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Edward Gibbon, 1 History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empiere, by Edward Gibbon.

1 History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empiere, by Edward Gibbon.

Chapter I: The Extent Of The Empire In The Age Of The Antoninies.—Part I.

Introduction—The Extent And Military Force Of The Empire In The Age Of The Antonines.

In the second century of the Christian Æra, the empire of Rome comprehended the fairest part of the earth, and the most civilized portion of mankind.

The frontiers of that extensive monarchy were guarded by ancient renown and disciplined valor. The gentle but powerful influence of laws and manners had gradually cemented the union of the provinces. Their peaceful inhabitants enjoyed and abused the advantages of wealth and luxury. The image of a free constitution was preserved with decent reverence: the Roman senate appeared to possess the sovereign authority, and devolved on the emperors all the executive powers of government. During a happy period of more than fourscore years, the public administration was conducted by the virtue and abilities of Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, and the two Antonines. It is the design of this, and of the two succeeding chapters, to describe the prosperous condition of their empire; and after wards, from the death of Marcus Antoninus, to deduce the most important circumstances of its decline and fall; a revolution which will ever be remembered, and is still felt by the nations of the earth.

The principal conquests of the Romans were achieved under the republic; and the emperors, for the most part, were satisfied with preserving those dominions which had been acquired by the policy of the senate, the active emulations of the consuls, and the martial enthusiasm of the people.

The seven first centuries were filled with a rapid succession of triumphs; but it was reserved for Augustus to relinquish the ambitious design of subduing the whole earth, and to introduce a spirit of moderation into the public councils. Inclined to peace by his temper and situation, it was easy for him to discover that Rome, in her present exalted situation, had much less to hope than to fear from the chance of arms; and that, in the prosecution of remote wars, the undertaking became every day more difficult, the event more doubtful, and the possession more precarious, and less beneficial. The experience of Augustus added weight to these salutary reflections, and effectually convinced him that, by the prudent vigor of his counsels, it would be easy to secure every concession which the safety or the dignity of Rome might require from the most formidable barbarians. Instead of exposing his person and his legions to the arrows of the Parthians, he obtained, by an honorable treaty, the restitution of the standards and prisoners which had been taken in the defeat of Crassus.

His generals, in the early part of his reign, attempted the reduction of Ethiopia and Arabia Felix.

They marched near a thousand miles to the south of the tropic; but the heat of the climate soon repelled the invaders, and protected the un-warlike natives of those sequestered regions. The northern countries of Europe scarcely deserved the expense and labor of conquest. The forests and morasses of Germany were filled with a hardy race of barbarians, who despised life when it was separated from freedom; and though, on the first attack, they seemed to yield to the weight of the Roman power, they soon, by a signal act of despair, regained their independence, and reminded Augustus of the vicissitude of fortune. On the death of that emperor, his testament was publicly read in the senate. He bequeathed, as a valuable legacy to his successors, the advice of confining the empire within those limits which nature seemed to have placed as its permanent bulwarks and boundaries: on the west, the Atlantic Ocean; the Rhine and Danube on the north; the Euphrates on the east; and towards the south, the sandy deserts of Arabia and Africa.

Happily for the repose of mankind, the moderate system recommended by the wisdom of Augustus, was adopted by the fears and vices of his immediate successors.

Engaged in the pursuit of pleasure, or in the exercise of tyranny, the first Cæsars seldom showed themselves to the armies, or to the provinces; nor were they disposed to suffer, that those triumphs which their indolence neglected, should be usurped by the conduct and valor of their lieutenants. The military fame of a subject was considered as an insolent invasion of the Imperial prerogative; and it became the duty, as well as interest, of every Roman general, to guard the frontiers intrusted to his care, without aspiring to conquests which might have proved no less fatal to himself than to the vanquished barbarians.

The only accession which the Roman empire received, during the first century of the Christian Æra, was the province of Britain.

In this single instance, the successors of Cæsar and Augustus were persuaded to follow the example of the former, rather than the precept of the latter. The proximity of its situation to the coast of Gaul seemed to invite their arms; the pleasing though doubtful intelligence of a pearl fishery, attracted their avarice; and as Britain was viewed in the light of a distinct and insulated world, the conquest scarcely formed any exception to the general system of continental measures. After a war of about forty years, undertaken by the most stupid, maintained by the most dissolute, and terminated by the most timid of all the emperors, the far greater part of the island submitted to the Roman yoke. The various tribes of Britain possessed valor without conduct, and the love of freedom without the spirit of union. They took up arms with savage fierceness; they laid them down, or turned them against each other, with wild inconsistency; and while they fought singly, they were successively subdued. Neither the fortitude of Caractacus, nor the despair of Boadicea, nor the fanaticism of the Druids, could avert the slavery of their country, or resist the steady progress of the Imperial generals, who maintained the national glory, when the throne was disgraced by the weakest, or the most vicious of mankind. At the very time when Domitian, confined to his palace, felt the terrors which he inspired, his legions, under the command of the virtuous Agricola, defeated the collected force of the Caledonians, at the foot of the Grampian Hills; and his fleets, venturing to explore an unknown and dangerous navigation, displayed the Roman arms round every part of the island. The conquest of Britain was considered as already achieved; and it was the design of Agricola to complete and insure his success, by the easy reduction of Ireland, for which, in his opinion, one legion and a few auxiliaries were sufficient. The western isle might be improved into a valuable possession, and the Britons would wear their chains with the less reluctance, if the prospect and example of freedom were on every side removed from before their eyes.

