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Advanced Conversation with Jennifer, Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on Homelessness in the U.S. (1)

Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on Homelessness in the U.S. (1)

Hi. I'm Jennifer from English with Jennifer, and I'm here with another

current issue for us to consider together. If you'd like to communicate

more confidently and effectively in English, be sure to subscribe to my

channel. And if you'd like to get the most you can out of your studies here on

YouTube, then consider becoming a member of my channel. There are three different levels.

Click to check out all the perks. If you're looking for the ultimate

learning experience, then book a private lesson with me. You'll get 30 minutes of

highly personalized instruction. I'll put the link in the video description.

In this video, I'm going to share vocabulary and information related to homelessness

in the U.S. I'm not here to blame anyone or promote a specific political agenda.

I'd like for us to consider different viewpoints as we try to identify causes,

effects, and possible solutions to the problem. As an English language teacher,

I'm here to offer support that language learners will need to follow and

participate in discussions about homelessness.

Are you ready to get started?

"Homeless" can be a noun or an adjective. We can talk about "the homeless" to refer

to all people who have no home. Just as we can talk about the rich, the poor,

the elderly, the famous, we can also talk about the homeless to refer to that

whole population. They're people without homes. They're homeless: be homeless,

become homeless, a homeless person, homeless people, the homeless. We can also

talk about "homelessness" as a situation or a state. In this video, we're going to

address the current homeless crisis. Homelessness is an increasing problem in

certain areas. When people are homeless, they generally live on the street.

That could be a park bench, a city sidewalk, or a bridge underpass -- that place under a bridge.

You may also hear a reference to Skid Row.

This is a really run-down place in any city. Skid Row is associated with cheap

businesses, cheap bars, cheap hotels, and buildings in bad condition.

It's a place where you'd expect to find homeless people, drugs, and alcohol.

Someone can be on Skid Row, live on Skid Row, end up on Skid Row. Today we also hear about tent cities.

A tent city is a large group of tents being used as temporary housing.

We sometimes associate tents with emergency situations, like housing for

refugees, but in the U.S. today, tent cities are appearing in cities that have

large populations of homeless people. Tent campers may need to move from location

to location, depending on how strict the local authorities need to be with the

homeless. The closer these tent cities are to neighborhoods and to businesses,

the more anxious residents and business owners become.

We've had homeless people in the U.S. for a long time, but the numbers in some

places are so high right now that people are referring to the situation as a

crisis, a humanitarian crisis. Have we reached the breaking point? That's the

point at which law and order fall apart.

A society, a city, or a community can be

at the breaking point, reach the breaking point, or be past the breaking point.

There's a lot of evidence that points to how serious conditions are. People are

dying on the streets. There's crime, disorder, and gang activity. The problem

is the seeming inability to stop the spread of all these crimes and tragedies.

We can say that crime is rampant in some areas. That means that it's spreading and

beyond control. Sometimes street fights are among the homeless. We can call them

brawls. They are noisy and very public. Some acts of violence are between the

homeless and ordinary residents. Crimes have gone both ways: crimes are committed

by and against the homeless.

Living on the streets isn't allowed by law,

so if homelessness is a crime, why aren't more people being arrested? Some police

departments are feeling the stress of trying to keep order, but knowing they

lack authority to enforce the law.

Arrests are sometimes made if a more serious crime is committed, but then

people are let go. There are repeat offenders -- people who have committed the

same crime multiple times, but the criminal justice system isn't working, and

residents in certain cities feel vulnerable to attack.

They feel their streets aren't safe anymore.

A lot of finger-pointing

is taking place. People want to place the blame somewhere. Are the police officers

doing their job? Are local politicians and officials taking authority away from

police officers? Have the drug dealers and gangs made the situation worse?

Are cities not providing enough housing? Some complain that too many people

have turned their backs on the problem; they've chosen to ignore it.

Politicians argue that it's hard to implement solutions without enough

funding and support.

What are some contributing factors? Is homelessness merely a social problem?

Most recognize that its larger and more complex than that. It's an economic

problem. It's a mental health problem. It's a drug abuse problem.

Some argue we've become a society of the haves and the have nots: some have money;

others don't. Some point to the need for affordable housing as a cause. They argue

that there's a connection between homelessness and a housing crisis.

Is there really a shortage of housing? Some say yes; others argue no. It's true

that rent in Los Angeles, for example, has gone up dramatically. Tenants, the people

who rent property, complain that landlords jack up the rent. But others

say it's just a fact of life. Not everyone can live where they want to.

