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The Making of Modern Ukraine, Class 11. Ottoman Retreat, Ukrainian Populism (1)

Class 11. Ottoman Retreat, Ukrainian Populism (1)

- Okay, everyone, greetings, happy Tuesday.

Thursday is the exam.

There's not, you know, what is there to say?

Think about what you would ask on the essay question.

Also, think about the year 1699 and what it means to you.

It's a very easy year to remember, 1699.

Lots of things happen in 1699.

We're gonna cover some of them today.

The thing that we're trying to do today

is difficult for a couple of reasons.

The first is that the 18th century is just tricky.

I don't know how often you guys

think about the 18th century, but the 18th century

is somewhere before we get into the comfortable,

modern categories of mass politics.

But it's also somewhere after we're in the things

we think we understand, like Middle Ages and Renaissance

and reformation.

The 18th century is very tricky,

but it's also fascinating to historians

who I admire very much, the late Tony Judt

and my colleague here, Paul Yushkovich.

Both, you know, have always insisted to me

that the 18th century is the best century.

And I'm working on that.

I'm working to try to make the 18th century good,

and hopefully I can make it accessible.

The other reason that this is tricky is that

if we're gonna understand what happened to Ukrainians

in the 18th century, even more than other times,

we're gonna have to keep geography straight.

And this is why I've handed out,

in addition to the the term sheets,

I've handed out the two maps

because the thing that we have to understand

in the 18th century is how Russian power

ends up dominating the zone from the Baltic Sea

to the Black Sea, which is new.

Up until now that zone between the Baltic Sea

and the Black Sea has had all kinds of powers in it,

but it hasn't been the Russian Empire.

In the 18th century, beginning from 1699,

or beginning from 1700, we see a turn of events,

which leads to Russia, the Russian Empire

dominating that zone.

By the end of the 18th century, you know,

if you're not gonna pay attention for the next 54 minutes,

this is where it's gonna go.

By the end of the 18th century,

the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth

is gonna be outta the picture.

The Ukrainian Cossack states

are gonna have lost all their autonomy

and basically be working for Russia.

And the Crimean Khanate,

which we're gonna be talking about today,

is going to cease to exist.

So three major entities,

which have been around for centuries in one form or another,

are going to be dominated or dismissed

by the end of the 18th century.

If this were a class about the Russian Empire,

you know, this would be about the spread of Russia,

and of course we'll be talking about that.

But from our point of view,

what we need to have in focus is

the kind of simultaneous weakening

and disappearance of these three entities.

Because as these three entities disappear,

they don't do so gracefully.

They do so in conflict with one another.

And that's one of the reasons, of course,

why they do disappear, is the conflict with one another.

The other reason, which you can just have

in the back of your mind is that it is Russia,

the Russian Empire,

which breaks out into the European age of discovery, right?

Not the Crimeans, not the Poles,

not the Ukrainians, but it's Russia

which breaks out into the European age of discovery,

which becomes an empire

in the fully global sense of the word,

in having access to the Pacific Ocean

and having access to the Atlantic by way of the Baltic.

In a sense, that's the big picture,

that Russia becomes this kind of modern empire,

which is exactly how Peter and Catherine

were thinking about it.

But in our picture, what's happening

is that these other three entities are diminishing,

they're fighting one another,

and by the end of the 18th century,

they are essentially gone.

Now, this geography is a mess.

It's a mess, it's a mess, it's a mess

because we have to have in mind the zone

from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea the entire time.

And we have to have in mind inside Ukraine,

and this is where things really get hard,

we have to have in mind the Black Sea, the Azov Sea

and then when we're thinking about Ukraine,

you might have noticed in your reading

that there's constantly this mention

of right bank and left bank.

Okay, now I'm now gonna blow your mind.

The only way to understand right bank and left bank

is that you have to think like a river.

Yeah, exactly.

You have to think like, this is serious.

You have to think like a river.

You have to know which way does the river flow?

It flows from north to south.

And so what is the left bank, right?

The left bank is the Eastern bank,

and the right bank is the Western bank.

And so it's not, you know,

when you say right bank, left bank,

it's not right and left on the map, it's the opposite

because right bank and left bank are the banks of the river.

And it's from the point of view of the river.

And if you can, you know,

I don't have time to do all the zen work

that's necessary here,

but if you can think from the point of view of the river,

you're also doing something very important

in terms of understanding the people.

Because there's a reason why right bank, left bank

seemed like a sensible way to describe reality,

which is that so much of what we're talking about

in terms of economics and power had to do with

who was controlling the river,

who was making use of the river, right?

The river is so important to Ukraine,

the Dnipro is so important to Ukraine,

that right bank, left bank seemed like a sensible way

to describe the country for hundreds and hundreds of years.

And of course, that is still true.

This is where the fighting is going on right now, right?

This is the Ukrainian army is trying to get to

the Dnieper River in Kherson Oblast right now.

Okay so all of these terms,

I'm afraid we sort of have to keep in mind.

So let me begin with what I promise to do

at the beginning of the class in which

I'm now gonna try to pay off that promise,

which is to make sense of the Muslim world

and the Turkic world in Ukraine.

Because as Serhii Plokhy reminds us

in the reading, the unification of Ukraine

is primarily a north to south type enterprise.

And we've gotten to where the northern boundary

is going to be, when we get to 1569

and the Union of Lublin

and the Polish crown taking a great deal

of what had been Lithuania away from Lithuania

and putting it under the Polish crown,

then we're getting to something like

the northern boundary of Ukraine.

We're getting to a difference between modern Belarus

and modern Ukraine.

But the south,

we still have a lot of work to do in the South.

And it's complicated work because it involves

seeing the Crimean Khanate, seeing the Ottoman Empire,

and then watching how they get pushed out.

And they're gonna get pushed out,

again jumping ahead a little bit,

they're gonna get pushed out by Ukrainian Cossacks

working for the Russian imperial army, right?

So the pushing out of the Tatars, right?

The beginning of a process of de-Turkification

and de-Islamization of the Crimean Peninsula

is gonna be work that's done by Cossacks

when they are already dominated and ruled by

and taking orders from the Russian Empire, right?

So, but to make sense of all this now,

to do the South, to bring the South in,

I wanna start with the Crimean Khanate.

Okay, so the southern border of today's Ukraine,

which is the northern coast of the Black Sea,

is a very special zone from our point of view,

because this is the zone where we do have sources,

basically the entire time, like as much as,

so long as there's been like a classical, ancient history,

we have sources for this little zone.

It's different with Kyiv, it's different from the north.

There when we talk about Christianization,

we're also talking about the beginning of written sources.

Before Christianization,

the written sources are very sparse,

they're Muslim visitors, they're Jewish visitors,

but there aren't that many written sources.

On the coast of the Black Sea, this is totally different

because the Greeks have been there for 2,500 years

and they've left a written trace.

The Greeks have been there since 5,000 BCE.

And they're there the entire time, right?

They're still there, although not in great numbers.

They're there the entire time.

We can't go through all of ancient history,

But they're there through Alexander,

they're there through Rome, they're there through Byzantium.

When Constantinople is sacked for the first time in 1204

by Western Crusaders.

So one thing one has to remember

when we're doing non-Western European history,

is that there were a lot of crusades,

and the crusades went in directions

that you might not have expected.

So it turns out that if you're on the way

to liberate the Holy land,

it's a nice pit stop to sack Constantinople,

which is what happened in 1204, right?

That isn't necessarily something, or you know,

the crusades that we did earlier with the crusaders

trying to kill slash convert the pagan Balts, right?

Those are crusades.

The history of the crusades also involves Europeans

trying to convert Europeans,

or in the case of Constantinople,

just stealing a lot of nice things,

which you can now visit if you go to Italy or France,

because Napoleon then stole some of the good stuff again,

a second time later on.

Okay, so the point is that

the Greeks are there the whole time.

There's a classical world which is durable,

linguistically, the entire time on the South coast.

