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E-Books (english-e-reader), Sigurd and Sigrdrifa

Sigurd and Sigrdrifa

There was a big mountain. And around the top of the mountain there was a ring of fire. The fire burned strongly. It was impossible to see the top of the mountain, because of the ring of fire around it.

One day, a warrior called Sigurd was out riding. He was a long way from home, and did not know where he was. He saw the mountain, and the strong light at the top.

'What's that light at the top of the mountain?' he thought. So, with his horse, he went up the mountain to find out.

When he got near the top of the mountain he found the big fire burning. It was very hot, and difficult to see. His horse was afraid, but he was not. He went as near as he could to the fire, to see what was behind it. The fire was very strong, but through it he could see a great hall on top of the mountain. He was very interested.

'What's that hall on top of the mountain, behind this big fire?' he thought. There was only one way to find out. 'I'll have to pass through the fire,' he thought.

He talked to his horse, telling it not to be afraid. Then they ran as fast as they could into the fire. The fire was so hot it started to bum Sigurd's helmet, and his horse's feet. His horse began to stop - it could not continue. But Sigurd would not stop. He pushed his horse through the fire, running as fast as they could. It was very difficult. But Sigurd was a brave man, so brave he could pass through the fire. On and on they ran, until they came to the end of the fire.

Sigurd and his horse stopped and Sigurd looked up. He could now see the great hall at the top of the mountain clearly. It looked like a palace.

'I must find out what is in that hall, and why this ring of fire is around it,' he thought. He continued to walk to the top of the mountain until he reached the hall.

The doors of the hall were very big, and Sigurd had to push hard to open them. 'Nobody has opened these doors for a long time,' he thought as he pushed.

Inside, the hall was nearly empty. There was only one thing in the hall: a bed. And on the bed lay a warrior, wearing armour and a helmet. Sigurd looked at the warrior carefully. He could not see a face, because the helmet covered the warrior's head.

'Who's this warrior?' thought Sigurd. 'Is he dead or only sleeping? And why is he here in this great hall, circled by fire?' He pulled the helmet from the warrior and was surprised to find no man there, but a woman asleep. She was a very beautiful woman.

'She looks like the goddess Freyja,' thought Sigurd.

As Sigurd thought this, the woman opened her eyes and woke up. Sigurd was very surprised. 'Who are you?' he asked. 'Why are you here in this great hall? And why are you dressed like a warrior and circled by a ring of fire?'

'My name is Sigrdrifa,' she said, 'I'm a valkyrie. The valkyries are women warriors. We work for Odin, chief of the gods. When a warrior dies in battle, we take them to Valhalla, where they will live with Odin.'

'But why are you here?' said Sigurd again.

'Let me tell you the story,' she said. 'Because Freyja took the Brisingamen necklace from the dark elves, Odin made her start a war in Midgard. This war went on for a long time.

Many people thought it would go on forever. After some time, men in Midgard were tired of the war, and Odin knew it had to finish. He promised one of the kings that he would win. But that king was a bad king. I didn't want him to win. So I stopped helping Odin, and helped the other king to win a great battle. Odin was very angry with me.'

'What did he do?' asked Sigurd.

'He told me I could no longer be a valkyrie,' said Sigrdrifa, 'And that from now on I would be an ordinary woman. "You will live and die like any other woman," he said to me. "And you must marry.'"

'Did you get married?' asked Sigurd.

'No,' she said. 'I didn't. I told Odin that I would only marry a man who knows no fear. So Odin was even more angry. He sent me to this place, and made me sleep. Then he put a circle of fire around the mountain so no one would find me.'

'But I found you,' said Sigurd.

'Yes,' said Sigrdrifa. 'You did. What's your name?'

'My name is Sigurd.'

'And you came through the ring of fire?' asked Sigrdrifa.

'Yes, I did,' replied Sigurd.

'Then you're a brave man,' she said.

'Thank you,' he said.

'But you're more than just a brave man,' she continued. 'You're a man who knows no fear. Is that true?'

