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TED, Sandrine Thuret: You can grow new brain cells. Here's how

Sandrine Thuret: You can grow new brain cells. Here's how

0:12Can we, as adults, grow new nerve cells? There's still some confusion about that question, as this is a fairly new field of research. For example, I was talking to one of my colleagues, Robert, who is an oncologist, and he was telling me, "Sandrine, this is puzzling. Some of my patients that have been told they are cured of their cancer still develop symptoms of depression." And I responded to him, "Well, from my point of view that makes sense. The drug you give to your patients that stops the cancer cells multiplying also stops the newborn neurons being generated in their brain." And then Robert looked at me like I was crazy and said, "But Sandrine, these are adult patients -- adults do not grow new nerve cells." And much to his surprise, I said, "Well actually, we do." And this is a phenomenon that we call neurogenesis.


1:14Now Robert is not a neuroscientist, and when he went to medical school he was not taught what we know now -- that the adult brain can generate new nerve cells. So Robert, you know, being the good doctor that he is, wanted to come to my lab to understand the topic a little bit better. And I took him for a tour of one of the most exciting parts of the brain when it comes to neurogenesis -- and this is the hippocampus. So this is this gray structure in the center of the brain. And what we've known already for very long, is that this is important for learning, memory, mood and emotion. However, what we have learned more recently is that this is one of the unique structures of the adult brain where new neurons can be generated. And if we slice through the hippocampus and zoom in, what you actually see here in blue is a newborn neuron in an adult mouse brain. So when it comes to the human brain -- my colleague Jonas Frisén from the Karolinska Institutet, has estimated that we produce 700 new neurons per day in the hippocampus. You might think this is not much, compared to the billions of neurons we have. But by the time we turn 50, we will have all exchanged the neurons we were born with in that structure with adult-born neurons.

2:54So why are these new neurons important and what are their functions? First, we know that they're important for learning and memory. And in the lab we have shown that if we block the ability of the adult brain to produce new neurons in the hippocampus, then we block certain memory abilities. And this is especially new and true for spatial recognition -- so like, how you navigate your way in the city.

3:25We are still learning a lot, and [neurons] are not only important for memory capacity, but also for the quality of the memory. And they will have been helpful to add time to our memory and they will help differentiate very similar memories, like: how do you find your bike that you park at the station every day in the same area, but in a slightly different position?

3:51And more interesting to my colleague Robert, is the research we have been doing on neurogenesis and depression. So in an animal model of depression, we have seen that we have a lower level of neurogenesis. And if we give antidepressants, then we increase the production of these newborn neurons, and we decrease the symptoms of depression, establishing a clear link between neurogenesis and depression. But moreover, if you just block neurogenesis, then you block the efficacy of the antidepressant. So by then, Robert had understood that very likely his patients were suffering from depression even after being cured of their cancer, because the cancer drug had stopped newborn neurons from being generated. And it will take time to generate new neurons that reach normal functions.

4:48So, collectively, now we think we have enough evidence to say that neurogenesis is a target of choice if we want to improve memory formation or mood, or even prevent the decline associated with aging, or associated with stress.

5:07So the next question is: can we control neurogenesis? The answer is yes. And we are now going to do a little quiz. I'm going to give you a set of behaviors and activities, and you tell me if you think they will increase neurogenesis or if they will decrease neurogenesis. Are we ready? OK, let's go. 5:31So what about learning? Increasing? Yes. Learning will increase the production of these new neurons.

5:39How about stress? Yes, stress will decrease the production of new neurons in the hippocampus.

5:47How about sleep deprivation? Indeed, it will decrease neurogenesis.

5:53How about sex? Oh, wow!


5:57Yes, you are right, it will increase the production of new neurons. However, it's all about balance here.We don't want to fall in a situation -- 6:06(Laughter)

6:08about too much sex leading to sleep deprivation.


6:13How about getting older? So the neurogenesis rate will decrease as we get older, but it is still occurring.

6:25And then finally, how about running? I will let you judge that one by yourself.