They find smaller and cheaper housing in less popular areas. Is that the answer?

Move to another city? Move to another state? Some choose to find roommates to

share the rent or they move in with family. Some politicians and residents

believe that one solution is rent control. They say that the law should

limit how much a landlord could ask for, and that rent hikes increases should

take into consideration what the minimum wages.

However, rent control has a downside. Landlords could choose to convert their

rental properties into owner-occupied properties. And if the law makes it more

difficult to evict someone, meaning force them to leave because they can't pay,

then landlords will become increasingly more cautious and they'll choose to rent

their properties only to people they feel confident can pay.

It's important to consider the housing market as a possible factor in this problem

because not all homeless people are unemployed drug addicts. That would be a

stereotype. Some homeless people do have jobs, but their wages never increased as

much as their rent, and they had to leave their homes. There is a so-called hidden

population of homeless people who live out of their cars. You don't see them on

the street. Some may have jobs. Some may receive government money, but that money

isn't enough to pay rent in the city.

Some politicians proposed building denser housing and creating more

available space for low-income housing. But other residents worry about the

safety of their neighborhoods and the value of their properties. If they have

more expensive real estate and then cheaper housing is built in their

neighborhoods, the value of their property may go down. Similar worries

arise when politicians talk about building homeless shelters in a

community. On the one hand, people want the homeless off the streets. On the

other hand, they don't want to live next to a homeless shelter. This kind of

attitude is called nimbyism. You'll hear and see the word NIMBY. It stands for "not

in my backyard." NIMBY can be a person or an attitude.

We often use "shelter" as a noun.

A homeless person needs shelter, finds shelter. A tent is a form of

shelter, but when we talk about a homeless shelter, we're talking about a

large building that can temporarily house and feed hundreds.

Some homeless people don't like shelters. They may say that shelters can be too crowded.

Maybe they're not clean enough. Maybe they're not completely safe, or they have strict rules.

Some politicians see bridge shelters as a possible solution.

These would be places that could help the homeless get off the streets and ideally

transition to a stable life. But if such shelters are to provide clean rooms,

health care, and drug addiction treatment, will there be enough tax dollars to pay

for everything? And don't forget that many don't want any kind of shelter

built in their neighborhoods. They feel it affects their safety and the value of

local real estate.

One argument for homeless shelters

and low-income housing is that it's likely cheaper to house very poor

people than to pay for all their needs once they become homeless. People living

on the streets cost a city money in terms of emergency room visits, police

enforcement, sanitation, and such. So is the answer to have more safety nets?

More ways to catch people before they become homeless?

Drug abuse needs to be considered. A trip to Skid Row in any city will likely

reveal drug use on the street. Needles are among the things that litter sidewalks.

Many recognize that substance abuse is fueling homelessness. If someone

is mentally ill and on drugs, how can they be a functioning member of society?

But what's the answer? Treatment or jail? Some say that a new

level of tolerance has appeared in certain U.S. cities. Do we now have an

open-air drug market? I've heard that small amounts of drugs on your body will

no longer get you in trouble with the police in a city like Seattle, Washington.

That's not to say that the police officers don't care. It more likely means

they lack authority to fight this crime or that the criminal justice system is

too lenient on drug users and drug sellers. Should we as a society talk

about large-scale drug intervention? What would that look like? How would it be

funded? Some argue for drug treatment programs within prisons.

Could specialized prisons handle people with mental illnesses and drug addictions?

Some propose that prisons with health care, counseling, and medication would

help us slowly crawl out of the current homeless crisis, but again we'd have to

consider where the funds would come from.

I recently watched a video about the homeless problem in Seattle, Washington,

and I listened to the concerns of some local business owners. There was a

grocery store owner and a woman who ran a clothing boutique. Both could report

incidents of shoplifting by homeless. A shoplifter is someone who steals things

from a store. They felt that little could be done to stop the situation.

In the case of the clothing boutique owner, she closed her store and then reopened it

in a neighboring city.

And in some areas where the homeless population is increasing,

some small business owners are choosing to stay and they search for temporary solutions.

Increased trash from the homeless population tends to litter the

sidewalks. Some small business owners hire private sanitation control.

That means they hire people to clean up around their businesses. It's a helpful

act, but it's a band-aid solution. That's the kind of solution that repairs things

on the surface, but it's not a solution that addresses the source of the problem.