So that's one part of Crimea

and that's what makes it special

And I want you to just mark that.

So because it's gonna be important later on.

It's gonna be important later on when we talk about

how Russia legitimates its claim.

So the Crimean Hinterland though is generally not touched

by Greek settlement.

The Crimean Hinterland is also not touched by Rus.

So this is very important.

We spend a whole lot of time trying to understand Rus,

you understand how Rus is a kind of synthesis of

Vikings coming from the north,

Byzantium coming from the south, all of this.

But Rus does not control territorially Crimea.

Rus does not control territorially,

what's now Southern Ukraine either.

So just note, you know, this whole thing about

who does Rus belong to in this war

has this kind of strange feature

that the war is actually taking place

with the exception of a little bit around Kharkiv,

it's generally taking place where Rus was not,

as neither side is very keen to mention.

Rus did not get this far south.

It certainly did not get to Crimea.

So Rus did not get to the Crimean Peninsula,

but the Mongols did, okay?

So in our world, in our class, in East European history,

the Mongols are basically coming in

and they're breaking things up, right?

But from the Mongol point of view,

that's not what they're doing.

They're establishing trade routes,

they're establishing states,

and the Mongols don't care if you're Rus or you're not Rus,

I mean they're indifference to what other people are

is quite extraordinary.

What they're doing is establishing big states.

The big state in the region was called the Golden Hoard,

which is a kind of unforgettable name.

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Class 11. Ottoman Retreat, Ukrainian Populism (1) Course|Ottoman Empire|Withdrawal|Ukrainian|Ukrainian nationalism |Otomano|Retirada otomana|| 课程||||民粹主义 درس|||| |オスマン帝国||| |Ottomańskie|retreat||Populizm ukraiński الطبقة 11. التراجع العثماني، الشعبوية الأوكرانية (1) Klasse 11. Osmanischer Rückzug, ukrainischer Populismus (1) Τάξη 11. Οθωμανική υποχώρηση, Ουκρανικός λαϊκισμός (1) Class 11. Ottoman Retreat, Ukrainian Populism (1) Clase 11. Retirada otomana, populismo ucraniano (1) طبقه 11. عقب نشینی عثمانی، پوپولیسم اوکراین (1) Classe 11. Retraite ottomane, populisme ukrainien (1) Classe 11. Ritirata ottomana, populismo ucraino (1) 第11回 クラスオスマン帝国の撤退、ウクライナのポピュリズム(1) 클래스 11. 오스만 후퇴, 우크라이나 포퓰리즘 (1) 11 klasė. Osmanų atsitraukimas, Ukrainos populizmas (1) Klas 11. Ottomaanse terugtocht, Oekraïens populisme (1) Klasa 11. Osmański odwrót, ukraiński populizm (1) Aula 11. Retirada Otomana, Populismo Ucraniano (1) Занятие 11. Османское отступление, украинский популизм (1) Klass 11. Ottomansk reträtt, ukrainsk populism (1) 11. Sınıf Osmanlı Geri Çekilişi, Ukrayna Popülizmi (1) Урок 11. Османський відступ, український популізм (1) 第 11 课。奥斯曼撤退,乌克兰民粹主义 (1) 第 11 課。奧斯曼撤退,烏克蘭民粹主義 (1)

- Okay, everyone, greetings, happy Tuesday. Alright||hello|| ||Cześć wszystkim|| ok|todos vocês|saudações|| - حسنًا، جميعًا، تحياتي، ثلاثاء سعيد. - Okay, everyone, greetings, happy Tuesday. - Bueno, saludos a todos, feliz martes. - Bonjour à tous, joyeux mardi. - Pekâlâ millet, selamlar, mutlu Salılar.

Thursday is the exam. الخميس هو الامتحان. Perşembe sınav var.

There's not, you know, what is there to say? ||||何を|||| há|não||sabe|||o que||dizer ليس هناك، كما تعلمون، ما هو هناك ليقوله؟ Es gibt nicht, weißt du, was gibt es zu sagen? There's not, you know, what is there to say? Il n'y a pas, vous savez, qu'est-ce qu'il y a à dire ? 何を言えばいいんだ? Нет, ну что тут можно сказать? Söyleyecek ne var ki? Тут немає, знаєте, що сказати?

Think about what you would ask on the essay question. ||||||||rédaction| ||||||||essay prompt| ||||||||есе| ||||||||wypracowanie| فكر فيما ستطرحه في السؤال المقالي. Überlegen Sie, was Sie bei der Essay-Frage fragen würden. Piensa en lo que preguntarías en la pregunta de redacción. Réfléchissez à ce que vous demanderiez dans la question à développement. Kompozisyon sorusunda ne soracağınızı düşünün. 想想你在论文问题上会问什么。

Also, think about the year 1699 and what it means to you. Additionally||consider||the year||what it means|the year|||your perspective ||||||何|||| فكر أيضًا في عام 1699 وما يعنيه بالنسبة لك. Piense también en el año 1699 y en lo que significa para usted. Pensez également à l'année 1699 et à ce qu'elle représente pour vous. Ayrıca, 1699 yılını ve bunun sizin için ne anlama geldiğini düşünün.

It's a very easy year to remember, 1699. إنها سنة سهلة التذكر، 1699. Es un año muy fácil de recordar, 1699. Hatırlaması çok kolay bir yıl, 1699. 1699 年是一个非常容易记住的年份。

Lots of things happen in 1699. حدثت أشياء كثيرة في عام 1699. En 1699 ocurren muchas cosas. 1699'da pek çok şey olur.

We're gonna cover some of them today. ||取り上げる|||| ||cubrir|||| ||обговоримо|||| سنقوم بتغطية بعض منهم اليوم. Wir werden einige davon heute behandeln. Nous allons en aborder quelques-uns aujourd'hui. 今日はそのいくつかを取り上げる。 We gaan er vandaag een paar behandelen. Bugün bunlardan bazılarını ele alacağız.

The thing that we're trying to do today الشيء الذي نحاول القيام به اليوم Bugün yapmaya çalıştığımız şey

is difficult for a couple of reasons. ||||quelques|| أمر صعب لعدة أسباب. が難しい理由はいくつかある。 birkaç nedenden dolayı zordur.

The first is that the 18th century is just tricky. |||||||||棘手的 |||||||||challenging to understand |||||||||складний |||||||||trudny |||||||||complicada الأول هو أن القرن الثامن عشر كان صعباً للغاية. Das erste ist, dass das 18. Jahrhundert einfach schwierig ist. The first is that the 18th century is just tricky. La primera es que el siglo XVIII es complicado. La première est que le XVIIIe siècle est tout simplement délicat. De eerste is dat de 18e eeuw gewoon lastig is. Birincisi, 18. yüzyılın sadece aldatıcı olması. Перше - це те, що 18 століття просто складне.

I don't know how often you guys ||||||wy wszyscy أنا لا أعرف كم مرة يا رفاق No sé con qué frecuencia Je ne sais pas à quelle fréquence vous Bilmiyorum ne sıklıkla

think about the 18th century, but the 18th century فكر في القرن الثامن عشر، ولكن في القرن الثامن عشر pensar en el siglo XVIII, pero el siglo XVIII 18. yüzyılı düşünün, ama 18. yüzyıl

is somewhere before we get into the comfortable, |||||||wygodnym في مكان ما قبل أن نصل إلى الراحة، est quelque part avant que nous n'entrions dans le confort, は快適なプレーに入る前のどこかにある、 rahatlığa geçmeden önce bir yerde, десь до того, як ми потрапимо в комфортні умови, 在我们进入舒适状态之前的某个地方,

modern categories of mass politics. ||belonging to|large-scale|public affairs |||masy| الفئات الحديثة للسياسة الجماهيرية. Moderne Kategorien der Massenpolitik. 大衆政治の近代的カテゴリー modern kitle siyaseti kategorileri. сучасні категорії масової політики. 大众政治的现代范畴。

But it's also somewhere after we're in the things ولكنه أيضًا في مكان ما بعد أن نكون في الأشياء Amma biz şeylərin içində olduqdan sonra da bir yerdədir Aber es ist auch irgendwo, nachdem wir in den Dingen sind Mais c'est aussi quelque part après que nous sommes dans les choses Ama aynı zamanda bir şeylerin içinde olduktan sonra

we think we understand, like Middle Ages and Renaissance |||||中世||| ||||||||Renesans نعتقد أننا نفهم، مثل العصور الوسطى وعصر النهضة 中世やルネサンスのように、私たちが理解しているつもりでいること。 Orta Çağ ve Rönesans gibi anladığımızı sandığımız ми думаємо, що розуміємо, наприклад, Середньовіччя та Ренесанс 我们认为我们理解,就像中世纪和文艺复兴时期

and reformation. |i reformacja والإصلاح. et la réforme. そして改革。 ve reform.

