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Smash Boom Best, Fairies vs. Giants (1)

Fairies vs. Giants (1)

Announcer: From the brains behind Brains On!, it's Smash Boom Best.

Carly: The show for people with big opinions.

Molly: I'm your host, Molly Bloom, and you're listening to Smash Boom Best. The show where we take two things, smash them together and ask you to decide which one is best. Today, it's a fabled face-off between two mythical creatures. One is the height of a green bean and the other towers over the whole magic beanstalk, it's fairies versus giants. Only one team in this magical matchup will be crowned the Smash Boom Best. It's going to be a tough call, but luckily Carly is here to help us decide. Hi, Carly.

Carly: Hello.

Molly: Carly, I hear you made a podcast. Can you tell us about it?

Carly: Yes. Sometime last year, as part of my creative writing class, I got together with a friend Ava, and we created a podcast called Students Versus Teachers. We then were able to enter this podcast into the NPR Student Podcast Challenge.

Molly: Students Versus Teachers. What's it about?

Carly: We were thinking about podcast ideas. We eventually decided that, since we both like books, we wanted to find out how teachers choose the books that they're going to have their students in the classroom read.

Molly: That's awesome. Do you have a favorite book, and do any of them happen to have fairies or giants in them?

Carly: I have a million favorite books. One of my favorites is Keeper of the Lost Cities and it doesn't have fairies or giants in it.

Molly: What's it about?

Carly: It's about elves and a girl who finds out that she's an elf and she has all these magical powers.

Molly: Elves seem a fairy adjacent. Carly, when I say fairy, what comes to mind?

Carly: Honestly, a small sparkly creature that does good things for other people.

Molly: What do you associate with giants?

Carly: It makes me think of the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.

Molly: Do you already have any opinions about which of these make-believe beings is cooler?

Carly: I do like fairies, but I'll try to keep an open mind.

Molly: Alright. Let's meet our debaters. Here to defend team fairies, it's journalist Tarkor Zehn. Hi, Tarkor.

Tarkor Zehn: Hello.

Molly: Thank you for being here today. Tarkor, in a single sentence, why are fairies the Smash Boom Best?

Tarkor: It's very simple. Fairies make dreams come true, period.

Molly: That's a good argument. Here to represent giants, it's comedian, Katie McVay.

Katie McVay: Hi.

Molly: Katie, in one sentence, why are giants cooler than fairies?

Katie: Giants are a metaphorical representation of the boundless energy of the human spirit, period.

Molly: Dreams, energy, this is going to be an excellent debate. Let's review the rules of the game. Round one is the Declaration of Greatness. Using facts, logic, and stellar storytelling, our debaters will present the most persuasive arguments for their side. After each declaration, the opposing team will have 30 seconds to rebut their opponent's statement. Then we've got the Micro-Round, a creative challenge each side has prepared for in advance. Round three is the Sneak Attack, a surprise challenge debaters will respond to on the spot. To top it all off, we've got The Final Six. In this round, each team will have just six words to make a closing case for their side.

Our judge, Carly, will award two points in the first round, one for the best Declaration of Greatness and one for the best rebuttal. Then she'll award one point in each round after that, but she won't tell us who she's voted for until the end of the show. Listeners, we want you to judge too. Grab a pen and a piece of paper and mark down your points as you listen. When the episode is over, visit our website, smashboom.org, and vote for the team that you think won. Everybody, you ready to get mythical?

Carly: Yes.

Katie: Yes.

Tarkor: Let's do it.

Molly: Then it's time for the Declaration of Greatness. Our debaters will present the most fascinating facts and awesome arguments in favor of their side. We flipped a coin and Tarkor, you're up first. It's time for a Declaration of Greatness for fluttering, fanciful fairies.

Tarkor: When we think of fairies, so many images come to mind. There's Tinkerbell, the Fairy Godmother from Cinderella, the Good Fairies of Sleeping Beauty. Sugar Plum fairies! Navi in Legend of Zelda! FernGully! The Winx Club! Cosmo and Wanda! But perhaps the most well known... is the tooth fairy!


Tarkor: While you're fast asleep, the tooth fairy is on a super stealthy mission. Getting! That! Tooth!

Tooth Fairy: Confirmed. We've got one under the pillow. Looking like a left canine. I'm going in! Over!

Tarkor: With slick skill and great ease, the tooth fairy swaps your molar for cold hard cash!

Tooth Fairy: Tooth acquired. Swapping for a crisp George Washie. Mission accomplished!

Tarkor: A creature that mysteriously breaks into your house and gives YOU money?! I mean come on! Has a giant ever snuck under your pillow and given you money? Could you imagine?

(crash and scream)

Giant: I'm just trying to get your tooth! It's so hard to pick up with my big ol' fingers. (sigh)

Tarkor: Yeah a tooth giant? I don't think so. While giants are fee fi fo fumbling all over the place, fairies are making dreams come true.


Tarkor: Just like the Tooth Fairy, most of these precious pixies are using their magical powers for good. There's the Blue Fairy who helped Pinocchio become a real boy.

In Cinderella, the Fairy Godmother rescues the princess and gives her the ULTIMATE makeover. She's turning pumpkins into carriages! Mice to men! Rags to riches!

(BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO song from Cinderlla)

Tarkor: And who could forget Tinkerbell?

She's got everything. The perfect messy bun, a sassy attitude, and a whole lotta magical pixie dust that can make you FLY! Not to mention...she's the one saving Peter Pan and the other kids from grave danger!

Not all fairies look like Tink though. Fairies are magical creatures, human-sized or smaller. They're often described as spirits, falling somewhere between divine beings and mortals. While we typically think of them as these teensy, dainty, and charming winged-beings, fairies have RANGE, and include nymphs, sprites, elves and goblins.

