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Ted Talks, Healing illness with the subconscious mind | Danna Pycher | TEDxPineCrestSchool (2)

Healing illness with the subconscious mind | Danna Pycher | TEDxPineCrestSchool (2)

When the subconscious mind heals, it allows the nervous system to relax.

When the nervous system relaxes, there are less erratic signals.

When there are less erratic signals,

the endocrine system does not need to be in a chronic state of fight or flight,

therefore sending out inflammatory hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.

You see all this is all coming together?

OK, I know I overloaded you with a ton of information.

So I want to finish up with this.

A bit of an experience I had with a client who came to see me.

There's a woman, she came to see me, and she came to see me for weight loss,

which many people do,

many people come to see hypnotists to lose weight.

And I asked her: "What's the issue?

No motivation to get to the gym, you don't have a taste for healthy food;

what's going on?"

So she said, "No, I have motivation get to the gym.

Yet every time I go, I get into more pain."

So I asked, "Why are you in pain?"

I said, "Oh, am I familiar?"

So I said to her, "Let's start from the inside out.

Instead of working on your motivation to get to the gym,

we should work on your fibromyalgia pain first."

I asked her: "Where do you feel most of it right now?"

She said in her neck.

I said, okay, let's go for it.

We did a regression session around the pain in her neck.

And the memory that came up was at the time she was 12 years old,

her and her brother got into a fight.

He pushed her down the stairs

and she essentially got a stiff neck for a few weeks,

and then it went away.

Ten years later, it came back,

and she told me that for 20 years she couldn't move her neck.

We resolved that trauma -

the trauma surrounding that memory and a few others.

When we finished, she came up out of hypnosis,

and she went like this.

For the first time in 20 years, she moved her neck.

My mouth dropped and so did hers.

We carry our lives with us not only in our minds

yet all over our body.

Our bodies and minds are intrinsically connected.

There's so much more detail I can go through on this topic,

yet really, this is the takeaway I want to give to you today:

The mind and body are resilient

and have the innate ability to heal themselves.

Yet sometimes they just need a bit of guidance.

My wish for you is to be informed

and to know that there are resources out there

to help you feel like the best you.

I was told, time and time again, that I would be sick or have PTSD forever.

I was told by many doctors

that I'd have to be on high-level antidepressants,

that there was no hope for me -

this was the pathway of my life.

Yet, in reality, I knew,

and I was determined with every ounce of my being

to get back to who I knew I was:

that girl that existed somewhere deep down inside me.

And now, I speak about chronic illness and PTSD in the past,

behind me, no longer part of me.

If there's someone you know who doesn't feel good,

please tell them that there is hope.

If you can heal your mind, you can heal your life.

So here's to you, your healthy mind and body,

and here's to never give up the fight for your vitality.

Thank you very much.


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Healing illness with the subconscious mind | Danna Pycher | TEDxPineCrestSchool (2) Krankheiten mit dem Unterbewusstsein heilen | Danna Pycher | TEDxPineCrestSchool (2) Curar enfermedades con la mente subconsciente | Danna Pycher | TEDxPineCrestSchool (2) Guérir la maladie avec le subconscient | Danna Pycher | TEDxPineCrestSchool (2) Curar doenças com a mente subconsciente | Danna Pycher | TEDxPineCrestSchool (2) Исцеление болезней с помощью подсознания | Данна Пайчер | TEDxPineCrestSchool (2) Зцілення хвороб за допомогою підсвідомості | Danna Pycher | TEDxPineCrestSchool (2) 用潜意识治愈疾病 |丹娜·皮彻 | TEDxPineCrestSchool (2) 用潛意識治癒疾病 |丹娜皮徹 | TEDxPineCrestSchool (2)

When the subconscious mind heals, it allows the nervous system to relax. ||bilinçaltı||||||||| Cuando la mente subconsciente se repara, permite que el sistema nervioso se relaje. Ketika pikiran bawah sadar membaik, sistem saraf menjadi tenang. Quando a mente subconsciente se cura, permite que o sistema nervoso relaxe.

When the nervous system relaxes, there are less erratic signals. ||||gevşer||||daha az düzensiz|sinirsel sinyaller ||||||||nieprzewidywalne| Cuando el sistema nervioso se relaja, hay menos señales erráticas. Ketika sistem saraf tenang, kiriman sinyal tak menentu berkurang. Quando o sistema nervoso relaxa há menos sinais erráticos.