But the superior merit of Agricola soon occasioned his removal from the government of Britain; and forever disappointed this rational, though extensive scheme of conquest.

Before his departure, the prudent general had provided for security as well as for dominion. He had observed, that the island is almost divided into two unequal parts by the opposite gulfs, or, as they are now called, the Friths of Scotland. Across the narrow interval of about forty miles, he had drawn a line of military stations, which was afterwards fortified, in the reign of Antoninus Pius, by a turf rampart, erected on foundations of stone. This wall of Antoninus, at a small distance beyond the modern cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow, was fixed as the limit of the Roman province. The native Caledonians preserved, in the northern extremity of the island, their wild independence, for which they were not less indebted to their poverty than to their valor. Their incursions were frequently repelled and chastised; but their country was never subdued. The masters of the fairest and most wealthy climates of the globe turned with contempt from gloomy hills, assailed by the winter tempest, from lakes concealed in a blue mist, and from cold and lonely heaths, over which the deer of the forest were chased by a troop of naked barbarians.

Such was the state of the Roman frontiers, and such the maxims of Imperial policy, from the death of Augustus to the accession of Trajan.

That virtuous and active prince had received the education of a soldier, and possessed the talents of a general. The peaceful system of his predecessors was interrupted by scenes of war and conquest; and the legions, after a long interval, beheld a military emperor at their head. The first exploits of Trajan were against the Dacians, the most warlike of men, who dwelt beyond the Danube, and who, during the reign of Domitian, had insulted, with impunity, the Majesty of Rome. To the strength and fierceness of barbarians they added a contempt for life, which was derived from a warm persuasion of the immortality and transmigration of the soul. Decebalus, the Dacian king, approved himself a rival not unworthy of Trajan; nor did he despair of his own and the public fortune, till, by the confession of his enemies, he had exhausted every resource both of valor and policy. This memorable war, with a very short suspension of hostilities, lasted five years; and as the emperor could exert, without control, the whole force of the state, it was terminated by an absolute submission of the barbarians. The new province of Dacia, which formed a second exception to the precept of Augustus, was about thirteen hundred miles in circumference. Its natural boundaries were the Niester, the Teyss or Tibiscus, the Lower Danube, and the Euxine Sea. The vestiges of a military road may still be traced from the banks of the Danube to the neighborhood of Bender, a place famous in modern history, and the actual frontier of the Turkish and Russian empires.

Trajan was ambitious of fame; and as long as mankind shall continue to bestow more liberal applause on their destroyers than on their benefactors, the thirst of military glory will ever be the vice of the most exalted characters.

The praises of Alexander, transmitted by a succession of poets and historians, had kindled a dangerous emulation in the mind of Trajan. Like him, the Roman emperor undertook an expedition against the nations of the East; but he lamented with a sigh, that his advanced age scarcely left him any hopes of equalling the renown of the son of Philip. Yet the success of Trajan, however transient, was rapid and specious. The degenerate Parthians, broken by intestine discord, fled before his arms. He descended the River Tigris in triumph, from the mountains of Armenia to the Persian Gulf. He enjoyed the honor of being the first, as he was the last, of the Roman generals, who ever navigated that remote sea. His fleets ravaged the coast of Arabia; and Trajan vainly flattered himself that he was approaching towards the confines of India. Every day the astonished senate received the intelligence of new names and new nations, that acknowledged his sway. They were informed that the kings of Bosphorus, Colchos, Iberia, Albania, Osrhoene, and even the Parthian monarch himself, had accepted their diadems from the hands of the emperor; that the independent tribes of the Median and Carduchian hills had implored his protection; and that the rich countries of Armenia, Mesopotamia, and Assyria, were reduced into the state of provinces. But the death of Trajan soon clouded the splendid prospect; and it was justly to be dreaded, that so many distant nations would throw off the unaccustomed yoke, when they were no longer restrained by the powerful hand which had imposed it.

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1 History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empiere, by Edward Gibbon. |||||||||Romas impērija|||Gibons ||||||||||||Gibbon |||nedgang||Fall|||romersk|Empire||Edward|Gibbon 1 History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empiere, von Edward Gibbon. 1 Ιστορία της παρακμής και της πτώσης της Ρωμαϊκής Αυτοκρατορίας, του Έντουαρντ Γκίμπον. 1 History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empiere, by Edward Gibbon. 1 Historia de la decadencia y caída del Imperio Romano, de Edward Gibbon. 1 Histoire du déclin et de la chute de l'empire romain, par Edward Gibbon. 1 エドワード・ギボン著『ローマ帝国の衰亡史』。 1 Edvardo Gibono "Romos imperijos nuosmukio ir žlugimo istorija". 1 History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empiere, autorstwa Edwarda Gibbona. 1 History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empiere, de Edward Gibbon. 1 История упадка и падения Римской империи, Эдвард Гиббон. 1 Historien om det romerska kejsardömets nedgång och fall, av Edward Gibbon. 1 Roma İmparatorluğunun Gerileyiş ve Çöküş Tarihi, Edward Gibbon. 1 Історія занепаду і падіння Римської імперії, Едвард Гіббон. 1 Lịch sử suy tàn và sụp đổ của Đế chế La Mã, của Edward Gibbon. 1 《罗马帝国衰亡史》,爱德华·吉本 (Edward Gibbon)。 1 《羅馬帝國衰亡史》,愛德華·吉本 (Edward Gibbon)。

Chapter I: The Extent Of The Empire In The Age Of The Antoninies.—Part I. ||||||||||||the Antonine emperors|| |||omfang|||imperiet||||||Antoninene|| Chapter I: The Extent Of The Empire In The Age Of The Antoninies.—Part I. I nodaļa: Impērijas izplatība Antonīni laikmetā - I daļa. Bölüm I: Antoninler Çağında İmparatorluğun Kapsamı.—Bölüm I.