The 18th century is very tricky, |||||challenging to understand |||||złożony, skomplikowany القرن الثامن عشر صعب للغاية، The 18th century is very tricky, Le XVIIIe siècle est très délicat, 18世紀は非常に厄介だ、 18. yüzyıl çok çetrefilli,

but it's also fascinating to historians |||фасцинуюче|| |||fascynujące||historycy ولكنها أيضًا رائعة للمؤرخين but it's also fascinating to historians ama aynı zamanda tarihçiler için de büyüleyici. але вона також цікава для істориків 但这也让历史学家着迷

who I admire very much, the late Tony Judt ||hold in high regard|||||Tony Judt|Tony Judt الذي أحترمه كثيرًا، الراحل توني جودت den ich sehr bewundere, den verstorbenen Tony Judt who I admire very much, the late Tony Judt çok takdir ettiğim merhum Tony Judt яким я дуже захоплююся, покійний Тоні Джадт

and my colleague here, Paul Yushkovich. |||||Paul Yushkovich وزميلي هنا، بول يوشكوفيتش. und mein Kollege Paul Yushkovich. ve meslektaşım Paul Yushkovich.

Both, you know, have always insisted to me |||||наполягали|| |||mieli|zawsze|naciskały|do|mi كلاهما، كما تعلمون، كانا يصران علي دائمًا Beides, wissen Sie, hat immer darauf bestanden Both, you know, have always insisted to me Beiden, weet je, hebben er bij mij altijd op aangedrongen İkisi de bana hep ısrar etti.

that the 18th century is the best century. що||||||| أن القرن الثامن عشر هو القرن الأفضل. 18. yüzyıl en iyi yüzyıldır.

And I'm working on that. وأنا أعمل على ذلك. Ve bunun üzerinde çalışıyorum.

I'm working to try to make the 18th century good, أنا أعمل على محاولة جعل القرن الثامن عشر جيدًا، Ben 18. yüzyılı güzelleştirmek için çalışıyorum,

and hopefully I can make it accessible. ||||||easy to understand ||私|||| ||||||dostępny وآمل أن أتمكن من جعله في متناول الجميع. そして願わくば、それにアクセスできるようにしたい。 ve umarım erişilebilir hale getirebilirim. і сподіваюся, що зможу зробити його доступним.

The other reason that this is tricky is that ||||||difficile|| ||||||challenging|| السبب الآخر الذي يجعل هذا الأمر صعبًا هو ذلك Bunun zor olmasının bir diğer nedeni de 这很棘手的另一个原因是

if we're gonna understand what happened to Ukrainians |||||||乌克兰人 |||||||the Ukrainian people もし||||||| ||zamierzamy||||| |||||сталося|| إذا أردنا أن نفهم ما حدث للأوكرانيين if we're gonna understand what happened to Ukrainians si nous voulons comprendre ce qui est arrivé aux Ukrainiens ウクライナ人に何が起こったのかを理解するためには Ukraynalılara ne olduğunu anlayacaksak

in the 18th century, even more than other times, ||||surtout|||| の中で|||||||| |||||більше||| في القرن الثامن عشر، حتى أكثر من الأوقات الأخرى، 18世紀には、他の時代以上に、 18. yüzyılda, diğer zamanlardan bile daha fazla,

we're gonna have to keep geography straight. ||||||claire |||||location details|accurate |||に|維持する|| ||||тримати|| سيتعين علينا أن نبقي الجغرافيا مستقيمة. Wir müssen die Geographie gerade halten. we're gonna have to keep geography straight. il va falloir tenir compte de la géographie. 地理を整理しておかなければならない。 Coğrafyayı düzgün tutmamız gerekecek. 我们必须保持地理正确。

And this is why I've handed out, |||||distribué| |||||distributed| |||||роздавала|роздавала |||||rozdałem|na zewnątrz |||||配布した| ولهذا السبب قمت بتوزيعه، Y esta es la razón por la que he repartido, C'est la raison pour laquelle je l'ai distribué, そしてこれが、私が配布した理由です。 İşte bu yüzden dağıttım, І саме тому я роздавав,

in addition to the the term sheets, ||||||documents |追加||||用語|シート(1) |||||umowy ramowe| بالإضافة إلى أوراق المصطلحات، zusätzlich zu den Term Sheets, en plus des term sheets, 条件シートに加えて、 naast de term sheets, ek olarak,

I've handed out the two maps |||||地図 لقد سلمت الخريطتين He repartido los dos mapas Ho distribuito le due mappe 私は2つの地図も配布しました。 İki haritayı dağıttım.

because the thing that we have to understand لأن الشيء الذي علينا أن نفهم 私たちが理解しなければならないことは çünkü anlamamız gereken şey

in the 18th century is how Russian power ||||||ロシアの|権力 في القرن الثامن عشر كيف كانت القوة الروسية 18世紀にロシアの力がどのように 18. yüzyılda Rus gücünün

ends up dominating the zone from the Baltic Sea 領域を支配|最終的に|支配する||地域|||バルト海| ينتهي الأمر بالسيطرة على المنطقة من بحر البلطيق dominiert schließlich die Zone von der Ostsee aus バルト海からの地域を支配することになるかです Baltık Denizi'ne kadar olan bölgeye hakim olur. 最终控制了波罗的海地区

to the Black Sea, which is new. ||黒海|||| إلى البحر الأسود، وهو جديد. 新しい黒海へ。 Karadeniz'e, ki bu yeni.

Up until now that zone between the Baltic Sea 上||||||その|| W górę|do|||strefa|||| حتى الآن تلك المنطقة الواقعة بين بحر البلطيق これまでバルト海と黒海の間のその地域には、さまざまな勢力が存在していました。 Şimdiye kadar Baltık Denizi arasındaki bölge 到目前为止,波罗的海之间的区域

and the Black Sea has had all kinds of powers in it, |||||||さまざまな||力|| ||||||всілякі|різні види||сили|| والبحر الأسود كان فيه كل أنواع القوى، und das Schwarze Meer hat alle möglichen Kräfte in sich gehabt, and the Black Sea has had all kinds of powers in it, et la mer Noire a connu toutes sortes de puissances, 黒海にはあらゆる勢力があった時代です。 ve Karadeniz'de her türlü güç vardı, і Чорне море мало в собі всілякі сили, 黑海拥有各种各样的力量,

but it hasn't been the Russian Empire. |それ|ではない||||ロシア帝国 لكنها لم تكن الإمبراطورية الروسية. しかし、それはロシア帝国ではなかった。 ama Rus İmparatorluğu olmadı. 但它不是俄罗斯帝国。