When there are less erratic signals, ||||daha az düzensiz| Cuando hay menos señales erráticas, Ketika sinyal tak menentu berkurang, Quando há menos sinais erráticos,

the endocrine system does not need to be in a chronic state of fight or flight, |endokrin|||||||||kronik|||savaş||savaş ya da kaçış el sistema endocrino no necesita estar en un estado permanente de lucha o huida, sistem endokrin tidak perlu berada dalam respons lawan atau lari yang kronis, o sistema endócrino não precisa ficar em um estado crônico de luta ou fuga,

therefore sending out inflammatory hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. |||iltihaplı|hormonlar||kortizol||adrenalin |||zapalne||||| propagando por ello hormonas inflamatorias como el cortisol y la adrenalina. yang mengirimkan hormon peradangan seperti kortisol dan adrenalin. enviando assim hormônios inflamatórios como cortisol e adrenalina.

You see all this is all coming together? ¿Pueden ver cómo todo va tomando forma? Anda lihat semua ini saling terhubung? Você vê como tudo isso está interligado?

OK, I know I overloaded you with a ton of information. ||||aşırı yükledim|||||| Bueno, ya sé que les he bombardeado con demasiada información. OK, saya tahu saya membeberkan banyak sekali informasi. OK, eu sei que te sobrecarreguei com uma tonelada de informação.

So I want to finish up with this. Así que voy a concluir con lo siguiente. Jadi saya ingin mengakhirinya dengan ini. Então eu quero terminar com isso.

A bit of an experience I had with a client who came to see me. |||||||||bir müşteri||||| Se trata de una experiencia que tuve con una clienta que vino a verme. Sedikit pengalaman dengan seorang klien yang mendatangi saya. Um pouco da experiência que tive com um cliente que veio me ver.

There's a woman, she came to see me, and she came to see me for weight loss, ||||geldi|||||||||||kilo kaybı|kilo kaybı Esta señora vino a verme porque quería perder peso, Seorang wanita mendatangi saya untuk menurunkan berat badannya, Uma mulher veio me ver para perder peso,

which many people do, como mucha otra gente, seperti kebanyakan orang, o que muitas pessoas fazem,

many people come to see hypnotists to lose weight. |||||hipnozcular||| muchas personas acuden a hipnotizadores para adelgazar. yang mendatangi penghipnotis untuk tujuan serupa. muitas pessoas procuram hipnotizadores para perder peso.

And I asked her: "What's the issue? Yo le pregunté: "¿Cuál es su problema? Saya bertanya: “Apa masalahnya? E eu perguntei a ela qual era o problema:

No motivation to get to the gym, you don't have a taste for healthy food; Hayır|||||||||||tadın||| Sin motivación para acudir al gimnasio, no le apasiona la comida saludable; Tidak termotivasi pergi ke gym? Tidak selera dengan makanan sehat? falta de motivação para ir à academia, não gosta de comida saudável;

what's going on?" ¿Qué le ocurre?" Apa yang terjadi?” o que está acontecendo?

So she said, "No, I have motivation get to the gym. Y ella respondió, "No, sí que tengo motivación para ir al gimnasio. Dia berkata, “Tidak, saya termotivasi untuk ke gym. Então ela disse: "Não, eu tenho motivação para ir,

Yet every time I go, I get into more pain." ama||||||||| Pero cada vez que voy siento más dolor". Tapi, setiap kali saya pergi, tubuh saya semakin nyeri.” no entanto, toda vez que vou, eu sinto mais dor."

So I asked, "Why are you in pain?" Así que le pregunté, "¿Por qué siente dolor?" Jadi saya tanya, “Kenapa bisa nyeri?” Então eu perguntei: "Por que você está com dor?"

I said, "Oh, am I familiar?" |||||tanıdık mı Respondí, "¿Que si me resulta familar?" Saya jawab, “Oh, memang pernah dengar.” Eu disse: "Oh, já ouvi falar?"

So I said to her, "Let's start from the inside out. Entonces le dije, "Empecemos por el principio. Lalu saya bilang, "Mari kita mulai dari dalam ke luar. Então eu disse a ela: "Vamos começar de dentro para fora.

Instead of working on your motivation to get to the gym, En vez de trabajar en su motivación para ir al gimnasio, Ketimbang membahas motivasi Anda untuk pergi ke gym, Em vez de trabalhar na sua motivação para ir à academia,

we should work on your fibromyalgia pain first." |||||fibromyalji|| deberíamos primero ocuparnos del dolor de su fibromialgia". kita harus membahas nyeri dari fibromyalgia dahulu.” vamos primeiro trabalhar na dor da fibromialgia."

I asked her: "Where do you feel most of it right now?" Le pregunté: "¿Dónde siente más dolor ahora mismo?" Saya tanya: “Di mana nyeri itu paling terasa saat ini?” Eu perguntei a ela: "Onde você sente a maior parte disso agora?"