Introduction—The Extent And Military Force Of The Empire In The Age Of The Antonines. Introduksjon||Omfang|||Styrke|||||||||Antoninene Ievads - impērijas izplatība un militārais spēks Antonīnu laikmetā. Wprowadzenie - zasięg i siła militarna imperium w epoce Antoninów.

In the second century of the Christian Æra, the empire of Rome comprehended the fairest part of the earth, and the most civilized portion of mankind. ||||||||||||umfasste||||||||||||| ||second|||||Era|||||included||most beautiful||||||||||| |||århundre||||tid||imperiet||Roma|omfattet||vakreste||||jord||||siviliserte|del||menneskeheten キリスト教時代の2世紀に、ローマ帝国は最も美しい地球の一部と、最も文明化された人類の一部を包含していました。 Kristīgās ēras otrajā gadsimtā Romas impērija aptvēra visplašāko zemeslodes daļu un viscivilizētāko cilvēces daļu. Hıristiyanlık çağının ikinci yüzyılında, Roma imparatorluğu yeryüzünün en güzel bölümünü ve insanlığın en uygar bölümünü kapsıyordu.

The frontiers of that extensive monarchy were guarded by ancient renown and disciplined valor. |borders||||kingdom||||historic|fame||controlled bravery|bravery |frontiers|||vast|monarchy|||||||| The frontiers of that extensive monarchy were guarded by ancient renown and disciplined valor. その広大な帝国の国境は古代の名声と訓練された勇気によって守られていました。 Šīs plašās monarhijas robežas sargāja sena slava un disciplinēta varonība. As fronteiras dessa extensa monarquia eram guardadas por renome antigo e valor disciplinado. Bu geniş monarşinin sınırları, eski şanlı ve disiplinli yiğitlikle korunuyordu. The gentle but powerful influence of laws and manners had gradually cemented the union of the provinces. |||||||||||nostiprinājusi||||| |kind||||||||||solidified|||||regions or areas 法律と習慣の穏やかでしかし強力な影響は、徐々に州の結束を固めていきました。 Maiga, bet spēcīga likumu un tikumu ietekme pakāpeniski nostiprināja provinču savienību. Yasaların ve görgü kurallarının nazik ama güçlü etkisi, eyaletlerin birliğini yavaş yavaş sağlamlaştırmıştı. Their peaceful inhabitants enjoyed and abused the advantages of wealth and luxury. ||mierīgie iedzīvotāji||||||||| |||||||||Reichtum|| ||residents|benefited from||misused|||||| 彼らの平和的な住民は富と贅沢の利点を楽しみ、悪用しました。 To miermīlīgie iedzīvotāji baudīja un ļaunprātīgi izmantoja bagātības un greznības priekšrocības. Barışçıl sakinleri, zenginlik ve lüksün avantajlarından yararlandı ve onları kötüye kullandı. The image of a free constitution was preserved with decent reverence: the Roman senate appeared to possess the sovereign authority, and devolved on the emperors all the executive powers of government. ||||||||||cieņa||||||||suverēno|||nodeva||||||||| ||||freien|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Roman senate authority|||free|fundamental law|||||respect||Roman|senate|||||supreme ruler|||delegated||||||administrative||| 自由な憲法のイメージは適切な敬意を持って保存されました:ローマの元老院は最高権威を持っているように見え、皇帝に政府のすべての執行権を移譲しました。 Brīvas konstitūcijas tēls tika saglabāts ar pienācīgu cieņu: Romas senāts izrādījās suverēnās varas īpašnieks, un visas izpildvaras pilnvaras tika nodotas imperatoriem. Özgür bir anayasa imajı saygın bir saygıyla korundu: Roma senatosu egemen otoriteye sahipmiş gibi görünüyordu ve hükümetin tüm yürütme yetkilerini imparatorlara devretti. During a happy period of more than fourscore years, the public administration was conducted by the virtue and abilities of Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, and the two Antonines. |||||||astoņdesmit gadu|||||||||||||Nerva|Trajāna laikā|Adriāns|||| |||||||eighty||||||conducted|||||||Nerva||||||Antonines 幸せな80年以上にわたる時期、ネルバ、トラヤヌス、ハドリアヌス、そして2人のアントニヌスによる美徳と能力によって、公共の行政が行われました。 Vairāk nekā četrdesmit gadu ilgajā laimīgajā periodā valsts pārvaldi vadīja Nerva, Trajāns, Hadriāns un abi Antonīni, pateicoties viņu tikumam un spējām. Seksen yılı aşkın mutlu bir dönemde, kamu yönetimi Nerva, Trajan, Hadrianus ve iki Antoninus'un erdemleri ve yetenekleriyle yürütüldü. It is the design of this, and of the two succeeding chapters, to describe the prosperous condition of their empire; and after wards, from the death of Marcus Antoninus, to deduce the most important circumstances of its decline and fall; a revolution which will ever be remembered, and is still felt by the nations of the earth. |||nodoms mērķis|||||||nākamajiem|||||plaukstošo|||||||pēc tam||||||Marka Antonīna||izsecināt|||||||noriets||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||folgenden|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||wards||||||||derive|||||||||||transformation||||||||||||||| Šīs un nākamo divu nodaļu mērķis ir aprakstīt viņu impērijas uzplaukumu un pēc tam, pēc Marka Antonīna nāves, secināt svarīgākos tās pagrimuma un sabrukuma apstākļus; apvērsuma, kas paliks mūžīgā atmiņā un ko joprojām izjūt visas zemes tautas. Bunun ve sonraki iki bölümün tasarımı, imparatorluklarının müreffeh durumunu anlatmaktır; ve daha sonra, Marcus Antoninus'un ölümünden itibaren, düşüşünün ve düşüşünün en önemli koşullarını anlamak için; sonsuza dek hatırlanacak ve dünya milletleri tarafından hala hissedilecek bir devrim.