'Yes, it's true,' said Sigurd. 'I'm afraid of nothing.'

'Then you're the man,' said Sigrdrifa. 'Marry me, and then we can leave this place.'

Sigurd and Sigrdrifa walked out of the hall, and the ring of fire was gone.


Sigurd and Sigrdrifa Sigurd y Sigrdrifa Sigurd i Sigrdrifa Sigurd e Sigrdrifa Сигурд и Сигрдрифа Sigurd ve Sigrdrifa Сігурд і Сіґрдріфа

There was a big mountain. Havia uma grande montanha. And around the top of the mountain there was a ring of fire. そして山の頂上には火の輪がありました。 E ao redor do topo da montanha havia um anel de fogo. The fire burned strongly. It was impossible to see the top of the mountain, because of the ring of fire around it. 山の周りに環太平洋火山帯があったため、山の頂上を見ることができませんでした。 Era impossível ver o topo da montanha, por causa do anel de fogo ao seu redor.

One day, a warrior called Sigurd was out riding. ある日、シグルドという戦士が乗って出ていました。 Um dia, um guerreiro chamado Sigurd estava cavalgando. Одного разу воїн на ім'я Сігурд їхав верхи. He was a long way from home, and did not know where he was. 彼は家から遠く離れていて、どこにいるのかわかりませんでした。 Ele estava muito longe de casa e não sabia onde estava. He saw the mountain, and the strong light at the top. 彼は山と頂上の強い光を見ました。 Ele viu a montanha e a forte luz no topo.

'What's that light at the top of the mountain?' 'O que é aquela luz no topo da montanha?' he thought. ele pensou. So, with his horse, he went up the mountain to find out. Então, com seu cavalo, ele subiu a montanha para descobrir. Тож, взявши коня, він вирушив на гору, щоб це з'ясувати.

When he got near the top of the mountain he found the big fire burning. Quando chegou perto do topo da montanha, encontrou o grande fogo queimando. It was very hot, and difficult to see. Estava muito quente e difícil de ver. His horse was afraid, but he was not. Seu cavalo estava com medo, mas ele não. He went as near as he could to the fire, to see what was behind it. Aproximou-se o mais que pôde do fogo, para ver o que havia por trás dele. The fire was very strong, but through it he could see a great hall on top of the mountain. O fogo era muito forte, mas através dele ele podia ver um grande salão no topo da montanha. Вогонь був дуже сильний, але крізь нього він побачив велику залу на вершині гори. He was very interested. Ele estava muito interessado.

'What's that hall on top of the mountain, behind this big fire?' 'O que é aquele salão no topo da montanha, atrás desta grande fogueira?' he thought. pensou ele. There was only one way to find out. Só havia uma maneira de descobrir. 'I'll have to pass through the fire,' he thought. 'Vou ter que passar pelo fogo', pensou.

He talked to his horse, telling it not to be afraid. Ele conversou com seu cavalo, dizendo-lhe para não ter medo. Then they ran as fast as they could into the fire. Então eles correram o mais rápido que puderam para o fogo. The fire was so hot it started to bum Sigurd's helmet, and his horse's feet. Le feu était si chaud qu'il commençait à brûler le casque de Sigurd et les pieds de son cheval. O fogo estava tão quente que começou a queimar o elmo de Sigurd e as patas de seu cavalo. Вогонь був таким гарячим, що почав обпалювати шолом Сігурда та ноги його коня. His horse began to stop - it could not continue. Seu cavalo começou a parar - não poderia continuar. But Sigurd would not stop. Mas Sigurd não parava. He pushed his horse through the fire, running as fast as they could. Ele empurrou seu cavalo através do fogo, correndo o mais rápido que podiam. It was very difficult. Foi muito difícil. But Sigurd was a brave man, so brave he could pass through the fire. Mas Sigurd era um homem corajoso, tão corajoso que poderia passar pelo fogo. On and on they ran, until they came to the end of the fire. Eles correram sem parar, até chegarem ao fim do fogo. Вони бігли і бігли, поки не добігли до кінця пожежі.