Residents of communities where the homeless population is growing are

concerned that increasing taxes may not necessarily be part of the solution

because the money may not be well spent. When people complain about throwing

money at the problem, they're worried about how the money is being spent.

Is the money being used to find long-term solutions? In all their frustration, some

people become numb to the problem. They're emotionally overloaded, so they

feel nothing. They appear to be apathetic.

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Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on Homelessness in the U.S. (1) |||||Obdachlosigkeit|||| |||||ホームレス問題|||| Erweitertes Gespräch mit Jennifer über Obdachlosigkeit in den USA (1) Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on Homelessness in the U.S. (1) Conversación avanzada con Jennifer sobre los sin techo en EE.UU. (1) Conversation avancée avec Jennifer sur l'itinérance aux États-Unis (1) Conversazione avanzata con Jennifer sul tema dei senzatetto negli Stati Uniti (1) ジェニファーのホームレス問題に関する上級会話(1) 미국 노숙자 문제에 대한 제니퍼와의 고급 대화 (1) Zaawansowana rozmowa z Jennifer na temat bezdomności w USA (1) Conversação Avançada com Jennifer sobre Sem-Abrigo nos E.U.A. (1) Расширенная беседа с Дженнифер о бездомности в США (1) Jennifer ile ABD'de Evsizlik Üzerine İleri Düzey Söyleşi (1) Розширена розмова з Дженніфер про бездомність у США (1) 与詹妮弗深入对话美国无家可归者(一) 与詹妮弗就美国的无家可归问题进行高级对话 (1)

Hi. I'm Jennifer from English with Jennifer, and I'm here with another

current issue for us to consider together. If you'd like to communicate

more confidently and effectively in English, be sure to subscribe to my |||||||sicher|||| sicherer und effektiver Englisch sprechen, abonnieren Sie unbedingt meinen

channel. And if you'd like to get the most you can out of your studies here on |Und(1)||||||||||||||| Kanal. Und wenn Sie das Beste aus Ihrem Studium hier auf 渠道。如果你想从这里的学习中获得最大的收获

YouTube, then consider becoming a member of my channel. There are three different levels. ||überlege||||||||||| YouTube herausholen möchten, ziehen Sie in Betracht, Mitglied meines Kanals zu werden. Es gibt drei verschiedene Ebenen.

Click to check out all the perks. If you're looking for the ultimate ||||||benefits||||||ultimate ||||||特典|||||| Klicken Sie hier, um sich alle Vorteile anzusehen. Wenn Sie nach dem Ultimativen suchen 点击查看所有福利。如果你正在寻找终极

learning experience, then book a private lesson with me. You'll get 30 minutes of

highly personalized instruction. I'll put the link in the video description. altamente||||||||||

In this video, I'm going to share vocabulary and information related to homelessness In diesem Video werde ich Vokabeln und Informationen zum Thema Obdachlosigkeit weitergeben

in the U.S. I'm not here to blame anyone or promote a specific political agenda. ||||||||beschuldigen||||||| ||||||||||||||政治的な|

I'd like for us to consider different viewpoints as we try to identify causes, |||||||Sichtweisen|||||| |||||||視点|||||| Ich würde es gerne, dass wir verschiedene Standpunkte in Betracht ziehen, während wir versuchen, Ursachen,

effects, and possible solutions to the problem. As an English language teacher, ||möglichen Lösungen||||||||| Wirkungen und mögliche Lösungen für das Problem zu identifizieren. Als Englischlehrer

I'm here to offer support that language learners will need to follow and bin ich hier, um die Unterstützung anzubieten, die Sprachlernende benötigen, um zu folgen und

participate in discussions about homelessness. teilnehmen an|||| take part||discussions|| ||||a falta de abrigo

Are you ready to get started?

"Homeless" can be a noun or an adjective. We can talk about "the homeless" to refer

to all people who have no home. Just as we can talk about the rich, the poor, an alle Menschen, die kein Zuhause haben. So wie wir über die Reichen, die Armen sprechen können,

the elderly, the famous, we can also talk about the homeless to refer to that ||||||||||||verweisen auf|| |Older adults||||||||||||| die älteren Menschen, die Berühmten, können wir auch über die Obdachlosen sprechen, um auf diese

whole population. They're people without homes. They're homeless: be homeless, gesamte Bevölkerung Bezug zu nehmen. Sie sind Menschen ohne Zuhause. Sie sind obdachlos: obdachlos sein,

become homeless, a homeless person, homeless people, the homeless. We can also obdachlos werden, eine obdachlose Person, obdachlose Menschen, die Obdachlosen. Wir können auch

talk about "homelessness" as a situation or a state. In this video, we're going to ||ホームレス問題|||||||||||| über "Obdachlosigkeit" als eine Situation oder einen Zustand sprechen. In diesem Video werden wir

address the current homeless crisis. Homelessness is an increasing problem in |||a falta de abrigo||||||| die aktuelle Obdachlosigkeitskrise ansprechen. Obdachlosigkeit ist ein zunehmendes Problem in

certain areas. When people are homeless, they generally live on the street. bestimmten|||||||||||