6:32So this is one of the first studies that was carried out by one of my mentors, Rusty Gage from the Salk Institute, showing that the environment can have an impact on the production of new neurons. And here you see a section of the hippocampus of a mouse that had no running wheel in its cage. And the little black dots you see are actually newborn neurons-to-be. And now, you see a section of the hippocampus of a mouse that had a running wheel in its cage. So you see the massive increase of the black dots representing the new neurons-to-be.

7:07So activity impacts neurogenesis, but that's not all. What you eat will have an effect on the production of new neurons in the hippocampus. So here we have a sample of diet -- of nutrients that have been shown to have efficacy. And I'm just going to point a few out to you: Calorie restriction of 20 to 30 percent will increase neurogenesis. Intermittent fasting -- spacing the time between your meals -- will increase neurogenesis. Intake of flavonoids, which are contained in dark chocolate or blueberries, will increase neurogenesis. Omega-3 fatty acids, present in fatty fish, like salmon, will increase the production of these new neurons. Conversely, a diet rich in high saturated fat will have a negative impact on neurogenesis.Ethanol -- intake of alcohol -- will decrease neurogenesis. However, not everything is lost; resveratrol, which is contained in red wine, has been shown to promote the survival of these new neurons. So next time you are at a dinner party, you might want to reach for this possibly "neurogenesis-neutral" drink. 8:20(Laughter)

8:23And then finally, let me point out the last one -- a quirky one. So Japanese groups are fascinated with food textures, and they have shown that actually soft diet impairs neurogenesis, as opposed to food that requires mastication -- chewing -- or crunchy food.

8:41So all of this data, where we need to look at the cellular level, has been generated using animal models.But this diet has also been given to human participants, and what we could see is that the diet modulates memory and mood in the same direction as it modulates neurogenesis, such as: calorie restriction will improve memory capacity, whereas a high-fat diet will exacerbate symptoms of depression -- as opposed to omega-3 fatty acids, which increase neurogenesis, and also help to decrease the symptoms of depression. So we think that the effect of diet on mental health, on memory and mood, is actually mediated by the production of the new neurons in the hippocampus. And it's not only what you eat, but it's also the texture of the food, when you eat it, and how much of it you eat. 9:44On our side -- neuroscientists interested in neurogenesis -- we need to understand better the function of these new neurons, and how we can control their survival and their production. We also need to find a way to protect the neurogenesis of Robert's patients. And on your side -- I leave you in charge of your neurogenesis.

10:06Thank you.


10:13Margaret Heffernan: Fantastic research, Sandrine. Now, I told you you changed my life -- I now eat a lot of blueberries.

10:20Sandrine Thuret: Very good.

10:22MH: I'm really interested in the running thing. Do I have to run? Or is it really just about aerobic exercise,getting oxygen to the brain? Could it be any kind of vigorous exercise?

10:35ST: So for the moment, we can't really say if it's just the running itself, but we think that anything that indeed will increase the production -- or moving the blood flow to the brain, should be beneficial. 10:50MH: So I don't have to get a running wheel in my office? 10:53ST: No, you don't! 10:54MH: Oh, what a relief! That's wonderful. Sandrine Thuret, thank you so much.

10:58ST: Thank you, Margaret.


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Sandrine Thuret: You can grow new brain cells. Here's how Sandrine Thuret|Sandrine Thuret|||||||| ساندرين ثوريت: يمكنك تنمية خلايا دماغية جديدة. إليك الطريقة Sandrine Thuret: Man kann neue Gehirnzellen wachsen lassen. So geht's Sandrine Thuret: Μπορείτε να αναπτύξετε νέα εγκεφαλικά κύτταρα. Να πώς Sandrine Thuret: Se pueden cultivar nuevas células cerebrales. He aquí cómo Sandrine Thuret : Vous pouvez faire pousser de nouvelles cellules cérébrales. Voici comment サンドリーヌ・テュレ:新しい脳細胞を育てることができる。その方法を紹介しよう。 Sandrine Thuret: É possível fazer crescer novas células cerebrais. Eis como Сандрин Тюре: Вы можете вырастить новые клетки мозга. Вот как Сандрін Туре: Ви можете вирощувати нові клітини мозку. Ось як. Sandrine Thuret:你可以培养新的脑细胞。就是这样 Sandrine Thuret:你可以培養新的腦細胞。就是這樣

