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ESOL and New Scots stories, Problem at the checkout

Problem at the checkout

Last Saturday, Amelda went to Irvine with her daughter, Rasha, and grandson, Ahmad, because he needed to get new shoes for school.

They left the house at 10.00 but they didn't arrive in Irvine until 13.00 because the bus was late.

When they arrived in Irvine, they decided to go to a small cafe in the town centre. They had a tea and some cake. Ahmad wanted to have ice cream but there was no ice cream in the cafe.

After, Rasha went to Primark with Ahmad while Amelda went to Asda to do some shopping. Rasha likes Primark because the prices are cheap and the clothes are modern. Rasha found new black shoes for Ahmad.

Amelda likes the Asda in Irvine because there is a good choice of food and it's not too expensive. She bought chicken and rice to make dinner. She wanted to buy ingredients to make baklava but they didn't have any pistachio nuts in the shop.

When she was at the checkout, Rasha called her to say that she couldn't find her purse. It was at home! Amelda paid for her shopping and then went to Primark and bought the new shoes for her grandson.

After, they took the train home because the bus takes such a long time!

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Problem at the checkout مشكلة في الخروج Problem an der Kasse Problema en la caja Problème à la caisse Problema alla cassa チェックアウト時の問題 Problema na caixa registadora Проблема на кассе Ödeme sırasında sorun Проблема на касі 结账时出现问题 结账时的问题 結賬時出現問題

Last Saturday, Amelda went to Irvine with her daughter, Rasha, and grandson, Ahmad, because he needed to get new shoes for school. |||||Irvine California|||||||||||||||| Samedi dernier, Amelda s'est rendue à Irvine avec sa fille, Rasha, et son petit-fils, Ahmad, qui avait besoin de nouvelles chaussures pour l'école. 上周六,Amelda 和她的女儿 Rasha 以及孙子 Ahmad 去了尔湾,因为他需要为学校买新鞋。

They left the house at 10.00 but they didn't arrive in Irvine until 13.00 because the bus was late. غادروا المنزل في الساعة 10.00 لكنهم لم يصلوا إلى إيرفين حتى الساعة 13.00 بسبب تأخر الحافلة. Ils ont quitté la maison à 10 heures mais ne sont arrivés à Irvine qu'à 13 heures parce que le bus était en retard. Вони вийшли з дому о 10.00, але приїхали в Ірвайн лише о 13.00, тому що автобус запізнився. 他们在 10 点离开房子,但直到 13 点才到达尔湾,因为公共汽车晚点了。

When they arrived in Irvine, they decided to go to a small cafe in the town centre. Arrivés à Irvine, ils décident de se rendre dans un petit café du centre ville. 到达尔湾后,他们决定去镇中心的一家小咖啡馆。 They had a tea and some cake. Ils ont pris un thé et des gâteaux. Вони пили чай і пиріжок. 他们喝了一杯茶和一些蛋糕。 Ahmad wanted to have ice cream but there was no ice cream in the cafe. Ahmad voulait manger une glace mais il n'y en avait pas dans le café. Ахмад хотів морозива, але морозива в кафе не було. 艾哈迈德想吃冰淇淋,但咖啡馆里没有冰淇淋。

After, Rasha went to Primark with Ahmad while Amelda went to Asda to do some shopping. Ensuite, Rasha est allée à Primark avec Ahmad, tandis qu'Amelda s'est rendue à Asda pour faire quelques courses. Після цього Раша разом із Ахмадом пішла до Primark, а Амельда пішла до Asda, щоб зробити покупки. 之后,Rasha 和 Ahmad 去了 Primark,而 Amelda 去了 Asda 购物。 Rasha likes Primark because the prices are cheap and the clothes are modern. Rasha aime Primark parce que les prix sont bas et les vêtements modernes. Rasha 喜欢 Primark,因为价格便宜而且衣服很现代。 Rasha found new black shoes for Ahmad. Rasha a trouvé de nouvelles chaussures noires pour Ahmad. Rasha 为 Ahmad 找到了新的黑色鞋子。

Amelda likes the Asda in Irvine because there is a good choice of food and it's not too expensive. Amelda aime l'Asda d'Irvine parce qu'il y a un bon choix de produits et que ce n'est pas trop cher. Amelda 喜欢 Irvine 的 Asda,因为那里的食物选择不错,而且价格也不太贵。 She bought chicken and rice to make dinner. Elle a acheté du poulet et du riz pour préparer le dîner. Вона купила курку та рис, щоб приготувати обід. 她买了鸡肉和米饭做晚饭。 She wanted to buy ingredients to make baklava but they didn't have any pistachio nuts in the shop. Elle voulait acheter des ingrédients pour faire des baklavas, mais il n'y avait pas de pistaches dans le magasin. Вона хотіла купити інгредієнти для пахлави, але в магазині не було фісташкових горіхів. 她想购买制作果仁蜜饼的原料,但商店里没有开心果。

When she was at the checkout, Rasha called her to say that she couldn't find her purse. Alors qu'elle était à la caisse, Rasha l'a appelée pour lui dire qu'elle ne trouvait pas son sac à main. Коли вона була на касі, Раша зателефонувала їй і сказала, що не може знайти сумочку. 当她在收银台时,Rasha 打电话给她说她找不到她的钱包。 It was at home! C'était à la maison ! Це було вдома! 在家里! Amelda paid for her shopping and then went to Primark and bought the new shoes for her grandson. Amelda a payé ses courses et s'est ensuite rendue chez Primark pour acheter de nouvelles chaussures à son petit-fils. Амельда заплатила за покупки, а потім пішла в Primark і купила нове взуття для свого онука. Amelda 支付了她的购物费用,然后去 Primark 为她的孙子买了这双新鞋。

After, they took the train home because the bus takes such a long time! ¡Después, tomaron el tren a casa porque el autobús tarda mucho! Ensuite, ils ont pris le train pour rentrer chez eux, car le bus prend beaucoup de temps ! Потім вони поїхали потягом додому, тому що автобус їде так довго!