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Ted Talks, Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves? | Lissa Rankin, MD | TEDxAmericanRiviera (1)

Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves? | Lissa Rankin, MD | TEDxAmericanRiviera (1)

Transcriber: Gabriel Orozco Hoyuela Reviewer: Chryssa R. Takahashi

Can the mind really heal the body?

And if so, is there any scientific evidence

to convince skeptical physicians like me?

These are the questions that fueled the last few years of my research

and what I discovered is that the scientific community,

the medical establishment, has being proving for over 50 years,

that the mind can heal the body.

We call it the "placebo effect".

And we've been trying to outsmart it for decades.


The placebo effect is a thorn in the side of the medical establishment.

It's an inconvenient truth, that gets in between,

trying to bring new treatments, new surgeries into the medical establishment.

So it's a problem! Supposedly.

But I actually think, this is really good news!

The placebo effect is excellent news!

Because it's concrete evidence

that the body holds within it innate self-repair mechanisms

that can make unthinkable things happen to the body.

So, if you find this surprising,

if you have a hard time believing that the body can heal itself,

you need look no further than The Spontaneous Remission Project,

a database compiled by the Institute of Noetic Sciences

of over 3500 case studies in the medical literature

of patients who have gotten better from seemingly "incurable" illnesses.

You think there's such a thing as an incurable illness?

I swear, if you go look at this database, it will blow your mind.

Everything is in there.

Stage 4 cancers that disappeared without treatment.

HIV positive patients, that became HIV negative.

Heart disease, kidney failure, diabetes, high blood pressure,

thyroid disease, autoimmune diseases, gone.

A great example of this in the medical literature,

is a case study from 1957 of Mr. Wright who had advanced lymphosarcoma.

So, things weren't going well for Mr. Wright, time was really running out.

He had tumors the size of oranges in his armpits, neck, chest, abdomen.

His liver and spleen were enlarged,

and his lungs were filling up with two quarts of milky fluid every day

that have to be drained in order for him to breathe.

But Mr. Wright wasn't giving up hope.

He had heard about this wonder drug called Krebiozen,

and he was begging his doctor,

"Come on, just give me some of that Krebiozen, it's all going to be good."

Now, unfortunately the Krebiozen was only available on a research protocol

and the protocol required that the doctor be able to make an assessment

that says that this guy has at least three months to live.

And his doctor, Dr. West just couldn't do that.

But Mr. Wright was tenacious and he didn't give up.

He kept badgering his doctor,

until finally his doctor was like, "OK, fine I'll give you the Krebiozen."

So he dosed him up on a Friday,

not expecting that Mr. Wright would make it through the weekend.

But to his utter shock, when Dr. West came in to do rounds on Monday,

Mr. Wright was up, walking around the wards,

and his tumors had shrunk to half of their original size.

They had melted like snowballs on a hot stove.

And ten days after getting the Krebiozen, they were gone.

So Mr. Wright was up rocking and rolling like praising

Krebiozen as the miracle drug he believed it to be, for two months,

until the initial reports came out about Krebiozen

that said that it didn't really look like Krebiozen was working so well.

Mr. Wright fell into a deep depression and his cancer came back.

This time Dr. West decided to get sneaky, and he told his patient, that,

"You know that Krebiozen that you got, that was a tainted version, not so good.

But I got us some ultrapure highly concentrated Krebiozen,

This stuff's got it going on."

He then injected Mr. Wright with nothing but distilled water.

And once again, the tumors disappeared, the fluid in his lungs went away.

Mr. Wright was up rocking and rolling for another two months.

And then the American Medical Association blew it,

by publishing a nationwide study

that proved definitively that Krebiozen was worthless.

Two days later, Mr. Wright, after hearing this news, died.

Soon after that, I came across another study

in the medical literature that was the stuff of fairy tales.

Three baby girls were born, delivered by a midwife,

on Friday the 13th in the Okefenokee Swamp, near the Georgia-Florida border.

And the midwife pronounced that these three babies,

born on such a fateful day, were all hexed.

The first, she said, would die before her 16th birthday.

The second, before her 21st.

The third, before her 23rd birthday.

And as it turned out, the first girl died the day before her 16th birthday,

the second died the day before her 21st birthday,

and the third girl, who knew what had happened to the other two,

got wind of that, and the day before her 23rd birthday,

she showed at the hospital hyperventilating,

begging them, to make sure she survived.

She wound up dying that night.

These two case studies are great examples from the medical literature

of the placebo effect, and its opposite, the nocebo effect.

When Mr. Wright got that distilled water and his tumors melted away,

that's a great example of the placebo effect.

When you get a seemingly inert treatment

and yet something is happening physiologically in the body,

such that the disease goes away.

The nocebo effect is the opposite.

So the three hexed girls are an example of the nocebo effect.

When the mind's belief that something bad is going to happen in the body

then it comes to manifest.

So the scientific literature, medical journals

like the New England Journal of Medicine

and the Journal of the American Medical Association,

these scientific journals are full of evidence that the placebo effect,

and the nocebo effect are incredibly powerful.

We've known this since the 1950s,

and we've seen countless case studies

that show that in almost everything you study,

if you give people a fake treatment, a sugar pill

a saline injection, or most effectively, a fake surgery,

(Laughter) - yeah, really -

18-80% of the time, people get better.

And it's not just in their mind, that's what I thought in the beginning,

like "Oh! They're just feeling better, they're thinking better."

But is not. It's actually in their physiology.

This is measurable.

You can actually see what happens to the body.

So for example patients getting placebos

were found to have ulcers that healed,

colons that became less inflamed, bronchi that dilated,

warts that disappeared, cells looked different under the microscope.

It's provable, it's happening in the body,

even though it's initiated by the mind.

So, when you look at these, some of the studies are just amazing.

I love the Rogain studies.

You get a bunch of bald men, you give them placebos.

They grow hair! (Laughter)

The opposite is also true, so if you give people a placebo

and you tell them it's chemotherapy,

they vomit, and they lose their hair.

So this is really happening in the body.

My question was,

Is it just the mind's positive belief that's making this happen?

Not according to Harvard researcher Ted Kaptchuk.

According to him, he thinks that the most essential part

is actually the nurturing care of a healthcare provider,

more so even than the mind's positive belief

that some of the studies actually say that the doctor is the placebo or can be.

So Ted Kaptchuk wanted to study this,

and he did a great study looking at patients

that were getting placebos for an illness,

for treatment of an illness and he told them,

"You're getting a placebo, there's nothing in here,

inert ingredients, nothing active." They still got better.

Most likely, Kaptchuk postulated, because they felt tended, nurtured,

they felt like they were doing something, they felt like somebody cared.

So to say that you can heal yourself is sort of a misnomer.

You know, the body can heal itself.

The body has these innate natural self repair mechanisms,

but the scientific data proves that you need

the tending nurturing care of a healthcare provider, of some sort, of a healer,

to facilitate that process.

It's not an easy process to go through alone,

so it makes a big difference

if somebody else is holding that positive belief with you.

But the problem is while the doctor can be the placebo,

the doctor can also be the nocebo.

So, what patients need from us, as healthcare providers,

they need us to be forces of healing, not forces of fear or pessimism.

So every time your doctor tells you, "You have an incurable illness,

you're going to have to take that medication for the rest of your life,"

or God forbid, you get cancer and they say,

"You've got a 5% five-year survival rate,"

it's really no different that when that midwife told those three baby girls

that they were hexed.

It's a form of medical hexing that's so prevalent.

As doctors, we think we're being realistic, you know?

We're giving people the kind of information

we think they need to know,

but we actually can be harming them.

Instead we need be more like Dr. West. You know?

Taking that distilled water, "Really Mr.Wright,

I promise, this is going to do it for you."

But do we have to count on our doctors to dupe us?

Do we have to get fake surgeries and fake drugs,

and wind up in clinical trials?

This is what led the next phase of my research.

So in my last TEDx talk, l talked about

a new wellness model that I developed,

called the Whole Health Cairn,

and this came about as part of my research,

trying to find how else can we harness this mind's power

that's clearly evidenced by the placebo effect and the nocebo effect,

can we do something without being in a clinical trial?

And my hypothesis was that in order to heal ourselves,

in order to be optimally healthy,

we need more than just a good diet, regular exercise program,

getting enough sleep, taking your vitamins, following your doctor's orders.

Those things all are great, and critical and important.

But I also came to believe that we need healthy relationships,

a healthy professional life, a healthy creative life,

a healthy spiritual life, a healthy sex life,

a healthy financial life, a healthy environment.

In essence, we need a healthy mind.

So I wanted to try to prove this, and I went into the medical literature

and the copious data that I found,

proving that all of those things are essential, really blew my mind.

I compiled them all into my upcoming book,

"Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself".

But I want to give you a few highlights about what this is all about.

So you can see from the Whole Health Cairn,

that all this facets are built upon a foundation stone

that I call your Inner Pilot Light.

And for me that's the essential authentic part of you,

that knows what's true for you.

That's willing to tell you the truth

about maybe what's out of alignment in your life,

what stones in your Whole Health Cairn might be out of balance.

And as you see I've put the body, physical health,

on the top of the Whole Health Cairn

because it's the most fragile, the most precarious,

and the most easy to kind of fall out of balance

if other things in your life aren't going so well.

So what I found in the medical data is that relationships matter.

People that have a strong social network have half the rate of heart disease

compared to those who are lonely.