Sigurd and his horse stopped and Sigurd looked up. Sigurd e seu cavalo pararam e Sigurd olhou para cima. He could now see the great hall at the top of the mountain clearly. Ele agora podia ver claramente o grande salão no topo da montanha. It looked like a palace. Parecia um palácio.

'I must find out what is in that hall, and why this ring of fire is around it,' he thought. 'Preciso descobrir o que há naquele salão e por que este anel de fogo está ao seu redor', pensou ele. He continued to walk to the top of the mountain until he reached the hall. Ele continuou a caminhar até o topo da montanha até chegar ao salão.

The doors of the hall were very big, and Sigurd had to push hard to open them. As portas do salão eram muito grandes e Sigurd teve que fazer muita força para abri-las. 'Nobody has opened these doors for a long time,' he thought as he pushed. 'Ninguém abre essas portas há muito tempo', ele pensou enquanto empurrava.

Inside, the hall was nearly empty. Lá dentro, o salão estava quase vazio. There was only one thing in the hall: a bed. Só havia uma coisa no corredor: uma cama. And on the bed lay a warrior, wearing armour and a helmet. E na cama estava um guerreiro, usando armadura e capacete. Sigurd looked at the warrior carefully. Sigurd olhou para o guerreiro cuidadosamente. He could not see a face, because the helmet covered the warrior's head. Ele não conseguia ver um rosto, porque o capacete cobria a cabeça do guerreiro.

'Who's this warrior?' 'Quem é esse guerreiro?' thought Sigurd. pensou Sigurd. 'Is he dead or only sleeping? 'Ele está morto ou apenas dormindo? And why is he here in this great hall, circled by fire?' E por que ele está aqui neste grande salão, cercado por fogo?' He pulled the helmet from the warrior and was surprised to find no man there, but a woman asleep. Ele puxou o capacete do guerreiro e ficou surpreso ao não encontrar nenhum homem ali, mas uma mulher dormindo. She was a very beautiful woman. Ela era uma mulher muito bonita.

'She looks like the goddess Freyja,' thought Sigurd. 'Ela se parece com a deusa Freyja', pensou Sigurd.

As Sigurd thought this, the woman opened her eyes and woke up. Enquanto Sigurd pensava nisso, a mulher abriu os olhos e acordou. Sigurd was very surprised. Sigurd ficou muito surpreso. 'Who are you?' 'Quem é você?' he asked. ele perguntou. 'Why are you here in this great hall? 'Por que você está aqui neste grande salão? And why are you dressed like a warrior and circled by a ring of fire?' E por que você está vestido como um guerreiro e cercado por um anel de fogo?'

'My name is Sigrdrifa,' she said, 'I'm a valkyrie. 'Meu nome é Sigrdrifa,' ela disse, 'Eu sou uma valquíria. The valkyries are women warriors. As valquírias são mulheres guerreiras. We work for Odin, chief of the gods. Trabalhamos para Odin, chefe dos deuses. When a warrior dies in battle, we take them to Valhalla, where they will live with Odin.' Quando um guerreiro morre em batalha, nós o levamos para Valhalla, onde viverão com Odin.'

'But why are you here?' 'Mas por que você está aqui?' said Sigurd again. disse Sigurd novamente.

'Let me tell you the story,' she said. "Deixe-me contar a história", disse ela. 'Because Freyja took the Brisingamen necklace from the dark elves, Odin made her start a war in Midgard. Parce que Freyja a pris le collier de Brisingamen aux elfes noirs, Odin l'a obligée à déclencher une guerre à Midgard. "Ponieważ Freyja zabrała mrocznym elfom naszyjnik Brisingamen, Odyn zmusił ją do rozpoczęcia wojny w Midgardzie. 'Como Freyja pegou o colar Brisingamen dos elfos negros, Odin a fez começar uma guerra em Midgard. This war went on for a long time. Cette guerre a duré longtemps. Ta wojna trwała przez długi czas. Essa guerra durou muito tempo.