That could be a park bench, a city sidewalk, or a bridge underpass -- that place under a bridge. ||||Park|Parkbank||||||Brücke|||||| ||||||||||||橋の下の通||||| ||||||||calçada|||uma ponte||||||

You may also hear a reference to Skid Row. ||||||||Zeile(1) |||||||スキッド| Vielleicht hören Sie auch einen Hinweis auf Skid Row.

This is a really run-down place in any city. Skid Row is associated with cheap ||||abgerockte||||||||||| ||||荒れた||||||スラム街|||||

businesses, cheap bars, cheap hotels, and buildings in bad condition.

It's a place where you'd expect to find homeless people, drugs, and alcohol. |||||erwarten|||||||

Someone can be on Skid Row, live on Skid Row, end up on Skid Row. Today we also hear about tent cities. |||||||||||||スキッド|||||||| Jemand kann in Skid Row sein, in Skid Row leben, in Skid Row enden. Heute hören wir auch von Zeltstädten. 有人可能住在贫民窟,住在贫民窟,最终还是住在贫民窟。今天我们也听说过帐篷城。

A tent city is a large group of tents being used as temporary housing. Eine Zeltstadt ist eine große Gruppe von Zelten, die als vorübergehende Unterkunft genutzt werden.

We sometimes associate tents with emergency situations, like housing for |||Zelte|||||| ||||||||abrigo temporário| Wir assoziieren Zelte manchmal mit Notfallsituationen, wie Unterkunft für

refugees, but in the U.S. today, tent cities are appearing in cities that have refugiados||||||||||estão surgindo||||

large populations of homeless people. Tent campers may need to move from location ||||||Zeltcamper|||||| ||||||テント生活者|||||| große Bevölkerungsgruppen von obdachlosen Menschen. Zeltcamper müssen möglicherweise von Standort zu Standort wechseln, je nachdem, wie streng die lokalen Behörden mit den

to location, depending on how strict the local authorities need to be with the Obdachlosen sein müssen. Je näher diese Zeltstädte an Wohngebieten und Geschäften liegen,

homeless. The closer these tent cities are to neighborhoods and to businesses, Obdachlose. Je näher diese Zeltdörfer an Wohngebieten und Geschäften liegen,

the more anxious residents and business owners become. desto ängstlicher werden die Anwohner und Geschäftsinhaber.

We've had homeless people in the U.S. for a long time, but the numbers in some Wir haben schon lange obdachlose Menschen in den USA, aber die Zahlen in einigen

places are so high right now that people are referring to the situation as a |sind||||||||bezeichnen|||||

crisis, a humanitarian crisis. Have we reached the breaking point? That's the ||||||||||Das ist| ||||||||限界|||

point at which law and order fall apart. ||||||崩壊| Punkt, an dem Recht und Ordnung auseinanderfallen.

A society, a city, or a community can be A(1) Gesellschaft|||||||| Eine Gesellschaft, eine Stadt oder eine Gemeinschaft kann sein

at the breaking point, reach the breaking point, or be past the breaking point. ||Krisen-||||||||||| am Wendepunkt, den Wendepunkt erreichen oder über den Wendepunkt hinaus sein.

There's a lot of evidence that points to how serious conditions are. People are Es gibt||||||||||||| Es gibt viele Beweise, die darauf hinweisen, wie ernst die Bedingungen sind. Die Menschen sterben

dying on the streets. There's crime, disorder, and gang activity. The problem auf den Straßen. Es gibt Kriminalität, Unordnung und Gangaktivitäten. Das Problem

is the seeming inability to stop the spread of all these crimes and tragedies. ||scheinbare|||||||||||Tragödien |||||||difusão|||||| ist die scheinbare Unfähigkeit, die Ausbreitung all dieser Verbrechen und Tragödien zu stoppen.

