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The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni, Massive Spring Garden Harvest 2022, Backyard Organic Gardening (2)

Massive Spring Garden Harvest 2022, Backyard Organic Gardening (2)

like i mentioned i've got this new board that i'm tying my tomatoes down to but just look at the

growth on them these aren't even the healthiest looking tomatoes these are the ones that are

doing decent you i gotta show you the ones in the palette bed they're just they're doing so well

and here's a zinnia so i've got a lot of zinnias planted to bring in those butterflies because

it's a flower the butterflies do like and i just love that it's like the red red man cactus i think

it's called and then this another birdie's raised bed where we have a bunch of cabbages that are all

heading up as well and then i've got a bunch of different kinds of flowers like asters planted in

just to draw on all those pollinators let's move to the other food forest though

and i'm just walking by so many kinds of food like the asparagus here the grapes along the fence line

they're just not finished yet today we're focused on the things that actually have food on them

so come into this garden i want to show you that pallet raised bed like i was talking

about you got to see the health on the tomatoes in here it's just it's amazing

look at the growth and the health on these tomatoes i mean these things are going to be

massive producers for us this is like the 6th of june or something and we've got tomatoes

looking this big this beautiful definitely the best ever we've got some carrots in here

too i wonder if we have any that are a decent size to give tuck one i doubt it it's so early

let's just see i'm trying to feel around see if i feel anything this one's definitely too small

so it looks like no carrots ready yet we've got this long one here in this bed here you

go he'll have this just fresh long one let him snack on that so there's this little carrot look

at the size of some of this swiss chard too beautiful and then more flowers all mixed in

let me bring you to some of the other raised beds where we've got a lot more food too

and i've got a cool candy cane mix i think it's called of zinnias beautiful flower here

more cabbages more kale more chamomile down there lettuces that are ready

let me check some of these carrots i feel like these ones are further along

here's a good one hey taco want a carrot boy so

what's this this looks like a white yeah the white satin carrot so we've got a white variety

and i bet we have a an orange variety too so we'll let this guy snack on this or maybe even

looks like the purple ones already let's try one of the cosmic purple carrots see how those look

now they feel a little smaller what about the other variety we have back here

atomic red carrot yeah these ones are further along let's grab one of these

here's the atomic red still small but it's going to be a lot of fun food soon his all-time

favorite snack so you're getting a picture of the first carrot of the year for the boss

if you guys love seeing him in the uh in the videos hit the subscribe button

hit the like button and do not forget to spam some hearts down in the comments to

just show your love for the boss right here we love this guy let's keep moving though

here we've got some salary that's right getting close to being ready tango celery

i haven't grown celery that many times but it is growing beautifully so i'm happy about that

then as we come along on this side here we've got more things really just getting close like this

cauliflower right here so the cauliflower is ready before the cabbage is looking beautiful

and more carrots and stuff in here so we make sure we have a lot of carrots planted because

if we didn't the boss would just be upset with us let me take you over to the peas we have in the

back too because it's just more and more food just get a pan around though anywhere there's

anywhere there's steaks there's tomatoes growing up them flowers mixed in just like i mentioned

before it might look a little empty right now give it a little bit of time this is going to

be completely filled in i want to show you what i have in this back corner we've got sunflowers

coming up already getting huge tomatoes growing just absolutely beautifully i've got some secret

stuff in these crates that i'm keeping safe i'll let you know about that stuff in the future but

just the tomatoes are doing great back here we've got the tree that we just put in and then so many

peas ready back here i mean i couldn't even keep up with them so i'm gonna harvest all of

them today just absolutely beautiful let me grab harvest one of these real quick just to show you

i love getting the fresh peas out of them when they're uh

when they're this size because the peas are so sweet they you have to try it if you've never

had fresh peas like this it actually tastes like candy the amount of sugar in them is just

crazy because the sugars haven't converted to starch or anything so it's just so sugary

amazing so we've got to harvest a bunch of those let's keep moving though i want to grab

some fresh fruit we've got cur white currants that are ready so let's move over to those

more asparagus coming up we've got the comfrey down here

also known as bone knit a great permaculture plant so we've had this planted for years right above

that we've got blackberries that are starting to fatten up these are one of the fruits that take a

good amount of time to actually ripen they take a long time to finish come over here though i want

to show you the currants grab some of these this is my favorite variety of current by far this is

the white currants look how many are on there the trusses are just loaded with fruit look at this

take a look at that i mean that amount of fruit is just crazy go go down too it's just oh

let me grab some they're so good they have like this tangy flavor

and a little bit of sweetness too definitely my favorite variety of currant

a good amount of seeds in it but the flavor is just so good

and the plants are incredibly productive the uh

grapes this year have a an incredible amount of grapes on them you'll see by the trusses up here

