventy-five thousand dollars. It's a lot.

What schools charge that much? Top-name schools. Let's start with the Ivy

Leagues. Those are the oldest and generally most prestigious schools in

our country. They include Harvard, Yale, and Princeton Universities. There are a

total of eight Ivy League schools. I went to one of the Seven Sisters. Those are

historically women's colleges, but today they offer a co-ed experience in some

form, meaning men and women study together. My school, Bryn Mawr College, has

a close relationship with Haverford College. I took a lot of classes there. I

lived in dorms with men and took classes with men. Bryn Mawr's tuition is

currently fifty-three thousand dollars a year. How do families afford such prices?

Some families are wealthy enough to pay the tuition. A lot aren't. Most students

apply to college and hope for a good financial aid package. First, students

hope for scholarship money. Few are lucky enough to get a full scholarship. Others

can get a partial scholarship for sports or academics. Second, you can get a campus

job. When I was an undergraduate student, I worked on campus in the cafeteria. I

also did babysitting around town. College students often get summer jobs, part-time

jobs, and sometimes paid internships.

Third, some parents start a college fund while their children are still young. You

may hear some Americans talk about a 529 plan. The basic idea is to save money for

your child's college education. A 529 plan allows parents to create a college

savings plan. Parents can invest what they're able to invest, and the main

benefit is tax-free earnings. You let your money grow and then take it out

when you need to start paying college tuition. Finally, families take out loans.

Student loans are very common and sadly many students graduate with debt. They

owe money to the bank, and they have to work to gradually pay it back. My parents

sacrificed a lot to put four kids through college. They paid for my

undergraduate education. Then I paid for graduate school. I was married and still

paying off my student loan. It's not easy to live with debt, but many Americans do.

One way to avoid debt is not to spend money or take out a loan. Some high

school students take a gap year. They put off college for one year and they spend

the time working, traveling, or maybe doing volunteer work of some kind.

If a young adult isn't sure what he or she wants to do yet, or if they didn't

get into the college of their choice and want to reapply, or if they didn't

earn a scholarship or enough financial aid and they need to work to

earn some money, a gap year is an option.

Some wait even longer to go to college. Some enter the workforce immediately

after high school and then decide to pursue a college degree years later. Then

there are those who go to college after high school, but then they have to drop

out for some reason. Maybe financial reasons. By the time these working adults

decide to go to college or go back to college, they may have families and very

little time. These are all reasons why online college programs have become so

popular. Some choose to study online in order to have a flexible schedule and to

keep costs down. Online degrees are generally much cheaper. I think online

degrees are a terrific option for some. For me personally, I'm thankful I had the

opportunity to study on a college campus as a full-time student. College campuses

are a place for personal growth and the many extracurricular activities can

create a rich undergraduate experience. My college experience continues to some

extent because now I'm part of the alumnae association. An alum or alumna is

someone who went to a particular school. A good college gives you a network, a

community to belong to. That's partly what you're paying for. I should mention

that alumni make donations, which help pay scholarship money.

However, some argue that U.S. colleges today offer too many luxuries, that some

college campuses look more like resorts and less like educational institutions.

How nice does a gym have to be? Do college students need steam showers and

saunas, recreational activities, and fine dining?

If such amenities were taken away, how much would tuition come down? Is this

something we should consider?

Something to remember is that nothing is really free. Everything has a cost. Free

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Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on College Tuition in the U.S.🎓 (1) Fortgeschrittenes Gespräch mit Jennifer über College-Gebühren in den USA 🎓 (1) Conversación avanzada con Jennifer sobre la matrícula universitaria en EE.UU.🎓 (1) Conversation avancée avec Jennifer sur les frais d'inscription à l'université aux États-Unis (1) Conversazione avanzata con Jennifer sulle tasse universitarie negli Stati Uniti 🎓 (1) ジェニファーとアメリカの大学授業料について上級会話🎓 (1) Zaawansowana rozmowa z Jennifer na temat czesnego za studia w USA 🎓 (1) Conversa avançada com Jennifer sobre as propinas da faculdade nos EUA 🎓 (1) Расширенный разговор с Дженнифер о плате за обучение в колледже в США 🎓 (1) Jennifer ile ABD'de Üniversite Harçları Üzerine İleri Düzey Sohbet 🎓 (1) Розширена розмова з Дженніфер про навчання в коледжі в США 🎓 (1) 与Jennifer畅谈美国大学学费🎓(1) 與Jennifer深入對話美國大學學費🎓(1)

Hi there. I'm Jennifer from English with Jennifer, and in this video I'd like to Salut. Je suis Jennifer d'Anglais avec Jennifer, et dans cette vidéo j'aimerais

offer vocabulary and information that will help you talk about a hot topic in offrir du vocabulaire et des informations qui vous aideront à parler d'un sujet brûlant

the U.S. right now: college tuition and free public college. Should College be free? ||||||||||大学|||| aux États-Unis en ce moment : les frais de scolarité universitaire et les collèges publics gratuits. Les frais de scolarité universitaire devraient-ils être gratuits ?