The principal conquests of the Romans were achieved under the republic; and the emperors, for the most part, were satisfied with preserving those dominions which had been acquired by the policy of the senate, the active emulations of the consuls, and the martial enthusiasm of the people. ||iekarojumi|||||||||||||||||||||valdījumi|||||||||||||sacensības gars|||konsulu sacensības||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||erworben||||||||||Ehrgeiz|||||||||| ||military victories||||||||form of government|||||||||||||territories|||||||||||||competitive ambitions||||||military|||| Galvenie romiešu iekarojumi tika sasniegti republikas laikā, un imperatori lielākoties bija apmierināti ar to, ka saglabāja tos valdījumus, kas bija iegūti, pateicoties senāta politikai, konsulu aktīvai emulācijai un tautas kareivīgajam entuziasmam. Romalıların başlıca fetihleri cumhuriyet döneminde elde edildi; ve imparatorlar, çoğunlukla, senatonun politikası, konsolosların aktif öykünmeleri ve halkın askeri coşkusu ile elde edilen bu hakimiyetleri korumakla yetindiler.

The seven first centuries were filled with a rapid succession of triumphs; but it was reserved for Augustus to relinquish the ambitious design of subduing the whole earth, and to introduce a spirit of moderation into the public councils. |||||||||||triumfiem||||||Augusts||atteikties no|||dizains||pakļaut||||||||||mērenība||||publiskās padomes |||||||||||victories||||set aside||Augustus||give up||aspirational|||conquering||||||||attitude||restraint||||public councils Pirmajos septiņos gadsimtos strauji sekoja triumfu virkne, taču Augustam bija jāatsakās no ambiciozā nodoma pakļaut visu zemi un jāievieš mērenības gars valsts padomēs. İlk yedi yüzyıl, birbirini izleyen hızlı zaferlerle doluydu; ancak tüm dünyayı boyun eğdirme iddialı tasarımından vazgeçmek ve halk konseylerine bir ılımlılık ruhu sokmak Augustus'a bırakıldı. Inclined to peace by his temper and situation, it was easy for him to discover that Rome, in her present exalted situation, had much less to hope than to fear from the chance of arms; and that, in the prosecution of remote wars, the undertaking became every day more difficult, the event more doubtful, and the possession more precarious, and less beneficial. ||||||||||||||||||||paaugstinātā situācijā|||||||||||||||||||īstenošana|||||uzdevums|kļuva par|||||šajā situācijā|||šaubīgāks|||īpašums||nedroša||| |||||disposition|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||arms|||||pursuit|||||effort|||||||outcome|||||ownership||unstable uncertain||| Savas dabas un stāvokļa dēļ viņš bija noskaņots uz mieru, taču viņam bija viegli atklāt, ka Romai tās pašreizējā paaugstinātajā situācijā bija daudz mazāk cerību, nekā baiļu no bruņošanās iespējām, un ka, turpinot attālus karus, ar katru dienu kļūst arvien grūtāk, notikumi - arvien apšaubāmāki, valdījums - arvien nedrošāks un mazāk izdevīgs. Huyları ve konumu gereği barışa eğilimli olduğundan, Roma'nın şu anki yüce durumunda, silahlanma olasılığından korkmaktan çok daha az umut beslediğini keşfetmesi onun için kolaydı; ve uzak savaşların kovuşturulmasında girişim her geçen gün daha zor, olay daha şüpheli ve ele geçirme daha tehlikeli ve daha az yararlı hale geldi. The experience of Augustus added weight to these salutary reflections, and effectually convinced him that, by the prudent vigor of his counsels, it would be easy to secure every concession which the safety or the dignity of Rome might require from the most formidable barbarians. ||||||||svētīgs|pārdomas||efektīvi|pārliecināja|||||apdomīgā|sparīgums|||padomi||||||nodrošināt||piekāpšanās||||||||||prasīt no||||biedējošs|barbariem ||||||||beneficial healthful|||||||||wise|energy and strength|||||||||||concession||||||||||||||formidable adversaries|savages Augusta pieredze papildināja šīs glābjošās pārdomas un pārliecināja viņu, ka ar apdomīgu un enerģisku padomu palīdzību būs viegli panākt visas piekāpšanās, ko Romas drošība vai cieņa varētu prasīt no briesmīgākajiem barbariem. Augustus'un deneyimi, bu faydalı düşüncelere ağırlık kattı ve onu, öğütlerinin ihtiyatlı gücüyle, Roma'nın güvenliğinin veya haysiyetinin en zorlu barbarlardan gerektirebileceği her tavizi sağlamanın kolay olacağına etkili bir şekilde ikna etti. Instead of exposing his person and his legions to the arrows of the Parthians, he obtained, by an honorable treaty, the restitution of the standards and prisoners which had been taken in the defeat of Crassus. |||||||leģioni|||bultām|||partiešu strēlniekiem||ieguva|||goda pilns|godīga vienošanās||atdošana||||||||||||sagrāve||Krasa sakāve ||||||||||arrows|||Parthians||secured||||agreement accord pact||recovery|||standards|||||||||||Crassus' defeat Tā vietā, lai pakļautu savu personu un savus leģionus partiešu bultām, viņš ar goda līgumu panāca, ka viņam tiek atdoti standarti un gūstekņi, kas tika atņemti Krāsa sakāves laikā. Kişiliğini ve lejyonlarını Partların oklarına maruz bırakmak yerine, onurlu bir anlaşma ile Crassus'un yenilgisinde alınan sancakların ve esirlerin iadesini sağladı.