Married people are twice as likely to live long lives than unmarried people.

In fact, curing your loneliness may be

the most important measure of prevention you can enact upon your body.

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Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves? | Lissa Rankin, MD | TEDxAmericanRiviera (1) Gibt es wissenschaftliche Beweise, dass wir uns selbst heilen können? | Lissa Rankin, MD | TEDxAmericanRiviera (1) ¿Hay pruebas científicas de que podemos curarnos a nosotros mismos? | Lissa Rankin, MD | TEDxAmericanRiviera (1) Y a-t-il une preuve scientifique que nous pouvons nous guérir nous-mêmes ? | Lissa Rankin, MD | TEDxAmericanRiviera (1) 自然治癒力を科学的に証明できますか?| リッサ・ランキン医学博士|TEDxAmericanRiviera (1) Há provas científicas de que podemos curar-nos a nós próprios? | Lissa Rankin, MD | TEDxAmericanRiviera (1) Есть ли научные доказательства того, что мы можем исцелить себя? | Лисса Ранкин, доктор медицины | TEDxAmericanRiviera (1) Kendimizi iyileştirebileceğimize dair bilimsel kanıt var mı? | Lissa Rankin, MD | TEDxAmericanRiviera (1) Чи є наукові докази того, що ми можемо зцілити себе? | Лісса Ренкін, доктор медичних наук | TEDxAmericanRiviera (1) 有科学证据证明我们可以自愈吗? |丽莎·兰金,医学博士 | TEDxAmericanRiviera (1)

Transcriber: Gabriel Orozco Hoyuela Reviewer: Chryssa R. Takahashi Μετάφραση: Miriela Patrikiadou Επιμέλεια: Chryssa Takahashi Traducteur: Hélène Vernet Relecteur: Morgane Quilfen מתרגם: Tal Dekkers מבקר: Ido Dekkers Traduttore: Patrizia C Romeo Tomasini Revisore: Elena Montrasio 번역: Soyoung Hong 검토: Won Jang Tłumaczenie: Marta Grochowalska Korekta: Krystyna Wasilewska Traducător: Cristina Nicolae Corector: Delia Bogdan Переводчик: Irina Strashuk Редактор: Aliaksandr Autayeu Çeviri: EDA ÇE Gözden geçirme: Sancak Gülgen

Can the mind really heal the body? Μπορεί πράγματι το μυαλό να θεραπεύσει το σώμα; ¿Puede en verdad [br]la mente sanar al cuerpo? L'esprit peut-il vraiment guérir le corps ? האם התודעה באמת יכולה לרפא את הגוף? La mente è davvero in grado di guarire il corpo? 마음이 정말 몸을 치유할 수 있을까요? Czy umysł naprawdę może uzdrowić ciało? A mente pode curar o corpo? Poate mintea să ne vindece trupul? Может ли сознание исцелить тело? Zihin gerçekten bedeni iyileştirebilir mi?

And if so, is there any scientific evidence Και αν ναι, υπάρχουν κάποια επιστημονικά στοιχεία Y de ser así, ¿existe [br]alguna evidencia científica Et si oui, existe-t-il des preuves scientifiques ואם כן, האם יש הוכחה מדעית לזה E se questo è vero, ci sono prove scientifiche 만약 그렇다면, 과학적 증거가 A jeśli tak, to czy są dowody naukowe, E se puder, existe alguma evidência científica И если да то имеются ли доказательства, benim gibi şüpheci doktorları

to convince skeptical physicians like me? για να πείσουν τους δύσπιστους γιατρούς σαν εμένα; que convenza a médicos [br]escépticos como yo? pour convaincre des médecins sceptiques comme moi ? כדי לשכנע רופאים ספקנים כמוני? in grado di convincere medici scettici come me? 저 같은 의심 많은 의사들을 설득할 수 있을까요? które przekonają lekarzy sceptycznych jak ja? para convencer médicos céticos como eu? чтобы убедить врачей-скептиков вроде меня? ikna edecek bir bilimsel kanıtı var mı?

These are the questions that fueled the last few years of my research Αυτά τα ερωτήματα τροφοδότησαν τα τελευταία χρόνια την έρευνά μου Estos son las preguntas que alimentan [br]en los último años mi investigación Telles sont les questions qui ont alimenté les dernières années de ma recherche. אלו הן השאלות שתדלקו את השנים האחרונות של המחקר שלי Queste domande hanno alimentato la mia ricerca negli ultimi anni 이런 질문들에 대해서 답하기 위해 저는 지난 몇 년간 연구를 해왔으며 Przez kilka ostatnich lat szukałam odpowiedzi i odkryłam, Essas são as perguntas que alimentam a minha pesquisa nos últimos anos Эти вопросы двигали мои исследования последних лет. son birkaç yılını tetikleyen sorular

and what I discovered is that the scientific community, και αυτό που ανακάλυψα είναι πως η επιστημονική κοινότητα, y lo que he descubierto es [br]que la comunidad científica, ומה שגיליתי זה שהקהילה המדעית, portandomi alla scoperta che la comunità scientifica, że środowisko naukowe i medyczne e o que descobri é que a comunidade científica, И я сделала открытие, что научные круги, ve keşfettiğim şey, bilim dünyasının

the medical establishment, has being proving for over 50 years, το ιατρικό κατεστημένο, αποδεικνύει εδώ και πάνω από 50 χρόνια, el sistema médico ha [br]demostrado durante más de 50 años a constamment démontré depuis plus de cinquante ans, הממסד הרפואי, הוכיח במשך 50 השנים האחרונות, l'establishment medico, per oltre 50 anni ha dimostrato od ponad 50 lat udowadnia, o estabelecimento médico vem comprovando, há mais de 50 anos, медицинские учреждения за последние 50 лет доказали, sağlık sektörünün, 50 yıldan fazla zamandır

that the mind can heal the body. πως το μυαλό μπορεί να θεραπεύσει το σώμα. que la mente puede [br]sanar el cuerpo. que l'esprit peut guérir le corps. שהתודעה באמת יכולה לרפא את הגוף. che la mente può guarire il corpo. że umysł może uzdrowić ciało. que a mente pode curar o corpo. что сознание может исцелить тело. zihnin bedeni iyileştirebildiğini ispat ettiğidir.

We call it the "placebo effect". Το ονομάζουμε «επίδραση του εικονικού φαρμάκου». Lo llamamos [br]el "efecto placebo". Nous appelons ça : « l'effet placebo ». אנחנו קוראים לזה "אפקט פלצבו" Si chiama "effetto placebo". Nazywamy to "efektem placebo" Chamamos isso de “efeito placebo”, Numim asta efect placebo. Это называется «эффект плацебо». Biz buna "plasebo etkisi" diyoruz. Ve bu gerçeği on yıllardır

And we've been trying to outsmart it for decades. Και προσπαθούμε να το ξεγελάσουμε για δεκαετίες. Hemos intentado [br]burlarlo por décadas. Et nous avons tenté de le déjouer pendant des décennies. (Rires) ואנחנו מנסים להערים עליו כבר עשרות שנים. E noi per decenni abbiamo cercato di essere più furbi di lui. i przez dziesiątki lat próbowaliśmy go przechytrzyć. que estamos tentando trapacear há décadas. Încercăm de decenii să-l înţelegem. (Râsete) Мы десятилетиями пытались его перехитрить. alt etmeye çalışıyoruz. (Kahkahalar)

(Laughter) (Γέλια) (Risas) (צחוק) (Risate) (Śmiech) (Risos) (Смех) Plasebo etkisi sağlık sektörü

The placebo effect is a thorn in the side of the medical establishment. Η επίδραση του εικονικού φαρμάκου είναι ένα αγκάθι για το ιατρικό κατεστημένο. El efecto placebo es una [br]espina en el entorno médico. אפקט הפלצבו הוא קוץ בתחת של הממסד הרפואי. L'effetto placebo è la spina nel fianco della classe medica. Efekt placebo jest solą w oku lekarzy. O efeito placebo é uma pedra no sapato do estabelecimento médico. Efectul placebo e un ghimpe în coasta comunităţii medicale. Эффект плацебо — заноза в теле медицинской практики. açısından baş belasıdır. Uygunsuz bir gerçektir, iki aradadır,

It's an inconvenient truth, that gets in between, Είναι μια άβολη αλήθεια που χώνεται μέσα στην προσπάθεια Es una verdad incómoda, [br]que se mete entre זו אמת לא נוחה, שנתקעת בין, È una verità scomoda che s'intromette, To niewygodna prawda, która utrudnia próby É uma verdade inconveniente, que fica entre as tentativas E un adevăr neplăcut, care ne deranjază Это неприятная правда, которая стоит между внедрением yeni ameliyatlar getirmeye çalışır.

trying to bring new treatments, new surgeries into the medical establishment. για νέες θεραπείες και νέα χειρουργεία στο ιατρικό κατεστημένο. intentar crear tratamiento nuevos,[br]cirugías nuevas al sistema médico. dans le milieu médical. נסיון להביא טיפולים חדשים, ניתוחים חדשים לתוך הממסד הרפואי. cercando di portare nuovi tipi di trattamento e nuovi interventi nelle istituzioni mediche. wprowadzenia nowych terapii i zabiegów w środowisku medycznym. de introduzir novos tratamentos, novas cirurgias ao estabelecimento médico. când încercăm să găsim tratamente sau operaţii noi în medicină. новых видов лечения, новых хирургических методов Bu yüzden bir problemdir! Güya.

