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English Songs, The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather (sped up)

The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather (sped up)

And all I am is a man

I want the world in my hands

I hate the beach

But I stand in California with my toes in the sand

Use the sleeves of my sweater

Let's have an adventure

Head in the clouds but my gravity centered

Touch my neck and I'll touch yours

You in those little high waisted shorts, oh

Oh, she knows what I think about

And what I think about

One love, two mouths

One love, one house

No shirt, no blouse

Just us, you find out

Nothing that I wouldn't wanna tell you about, no

'Cause it's too cold

For you here

And now, so let me hold

Both your hands in the holes of my sweater

And if I may just take your breath away

I don't mind if there's not much to say

Sometimes the silence guides a mind

To move to a place so far away

The goosebumps start to raise

The minute that my left hand meets your waist

And then I watch your face

Put my finger on your tongue 'cause you love to taste, yeah

These hearts adore, everyone the other beats hardest for

Inside this place is warm

Outside it starts to pour

Coming down

One love, two mouths

One love, one house

No shirt, no blouse

Just us, you find out

Nothing that I wouldn't wanna tell you about, no, no, no

'Cause it's too cold

For you here

And now, so let me hold

Both your hands in the holes of my sweater

'Cause it's too cold

For you here

And now, so let me hold

Both your hands in the holes of my sweater

Whoa, whoa, whoa

Whoa, whoa, whoa

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

Whoa, whoa

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

Whoa, whoa

'Cause it's too cold

For you here

And now, so let me hold

Both your hands in the holes of my sweater

It's too cold

For you here

And now, let me hold

Both your hands in the holes of my sweater

And it's too cold, it's too cold

The hands of my sweater

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The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather (sped up) ||свитер|погода|| the|The Neighbourhood|sweater|Atmospheric conditions|increased tempo| |Mahalle|kazak|Hava|| |La Vecindad|suéter||| Die Nachbarschaft - Pulloverwetter (beschleunigt) The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather (acelerado) محله - آب و هوای ژاکت (سرعت بالا) The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather (accéléré) The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather (accelerato) The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather (sped up) 더 네이버후드 - 스웨터 날씨(속도 향상) The Neighbourhood - Džemperio oras (pagreitintas) The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather (przyspieszony) The Neighborhood - Sweater Weather (acelerado) Соседство - Погода в свитере (ускорено) The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather (hızlandırılmış) The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather (прискорено) 邻里 - 毛衣天气(加速) 鄰里 - 毛衣天氣(加速)

And all I am is a man И|||||| Und|||||| Und alles, was ich bin, ist ein Mann そして、私はすべて男です E tudo que eu sou é um homem А я всего лишь мужчина. Ve ben sadece bir adamım

I want the world in my hands Ich will die Welt in meinen Händen 世界を手に入れたい Eu quero o mundo em minhas mãos Я хочу, чтобы мир был в моих руках Dünyayı ellerimde istiyorum

I hate the beach |hassen|| Ich hasse den Strand eu odeio a praia я ненавижу пляж Kumsaldan nefret ediyorum.

But I stand in California with my toes in the sand |||||||пальцы ног||| ||||Kalifornien||||||Sand Aber ich stehe in Kalifornien mit meinen Zehen im Sand でも私はつま先を砂につけてカリフォルニアに立っている Mas eu estou na Califórnia com os pés na areia Но я стою в Калифорнии с пальцами ног в песке Ama ben Kaliforniya'da ayak parmaklarım kumda duruyorum.

Use the sleeves of my sweater ||рукава||| ||Ärmel|||Pullover ||kolları||| ||mangas||| Verwenden Sie die Ärmel meines Pullovers セーターの袖を使って Use as mangas do meu suéter Используйте рукава моего свитера Kazağımın kollarını kullan

Let's have an adventure |||Abenteuer Lass uns ein Abenteuer erleben Vamos ter uma aventura Hadi bir macera yaşayalım

Head in the clouds but my gravity centered ||||||тяжесть|центрирована |||Wolken|||Schwerkraft|zentriert ||||||ağırlık merkezi| ||||||gravedad emocional|centrado Kopf in den Wolken, aber meine Schwerkraft zentriert 頭は雲の中だが、私の重心は中心にある Cabeça nas nuvens, mas minha gravidade centrada Capul în nori, dar gravitația mea centrată Голова в облаках, но моя гравитация сосредоточена Başım bulutlarda ama yerçekimim merkezde

Touch my neck and I'll touch yours ||||||твою ||Nacken||||dein ||cuello|||| Berühre meinen Hals und ich berühre deinen 私の首に触れると、あなたの首に触れます Toque meu pescoço e eu vou tocar o seu Atinge-mi gâtul și eu îl voi atinge pe al tău Прикоснись к моей шее, и я коснусь твоей

You in those little high waisted shorts, oh ||||высоких|с завышенной тал|шорты| |||||hoch tailliert|Shorts| |||||de cintura alta|| |||||em (shorts) de cintura alta|| Du in diesen kleinen hoch taillierten Shorts, oh ハイウエストのショートパンツを履いたあなた Você naquele shortinho de cintura alta, oh Tu în pantalonii ăia scurți cu talie înaltă, oh Ты в этих маленьких шортах с высокой талией, о