There were Brownies, English house fairies who helped with chores -- Although they were known to make mischief and rearrange your room from time to time.

Person: Hey...since when did my dresser turn upside down?

Tarkor: Or take the Irish banshee, one of the most feared fairies. Described as a shrieking woman with long dark hair and red eyes, the ominous banshee prophesied looming death.

(Banshee howl)

Tarkor: Regardless of their form, fairies are always moving the plot FORWARD. They dominate storytelling! After all, they're called FAIRY Tales… not GIANT Tales. In fact, the word Fairy comes from the latin word Fay, meaning “fate”. Fate is when something happens out of your control, the inevitable unfolding of life! And it makes perfect sense, right? Despite often being the side character, fairies are usually the ones spicing up the story.

Think about Shakespeare's play A Midsummer's Night Dream, where the fairy Puck causes all sorts of shenanigans-- from mixing up love potions to turning a man's head into a donkey. Puck's mischief creates hilarious chaos.

Without fairies, the play would just be a dull story about four unhappy greek lovers.

BOR-ING! And that would be the case for SO many other stories. Let's revisit Cinderella without fairies...Oh little ol' Cindy is still trapped with her evil step-mother washing the floors? Bummer.

Peter Pan? Good luck finding Neverland when Tinkerbell can't help you FLY!

Fairies COMPLETE the fantasy darling.

Beyond storybooks, movies, and plays, fairies are cultural icons. Take the huldufólk, aka the hidden people, a population of elusive elves believed to live throughout the volcanic hills of Iceland. They're described as human-like creatures, both in looks and stature, although they can be as small as a few centimeters. They act like humans too! They farm, row boats, and they even have sheriffs!

They're even a part of various holiday customs-- like the Christmas Eve tradition where Icelanders clean their homes and leave food for the huldufolk. After snacking, the elves were known to sneak into the farmhouses and throw absolute ragers.


Tarkor: The huldufolk are well-respected, and sometimes feared--much like Iceland's rugged landscape. The elves' lore speaks to Icelanders' profound respect for their environment--including their hidden neighbors. Whether or not you believe in the huldufolk--or any other fairy for that matter-- they give us space to stay curious and dream big.

From entertaining us, sparking our imaginations, or inspiring a bit of magic, one thing is for sure...Giants are no match for fairies. I mean what do they even do? Plunder villages? Snack on humans? Riddle me this-- what does fee fi fo fum even mean? !

Giant: Uh...Um...No one knows what it means but it's provocative.

Tarkor: Whatever. For all I care, giants can get bibbidi bobbidi BOOPED!

Molly: Tarkor moving it forward for the versatile fairy. Carly, what stood out to you in Tarkor's Declaration of Greatness?

Carly: I really like how you included the traditions that have to do with fairies.

Molly: Katie, it's time for your rebuttal. You've got 30 seconds to squash your competition and your time starts now.

Katie: It won't take any time at all. A question was raised at the beginning of Tarkor's Declaration of Greatness, which is why is this fairy collecting human teeth, and yet, the question was never answered. First strike against the fairy population. Second, I can't help but notice that this declaration didn't include some pretty controversial fairy facts that I learned in my fairy research, which is that fairies were frequently blamed for outbreaks of tuberculosis. I'll have you know —

Molly: Time. (chuckles)

Tarkor: I need you to cite your sources, honey.

Molly: (laughs)

Katie: It's Wikipedia.


Molly: I think you had more to say, Katie.

Katie: I always do.


Molly: Well, now, it's your turn. We want to know why giants deserve to be crowned the Smash Boom Best.

Katie: Giants are the most important mythological creature there is. Don't believe me? OK, imagine a world without them.

Let's check on Jack and his beanstalk.

JACK: Well, I've climbed the beanstalk. Let's see what's up here….


JACK: And… nothing. There's nothing here. OK. Back down we go.

Katie: Harry Potter?

HAGRID: ‘Ello ‘arry, it's me ‘Agrid with your invitation to ‘ogwartz. (POOF)

HARRY: Was someone here? Guess not. Well, I suppose I'll never go to magical school, which I don't even know about, now.

Katie: And don't forget football!

SPORTS ANNOUNCER: Quarterback Daniel Jones is running down the field and it'll be another point for… (POOF) Um, what's this team called?

Katie: Giants are important. In fact, in many cultures, giants feature heavily in stories about the beginning of the world, and what could be more important than that? !

For example, in Micronesia, there's a story about a giant named Rigi, who was tasked with lifting the sky off the earth.

RIGI: They aren't paying me enough for this.

Katie: It was so hard that right after he did it, he died and his body came apart. His torso and head became the Milky Way, and his legs became all the worms in the world.

RIGI: Yeesh.

You also have Atlas in Greek mythology. After being on the losing side in a war of the gods, he was sentenced to hold up the entire world on his shoulders for eternity.

ZEUS: OK, Atlas. You hold up the world. Forever.

ATLAS: No vacation?? ?

ZEUS: Hmm. Good point. One vacation.

ATLAS: One? !

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Fairies vs. Giants (1) |против| Fėjos|| mythical beings|| hadas||gigantes Fadas||Gigantes Feen gegen Giganten (1) Fairies vs. Giants (1) Hadas contra gigantes (1) Fées contre géants (1) Fate contro giganti (1) 妖精VS巨人 (1) 요정 대 거인 (1) Feeën vs. Reuzen (1) Wróżki kontra Olbrzymy (1) Fadas vs. Gigantes (1) Феи против великанов (1) Periler Devlere Karşı (1) Феї проти велетнів (1) 妖精大战巨人(1) 妖精大戰巨人(1)

**Announcer:** From the brains behind __Brains On!__, it's __Smash Boom Best__. |||cerebros|detrás de|los cerebros||||| |||||||||Exciting showdown event| |||ทีมงาน||||||| Apresentador|||||os criadores||||| ||||||||Smash|| المذيع: من العقل المدبر وراء Brains On!، إنها لعبة Smash Boom الأفضل. アナウンサー:Brains On!の頭脳からすれば、スマッシュブームベストです。 Locutor: Dos cérebros por trás do Brains On!, é o Smash Boom Best. Диктор: От мозгов, стоящих за "Brains On!", это Smash Boom Best. Spiker: Brains On!'un arkasındaki beyinlerden Smash Boom Best.