We can say that crime is rampant in some areas. That means that it's spreading and ||||||verbreitet||||||||| |私たちは|||||蔓延している|||||||||

beyond control. Sometimes street fights are among the homeless. We can call them

brawls. They are noisy and very public. Some acts of violence are between the 乱闘||||||||||||| Schlägereien. Sie sind laut und sehr öffentlich. Einige Gewalttaten sind zwischen den

homeless and ordinary residents. Crimes have gone both ways: crimes are committed ||||Verbrechen|||||||verübt Obdachlose und gewöhnliche Bewohner. Verbrechen sind in beide Richtungen begangen worden: Verbrechen werden 无家可归者和普通居民。犯罪是双向的:犯罪已经发生

by and against the homeless. von und gegen die Obdachlosen begangen.

Living on the streets isn't allowed by law, Auf der Straße zu leben, ist gesetzlich nicht erlaubt.

so if homelessness is a crime, why aren't more people being arrested? Some police

departments are feeling the stress of trying to keep order, but knowing they

lack authority to enforce the law.

Arrests are sometimes made if a more serious crime is committed, but then ||||||||||verübt wird|| Manchmal werden Festnahmen vorgenommen, wenn ein schwerwiegenderes Verbrechen begangen wird, aber dann

people are let go. There are repeat offenders -- people who have committed the |||||||Straftäter||||| ||||||reincidentes|infratores||||| werden die Leute wieder freigelassen. Es gibt Rückfalltäters -- Menschen, die das

same crime multiple times, but the criminal justice system isn't working, and gleiche Verbrechen mehrfach begangen haben, aber das Strafjustizsystem funktioniert nicht, und

residents in certain cities feel vulnerable to attack. Bewohner in bestimmten Städten fühlen sich angreifbar.

They feel their streets aren't safe anymore. Sie haben das Gefühl, dass ihre Straßen nicht mehr sicher sind.

A lot of finger-pointing ||||zeigen Viel fingerzeigerei

is taking place. People want to place the blame somewhere. Are the police officers findet statt. Die Menschen wollen die Schuld irgendwohin verlagern. Sind die Polizeibeamten

doing their job? Are local politicians and officials taking authority away from |||||||Beamte|||| erfüllen sie ihren Job? Nehmen lokale Politiker und Beamte den Polizeibeamten die Autorität weg 做他们的工作?当地政客和官员是否正在剥夺他们的权力?

police officers? Have the drug dealers and gangs made the situation worse? |||||毒贩||帮派|||| |||||Händler||||||schlimmer gemacht haben die Drogenhändler und Banden die Situation verschärft?

Are cities not providing enough housing? Some complain that too many people

have turned their backs on the problem; they've chosen to ignore it. |||Rücken||||||||

Politicians argue that it's hard to implement solutions without enough ||||||umsetzen|||

funding and support. ||Unterstützung

What are some contributing factors? Is homelessness merely a social problem? ||||因素|||||| |||||||apenas||| Was sind einige beitragende Faktoren? Ist Obdachlosigkeit nur ein soziales Problem?

Most recognize that its larger and more complex than that. It's an economic |die meisten erkennen||||||||||| Die meisten erkennen, dass es größer und komplexer ist als das. Es ist ein wirtschaftliches

problem. It's a mental health problem. It's a drug abuse problem. Problem (1)|||||||||| Problem. Es ist ein Problem der psychischen Gesundheit. Es ist ein Problem des Drogenmissbrauchs.

Some argue we've become a society of the haves and the have nots: some have money; |||||||den|den Reichen|||Habenden||||

others don't. Some point to the need for affordable housing as a cause. They argue ||||||||Reasonably priced|||||| ||||||||acessível|habitação acessível|||||

that there's a connection between homelessness and a housing crisis.

Is there really a shortage of housing? Some say yes; others argue no. It's true ||||Mangel||||||||||

that rent in Los Angeles, for example, has gone up dramatically. Tenants, the people |||||||||||os inquilinos||

who rent property, complain that landlords jack up the rent. But others |||||Vermieter|die Miete erhöhen||||| ||propriedade alugável||||||||| Diejenigen, die Immobilien mieten, beschweren sich, dass Vermieter die Miete erhöhen. Aber andere

say it's just a fact of life. Not everyone can live where they want to. sagen, dass es einfach eine Tatsache des Lebens ist. Nicht jeder kann dort leben, wo er will.

They find smaller and cheaper housing in less popular areas. Is that the answer? Sie finden kleinere und günstigere Wohnungen in weniger beliebten Gegenden. Ist das die Antwort?