So it's a problem! Supposedly. Οπότε είναι ένα πρόβλημα! Θεωρητικά. ¡Entonces es un problema![br]Supuestamente. Donc, c'est un problème ! (Rires) Soi-disant ! אז זאת בעיה, לכאורה. Quindi è un problema! Apparentemente. Aşadar e o problemă. Se presupune. в медицинской практике. И это проблема! Вроде бы. Ama ben bunun gerçekten iyi bir haber olduğunu düşünüyorum!

But I actually think, this is really good news! Όμως πιστεύω πως αυτό είναι μια καλή είδηση. En realidad creo, [br]¡que son buenas noticias! En fait, c'est une très bonne nouvelle ! אבל למעשה אני חושבת, שאלו באמת חדשות טובות! Ma, a dire il vero, io penso che sia una buona notizia! Eu cred că-i ceva bun! Efectul placebo e excelent! Но я думаю, что это скорее хорошая новость! Plasebo etkisi müthiş bir haber!

The placebo effect is excellent news! Η επίδραση του εικονικού φαρμάκου είναι εξαιρετική είδηση. ¡El efecto palcebo es [br]una noticia excelente! L'effet placebo est une excellente nouvelle ! אפקט הפלצבו הוא חדשות מצויינות! L'effetto placebo è una splendida notizia! Эффект плацебо — замечательная новость! Çünkü bu, bedenin özünde barındırdığı

Because it's concrete evidence Επειδή είναι απτή απόδειξη Porque la evidencia [br]concreta dice Parce que c'est la preuve concrète מפני שזה ראיות מוצקות Perché è la prova concreta Oferă dovezi concrete că organismul deţine propriile mecanisme autoreparatorii Потому, что это железное доказательство того, doğal kendini iyileştirme mekanizmalarının

that the body holds within it innate self-repair mechanisms πως το σώμα εμπεριέχει εκ γενετής μηχανισμούς αυτό-ίασης que el cuerpo contiene mecanismos [br]de reparación propios innatos que le corps possède en son sein des mécanismes d'auto-réparation innés שהגוף מחזיק בתוכו מנגנוני תיקון עצמי מולדים che il corpo contiene al suo interno un meccanismo innato di autoriparazione что тело содержит внутренние механизмы восстановления, bedene akla hayale sığmayacak şeyler yapabildiğinin somut kanıtıdır.

that can make unthinkable things happen to the body. που μπορούν να προκαλέσουν απίστευτα πράγματα στο σώμα. que pueden hacer que cosas [br]impensables ocurran al cuerpo. qui peuvent produire des choses impensables dans le corps. שיכולים לעשות דברים בלתי ייאומנים לגוף. che riesce a fare accadere cose impensabili nel corpo. care fac să i se întâmple lucruri de neimaginat. приводящие к тому, что немыслимое случается с телом. Bunu şaşırtıcı bulduysanız,

So, if you find this surprising, Οπότε αν αυτό σας εκπλήσσει, Si encuentran esto sorprendente, Si vous trouvez cela surprenant, אז, אם אתם מופתעים מזה, Se trovate che questo sia sorprendente, Dacă vi se pare surprinzător şi greu de crezut Если вам кажется это удивительным, bedenin kendini iyileştirebileceğine

if you have a hard time believing that the body can heal itself, αν δυσκολεύεστε να πιστέψετε πως το σώμα μπορεί να αυτό-ιαθεί, si les cuesta trabajo creer que [br]el cuerpo puede autocurarse, si vous ne pouvez pas croire que le corps peut se guérir, אם אתם מתקשים להאמין שהגוף יכול לרפא את עצמו, se vi riesce difficile credere che il corpo possa guarire se stesso, că organismul se poate vindeca singur, и вам тяжело поверить в самоисцеление, uzağa bakmanıza gerek yok.

you need look no further than The Spontaneous Remission Project, δεν χρειάζεται να ψάξετε πέρα από το Πρόγραμμα Αυτόματης Ύφεσης, no tienen más que mirar [br]el Proyecto de Remisión Espontánea, ne cherchez pas plus loin que le Projet de Rémission Spontanée, אתם לא צריכים להביט רחוק יותר מהפרוייקט הנסיגה הספונטנית, non dovete far altro che dare un'occhiata al Progetto di Remissione Spontanea, vedeţi The Spontaneous Remission Project (Proiectul remisiilor spontane), вам стоит посмотреть проект спонтанных ремиссий, Bu, Noetik Bilimler Enstitüstünün derlediği,

a database compiled by the Institute of Noetic Sciences μια βάση δεδομένων που καταρτίστηκε από το Ινστιτούτο Νοητικών Επιστημών una base de datos compilada por [br]el Instituto de Ciencias Noéticas une base de données de l'Institut of Noetic Sciences בסיס הנתונים שנאספו על ידי המכון למדעי התבונה un database compilato dall'Istituto di Scienza Noetica arhive culese de Institutul de Ştiinţe Noetice (IONS) базу данных составленную Институтом абстрактных наук. fazla vaka çalışmasında

of over 3500 case studies in the medical literature με περισσότερες από 3500 μελέτες στην ιατρική βιβλιογραφία con más de 3 500 casos de [br]estudio en la literatura médica de plus de 3 500 études de cas dans la littérature médicale של מעל 3500 מחקרי מקרים בספרות הרפואית con oltre 3500 casi-studio presenti nella letteratura medica 여기에는 3500건이 넘는 데이터베이스의 care conţin peste 3500 de studii de caz din literatura medicală Это более 3 500 случаев, описанных в медицинской литературе, iyileştiği gözlenen hastaların veritabanı.

of patients who have gotten better from seemingly "incurable" illnesses. ασθενών που καλυτέρευσαν από φαινομενικά «ανίατες» ασθένειες. de pacientes que han mejorado sus [br]enfermedades en apariencia "incurables". de patients qui ont guéri de maladies apparemment « incurables ». של חולים שהשתפרו מלכאורה מחלות "חשוכות מרפא". di pazienti che hanno riportato miglioramenti da malattie apparentemente "incurabili". "불치병"으로 보이는 환자들이 나아진 의료 사례들이 담겨있습니다. ale pacienţilor care s-au însănătoşit având boli ,,incurabile". пациентов, выздоровевших после так называемых, «неизлечимых» болезней. Tedavisi imkansız hastalık diye bir şey var mı sanıyorsunuz?

You think there's such a thing as an incurable illness? Νομίζετε πως υπάρχουν ανίατες ασθένειες; ¿Creen acaso que existe [br]una enfermedad incurable? Pensez-vous que la « maladie incurable » existe ? אתם חושבים שיש כזה דבר מחלות חשוכות מרפא? Voi penserete, ma esistono malattie incurabili? 여러분은 불치병이라는 것이 있다고 생각하세요? Credeţi că există boli incurabile? Вы думаете как такое возможно при неизлечимой болезни? bir baksanız aklınız uçar.

I swear, if you go look at this database, it will blow your mind. Ορκίζομαι πως αν δείτε αυτή τη βάση δεδομένων, θα τρελαθείτε. Les juro, que si revisan esta base [br]de datos, quedarían impactados. Je vous jure, si vous consultez ces données, ça va vous stupéfier ! אני נשבעת, אם אתם תלכו להסתכל על בסיס הנתונים הזה, זה יפוצץ לכם את המוח. Giuro che se andate a dare un'occhiata a questo database, rimarrete a bocca aperta. 맹세컨대, 여러분이 그 데이터베이스를 보시면 깜짝 놀라실 겁니다. 모든 것이 들어 있습니다. Znajdziecie tam wszystko. Lá tem de tudo. Jur că dacă citiţi cazurile din proiect, n-o să vă vină să credeţi. Я клянусь, вы будете потрясены, если взглянете на эту базу данных. Her şey burada tutuluyor.

Everything is in there. Βρίσκονται τα πάντα εκεί. Hay de todo ahí. Tout est là ! הכל נמצא שם. C'è tutto. 4기 암환자가 치료 없이 암이 사라졌습니다. Nowotwory IV stopnia, które zniknęły bez leczenia. Estágio IV de câncer que desaparece sem tratamento. Găsiţi tot acolo: cancere în stadiul IV, vindecate fără tratament, В ней — всё. Tedavisiz yok olan 4. evre kanserler

Stage 4 cancers that disappeared without treatment. Καρκίνοι στο 4ο στάδιο που εξαφανίστηκαν χωρίς θεραπεία. Cáncer en etapa 4 que [br]desaparece sin tratamiento. Des cancers de stade 4 disparus sans traitement, סרטן שלב ארבע שנעלם ללא טיפול. Cancro al quarto stadio scomparso senza alcuna terapia. Четвертая стадия рака исчезла без лечения. HIV negatife dönüşen HIV pozitif hastalar

HIV positive patients, that became HIV negative. Ασθενείς θετικοί στον ιό HIV που έγιναν αρνητικοί. Pacientes con VIH positivo[br]que se vuelve negativo. des patients séropositifs devenus séronégatifs... חולה איידס שנרפא. Pazienti HIV positivi che diventano HIV negativi. ВИЧ-позитивные пациенты стали ВИЧ-негативными. Kalp hastalığı, böbrek yetmezliği, diyabet, yüksek tansiyon,