**Carly:** The show for people with big opinions. Карли|Это|||||| Carly||||||| |||||||görüşler カーリー||||||| Carly||programa||||| カーリー: 大きな意見を持つ人のための番組です。 Carly: Program dla ludzi o dużych opiniach. Carly: O show para pessoas com grandes opiniões. Карли: Шоу для людей с большим мнением. Carly: Büyük fikirleri olan insanlar için gösteri.

**Molly:** I'm your host, Molly Bloom, and you're listening to __Smash Boom Best.__ The show where we take two things, smash them together and ask you to decide which one is best. |||||Блум||||||||Это|||||||сравниваем||||||||||| Molly Bloom|||||Flowering period|||||||||||||||combine forcefully||||||||||| ||||Molly Bloom|Florescer||||||explosão|||||||||||||||||||| |||sunucu|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||บลูม|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||Smash Boom Best||||||||||||||||||||| Molly Bloom|||anfitriona||Bloom|||||||||||||||juntamos||||||||||| Molly: Sou sua apresentadora, Molly Bloom, e você está ouvindo Smash Boom Best. O show em que pegamos duas coisas, as juntamos e pedimos para você decidir qual é a melhor. Молли: Я твой ведущий, Молли Блум, и ты слушаешь Smash Boom Best. Шоу, в котором мы берем две вещи, складываем их вместе и просим вас решить, какая из них лучше. Molly: Ben sunucunuz Molly Bloom ve siz Smash Boom Best dinliyorsunuz. İki şeyi alıp bir araya getirdiğimiz ve hangisinin en iyi olduğuna karar vermenizi istediğimiz şov. Today, it's a fabled face-off between two mythical creatures. |||легендарный|||||| |||legendinė|||||mitiniai|būtybės |||legendary|||||| ||||||||mitolojik| |||legendaria||||||criaturas míticas اليوم، إنها مواجهة أسطورية بين مخلوقين أسطوريين. Сегодня это легендарное противостояние двух мифических существ. Bugün, iki efsanevi yaratık arasında efsanevi bir yüzleşme yaşanıyor. One is the height of a green bean and the other towers over the whole magic beanstalk, it's fairies versus giants. |||высота||||||||||||||||| |||||||slender vegetable||||looms over|||||giant plant stalk||tiny magical beings|| |||||||||||ergue-se|||||caule de feijão|||| |||||||||||||||||||karşısında| |||aukštis|||||||||||||pupelių st|||| |||||||ถั่ว|||||||||ต้นถั่ว|||| |||altura||||frijol verde|||||||||planta mágica||hadas|versus|gigantes أحدهما بارتفاع حبة الفاصوليا الخضراء والأبراج الأخرى فوق شجرة الفاصولياء السحرية بأكملها، إنها الجنيات مقابل العمالقة. Um é a altura de um feijão verde e o outro eleva-se sobre todo o pé de feijão mágico, são fadas contra gigantes. Один из них ростом с зеленый боб, а другой возвышается над всем волшебным бобовым стеблем - феи против великанов. Biri yeşil fasulye boyunda ve diğeri tüm sihirli fasulye sırığının üzerinde kuleler, devlere karşı periler. Only one team in this magical matchup will be crowned the Smash Boom Best. ||||šioje||dvikova|||karūnuota|||| ||||||competition|||declared the winner|||| ||||||enfrentamiento|||coronada|||| ||||||การประลอง|||เป็นแชมป์|||| ||||||confronto mágico|||coroada|||| سيتم تتويج فريق واحد فقط في هذه المواجهة السحرية بجائزة Smash Boom Best. Bu büyülü karşılaşmada sadece bir takım Smash Boom Best olarak taçlandırılacak. It's going to be a tough call, but luckily Carly is here to help us decide. ||||||||laimei||||||| |||||difícil decisión|||||||||| Zor bir karar olacak ama neyse ki Carly karar vermemize yardım etmek için burada. Hi, Carly.

**Carly:** Hello. Carly|

**Molly:** Carly, I hear you made a podcast. |||||hiciste|| |Carly|||||| Molly: Carly, bir podcast hazırladığını duydum. Can you tell us about it?

**Carly:** Yes. Карли: Да. Sometime last year, as part of my creative writing class, I got together with a friend Ava, and we created a podcast called __Students Versus Teachers__. |||||||kūrybinės||||||||||||sukūrėme|||||| ||||||||||||||||my friend||||||||| ||||||||||||||||Ava||||||||| alguna vez||||||||escritura creativa||||||||Ava(1)||||||||| Где-то в прошлом году, в рамках моего урока творческого письма, я собрался с подругой Авой, и мы создали подкаст под названием «Студенты против учителей». We then were able to enter this podcast into the NPR Student Podcast Challenge. ||||||||||National Public Radio||| ||||||||||NPR||| ||||||||||NPR||podcast| Затем мы смогли включить этот подкаст в конкурс NPR Student Podcast Challenge.

