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Pet Samatary, Part One: The Pet Sematary - Chapter 12 (2)

Part One: The Pet Sematary - Chapter 12 (2)

‘Some students brought him in a blanket sling. I don't know what the circumstances were.'

There was what happened next to be thought of. That was his responsibility, too. ‘Go out and find them,' Louis said. ‘Take them around to the other door. I want them handy, but I don't want them to see any more of this than they already have.'

Masterton, looking relieved to be away from what was happening in here, went to the door and opened it, letting in a babble of excited, curious, confused conversation. Louis could also hear the warble of a police siren. Campus Security was here, then. Louis felt a kind of miserable relief.

The dying man was making a gurgling sound in his throat. He tried to speak. Louis heard syllables – phonetics, at least – but the words themselves were slurred and unclear.

Louis leaned over him and said, ‘You're going to be all right, fella.' He thought of Rachel and Ellie as he said it and his stomach gave a great, unlovely lurch. He put a hand over his mouth and stifled a burp.

‘Caaa,' the young man said. ‘Gaaaaaa—'

Louis looked around and saw he was momentarily alone with the dying man. Dimly he could hear Joan Charlton yelling at the candy-stripers that the hard stretcher was in the supply closet off Room Two. Louis doubted if they knew Room Two from a frog's gonads; it was, after all, their first day on the job. They had gotten a hell of an introduction to the world of medicine. The green wall-to-wall carpet was now soaked a muddy purple in an expanding circle around the young man's ruined head; the leakage of intercranial fluid had, mercifully, stopped.

‘In the Pet Sematary,' the young man croaked … and he began to grin. This grin was remarkably like the mirthless, hysterical grin of the candy-striper who had closed the drapes.

Louis stared down at him, at first refusing to credit what he had heard. Then he thought he must have had an auditory hallucination. He made some more of those phonetic sounds and my subconscious made them into something coherent; cross-patched the sounds into my own experience, he thought. But that was not what had happened, and a moment later he was forced to know it. A swooning, mad terror struck him and his flesh began to creep avidly, seeming to actually move up and down his arms and along his belly in waves … but even then he simply refused to believe it. Yes, the syllables had been on the bloody lips of the man on the carpet as well as in Louis's ears, but that only meant the hallucination had been visual as well as auditory.

‘What did you say?' he whispered.

And this time, as clear as the words of a speaking parrot or a crow whose tongue had been split, the words were unmistakable: ‘It's not the real Sematary …' The eyes were vacant, not seeing, rimmed with blood; the mouth, grinning the large grin of a dead carp.

Horror rolled through Louis, gripping his warm heart in its cold hands, squeezing. It reduced him, made him less and less, until he felt like taking to his heels and running from this bloody, twisted, speaking head on the floor of the infirmary waiting room. He was a man with no deep religious training, no bent toward the superstitious or the occult. He was ill-prepared for this … whatever it was.

Fighting the urge to run with everything in him, he forced himself to lean even closer. ‘What did you say?' he asked a second time.

The grin. That was bad.

‘The soil of a man's heart is stonier, Louis,' the dying man whispered. ‘A man grows what he can … and tends it.'

Louis, he thought, hearing nothing with his conscious mind after his own name. Oh my God he called me by my name.

‘Who are you?' Louis asked in a trembling, papery voice. ‘Who are you?'

‘Injun bring my fish.'

‘How did you know my—'

‘Keep clear, us. Know—'


‘Caa,' the young man said, and now Louis fancied he could smell death on his breath, internal injuries, lost rhythm, failure, ruin.

‘What?' A crazy urge came to shake him.


The young man in the red gym shorts began to shudder all over. Suddenly he seemed to freeze with every muscle locked. His eyes lost their vacant expression momentarily and seemed to find Louis's eyes. Then everything let go at once. Louis thought he would, must, speak again. Then the eyes resumed their vacant expression … and began to glaze. He was dead.

Louis sat back, vaguely aware that all his clothes were sticking to him; he was drenched with sweat. Darkness bloomed, spreading a wing softly over his eyes, and the world began to swing sickeningly sideways. Recognizing what was happening, he half-turned from the dead man, thrust his head down between his knees, and pressed the nails of his left thumb and left forefinger into his gums hard enough to bring blood.

After a moment the world began to clear again.

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Part One: The Pet Sematary - Chapter 12 (2) Deel één: De Pet Sematary - Hoofdstuk 12 (2) Część pierwsza: Pet Sematary - Rozdział 12 (2) Часть первая: ЗооСематрия - Глава 12 (2) Частина перша: Семінарія для домашніх тварин - Розділ 12 (2)

‘Some students brought him in a blanket sling. 'Algunos estudiantes lo trajeron en un cabestrillo de manta. I don't know what the circumstances were.' No sé cuáles fueron las circunstancias.

