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E-Books (english-e-reader), The Real Aunt Molli by Frank Brennan (2)

The Real Aunt Molli by Frank Brennan (2)

Molly said she understood.

'Now, Molly,' said Maxwell. 'Open your eyes...' But as he said this he suddenly gave a loud cry and fell at Aunt Molly's feet while holding on to his tie. His face had turned grey. Maxwell Marvel had a heart attack just as Aunt Molly was opening her eyes.

The first thing she saw was Maxwell Marvel lying at her feet. She turned to the nearest person in the audience and said, 'Well, don't just sit there, man! This man has obviously had a heart attack - call for a doctor and an ambulance at once. He needs immediate attention.'

The man did as he was told while Aunt Molly undid Maxwell's tie and put him in a comfortable position. She acted as if she knew exactly what to do. Help soon arrived and the unconscious Maxwell was taken away in an ambulance.

A man from the television company spoke to the audience and explained that, because of Maxwell Marvel's sudden and unfortunate accident, the show was at an end. He said he was very sorry that things had been cut short in this way.

Somebody behind us called out that it had been the best part of the show.

Grandpa went up to the man who had spoken to us. He asked him what they could do to get Aunt Molly back to normal now that Maxwell Marvel wasn't here.

'You heard Maxwell,' the man told him. 'Only his voice can undo the orders. I'm sorry - you'll have to wait until Maxwell can speak to her himself.'

'But what if...' asked Grandpa, '... what if he doesn't get better?'

'Let's all hope that he does,' the man said. 'It's a popular show. Anyway, the order he gave her wasn't so bad was it?

It's not as if he told her to start acting like a monkey or something! Don't worry - we'll get in touch.'

In the car on the way back home we talked about what had happened that evening. We had all been surprised, to say the least, at the way Aunt Molly had behaved when Maxwell Marvel had had his heart attack; she had been more in control than anybody. It was as if she had known exactly what to do.

'Nonsense,' said Aunt Molly when we put this to her. 'just a little common sense. Besides, everything about his condition showed that his attack was not a serious one. He should get better soon if he rests for a while and looks after himself

Was this Aunt Molly talking? We could hardly believe what we were hearing. She sounded like a doctor.

'How do you know that, Mum?' asked Winston.

'I heard a radio programme all about looking after your heart - it described everything about heart conditions very clearly,' she answered.

'And when, exactly, did you hear this?' asked Grandpa.

'Oh, ten years ago while I was cleaning the carpet. When Dally was alive. Bless him,' said Molly with a smile.

The week that followed Aunt Molly's return home was full of surprises for all of us. She was not the Molly we all knew. For a start, she soon discovered that she could read, after all. After years of hardly looking at even a newspaper, she began to read anything she could get her hands on. At first it was cheap magazines and love stories. Then she started on serious newspapers and Russian novels.

During the following weeks she took up painting and found that she was able to paint beautiful pictures. Soon she could paint as well as a professional. Then her beloved cooking changed. No longer did she cook simple but delicious meals. Now she tried Indian, Chinese and Italian meals which were also, it must be said, delicious.

She started to go out to all kinds of places - museums, art shows, scientific talks given by experts, political meetings - and she took the twins, too!

'You were complaining that we never went out - we're going out!' she said to them.

Nobody dared to advise her anymore.

'I'm a grown woman - I can do things for myself, thank you very much!' she would tell us.

Then she came home with Horace, the Professor of Classics at the university. He was an expert on ancient Greek and Roman history.

'Horace has asked me to spend a week in Greece with him. We're going to explore the ancient buildings,' she said.

'But Mum...' began the twins.

'No buts...' Molly said. 'I'd rather explore an ancient building than look like one. Besides, Horace is a good-looking man - with brains, too. He likes me. And I'm still an attractive woman; I could marry again. It's about time I started to live life to the full. I've stayed at home for too long.'

We were all amazed by this new Aunt Molly. She could, it seemed, do anything she put her mind to. And although we loved the old Aunt Molly, we soon liked this new person who had come into our lives.

In fact, she was now a lively, funny and thoughtful woman. She scared us a little, too, with her burning wish for improvement.

But we all found her very, very easy to like.It was twelve weeks after Maxwell Marvel hkd had his heart attack. We had heard nothing from him but we saw on the television that he had been let out of hospital.