In the 18th century, beginning from 1699, ||||始まりの| في القرن الثامن عشر، ابتداءً من عام 1699، 18世紀には、1699年から始まり、 18. yüzyılda, 1699'dan itibaren, У 18 столітті, починаючи з 1699 року, 18世纪,从1699年开始,

or beginning from 1700, we see a turn of events, ||||||change in direction|| ||||||||出来事 أو بدءًا من عام 1700، نرى تحولًا في الأحداث، oder ab 1700 sehen wir eine Wende, ou à partir de 1700, on assiste à un revirement de situation, あるいは1700年から始まる出来事の転換が見られます。 of vanaf 1700 zien we een wending in de gebeurtenissen, ya da 1700'den itibaren olayların değiştiğini görüyoruz, 或者从 1700 年开始,我们看到了事态的转变,

which leads to Russia, the Russian Empire |つながる||ロシア||| مما يؤدي إلى روسيا، الإمبراطورية الروسية die nach Russland führt, dem Russischen Reich qui mène à la Russie, à l'Empire russe Rusya'ya, Rus İmparatorluğu'na

dominating that zone. المسيطرة على تلك المنطقة. die zone domineren. o bölgeye hakim. 统治那个区域。

By the end of the 18th century, you know, بحلول نهاية القرن الثامن عشر، كما تعلمون، 18. yüzyılın sonunda, bilirsiniz, 到了 18 世纪末,

if you're not gonna pay attention for the next 54 minutes, إذا كنت لن تنتبه خلال الـ 54 دقيقة القادمة، 次の54分間注意を払わないつもりなら、 если вы не собираетесь быть внимательным в течение следующих 54 минут, Eğer önümüzdeki 54 dakika boyunca dikkatini vermeyeceksen, 如果你在接下来的 54 分钟内不集中注意力,

this is where it's gonna go. ここ||||| هذا هو المكان الذي ستذهب إليه. ここに行くことになります。 вот куда это приведет. Burası gideceği yer. ось куди все піде. 这就是它要去的地方。

By the end of the 18th century, وبحلول نهاية القرن الثامن عشر، 18世紀の終わりまでには、 18. yüzyılın sonunda, 到了 18 世纪末,

the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth |||波兰立陶宛联邦 ||リトアニア|連邦 |polski|litewski|Rzeczpospolita الكومنولث البولندي الليتواني das polnisch-litauische Commonwealth Polonya Litvanya Topluluğu 波兰立陶宛联邦

is gonna be outta the picture. |||消失|| |||hors de|| |||外れる||状況 |||poza|| سيكون خارج الصورة. ne sera plus d'actualité. は写真から消えそうだ。 resmin dışında kalacak. зникне з поля зору. 将会从照片中消失。

The Ukrainian Cossack states ||Ukrainian warrior| ||コサック|国家 |ukraiński|kozacki|państwa يقول القوزاق الأوكراني Der ukrainische Kosak erklärt El cosaco ucraniano afirma ウクライナのコサック国家 De Oekraïense Kozak verklaart Ukraynalı Kazak devletleri 乌克兰哥萨克国家

are gonna have lost all their autonomy ||||||自律性 سوف يفقدون كل استقلاليتهم はすべての自治権を失うことになる tüm özerkliklerini kaybetmiş olacaklar 将会失去所有的自主权

and basically be working for Russia. |w zasadzie|||| والعمل بشكل أساسي لصالح روسيا. et travailler pour la Russie. 基本的にロシアのために働くことになる。 ve temelde Rusya için çalışıyor olmak. 基本上是为俄罗斯工作。

And the Crimean Khanate, |||克里米亚汗国 ||related to Crimea|Tatar state ||クリミアの|クリミア・ハ ||krymski|khanat krymski وخانية القرم، そしてクリミア汗国は、 Ve Kırım Hanlığı,

which we're gonna be talking about today, والتي سنتحدث عنها اليوم، dont nous allons parler aujourd'hui, 今日私たちが話すことになる、 Bugün de bundan bahsedeceğiz,

is going to cease to exist. |||cesser|| |||stop existing|| |||存在しなくなる||存在する سوف تتوقف عن الوجود. va cesser d'exister. 存在しなくなるでしょう。 sona erecek. 将不复存在。

So three major entities, |||組織 |||podmioty Il y a donc trois grandes entités, だから、3つの主要な存在が、 Dus drie grote entiteiten, Yani üç büyük kuruluş, 所以三个主要实体,

which have been around for centuries in one form or another, qui existent depuis des siècles sous une forme ou une autre, 何らかの形で何世紀にもわたって存在してきましたが、 Yüzyıllardır şu ya da bu şekilde var olan, 它们以这样或那样的形式存在了几个世纪,

are going to be dominated or dismissed ||||||écartés ||||||set aside ||||підкорені||відхилені ||||zdominowani||odrzucone ||||支配される||無視される vont être dominés ou rejetés 支配されるか、無視されることになるでしょう。 hükmedilecek ya da reddedilecek 将被支配或被解雇

by the end of the 18th century. 18. yüzyılın sonunda. 到18世纪末。

If this were a class about the Russian Empire, Wenn dies ein Kurs über das Russische Reich wäre, S'il s'agissait d'un cours sur l'Empire russe, Eğer bu Rus İmparatorluğu hakkında bir ders olsaydı, 如果这是一堂关于俄罗斯帝国的课

you know, this would be about the spread of Russia, |||||||expansion de|| |||||||expansion|| |||||||広がり|| ご存知の通り、これはロシアの広がりについてのことです。 biliyorsunuz, bu Rusya'nın yayılmasıyla ilgili olacaktı, 你知道,这与俄罗斯的传播有关,

and of course we'll be talking about that. もちろん、そのことについても話すつもりです。 ve tabii ki bunun hakkında konuşacağız. 当然我们会讨论这个。

But from our point of view, |||||見解 لكن من وجهة نظرنا، しかし私たちの視点から見ると、 Ama bizim bakış açımızdan, 但从我们的角度来看,

what we need to have in focus is odaklanmamız gereken şey

the kind of simultaneous weakening |||simultanée|affaiblissement simultané هذا النوع من الضعف المتزامن bir tür eşzamanlı zayıflama 同时削弱的那种

and disappearance of these three entities. |vanishing|||| |zniknięcie||||jednostki واختفاء هذه الكيانات الثلاثة. ve bu üç varlığın ortadan kaybolması. 以及这三个实体的消失。

Because as these three entities disappear, لأنه مع اختفاء هذه الكيانات الثلاثة، Çünkü bu üç varlık ortadan kalktıkça,

they don't do so gracefully. ||||avec grâce ||||with ease ||||gracefully إنهم لا يفعلون ذلك برشاقة. sie tun dies nicht anmutig. ils ne le font pas avec élégance. 潔くはない。 они не делают это изящно. bunu zarifçe yapmazlar. вони не роблять це так витончено.

They do so in conflict with one another. the parties||||||| 彼ら||||||| يفعلون ذلك في صراع مع بعضهم البعض. Bunu birbirleriyle çatışarak yaparlar.

And that's one of the reasons, of course, وهذا أحد الأسباب بالطبع، Bu da nedenlerden biri elbette,

why they do disappear, is the conflict with one another. سبب اختفائهم هو الصراع مع بعضهم البعض. warum sie verschwinden, ist der Konflikt miteinander. yok olmalarının nedeni, birbirleriyle olan çatışmalarıdır. 它们之所以消失,是因为彼此之间存在冲突。

The other reason, which you can just have السبب الآخر، الذي يمكنك الحصول عليه Diğer neden ise, ki bunu

in the back of your mind is that it is Russia, 心の中で|||||||||| في الجزء الخلفي من عقلك أنها روسيا، Aklınızın bir köşesinde Rusya olduğu var, 你的脑海里浮现的是俄罗斯,

the Russian Empire, الإمبراطورية الروسية, Rus İmparatorluğu, 俄罗斯帝国,

which breaks out into the European age of discovery, right? الذي يندلع في عصر الاكتشاف الأوروبي، أليس كذلك؟ womit das europäische Entdeckungszeitalter anbricht, oder? qui s'ouvre sur l'âge européen de la découverte, n'est-ce pas ? Avrupa'nın keşif çağını başlatıyor, değil mi? яка вривається в європейську епоху великих географічних відкриттів, чи не так? 这进入了欧洲大发现时代,对吗?