She said in her neck. Ella respondió que en su cuello. Katanya ada di lehernya. Ela disse que era no pescoço.

I said, okay, let's go for it. Y yo dije, de acuerdo, vayamos a ello. Saya bilang, “OK, ayo kita mulai.” Eu disse, tudo bem, vamos trabalhar nisso.

We did a regression session around the pain in her neck. |||regresyon||||||| Hicimos una sesión de regresión sobre el dolor en su cuello. Kami mengadakan terapi regresi sekitar nyeri di lehernya. Nós fizemos uma sessão de regressão relacionada à dor no pescoço dela.

And the memory that came up was at the time she was 12 years old, Y el recuerdo que emergió fue de cuando tenía 12 años, Ingatan yang muncul adalah ketika dia berumur 12 tahun, E a memória que surgiu foi da época em que ela tinha 12 anos,

her and her brother got into a fight. ella y su hermano se enzarzaron en una pelea. dia dan saudaranya bertengkar. ela e seu irmão tiveram uma briga,

He pushed her down the stairs Él la empujó por las escaleras Saudaranya mendorongnya dari tangga ela a empurrou escada abaixo

and she essentially got a stiff neck for a few weeks, ||özünde|||sert||||| ||w zasadzie|||||||| Y ella acabó sufriendo tortícolis durante varias semanas, dan lehernya menjadi kaku selama beberapa minggu, e ela teve torcicolo por algumas semanas,

and then it went away. que luego desapareció. lalu dia sembuh. e então foi embora.

Ten years later, it came back, La tortícolis reapareció 10 años después, Sepuluh tahun kemudian, rasa itu kambuh. Dez anos depois, voltou,

and she told me that for 20 years she couldn't move her neck. y me aseguró que fue incapaz de mover el cuello durante 20 años. dan dia berkata bahwa selama 20 tahun dia tak dapat menggerakan lehernya. e ela me disse que por 20 anos ela não pôde mover o pescoço.

We resolved that trauma - |karara vardık||travma(1) Superamos ese trauma, Kami mengatasi trauma itu - Nós resolvemos aquele trauma -

the trauma surrounding that memory and a few others. el trauma relativo a ese recuerdo y unos cuantos más. trauma seputar ingatan itu dan beberapa ingatan yang lain. o trauma em torno dessa memória e alguns outros.

When we finished, she came up out of hypnosis, ||||||||hipnozdan Cuando terminamos, regresó de la hipnosis, Saat kami selesai, dia tersadar dari hipnosis, Quando terminamos ela saiu da hipnose,

and she went like this. e hizo lo siguiente. dan dia melakukan ini. e fez isso.

For the first time in 20 years, she moved her neck. |||||||||boyun Por primera vez en 20 años era capaz de mover su cuello. Untuk pertama kalinya dalam 20 tahun, dia menggerakan lehernya. Pela primeira vez em 20 anos ela mexeu o pescoço.

My mouth dropped and so did hers. ||opadła|||| Ambas nos quedamos boquiabiertas. Mulut saya ternganga, begitu pula dengannya. Meu queixo caiu e o dela também.

We carry our lives with us not only in our minds Acarreamos con nosotros nuestras vidas no solo en nuestras mentes Kita hidup tidak hanya membawa pikiran kita Nós carregamos nossas vidas conosco não só em nossas mentes,

yet all over our body. sino en todo nuestro cuerpo. tapi juga seluruh tubuh kita. mas em todo o nosso corpo.

Our bodies and minds are intrinsically connected. |||||doğası gereği|bağlantılı |||||wewnętrznie| Nuestros cuerpos y mentes están intrínsecamente conectados. Tubuh dan pikiran kita secara alamiah sudah terhubung. Nossos corpos e mentes estão intrinsecamente conectados.

There's so much more detail I can go through on this topic, Hay tantos otros aspectos relacionados con este tema que podría abordar, Masih banyak hal yang bisa saya uraikan tentang topik ini, Eu poderia entrar em tantos outros detalhes sobre esse assunto,

yet really, this is the takeaway I want to give to you today: |||||ana fikir||||||| |||||wniosek||||||| pero esto es en realidad con lo que quiero contribuir hoy: tapi ini yang dapat saya sampaikan pada Anda sekalian hari ini: mas a mensagem principal que eu quero passar para vocês hoje é:

The mind and body are resilient |||||dayanıklıdır |||||odporny La mente y el cuerpo son resilientes Pikiran dan tubuh kita itu bingkas o corpo e a mente são resilientes

and have the innate ability to heal themselves. |||doğuştan|||| y tienen la innata capacidad de curarse a sí mismos. dan memiliki kemampuan untuk menyembuhkan diri sendiri. e possuem a habilidade inata de se curarem.