There was what happened next to be thought of. Había que pensar en lo que sucedió a continuación. That was his responsibility, too. Esa también era su responsabilidad. ‘Go out and find them,' Louis said. —Sal y encuéntralos —dijo Louis. ‘Take them around to the other door. Llévalos a la otra puerta. I want them handy, but I don't want them to see any more of this than they already have.' Los quiero a mano, pero no quiero que vean más de esto de lo que ya han visto.

Masterton, looking relieved to be away from what was happening in here, went to the door and opened it, letting in a babble of excited, curious, confused conversation. Masterton, luciendo aliviado de estar lejos de lo que estaba sucediendo aquí, fue a la puerta y la abrió, dejando entrar un balbuceo de conversación excitada, curiosa y confusa. Louis could also hear the warble of a police siren. Louis también podía oír el gorjeo de una sirena de policía. Campus Security was here, then. Seguridad del Campus estaba aquí, entonces. Louis felt a kind of miserable relief. Louis sintió una especie de miserable alivio.

The dying man was making a gurgling sound in his throat. El moribundo emitía un gorgoteo en la garganta. He tried to speak. Intentó hablar. Louis heard syllables – phonetics, at least – but the words themselves were slurred and unclear. Louis escuchó sílabas, al menos fonéticas, pero las palabras en sí estaban arrastradas y poco claras.

Louis leaned over him and said, ‘You're going to be all right, fella.' He thought of Rachel and Ellie as he said it and his stomach gave a great, unlovely lurch. Louis se inclinó sobre él y dijo: 'Vas a estar bien, amigo'. Pensó en Rachel y Ellie mientras lo decía y su estómago dio una gran y desagradable sacudida. He put a hand over his mouth and stifled a burp. Se tapó la boca con la mano y ahogó un eructo.

‘Caaa,' the young man said. 'Caaa', dijo el joven. ‘Gaaaaaa—' 'Gaaaaaa—'

Louis looked around and saw he was momentarily alone with the dying man. Louis miró a su alrededor y vio que estaba momentáneamente solo con el moribundo. Dimly he could hear Joan Charlton yelling at the candy-stripers that the hard stretcher was in the supply closet off Room Two. Débilmente podía oír a Joan Charlton gritarles a los tiradores de caramelos que la camilla dura estaba en el armario de suministros de la habitación dos. Louis doubted if they knew Room Two from a frog's gonads; it was, after all, their first day on the job. Louis dudaba que reconocieran la Habitación Dos por las gónadas de una rana; era, después de todo, su primer día en el trabajo. They had gotten a hell of an introduction to the world of medicine. Habían tenido una gran introducción al mundo de la medicina. The green wall-to-wall carpet was now soaked a muddy purple in an expanding circle around the young man's ruined head; the leakage of intercranial fluid had, mercifully, stopped. La alfombra verde de pared a pared ahora estaba empapada de un púrpura fangoso en un círculo que se expandía alrededor de la cabeza arruinada del joven; afortunadamente, la fuga de líquido intercraneal se había detenido.

‘In the Pet Sematary,' the young man croaked … and he began to grin. 'En el Cementerio de Mascotas', graznó el joven... y comenzó a sonreír. This grin was remarkably like the mirthless, hysterical grin of the candy-striper who had closed the drapes. Esta sonrisa se parecía notablemente a la mueca histérica y sin alegría del tirador de caramelos que había cerrado las cortinas.

Louis stared down at him, at first refusing to credit what he had heard. Louis lo miró fijamente, al principio negándose a dar crédito a lo que había oído. Then he thought he must have had an auditory hallucination. Luego pensó que debía haber tenido una alucinación auditiva. He made some more of those phonetic sounds and my subconscious made them into something coherent; cross-patched the sounds into my own experience, he thought. Hizo algunos más de esos sonidos fonéticos y mi subconsciente los convirtió en algo coherente; entrecruzó los sonidos en mi propia experiencia, pensó. But that was not what had happened, and a moment later he was forced to know it. Pero eso no fue lo que sucedió, y un momento después se vio obligado a saberlo. A swooning, mad terror struck him and his flesh began to creep avidly, seeming to actually move up and down his arms and along his belly in waves … but even then he simply refused to believe it. Un terror loco y desmayado lo golpeó y su carne comenzó a estremecerse con avidez, pareciendo realmente moverse arriba y abajo de sus brazos ya lo largo de su vientre en oleadas... pero incluso entonces simplemente se negaba a creerlo. Yes, the syllables had been on the bloody lips of the man on the carpet as well as in Louis's ears, but that only meant the hallucination had been visual as well as auditory. Sí, las sílabas habían estado en los labios ensangrentados del hombre en la alfombra así como en los oídos de Louis, pero eso solo significaba que la alucinación había sido tanto visual como auditiva.