**Molly:** __Students Versus Teachers__. Молли: Студенты против учителей. What's it about? О чем это?

**Carly:** We were thinking about podcast ideas. Карли: Мы думали об идеях для подкастов. We eventually decided that, since we both like books, we wanted to find out how teachers choose the books that they're going to have their students in the classroom read. |finalmente|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| В конце концов мы решили, что, поскольку мы оба любим книги, мы хотели бы узнать, как учителя выбирают книги, которые они собираются дать своим ученикам читать в классе. Sonunda, ikimiz de kitapları sevdiğimiz için, öğretmenlerin sınıfta öğrencilerine okutacakları kitapları nasıl seçtiklerini öğrenmek istediğimize karar verdik.

**Molly:** That's awesome. Молли: Это потрясающе. Molly: Bu harika. Do you have a favorite book, and do any of them happen to have fairies or giants in them? ||||||||||||||magical beings|||| ||||||||||||||hadas|||| Czy masz ulubioną książkę i czy któraś z nich zawiera wróżki lub olbrzymy? У вас есть любимая книга, и в какой-нибудь из них есть феи или великаны? Favori bir kitabınız var mı ve bunlardan herhangi birinde periler veya devler var mı?

**Carly:** I have a million favorite books. |||||most loved| One of my favorites is __Keeper of the Lost Cities__ and it doesn't have fairies or giants in it. ||||||||||||||||large mythical beings|| |||||Koruyucu||||||||||||| |||||Keeper||||||||||||| Jednym z moich ulubionych jest Keeper of the Lost Cities i nie ma w nim wróżek ani gigantów. Favorilerimden biri Kayıp Şehirlerin Koruyucusu ve içinde periler ya da devler yok.

**Molly:** What's it about? Molly: Ne hakkında?

**Carly:** It's about elves and a girl who finds out that she's an elf and she has all these magical powers. |||elfai||||||||||||||||| |||magical beings||||||||||magical beings||||||| |||elfler||||||||||||||||| |||elfos||||||||||elfo||||||| Carly: Elfler ve kendisinin bir elf olduğunu ve tüm bu sihirli güçlere sahip olduğunu öğrenen bir kız hakkında.

**Molly:** Elves seem a fairy adjacent. |||||artimi ||||magical being|similar to |los elfos|||un poco|adyacente |||||blizu Molly: Elfler bitişik bir peri gibi görünüyor. Carly, when I say fairy, what comes to mind? Carly, peri dediğimde aklına ne geliyor?

**Carly:** Honestly, a small sparkly creature that does good things for other people. ||||glittering|||||||| ||||brillante|||||||| ||||มีประกาย|||||||| Carly: Honestamente, uma pequena criatura cintilante que faz coisas boas para outras pessoas. Карли: Честно говоря, маленькое блестящее существо, которое делает добро другим людям.

**Molly:** What do you associate with giants? ||||ilişkilendirirs|| ||||เชื่อมโยง|| مولي: ماذا تربطك بالعمالقة؟ Molly: Devlerle neyi ilişkilendiriyorsun?

**Carly:** It makes me think of the story of __Jack and the Beanstalk__. ||||||||||||Tall plant ||||||||||||la planta mágica Carly: Przywodzi mi to na myśl historię Jacka i łodygi fasoli. Carly: Aklıma Jack ve Fasulye Sırığı'nın hikayesi geliyor.

**Molly:** Do you already have any opinions about which of these make-believe beings is cooler? ||||||nuomonės||||||||| |||||||||||||||more impressive |||||||||||||seres imaginarios||más genial مولي: هل لديك بالفعل أي آراء حول أي من هذه الكائنات الخيالية هو الأكثر برودة؟ Molly: Czy masz już jakieś opinie na temat tego, która z tych wymyślonych istot jest fajniejsza? Молли: У тебя уже есть мнение о том, кто из этих выдуманных существ круче? Molly: Bu hayali varlıklardan hangisinin daha havalı olduğu hakkında bir fikrin var mı?

**Carly:** I do like fairies, but I'll try to keep an open mind. Carly: Perileri severim ama açık fikirli olmaya çalışacağım.

**Molly:** Alright. Let's meet our debaters. |||diskutuotojai |||discussion participants |||tartışmacılar |||debatedores |||นักอภิปราย Tartışmacılarımızla tanışalım. Here to defend team fairies, it's journalist Tarkor Zehn. ||ginti|||||| |||||||Tarkor Zehn|Tarkor Ten ||||||periodista|Tarkor Zehn|Zehn ||||||นักข่าว|| |||||||タルコール|ゼン Takım perilerini savunmak için buradayım, gazeteci Tarkor Zehn. Hi, Tarkor. |name of person

**Tarkor Zehn:** Hello.

**Molly:** Thank you for being here today. Molly: Bugün burada olduğun için teşekkürler. Tarkor, in a single sentence, why are fairies the Smash Boom Best?

**Tarkor:** It's very simple. Fairies make dreams come true, period. |||||end of discussion |||||punto |||||konec zgodbe Wróżki spełniają marzenia, kropka. Periler hayalleri gerçekleştirir, nokta.

**Molly:** That's a good argument. Here to represent giants, it's comedian, Katie McVay. |||||stand-up comic|Katie McVay|a surname |||||นักแสดงตล|| aquí|||||comediante|Katie McVay|McVay(1) ||||||ケイティ|マクベイ Devleri temsil etmek için buradayım, komedyen Katie McVay.

**Katie McVay:** Hi. Katie McVay|| Katie||

**Molly:** Katie, in one sentence, why are giants cooler than fairies? |||||||Huge mythical beings||| |||||||devler||| ||||||||más geniales|| ||||||||||vilini Molly: Katie, w jednym zdaniu, dlaczego olbrzymy są fajniejsze niż wróżki? Molly: Katie, tek cümleyle, neden devler perilerden daha havalı?