His generals, in the early part of his reign, attempted the reduction of Ethiopia and Arabia Felix. ||||||||valdīšanas laikā|mēģināja veikt||samazināšana|||||Arābija Felix |military leaders||||||||||conquest||Abyssinia|||Happy Viņa valdīšanas sākumā viņa ģenerāļi mēģināja samazināt Etiopiju un Arābiju Felikss. Generalleri, saltanatının ilk yıllarında, Etiyopya ve Arabistan Felix'i küçültmeye çalıştı.

They marched near a thousand miles to the south of the tropic; but the heat of the climate soon repelled the invaders, and protected the un-warlike natives of those sequestered regions. |||||||||||tropu joslas||||||||atvairīja||iebrucējus||aizsargāja|||nekarotspējīgie||||noslēgtajos| ||||||||southward|||tropic||||||||||||||non-military|||||isolated| Viņi devās gandrīz tūkstoš jūdžu attālumā uz dienvidiem no tropiem, taču klimata karstums drīz vien atvairīja iebrucējus un pasargāja šo nomaļo reģionu nelietīgos vietējos iedzīvotājus no karadarbības. Dönencenin yaklaşık bin mil güneyinde yürüdüler; ancak iklimin sıcaklığı kısa sürede işgalcileri püskürttü ve bu tecrit edilmiş bölgelerin savaşa karşı olan yerlilerini korudu. The northern countries of Europe scarcely deserved the expense and labor of conquest. ||||||||||||iekarošana |||||barely||||||| Eiropas ziemeļu valstis diez vai bija pelnījušas iekarošanas izdevumus un darbu. Avrupa'nın kuzey ülkeleri fetih masraflarını ve emeğini pek hak etmiyordu. The forests and morasses of Germany were filled with a hardy race of barbarians, who despised life when it was separated from freedom; and though, on the first attack, they seemed to yield to the weight of the Roman power, they soon, by a signal act of despair, regained their independence, and reminded Augustus of the vicissitude of fortune. |||purvi||||piepildītas ar|||izturīgs|||||nicināja|||||atdalīta no||||||||||||padoties|||||||||||||darbība|||||neatkarību||||||laimes maiņa||laimes maiņa ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||nachgeben||||||||||||||||||||||||Wechsel der Fortune|| |||swamps||||||||||savages|||||||||||||||||||submit|||||||||||||||hopelessness|||||||||change of fortune|| Almanya'nın ormanları ve bataklıkları, özgürlükten ayrıldığında yaşamı hor gören, dayanıklı bir barbar ırkıyla doluydu; ve ilk saldırıda Roma gücünün ağırlığına teslim olmuş gibi görünseler de, kısa süre sonra, bir umutsuzluk işaretiyle bağımsızlıklarını yeniden kazandılar ve Augustus'a kaderin iniş çıkışlarını hatırlattılar. On the death of that emperor, his testament was publicly read in the senate. Pēc imperatora nāves viņa testaments tika publiski nolasīts senātā. O imparatorun ölümü üzerine vasiyeti senatoda alenen okundu. He bequeathed, as a valuable legacy to his successors, the advice of confining the empire within those limits which nature seemed to have placed as its permanent bulwarks and boundaries: on the west, the Atlantic Ocean; the Rhine and Danube on the north; the Euphrates on the east; and towards the south, the sandy deserts of Arabia and Africa. |novēlēja|||||||pēctečiem||||ierobežot|||||||||||||||aizsargbarjeras||robežas|||rietumos|||||Reina upe||Donava|||||Eifratas upe||||||||||smilšu tuksneši|||| |vererbte||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Kā vērtīgu mantojumu saviem pēctečiem viņš novēlēja padomu ierobežot impēriju tajās robežās, kuras daba, šķiet, bija noteikusi par tās pastāvīgajiem varoņiem un robežām: rietumos - Atlantijas okeāns, ziemeļos - Reina un Donava, austrumos - Eifrats, bet dienvidos - smilšainie Arābijas un Āfrikas tuksneši. Ardıllarına değerli bir miras olarak, imparatorluğu doğanın kalıcı siperleri ve sınırları olarak koyduğu sınırlar içinde tutma tavsiyesini miras bıraktı: batıda, Atlantik Okyanusu; kuzeyde Ren ve Tuna; doğuda Fırat; ve güneye doğru, Arabistan ve Afrika'nın kumlu çölleri.