Two days after he left hospital he was found dead in the bed of his latest twenty-year-old girlfriend. He had died of another heart attack. He was forty-nine.

A week after Maxwell Marvel's death, Grandpa received a letter from the man he had spoken to at the television studio. There was a taped message with the letter. On the tape was a recording of Maxwell giving the order for Aunt Molly to return to what she had been before. He had recorded the message just before he left hospital, just before he hurried off to meet his new lover.It has now been a week since Grandpa got the letter.

We still haven't played the tape to Aunt Molly. We can't decide what we should do.

We have discovered another person in Aunt Molly and we love her, too. She's a new Aunt Molly who has rediscovered life. Yet we also love and miss the sweet, kind lady who The truth is, we don't know which Aunt Molly is now the real one. What would happen if we played her the tape? Would a part of her die once again, as it had seemed to do when Uncle Dalton died? Would it be right for us to take this new life away from her? Then, again, perhaps nothing would happen and she would remain as she is - full of the love of life.

And which Aunt Molly has the most right to be here -the old or the new?

Who is the real Aunt Molly?

She and Horace are going off to Greece next week. That will give us all time to think things over. Then we will decide.

The old or the new?

Well, what would you do?


The Real Aunt Molli by Frank Brennan (2) La verdadera tía Molli, de Frank Brennan (2) 프랭크 브레넌의 진짜 몰리 이모 (2)

Molly said she understood.

'Now, Molly,' said Maxwell. 'Open your eyes...' But as he said this he suddenly gave a loud cry and fell at Aunt Molly's feet while holding on to his tie. Mais en disant cela, il poussa soudain un grand cri et tomba aux pieds de tante Molly en s'accrochant à sa cravate. 「目を開けて…」しかし、彼がこれを言ったとき、彼は突然大きな叫び声を上げ、ネクタイを握りながらモリーおばさんの足元に倒れました。 His face had turned grey. jeho|||| 彼の顔は灰色に変わっていた。 Maxwell Marvel had a heart attack just as Aunt Molly was opening her eyes. Maxwell Marvel|||a teta|||||||||| マクスウェル・マーベルは、モリーおばさんが目を開けていたときに心臓発作を起こしました。

The first thing she saw was Maxwell Marvel lying at her feet. 彼女が最初に見たのは、マクスウェル・マーベルが彼女の足元に横たわっていたことでした。 She turned to the nearest person in the audience and said, 'Well, don't just sit there, man! 彼女は聴衆の中で最も近い人の方を向いて言った、「まあ、ただそこに座ってはいけない、男! This man has obviously had a heart attack - call for a doctor and an ambulance at once. Tento||||||||zavolejte|||||||| この男は明らかに心臓発作を起こしました-医者と救急車を一度に呼んでください。 He needs immediate attention.' on potřebuje||| 彼はすぐに注意を払う必要があります。」

The man did as he was told while Aunt Molly undid Maxwell's tie and put him in a comfortable position. |||||||||teta Molly|||||||||| モリーおばさんがマクスウェルのネクタイを外し、彼を快適な位置に置いている間、男は言われた通りにやった。 Чоловік зробив те, що йому було сказано, поки тітка Моллі розв'язала краватку Максвелла і поклала його в зручне положення. She acted as if she knew exactly what to do. ona||||||||| 彼女はまるで何をすべきかを正確に知っているかのように振る舞った。 Help soon arrived and the unconscious Maxwell was taken away in an ambulance. Pomoc||||ten|||||||| すぐに助けが到着し、無意識のマクスウェルは救急車で連れ去られました。

A man from the television company spoke to the audience and explained that, because of Maxwell Marvel's sudden and unfortunate accident, the show was at an end. |||||||||||||||||||nešťastné||||||| テレビ会社の男性が聴衆に話しかけ、マクスウェル・マーベルの突然の不幸な事故のために、ショーは終了したと説明しました。 He said he was very sorry that things had been cut short in this way. |||||||věci||||||| 彼は、このように物事が短縮されたことを非常に残念に思っていると述べた。 Він сказав, що йому дуже шкода, що все так обірвалося.