If you're looking for more current issues like immigration, homelessness, and Si vous recherchez des problèmes actuels tels que l'immigration, le sans-abrisme, et

health care, be sure to check out my conversation playlist and look for those pour les soins de santé, assurez-vous de consulter ma playlist de conversations et de rechercher celles-ci

advanced conversation topics. My goal in all these videos is to give sujets de conversation avancés. Mon objectif dans toutes ces vidéos est de donner

English language learners the confidence to follow and participate in aux apprenants de la langue anglaise la confiance pour suivre et participer à

conversations about these important issues. My goal is not to promote any conversations about these important issues. My goal is not to promote any

political agenda. And if you're interested in understanding the U.S. political agenda. And if you're interested in understanding the U.S.

system of education in detail, be sure to check out an older lesson of mine. I take system of education in detail, be sure to check out an older lesson of mine. I take

you through the system from preschool to graduate school. I'll put all useful vous aider à traverser le système de la maternelle à l'université. Je mettrai tous les liens utiles

links in the video description. Okay? And hey! Don't forget to subscribe. I'll help dans la description de la vidéo. D'accord ? Et hey ! N'oubliez pas de vous abonner. Je vous aiderai

you make progress in English with a new video each week here on YouTube. I'm also à progresser en anglais avec une nouvelle vidéo chaque semaine ici sur YouTube. Je suis aussi

posting on Instagram, so be sure to follow me there as well. Okay. Let's start ||||||||||也在|||| 投稿|||||||||||||| publication sur Instagram, assurez-vous de me suivre là-bas également. D'accord. Commençons

our lesson. notre leçon.

Ten thousand dollars. What can you buy for that amount of money in the U.S.? Dix mille dollars. Que pouvez-vous acheter pour cette somme d'argent aux États-Unis ?

Well, $10K might pay the average hospital bill in the U.S. Shocking, right? Eh bien, 10 000 $ pourraient payer la facture d'hôpital moyenne aux États-Unis. Choquant, non? 好吧,一万美元可能可以支付美国平均的医院费用,这令人震惊,对吧?

How about twenty-two thousand? Thirty thousand dollars? Or fifty-five thousand dollars? Et vingt-deux mille ? Trente mille dollars ? Ou cinquante-cinq mille dollars ?

Thirty six to fifty-five thousand dollars would buy you a parking space in Trente-six à cinquante-cinq mille dollars pourraient vous acheter une place de parking à 三十六到五万五千美元可以给你买一个停车位 三万六千到五万五千美元可以给你买一个停车位

Boston. Perhaps not the best one, but a decent one. And all those amounts I just Boston. Peut-être pas le meilleur, mais un bon endroit. Et tous ces montants que je viens de 波士顿。也许不是最好的,但也是不错的。所有这些金额我只是

listed would pay college tuition here in the U.S. at different types of colleges. énumérer couvriraient les frais de scolarité dans un collège ici aux États-Unis, dans différents types de collèges.

First, let's get one thing straight. What do I mean by "college"? In the U.S., high Tout d'abord, clarifions une chose. Que signifie "collège" ? Aux États-Unis, le lycée

school is what we call the final years of schooling. We have 12 grades. 9th, l'école est ce que nous appelons les dernières années d'études. Nous avons 12 grades. 9e,

10th, 11th, and 12th grades are high school. If you are a high school student in the 10th grade, you are a sophomore. If you are in the 11th grade, you are a junior. And if you are in the 12th grade, you are a senior.

student, you're between the ages of 14 and 18. When you finish high school, you

get a high school diploma. Then you can either work or go to college. "College" is ||||certificate of completion||||||||||| ||||卒業証書|||||||||||

a general word for the study one does after high school in order to get an 高中毕业后为了获得学位而进行的学习的通用词

undergraduate degree. You can get an undergraduate degree at a college or a bachelor's||||||||||||

university. Community colleges have two-year programs. You study there to get

an associate's degree. That's a type of undergraduate degree. You could also |副学士|||||||||| |assoziierten||||||Bachelorstudent|||| |準学士|||||||||| 副学士学位。这是一种本科学位。你也可以

transfer from a community college to a four-year college in order to get a

bachelor's degree. A bachelor's degree is another type of undergraduate degree, but |||学士||||||||

it takes two more years to earn. You can get a

bachelor's degree at a college or a university. Here are common things we ask

and say in American English. Are you going to college? Do you plan to go to

college? Where did you go to college? Does he have a college degree? He's a college

student. She's a college professor. Their kids went off to college. My brother is |||||||行った|||||| 学生。彼女は大学の教授です。彼らの子供たちは大学に行きました。私の兄は

still in college. My sister is finishing college this year. まだ大学にいます。私の妹は今年大学を卒業します。

"College" in all those statements is a general word that could refer to either 「大学」という言葉は、そのすべての文において一般的な言葉であり、どちらを指す可能性があります。

a college or university.