Heart disease, kidney failure, diabetes, high blood pressure, Καρδιοπάθειες, ανεπάρκεια νεφρών, διαβήτης, υψηλή πίεση, Enfermedades cardíacas, fallas [br]renales, diabetes, presión alta, Maladie cardiaque, insuffisance rénale, diabète, hypertension, מחלות לב, כשל כליות, סוכרת, לחץ דם גבוה, Malattie cardiache, insufficienza renale, diabete, ipertensione, Сердечная, почечная недостаточность, диабет, гипертония, tiroit hastalığı, otoimmun hastalıklar... Yok oluyor.

thyroid disease, autoimmune diseases, gone. ασθένειες του θυρεοειδούς, αυτοάνοσα νοσήματα, εξαφανίστηκαν. enfermedades de la tiroides,[br]enfermedades autoinmunes, desparecen. maladie de la thyroïde, maladie auto immune... terminées ! מחלת בלוטת התריס, מחלות אוטואימוניות, נעלמו. malattie della tiroide, malattie autoimmuni, scomparse. afecţiuni tiroidiene, autoimune - dispărute. заболевания щитовидной железы, автоиммунные заболевания исчезли. Tıp literatüründe bunun için muhteşem bir örnek,

A great example of this in the medical literature, Ένα εξαιρετικό παράδειγμα αυτής της ιατρικής βιβλιογραφίας Un gran ejemplo de esto [br]en la literatura médica, Un excellent exemple dans la littérature médicale דוגמה מצויינת לזה בספרות הרפואית, Un ottimo esempio, nella letteratura medica, Un exemplu bun din literatura medicală e cazul d-lui Wright, din 1957, Великолепный пример в медицинской литературе - это случай enfosarkom olan Bay Wright'ın olayıdır.

is a case study from 1957 of Mr. Wright who had advanced lymphosarcoma. είναι μια μελέτη του 1957, του κου Ράιτ, με λεμφοσάρκωμα σε προχωρημένο στάδιο. es un caso de estudio de 1957 del Sr. Wright,[br]que tenía un linfosarcoma avanzado. est l'étude, en 1957, du cas de M. Wright qui avait un lymphosarcome avancé. זה מקרה משנת 1957 של מר רייט שהיה לו לימפוסרקומה מתקדם (סרטן תאי שומן). è un caso studio del 1957 relativo al Signor Wright che aveva un linfosarcoma in stadio avanzato. мистера Райта, изученный в 1957 году, у которого была запущенная лимфосаркома. İşler Bay Wright için iyi gitmemekte, zamanı tükenmekteydi.

So, things weren't going well for Mr. Wright, time was really running out. Τα πράγματα δεν πήγαιναν καλά για τον κο Ράιτ και ο χρόνος του τελείωνε. Las cosas no iban bien para el Sr. Wright, [br]el tiempo se le acababa. Les choses n'allaient pas bien pour M. Wright. Son temps était compté. אז, דברים לא הלכו כמו שצריך למר רייט, הזמן באמת נגמר. Le cose non si mettevano bene per il Signor Wright, era proprio agli sgoccioli. Było z nim kiepsko, a czas uciekał. As coisas não estavam indo bem para ele, seu tempo estava se esgotando. Дела обстояли у мистера Райта не очень хорошо, времени оставалось мало. Koltuk altında, boynunda, göğsünde ve karnında portakal büyüklüğünde tümörleri vardı.

He had tumors the size of oranges in his armpits, neck, chest, abdomen. Είχε όγκους στις μασχάλες, στο σβέρκο, στο στήθος και στη σπονδυλική στήλη. Tenía tumores del tamaño de naranjas en [br]las axilas, el cuello, el pecho, el abdomen. Il avait des tumeurs de la taille d'une orange sous les aisselles, dans le cou, la poitrine, l'abdomen. היו לו גידולים בגודל של תפוזים בבית השחי, צוואר, חזה, בטן. Aveva tumori grandi come arance sotto le ascelle e su collo, torace e addome. Miał guzy wielkości pomarańczy w wielu miejscach na ciele, Ele tinha tumores do tamanho de laranjas em suas axilas, pescoço, tórax e abdômen. У него были опухоли размером с апельсин, в подмышках, шее, грудной и брюшной полостях. Karaciğeri ve dalağı büyümüştü,

His liver and spleen were enlarged, Το συκώτι του και ο σπλήνας του είχαν διογκωθεί Su hígado y bazo [br]estaban agrandados, Son foie et sa rate étaient hypertrophiés. הכבד והטחול שלו הורחבו, Fegato e milza erano ingrossati, powiększoną wątrobę i śledzionę, Seu fígado e baço estavam aumentados, Печень и селезёнка были увеличены, nefes alabilmesi için boşaltılması gereken,

and his lungs were filling up with two quarts of milky fluid every day και οι πνεύμονές του γέμιζαν καθημερινά με δύο λίτρα υγρό sus pulmones se llenaban a diario [br]de 2 litros con un fluido lechoso Ses poumons se remplissaient de 2 litres de liquide par jour והראות שלו התמלאו בשני ליטרים של נוזל חלבי מידי יום i polmoni ogni giorno si riempivano di due litri di liquido lattiginoso płuca wypełniał mu codziennie mlekowaty płyn, e seus pulmões se enchiam diariamente de 2 litros de líquido leitoso в лёгких набиралось по 2 литра мутной жидкости каждый день sütümsü bir sıvıyla doluyordu.

that have to be drained in order for him to breathe. το οποίο έπρεπε να αφαιρείται για να μπορεί να αναπνέει. Όμως ο κύριος Ράιτ δεν έχανε την ελπίδα του. que debía drenarse [br]para que pudiera respirar. Pero el Sr. Wright [br]no perdía la esperanza. שהיו צריכים לנקזם בכדי שיוכל לנשום. אבל מר רייט לא ויתר על התקווה. che doveva essere aspirato per consentirgli di respirare. Ma il signor Wright non smetteva di sperare. który trzeba było odsączać, żeby oddychał. Pan Wright nie tracił jednak nadziei. que eram drenados para que respirasse. Mas o Sr.Wright não perdia as esperanças. Dar dl. Wrigth nu renunţa să spere. и надо было дренировать их, чтоб он мог дышать. Но мистер Райт не терял надежды. Ama Bay Wright umudunu asla kaybetmiyordu. Krebiozen denilen mucizevi ilacı duymuştu

But Mr. Wright wasn't giving up hope. Είχε ακούσει για ένα θαυματουργό φάρμακο που ονομαζόταν Κρεμπιοζέν, Había oído hablar de esta maravilloso [br]fármaco llamado Krebiozen, הוא שמע על תרופת הפלא הזאת שנקראת קרביוזן, Aveva sentito parlare di un farmaco miracoloso, il Krebiozen, Dowiedział się o cudownym leku o nazwie Krebiozen Ele ouviu falar de uma droga milagrosa chamada Krebiozen, Auzise de un medicament miraculos numit Krebiozen, Он узнал о замечательном лекарстве Кребиозене ve doktoruna yalvarmaya başlamıştı:

He had heard about this wonder drug called Krebiozen, Et il suppliait son docteur :

and he was begging his doctor, « Allez, donnez-moi de ce Krebiozen et tout ira bien ! » Ancak ne yazık ki Krebiozen

"Come on, just give me some of that Krebiozen, it's all going to be good."

Now, unfortunately the Krebiozen was only available on a research protocol que exigia uma avaliação médica en az üç ay ömrü kaldığına

and the protocol required that the doctor be able to make an assessment πως το άτομο είχε τουλάχιστον τρεις μήνες ζωής. y decir que este tipo solo [br]tenía como tres meses de vida. au minimum trois mois à vivre. שלאדם הזה יש לפחות שלושה חודשים לחיות. che il paziente avesse almeno tre mesi di vita. 의사가 의견서를 제출해야 했습니다. że pacjent ma przed sobą przynajmniej 3 miesiące życia. atestando que o paciente teria ao menos três meses de vida. mai avea de trăit cel puţin 3 luni. что пациенту осталось жить по крайней мере 3 месяца. dair değerlendirme yapmasını gerektiriyordu. Doktoru, Dr West bunu yapamadı.

that says that this guy has at least three months to live. Και ο γιατρός του, ο Δρ. Γουέστ, δεν μπορούσε να το κάνει. Y su médico, el Dr. West no [br]podía simplemente hacer eso. Et son docteur, Dr West, ne pouvait pas le faire. והרופא שלו, ד"ר ווסט פשוט לא יכל לעשות זאת. Il suo medico, il Dr West, non poteva proprio farlo. 그리고 그의 의사인 웨스트 박사는 그럴 수가 없었습니다. Dr West nie mógł tego zrobić, E o seu médico, Dr. West, não podia fazer isso. Iar doctorul său, dr. West, nu putea spune asta. Его лечащий доктор Уэст не мог этого сделать. Ama Bay Wright ısrarcıydı ve pes etmedi.