Somebody behind us called out that it had been the best part of the show. ||||||to|||||||| 私たちの後ろの誰かが、それがショーの最高の部分だったと呼びました。

Grandpa went up to the man who had spoken to us. おじいちゃんは私たちに話しかけた男に近づきました。 He asked him what they could do to get Aunt Molly back to normal now that Maxwell Marvel wasn't here. 彼は、マクスウェルマーベルがここにいなかったので、モリーおばさんを通常の状態に戻すために何ができるかを彼に尋ねました。

'You heard Maxwell,' the man told him. 「あなたはマクスウェルを聞いた」と男は彼に言った。 'Only his voice can undo the orders. pouze||||zrušit|| '彼の声だけが注文を取り消すことができます。 I'm sorry - you'll have to wait until Maxwell can speak to her himself.'

'But what if...' asked Grandpa, '... what if he doesn't get better?' |||||co||||| 「でも、もし…」とおじいちゃんに尋ねた、「…もし彼が良くならなかったら?」 А якщо... - запитав дідусь, - якщо йому не стане краще?

'Let's all hope that he does,' the man said. 「彼がそうすることをすべて期待しよう」と男は言った。 'It's a popular show. Anyway, the order he gave her wasn't so bad was it? とにかく、彼が彼女に与えた順序はそれほど悪くなかったのですか? Так чи інакше, наказ, який він їй дав, був не таким вже й поганим, чи не так?

It's not as if he told her to start acting like a monkey or something! |||||||aby||||a||| 彼が彼女に猿か何かのように振る舞い始めるように言ったかのようではありません! Don't worry - we'll get in touch.' Nechoďte||||| 心配しないでください。連絡します。」 Не хвилюйтеся - ми зв'яжемося з вами".

In the car on the way back home we talked about what had happened that evening. v||||||||jsme||||||| 帰りの車の中で、その夜何が起こったのか話しました。 We had all been surprised, to say the least, at the way Aunt Molly had behaved when Maxwell Marvel had had his heart attack; she had been more in control than anybody. my jsme|||||||||na|||||||||||||||ona||||||| Nous avions tous été surpris, c'est le moins que l'on puisse dire, par la façon dont tante Molly s'était comportée lorsque Maxwell Marvel avait eu sa crise cardiaque ; elle avait été plus en contrôle que n'importe qui d'autre. 控えめに言っても、マクスウェル・マーベルが心臓発作を起こしたときのモリーおばさんの行動には、私たち全員が驚いていました。彼女は誰よりも支配的でした。 It was as if she had known exactly what to do. to||||ona|||||| それはまるで彼女が何をすべきかを正確に知っているかのようでした。

'Nonsense,' said Aunt Molly when we put this to her. ||||když||||| 「ナンセンス」私たちがこれを彼女に置いたとき、モリーおばさんは言いました。 "Дурниці", - сказала тітка Моллі, коли ми їй про це розповіли. 'just a little common sense. jenom|||| 'ほんの少しの常識。 Besides, everything about his condition showed that his attack was not a serious one. |všechno||||||jeho|||||| その上、彼の状態に関するすべては、彼の攻撃が深刻なものではなかったことを示しました。 Крім того, все в його стані свідчило про те, що напад не був серйозним. He should get better soon if he rests for a while and looks after himself on|||||pokud||||||a||| しばらく休んで自分の面倒を見るとすぐに良くなるはずです Якщо він трохи відпочине і попіклується про себе, то скоро одужає.

Was this Aunt Molly talking? この叔母モリーは話していましたか? We could hardly believe what we were hearing. my jsme||||||| 聞いていたことが信じられませんでした。 She sounded like a doctor. ona|||| 彼女は医者のように聞こえた。

'How do you know that, Mum?' Jak||||| 「どうやってそれを知ってるんだ、ママ?」 asked Winston.

'I heard a radio programme all about looking after your heart - it described everything about heart conditions very clearly,' she answered. |||||o všem||||||to||||||velmi||| 「私はあなたの心臓の世話についてのすべてのラジオ番組を聞きました-それは心臓の状態についてのすべてを非常に明確に説明しました」と彼女は答えました。

'And when, exactly, did you hear this?' A|||||| 「そして、正確には、いつこれを聞きましたか?」 asked Grandpa.

'Oh, ten years ago while I was cleaning the carpet. ach|deset|||||||| 「ああ、10年前にカーペットを掃除していたとき。 When Dally was alive. když||| Bless him,' said Molly with a smile.