So what's the difference between a college and a university? You can get the

same basic education and the same degree at a college or university in the U.S.

Colleges are generally smaller and don't always have a graduate program.

Universities are often larger, and, in fact, universities can be made up of Üniversiteler genellikle daha büyüktür ve aslında üniversiteler şunlardan oluşabilir

colleges. A large university can have 50,000 students or more. My small college

had a little over a thousand students.

Universities might have more research opportunities, and they usually have

bigger sports programs. Universities by definition are not more prestigious than |||||||||更有声望|

colleges. In fact, some elite colleges are very competitive and outrank many ||||精英||||||排名高于| ||||||||||surpass in ranking| ||||||||||上回る|

universities. A liberal arts college gives students a chance to study in

different areas, especially before a student chooses a major. A major is one's

specialty. For example, I went to a small liberal arts college, and I chose to

study foreign languages and education. Besides things like Russian classes and

educational psychology, I took music and art classes. I even had one semester of

computer programming. And I took an African dance class to satisfy a

requirement for physical education. So from here on out, when I say "college," I'm Anforderung|||||||||||||

referring to universities and colleges in the U.S. One problem in our country

today is the rising cost of a college education. College tuition is rising each ||||||||||Studiengebühren|||

year, but our yearly income isn't growing as fast. U.S. News and World Report listed

$10,116 as the average tuition at a public

college if you live in that state. Public colleges are schools run by the state. eğer o eyalette yaşıyorsanız üniversite. Devlet üniversiteleri devlet tarafından yönetilen okullardır.

State colleges and universities offer lower tuition for residents. In-state

tuition is lower than out-of-state tuition. An out-of-state student may pay |||||||授業料||州外|||||

around $22,000. So if you go to a state school, it's cheaper to stay in your own

state. It could even be free.

Some public colleges offer free tuition for low-income and middle-income

families, so if a student's family has an income over a certain amount, say,

$125,000, they are not entitled to free tuition. If tuition is free, 125.000 dolar, ücretsiz eğitim alma hakkına sahip değiller. Eğer harç ücretsizse, 125,000美元,他们无权享受免费学费。如果学费全免的话

should it be free for all or free only for some? What's fair? What's right? Let's

say there's one family that earns $100,000. They have one child and they

want to send that child to college. Now there's a second family and they earn

$130,000. That's just over the cutoff, but they have two children around the same ||||临界点|||||||| ||||境界線|||||||| 130,000 美元。这刚刚超过截止日期,但他们有两个孩子差不多

age. They want to send their two children to college. Does that second family

deserve any financial aid? Here's another way to look at it. State schools, as I

understand, receive state funding. Government money comes from tax dollars.

If some families are already paying higher taxes, should they also pay full

tuition at a public college? Some say yes. If you have more, you need to contribute

more. Some say no. If everyone shares at least some of the financial ||||||共有する||||||

responsibility and contributes, then no one will take their education for |||||||||教育| Verantwortung übernimmt und einen Beitrag leistet, dann wird niemand seine Ausbildung für sorumluluk alır ve katkıda bulunursa, o zaman kimse eğitimlerini 责任和贡献,那么没有人会把他们的教育当作

granted. Here's one more question. Should students with a strong academic record Eine weitere Frage: Sollten Studenten mit guten akademischen Leistungen kabul edildi. İşte bir soru daha. Güçlü bir akademik geçmişi olan öğrenciler 同意。还有一个问题。成绩优异的学生是否应该

in high school be rewarded with lower tuition at a public college regardless ne olursa olsun bir devlet üniversitesinde daha düşük harçla ödüllendirilmelidir.

of their family's household income? Some state schools have free tuition and then ailelerinin hane gelirinin yüzde kaçı? Bazı devlet okullarında eğitim ücretsizdir ve daha sonra

require students to remain in the state after graduation for a certain number of

years. It makes some sense, right? If the state invests in you, you should give |||||||||投資する|||||

back to the community by starting your career in that state. Do you agree?