And his doctor, Dr. West just couldn't do that. Όμως ο κύριος Ράιτ ήταν επίμονος και δεν το έβαζε κάτω. Pero el Sr. Wright tenaz, [br]no se dio por vencido. Mais M. Wright était tenace. Il n'abandonna pas. אבל מר רייט היה עקשן ולא ויתר. Ma il signor Wright era tenace e non demordeva. 그러나 라이트씨는 집요했으며 포기하지 않았습니다. ale pan Wright nie ustępował. Mas o Sr. Wright era teimoso e continuou insistindo com seu médico. Dar dl. Wright era tenace şi nu renunţa. L-a pisat pe doctor până când a cedat: Но мистер Райт был настойчив и не сдавался. Doktorunun yakasını bırakmadı

But Mr. Wright was tenacious and he didn't give up. Συνέχισε να ενοχλεί τον γιατρό του Siguió insistiendo a su médico, Il continua à harceler son docteur, הוא המשיך להתחנן לרופא שלו, Continuò ad assillare il suo medico, 그는 계속 의사를 졸랐고, 결국 의사는 Wiercił lekarzowi dziurę w brzuchu, Он продолжал клянчить лекарство, ta ki doktoru "Tamam,

He kept badgering his doctor, μέχρι που κάποια στιγμή του είπε, «Εντάξει, θα σου δώσω το Κρεμπιοζέν.» hasta que finalmente su médico dijo, [br]"De acuerdo, le daré el Krebiozen". jusqu'à ce qu'il lui dise : עד שלבסוף הרופא שלו אמר, "אוקיי, בסדר אני אתן לך את הקרביוזן." finché questi disse: "OK, va bene, le darò il Krebiozen." aż ten zgodził się zastosować Krebiozen. ,,Bine, fie, îţi dau Krebiozen." пока доктор не согласился назначить Кребиозен. Böylelikle Bay Wright'ın

until finally his doctor was like, "OK, fine I'll give you the Krebiozen." Οπότε, μια Παρασκευή, του έδωσε μια δόση, Le puso una dosis un viernes, « D'accord, je vous donne le Krebiozen ! » Il le lui administra un vendredi, אז הוא נתן לו מינון ליום שישי E gli diede una dose di venerdì, 그래서 그는 금요일에 이 약을 그에게 투여했지만 Lekarz podał panu Wrightowi lek w piątek, Então ele colocou a dose numa sexta-feira, I l-a administrat într-o vineri, Он назначил дозу на пятницу, haftasonunu sağ çıkaracağını düşünmese de, bir Cuma günü ilk dozu verdi.

So he dosed him up on a Friday, περιμένοντας πως ο κύριος Ράιτ δεν θα έβγαζε το σαββατοκύριακο. sin la esperanza de que el Sr. Wright [br]lograría pasar el fin de semana. en pensant que M. Wright ne passerait pas le week-end. ולא ציפה שמר רייט יעבור את סוף השבוע. pensando che Wright non ce l'avrebbe fatta a sopravvivere al weekend. 라이트씨가 주말을 넘길 거라고 예상하지 않았습니다. nie oczekując, że ten przeżyje weekend. sem a esperança do que Sr. Wright pudesse sobreviver o fim de semana. convins că dl. Wright nu va supravieţui până luni. не надеясь, что мистер Райт протянет до понедельника. Pazartesi günü geldiğinde Dr West şok oldu,

not expecting that Mr. Wright would make it through the weekend. Mais, à son plus grand étonnement, não esperava que o Sr. Wright fosse resistir até o fim de semana.

But to his utter shock, when Dr. West came in to do rounds on Monday, ο κος Ράιτ ήταν όρθιος, περπατούσε στους θαλάμους el Sr. Wright estaba [br]caminando por las salas, מר רייט היה על הרגליים, הסתובב מסביב למחלקות, il signor Wright era in piedi che camminava per i reparti, 라이트씨가 병동을 걸어 다니고 있었고, widząc pana Wrighta chodzącego po oddziale. Mas para seu espanto completo, quando o Dr. West entrou para fazer as rondas na segunda-feira, мистер Райт был на ногах, прогуливаясь по палате, tümörleri de eski boyutunun yarısına çekilmişti.

Mr. Wright was up, walking around the wards, και οι όγκοι του είχαν συρρικνωθεί στο ήμισυ. y sus tumores se habían reducido [br]a la mitad de su tamaño original והגידולים שלו התכווצו לחצי מהגודל המקורי שלהם. e i suoi tumori si erano ridotti alla metà della dimensione originaria. 그의 종양도 반으로 줄어들어 있었습니다. Guzy zmniejszyły się o połowę, o Sr. Wright estava de pé, andando pelos corredores, cu tumorile micşorate pe jumătate. и его опухоли уменьшились вдвое от прежнего размера. Sıcak soba üstündeki kar topları gibi erimişlerdi.

and his tumors had shrunk to half of their original size.

They had melted like snowballs on a hot stove.

And ten days after getting the Krebiozen, they were gone. ve iki ay boyunca Krebiozen'in

So Mr. Wright was up rocking and rolling like praising mucizevi ilaç olduğuna inanıyordu,

Krebiozen as the miracle drug he believed it to be, for two months, pendant deux mois... ta ki Krebiozen hakkındaki ilk raporlar çıkana dek.

until the initial reports came out about Krebiozen jusqu'à ce que les premiers rapports sur le Krebiozen parurent, Krebiozen'in pek de işe yaramadığı söylenmişti raporda.

that said that it didn't really look like Krebiozen was working so well. disant que le Krebiozen ne marchait pas très bien. Bay Wright büyük bir depresyona girdi ve kanseri nüksetti.

Mr. Wright fell into a deep depression and his cancer came back. M. Wright sombra dans une profonde dépression et son cancer revint. Bu sefer de Dr West kurnazca davrandı ve hastasına,

This time Dr. West decided to get sneaky, and he told his patient, that, Cette fois-ci, Dr West décida de cacher son jeu... Il dit à son patient : « Ce Krebiozen que je vous ai donné... 이때 웨스트 박사는 조금 사기를 치기로 했고, 그는 환자에게, "Senin o aldığın Krebiozen kusurlu bir versiyondu, pek iyi değildi.

"You know that Krebiozen that you got, that was a tainted version, not so good. c'était une version altérée, pas très bonne. "당신에게 사용됐던 크레비오젠에는 문제가 있었고, 그렇게 좋지 않았습니다. Ama şimdi elimde ultra saf yüksek konsantre olandan var.

But I got us some ultrapure highly concentrated Krebiozen, J'ai une version de Krebiozen ultra pure et très concentrée. 하지만 이번에는 제가 순 고농축 크레비오젠을 받았습니다. Bu tam olması gerektiği gibi." dedi.

This stuff's got it going on." Ça va vous remettre en forme ! » 이것은 효과가 있을 겁니다." Sonra Bay Wright'a yalnızca saf su enjekte etti.

He then injected Mr. Wright with nothing but distilled water. 그리고 그는 라이트씨에게 증류수를 주사하였습니다. Ve bir kez daha tümörler yok olmuştu, ciğerlerindeki sıvı gitmişti.

And once again, the tumors disappeared, the fluid in his lungs went away. 그러자 또다시 종양이 사리지고 폐의 복수도 없어졌습니다. Bay Wright iki ay daha tozu dumana katar olmuştu.

Mr. Wright was up rocking and rolling for another two months. 라이트씨는 또 두 달을 더 기뻐했습니다. Ve Amerikan Sağlık Derneği ulusal bir inceleme yayınlayıp

And then the American Medical Association blew it, 그리고는 미국 의학협회에서 모든 걸 망쳐버렸지요. Krebiozen'in kesinlikle işe yaramaz olduğunu ispat ederek bunu batırdı.

by publishing a nationwide study 전국적인 보도를 통해서

that proved definitively that Krebiozen was worthless. que le Krebiozen était sans valeur. 크레비오젠은 확실히 쓸모가 없다는 연구결과를 알린 것이지요.

Two days later, Mr. Wright, after hearing this news, died. Deux jours plus tard, M. Wright mourut, après avoir entendu cette nouvelle. 소식을 들은 이틀 후 라이트씨는 사망하였습니다.

Soon after that, I came across another study Peu après, je suis tombée sur une autre étude dans la littérature médicale, 곧이어 저는 의학보고서에서 Wkrótce znalazłam kolejną analizę przypadku,

in the medical literature that was the stuff of fairy tales. matière à contes de fées. 또 다른 동화 같은 이야기를 접하게 되었습니다. której treść brzmiała jak bajka.

Three baby girls were born, delivered by a midwife, Trois fillettes sont nées, mises au monde par une sage-femme un vendredi 13, 조산사가 세 명의 여자 아기를 받았습니다. Trzy dziewczynki przyszły na świat w piątek 13.,

on Friday the 13th in the Okefenokee Swamp, near the Georgia-Florida border. dans le marais d'Okefenokee, près de la frontière Géorgie-Floride. 13일의 금요일 조지아와 플로리다 경계의 오키페노키 습지 부근이었지요. na pograniczu Georgii i Florydy.

And the midwife pronounced that these three babies, La sage-femme a déclaré que ces trois bébés, nés ce jour néfaste, Położna oznajmiła, że na dziewczynkach urodzonych

born on such a fateful day, were all hexed. ont tous été ensorcelés. w taki feralny dzień ciąży klątwa

The first, she said, would die before her 16th birthday. « Le premier, a-t-elle dit, mourra avant son 16ème anniversaire. i pierwsza z nich umrze, zanim ukończy 16 lat,

The second, before her 21st. le deuxième, avant son 21ème, druga nie skończy 21,

The third, before her 23rd birthday. le troisième, avant son 23ème anniversaire. » a trzecia 23 lat.