this is the niagara grape and i also have the catawba too but you could just see the sheer

number of grapes and you'll notice the amount of light that's coming through that's because i went

around and cut out a lot of the big fan leaves i just removed some of those leaves just so the

fruit can get direct sunlight and a good amount of airflow which is super important for your grapes

underneath me here we've got some lemon balm we like to let this come up just to bring in

some pollinators and then probably my favorite perennial flower the echinacea i talk about

that a lot but it's just not only does it have beautiful flowers brings in the pollinators but

it's also a great medicinal so what i'm going to do now is go around harvest a lot of the

stuff and then i'll just put it onto a table and show you guys what it all looks like at the end

because me just sitting there harvesting the same thing for a while gets a little bit monotonous

some of these carrots in here are doing good too you'll notice we have carrots and all

different plants at different stages this way we can stagger the harvest so we don't

have too many things all at once but there comes a point in time like right now when

the things just come a little too fast so that i have to harvest a bunch of stuff and then i'll

just if i can't eat it all just end up giving it away that's a fun part too we got to grab

a bunch of these kales and stuff too we got to try to keep up with how much they're producing

that's today's video growers thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed it i hope you got something

out of it me and tuck love making these videos so much because the harvest videos are kind of like

are proof to you that a lot of the things that we're sharing with you actually work when i look

at the health of some of the tomatoes and how well the system's working and then i also just take a

quick look back as you guys can just take a step back and just get a whole overview of the forest

you can see that the whole system works well together not only is it producing a whole lot

of food but being in a garden like this is so much fun because it's like you're part of a

system you can go into the heart of the garden which is a forest hang out in the shaded trees

while you're out while you're harvesting all different kinds of fruits and vegetables so

not only is it something that provides you with a lot of food but it provides me and tuck with

an insane amount of joy this guy loves when the chipmunks come in so he can scare them all off

he loves getting rid of the squirrels and it'd be tough to do without the boss right here

he's always out here he's always dedicated in he always makes everything we do so much

more fun so me and talk wanted to thank one of our new channel members before we let you go

we want to thank leanne noble thanks for being a part of team grow thanks for contributing thanks

for having your hand in everything we're doing back here me and tuck have always wanted to just

grow food and share with everyone the joy that we have for growing the food

uh people ask a lot of times what we do with the extra stuff we end up just giving it away

to friends and family because it's not only about the harvest and storing it for me i just

get so much satisfaction out of the whole entire process of things so we just love

we just love planting and we love growing that's why we have the merch grow because

that encapsulates everything we love to do in the backyard in the channel and just growing is

it's one of our absolute passions if you guys do enjoy the video though hit the like button

hit the subscribe button share with your friends don't forget to check out the merch

down below there's also going to be exclusive summer merch coming out i'm so excited to share it

it's definitely my favorite design that we've ever had so when we get that summer merch on out just

i'm excited to show everybody but let's check out this boss before we let you go

we're going to sign out with a tuck this guy's ears getting a little itchy sometimes this time

of year he gets a little bit of an earache but he's really a beast he stays strong and we just

love sharing everything we do with you guys so tuck and james we back you again real soon we out!

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Massive Spring Garden Harvest 2022, Backyard Organic Gardening (2) ||||||Organic Gardening Cosecha masiva de primavera 2022, jardinería ecológica de traspatio (2) Massiccio raccolto primaverile 2022, giardinaggio biologico in cortile (2) 大規模な春の庭の収穫 2022, 裏庭の有機ガーデニング (2)

like i mentioned i've got this new board that i'm  tying my tomatoes down to but just look at the 私が言ったように、私はトマトを縛っているこの新しいボードを持っていますが、ただ見てください

growth on them these aren't even the healthiest  looking tomatoes these are the ones that are |||||||most nutritious|||||||| ||||ではない||||||||||| それらの成長 これらは最も健康に見えるトマトでさえありません これらはあるものです

doing decent you i gotta show you the ones in the  palette bed they're just they're doing so well |well||||||||||color selection||||||| まともにやっているパレットベッドにいる人たちを見せなきゃ、彼らはとてもうまくやっているだけです

and here's a zinnia so i've got a lot of zinnias  planted to bring in those butterflies because |||flower type|||||||zinnia flowers|growing||||||

it's a flower the butterflies do like and i just  love that it's like the red red man cactus i think

it's called and then this another birdie's raised  bed where we have a bunch of cabbages that are all ||||||bird's||||||||||||

heading up as well and then i've got a bunch of  different kinds of flowers like asters planted in heading one|||||||||||||||such as|asters||

just to draw on all those pollinators  let's move to the other food forest though ||||||pollinator species||||||||