0:12Can we, as adults, grow new nerve cells? 0:12 هل يمكننا، كبالغين، تنمية خلايا عصبية جديدة؟ There's still some confusion about that question, as this is a fairly new field of research. ||||||topic||||||||| لا يزال هناك بعض الالتباس حول هذا السؤال، لأن هذا مجال بحثي جديد إلى حد ما. Todavía hay algo de confusión sobre esa pregunta, ya que este es un campo de investigación bastante nuevo. В этом вопросе все еще есть некоторая путаница, поскольку это довольно новая область исследований. For example, I was talking to one of my colleagues, Robert, who is an oncologist, and he was telling me, "Sandrine, this is puzzling. ||||||||||||||cancer specialist|||||||||confusing على سبيل المثال، كنت أتحدث مع أحد زملائي، روبرت، وهو طبيب أورام، وكان يقول لي: "ساندرين، هذا محير. Por ejemplo, estaba hablando con uno de mis colegas, Robert, que es oncólogo, y él me decía: "Sandrine, esto es desconcertante. Например, я разговаривал с одним из моих коллег, Робертом, онкологом, и он сказал мне: «Сандрин, это озадачивает. Some of my patients that have been told they are cured of their cancer still develop symptoms of depression." بعض مرضاي الذين قيل لهم إنهم شفوا من السرطان ما زالوا يعانون من أعراض الاكتئاب". "Algunos de mis pacientes a los que se les ha dicho que están curados de su cáncer aún desarrollan síntomas de depresión". And I responded to him, "Well, from my point of view that makes sense. فأجبته: "حسنًا، من وجهة نظري هذا منطقي. Y le respondí: "Bueno, desde mi punto de vista eso tiene sentido. И я ответил ему: «Ну, с моей точки зрения, это имеет смысл. The drug you give to your patients that stops the cancer cells multiplying also stops the newborn neurons being generated in their brain." إن الدواء الذي تعطيه لمرضاك والذي يوقف تكاثر الخلايا السرطانية يوقف أيضًا توليد الخلايا العصبية حديثة الولادة في أدمغتهم." El medicamento que le da a sus pacientes que detiene la multiplicación de las células cancerosas también impide que las neuronas recién nacidas se generen en su cerebro ". And then Robert looked at me like I was crazy and said, "But Sandrine, these are adult patients -- adults do not grow new nerve cells." ثم نظر إلي روبرت وكأنني مجنون وقال، "لكن ساندرين، هؤلاء مرضى بالغون -- البالغون لا ينمو لديهم خلايا عصبية جديدة." Y luego Robert me miró como si estuviera loco y dijo: "Pero Sandrine, estos son pacientes adultos, los adultos no producen nuevas células nerviosas". And much to his surprise, I said, "Well actually, we do." ولدهشته، قلت: "حسنًا، في الواقع، نحن نفعل ذلك." Y para su sorpresa, dije: "Bueno, en realidad, lo hacemos". And this is a phenomenon that we call neurogenesis. ||||||||the creation of neurons وهذه ظاهرة نسميها تكوين الخلايا العصبية. Y este es un fenómeno que llamamos neurogénesis.

1:12[Neurogenesis] 1:12[تكوين الخلايا العصبية]