The week that followed Aunt Molly's return home was full of surprises for all of us. ||||||||byla||||||| モリーおばさんが帰国した翌週は、私たち全員にとって驚きに満ちていました。 She was not the Molly we all knew. ona||||||| For a start, she soon discovered that she could read, after all. pro|||ona|||||||nakonec| まず、彼女はすぐに自分が読むことができることに気づきました。 Для початку, незабаром вона виявила, що вміє читати. After years of hardly looking at even a newspaper, she began to read anything she could get her hands on. Po|||||||||ona||aby|||ona||||| 何年も新聞さえほとんど見なかった後、彼女は手に入れることができるものは何でも読み始めました。 Після багатьох років, коли вона майже не дивилася навіть на газету, вона почала читати все, що потрапляло їй до рук. At first it was cheap magazines and love stories. Na|||||||| 最初は安い雑誌とラブストーリーでした。 Then she started on serious newspapers and Russian novels. それから彼女は真面目な新聞とロシアの小説を始めました。

During the following weeks she took up painting and found that she was able to paint beautiful pictures. Během||||ona||||a|zjistila|||||||| 次の数週間の間に彼女は絵を描き始め、美しい絵を描くことができたことがわかりました。 Soon she could paint as well as a professional. すぐに彼女はプロとしてだけでなく絵を描くことができました。 Then her beloved cooking changed. それから彼女の最愛の料理は変わりました。 No longer did she cook simple but delicious meals. už|||||||| 彼女はもはやシンプルで美味しい食事を作っていませんでした。 Now she tried Indian, Chinese and Italian meals which were also, it must be said, delicious. Nyní||||||||které||||||| 今、彼女はインド料理、中華料理、イタリア料理を試しましたが、これもまた美味しかったと言わざるを得ません。

She started to go out to all kinds of places - museums, art shows, scientific talks given by experts, political meetings - and she took the twins, too! ona||na|||na|||||muzea|||vědecké|||||politické|||||||

'You were complaining that we never went out - we're going out!' ty|||||||||| 「あなたは私たちが決して出かけなかったと不平を言っていました-私たちは出かけます!」 "Ти скаржився, що ми нікуди не виходимо - ми виходимо! she said to them.

Nobody dared to advise her anymore. |se odvážil|||| もう誰も彼女に忠告することを敢えてしなかった。

'I'm a grown woman - I can do things for myself, thank you very much!' jsem||||||||||||| "Я доросла жінка - я можу зробити все для себе сама, дуже вам дякую! she would tell us.

Then she came home with Horace, the Professor of Classics at the university. ||||||ten|||||| それから彼女は大学の古典学教授であるホレスと一緒に家に帰りました。 He was an expert on ancient Greek and Roman history. on||||||||římské| 彼は古代ギリシャとローマの歴史の専門家でした。

'Horace has asked me to spend a week in Greece with him. Horác||||aby||||||| 「ホレスは私に彼と一緒にギリシャで一週間過ごすように頼んだ。 We're going to explore the ancient buildings,' she said. myšlenka|||||||| 私たちは古代の建物を探索するつもりです」と彼女は言いました。

'But Mum...' began the twins.

'No buts...' Molly said. Ne||| 「お尻は…」モリーは言った。 'I'd rather explore an ancient building than look like one. raději bych||||||||| 「私は、1つのように見えるよりも、むしろ古代の建物を探索したいと思います。 Besides, Horace is a good-looking man - with brains, too. |||||||s mozkem|| その上、ホレスはかっこいい男です-頭脳も持っています。 He likes me. on|| And I'm still an attractive woman; I could marry again. A||||||||| It's about time I started to live life to the full. Je na čase|||||naplno||||| そろそろ人生を存分に生き始めた頃です。 I've stayed at home for too long.' já jsem|||||| 私は家に長く滞在しすぎました。」

We were all amazed by this new Aunt Molly. my jsme|||||||| She could, it seemed, do anything she put her mind to. ||||dělat|||||| 彼女は、自分の思い通りのことは何でもできるようだった。 Здавалося, вона могла робити все, що завгодно. And although we loved the old Aunt Molly, we soon liked this new person who had come into our lives. A||||||||my jsme|||tuto|||||||| そして、私たちは古い叔母モリーを愛していましたが、すぐに私たちの生活に入ってきたこの新しい人が好きになりました。