Happily for the repose of mankind, the moderate system recommended by the wisdom of Augustus, was adopted by the fears and vices of his immediate successors. |||||||||||||||||||||netikumi|||| |||||der Menschheit|||||||||||||||||||| Par laimi cilvēces atpūtai, mēreno sistēmu, ko ieteica Augusta gudrība, pieņēma viņa tiešo pēcteču bailes un netikumi. İnsanlığın huzuru için ne mutlu ki, Augustus'un bilgeliği tarafından tavsiye edilen ılımlı sistem, onun hemen ardıllarının korkuları ve ahlaksızlıkları tarafından benimsendi.

Engaged in the pursuit of pleasure, or in the exercise of tyranny, the first Cæsars seldom showed themselves to the armies, or to the provinces; nor were they disposed to suffer, that those triumphs which  their  indolence neglected, should be usurped by the conduct and valor of their lieutenants. Iesaistīti|||vajāšana|||||||||||Cēzari|reti||sevi paši|||armijām||||||bija noskaņoti||noskaņoti||paciesties||tie triumfi||||slinkums|ignorēja|||pārņemti|||||||| Aizrāvušies ar izklaidēm vai tirāniju, pirmie ķeizari reti parādījās armijās vai provincēs, un viņi arī nevēlējās pieļaut, ka to triumfu, ko viņi atstāja novārtā ar savu bezdarbību, piesavinās viņu padoto izturība un varonība. Zevk peşinde koşan ya da tiranlık uygulayan ilk Sezarlar, kendilerini nadiren ordulara ya da eyaletlere gösterdiler; tembelliklerinin ihmal ettiği bu zaferlerin, teğmenlerinin davranışları ve yiğitlikleri tarafından gasp edilmesine de tahammülleri yoktu. The military fame of a subject was considered as an insolent invasion of the Imperial prerogative; and it became the duty, as well as interest, of every Roman general, to guard the frontiers intrusted to his care, without aspiring to conquests which might have proved no less fatal to himself than to the vanquished barbarians. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||besiegten| Bir tebaanın askeri şöhreti, İmparatorluk ayrıcalığının küstahça bir istilası olarak görülüyordu; ve yenilen barbarlar için olduğu kadar kendisi için de ölümcül olabilecek fetihlere kalkışmadan, korumasına emanet edilen sınırları korumak her Romalı generalin görevi ve çıkarı haline geldi.

The only accession which the Roman empire received, during the first century of the Christian Æra, was the province of Britain. Roma imparatorluğunun, Hıristiyan çağının ilk yüzyılında aldığı tek katılım Britanya eyaletiydi.

In this single instance, the successors of Cæsar and Augustus were persuaded to follow the example of the former, rather than the precept of the latter. Bu tek örnekte, Cæsar ve Augustus'un halefleri, ikincisinin kaidesinden ziyade birincinin örneğini izlemeye ikna edildi. The proximity of its situation to the coast of Gaul seemed to invite their arms; the pleasing though doubtful intelligence of a pearl fishery, attracted their avarice; and as Britain was viewed in the light of a distinct and insulated world, the conquest scarcely formed any exception to the general system of continental measures. Durumunun Galya kıyılarına yakınlığı, silahlarını davet ediyor gibiydi; bir inci avcılığının hoş ama şüpheli zekası onların açgözlülüğünü cezbetti; ve Britanya'ya ayrı ve yalıtılmış bir dünyanın ışığında bakıldığından, fetih, genel kıtasal önlemler sistemi için neredeyse herhangi bir istisna oluşturmuyordu. After a war of about forty years, undertaken by the most stupid, maintained by the most dissolute, and terminated by the most timid of all the emperors, the far greater part of the island submitted to the Roman yoke. En ahmakların giriştiği, en ahlaksızların sürdürdüğü ve tüm imparatorların en ürkeklerinin sona erdirdiği yaklaşık kırk yıllık bir savaştan sonra, adanın çok büyük bir bölümü Roma boyunduruğuna boyun eğdi. The various tribes of Britain possessed valor without conduct, and the love of freedom without the spirit of union. Britanya'nın çeşitli kabileleri davranışsız bir yiğitliğe ve birlik ruhu olmaksızın özgürlük sevgisine sahipti. They took up arms with savage fierceness; they laid them down, or turned them against each other, with wild inconsistency; and while they fought singly, they were successively subdued. Vahşi bir şiddetle silaha sarıldılar; vahşi bir tutarsızlıkla onları yere serdiler ya da birbirlerine düşürdüler; ve tek başlarına savaşırken, art arda bastırıldılar. Neither the fortitude of Caractacus, nor the despair of Boadicea, nor the fanaticism of the Druids, could avert the slavery of their country, or resist the steady progress of the Imperial generals, who maintained the national glory, when the throne was disgraced by the weakest, or the most vicious of mankind. Ne Caractacus'un cesareti, ne Boadicea'nın umutsuzluğu, ne de Druidlerin fanatizmi, ülkelerinin köleliğini önleyemedi ya da tahtın gözden düştüğü sırada ulusal ihtişamı koruyan İmparatorluk generallerinin istikrarlı ilerlemesine karşı koyamadı. insanlığın en zayıfı veya en gaddarıdır. At the very time when Domitian, confined to his palace, felt the terrors which he inspired, his legions, under the command of the virtuous Agricola, defeated the collected force of the Caledonians, at the foot of the Grampian Hills; and his fleets, venturing to explore an unknown and dangerous navigation, displayed the Roman arms round every part of the island. Tam da sarayına kapatılmış olan Domitian, ilham ettiği dehşeti hissettiğinde, erdemli Agricola'nın komutasındaki lejyonları, Grampian Tepeleri'nin eteğinde Kaledonyalıların toplanmış kuvvetlerini bozguna uğrattı; ve bilinmeyen ve tehlikeli bir deniz yolculuğunu keşfetme cesaretini gösteren filoları, adanın her yerinde Roma silahlarını sergiledi. The conquest of Britain was considered as already achieved; and it was the design of Agricola to complete and insure his success, by the easy reduction of Ireland, for which, in his opinion, one legion and a few auxiliaries were sufficient. Britanya'nın fethi zaten başarılmış olarak kabul edildi; ve ona göre bir lejyon ve birkaç yardımcının yeterli olduğu İrlanda'yı kolayca indirgeyerek başarısını tamamlamak ve garanti altına almak Agricola'nın tasarımıydı. The western isle might be improved into a valuable possession, and the Britons would wear their chains with the less reluctance, if the prospect and example of freedom were on every side removed from before their eyes. Batı adası değerli bir mülk haline getirilebilir ve Britanyalılar, özgürlük beklentisi ve örneği gözlerinin önünden her yönden uzaklaştırılırsa, zincirlerini daha az isteksizlikle takarlardı.