1:14Now Robert is not a neuroscientist, and when he went to medical school he was not taught what we know now -- that the adult brain can generate new nerve cells. 1:14 الآن روبرت ليس عالم أعصاب، وعندما ذهب إلى كلية الطب لم يتعلم ما نعرفه الآن -- أن الدماغ البالغ يمكنه توليد خلايا عصبية جديدة. 1: 14 Ahora Robert no es un neurocientífico, y cuando fue a la escuela de medicina no se le enseñó lo que sabemos ahora: que el cerebro adulto puede generar nuevas células nerviosas. So Robert, you know, being the good doctor that he is, wanted to come to my lab to understand the topic a little bit better. لذا، كما تعلمون، روبرت، كونه طبيبًا جيدًا، أراد أن يأتي إلى مختبري لفهم الموضوع بشكل أفضل قليلاً. Así que Robert, ya sabes, siendo el buen médico que es, quería venir a mi laboratorio para comprender un poco mejor el tema. And I took him for a tour of one of the most exciting parts of the brain when it comes to neurogenesis -- and this is the hippocampus. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||海马体 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||hippocampus وأخذته في جولة على أحد أكثر أجزاء الدماغ إثارة عندما يتعلق الأمر بتكوين الخلايا العصبية -- وهذا هو الحُصين. Y lo llevé a dar una vuelta por una de las partes más interesantes del cerebro en lo que respecta a la neurogénesis, y este es el hipocampo. So this is this gray structure in the center of the brain. هذه هي البنية الرمادية الموجودة في مركز الدماغ. Así que esta es esta estructura gris en el centro del cerebro. And what we've known already for very long, is that this is important for learning, memory, mood and emotion. وما عرفناه بالفعل منذ فترة طويلة، هو أن هذا مهم للتعلم والذاكرة والمزاج والعاطفة. Y lo que sabemos desde hace mucho tiempo, es que esto es importante para el aprendizaje, la memoria, el estado de ánimo y la emoción. However, what we have learned more recently is that this is one of the unique structures of the adult brain where new neurons can be generated. ومع ذلك، ما تعلمناه مؤخرًا هو أن هذا هو أحد الهياكل الفريدة للدماغ البالغ حيث يمكن توليد خلايا عصبية جديدة. Sin embargo, lo que hemos aprendido más recientemente es que esta es una de las estructuras únicas del cerebro adulto donde se pueden generar nuevas neuronas. And if we slice through the hippocampus and zoom in, what you actually see here in blue is a newborn neuron in an adult mouse brain. |||切开|||||||||||||||||||||小鼠| وإذا قمنا بتقطيع الحصين وقمنا بتكبير الصورة، فإن ما ترونه هنا باللون الأزرق هو خلية عصبية حديثة الولادة في دماغ فأر بالغ. Y si cortamos el hipocampo y lo acercamos, lo que realmente vemos aquí en azul es una neurona recién nacida en un cerebro de ratón adulto. So when it comes to the human brain -- my colleague Jonas Frisén from the Karolinska Institutet, has estimated that we produce 700 new neurons per day in the hippocampus. |||||||||||||||卡罗林斯卡学院|||||||||||| |||||||||my colleague||Jonas Frisén|||Karolinska Institute|Karolinska Institute|||||||||||| Entonces, cuando se trata del cerebro humano, mi colega Jonas Frisén del Instituto Karolinska, ha estimado que producimos 700 nuevas neuronas por día en el hipocampo. You might think this is not much, compared to the billions of neurons we have. |||||||||||||我们| Podría pensar que esto no es mucho, en comparación con los miles de millones de neuronas que tenemos. But by the time we turn 50, we will have all exchanged the neurons we were born with in that structure with adult-born neurons. Pero cuando cumplamos los 50, habremos intercambiado todas las neuronas con las que nacimos en esa estructura con neuronas nacidas de adultos. Но к тому времени, когда нам исполнится 50 лет, мы все заменим нейроны, с которыми родились в этой структуре, на нейроны взрослых.

2:54So why are these new neurons important and what are their functions? 2: 54Entonces, ¿por qué son importantes estas nuevas neuronas y cuáles son sus funciones? First, we know that they're important for learning and memory. And in the lab we have shown that if we block the ability of the adult brain to produce new neurons in the hippocampus, then we block certain memory abilities. Y en el laboratorio hemos demostrado que si bloqueamos la capacidad del cerebro adulto para producir nuevas neuronas en el hipocampo, bloqueamos ciertas capacidades de memoria. And this is especially new and true for spatial recognition -- so like, how you navigate your way in the city. Y esto es especialmente nuevo y verdadero para el reconocimiento espacial, así como, cómo navega en su camino en la ciudad. И это особенно ново и верно для пространственного распознавания — например, как вы ориентируетесь в городе.