In fact, she was now a lively, funny and thoughtful woman. Ve|||||a||||| 実際、彼女は今では活気があり、面白くて思慮深い女性でした。 She scared us a little, too, with her burning wish for improvement. Ona||||||s||||| 彼女もまた、改善への熱烈な願いを込めて、私たちを少し怖がらせました。

But we all found her very, very easy to like.It was twelve weeks after Maxwell Marvel hkd had his heart attack. Ale||||||velmi||||||||||||||| しかし、私たちは皆、彼女がとてもとても好きであることに気づきました。マクスウェル・マーベルhkdが心臓発作を起こしてから12週間後のことでした。 We had heard nothing from him but we saw on the television that he had been let out of hospital. |||||||jsme||||||on|||||| 私たちは彼から何も聞いていませんでしたが、彼が退院したことをテレビで見ました。 Ми нічого про нього не чули, але побачили по телевізору, що його випустили з лікарні.

Two days after he left hospital he was found dead in the bed of his latest twenty-year-old girlfriend. Dva||||||on odešel|||||||u|jeho||||| 彼が病院を去った2日後、彼は彼の最新の20歳のガールフレンドのベッドで死んでいるのが発見されました。 He had died of another heart attack. on zemřel||||další|| He was forty-nine. on|||

A week after Maxwell Marvel's death, Grandpa received a letter from the man he had spoken to at the television studio. ||||||dědeček|||||||||||||| マクスウェル・マーベルの死から1週間後、おじいちゃんはテレビスタジオで話していた男性から手紙を受け取りました。 There was a taped message with the letter. byla||a||||| 手紙と一緒に録音されたメッセージがありました。 On the tape was a recording of Maxwell giving the order for Aunt Molly to return to what she had been before. テープには、マクスウェルがモリーおばさんに以前の状態に戻るように命じた記録がありました。 He had recorded the message just before he left hospital, just before he hurried off to meet his new lover.It has now been a week since Grandpa got the letter. on|||||pouze|||||pouze||on|||k|||||to|||||||||| 退院直前、急いで新しい恋人に会う直前にメッセージを録音していたが、おじいちゃんが手紙をもらってから1週間が経ちました。 Він записав повідомлення перед тим, як виписався з лікарні, перед тим, як поспішив на зустріч зі своєю новою коханою. Минув тиждень відтоді, як дідусь отримав листа.

We still haven't played the tape to Aunt Molly. 私たちはまだモリーおばさんにテープを再生していません。 We can't decide what we should do. my|||||| 何をすべきか決めることができません。

We have discovered another person in Aunt Molly and we love her, too. 私たちはモリーおばさんで別の人を発見しました、そして私たちは彼女も愛しています。 She's a new Aunt Molly who has rediscovered life. Ona je|||||která||znovuobje| 彼女は人生を再発見した新しい叔母モリーです。 Yet we also love and miss the sweet, kind lady who The truth is, we don't know which Aunt Molly is now the real one. Ale||||||||||která||||||||||||tu|| しかし、私たちはまた、真実は、モリーおばさんが現在本物であるかどうかわからない、甘くて親切な女性を愛し、恋しく思っています。 Але ми також любимо і сумуємо за милою, доброю жінкою, яка Насправді, ми не знаємо, яка з тіток Моллі зараз справжня. What would happen if we played her the tape? co|||||||| 彼女にテープを再生したらどうなるでしょうか。 Would a part of her die once again, as it had seemed to do when Uncle Dalton died? ダルトンおじさんが亡くなったときのように、彼女の一部はもう一度死ぬのでしょうか? Чи не помре частина її знову, як це, здавалося, сталося, коли помер дядько Далтон? Would it be right for us to take this new life away from her? この新しい人生を彼女から奪うのは正しいでしょうか? Then, again, perhaps nothing would happen and she would remain as she is - full of the love of life. |||||||ona||||||plná||||| それから、再び、おそらく何も起こらず、彼女はそのままであり続けるでしょう-人生の愛に満ちています。

And which Aunt Molly has the most right to be here -the old or the new? そして、モリーおばさんがここにいるのに最も権利があるのはどれですか?古いものと新しいもののどちらですか?

Who is the real Aunt Molly?

She and Horace are going off to Greece next week. Ona||||||||| That will give us all time to think things over. それは私たちに物事を考える時間を与えるでしょう。 Це дасть нам усім час на обдумування. Then we will decide.

The old or the new?

Well, what would you do?