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01.Speaking, 27. A Love Letter

27. A Love Letter

Bill wrote this letter to Mary:

We've talked on the phone and in my apartment, and now I'm writing this letter. Maybe if I put my thoughts and feelings in writing, you'll understand them better.

I love you. I want to marry you. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. You are the most wonderful woman I have ever met. You are not a "load." You are not a "troublemaker."

Yes, you have problems. So do I. And together, we can solve these problems more easily than if we were apart. Problems are a part of life. But so is happiness. Let's share our problems and happiness instead of experiencing them alone.

We are not a bad "fit." We are a perfect match. I do not look down on you. I look up to you. I admire you. I think you are smart, brave, and independent. Don't tell me to go find another woman. I don't want another woman. I have found the perfect woman.

Every day, I think about your beautiful smile, your happy laugh. I think about the long walks we used to take, holding hands all the way. Remember how we used to sit on the grass in the park and watch the parrots?

We were going to get married, and now you want to be "just friends." Whatever I did or said that was wrong, please tell me so we can work this out. I don't want to lose you.

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27. A Love Letter 27. ein Liebesbrief 27. Una carta de amor 27.ラブレター 27. Uma carta de amor 27. Любовное письмо 27. Bir Aşk Mektubu 27. Любовний лист 27. 一封情書

Bill wrote this letter to Mary: Bill escribió esta carta a Mary: Білл написав цього листа Мері:

We've talked on the phone and in my apartment, and now I'm writing this letter. Hemos hablado por teléfono y en mi apartamento, y ahora estoy escribiendo esta carta. Conversamos por telefone e em meu apartamento, e agora estou escrevendo esta carta. Мы разговаривали по телефону и в моей квартире, а теперь я пишу это письмо. 我们在电话里和我的公寓里谈过,现在我正在写这封信。 Maybe if I put my thoughts and feelings in writing, you'll understand them better. Quizá si pongo por escrito mis pensamientos y sentimientos, los entenderás mejor. Talvez se eu colocar meus pensamentos e sentimentos por escrito, você os entenderá melhor. Может быть, если я изложу свои мысли и чувства в письменном виде, вы поймете их лучше. 也许如果我把我的想法和感受写下来,你会更好地理解它们。

I love you. I want to marry you. Eu quero casar com você. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Quiero estar contigo el resto de mi vida. You are the most wonderful woman I have ever met. Eres la mujer más maravillosa que he conocido. Você é a mulher mais maravilhosa que já conheci. You are not a "load." No eres una "carga". Você não é uma "carga". Ви не «вантаж». 你不是一个“负载”。 You are not a "troublemaker." ||||Unruhestifter No eres un "alborotador". Você não é um "criador de problemas". Вы не "возмутитель спокойствия". 你不是“麻烦制造者”。

Yes, you have problems. Sí, tienes problemas. So do I. And together, we can solve these problems more easily than if we were apart. Yo también. Y juntos podemos resolver estos problemas más fácilmente que si estuviéramos separados. 我也是。与我们分开相比,我们可以一起更轻松地解决这些问题。 Problems are a part of life. Los problemas forman parte de la vida. But so is happiness. Pero también lo es la felicidad. Let's share our problems and happiness instead of experiencing them alone. ||||||||sie alleine erleben|| Compartamos nuestros problemas y alegrías en lugar de vivirlos en soledad. Давайте ділитися своїми проблемами та щастям, а не переживати їх на самоті.

We are not a bad "fit." No "encajamos" mal. Ми непогано «підходимо». 我们不是一个糟糕的“合适人选”。 We are a perfect match. Somos la pareja perfecta. Ми ідеально підходимо. 我们是绝配。 I do not look down on you. No te desprecio. 我没有看不起你。 I look up to you. Te admiro. Я смотрю на вас. 我仰望你。 I admire you. |bewundere dich| Te admiro. 我很佩服你。 I think you are smart, brave, and independent. Creo que eres inteligente, valiente e independiente. 我认为你聪明、勇敢、独立。 Don't tell me to go find another woman. No me digas que me busque otra mujer. 不要让我去找别的女人。 I don't want another woman. No quiero otra mujer. 我不要别的女人 I have found the perfect woman. He encontrado a la mujer perfecta. 我找到了完美的女人。

Every day, I think about your beautiful smile, your happy laugh. Todos los días, pienso en tu hermosa sonrisa, tu risa feliz. 每一天,我都想着你美丽的笑容,你开心的笑声。 I think about the long walks we used to take, holding hands all the way. Pienso en los largos paseos que solíamos dar, cogidos de la mano todo el camino. Я думаю про довгі прогулянки, на які ми ходили, тримаючись за руки. Remember how we used to sit on the grass in the park and watch the parrots? ¿Recuerdas cómo solíamos sentarnos en el césped del parque y mirar a los loros? Пам'ятаєте, як ми сиділи на травичці в парку і дивилися на папуг?

We were going to get married, and now you want to be "just friends." Íbamos a casarnos, y ahora quieres ser solo "amigos". Ми збиралися одружитися, а тепер ти хочеш бути "просто друзями". 我们要结婚了,现在你想“只是朋友”。 Whatever I did or said that was wrong, please tell me so we can work this out. Sea lo que sea que hice o dije mal, por favor dime para que podamos solucionar esto. Якщо я зробив або сказав щось не так, будь ласка, скажіть мені, щоб ми могли це виправити. 无论我做了什么或说了什么是错的,请告诉我,以便我们解决这个问题。 I don't want to lose you. No quiero perderte. Я не хочу тебе втратити. 我不想失去你。