**Katie:** Giants are a metaphorical representation of the boundless energy of the human spirit, period. ||||metaforinė|vaizdavimas|||beveik berib|energija|||žmogaus|dvasios| ||||symbolic or figurative|symbolic depiction|||limitless|||||| ||||metafórica|representación|||sin límites|||||| ||||เชิงอุปมา|การแสดงออก|||ไม่มีที่สิ้นสุด|||||| Katie: Os gigantes são uma representação metafórica da energia sem limites do espírito humano, ponto final. Katie: Devler, insan ruhunun sınırsız enerjisinin mecazi bir temsilidir, nokta.

**Molly:** Dreams, energy, this is going to be an excellent debate. |||||||||puiki| ||||||||||tartışma Molly: Düşler, enerji, bu harika bir tartışma olacak. Let's review the rules of the game. Oyunun kurallarını gözden geçirelim. Round one is the __Declaration of Greatness__. ||||declaración||grandeza ||||การประกาศ||ความยิ่งใหญ่ ||||||veličine Birinci tur Büyüklük Bildirgesidir. Using facts, logic, and stellar storytelling, our debaters will present the most persuasive arguments for their side. ||||žvaigždžių|pasakojimas|||||||įtikinamiausi|||| ||reasoning|||||||||||||| ||||estelar|narración efectiva||debatedores|||||persuasivas||||lado |ข้อเท็จจริง|||ยอดเยี่ยม|การเล่าเรื่อง|||||||ที่น่าเชื่อ|ข้อโต้แย||| Wykorzystując fakty, logikę i błyskotliwą narrację, nasi dyskutanci przedstawią najbardziej przekonujące argumenty przemawiające za ich stroną. Tartışmacılarımız gerçekleri, mantığı ve mükemmel hikaye anlatımını kullanarak kendi tarafları için en ikna edici argümanları sunacaklar. After each declaration, the opposing team will have 30 seconds to rebut their opponent's statement. ||pareiškimo||priešinga||||||atsakyti|||pareiškimas ||||opposite||||||||| ||||||||||cevap vermek||rakiplerinin| ||||oponente||||||refutar||oponente|declaración del oponente ||||ฝ่ายตรงข้าม||||||โต้แย้ง||| Her açıklamadan sonra, rakip takımın rakibinin ifadesini çürütmek için 30 saniyesi olacaktır. Then we've got the __Micro-Round__, a creative challenge each side has prepared for in advance. ||||small||||||||||| ||||Micro-Ronda|||||||||||por adelantado Ardından, her iki tarafın da önceden hazırladığı yaratıcı bir meydan okuma olan Mikro Tur var. Round three is the __Sneak Attack__, a surprise challenge debaters will respond to on the spot. |||||||||||ตอบสนอง|||| ||||ataque sorpresa|||||||||||en el acto Üçüncü tur, tartışmacıların anında yanıt vereceği sürpriz bir meydan okuma olan Sinsi Saldırıdır. To top it all off, we've got __The Final Six__. Üstüne üstlük, elimizde Son Altı var. In this round, each team will have just six words to make a closing case for their side. |||||||||||||conclusión|||| Bu turda, her takımın kendi tarafı için bir kapanış davası oluşturmak için sadece altı kelimesi olacak.

Our judge, Carly, will award two points in the first round, one for the best __Declaration of Greatness__ and one for the best rebuttal. ||||give||||||||||||||||||| |jueza|||otorgará|||||||||||||de grandeza||||||refutación |||||||||||||||||||||||odgovor Yargıcımız Carly, ilk turda biri en iyi Büyüklük Bildirgesi ve diğeri en iyi çürütme olmak üzere iki puan verecek. Then she'll award one point in each round after that, but she won't tell us who she's voted for until the end of the show. ||give|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||votó||||||| Ardından her turda bir puan verecek, ancak gösterinin sonuna kadar kime oy verdiğini bize söylemeyecek. Listeners, we want you to judge too. Dinleyiciler, sizin de yargılamanızı istiyoruz. Grab a pen and a piece of paper and mark down your points as you listen. toma||||||||||||||| Bir kalem ve bir parça kağıt alın ve dinlerken puanlarınızı not edin. When the episode is over, visit our website, smashboom.org, and vote for the team that you think won. ||||||||smash boom|||||||||| ||||||||smashboom|||vota||||||| Bölüm bittiğinde, şut sitemizi ziyaret edin, smashboom.org ve kazandığını düşündüğünüz takıma oy verin. Everybody, you ready to get mythical? |||||mítico Millet, efsanevi olmaya hazır mısınız?

**Carly:** Yes.

**Katie:** Yes.

**Tarkor:** Let's do it.

**Molly:** Then it's time for the __Declaration of Greatness__. Molly: W takim razie czas na Deklarację Wielkości. Molly: O zaman Büyüklük Bildirgesi zamanı. Our debaters will present the most fascinating facts and awesome arguments in favor of their side. ||||||||||||a favor||| Münazaracılarımız en büyüleyici gerçekleri ve harika argümanları kendi tarafları lehine sunacaklar. We flipped a coin and Tarkor, you're up first. |||||Tarkor||| |lanzamos||||||| |smo vrgli||||||| Rzuciliśmy monetą i Tarkor, jesteś pierwszy. Yazı tura attık ve Tarkor, önce sen çıktın. It's time for a Declaration of Greatness for fluttering, fanciful fairies. |||||||||whimsical| ||||||||que revolotean|fantasiosas|hadas ||||||||leteče|domišljijske| Está na altura de fazer uma Declaração de Grandeza para as fadas esvoaçantes e fantasiosas. Kanat çırpan hayali periler için Büyüklük Bildirgesi zamanı.