In recent news, there's been some discussion about making a stronger

connection between tuition assistance and the job market. If we have too many

people pursuing a medical degree, for example, and not enough people entering Örneğin, tıp diploması almaya devam eden insanlar ve

other professions, should we perhaps give greater tuition assistance to those who

are willing to fill those open jobs? What do you think? If there's a shortage of

childcare workers or plumbers, would free training help attract young people and |||配管工|||||||| Kinderbetreuer oder Klempner, würde eine kostenlose Ausbildung dazu beitragen, junge Menschen anzuziehen und

also keep more students out of debt?

Tuition at a prestigious private college can be around $55,000. Once you add in

room and board, meaning a place to live and food to eat, the tuition (cost) for one year

of full-time education can be around $75,000. Yes.

Seventy-five thousand dollars. It's a lot.

What schools charge that much? Top-name schools. Let's start with the Ivy

Leagues. Those are the oldest and generally most prestigious schools in

our country. They include Harvard, Yale, and Princeton Universities. There are a

total of eight Ivy League schools. I went to one of the Seven Sisters. Those are

historically women's colleges, but today they offer a co-ed experience in some |||||它们|||男女合校|||| ||||||||共学||||

form, meaning men and women study together. My school, Bryn Mawr College, has |||||||||ブリン・モー|マワー||

a close relationship with Haverford College. I took a lot of classes there. I ||||哈弗福德||||||||| ||||ハーバーフォード|||||||||

lived in dorms with men and took classes with men. Bryn Mawr's tuition is ||寮|||||||||ブリン・モー||

currently fifty-three thousand dollars a year. How do families afford such prices?

Some families are wealthy enough to pay the tuition. A lot aren't. Most students

apply to college and hope for a good financial aid package. First, students 申请大学并希望获得良好的经济援助。一、学生

hope for scholarship money. Few are lucky enough to get a full scholarship. Others

can get a partial scholarship for sports or academics. Second, you can get a campus

job. When I was an undergraduate student, I worked on campus in the cafeteria. I

also did babysitting around town. College students often get summer jobs, part-time ||ベビーシッティ||||||||||

jobs, and sometimes paid internships. ||||实习 ||||インターンシップ

Third, some parents start a college fund while their children are still young. You

may hear some Americans talk about a 529 plan. The basic idea is to save money for

your child's college education. A 529 plan allows parents to create a college

savings plan. Parents can invest what they're able to invest, and the main

benefit is tax-free earnings. You let your money grow and then take it out

when you need to start paying college tuition. Finally, families take out loans.

Student loans are very common and sadly many students graduate with debt. They

owe money to the bank, and they have to work to gradually pay it back. My parents 借りている||||||||||||||||

sacrificed a lot to put four kids through college. They paid for my

undergraduate education. Then I paid for graduate school. I was married and still

paying off my student loan. It's not easy to live with debt, but many Americans do.

One way to avoid debt is not to spend money or take out a loan. Some high |||||||||||借りる|||||

school students take a gap year. They put off college for one year and they spend

the time working, traveling, or maybe doing volunteer work of some kind.

If a young adult isn't sure what he or she wants to do yet, or if they didn't

get into the college of their choice and want to reapply, or if they didn't ||||||||||再出願||||

earn a scholarship or enough financial aid and they need to work to

earn some money, a gap year is an option.

Some wait even longer to go to college. Some enter the workforce immediately |||||||||||劳动力市场|

after high school and then decide to pursue a college degree years later. Then |||||||追求する||大学|学位|||

there are those who go to college after high school, but then they have to drop

out for some reason. Maybe financial reasons. By the time these working adults

decide to go to college or go back to college, they may have families and very

little time. These are all reasons why online college programs have become so

popular. Some choose to study online in order to have a flexible schedule and to

keep costs down. Online degrees are generally much cheaper. I think online

degrees are a terrific option for some. For me personally, I'm thankful I had the

opportunity to study on a college campus as a full-time student. College campuses

are a place for personal growth and the many extracurricular activities can |||||||||课外活动|| |||||||||課外活動||

create a rich undergraduate experience. My college experience continues to some

extent because now I'm part of the alumnae association. An alum or alumna is |||||||校友|||校友||校友| |||||||female graduates|||||| |||||||卒業生|||卒業生||卒業生|

someone who went to a particular school. A good college gives you a network, a

community to belong to. That's partly what you're paying for. I should mention

that alumni make donations, which help pay scholarship money. |卒業生|||||||

However, some argue that U.S. colleges today offer too many luxuries, that some |||||||||||贅沢||

college campuses look more like resorts and less like educational institutions.

How nice does a gym have to be? Do college students need steam showers and

saunas, recreational activities, and fine dining? 桑拿|休闲的|||高档| サウナ|||||

If such amenities were taken away, how much would tuition come down? Is this ||设施||||||||||| ||設備|||||||||||

something we should consider?

Something to remember is that nothing is really free. Everything has a cost. Free