‘What did you say?' he whispered. '¿Qué dijiste?' él susurró.

And this time, as clear as the words of a speaking parrot or a crow whose tongue had been split, the words were unmistakable: ‘It's not the real Sematary …' The eyes were vacant, not seeing, rimmed with blood; the mouth, grinning the large grin of a dead carp. Y esta vez, tan claras como las palabras de un loro que habla o de un cuervo al que le han partido la lengua, las palabras eran inconfundibles: 'No es el verdadero Sematary...' Los ojos estaban vacíos, sin ver, bordeados de sangre; la boca, sonriendo con la gran sonrisa de una carpa muerta.

Horror rolled through Louis, gripping his warm heart in its cold hands, squeezing. El horror recorrió a Louis, agarrando su cálido corazón con sus frías manos, apretándolo. It reduced him, made him less and less, until he felt like taking to his heels and running from this bloody, twisted, speaking head on the floor of the infirmary waiting room. Lo reducía, lo hacía cada vez menos, hasta que sintió ganas de salir corriendo de esta maldita cabeza retorcida que hablaba en el suelo de la sala de espera de la enfermería. He was a man with no deep religious training, no bent toward the superstitious or the occult. Era un hombre sin una formación religiosa profunda, sin inclinación hacia la superstición o el ocultismo. He was ill-prepared for this … whatever it was. No estaba preparado para esto... lo que sea que fuera.

Fighting the urge to run with everything in him, he forced himself to lean even closer. Luchando contra el impulso de correr con todo lo que había en él, se obligó a inclinarse aún más cerca. ‘What did you say?' he asked a second time. '¿Qué dijiste?' preguntó por segunda vez.

The grin. la sonrisa That was bad. Eso fue malo.

‘The soil of a man's heart is stonier, Louis,' the dying man whispered. —La tierra del corazón de un hombre es más pedregosa, Louis —susurró el moribundo—. ‘A man grows what he can … and tends it.' Un hombre cultiva lo que puede... y lo cuida.

Louis, he thought, hearing nothing with his conscious mind after his own name. Louis, pensó, sin oír nada con su mente consciente después de su propio nombre. Oh my God he called me by my name. Dios mío, me llamó por mi nombre.

‘Who are you?' Louis asked in a trembling, papery voice. '¿Quién eres tú?' preguntó Louis con una voz temblorosa y parecida al papel. ‘Who are you?' '¿Quién eres tú?'

‘Injun bring my fish.' Indian||| 'Injun traer mi pescado.'

‘How did you know my—' ¿Cómo supiste que mi...?

‘Keep clear, us. Manténganse alejados, nosotros. Know—' Saber-'

‘You—' 'Tú-'

‘Caa,' the young man said, and now Louis fancied he could smell death on his breath, internal injuries, lost rhythm, failure, ruin. —Caa —dijo el joven, y ahora Louis imaginó que podía oler la muerte en su aliento, heridas internas, ritmo perdido, fracaso, ruina.

‘What?' A crazy urge came to shake him. '¿Qué?' Un loco impulso vino a sacudirlo.

‘Gaaaaaaaa—' 'Gaaaaaaaa—'

The young man in the red gym shorts began to shudder all over. El joven de los pantalones cortos rojos de gimnasia comenzó a temblar por todas partes. Suddenly he seemed to freeze with every muscle locked. De repente pareció congelarse con cada músculo contraído. His eyes lost their vacant expression momentarily and seemed to find Louis's eyes. Sus ojos perdieron momentáneamente su expresión vacía y parecieron encontrar los ojos de Louis. Then everything let go at once. Entonces todo se soltó a la vez. Louis thought he would, must, speak again. Louis pensó que debía, debía, hablar de nuevo. Then the eyes resumed their vacant expression … and began to glaze. Entonces los ojos recuperaron su expresión vacía... y empezaron a ponerse vidriosos. He was dead. Él estaba muerto.

Louis sat back, vaguely aware that all his clothes were sticking to him; he was drenched with sweat. Louis se recostó, vagamente consciente de que toda su ropa se le pegaba; estaba empapado de sudor. Darkness bloomed, spreading a wing softly over his eyes, and the world began to swing sickeningly sideways. La oscuridad floreció, extendiendo un ala suavemente sobre sus ojos, y el mundo comenzó a balancearse de manera enfermiza hacia los lados. Recognizing what was happening, he half-turned from the dead man, thrust his head down between his knees, and pressed the nails of his left thumb and left forefinger into his gums hard enough to bring blood. Al darse cuenta de lo que estaba sucediendo, dio media vuelta al hombre muerto, metió la cabeza entre las rodillas y presionó las uñas del pulgar y el índice izquierdos en las encías con tanta fuerza que hizo sangrar.

After a moment the world began to clear again. Después de un momento, el mundo comenzó a aclararse de nuevo.