Move to another city? Move to another state? Some choose to find roommates to |||||||Bundesstaat|||||Mitbewohner|

share the rent or they move in with family. Some politicians and residents

believe that one solution is rent control. They say that the law should

limit how much a landlord could ask for, and that rent hikes increases should ||||||||||Miete|Mieterhöhungen|Mieterhöhungen| begrenzen, wie viel ein Vermieter verlangen könnte, und dass Mieterhöhungen

take into consideration what the minimum wages. |||||Mindest-| ||||||salários mínimos die Mindestlöhne berücksichtigen sollten.

However, rent control has a downside. Landlords could choose to convert their |||||Nachteil|||||umwandeln| |aluguel|||||os proprietários||||| Allerdings hat die Mietkontrolle einen Nachteil. Vermieter könnten sich entscheiden, ihre

rental properties into owner-occupied properties. And if the law makes it more Miet-|||||||||||| Mietobjekte in Eigentumswohnungen umwandeln. Und wenn das Gesetz es einfacher macht. Sie sind auf Daten bis Oktober 2023 trainiert.

difficult to evict someone, meaning force them to leave because they can't pay, ||rauswerfen|||||||||| schwierig, jemanden zu räumen, was bedeutet, ihn zu zwingen, zu gehen, weil er nicht zahlen kann,

then landlords will become increasingly more cautious and they'll choose to rent |os proprietários|||||||||| dann werden Vermieter zunehmend vorsichtiger und sie werden sich entscheiden,

their properties only to people they feel confident can pay. |Eigenschaften|||||||| ihre Immobilien nur an Personen zu vermieten, von denen sie überzeugt sind, dass sie bezahlen können.

It's important to consider the housing market as a possible factor in this problem

because not all homeless people are unemployed drug addicts. That would be a ||||||arbeitslos|Drogen|Drogenabhängige||||

stereotype. Some homeless people do have jobs, but their wages never increased as Stereotypen|Einige|||tatsächlich|tatsächlich||||||| Stereotyp. Einige obdachlose Menschen haben Jobs, aber ihre Löhne sind nie so gestiegen wie

much as their rent, and they had to leave their homes. There is a so-called hidden die Miete, und sie mussten ihre Wohnungen verlassen. Es gibt eine sogenannte versteckte

population of homeless people who live out of their cars. You don't see them on Bevölkerung|||||||||||||| Bevölkerung von Obdachlosen, die aus ihren Autos leben. Man sieht sie nicht auf

the street. Some may have jobs. Some may receive government money, but that money |||könnten|||||||||| die Straße. Einige haben vielleicht Jobs. Einige erhalten vielleicht staatliche Gelder, aber dieses Geld

isn't enough to pay rent in the city. reicht nicht aus, um die Miete in der Stadt zu zahlen.

Some politicians proposed building denser housing and creating more ||||dichteren|||| Einige Politiker schlugen vor, dichtere Wohnungen zu bauen und mehr

available space for low-income housing. But other residents worry about the |||niedrigem|geringem Einkommen|||||||

safety of their neighborhoods and the value of their properties. If they have Sicherheit ihrer Nachbarschaften und den Wert ihrer Immobilien. Wenn sie

more expensive real estate and then cheaper housing is built in their teurere Immobilien haben und dann günstigere Wohnungen in ihren

neighborhoods, the value of their property may go down. Similar worries Nachbarschaften gebaut werden, kann der Wert ihrer Immobilie sinken. Ähnliche Sorgen

arise when politicians talk about building homeless shelters in a entstehen|||||||Unterkünfte||

community. On the one hand, people want the homeless off the streets. On the Gemeinschaft. Einerseits wollen die Menschen die Obdachlosen von den Straßen. Auf der

other hand, they don't want to live next to a homeless shelter. This kind of |||||||||||abrigo para sem-t||| anderen Seite wollen sie nicht neben einem Obdachlosenheim wohnen. Diese Art von

attitude is called nimbyism. You'll hear and see the word NIMBY. It stands for "not |||邻避主义||||||||||| ||||||||||nicht in meinem Hinterhof|||| Einstellung wird als NIMBYismus bezeichnet. Sie werden das Wort NIMBY hören und sehen. Es steht für "nicht

in my backyard." NIMBY can be a person or an attitude. |||NIMBY (1)|||||||

We often use "shelter" as a noun. |||Unterkunft|||

A homeless person needs shelter, finds shelter. A tent is a form of ||||abrigo||||||||

shelter, but when we talk about a homeless shelter, we're talking about a

large building that can temporarily house and feed hundreds. ||||vorübergehend|||| großes Gebäude, das vorübergehend Hunderte unterbringen und ernähren kann.