**Tarkor:** When we think of fairies, so many images come to mind. Tarkor: Perileri düşündüğümüzde aklımıza pek çok görüntü geliyor. There's Tinkerbell, the Fairy Godmother from __Cinderella__, the Good Fairies of __Sleeping Beauty__. ||||Fairy Godmother|||||||| |ティンカーベル|||フェアリーゴッドマザー|||||||| |Campanita|||hada madrina||Cenicienta|||||| Tem Sininho, a Fada Madrinha da Cinderela, as Fadas Boas da Bela Adormecida. Uyuyan Güzel'in İyi Perileri Külkedisi'nin Vaftiz Anası Tinkerbell var. Sugar Plum fairies! |ciruela| Fadas de ameixa de açúcar! Şeker Erik perileri! Navi in __Legend of Zelda__! fairy companion|||| Navi||||Zelda Navi em Legend of Zelda! Legend of Zelda'da Navigasyon! __FernGully__! FernGully FernGully __The Winx Club__! |fairy group| |Winx| Winx Kulübü! Cosmo and Wanda! ||Wanda the fairy Cosmo||Wanda Cosmo ve Wanda! But perhaps the most well known... is the tooth fairy! ||||||||hada de los dientes| Mas talvez a mais conhecida... seja a fada dos dentes! Ama belki de en iyi bilineni... diş perisidir!

(snoring) ronquidos

**Tarkor:** While you're fast asleep, the tooth fairy is on a super stealthy mission. ||||||||||||secretive| ||||||||||||sigilosa| ||||||||||||diskretna| Getting! Edinme! That! Tooth!

**Tooth Fairy:** Confirmed. Diş Perisi: Onaylandı. We've got one under the pillow. |||||almohada Yastığın altında bir tane var. Looking like a left canine. Sol köpek gibi görünüyor. I'm going in! İçeri giriyorum! Over! sobre Üzerinde!

**Tarkor:** With slick skill and great ease, the tooth fairy swaps your molar for cold hard cash! ||||||||||exchanges|||||| |con|hábil|habilidad|||facilidad||||intercambia||molar||frío|dinero en efectivo|dinero en efectivo ||spretno|||||||||||||| Tarkor: Com habilidade e grande facilidade, a fada dos dentes troca o seu molar por dinheiro vivo! Tarkor: Diş perisi ustaca bir beceri ve büyük bir kolaylıkla azı dişinizi soğuk parayla değiştiriyor!

**Tooth Fairy:** Tooth acquired. |||obtained |||adquirida Diş Perisi: Diş alındı. Swapping for a crisp George Washie. |||||George Washington |||||ワシ intercambiando|||billete nuevo||billete de un dólar Gevrek bir George Washie ile takas ediyorum. Mission accomplished! |logrado Görev tamamlandı!

**Tarkor:** A creature that mysteriously breaks into your house and gives YOU money?! ||||不思議に|||||||| I mean come on! Has a giant ever snuck under your pillow and given you money? ||||sneaked||||||| ||||se colóó||||||| Could you imagine?

(crash and scream) ||叫ぶ ||grito

**Giant:** I'm just trying to get your tooth! |||||||diente It's so hard to pick up with my big ol' fingers. |||||||||grandes| (sigh) suspiro de alivio

**Tarkor:** Yeah a tooth giant? I don't think so. While giants are fee fi fo fumbling all over the place, fairies are making dreams come true. |||||fo||||||||||| ||||fi||tropieza|||||||||| ||||||tavajo|||||||||| Enquanto os gigantes andam por todo o lado, as fadas tornam os sonhos realidade.


**Tarkor:** Just like the Tooth Fairy, most of these precious pixies are using their magical powers for good. |||||||||preciosas|duendecillos||||||| ||||||||||pixi||||||| There's the Blue Fairy who helped Pinocchio become a real boy.

In __Cinderella__, the Fairy Godmother rescues the princess and gives her the ULTIMATE makeover. ||||||||||||best possible| |||||rescata||||||||transformación total |||||||||||||preobrazba Em Cinderela, a Fada Madrinha resgata a princesa e dá-lhe a transformação ULTIMA. She's turning pumpkins into carriages! ||pumpkins|| ||calabazas||carrozas Ela está a transformar abóboras em carruagens! Mice to men! Dos ratos aos homens! Rags to riches! poverty|| ||富 harapos||riquezas

(BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO song from Cinderlla) |||||Cinderella ビビディ|ボビディ|ブー|||シンデレラ Bibbidi|Bobbidi||||Cenicienta

**Tarkor:** And who could forget Tinkerbell?

She's got everything. Ela tem tudo. The perfect messy bun, a sassy attitude, and a whole lotta magical pixie dust that can make you FLY! ||||||||||a lot of|||||||| ||desordenado|moño desordenado||descarada|||||un montón de||polvo mágico|||||| ||neurejen|zajček||samska||||||||||||| O pãozinho perfeito, uma atitude atrevida, e um monte de pózinhos mágicos que te podem fazer voar! Not to mention...she's the one saving Peter Pan and the other kids from grave danger! ||||||||||||||grave peligro|

Not all fairies look like Tink though. |||||Tinker Bell| |||||Campanita|aunque Fairies are magical creatures, human-sized or smaller. |||||del tamaño humano|| They're often described as spirits, falling somewhere between divine beings and mortals. |||||||||||human beings ||||espíritus|caen|||divinos|seres divinos||mortales São frequentemente descritos como espíritos, situando-se algures entre os seres divinos e os mortais. While we typically think of them as these teensy, dainty, and charming winged-beings, fairies have RANGE, and include nymphs, sprites, elves and goblins. ||||||||||||with wings||||||||small supernatural beings|||goblins ||||||||pequeñitas|delicadas||encantadores|aladas|seres||||||ninfas|espíritus del agua|elfos||goblins |||||||||||||||||||nimfe|duhovčki|||goblini Enquanto que tipicamente pensamos nelas como estas pequenas, delicadas, e encantadoras abelhas aladas, as fadas têm RANGE, e incluem ninfas, sprites, elfos e duendes.