Not the Crimeans, not the Poles, ||People from Crimea|||people from Poland لا القرم ولا البولنديين Ne Kırımlılar, ne de Polonyalılar, 不是克里米亚人,不是波兰人,

not the Ukrainians, but it's Russia ليس الأوكرانيين، بل روسيا Ukraynalılar değil, Rusya 不是乌克兰人,而是俄罗斯人

which breaks out into the European age of discovery, ||||||||découverte الذي ينفجر في عصر الاكتشاف الأوروبي، der in das europäische Entdeckungszeitalter einbricht, Avrupa'nın keşif çağını başlatır, 进入欧洲大航海时代,

which becomes an empire والتي تصبح إمبراطورية bir imparatorluğa dönüşen

in the fully global sense of the word, |その|||||| بالمعنى العالمي الكامل للكلمة، im vollen globalen Sinne des Wortes, kelimenin tam anlamıyla küresel anlamda, 从这个词的完全全球意义上来说,

in having access to the Pacific Ocean في الوصول إلى المحيط الهادئ Pasifik Okyanusu'na erişimde 进入太平洋

and having access to the Atlantic by way of the Baltic. والوصول إلى المحيط الأطلسي عن طريق بحر البلطيق. ve Baltık üzerinden Atlantik'e erişime sahip olması. 并可经波罗的海进入大西洋。

In a sense, that's the big picture, بمعنى ما، هذه هي الصورة الكبيرة، In gewisser Weise ist das das große Ganze, Bir anlamda, büyük resim budur, 从某种意义上说,这就是大局,

that Russia becomes this kind of modern empire, أن تصبح روسيا هذا النوع من الإمبراطورية الحديثة، Rusya'nın bu tür bir modern imparatorluk haline gelmesi, 俄罗斯成为这样的现代帝国,

which is exactly how Peter and Catherine ||||Peter||Catherine and Peter وهذا هو بالضبط كيف بيتر وكاثرين Peter ve Catherine de tam olarak bu şekilde

were thinking about it. كانوا يفكرون في ذلك. y réfléchissaient. düşünüyorduk.

But in our picture, what's happening لكن في صورتنا ما يحدث Ama bizim resmimizde ne oluyor?

is that these other three entities are diminishing, |||||||减少 |||||||becoming less significant |||||суб'єкти||зменшуються هو أن هذه الكيانات الثلاثة الأخرى تتضاءل، est que ces trois autres entités diminuent, bu diğer üç varlığın azalıyor olmasıdır, 是其他三个实体正在减少,

they're fighting one another, إنهم يقاتلون بعضهم البعض، ils se battent les uns contre les autres, Birbirleriyle savaşıyorlar, 他们互相争斗,

and by the end of the 18th century, وبحلول نهاية القرن الثامن عشر، ve 18. yüzyılın sonunda,

they are essentially gone. 彼らは||| لقد رحلوا بشكل أساسي. sie sind im Wesentlichen weg. aslında yok oldular.

Now, this geography is a mess. |||||désordre |||||безлад الآن، هذه الجغرافيا في حالة من الفوضى. Cette géographie est un véritable gâchis. 今、この地理は混乱している。 Şimdi, bu coğrafya tam bir karmaşa.

It's a mess, it's a mess, it's a mess إنها فوضى، إنها فوضى، إنها فوضى Bu bir karmaşa, bu bir karmaşa, bu bir karmaşa

because we have to have in mind the zone لأنه علينا أن نأخذ في الاعتبار المنطقة weil wir die Zone im Auge behalten müssen car il faut tenir compte de la zone çünkü bölgeyi aklımızda tutmalıyız

from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea the entire time. |||||||||entière| ||Baltic Sea|body of water|||Black Sea|||| من بحر البلطيق إلى البحر الأسود طوال الوقت. Baltık Denizi'nden Karadeniz'e kadar tüm zaman boyunca.

And we have to have in mind inside Ukraine, وعلينا أن نأخذ في الاعتبار داخل أوكرانيا، Et nous devons garder à l'esprit l'Ukraine, Ukrayna'nın içini de göz önünde bulundurmamız gerekiyor, 我们必须牢记在乌克兰境内,

and this is where things really get hard, وهنا تصبح الأمور صعبة حقًا، et c'est là que les choses deviennent vraiment difficiles, İşlerin gerçekten zorlaştığı yer de burası,

we have to have in mind the Black Sea, the Azov Sea ||||||||||亚速海| ||||||||||mer d'Azov| |||||||Black Sea|||Sea of Azov| علينا أن نأخذ في الاعتبار البحر الأسود، وبحر آزوف Karadeniz ve Azak Denizi'ni aklımızda tutmalıyız.

and then when we're thinking about Ukraine, ومن ثم عندما نفكر في أوكرانيا، ve sonra Ukrayna'yı düşündüğümüzde,

you might have noticed in your reading ||||||lecture |||zauważyłeś||| ربما لاحظت ذلك في قراءتك que vous avez peut-être remarqués au cours de votre lecture okuduğunuzda fark etmiş olabilirsiniz

that there's constantly this mention ||||mention ||ciągle||wzmianka أن هناك باستمرار هذا الذكر qu'il y a constamment cette mention 常にこのような言及がある sürekli bu söz var

of right bank and left bank. ||rive||| |prawy|brzegu|i||brzeg من الضفة اليمنى والضفة اليسرى. des rechten Ufers und des linken Ufers. de la rive droite et de la rive gauche. 右岸と左岸の sağ kıyı ve sol kıyı. 右岸和左岸。

Okay, now I'm now gonna blow your mind. |||||épater|| |||||amaze|| ||私が||||| |||||zaskoczyć|twoje|umysł حسنًا، الآن سأذهلك. D'accord, je vais maintenant t'en mettre plein la vue. Oké, nu ga ik je verbijsteren. Tamam, şimdi aklınızı başınızdan alacağım. Гаразд, а тепер я збираюся підірвати твій мозок.

The only way to understand right bank and left bank الطريقة الوحيدة لفهم الضفة اليمنى والضفة اليسرى Sağ banka ve sol bankayı anlamanın tek yolu Єдиний спосіб зрозуміти правий і лівий берег

is that you have to think like a river. هو أنه عليك أن تفكر مثل النهر. bir nehir gibi düşünmeniz gerektiğidir.

Yeah, exactly. نعم بالضبط. Evet, aynen öyle.

You have to think like, this is serious. عليك أن تفكر بهذه الطريقة، وهذا أمر خطير. Il faut se dire que c'est du sérieux. Bunun ciddi bir şey olduğunu düşünmelisiniz.

You have to think like a river. あなた|||||| عليك أن تفكر مثل النهر. Bir nehir gibi düşünmelisiniz.

You have to know which way does the river flow? |||||||||flow direction عليك أن تعرف في أي اتجاه يتدفق النهر؟ Nehrin hangi yöne aktığını bilmek zorundasınız?

It flows from north to south. |moves|||| ويتدفق من الشمال إلى الجنوب. Kuzeyden güneye doğru akar.

And so what is the left bank, right? إذن ما هي الضفة اليسرى، أليس كذلك؟ Peki sol yaka nedir, değil mi?

The left bank is the Eastern bank, その|||||| الضفة اليسرى هي الضفة الشرقية، Sol yaka Doğu yakasıdır,

and the right bank is the Western bank. والضفة اليمنى هي الضفة الغربية. Sağ taraf ise Batı yakasıdır.