Some homeless people don't like shelters. They may say that shelters can be too crowded. ||||||sie|||||||| ||||||||||||||superlotadas Einige Obdachlose mögen keine Unterkünfte. Sie könnten sagen, dass Unterkünfte zu überfüllt sein können.

Maybe they're not clean enough. Maybe they're not completely safe, or they have strict rules. Vielleicht sind sie nicht sauber genug. Vielleicht sind sie nicht ganz sicher oder sie haben strenge Regeln.

Some politicians see bridge shelters as a possible solution. |||Brückenunterkünfte|||||

These would be places that could help the homeless get off the streets and ideally ||||||||||||||idealerweise

transition to a stable life. But if such shelters are to provide clean rooms, Übergang zu|||||||||||bereitstellen||

health care, and drug addiction treatment, will there be enough tax dollars to pay ||||||wird|||||||

for everything? And don't forget that many don't want any kind of shelter

built in their neighborhoods. They feel it affects their safety and the value of

local real estate.

One argument for homeless shelters Ein Argument für Obdachlosenunterkünfte

and low-income housing is that it's likely cheaper to house very poor und preisgünstigen Wohnraum ist, dass es wahrscheinlich billiger ist, sehr arme

people than to pay for all their needs once they become homeless. People living ||||||||||obdachlos werden|||die leben Menschen unterzubringen, als für all ihre Bedürfnisse zu bezahlen, sobald sie obdachlos werden. Menschen, die leben 人们不愿在无家可归后支付所有需求。生活的人们

on the streets cost a city money in terms of emergency room visits, police ||||||||||||Besuchen| auf der Straße leben, kosten eine Stadt Geld in Form von Notaufnahmen, Polizei

enforcement, sanitation, and such. So is the answer to have more safety nets? ||||||||||||Sicherheitsnetze

More ways to catch people before they become homeless? Mehr|||||||| Mehr Möglichkeiten, um Menschen zu erreichen, bevor sie obdachlos werden?

Drug abuse needs to be considered. A trip to Skid Row in any city will likely ||||||||||Skid Row||||| Drogenmissbrauch muss berücksichtigt werden. Ein Besuch in Skid Row in jeder Stadt wird wahrscheinlich

reveal drug use on the street. Needles are among the things that litter sidewalks. |||||auf der Straße|Spritzen||||||verstreuen| Drogenkonsum auf der Straße offenbaren. Nadeln gehören zu den Dingen, die die Bürgersteige übersäen.

Many recognize that substance abuse is fueling homelessness. If someone |erkennen|||||verursacht||| |reconhecem|||||||| Viele erkennen, dass Substanzmissbrauch Obdachlosigkeit anheizt. Wenn jemand

is mentally ill and on drugs, how can they be a functioning member of society? |||||||||||funktionsfähig||| psychisch krank ist und Drogen konsumiert, wie kann er dann ein funktionierendes Mitglied der Gesellschaft sein?

But what's the answer? Treatment or jail? Some say that a new ||||||Gefängnis||||| ||||||prisão|||||

level of tolerance has appeared in certain U.S. cities. Do we now have an ||Toleranz||aufgetaucht||||||Haben||||

open-air drug market? I've heard that small amounts of drugs on your body will

no longer get you in trouble with the police in a city like Seattle, Washington. |||||||||||||Seattle Washington|

That's not to say that the police officers don't care. It more likely means Das soll nicht heißen, dass die Polizeibeamten sich nicht kümmern. Es bedeutet wahrscheinlicher,

they lack authority to fight this crime or that the criminal justice system is dass ihnen die Autorität fehlt, um dieses Verbrechen zu bekämpfen, oder dass das Strafjustizsystem

too lenient on drug users and drug sellers. Should we as a society talk den Drogenkonsumenten und Drogenverkäufern gegenüber zu nachgiebig ist. Sollten wir als Gesellschaft darüber sprechen

about large-scale drug intervention? What would that look like? How would it be |||Drogen|||||||||| Was ist mit großangelegten Drogeninterventionen? Wie würde das aussehen? Wie würde es finanziert werden?

funded? Some argue for drug treatment programs within prisons. finanziert||||||||Gefängnissen |||||||dentro de| Einige plädieren für Drogenbehandlungsprogramme in Gefängnissen.