There were Brownies, English house fairies who helped with chores -- Although they were known to make mischief and rearrange your room from time to time. ||||||||||||||||||tidy up|||||| |||||||||quehaceres|||||||travieso||reorganizar|||||| Havia Brownies, fadas inglesas que ajudavam nas tarefas domésticas -- embora fossem conhecidas por fazer travessuras e reorganizar o seu quarto de vez em quando.

**Person:** Hey...since when did my dresser turn upside down? ||||||furniture piece||| ||||||cajonera||al revés|

**Tarkor:** Or take the Irish banshee, one of the most feared fairies. ||||irlandesa|banshee|||||temidas| |||||banshee|||||| Tarkor: Ou tomar o banshee irlandês, uma das fadas mais temidas. Described as a shrieking woman with long dark hair and red eyes, the ominous banshee prophesied looming death. |||||||||||||||foretold|| |||gritona||||||||||ominosa|banshee|profetizó|inminente| |||vrišča||||||||||zlovešča|||neizbežno| Descrita como uma mulher gritante com longos cabelos escuros e olhos vermelhos, a sinistra banshee profetizou a morte iminente.

(Banshee howl) |wailing sound banshee|aullido

**Tarkor:** Regardless of their form, fairies are always moving the plot FORWARD. |independientemente|||||||||la trama| Tarkor: Independentemente da sua forma, as fadas estão sempre a mover a parcela FORWARD. They dominate storytelling! After all, they're called FAIRY Tales… not GIANT Tales. Afinal, chamam-se Contos de FÉ... não Contos GIGANTES. In fact, the word Fairy comes from the latin word Fay, meaning “fate”. ||||||||||fate|| ||||||||latín||Fay||destino De facto, a palavra Fada provém da palavra latina Fay, que significa "destino". Fate is when something happens out of your control, the inevitable unfolding of life! |||||||||||desarrollo inevitable|| |||||||||||razvijanje|| And it makes perfect sense, right? Despite often being the side character, fairies are usually the ones spicing up the story. |||||||||||adding excitement||| a pesar de|||||||||||sazonando||| Apesar de serem frequentemente o personagem secundário, as fadas são normalmente as que apimentam a história.

Think about Shakespeare's play __A Midsummer's Night Dream__, where the fairy Puck causes all sorts of shenanigans-- from mixing up love potions to turning a man's head into a donkey. ||Shakespeare||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||真夏の夜の|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||Shakespeare|||de verano|||||hada|Puck|||todo tipo||travesuras|||||pociones de amor|||||||| ||||||||||||||||norčije||||||||||||| Pense na peça de Shakespeare "Sonho de uma Noite de verão", onde a fada Puck provoca todo o tipo de peripécias - desde misturar poções de amor até transformar a cabeça de um homem num burro. Puck's mischief creates hilarious chaos. possessive form|||| de Puck|travesuras||divertido| |||smešno|

Without fairies, the play would just be a dull story about four unhappy greek lovers. ||||||||||||||couple sin hadas||||||||aburrida|||||griegos|

BOR-ING! Boring| つまらない| aburrido| And that would be the case for SO many other stories. Let's revisit Cinderella without fairies...Oh little ol' Cindy is still trapped with her evil step-mother washing the floors? ||||||||Cinderella||||||||||| |revisitemos||||||la viejita|Cindy|||atrapada||||||||los pisos Vamos rever a Cinderela sem fadas... Oh, a pequena e velha Cindy ainda está presa com a sua madrasta malvada a lavar o chão? Bummer. Qué mal

Peter Pan? Good luck finding Neverland when Tinkerbell can't help you FLY! |||the magical place|||||| |||ネバーランド|||||| |||el país de nunca jamás||||||

Fairies COMPLETE the fantasy darling. ||||querido

Beyond storybooks, movies, and plays, fairies are cultural icons. |narrative literature||||||| más allá de|libros de cuentos|||||||íconos culturales Take the huldufólk__,__ aka the hidden people, a population of elusive elves believed to live throughout the volcanic hills of Iceland. ||hidden people||||||||hard to find|||||||||| ||pueblo oculto|también conocidos como||pueblo oculto|||||elusivos|elfos|se cree que|||por toda||volcánicas|colinas volcánicas|| ||||||||||neulovljivi|||||||||| Tomemos o huldufólk, também conhecido como o povo escondido, uma população de elfos fugidios que se crê viverem por todas as colinas vulcânicas da Islândia. They're described as human-like creatures, both in looks and stature, although they can be as small as a few centimeters. ||||||||||||||||||||centimeters ||||||||||||||||||||センチメートル ||||||ambos||||estatura||||||||||centímetros They act like humans too! They farm, row boats, and they even have sheriffs! ||||||||law enforcement officers ||filas||||||sheriffs

They're even a part of various holiday customs-- like the Christmas Eve tradition where Icelanders clean their homes and leave food for the huldufolk. |||||||||||||||||||||||hidden people |||||||costumbres||||Nochebuena|||isleños|||||dejan||||elfos ocultos After snacking, the elves were known to sneak into the farmhouses and throw absolute ragers. ||||||||||||||wild parties |picando bocados||los elfos||||escabullirse|||casas de campo||||fiestas locas Depois de lancharem, os duendes eram conhecidos por se esgueirarem para as casas das quintas e fazerem uma festa absoluta.