But the superior merit of Agricola soon occasioned his removal from the government of Britain; and forever disappointed this rational, though extensive scheme of conquest. Ancak Agricola'nın üstün erdemi, kısa süre sonra Britanya hükümetinden çıkarılmasına neden oldu; ve kapsamlı olsa da bu rasyonel fetih planını sonsuza dek hayal kırıklığına uğrattı.

Before his departure, the prudent general had provided for security as well as for dominion. ||||||||||||||Herrschaft Ayrılmadan önce ihtiyatlı general, egemenliğin yanı sıra güvenliği de sağlamıştı. He had observed, that the island is almost divided into two unequal parts by the opposite gulfs, or, as they are now called, the Friths of Scotland. Adanın, karşıt körfezler ya da şimdiki adıyla İskoçya'nın Frithleri tarafından neredeyse iki eşitsiz parçaya bölündüğünü gözlemlemişti. Across the narrow interval of about forty miles, he had drawn a line of military stations, which was afterwards fortified, in the reign of Antoninus Pius, by a turf rampart, erected on foundations of stone. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Erde|||||| Yaklaşık kırk millik dar bir aralık boyunca, daha sonra Antoninus Pius döneminde taş temeller üzerine dikilmiş çim bir surla güçlendirilen bir askeri karakol hattı çizmişti. This wall of Antoninus, at a small distance beyond the modern cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow, was fixed as the limit of the Roman province. Antoninus'un bu duvarı, modern Edinburgh ve Glasgow şehirlerinin biraz ötesinde, Roma eyaletinin sınırı olarak belirlendi. The native Caledonians preserved, in the northern extremity of the island, their wild independence, for which they were not less indebted to their poverty than to their valor. Yerli Kaledonyalılar, adanın kuzey ucunda, vahşi bağımsızlıklarını korudular ve bunu, yoksulluklarına olduğu kadar yiğitliklerine de borçluydular. Their incursions were frequently repelled and chastised; but their country was never subdued. Saldırıları sıklıkla püskürtüldü ve cezalandırıldı; ama ülkeleri asla boyun eğdirilmedi. The masters of the fairest and most wealthy climates of the globe turned with contempt from gloomy hills, assailed by the winter tempest, from lakes concealed in a blue mist, and from cold and lonely heaths, over which the deer of the forest were chased by a troop of naked barbarians. Dünyanın en güzel ve en zengin iklimlerinin efendileri, kış fırtınasının saldırdığı kasvetli tepelerden, mavi bir sisle gizlenmiş göllerden ve ormandaki geyiklerin kovaladığı soğuk ve ıssız fundalıklardan küçümseyerek döndüler. bir grup çıplak barbar.

Such was the state of the Roman frontiers, and such the maxims of Imperial policy, from the death of Augustus to the accession of Trajan. Augustus'un ölümünden Trajan'ın tahta geçmesine kadar Roma sınırlarının durumu ve İmparatorluk politikasının özdeyişleri böyleydi.