Many people thought it would go on forever. Nombreux sont ceux qui pensaient que cela durerait toujours. Muitas pessoas pensaram que duraria para sempre. Багато хто думав, що це буде тривати вічно. After some time, men in Midgard were tired of the war, and Odin knew it had to finish. Au bout d'un certain temps, les hommes de Midgard se lassèrent de la guerre, et Odin sut qu'il fallait en finir. Depois de algum tempo, os homens em Midgard estavam cansados da guerra, e Odin sabia que ela tinha que terminar. He promised one of the kings that he would win. Il a promis à l'un des rois qu'il gagnerait. Ele prometeu a um dos reis que venceria. But that king was a bad king. Mais ce roi était un mauvais roi. Mas aquele rei era um rei mau. I didn't want him to win. Je ne voulais pas qu'il gagne. Eu não queria que ele ganhasse. So I stopped helping Odin, and helped the other king to win a great battle. J'ai donc cessé d'aider Odin et j'ai aidé l'autre roi à remporter une grande bataille. Então parei de ajudar Odin e ajudei o outro rei a vencer uma grande batalha. Odin was very angry with me.' Odin estava muito zangado comigo.'

'What did he do?' 'O que ele fez?' asked Sigurd. perguntou Sigurd.

'He told me I could no longer be a valkyrie,' said Sigrdrifa, 'And that from now on I would be an ordinary woman. 'Ele me disse que eu não poderia mais ser uma valquíria,' disse Sigrdrifa, 'E que de agora em diante eu seria uma mulher comum. "Він сказав мені, що я більше не можу бути валькірією, - розповідає Сіґрдріфа, - і що відтепер я буду звичайною жінкою. "You will live and die like any other woman," he said to me. "Você viverá e morrerá como qualquer outra mulher", ele me disse. "And you must marry.'" "E você deve se casar."

'Did you get married?' 'Você se casou?' asked Sigurd. perguntou Sigurd.

'No,' she said. Nie - powiedziała. "Não", disse ela. 'I didn't. "Não o fiz. I told Odin that I would only marry a man who knows no fear. Eu disse a Odin que só me casaria com um homem que não conhecesse o medo. Я сказала Одіну, що вийду заміж лише за чоловіка, який не знає страху. So Odin was even more angry. Então Odin ficou ainda mais zangado. He sent me to this place, and made me sleep. Ele me mandou para este lugar e me fez dormir. Then he put a circle of fire around the mountain so no one would find me.' Então ele colocou um círculo de fogo ao redor da montanha para que ninguém me encontrasse.'

'But I found you,' said Sigurd. — Mas eu encontrei você — disse Sigurd.

'Yes,' said Sigrdrifa. "Sim", disse Sigrdrifa. 'You did. 'Você fez. What's your name?' Qual o seu nome?'

'My name is Sigurd.'

'And you came through the ring of fire?' — E você passou pelo anel de fogo? asked Sigrdrifa. perguntou Sigrdrifa.

'Yes, I did,' replied Sigurd. 'Sim, eu fiz', respondeu Sigurd.

'Then you're a brave man,' she said. "Então você é um homem corajoso", disse ela.

'Thank you,' he said.

'But you're more than just a brave man,' she continued. 'Mas você é mais do que apenas um homem corajoso', ela continuou. 'You're a man who knows no fear. — Você é um homem que não conhece o medo. Is that true?' Isso é verdade?'

'Yes, it's true,' said Sigurd. — Sim, é verdade — disse Sigurd. 'I'm afraid of nothing.' "Não tenho medo de nada."

'Then you're the man,' said Sigrdrifa. 'Então você é o cara', disse Sigrdrifa. 'Marry me, and then we can leave this place.' 'Case comigo, e então podemos deixar este lugar.'

Sigurd and Sigrdrifa walked out of the hall, and the ring of fire was gone. Sigurd e Sigrdrifa saíram do salão e o anel de fogo havia desaparecido. Сігурд і Сіґрдріфа вийшли з зали, і вогняне кільце зникло.

- THE END - - O FIM -