And as it turned out, the first girl died the day before her 16th birthday, Il s'est avéré que la première fille est morte la veille de son 16ème anniversaire. 그리고 결국에 첫 번째 아이는 16세 생일 전날 죽었습니다. Tak się stało, że pierwsza z nich zmarła dzień przed 16 urodzinami,

the second died the day before her 21st birthday, La deuxième est morte la veille de son 21ème anniversaire. 두 번째 아이는 21살 생일 전날 죽었으며 druga dzień przed 21,

and the third girl, who knew what had happened to the other two, Et la troisième fille, qui a eu vent de ce qui était arrivé aux deux autres, 그 둘에게 있었던 일을 알고 있던 세 번째 아이는 a trzecia, wiedząc, co spotkało jej siostry,

got wind of that, and the day before her 23rd birthday, arriva à l'hôpital la veille de son 23ème anniversaire 소문을 듣고 23번째 생일 전날 na dzień przed 23 urodzinami no dia antes de seu 23º aniversário,

she showed at the hospital hyperventilating, en état d'hyperventilation, les suppliant de s'assurer qu'elle survivrait. 숨을 헐떡이며 병원으로 찾아와서 poszła do szpitala, ledwie łapiąc oddech chegou no hospital hiperventilada, implorando para ser salva.

begging them, to make sure she survived. 자신을 살게 해 달라고 애원했습니다. i błagając, żeby nie dano jej umrzeć.

She wound up dying that night. Elle finit par mourir cette nuit-là. 그녀도 결국 그날 밤 사망했지요. Zmarła tamtej nocy.

These two case studies are great examples from the medical literature Ces deux études de cas sont de bons exemples dans la littérature médicale To dwa świetne przykłady z literatury medycznej

of the placebo effect, and its opposite, the nocebo effect. de l'effet placebo et de son opposé, l'effet nocebo. na efekt placebo i jego przeciwieństwo, nocebo.

When Mr. Wright got that distilled water and his tumors melted away, Quand M. Wright a reçu cette eau distillée et que ses tumeurs ont disparu, Pan Wright, któremu zniknęły guzy po podaniu wody destylowanej,

that's a great example of the placebo effect. c'est un excellent exemple de l'effet placebo : 그것은 플라시보 효과의 좋은 예입니다. to świetny przykład na efekt placebo.

When you get a seemingly inert treatment quand vous avez un traitement manifestement inactif 여러분이 실제로는 무의미한 치료를 받고도 Mimo pozornie obojętnego leczenia,

and yet something is happening physiologically in the body, et pourtant quelque chose se passe dans le corps, physiologiquement, 생리학적으로 몸에 무언가 변화가 일어나 w ciele następują zmiany fizjologiczne

such that the disease goes away. et la maladie disparaît. 질병이 사라지는 것이지요. powodujące powrót do zdrowia.

The nocebo effect is the opposite. L'effet nocebo est l'opposé. 노시보 효과는 그 반대입니다. W przypadku efektu nocebo jest odwrotnie,

So the three hexed girls are an example of the nocebo effect. Les trois filles ensorcelées sont un exemple de l'effet nocebo. 저주받은 3명의 여자 아이들은 노시보 효과의 예입니다. jak w historii o trzech siostrach, na których ciążyła klątwa.

When the mind's belief that something bad is going to happen in the body Quand l'esprit croit que quelque chose de mal va arriver au corps, 심리적으로 몸에서 나쁜 일이 일어나고 있다고 믿으면 Gdy w umyśle tkwi przekonanie, że ciało spotka coś złego,

then it comes to manifest. cela se manifeste. 그것이 나타납니다. to tak się dzieje.

So the scientific literature, medical journals Donc, la littérature scientifique, les revues médicales 과학 서적과 의학 저널들에도 Czasopisma medyczne,

like the New England Journal of Medicine comme le « New England Journal of Medicine » 예를 들면 뉴잉글랜드 의학저널이나 jak New England Journal of Medicine

and the Journal of the American Medical Association, et le « Journal of the American Medical Association » i Journal of the American Medical Association,

these scientific journals are full of evidence that the placebo effect, ces journaux scientifiques sont remplis de preuves que l'effet placebo są pełne dowodów, że efekt placebo i nocebo

and the nocebo effect are incredibly powerful. et l'effet nocebo sont incroyablement puissants. są niezwykle silne.

We've known this since the 1950s, Nous le savons depuis les années 1950. Wiemy o tym już od połowy XX wieku

and we've seen countless case studies Et nous avons vu d'innombrables études de cas i znamy niezliczone analizy przypadku,

that show that in almost everything you study, qui montrent que, dans presque tout ce que vous étudiez, z których wynika, że prawie zawsze,

if you give people a fake treatment, a sugar pill 가짜 치료, 위약 처방, 식염수 주사 gdy poda się komuś tabletkę z cukru, zrobi zastrzyk z soli fizjologicznej

a saline injection, or most effectively, a fake surgery, ou mieux, une opération chirurgicale factice, albo, co najskuteczniejsze, symulowaną operację,

(Laughter) - yeah, really - 18... -- (Rires) Oui ! Vraiment ! (Rires) -- (웃음) - 네, 진짜예요 - (Śmiech) --serio--

18-80% of the time, people get better. dans 18 à 80 % des cas, les gens vont mieux. 18-80%의 시간에 환자들이 더 나아졌습니다. w 18-80% przypadków następuje poprawa.

And it's not just in their mind, that's what I thought in the beginning, 마음에서만 일어나는 일이 아닙니다. 저도 처음에는 이렇게 생각했습니다.

like "Oh! They're just feeling better, they're thinking better." Non ! C'est réellement dans leur physiologie. "아 그냥 사람들의 기분과 생각이 나아졌구나." 그렇지만 그렇지 않습니다. 이것은 생리학적으로 일어나는 일이며 Ama öyle değil! Gerçekten bedenlerinde oluyor.

But is not. It's actually in their physiology. C'est mesurable. Vous pouvez vraiment voir ce qu'il se passe dans le corps. 수치로 확인이 됩니다. Ölçülebilir bir şey.

This is measurable. 여러분은 실제로 몸에서 어떤 변화가 일어나는지 볼 수 있습니다. Bedene ne olduğunu bilfiil gözle görebiliyorsun

You can actually see what happens to the body. Για παράδειγμα, ασθενείς που λάμβαναν εικονικά φάρμακα Así por ejemplo, los pacientes [br]que reciben placebos כך לדוגמה בחולים שמקבלים פלצבו Per esempio, in pazienti che ricevevano placebo 예를 들어 플라시보를 받은 환자들은 U niektórych pacjentów przyjmujących placebo Por exemplo, nos pacientes que receberam placebo, Pacienţi cărora li s-a dat placebo Например, у пациентов, получающих плацебо Örneğin placebo alan hastaların

So for example patients getting placebos βρέθηκαν πως είχαν έλκη που θεραπεύτηκαν, se encontró que tenían [br]úlceras que sanaban, מצאנו כיבים שנרפאו, si sono osservate ulcere guarite, zagoiły się wrzody, as úlceras foram curadas, s-au vindecat de ulcer, de colon iritabil, de spasm bronşic, язвы затягиваются, ülserlerinin iyileştiği görüldü,

were found to have ulcers that healed,

colons that became less inflamed, bronchi that dilated, des bronches qui se dilatent, siğilleri kayboldu,

warts that disappeared, cells looked different under the microscope. 현미경을 통해 세포들이 달라진 것이 확인되었습니다. hücreleri mikroskopta farklı görünmeye başladı.

It's provable, it's happening in the body, 이것은 몸속에서 일어나며 입증이 가능합니다. Zihin tarafından başlatılmış olsa da,

even though it's initiated by the mind. 마음에 시작 되었음에도 말이죠. tüm bunlar kanıtlanabilir, bedende oluyor.

So, when you look at these, some of the studies are just amazing. Donc... Quelques-unes des études sont tout simplement étonnantes ! 여러분 이것을 보시게 되면, 어떤 사례들은 정말 놀랍습니다. Bunlara baktığınızda, çalışmaların bazıları çok şaşırtıcı.

I love the Rogain studies. J'aime les études de Rogaine ! 저는 로간 사례를 좋아하는데요, Rogaine (bir ilaç) çalışmalarını severim.

You get a bunch of bald men, you give them placebos. Prenez des homme chauves. Donnez-leur des placebos. 많은 대머리 남자들이 플라시보를 받고 Bir grup kel adama placebo verirsiniz ve

They grow hair! (Laughter) Leurs cheveux poussent ! (Rires) 머리가 자라났습니다! (웃음) saçları uzamaya başlar! (Kahkahalar)

The opposite is also true, so if you give people a placebo 반대의 경우도 사실인데, 사람들에게 플라시보를 주면서 Tersi de doğru; insanlara placebo verir de

and you tell them it's chemotherapy, 이것은 항암치료라고 말하면 kemoterapi olduğunu söylerseniz

they vomit, and they lose their hair. 그들은 토하고, 머리카락도 빠집니다. kusarlar ve saçları dökülmeye başlar.

So this is really happening in the body. 이런 것들이 실제로 몸속에서 일어납니다. Yani, gerçekten bedende oluyor.

My question was, Je me suis posée la question : 제가 궁금했던 것은 Benim sorum; bunu mümkün kılan şeyin

Is it just the mind's positive belief that's making this happen? est-ce juste la croyance positive de l'esprit qui réalise cela ? 긍정적 믿음만으로 이런 일이 일어나는가 입니다. czy powoduje to tylko pozytywne nastawienie? care face posibile aceste manifestări? yalnız zihnin pozitif inancı olup olmadığıydı.