And so it's not, you know, ولذا فهو ليس كذلك، كما تعلمون، Yani öyle değil, bilirsiniz,

when you say right bank, left bank, عندما تقول الضفة اليمنى، الضفة اليسرى، Sağ yaka, sol yaka derken,

it's not right and left on the map, it's the opposite فهو ليس يمينًا ويسارًا على الخريطة، بل على العكس es ist nicht rechts und links auf der Karte, es ist das Gegenteil Haritada sağ ve sol değil, tam tersi.

because right bank and left bank are the banks of the river. لأن الضفة اليمنى والضفة اليسرى هما ضفتا النهر. Çünkü sağ kıyı ve sol kıyı nehrin kıyılarıdır.

And it's from the point of view of the river. وهي من وجهة نظر النهر. Ve nehrin bakış açısından.

And if you can, you know, وإذا كنت تستطيع، كما تعلمون، Ve eğer yapabilirsen, bilirsin,

I don't have time to do all the zen work |||||||その|| ليس لدي الوقت للقيام بكل أعمال الزن Je n'ai pas le temps de faire tout ce travail zen Bütün bu zen işlerini yapacak zamanım yok. Я не маю часу на всю дзенську роботу 我没有时间做所有的禅修工作

that's necessary here, وهذا ضروري هنا، burada gerekli olan,

but if you can think from the point of view of the river, لكن إذا كنت تستطيع التفكير من وجهة نظر النهر، ama eğer nehrin bakış açısından düşünebilirseniz,

you're also doing something very important aynı zamanda çok önemli bir şey yapıyorsunuz

in terms of understanding the people. insanları anlamak açısından.

Because there's a reason why right bank, left bank Çünkü sağ bankanın, sol bankanın

seemed like a sensible way to describe reality, semblait||||||| |||rozsądny|||| semblait être une manière sensée de décrire la réalité, gerçekliği tanımlamak için mantıklı bir yol gibi görünüyordu, здавалося розумним способом описати реальність,

which is that so much of what we're talking about das ist so viel von dem, worüber wir reden qui est qu'une grande partie de ce dont nous parlons ki bu da konuştuğumuz şeylerin çoğunun

in terms of economics and power had to do with in Bezug auf Wirtschaftlichkeit und Macht hatte damit zu tun en termes d'économie et de pouvoir avait à voir avec les ekonomik ve güç açısından aşağıdakilerle ilgiliydi

who was controlling the river, qui contrôlait la rivière, Nehri kim kontrol ediyordu,

who was making use of the river, right? qui utilisait la rivière, n'est-ce pas ? nehirden yararlanıyordu, değil mi?

The river is so important to Ukraine, The|||||| Nehir Ukrayna için çok önemli,

the Dnipro is so important to Ukraine, |Dnipro River||||| Dnipro Ukrayna için çok önemli, 德尼普罗河对乌克兰如此重要,

that right bank, left bank seemed like a sensible way |||左岸|||||| ||||||||rozsądny| sağ kıyı, sol kıyı mantıklı bir yol gibi görünüyordu

to describe the country for hundreds and hundreds of years. yüzlerce yıl boyunca ülkeyi tanımlamak için kullanıldı.

And of course, that is still true. Ve tabii ki bu hâlâ geçerli.

This is where the fighting is going on right now, right? C'est ici que se déroulent les combats en ce moment, n'est-ce pas ? Şu anda savaşın sürdüğü yer burası, değil mi?

This is the Ukrainian army is trying to get to Bu Ukrayna ordusunun ulaşmaya çalıştığı

the Dnieper River in Kherson Oblast right now. ||||Kherson region's Dnieper|administrative region|| Kherson Oblastı'ndaki Dinyeper Nehri'nde şu anda.

Okay so all of these terms, Tamam, tüm bu terimler,

I'm afraid we sort of have to keep in mind. Je crains qu'il ne faille en quelque sorte garder à l'esprit. Korkarım aklımızda tutmamız gereken bir şey var. 恐怕我们必须要牢记这一点。

So let me begin with what I promise to do |させてください|||||||| O halde yapacağıma söz verdiğim şeyle başlayayım

at the beginning of the class in which dersin başlangıcında

I'm now gonna try to pay off that promise, ||||||fulfill|| Ich werde jetzt versuchen, dieses Versprechen einzulösen, Je vais maintenant essayer d'honorer cette promesse, Şimdi bu sözü yerine getirmeye çalışacağım,

which is to make sense of the Muslim world |||||||Islamic community| die der muslimischen Welt einen Sinn geben soll Müslüman dünyasını anlamlandırmaktır.

and the Turkic world in Ukraine. ||Turkic-speaking||| ve Ukrayna'daki Türk dünyası.

Because as Serhii Plokhy reminds us ||Serhii Plokhy|Serhii Plokhy|| ||Serhii Plokhy|Plokhy|| Car comme le rappelle Serhii Plokhy Çünkü Serhii Plokhy'nin bize hatırlattığı gibi

in the reading, the unification of Ukraine ||||coming together|| ||||統一|| ||||jedność|| okumada, Ukrayna'nın birleşmesi у читанні, об'єднання України

is primarily a north to south type enterprise. |||||||business venture |||||||企業 ||||||rodzaj|przedsiębiorstwo öncelikle kuzeyden güneye doğru bir girişimdir. є переважно підприємством типу "північ-південь".

And we've gotten to where the northern boundary |||||||limit |||||||granica Und wir sind an der nördlichen Grenze angelangt Et nous en sommes arrivés à la limite nord. Ve kuzey sınırına ulaştık.

is going to be, when we get to 1569 1569'a geldiğimizde

and the Union of Lublin ||||Union of Lublin ||||ルブリン連合 et l'Union de Lublin ve Lublin Birliği

and the Polish crown taking a great deal |||Polish monarchy|||| und die polnische Krone nahm viel et la couronne polonaise a pris beaucoup d'importance en de Poolse kroon die veel ve Polonya krallığı büyük bir

of what had been Lithuania away from Lithuania ||||Former Lithuanian territories||| von dem, was Litauen war, weg von Litauen de ce qui avait été la Lituanie en dehors de la Lituanie Litvanya'nın Litvanya'dan koparılması 立陶宛的领土从立陶宛分离出去

and putting it under the Polish crown, et la placer sous la couronne polonaise, ve Polonya tacının altına koymak, 并将其置于波兰王室的统治之下,

then we're getting to something like nous arrivons alors à quelque chose comme o zaman şöyle bir şeye ulaşıyoruz

the northern boundary of Ukraine. その|||| Ukrayna'nın kuzey sınırı.

We're getting to a difference between modern Belarus |||||||modern-day Belarus Modern Belarus ile modern Beyaz Rusya arasındaki farka geliyoruz.

and modern Ukraine. ve modern Ukrayna.

But the south, Ama güney,

we still have a lot of work to do in the South. Güney'de hâlâ yapacak çok işimiz var.

And it's complicated work because it involves Ve bu karmaşık bir iş çünkü şunları içeriyor

seeing the Crimean Khanate, seeing the Ottoman Empire, ||krymski|Khanat|||Ottomańskie|imperium voir le Khanat de Crimée, voir l'Empire ottoman, Kırım Hanlığı'nı görmek, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nu görmek,

and then watching how they get pushed out. ||||||forced to leave| und dann zusehen, wie sie herausgeschoben werden. et d'observer comment ils sont poussés vers la sortie. ve sonra nasıl dışarı itildiklerini izlemek.

And they're gonna get pushed out, Ve dışarı itilecekler,

again jumping ahead a little bit, ||do przodu||| wieder ein bisschen vorspringen, yine biraz ileriye atlıyorum,

they're gonna get pushed out by Ukrainian Cossacks |||||||Ukrainian warriors ||||||ukraińskich|kozacy ils vont être repoussés par les cosaques ukrainiens Ukraynalı Kazaklar tarafından kovulacaklar.

working for the Russian imperial army, right? ||||Relating to empire|| |||||ロシア帝国軍| ||||carski|| Rus imparatorluk ordusu için çalışıyorsun, değil mi?

So the pushing out of the Tatars, right? ||||||Tatar people| więc|the|wypieranie||z||Tatarzy|prawda? Donc, l'expulsion des Tatars, n'est-ce pas ? Yani Tatarların kovulması, değil mi? 所以要驱逐鞑靼人,对吗?