3:25We are still learning a lot, and [neurons] are not only important for memory capacity, but also for the quality of the memory. 3: 25 Todavía estamos aprendiendo mucho, y las [neuronas] no solo son importantes para la capacidad de la memoria, sino también para la calidad de la memoria. 3:25 Мы все еще многому учимся, и [нейроны] важны не только для объема памяти, но и для ее качества. And they will have been helpful to add time to our memory and they will help differentiate very similar memories, like: how do you find your bike that you park at the station every day in the same area, but in a slightly different position? Y habrán sido útiles para agregar tiempo a nuestra memoria y ayudarán a diferenciar recuerdos muy similares, como: ¿cómo encuentra su bicicleta que aparca en la estación todos los días en la misma área, pero en una posición ligeramente diferente?

3:51And more interesting to my colleague Robert, is the research we have been doing on neurogenesis and depression. 3: 51 Y más interesante para mi colega Robert, es la investigación que hemos estado haciendo sobre la neurogénesis y la depresión. So in an animal model of depression, we have seen that we have a lower level of neurogenesis. And if we give antidepressants, then we increase the production of these newborn neurons, and we decrease the symptoms of depression, establishing a clear link between neurogenesis and depression. ||||antidepressant medications|||||||||||||||||demonstrating||||||| Y si administramos antidepresivos, aumentamos la producción de estas neuronas recién nacidas y disminuimos los síntomas de la depresión, estableciendo un vínculo claro entre la neurogénesis y la depresión. А если мы даем антидепрессанты, то увеличиваем производство этих новорожденных нейронов и уменьшаем симптомы депрессии, устанавливая четкую связь между нейрогенезом и депрессией. But moreover, if you just block neurogenesis, then you block the efficacy of the antidepressant. |||||||||||effectiveness|||medication for depression Pero además, si solo bloquea la neurogénesis, entonces bloquea la eficacia del antidepresivo. Но более того, если вы просто блокируете нейрогенез, вы блокируете эффективность антидепрессанта. So by then, Robert had understood that very likely his patients were suffering from depression even after being cured of their cancer, because the cancer drug had stopped newborn neurons from being generated. Para entonces, Robert había comprendido que era muy probable que sus pacientes sufrieran depresión incluso después de haberse curado de su cáncer, porque la droga contra el cáncer había detenido la generación de neuronas recién nacidas. Итак, к тому времени Роберт понял, что, скорее всего, его пациенты страдали от депрессии даже после излечения от рака, потому что противораковое лекарство остановило образование новых нейронов. And it will take time to generate new neurons that reach normal functions.

4:48So, collectively, now we think we have enough evidence to say that neurogenesis is a target of choice if we want to improve memory formation or mood, or even prevent the decline associated with aging, or associated with stress. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||aging process|||| 4: 48 Así que, colectivamente, ahora creemos que tenemos pruebas suficientes para decir que la neurogénesis es un objetivo de elección si queremos mejorar la formación de la memoria o el estado de ánimo, o incluso prevenir el deterioro asociado con el envejecimiento o el estrés. 4:48 Итак, в совокупности мы думаем, что теперь у нас достаточно доказательств, чтобы сказать, что нейрогенез является предпочтительной целью, если мы хотим улучшить формирование памяти или настроение или даже предотвратить ухудшение, связанное со старением или стрессом.

5:07So the next question is: can we control neurogenesis? The answer is yes. And we are now going to do a little quiz. I'm going to give you a set of behaviors and activities, and you tell me if you think they will increase neurogenesis or if they will decrease neurogenesis. Are we ready? OK, let's go. 5:31So what about learning? Increasing? Yes. Learning will increase the production of these new neurons.

5:39How about stress? Yes, stress will decrease the production of new neurons in the hippocampus.

5:47How about sleep deprivation? 5: 47 ¿Qué hay de la privación del sueño? 5:47 Как насчет лишения сна? Indeed, it will decrease neurogenesis. Действительно, это уменьшит нейрогенез.

5:53How about sex? Oh, wow!


5:57Yes, you are right, it will increase the production of new neurons. However, it's all about balance here.We don't want to fall in a situation -- 6:06(Laughter)

6:08about too much sex leading to sleep deprivation. 6:08о том, что слишком много секса приводит к лишению сна.


6:13How about getting older? 6: 13¿Qué tal envejecer? So the neurogenesis rate will decrease as we get older, but it is still occurring. Así que la tasa de neurogénesis disminuirá a medida que envejecemos, pero todavía está ocurriendo. Таким образом, скорость нейрогенеза будет снижаться по мере того, как мы становимся старше, но она все еще происходит.