Not according to Harvard researcher Ted Kaptchuk. Non, selon Ted Kaptchuk, un chercheur à Harvard. 하버드의 연구자 테드 캡척에 따르면 그렇지 않습니다. Naukowiec z Harvardu, Ted Kaptuchuk, uważa, że nie. Nu şi după Ted Kaptchuc, cercetător la Harvard. Harvard'dan araştırmacı Ted Kaptchuk'a göre "hayır".

According to him, he thinks that the most essential part D'après lui, le facteur le plus essentiel est, en fait, 그가 생각하기에 가장 중요한 부분은 Jego zdaniem najważniejsza jest El crede că cel mai important lucru e grija cuiva calificat, Ona göre, en önemli şey

is actually the nurturing care of a healthcare provider, la sollicitude du prestataire de soins, 사실 의료인이 제공하는 정성 담긴 치료입니다. dobra opieka zdrowotna. sağlık hizmeti verenin korumacı, anaç tavrıdır.

more so even than the mind's positive belief plus que la croyance positive de l'esprit. 이것은 사실 환자의 긍정적인 믿음보다 중요하며 Ważniejsza nawet niż pozytywne nastawienie. mais do que a crença positiva da mente çalışmalar, zihnin pozitif inancından çok,

that some of the studies actually say that the doctor is the placebo or can be. Certaines des études disent, qu'en fait, le docteur est le placebo ou peut l'être. 어떤 연구에 따르면 의사 자체가 플라시보일 수 도 있다고 합니다. Niektóre badania wskazują nawet na to, że lekarz jest lub może być jak placebo. que alguns estudos realmente dizem que o médico é o placebo ou pode ser. doktorun kendisinin placebo etkisi olabileceğini söylüyor.

So Ted Kaptchuk wanted to study this, Donc, Ted Kaptchuk a voulu étudier cela. 그래서 테드 캡척은 이에 대해 연구를 하기 원했고 Ted Kaptchuk chciał to sprawdzić Então Ted Kaptchuk queria estudar isso Ted Kaptchuk bunu incelemek istedi,

and he did a great study looking at patients Il a fait une excellente étude, observant des patients 인상적인 연구를 실시했지요. ve placebo alan hastalar ile

that were getting placebos for an illness, qui recevaient des placebos pour une certaine maladie. 그는 앓고 있는 질병 치료에 플라시보를 처방받은 환자들을 관찰했습니다. ca tratament pentru o boală, cărora le spunea: harika bir çalışma yaptı.

for treatment of an illness and he told them, Il leur a dit : « On vous donne un placebo, 그는 환자들에게 이렇게 말했습니다. e disse-lhes: "Você está recebendo um placebo, não há nada aqui, Onlara "Placebo alıyorsunuz"

"You're getting a placebo, there's nothing in here, il n'y a rien dedans que des ingrédients inertes, rien d'actif ! » "이 약은 위약으로써, 이 약에는 아무것도 없습니다. bez żadnych substancji czynnych. etkisiz maddeler sadece" dedi

inert ingredients, nothing active." They still got better. Ils vont quand même mieux ! Mimo to stan pacjentów się poprawił. Şi ei totuşi se însănătoşeau. Yine de iyileştiler.

Most likely, Kaptchuk postulated, because they felt tended, nurtured, Kaptchuk a postulé que, probablement, parce qu'ils se sentaient considérés et entourés, Kaptchuk twierdzi, że to pewnie dlatego, że pacjenci czuli się zadbani Ted Kaptchuk a conchis că e din cauză că se simţeau îngrijiţi, hrăniţi, Kaptchuk bunun sebebinin, hastaların bakıldıklarını, korunduklarını,

they felt like they were doing something, they felt like somebody cared. ils avaient l'impression de faire quelque chose, que quelqu'un se souciait d'eux. 누군가가 신경써준다고 느꼈기 때문입니다. că se simţeau utili şi că îi păsa cuiva de ei, önemsendiklerini hissetmeleri olduğunu kabul eder.

So to say that you can heal yourself is sort of a misnomer. Donc... Dire que vous pouvez vous guérir vous-même est un peu trompeur. 따라서 스스로를 치료한다는 말은 잘못된 표현입니다. prin urmare e impropriu spus că te vindeci singur. Kendini iyileştirebilme yanlış bir adlandırmadır.

You know, the body can heal itself. Vous savez, le corps peut se guérir. 아시다시피 우리 몸은 스스로 치료 할 수 있습니다. Organismul se poate vindeca singur. Are mecanisme înnăscute de autoreparare, Beden kendini iyileştirebilir.

The body has these innate natural self repair mechanisms, Le corps a ses mécanismes naturels et innés d'auto-réparation. 우리 몸에는 선천적 자가 치유 체제가 있지만 iyileştirebilme mekanizmasına sahiptir.

but the scientific data proves that you need Mais, les données scientifiques prouvent que vous avez besoin dar datele ştiinţifice dovedesc că ai nevoie de grija şi atenţia Fakat bilimsel veriler kanıtlar ki,

the tending nurturing care of a healthcare provider, of some sort, of a healer, de la sollicitude affectionnée d'un professionnel de la santé, bu süreci kolaylaştırmak için sağlık hizmet sağlayıcısının

to facilitate that process. d'un guérisseur, afin de faciliter ce processus. 이 체제를 도와주어야 합니다. korumacı, anaç yaklaşımına ihtiyaç vardır.

It's not an easy process to go through alone, Ce n'est pas facile de passer par ce processus seul. 이 체제는 혼자서 진행하기 어려우며 Nu e ceva uşor de făcut de unul singur, Bu yalnız başedilmesi kolay bir süreç değil.

so it makes a big difference Cela fait une grande différence, quand quelqu'un d'autre 큰 변화를 주기 위해서는 aşa că contează mult ca cineva să-ţi susţină convingerea. Bu nedenle, başkasının

if somebody else is holding that positive belief with you. soutient cette croyance positive avec vous. 이런 긍정적인 믿음을 공유하는 누군가가 필요하지요. pozitif inancı sizinle tutması büyük fark yaratır.

But the problem is while the doctor can be the placebo, Le problème est que, si le docteur peut être le placebo, 그러나 의사가 플라시보가 될 수 있는 것처럼 doktorun kendisi placebo etkisi olabileceği gibi,

the doctor can also be the nocebo. le docteur peut aussi être le nocebo. 또한 노시보도 될 수 있다는 게 문제입니다. nocebo etkisi de olabilir.

So, what patients need from us, as healthcare providers, Donc, ce que les patients demandent de nous, prestataires de soins, 그래서 의료진으로서 우리가 환자에게 주여야 할 것은 iyileştirici güç olmamıza ihtiyaçları var

they need us to be forces of healing, not forces of fear or pessimism. c'est d'être des forces de guérison, non des forces de peur ou de pessimisme. 치유에 대한 영향력이지 두려움과 비관의 영향력이 아닙니다. é que sejamos forças da cura, não forças do medo ou do pessimismo. să fim forţe vindecătoare, nu forţe ale pesimismului şi fricii. korku ve karamsar güç olmamıza değil.

So every time your doctor tells you, "You have an incurable illness, Chaque fois qu'un docteur vous dit : « Vous avez une maladie incurable... 의사가 당신에게 "당신은 불치병이며, Assim, sempre que seu médico fala: "Você tem uma doença incurável, Aşa că de câte ori un doctor îţi spune: ,, Ai o boală incurabilă. Yani, doktorunu size "tedavi edilemez bir hastalığınız var"

you're going to have to take that medication for the rest of your life," 평생 이 약을 먹어야합니다." Va trebui să iei medicamente tot restul vieţii", "hayatınızın sonuna kadar bu ilacı almalısınız" derse

or God forbid, you get cancer and they say, ή, ω μη γένοιτο, παθαίνετε καρκίνο και σας λένε, o Dios no lo quiera, que [br]tengan cáncer y les digan, 또는, 그러기를 바라지 않지만, 당신이 암에 걸렸을 때 의사가 albo, nie daj Boże, macie raka, a on mówi, sau Doamne fereşte, faci cancer şi îţi spune: veya Allah korusun, kanserseniz ve

"You've got a 5% five-year survival rate," «Έχεις 5% πιθανότητα για προσδόκιμο ζωής πέντε χρόνια», "Tienen una probabilidad [br]de sobrevivencia de 5 años" « Vous avez 5 % de chance de survivre cinq ans. » "당신은 5년 살 확률이 5%입니다" 라고 말 할 때 że wskaźnik przeżycia pięciu lat to 5%. ,,S-ar putea să mai trăieşti 5 ani." "5 yıl daha hayatta kalma şansınız %5" derse,

it's really no different that when that midwife told those three baby girls αυτό δεν διαφέρει από εκείνη τη μαμή που είπε στα τρία μωρά κορίτσια, No difiere de cuando la partera [br]le dijo a las tres bebés 이건 정말 조산사가 3명의 여자 아이들에게 Jest on jak położna mówiąca, że na trzech dziewczynkach ciąży klątwa. Nu diferă deloc de ce a spus moaşa la naşterea celor 3 fetiţe, hikayedeki ebenin 3 kız kardeşe

that they were hexed. πως ήταν καταραμένα. que estaban embrujadas. 저주 받았다고 말한 것과 같습니다. cum că erau blestemate. lanetlenmiş olduklarını söylemesinden bir farkı yoktur.