The beginning of a process of de-Turkification |||||||Undoing Turkification ||||||非トルコ化| |||||||Turkizacja Türksüzleştirme sürecinin başlangıcı

and de-Islamization of the Crimean Peninsula ||Adoption of Islam||||Crimean landmass |||||krymski|półwysep ve Kırım Yarımadası'nın İslamsızlaştırılması

is gonna be work that's done by Cossacks wird Arbeit sein, die von Kosaken erledigt wird sera un travail effectué par des cosaques Kazaklar tarafından yapılan bir iş olacak. 这将是哥萨克人的工作

when they are already dominated and ruled by alors qu'ils sont déjà dominés et gouvernés par tarafından yönetildikleri ve hükmedildikleri zaman

and taking orders from the Russian Empire, right? ve Rus İmparatorluğu'ndan emir alıyordu, değil mi?

So, but to make sense of all this now, Yani, ama şimdi tüm bunları anlamlandırmak için,

to do the South, to bring the South in, de faire le Sud, de faire venir le Sud, Güney'i yapmak için, Güney'i getirmek için,

I wanna start with the Crimean Khanate. Kırım Hanlığı ile başlamak istiyorum.

Okay, so the southern border of today's Ukraine, Pekâlâ, bugünkü Ukrayna'nın güney sınırı,

which is the northern coast of the Black Sea, qui est la côte nord de la mer Noire, Karadeniz'in kuzey kıyısıdır,

is a very special zone from our point of view, |||||から|||| bizim açımızdan çok özel bir bölge,

because this is the zone where we do have sources, weil dies die Zone ist, in der wir Quellen haben, car c'est dans cette zone que nous avons des sources, Çünkü burası kaynaklarımızın olduğu bölge,

basically the entire time, like as much as, im Grunde die ganze Zeit, wie so viel wie, pratiquement tout le temps, autant que.., Temelde tüm zaman boyunca,

so long as there's been like a classical, ancient history, aussi longtemps qu'il y a eu une histoire classique, ancienne, Klasik, antik bir tarih olduğu sürece, 只要有一段古典的、古老的历史,

we have sources for this little zone. Bu küçük bölge için kaynaklarımız var. 我们有这个小区域的资源。

It's different with Kyiv, it's different from the north. Kiev'de durum farklı, kuzeyde durum farklı. 这与基辅不同,与北方不同。

There when we talk about Christianization, Daar als we het hebben over kerstening, Hıristiyanlaştırma hakkında konuştuğumuz zaman, 当我们谈论基督教化时,

we're also talking about the beginning of written sources. Ayrıca yazılı kaynakların başlangıcından bahsediyoruz. 我们也在谈论书面资料的开始。

Before Christianization, |Before adopting Christianity Hıristiyanlaşmadan önce,

the written sources are very sparse, |||||very few その||||| yazılı kaynaklar çok seyrektir, 书面资料非常稀疏,

they're Muslim visitors, they're Jewish visitors, onlar Müslüman ziyaretçiler, onlar Yahudi ziyaretçiler, 他们是穆斯林游客,他们是犹太游客,

but there aren't that many written sources. ama çok fazla yazılı kaynak yok. 但没有那么多书面资料。

On the coast of the Black Sea, this is totally different Karadeniz kıyısında ise durum tamamen farklıdır

because the Greeks have been there for 2,500 years çünkü Yunanlılar 2,500 yıldır oradalar. 因为希腊人已经在那里生活了 2500 年

and they've left a written trace. |||||written record |彼らは|||| et ils ont laissé une trace écrite. ve yazılı bir iz bıraktılar. і вони залишили письмовий слід.

The Greeks have been there since 5,000 BCE. ||||||Before Common Era Yunanlılar M.Ö. 5.000 yılından beri oradalar.

And they're there the entire time, right? Et ils sont là tout le temps, n'est-ce pas ? Ve tüm zaman boyunca oradalar, değil mi?

They're still there, although not in great numbers. Sie sind immer noch da, wenn auch nicht in großer Zahl. Ils sont toujours là, mais pas en grand nombre. Çok sayıda olmasalar da hâlâ oradalar.

They're there the entire time. Tüm zaman boyunca oradalar. Вони там весь час.

We can't go through all of ancient history, Tüm antik tarihi gözden geçiremeyiz,

But they're there through Alexander, Ama Alexander sayesinde oradalar,

they're there through Rome, they're there through Byzantium. |||||||Eastern Roman Empire 彼らは||||||| Roma'dan geçtiler, Bizans'tan geçtiler.

When Constantinople is sacked for the first time in 1204 |Byzantine capital city||looted and destroyed||||| |||襲撃される|のために|||| Lorsque Constantinople est mise à sac pour la première fois en 1204 Konstantinopolis 1204 yılında ilk kez yağmalandığında Коли Константинополь вперше розграбували у 1204 році 1204 年君士坦丁堡第一次被洗劫时

by Western Crusaders. ||Western invaders Batı Haçlıları tarafından.

So one thing one has to remember Bu yüzden unutulmaması gereken bir şey var 所以人们必须记住一件事

when we're doing non-Western European history, |||||ヨーロッパの| Batı dışı Avrupa tarihini işlerken, 当我们研究非西欧历史时

is that there were a lot of crusades, |||||||military religious campaigns bir sürü haçlı seferi oldu, це те, що було багато хрестових походів, 是有很多十字军东征,

and the crusades went in directions und die Kreuzzüge gingen in Richtungen ve haçlı seferleri yön değiştirdi і хрестові походи розійшлися в напрямках 十字军东征的方向

that you might not have expected. mit denen Sie vielleicht nicht gerechnet haben. que vous n'auriez peut-être pas attendue. beklemediğiniz bir şey. 你可能没有想到。

So it turns out that if you're on the way So stellt sich heraus, dass, wenn Sie unterwegs sind Anlaşılan o ki, eğer yolda Тож виходить, що якщо ви в дорозі 事实证明,如果你在路上

to liberate the Holy land, |free||sacred|sacred territory pour libérer la Terre Sainte, Kutsal toprakları kurtarmak için, 解放圣地,

it's a nice pit stop to sack Constantinople, |||resting place|||| c'est une belle étape pour mettre à sac Constantinople, het is een mooie pitstop om Constantinopel te plunderen, Konstantinopolis'i yağmalamak için güzel bir mola, це гарний піт-стоп, щоб розграбувати Константинополь, 这是解雇君士坦丁堡的一个不错的进站,

which is what happened in 1204, right? 1204'te olan da buydu, değil mi?

That isn't necessarily something, or you know, Das ist nicht unbedingt etwas, oder weißt du, Bu illa ki bir şey değildir, ya da bilirsiniz,

the crusades that we did earlier with the crusaders les croisades que nous avons faites plus tôt avec les croisés Daha önce Haçlılarla yaptığımız Haçlı Seferleri хрестові походи, які ми робили раніше з хрестоносцями 我们之前与十字军进行的十字军东征

trying to kill slash convert the pagan Balts, right? |||or|||non-Christian Baltics|Baltic pagans| en essayant de tuer et de convertir les païens baltes, n'est-ce pas ? Pagan Baltları öldürüp dönüştürmeye çalışıyordun, değil mi? намагаючись вбити язичників-балтів, так? 试图杀死皈依异教的巴尔特人,对吗?