That virtuous and active prince had received the education of a soldier, and possessed the talents of a general. Bu erdemli ve aktif prens, bir asker eğitimi almış ve bir generalin yeteneklerine sahipti. The peaceful system of his predecessors was interrupted by scenes of war and conquest; and the legions, after a long interval, beheld a military emperor at their head. Seleflerinin barışçıl sistemi, savaş ve fetih sahneleriyle kesintiye uğradı; ve lejyonlar, uzun bir aradan sonra başlarında bir askeri imparator gördüler. The first exploits of Trajan were against the Dacians, the most warlike of men, who dwelt beyond the Danube, and who, during the reign of Domitian, had insulted, with impunity, the Majesty of Rome. ||||||||||||||||||Donau||||||||||||||| Trajan'ın ilk kahramanlıkları, Tuna'nın ötesinde yaşayan ve Domitian'ın hükümdarlığı sırasında Roma Majestelerine cezasız bir şekilde hakaret eden, insanların en savaşçısı olan Daçyalılara karşıydı. To the strength and fierceness of barbarians they added a contempt for life, which was derived from a warm persuasion of the immortality and transmigration of the soul. Barbarların gücüne ve acımasızlığına, ruhun ölümsüzlüğüne ve ruh göçüne sıcak bir inançtan kaynaklanan yaşamı hor görmeyi eklediler. Decebalus, the Dacian king, approved himself a rival not unworthy of Trajan; nor did he despair of his own and the public fortune, till, by the confession of his enemies, he had exhausted every resource both of valor and policy. Daçya kralı Decebalus, kendisini Trajan'a layık olmayan bir rakip olarak onayladı; düşmanlarının itirafıyla hem yiğitlik hem de politika açısından her türlü kaynağı tüketene kadar kendisinin ve halkın talihi konusunda da umutsuzluğa kapılmadı. This memorable war, with a very short suspension of hostilities, lasted five years; and as the emperor could exert, without control, the whole force of the state, it was terminated by an absolute submission of the barbarians. Düşmanlıkların çok kısa bir süre askıya alındığı bu unutulmaz savaş beş yıl sürdü; ve imparator, devletin tüm gücünü kontrol olmaksızın uygulayabileceğinden, barbarların mutlak boyun eğmesiyle feshedildi. The new province of Dacia, which formed a second exception to the precept of Augustus, was about thirteen hundred miles in circumference. Augustus'un öğretisine ikinci bir istisna oluşturan yeni Dacia eyaletinin çevresi yaklaşık bin üç yüz mil idi. Its natural boundaries were the Niester, the Teyss or Tibiscus, the Lower Danube, and the Euxine Sea. Doğal sınırları Niester, Teyss veya Tibiscus, Aşağı Tuna ve Euxine Denizi idi. The vestiges of a military road may still be traced from the banks of the Danube to the neighborhood of Bender, a place famous in modern history, and the actual frontier of the Turkish and Russian empires. ||||||||||||||||||||Bender|||||||||||||||| Tuna Nehri kıyılarından modern tarihte ünlü bir yer olan ve Türk ve Rus imparatorluklarının gerçek sınırı olan Bender mahallesine kadar askeri bir yolun izleri hala izlenebilir.

Trajan was ambitious of fame; and as long as mankind shall continue to bestow more liberal applause on their destroyers than on their benefactors, the thirst of military glory will ever be the vice of the most exalted characters. Trajan şöhret hırslıydı; ve insanlık, yok edicilerini velinimetlerinden daha fazla cömertçe alkışlamaya devam ettiği sürece, askeri zafere susamışlık her zaman en yüce karakterlerin kusuru olacaktır.

The praises of Alexander, transmitted by a succession of poets and historians, had kindled a dangerous emulation in the mind of Trajan. Bir dizi şair ve tarihçi tarafından aktarılan İskender'e övgüler, Trajan'ın zihninde tehlikeli bir öykünmeyi alevlendirmişti. Like him, the Roman emperor undertook an expedition against the nations of the East; but he lamented with a sigh, that his advanced age scarcely left him any hopes of equalling the renown of the son of Philip. Onun gibi, Roma imparatoru da Doğu uluslarına karşı bir sefer düzenledi; ama ileri yaşının ona Philip'in oğlunun ününü eşitlemek için neredeyse hiç umut bırakmadığına için içini çekerek ağıt yaktı. Yet the success of Trajan, however transient, was rapid and specious. ||||||vorübergehend||||trügerisch Yine de Trajan'ın başarısı, ne kadar geçici olursa olsun, hızlı ve yanıltıcıydı. The degenerate Parthians, broken by intestine discord, fled before his arms. Bağırsak anlaşmazlığından kırılan yozlaşmış Partlar, kollarının önünden kaçtılar. He descended the River Tigris in triumph, from the mountains of Armenia to the Persian Gulf. Ermenistan dağlarından Basra Körfezi'ne kadar Dicle Nehri'nden zaferle indi. He enjoyed the honor of being the first, as he was the last, of the Roman generals, who ever navigated that remote sea. |||||||||||||||||||||fernen| O uzak denizde yol alan Romalı generallerin ilki ve sonuncusu olma onurunu yaşadı. His fleets ravaged the coast of Arabia; and Trajan vainly flattered himself that he was approaching towards the confines of India. Filoları Arabistan kıyılarını kasıp kavurdu; ve Trajan, Hindistan'ın sınırlarına doğru yaklaştığını söyleyerek boşuna övündü. Every day the astonished senate received the intelligence of new names and new nations, that acknowledged his sway. Şaşkına dönen senato, her gün yeni isimlerin ve onun egemenliğini kabul eden yeni ulusların istihbaratını aldı. They were informed that the kings of Bosphorus, Colchos, Iberia, Albania, Osrhoene, and even the Parthian monarch himself, had accepted their diadems from the hands of the emperor; that the independent tribes of the Median and Carduchian hills had implored his protection; and that the rich countries of Armenia, Mesopotamia, and Assyria, were reduced into the state of provinces. Boğaziçi, Kolhos, İberya, Arnavutluk, Osrhoene krallarının ve hatta Parth hükümdarının kendisinin taçlarını imparatorun elinden kabul ettiği bilgisi verildi; Median ve Carduchian tepelerinin bağımsız kabilelerinin onun koruması için yalvardığını; ve zengin Ermenistan, Mezopotamya ve Asur ülkelerinin taşra devletine indirgendiğini. But the death of Trajan soon clouded the splendid prospect; and it was justly to be dreaded, that so many distant nations would throw off the unaccustomed yoke, when they were no longer restrained by the powerful hand which had imposed it. Ancak Trajan'ın ölümü, kısa süre sonra muhteşem manzarayı gölgeledi; ve haklı olarak, bu kadar çok uzak ulusun, onu dayatmış olan güçlü el tarafından artık zaptedilmediklerinde, alışılmadık boyunduruğu atacaklarından korkmak doğruydu.