6:25And then finally, how about running? I will let you judge that one by yourself. Te dejaré juzgar eso por ti mismo. Я позволю вам судить об этом самостоятельно.

6:32So this is one of the first studies that was carried out by one of my mentors, Rusty Gage from the Salk Institute, showing that the environment can have an impact on the production of new neurons. ||||||||||||||||||Rusty Gage|||||||||||||||||| 6: 32 Entonces, este es uno de los primeros estudios que realizó uno de mis mentores, Rusty Gage, del Instituto Salk, que muestra que el medio ambiente puede tener un impacto en la producción de nuevas neuronas. 6:32 Итак, это одно из первых исследований, проведенных одним из моих наставников, Расти Гейджем из Института Солка, которое показало, что окружающая среда может влиять на образование новых нейронов. And here you see a section of the hippocampus of a mouse that had no running wheel in its cage. Y aquí se ve una sección del hipocampo de un ratón que no tenía ninguna rueda en su jaula. And the little black dots you see are actually newborn neurons-to-be. Y los pequeños puntos negros que ves son, en realidad, neuronas recién nacidas. And now, you see a section of the hippocampus of a mouse that had a running wheel in its cage. So you see the massive increase of the black dots representing the new neurons-to-be. Entonces, se ve el aumento masivo de puntos negros que representan las nuevas neuronas futuras.

7:07So activity impacts neurogenesis, but that's not all. What you eat will have an effect on the production of new neurons in the hippocampus. So here we have a sample of diet -- of nutrients that have been shown to have efficacy. Итак, у нас есть образец диеты, состоящей из питательных веществ, эффективность которых доказана. And I'm just going to point a few out to you: Calorie restriction of 20 to 30 percent will increase neurogenesis. ||||||||||||limitation|||||| Y solo voy a señalar algunos: la restricción calórica de 20 a 30 por ciento aumentará la neurogénesis. Intermittent fasting -- spacing the time between your meals -- will increase neurogenesis. periodic eating|||||||||| El ayuno intermitente, espaciando el tiempo entre las comidas, aumentará la neurogénesis. Интервальное голодание — интервал между приемами пищи — усилит нейрогенез. Intake of flavonoids, which are contained in dark chocolate or blueberries, will increase neurogenesis. ||plant compounds||||||||||| La ingesta de flavonoides, que están contenidos en el chocolate oscuro o arándanos, aumentará la neurogénesis. Потребление флавоноидов, содержащихся в темном шоколаде или чернике, усилит нейрогенез. Omega-3 fatty acids, present in fatty fish, like salmon, will increase the production of these new neurons. Los ácidos grasos omega-3, presentes en los pescados grasos, como el salmón, aumentarán la producción de estas nuevas neuronas. Conversely, a diet rich in high saturated fat will have a negative impact on neurogenesis.Ethanol -- intake of alcohol -- will decrease neurogenesis. |||||||||||||||alcohol consumption|||||| И наоборот, диета, богатая насыщенными жирами, негативно влияет на нейрогенез. Этанол — потребление алкоголя — снижает нейрогенез. However, not everything is lost; resveratrol, which is contained in red wine, has been shown to promote the survival of these new neurons. |||||a compound||||||||||||||||| Sin embargo, no todo está perdido; Se ha demostrado que el resveratrol, contenido en el vino tinto, promueve la supervivencia de estas nuevas neuronas. Однако не все потеряно; Было показано, что ресвератрол, содержащийся в красном вине, способствует выживанию этих новых нейронов. So next time you are at a dinner party, you might want to reach for this possibly "neurogenesis-neutral" drink. 8:20(Laughter)