Those are crusades. Das sind Kreuzzüge. Bunlar haçlı seferleri. 这些是十字军东征。

The history of the crusades also involves Europeans L'histoire des croisades implique également les Européens Haçlı seferlerinin tarihi Avrupalıları da kapsar 十字军东征的历史也涉及欧洲人

trying to convert Europeans, Avrupalıları dönüştürmeye çalışıyordu, 试图改变欧洲人的信仰,

or in the case of Constantinople, ya da Konstantinopolis örneğinde olduğu gibi, 或者就君士坦丁堡而言,

just stealing a lot of nice things, |taking without permission||||| en volant beaucoup de belles choses, Sadece bir sürü güzel şey çalıyorum, просто крадуть багато гарних речей, 偷了很多好东西

which you can now visit if you go to Italy or France, ||||travel to||||||| que vous pouvez désormais visiter si vous vous rendez en Italie ou en France, İtalya veya Fransa'ya giderseniz artık ziyaret edebilirsiniz, 如果你去意大利或法国,你现在可以参观,

because Napoleon then stole some of the good stuff again, |French leader|||||||| parce que Napoléon a de nouveau volé une partie des bonnes choses, çünkü Napolyon daha sonra iyi malların bir kısmını tekrar çaldı, 因为拿破仑又偷了一些好东西,

a second time later on. ein zweites Mal später. daha sonra ikinci kez. 稍后第二次。

Okay, so the point is that Tamam, yani mesele şu ki 好吧,重点是

the Greeks are there the whole time. Yunanlılar her zaman oradalar. 希腊人一直都在那里。

There's a classical world which is durable, ||||||long-lasting Dayanıklı olan klasik bir dünya var, 有一个经久不衰的古典世界,

linguistically, the entire time on the South coast. In language terms||||||| 言語的に||||||| Dilbilimsel olarak, tüm zaman boyunca Güney sahilinde. 从语言上来说,整个时间都在南海岸。

So that's one part of Crimea |||||Crimean region Yani bu Kırım'ın bir parçası.

and that's what makes it special ve onu özel kılan da bu.

And I want you to just mark that. Und ich möchte, dass Sie das einfach markieren. Ve bunu işaretlemenizi istiyorum.

So because it's gonna be important later on. Çünkü bu daha sonra önemli olacak.

It's gonna be important later on when we talk about Bu daha sonra konuşacağımız zaman önemli olacak.

how Russia legitimates its claim. ||justifies||assertion of ownership ||正当化する|| wie Russland seinen Anspruch legitimiert. la manière dont la Russie légitime sa revendication. Rusya'nın iddiasını nasıl meşrulaştırdığı.

So the Crimean Hinterland though is generally not touched ||Crimea's|remote areas||||| |||内陸部||||| Das Krim-Hinterland wird also im Allgemeinen nicht berührt L'arrière-pays de la Crimée n'est donc généralement pas touché Bu yüzden Kırım'ın iç bölgelerine genellikle dokunulmuyor. 所以克里米亚腹地一般不会被触及

by Greek settlement. ||Greek colony establishment Yunan yerleşimi tarafından. 由希腊定居点。

The Crimean Hinterland is also not touched by Rus. ||||||||Russia The Crimean Hinterland is also not touched by Rus. Kırım'ın iç bölgelerine de Ruslar dokunmamıştır. 克里米亚腹地也没有受到罗斯的影响。

So this is very important. Dolayısıyla bu çok önemli. 所以这一点非常重要。

We spend a whole lot of time trying to understand Rus, Nous passons beaucoup de temps à essayer de comprendre Rus, Rusları anlamaya çalışmak için çok zaman harcıyoruz, 我们花了很多时间试图了解罗斯,

you understand how Rus is a kind of synthesis of ||||||||Combination| Rus'un nasıl bir tür sentez olduğunu anlıyorsunuz 你明白罗斯是如何综合的

Vikings coming from the north, Norse invaders approaching|||| Vikingler kuzeyden geliyor, 来自北方的维京人,

Byzantium coming from the south, all of this. Bizans güneyden geliyor, tüm bunlar. 来自南方的拜占庭,这一切。

But Rus does not control territorially Crimea. |||||over the territory| Ancak Ruslar Kırım'ı bölgesel olarak kontrol etmiyor.

Rus does not control territorially, Ruslar bölgesel olarak kontrol etmiyor, 罗斯不控制领土,

what's now Southern Ukraine either. was jetzt auch die Südukraine ist. Güney Ukrayna da öyle.

So just note, you know, this whole thing about Also notieren Sie einfach, wissen Sie, diese ganze Sache Bu yüzden sadece not edin, bilirsiniz, tüm bu şey hakkında

who does Rus belong to in this war Rus bu savaşta kime ait? 在这场战争中俄罗斯属于谁

has this kind of strange feature hat diese seltsame Eigenschaft possède cette caractéristique étrange bu tür garip bir özelliğe sahiptir має таку дивну особливість 有这种奇怪的特征

that the war is actually taking place que la guerre a réellement lieu savaşın gerçekten gerçekleştiğini 战争确实正在发生

with the exception of a little bit around Kharkiv, ||||||||around Kharkiv à l'exception d'une petite partie autour de Kharkiv, Kharkiv'in biraz çevresi hariç,

it's generally taking place where Rus was not, ||||どこで||| es findet im Allgemeinen dort statt, wo Rus nicht war, il se produit généralement là où Rus n'était pas, genellikle Rus'un olmadığı yerlerde gerçekleşiyor,

as neither side is very keen to mention. |||||eager||bring up |||||熱心ではない|| da keine Seite sehr daran interessiert ist, dies zu erwähnen. qu'aucune des deux parties ne souhaite mentionner. zoals geen van beide partijen graag wil vermelden. İki taraf da bundan bahsetmeye pek hevesli değil. 因为双方都不太愿意提及。

Rus did not get this far south. Rus kam nicht so weit nach Süden. Rus n'est pas arrivé aussi loin au sud. Rus bu kadar güneye inmedi.

It certainly did not get to Crimea. Il n'a certainement pas atteint la Crimée. Kesinlikle Kırım'a ulaşmadı.

So Rus did not get to the Crimean Peninsula, Rus kam also nicht auf die Krimhalbinsel, La Rus n'a donc pas atteint la péninsule de Crimée, Yani Ruslar Kırım Yarımadası'na ulaşamadı, 所以俄罗斯没有到达克里米亚半岛,

but the Mongols did, okay? ||Mongolian people|| ama Moğollar yaptı, tamam mı?

So in our world, in our class, in East European history, Yani bizim dünyamızda, bizim sınıfımızda, Doğu Avrupa tarihinde,

the Mongols are basically coming in les Mongols sont en train d'arriver Moğollar geliyor.

and they're breaking things up, right? et qu'ils se séparent, n'est-ce pas ? ve bir şeyleri kırıyorlar, değil mi? 他们正在破坏一切,对吧?

But from the Mongol point of view, |||Mongolian perspective||| Ama Moğol bakış açısından,

that's not what they're doing. ce n'est pas ce qu'ils font. それは彼らがやっていることではない。 Yaptıkları şey bu değil.

They're establishing trade routes, |||交易路 Sie bauen Handelsrouten auf, Ils établissent des routes commerciales, Ticaret yolları kuruyorlar,

they're establishing states, devletler kuruyorlar,

and the Mongols don't care if you're Rus or you're not Rus, ve Moğollar senin Rus olup olmamanla ilgilenmezler,

I mean they're indifference to what other people are |||unconcerned||||| Yani diğer insanların ne olduğuna karşı kayıtsızlar. 我的意思是他们对其他人的情况漠不关心

is quite extraordinary. ist ziemlich außergewöhnlich. oldukça sıra dışı. 是相当非凡的。

What they're doing is establishing big states. To, co robią, to tworzenie dużych państw. Yaptıkları şey büyük devletler kurmak. 他们正在做的是建立大国。

The big state in the region was called the Golden Hoard, ||||||||||Treasure collection Le grand État de la région s'appelait le "Golden Hoard", Bölgedeki büyük devlete Altın Hazinesi deniyordu, Велику державу в цьому регіоні називали Золотим Кордоном, 该地区的大国家被称为金库,

which is a kind of unforgettable name. qui est une sorte de nom inoubliable. Bu da bir tür unutulmaz isimdir. 这是一个令人难忘的名字。