**Elf:** PAAAARTAYYYYY! |party time エルフ|パーティー elfo|fiesta

**Tarkor:** The huldufolk are well-respected, and sometimes feared--much like Iceland's rugged landscape. ||||||||||||rough and wild| ||los huldufolk|||respetados|||temidos|||islandés|áspero|paisaje áspero ||skriti ljudje||||||||||grobna| The elves' lore speaks to Icelanders' profound respect for their environment--including their hidden neighbors. ||knowledge|||||||||||| ||sabiduría|||||||||||vecinos ocultos|vecinos ocultos Whether or not you believe in the huldufolk--or any other fairy for that matter-- they give us space to stay curious and dream big. si|||||||elfos ocultos||||||||||||||curiosos|||

From entertaining us, sparking our imaginations, or inspiring a bit of magic, one thing is for sure...Giants are no match for fairies. |||igniting||||||||||||||||||| |entreteniendo||encendiendo||imaginaciones||inspirando|||||||||||||no son rivales|| De nos entreter, de despertar a nossa imaginação, ou de inspirar um pouco de magia, uma coisa é certa...Os gigantes não são páreo para as fadas. I mean what do they even do? Plunder villages? raid| saquear|aldeas Snack on humans? food for|| snack|| Riddle me this-- what does fee fi fo fum even mean? Riddle|||||||||| acertijo|||||tarifa|||fum|| O que é que significa "fee fi fo fum"? !

**Giant:** Uh...Um...No one knows what it means but it's provocative. |||||||||||thought-provoking |||||||||||provocador

**Tarkor:** Whatever. For all I care, giants can get bibbidi bobbidi BOOPED! |||||||||magically transformed ||||los gigantes|||||desaparecidos Por lo que a mí respecta, ¡los gigantes pueden ser "bibbidi bobbidi BOOPED"!

**Molly:** Tarkor moving it forward for the versatile fairy. |||||||adaptable| |Tarkor|moviendo|||||versátil|hada versátil Carly, what stood out to you in Tarkor's __Declaration of Greatness__? |||||||Tarkor's||| ||destacó|||||Tarkor|||grandeza

**Carly:** I really like how you included the traditions that have to do with fairies.

**Molly:** Katie, it's time for your rebuttal. You've got 30 seconds to squash your competition and your time starts now. ||||eliminar|||||||

**Katie:** It won't take any time at all. A question was raised at the beginning of Tarkor's __Declaration of Greatness__, which is why is this fairy collecting human teeth, and yet, the question was never answered. |||planteada|||||||||||||||coleccionando||||||||| First strike against the fairy population. |primer ataque|||| Second, I can't help but notice that this declaration didn't include some pretty controversial fairy facts that I learned in my fairy research, which is that fairies were frequently blamed for outbreaks of tuberculosis. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||tuberculosis ||||||||||||||||||||||investigación sobre hadas||||hadas||frecuentemente|culpadas|por|epidemias|| |||||||||||||||||||||pravljice|||||||||||| Em segundo lugar, não posso deixar de notar que esta declaração não incluiu alguns factos de fadas bastante controversos que aprendi na minha pesquisa de fadas, que é que as fadas eram frequentemente culpadas por surtos de tuberculose. I'll have you know — Quero que saiba -

**Molly:** Time. (chuckles)

**Tarkor:** I need you to cite your sources, honey. |||||reference||| |||||citar|||cariño

**Molly:** (laughs)

**Katie:** It's Wikipedia.


**Molly:** I think you had more to say, Katie.

**Katie:** I always do.


**Molly:** Well, now, it's your turn. We want to know why giants deserve to be crowned the Smash Boom Best. ||||||merecen|||coronados|||| |||||||||okronani||||

**Katie:** Giants are the most important mythological creature there is. ||||||mitológicos||| Don't believe me? OK, imagine a world without them.

Let's check on Jack and his beanstalk.

**JACK:** Well, I've climbed the beanstalk. Let's see what's up here….

**GIANT:** FI FI FO ---(POOF) ||フィ||消えた

**JACK:** And… nothing. There's nothing here. OK. Back down we go.

**Katie:** Harry Potter? ||ポッター

**HAGRID:** ‘Ello ‘arry, it's me ‘Agrid with your invitation to ‘ogwartz. |||||Hagrid|||||Hogwarts ハグリッド|やあ|ハリー|||||||| Hagrid|ello|Harry|||Hagrid|||invitación||Hogwarts (POOF)

**HARRY:** Was someone here? Guess not. Well, I suppose I'll never go to magical school, which I don't even know about, now.

**Katie:** And don't forget football!

**SPORTS ANNOUNCER:** Quarterback Daniel Jones is running down the field and it'll be another point for… (POOF) Um, what's this team called? ||football player|||||||||||||||||||

**Katie:** Giants are important. In fact, in many cultures, giants feature heavily in stories about the beginning of the world, and what could be more important than that? ||||||aparecen|de manera prominente|||||||||||||||| !

For example, in Micronesia, there's a story about a giant named Rigi, who was tasked with lifting the sky off the earth. |||||||||||Rigi|||||||||| |||ミクロネシア||||||||リギ|||||||||| |||Micronesia||||||||Rigi|||encargado de||levantar|||||

**RIGI:** They aren't paying me enough for this. RIGI||||||| |||||suficiente||

**Katie:** It was so hard that right after he did it, he died and his body came apart. Katie||||||||||||||||| His torso and head became the Milky Way, and his legs became all the worms in the world. ||||||||||||||the worms||| |torso|||||Vía Láctea||||||||vermes|||

**RIGI:** Yeesh. |Wow that's tough |うわぁ

You also have Atlas in Greek mythology. ||||||Greek stories |||Atlas||| After being on the losing side in a war of the gods, he was sentenced to hold up the entire world on his shoulders for eternity. |||||||||||||||||||||||||forever |||||||||||||||||||||||hombros||eternidad |||||||||||||||||||||||||večnostno

**ZEUS:** OK, Atlas. Zeus speaking|| Zeus|| You hold up the world. Forever.

**ATLAS:** No vacation?? ?

**ZEUS:** Hmm. ゼウス| Good point. One vacation.

**ATLAS:** One? アトラス| !