8:23And then finally, let me point out the last one -- a quirky one. |||||||||||eccentric| 8: 23 Y finalmente, permítanme señalar el último, uno peculiar. 8:23 И, наконец, позвольте мне указать на последнее — необычное. So Japanese groups are fascinated with food textures, and they have shown that actually soft diet impairs neurogenesis, as opposed to food that requires mastication -- chewing -- or crunchy food. ||||||||||||||||hinders||||||||chewing|chewing action||| Así que los grupos japoneses están fascinados con las texturas de los alimentos, y han demostrado que la dieta blanda en realidad afecta la neurogénesis, a diferencia de los alimentos que requieren masticación (masticar) o alimentos crujientes. Les groupes japonais sont donc fascinés par les textures alimentaires, et ils ont montré qu'une alimentation douce en fait altère la neurogenèse, par opposition aux aliments qui nécessitent une mastication - mâcher - ou des aliments croquants. Таким образом, японские группы были очарованы текстурой пищи, и они показали, что на самом деле мягкая диета ухудшает нейрогенез, в отличие от пищи, которая требует пережевывания — жевания — или хрустящей пищи.

8:41So all of this data, where we need to look at the cellular level, has been generated using animal models.But this diet has also been given to human participants, and what we could see is that the diet modulates memory and mood in the same direction as it modulates neurogenesis, such as: calorie restriction will improve memory capacity, whereas a high-fat diet will exacerbate symptoms of depression -- as opposed to omega-3 fatty acids, which increase neurogenesis, and also help to decrease the symptoms of depression. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||affects||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 8:41 Итак, все эти данные, где нам нужно смотреть на клеточном уровне, были получены с использованием животных моделей. Но эта диета также была дана участникам-людям, и мы могли видеть, что диета модулирует память и настроение в в том же направлении, что и модулирует нейрогенез, например: ограничение калорий улучшает память, тогда как диета с высоким содержанием жиров усугубляет симптомы депрессии — в отличие от омега-3 жирных кислот, которые усиливают нейрогенез, а также помогают уменьшить симптомы депрессии. So we think that the effect of diet on mental health, on memory and mood, is actually mediated by the production of the new neurons in the hippocampus. |||||||||||||||||influenced by|||||||||| Así que pensamos que el efecto de la dieta en la salud mental, en la memoria y en el estado de ánimo, en realidad está mediado por la producción de las nuevas neuronas en el hipocampo. Nous pensons donc que l'effet de l'alimentation sur la santé mentale, sur la mémoire et l'humeur, est en fait médié par la production de nouveaux neurones dans l'hippocampe. Итак, мы думаем, что влияние диеты на психическое здоровье, память и настроение на самом деле опосредовано образованием новых нейронов в гиппокампе. And it's not only what you eat, but it's also the texture of the food, when you eat it, and how much of it you eat. Y no es solo lo que comes, sino también la textura de la comida, cuándo la comes y cuánto comes. 9:44On our side -- neuroscientists interested in neurogenesis -- we need to understand better the function of these new neurons, and how we can control their survival and their production. 9: 44 Por nuestro lado, los neurocientíficos interesados en la neurogénesis, necesitamos entender mejor la función de estas nuevas neuronas y cómo podemos controlar su supervivencia y su producción. We also need to find a way to protect the neurogenesis of Robert's patients. And on your side -- I leave you in charge of your neurogenesis. Y de tu lado, te dejo a cargo de tu neurogénesis. А с твоей стороны — я оставляю тебя ответственным за твой нейрогенез.

10:06Thank you.


10:13Margaret Heffernan: Fantastic research, Sandrine. |Margaret Heffernan||| Now, I told you you changed my life -- I now eat a lot of blueberries.

10:20Sandrine Thuret: Very good.

10:22MH: I'm really interested in the running thing. message header||||||| Do I have to run? Or is it really just about aerobic exercise,getting oxygen to the brain? Could it be any kind of vigorous exercise? ||||||intense| Может быть, это какие-то силовые упражнения?

10:35ST: So for the moment, we can't really say if it's just the running itself, but we think that anything that indeed will increase the production -- or moving the blood flow to the brain, should be beneficial. 10:35ST: На данный момент мы не можем точно сказать, является ли это просто бегом, но мы думаем, что все, что действительно увеличивает выработку или увеличивает приток крови к мозгу, должно быть полезным. 10:50MH: So I don't have to get a running wheel in my office? 10:53ST: No, you don't! 10:54MH: Oh, what a relief! 10:54МХ: О, какое облегчение! That's wonderful. Sandrine Thuret, thank you so much.

10:58ST: Thank you, Margaret.