and i'm just walking by so many kinds of food like  the asparagus here the grapes along the fence line |||||||||||||||grapes on fence|||boundary|

they're just not finished yet today we're focused  on the things that actually have food on them

so come into this garden i want to show you  that pallet raised bed like i was talking |||||||||||pallet-style||||||discussing

about you got to see the health on the  tomatoes in here it's just it's amazing

look at the growth and the health on these  tomatoes i mean these things are going to be

massive producers for us this is like the 6th  of june or something and we've got tomatoes |large suppliers|||||||||||||||

looking this big this beautiful definitely  the best ever we've got some carrots in here

too i wonder if we have any that are a decent  size to give tuck one i doubt it it's so early ||||||||||appropriate|||||||||||

let's just see i'm trying to feel around see if  i feel anything this one's definitely too small

so it looks like no carrots ready yet we've  got this long one here in this bed here you

go he'll have this just fresh long one let him  snack on that so there's this little carrot look

at the size of some of this swiss chard too  beautiful and then more flowers all mixed in

let me bring you to some of the other raised  beds where we've got a lot more food too

and i've got a cool candy cane mix i think  it's called of zinnias beautiful flower here ||||||candy cane|||||||zinnias flower|||

more cabbages more kale more chamomile  down there lettuces that are ready |||kale plants||herb||||||

let me check some of these carrots i  feel like these ones are further along

here's a good one hey taco want a carrot boy so |||||nickname|||||

what's this this looks like a white yeah the  white satin carrot so we've got a white variety ||||||||||satin carrot|||||||

and i bet we have a an orange variety too so  we'll let this guy snack on this or maybe even

looks like the purple ones already let's try one  of the cosmic purple carrots see how those look |||||||||||large||||||

now they feel a little smaller what  about the other variety we have back here

atomic red carrot yeah these ones are  further along let's grab one of these atomic number|||||||||||||

here's the atomic red still small but it's  going to be a lot of fun food soon his all-time

favorite snack so you're getting a picture  of the first carrot of the year for the boss

if you guys love seeing him in the uh  in the videos hit the subscribe button

hit the like button and do not forget to  spam some hearts down in the comments to |||||||||leave||hearts emoji|||||

just show your love for the boss right here  we love this guy let's keep moving though

here we've got some salary that's right  getting close to being ready tango celery ||||||||||||to go|salary

i haven't grown celery that many times but it  is growing beautifully so i'm happy about that

then as we come along on this side here we've got  more things really just getting close like this

cauliflower right here so the cauliflower is  ready before the cabbage is looking beautiful cauliflower(1)|||||||||||||

and more carrots and stuff in here so we make  sure we have a lot of carrots planted because

if we didn't the boss would just be upset with us  let me take you over to the peas we have in the

back too because it's just more and more food  just get a pan around though anywhere there's ||||||||||||pan||||

anywhere there's steaks there's tomatoes growing  up them flowers mixed in just like i mentioned ||steaks growing||||||||||||

before it might look a little empty right now  give it a little bit of time this is going to

be completely filled in i want to show you what  i have in this back corner we've got sunflowers

coming up already getting huge tomatoes growing  just absolutely beautifully i've got some secret

stuff in these crates that i'm keeping safe i'll  let you know about that stuff in the future but |||containers|||||||||||||||

just the tomatoes are doing great back here we've  got the tree that we just put in and then so many

peas ready back here i mean i couldn't even  keep up with them so i'm gonna harvest all of

them today just absolutely beautiful let me grab  harvest one of these real quick just to show you

i love getting the fresh peas  out of them when they're uh

when they're this size because the peas are so  sweet they you have to try it if you've never

had fresh peas like this it actually tastes  like candy the amount of sugar in them is just

crazy because the sugars haven't converted  to starch or anything so it's just so sugary |||sugars||changed||starch form|||||||sweet

amazing so we've got to harvest a bunch of  those let's keep moving though i want to grab

some fresh fruit we've got cur white currants  that are ready so let's move over to those |||||of|||||||||||

more asparagus coming up we've  got the comfrey down here |||||||herb plant||

also known as bone knit a great permaculture plant  so we've had this planted for years right above ||||growth|||sustainable agriculture||||||||||

that we've got blackberries that are starting to  fatten up these are one of the fruits that take a ||||||||grow larger||||||||||

good amount of time to actually ripen they take a  long time to finish come over here though i want

to show you the currants grab some of these this  is my favorite variety of current by far this is ||||currants variety|||||||||||||||

the white currants look how many are on there the  trusses are just loaded with fruit look at this ||||||||||clusters|||full of|||||

take a look at that i mean that amount of  fruit is just crazy go go down too it's just oh