It's a form of medical hexing that's so prevalent. Είναι ένα είδος ιατρικής κατάρας που έχει επικρατήσει πολύ. Es una forma de maldición [br]médica muy dominante. 이건 의료적인 저주이며 너무나 보편적입니다. Ta forma medycznej klątwy jest bardzo powszechna. E o formă de blestem medical atât de răspândită. Bu çok yaygın bir tıbbi lanetlemedir.

As doctors, we think we're being realistic, you know? Ως γιατροί νομίζουμε πως είμαστε ρεαλιστές. Como médicos, pensamos que [br]somos realistas, ¿no? 의사로서 우리는 이것이 현실적이라고 생각합니다. My lekarze uważamy, że jesteśmy realistami. Ca doctori ne gândim că suntem realişti, düşünüyoruz biliyor musunuz?

We're giving people the kind of information Δίνουμε το είδος πληροφορίας που νομίζουμε πως πρέπει να γνωρίζουν, Damos a la gente el tipo de información [br]que pensamos necesitan saber, 우리는 사람들에게 그들이 알아야할 정보를 Udzielamy ludziom informacji, jakiej naszym zdaniem potrzebują, că spunem oamenilor ce credem că trebuie să ştie, İNsanlara bilmeleri gereken bilgileri verdiğimizi düşünüyoruz,

we think they need to know, όμως στην πραγματικότητα μπορεί να τους κάνουμε κακό. pero en realidad les [br]podemos hacer daño. Peut-être qu'en fait, nous leur nuisons. אבל אנחנו למעשה יכולים לפגוע בהם. ma in realtà è possibile che gli stiamo facendo del male. 우리는 그들을 실제로 해치고 있을 수도 있습니다. ale faktycznie możemy robić im krzywdę. mas, na verdade, estamos prejudicando-as. când de fapt le facem rău. но в действительности мы можем навредить. fakat aslında onlara zarar veriyor olabiliriz.

but we actually can be harming them.

Instead we need be more like Dr. West. You know?

Taking that distilled water, "Really Mr.Wright, je vous promets !

I promise, this is going to do it for you." Ceci va marcher pour vous. »

But do we have to count on our doctors to dupe us? Mais, devons-nous compter sur nos docteurs pour nous duper ?

Do we have to get fake surgeries and fake drugs, Devons-nous avoir de fausses chirurgies, prendre de faux médicaments

and wind up in clinical trials? 그리고 의학 임상실험에 기대야 하나요? e acabar em ensaios clínicos?

This is what led the next phase of my research. 이 질문이 제 연구를 다음으로 진행시켜주었습니다. Foi isso que levou à próxima fase da minha pesquisa.

So in my last TEDx talk, l talked about 저는 지난번 TEDx 강연에서 Então, no meu último discurso no TEDx, falei sobre

a new wellness model that I developed, 제가 개발한 새로운 건강모델에 대하여 얘기하였습니다. um novo modelo de bem-estar que desenvolvi chamado "The Whole Health Cairn",

called the Whole Health Cairn, « Whole Health Cairn » (Cairn de santé). 건강의 돌탑이라고 하는 건데

and this came about as part of my research, Il est issu de mes recherches visant à trouver : 그리고 이것은 제 연구의 한 부분이 되었고

trying to find how else can we harness this mind's power comment pourrions-nous exploiter autrement cette puissance du mental,

that's clearly evidenced by the placebo effect and the nocebo effect, clairement prouvée par l'effet placebo et l'effet nocebo ?

can we do something without being in a clinical trial? Pouvons-nous faire quelque chose sans être dans un essai clinique ?

And my hypothesis was that in order to heal ourselves, Mon hypothèse était que, pour nous guérir,

in order to be optimally healthy, pour être dans une condition de santé optimale, 즉 최적의 건강을 위해서는

we need more than just a good diet, regular exercise program, il nous faut plus qu'un bon régime alimentaire, un programme d'exercice régulier, 건강한 식단, 일정한 운동 프로그램,

getting enough sleep, taking your vitamins, following your doctor's orders. assez de sommeil, prendre nos vitamines, suivre les conseils du docteur. 충분한 수면, 비타민 섭취, 의사의 지시를 따르는 이상이 필요합니다.

Those things all are great, and critical and important. Tout cela est très bien, crucial, important. 이 모든 것들이 매우 필수적이며 중요한 요소이지요.

But I also came to believe that we need healthy relationships, 그렇지만 저는 건강한 관계도 필요하다고 믿게 되었습니다. Mas também cheguei a acreditar que precisamos de relacionamentos saudáveis,

a healthy professional life, a healthy creative life, 건강한 직장생활, 건강한 창의적 생활, uma vida profissional saudável, uma vida criativa saudável,

a healthy spiritual life, a healthy sex life, 건강한 영적 생활, 건강한 성생활, uma vida espiritual saudável, uma vida sexual saudável,

a healthy financial life, a healthy environment. un environnement sain... 건강한 경제적 삶, 건강한 환경이 필요합니다. i zdrowego środowiska.

In essence, we need a healthy mind. En substance, nous avons besoin d'un esprit sain. 본질적으로 건강한 마음이 필요합니다. W gruncie rzeczy potrzebujemy zdrowego umysłu.

So I wanted to try to prove this, and I went into the medical literature 그래서 저는 이것을 입증하고 싶었고 Chciałam to udowodnić i zabrałam się za studiowanie literatury medycznej.

and the copious data that I found, 의학보고서와 대량의 데이터가 모두 Obszerne dane, które znalazłam, un număr impresionant de informaţii care dovedeau asta. Am fost uimită.

proving that all of those things are essential, really blew my mind. 이것들의 중요성을 증명하는 것을 보고 정말 입을 다물지 못했습니다. dowodzące, że to wszystko jest niezbędne, naprawdę mnie zdumiały.

I compiled them all into my upcoming book, Je les ai toutes compilées dans mon prochain livre : 저는 이 모든 것을 새로 출간할 책에 실었습니다. Zebrałam je w mojej książce, która niedługo się ukaże

"Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself". « Mind Over Medicine : Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself ». "‘약보다 마음: 과학적으로 증명된 자연치유" "Umysł silniejszy od medycyny. Naukowy dowód na to, że możecie wyleczyć się sami",

But I want to give you a few highlights about what this is all about. Je vais vous donner une idée de ce dont il s'agit, 그러나 저는 여기서 이 책의 몇 가지 중요한 부분을 이야기 하고 싶습니다. ale teraz przedstawię kilka najważniejszych punktów.

So you can see from the Whole Health Cairn, afin que vous puissiez voir dans le Cairn que toutes ces facettes 여기 건강의 돌탑이 보입니다. Na całościowym modelu zdrowia widać,

that all this facets are built upon a foundation stone sont construites sur une pierre de fondation : 모든 면들이 하나의 초석 위에 쌓여있습니다. że te wszystkie aspekty bazują na podstawie,

that I call your Inner Pilot Light. votre « Pilote interne ». 이것을 저는 내면의 점화불씨라고 부릅니다. którą nazywam wewnętrznym światłem przewodnim,

And for me that's the essential authentic part of you, C'est cette partie de vous, vitale et authentique, 그리고 이것은 중요한 당신의 진실한 부분이며 rozumianym jako wasze sedno, autentyczna część was,

that knows what's true for you. qui sait ce qui est vrai pour vous, 무엇이 당신에게 참된 것인지 알고 있습니다. znająca prawdę o was,

That's willing to tell you the truth prête à vous dire la vérité 이것은 사실을 알려줄 것입니다. która chce wam powiedzieć, co może być nie tak w waszym życiu

about maybe what's out of alignment in your life, sur ce qui, peut-être, ne cadre pas dans votre vie, 당신의 생활에 어떤 것이 어긋나 있는지

what stones in your Whole Health Cairn might be out of balance. quelles pierres du Cairn semblent en déséquilibre. 건강의 돌탑 어느 부분의 돌이 균형에 어긋나는지를 알려주지요.

And as you see I've put the body, physical health, Comme vous pouvez le voir, j'ai mis la santé physique, 보시는 것처럼, 저는 몸, 육체 건강을

on the top of the Whole Health Cairn au sommet du Cairn parce que c'est la plus fragile et précaire, 건강의 돌탑 가장 위에 놓았습니다.

because it's the most fragile, the most precarious, 왜냐하면 이것은 가장 약하고 위태로우며, sensibilă şi cea mai susceptibilă să cadă, dacă celelalte nu sunt stabile.

and the most easy to kind of fall out of balance 가장 쉽게 균형이 깨지기 때문입니다.

if other things in your life aren't going so well. 삶의 다른 부분들이 순탄치 못할 때 말이죠.

So what I found in the medical data is that relationships matter. c'est que les relations comptent. 그래서 제가 의학 데이터에서 찾은 것은 관계가 중요하다는 것입니다.

People that have a strong social network have half the rate of heart disease Les gens ayant un réseau de relations solide ont la moitié du taux de maladie cardiaque,

compared to those who are lonely. comparé à ceux qui sont seuls.

Married people are twice as likely to live long lives than unmarried people. Les gens mariés ont deux fois plus de chance de vivre une longue vie, que les non-mariés.

In fact, curing your loneliness may be En fait, guérir votre solitude pourrait être la plus importante 사실 외로움을 치유하는 게

the most important measure of prevention you can enact upon your body. mesure de prévention que vous pouvez imposer à votre corps, 여러분이 실시 할 수 있는 가장 중요한 예방법 입니다.