Oh, she knows what I think about Oh, sie weiß, was ich denke ああ、彼女は私が何を考えているか知っている Oh, ela sabe o que eu penso Oh, ea știe ce cred eu despre

And what I think about Und woran ich denke で、思ったこと E o que eu penso sobre

One love, two mouths |||рта |||Münder ||two| |||ağızlar Eine Liebe, zwei Münder 一つの愛、二つの口 Um amor, duas bocas

One love, one house Eine Liebe, ein Haus 一つの愛、一つの家 Um amor, uma casa

No shirt, no blouse |||блузка |||Bluse |||top garment Kein Hemd, keine Bluse シャツなし、ブラウスなし Sem camisa, sem blusa

Just us, you find out |||узнаешь|узнаешь only|we||| Nur wir, du findest es heraus ちょうど私たち、あなたは見つけます Só nós, você descobre

Nothing that I wouldn't wanna tell you about, no Ничего|||||||| Nichts, was ich dir nicht erzählen würde, nein 私があなたに言いたくないことは何もありません。 Nada que eu não queira te contar, não

'Cause it's too cold Weil||| 'Denn es ist zu kalt 寒すぎるから Porque está muito frio

For you here あなたのためにここに Para você aqui

And now, so let me hold Und jetzt, lass mich halten そして今、私は保持させてください E agora, então deixe-me segurar

Both your hands in the holes of my sweater |||||Löcher||| Beide deine Hände in den Löchern meines Pullis セーターの穴に両手 Ambas as mãos nos buracos do meu suéter

And if I may just take your breath away |||||nehmen||Atem| Und wenn ich dir nur den Atem rauben darf そしてもし私があなたの息を吹き飛ばすことができるなら E se eu puder tirar seu fôlego

I don't mind if there's not much to say ||||||||söyleyecek Es macht mir nichts aus, wenn es nicht viel zu sagen gibt 言いたいことが少なくても構わない Eu não me importo se não há muito a dizer

Sometimes the silence guides a mind ||тишина|направляет||ум ||Stille|führt|| Manchmal führt die Stille einen Geist 時には沈黙が心を導く Às vezes o silêncio guia uma mente

To move to a place so far away An einen Ort zu ziehen, der so weit weg ist 遠く離れた場所に移動するには Para se mudar para um lugar tão distante

The goosebumps start to raise |мурашки по|||подниматься |Gänsehaut|||steigen |escalofríos||| Die Gänsehaut beginnt zu steigen 鳥肌が立ち始める Os arrepios começam a aumentar

The minute that my left hand meets your waist ||||||trifft auf||Taille ||||||||cintura In dem Moment, in dem meine linke Hand deine Taille trifft 左手が腰に触れた瞬間 No minuto em que minha mão esquerda encontra sua cintura

And then I watch your face |||beobachte|| Und dann beobachte ich dein Gesicht そして、私はあなたの顔を見ます E então eu observo seu rosto

Put my finger on your tongue 'cause you love to taste, yeah ||Finger|||Zunge|||||| Leg meinen Finger auf deine Zunge, weil du es liebst zu schmecken, ja 私の指をあなたの舌の上に置いて Coloque meu dedo na sua língua porque você adora provar, sim

These hearts adore, everyone the other beats hardest for Эти|сердца|обожают|||||| |Herzen|verehren||||schlägt|am härtesten| ||love|||||| ||愛する|||||最も強く| ||adoran||||late|| Diese Herzen verehren sich, jeder schlägt am härtesten für den anderen これらの心は崇拝し、他のすべての人が最も激しく鼓動します Esses corações adoram, todos os outros batem mais forte por

Inside this place is warm ||||warm この場所の中は暖かい|||| Innerhalb dieses Ortes ist es warm この場所の中は暖かい Dentro deste lugar é quente

Outside it starts to pour ||||лить как из ведра ||||stark regnen fuera|||| Draußen fängt es an zu regnen 外は雨が降り始めます Lá fora começa a chover

Coming down Спускаясь|вниз Es kommt herunter 下に来る Descendo

One love, two mouths Eine Liebe, zwei Münder

One love, one house

No shirt, no blouse

Just us, you find out Nur wir, du findest es heraus ちょうど私たち、あなたは見つけます

Nothing that I wouldn't wanna tell you about, no, no, no Nichts, was ich dir nicht erzählen wollen würde, nein, nein, nein 私があなたに言いたくないことは何もありません Nada que eu não queira te contar, não, não, não

'Cause it's too cold 'Weil es zu kalt ist

For you here

And now, so let me hold Und jetzt, lass mich mal E agora, então deixa-me abraçar

Both your hands in the holes of my sweater Beide deine Hände in die Löcher meines Pullis halten

'Cause it's too cold 'Denn es ist zu kalt

For you here

And now, so let me hold

Both your hands in the holes of my sweater

Whoa, whoa, whoa Wow, wow, wow||

Whoa, whoa, whoa

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

Whoa, whoa

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

Whoa, whoa

'Cause it's too cold

For you here

And now, so let me hold

Both your hands in the holes of my sweater

It's too cold

For you here

And now, let me hold

Both your hands in the holes of my sweater

And it's too cold, it's too cold

The hands of my sweater