Could specialized prisons handle people with mental illnesses and drug addictions? ||Spezialgefängnisse|||||||| Könnten spezialisierte Gefängnisse Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen und Drogenabhängigkeiten betreuen? 专门监狱可以关押患有精神疾病和吸毒成瘾的人吗?

Some propose that prisons with health care, counseling, and medication would |schlagen vor||||||||| Einige schlagen vor, dass Gefängnisse mit Gesundheitsversorgung, Beratung und Medikamenten... 一些人建议监狱提供医疗保健、咨询和药物

help us slowly crawl out of the current homeless crisis, but again we'd have to |||kriechen||||||||||| |||avançar lentamente|||||||||||

consider where the funds would come from. |||Mittel|||

I recently watched a video about the homeless problem in Seattle, Washington,

and I listened to the concerns of some local business owners. There was a

grocery store owner and a woman who ran a clothing boutique. Both could report |||||||führte|||Boutique||| mercearia||||||||||||| Lebensmittelgeschäftbesitzer und eine Frau, die eine Bekleidungsboutique leitete. Beide konnten von

incidents of shoplifting by homeless. A shoplifter is someone who steals things ||Ladendiebstahl||||Ladenräuber(in)||||stiehlt| ||||||ladrão de loja||||| Vorfällen des Ladendiebstahls durch Obdachlose berichten. Ein Ladendieb ist jemand, der Dinge

from a store. They felt that little could be done to stop the situation. |||sie|||||||||| aus einem Geschäft stiehlt. Sie hatten das Gefühl, dass wenig unternommen werden könnte, um die Situation zu stoppen. 从一家商店。他们认为无法采取任何措施来阻止这种情况。

In the case of the clothing boutique owner, she closed her store and then reopened it ||||||||||||||wiedereröffnete|

in a neighboring city. ||benachbarten|

And in some areas where the homeless population is increasing,

some small business owners are choosing to stay and they search for temporary solutions.

Increased trash from the homeless population tends to litter the |Müll|||||neigt dazu||verunreinigen| aumentada||||||tende a||poluir| Mehr Müll von der Obdachlosenpopulation neigt dazu, die

sidewalks. Some small business owners hire private sanitation control. calçadas|||||||| Bürgersteige zu verschmutzen. Einige kleine Geschäftsinhaber engagieren private Reinigungsdienste.

That means they hire people to clean up around their businesses. It's a helpful |||stellen ein|||||||||| Das bedeutet, sie stellen Leute ein, um die Umgebung ihrer Geschäfte zu reinigen. Es ist eine hilfreiche

act, but it's a band-aid solution. That's the kind of solution that repairs things |||||||||||||repariert| Handeln, aber das ist eine kurzfristige Lösung. Das ist die Art von Lösung, die Dinge

on the surface, but it's not a solution that addresses the source of the problem. |||||||||anspricht||||| an der Oberfläche repariert, aber es ist keine Lösung, die die Ursache des Problems angeht.

Residents of communities where the homeless population is growing are Die Bewohner von Gemeinschaften, in denen die Obdachlosenpopulation wächst, sind

concerned that increasing taxes may not necessarily be part of the solution preocupado||||||||||| besorgt, dass höhere Steuern möglicherweise nicht unbedingt Teil der Lösung sind

because the money may not be well spent. When people complain about throwing weil das Geld möglicherweise nicht gut ausgegeben wird. Wenn Menschen sich darüber beschweren, Geld in das Problem zu stecken,

money at the problem, they're worried about how the money is being spent. |||||||||||verwendet| sorgen sie sich darüber, wie das Geld ausgegeben wird.

Is the money being used to find long-term solutions? In all their frustration, some Wird das Geld verwendet, um langfristige Lösungen zu finden? In all ihrer Frustration werden einige 这笔钱是否用于寻找长期解决方案?在所有的挫败感中,有些人

people become numb to the problem. They're emotionally overloaded, so they ||麻木|||||||| ||||||||emotional überlastet|| Menschen taub für das Problem. Sie sind emotional überfordert, also les gens deviennent insensibles au problème. Ils sont émotionnellement surchargés, donc ils

feel nothing. They appear to be apathetic. ||||||冷漠的 ||||||gleichgültig fühlen sie nichts. Sie erscheinen apathisch. ne ressentent rien. Ils semblent apathiques.