Yet sometimes they just need a bit of guidance. ||||||||rehberlik Pero a veces necesitan un poco de ayuda. Namun, terkadang mereka membutuhkan sedikit arahan. Porém, às vezes, necessitam de um pouco de orientação.

My wish for you is to be informed |||||||bilgilendirilmiş Mi deseo es que estén informados Harapan saya adalah Anda terdidik Meu desejo é que vocês estejam informados

and to know that there are resources out there ||||||kaynaklar|| y que sepan que hay recursos disponibles dan mengetahui banyak sumber daya di luar sana e que saibam que há recursos lá fora

to help you feel like the best you. para ayudarles a sentirse de la mejor manera posible. yang membantu Anda merasa menjadi yang terbaik para ajudar vocês a se sentirem o melhor de vocês.

I was told, time and time again, that I would be sick or have PTSD forever. ||||||||||||||PTSD|sonsuza dek Me dijeron una y otra vez que me sentiría mal o sufriría TEPT de forma permanente. Saya diberitahu, lagi dan lagi, saya akan sakit atau mengidap PTSD selamanya. Foi-me dito várias vezes que eu seria doente ou sempre teria TEPT.

I was told by many doctors Muchos médicos me aseguraron Saya diberitahu banyak dokter Muitos médicos me disseram

that I'd have to be on high-level antidepressants, ||||||||yüksek doz antidepresanlar que tendría que medicarme con fuertes antidepresivos, saya harus minum antidepresan tingkat tinggi, que eu teria tomar altas doses antidepressivos,

that there was no hope for me - que no había esperanza para mí, bahwa tidak ada harapan bagi saya - que não havia esperança para mim -

this was the pathway of my life. |||yolculuğum||| que esta era la senda de mi vida. bahwa ini adalah jalan hidup saya. este era o caminho que estava traçado na minha vida.

Yet, in reality, I knew, ||gerçekte|| Pero la verdad es que yo sabía que podía Tapi, kenyataannya, saya tahu, No entanto, na realidade, eu sabia

and I was determined with every ounce of my being |||kararlı|||her zerre||| y estaba determinada con todas mis fuerzas dan saya bertekad dengan seluruh jiwa raga saya e eu estava determinada com cada fibra do meu ser

to get back to who I knew I was: a volver a ser quien sabía que era: untuk kembali pada diri saya yang lama: a voltar a ser quem eu era antes:

that girl that existed somewhere deep down inside me. aquella chica que existía en algún lugar dentro de mí. seorang gadis yang berada pada suatu tempat di dalam diri saya. aquela garota que existia em algum lugar bem no fundo de mim.

And now, I speak about chronic illness and PTSD in the past, |||||kronik|hastalık||PTSD||| Y ahora, hablo sobre enfermedades crónicas y TEPT ya en el pasado, Kini, saya berbicara mengenai penyakit kronis dan PTSD yang saya alami E agora eu falo de doença crônica e TEPT no passado,

behind me, no longer part of me. superados, que ya no forman parte de mí. di masa lalu, bukan bagian dari diri saya lagi. atrás de mim, não faz mais parte de mim.

If there's someone you know who doesn't feel good, Si conocen a alguien que no se siente bien, Jika Anda tahu seseorang yang tidak merasa baik, Se alguém que você conhece não se sente bem

please tell them that there is hope. por favor, díganles que hay esperanza. yakinkan mereka masih ada harapan. por favor, diga-lhes que há esperança.

If you can heal your mind, you can heal your life. |||şifalandırırsan||||||| Si son capaces de curar sus mentes, pueden reparar sus vidas. Jika Anda dapat menyembuhkan pikiran, Anda dapat menyembuhkan hidup Anda. Você pode curar sua mente, você pode curar sua vida.

So here's to you, your healthy mind and body, Así que brindemos por ustedes, por unas mentes y cuerpos sanos, Jadi ini untuk Anda semua, untuk pikiran dan tubuh Anda yang sehat. Então aqui está para você sua mente e corpo saudáveis,

and here's to never give up the fight for your vitality. ||||||||||canlılık ||||||||||witalność y por no abandonar nunca la lucha por su vitalidad. dan ini untuk pantang menyerah dalam mempertahankan daya hidup Anda. e aqui está para nunca desistir a luta pela sua vitalidade.

Thank you very much. Muchas gracias. Terima kasih banyak. Muito obrigada.

(Applause) (Aplausos) (Tepuk tangan) (Aplausos)