let me grab some they're so good  they have like this tangy flavor |||||||||||sharp taste|taste

and a little bit of sweetness too  definitely my favorite variety of currant |||||sugariness|||||||berry

a good amount of seeds in it  but the flavor is just so good

and the plants are incredibly productive the uh ||||extremely|high-yielding||

grapes this year have a an incredible amount of  grapes on them you'll see by the trusses up here

this is the niagara grape and i also have the  catawba too but you could just see the sheer |||grape variety|variety||||||grape variety||||||||size

number of grapes and you'll notice the amount of  light that's coming through that's because i went

around and cut out a lot of the big fan leaves  i just removed some of those leaves just so the |||||||||fan leaves|||||||||||

fruit can get direct sunlight and a good amount of  airflow which is super important for your grapes ||||sunlight||||||air circulation|||||||

underneath me here we've got some lemon balm  we like to let this come up just to bring in |||||||herb|||||||||||

some pollinators and then probably my favorite  perennial flower the echinacea i talk about |||||||long-lasting||||||

that a lot but it's just not only does it have  beautiful flowers brings in the pollinators but

it's also a great medicinal so what i'm going  to do now is go around harvest a lot of the ||||herbal remedy|||||||||||||||

stuff and then i'll just put it onto a table and  show you guys what it all looks like at the end

because me just sitting there harvesting the same  thing for a while gets a little bit monotonous ||||||||||||||||repetitive

some of these carrots in here are doing good  too you'll notice we have carrots and all

different plants at different stages this  way we can stagger the harvest so we don't |||||||||spread out|||||

have too many things all at once but there  comes a point in time like right now when

the things just come a little too fast so that  i have to harvest a bunch of stuff and then i'll

just if i can't eat it all just end up giving  it away that's a fun part too we got to grab

a bunch of these kales and stuff too we got to  try to keep up with how much they're producing

that's today's video growers thanks for watching  i hope you enjoyed it i hope you got something

out of it me and tuck love making these videos so  much because the harvest videos are kind of like

are proof to you that a lot of the things that  we're sharing with you actually work when i look

at the health of some of the tomatoes and how well  the system's working and then i also just take a ||||||||||||system||||||||

quick look back as you guys can just take a step  back and just get a whole overview of the forest |||||||||||||||||big picture|||

you can see that the whole system works well  together not only is it producing a whole lot

of food but being in a garden like this is so  much fun because it's like you're part of a

system you can go into the heart of the garden  which is a forest hang out in the shaded trees ||||||||||||||||||shaded trees|

while you're out while you're harvesting all  different kinds of fruits and vegetables so

not only is it something that provides you with  a lot of food but it provides me and tuck with ||||||gives|||||||||||||

an insane amount of joy this guy loves when the  chipmunks come in so he can scare them all off ||||happiness||||||the chipmunks|||||||||

he loves getting rid of the squirrels and it'd  be tough to do without the boss right here ||||||squirrels in question|||||||||||

he's always out here he's always dedicated  in he always makes everything we do so much

more fun so me and talk wanted to thank one of  our new channel members before we let you go

we want to thank leanne noble thanks for being a  part of team grow thanks for contributing thanks ||||Leanne Noble|last name||||||||||||

for having your hand in everything we're doing  back here me and tuck have always wanted to just

grow food and share with everyone the  joy that we have for growing the food

uh people ask a lot of times what we do with  the extra stuff we end up just giving it away

to friends and family because it's not only  about the harvest and storing it for me i just ||||||||||||preserving|||||

get so much satisfaction out of the whole  entire process of things so we just love |||pleasure||||||||||||

we just love planting and we love growing  that's why we have the merch grow because |||||||||||||merchandise||

that encapsulates everything we love to do in  the backyard in the channel and just growing is |captures|||||||||||||||

it's one of our absolute passions if you guys  do enjoy the video though hit the like button |||||interests||||||||||||

hit the subscribe button share with your  friends don't forget to check out the merch

down below there's also going to be exclusive  summer merch coming out i'm so excited to share it |||||||limited edition||merchandise||||||||

it's definitely my favorite design that we've ever  had so when we get that summer merch on out just 間違いなく今までで一番好きなデザインなので、夏の商品を出すときは

i'm excited to show everybody but let's  check out this boss before we let you go

we're going to sign out with a tuck this guy's  ears getting a little itchy sometimes this time ||||||||||||||irritated|||

of year he gets a little bit of an earache but  he's really a beast he stays strong and we just |||||||||ear pain|||||||||||

love sharing everything we do with you guys so  tuck and james we back you again real soon we out! 愛|||||||||||||||||||出発します 私たちがすることすべてを皆さんと共有するのが大好きなので、タックとジェームス、すぐにまたあなたを応援します!