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E-Books (english-e-reader), Rain Man Chapter 1-5 (1)

Rain Man Chapter 1-5 (1)


It was Friday afternoon in the office of Babbitt Cars, Los Angeles. Charlie Babbitt was shouting on the phone.

'But I have waited five weeks for these cars. Where are they?'

On another phone, Charlie's secretary, Susanna, was talking to a customer. The customer wanted six Lamborghini cars and he wanted them that day. Then a call came from the bank.

Susanna put her hand over the phone. 'They want you to pay back the money you borrowed,' she said. 'They want it this afternoon.'

'Tell them I'll pay oft Monday,' said Charlie. Then he spoke into his own phone. 'You can have the cars on Monday, sir... Yes, I'm sure... Thank you, sir!'

Charlie put the phone down and smiled for the first time in a week. Monday. And this was only Friday! He had the weekend to think of something to save his business.

He looked over at Susanna, his Italian secretary. She was his girl and she was so beautiful! Charlie loved every part of her little body, her big black eyes, her long brown hair.

'Are you ready for our weekend in Palm Springs?'

Susanna looked surprised. 'We're still going?'

'Of course,' said Charlie. 'Don't worry about this little problem. I'm going to make eighty thousand dollars from those cars.' He smiled his best smile. 'Not bad... for two or three phone calls.'

They were driving through the desert when a call came through on Charlie's car phone.

'Mr Babbitt? Mr Charles Babbitt?' It was a girl's voice.


'I'm calling for Mr John Mooney. He's your father's lawyer... here in Cincinnati. And... I'm sorry, but it's bad news. Your father has died, sir.'

'Oh, no!' Susanna said, her eyes on Charlie. But his face didn't change, and he didn't say a word.

'The funeral is on Sunday, Mr Babbitt. I've got his telephone number if you...'

But Charlie was not listening. He just continued to look at the road in front of them.

'Oh, Charlie,' Susanna said softly. 'Are you all right?'

He didn't answer, but a few seconds later he turned off the road and stopped the car. 'Sorry about the weekend,' he said finally.

'The weekend?' Susanna said. 'Charlie -'

Charlie did not look at her. 'Look,' he said quietly, 'I hated my father and he hated me.'

Susanna looked across at him. Charlie was only twenty-six, but she thought he was the most handsome man in the world. He was tall and strong, with thick dark hair and a wonderful smile.

'Poor Charlie! That's very sad.'

'My mother died when I was two. And then it was just... me and him.'

Susanna bit her lip and touched Charlie on the shoulder. 'What happened?'

Charlie was silent. Then he said, 'Nothing I did was ever good enough for him.'

'I'm going with you to the funeral,' Susanna said suddenly.

Charlie smiled. 'That's nice,' he said, 'but you don't need to.'

'I want to go,' Susanna said.

Charlie looked across at Susanna. 'I forgot who I was talking to,' he said, with a small, sad smile.


Charlie Babbitt walked away from his father's funeral without looking back. Getting into the car beside Susanna, he said, 'We're going to stay in Cincinnati another night, OK? There's something I have to do before we go.' Charlie started the car.

'Where are we going now?' Susanna asked.

'East Walnut Hills.'

Walnut Hills is the richest part of Cincinnati. All the houses are big and very expensive.

Charlie parked the car in front of one of the largest, most expensive houses in Walnut Hills - Sanford Babbitt's house. 'This is my father's place,' he said.

Susanna got out of the car. 'Is this where you lived when you were a boy?' she asked, her eyes wide, full of questions.

'Yeah, but I left when I was sixteen,' Charlie said. He picked up the suitcases and carried them towards the house.

'I had no idea... you came... from all this,' Susanna said. This was a Charlie Babbitt that she didn't know.

But Charlie wasn't listening. He put the suitcases down and walked towards a car that was in front of the garage.

It was a 1949 Buick Roadmaster. It was light blue and everything about it was perfect.

'I've always known this car,' Charlie said in a quiet voice, 'but I only drove it once.'

Near the garage was a flower garden with some wonderful roses.

'Someone must water those roses,' said Susanna, who loved flowers. 'They're all dying.'

'I hate those roses!' Charlie said suddenly.

Susanna looked at him in surprise, but Charlie was already opening the front door.

Later that afternoon, Charlie and Susanna were looking round Charlie's old bedroom.

'You know that car in front of the garage?' Charlie asked suddenly.

'It's beautiful.'

'My father loved that car. The car and the roses. The Buick was his car and I could never drive it. But one day I borrowed it to drive my friends round town.'

'What happened?'

'My father telephoned the police. He knew I had the car, but he telephoned the police and said, "Someone has stolen my car". The police stopped us and took us to the police station.' Charlie's face was angry now. 'My friends' parents came for them after an hour. My father left me there for two days.'

'Two days!' Susanna said. 'And you were only sixteen. Poor Charlie!'

But now Charlie was picking up an old coat from a box in the corner of the room.

'Is that yours, Charlie?' Susanna asked.

Charlie didn't answer. He was looking carefully at the little coat. 'It's like a map...' he said, in a strange voice. 'A map of my past.'

'What are you talking about?'

'What?' Charlie looked over at Susanna and then back at the coat. 'Oh, I was just thinking... Susanna, when you were a child, did you have... secret friends?'

'Yes, I think everyone does.'

'What was the name of my secret friend?' Charlie asked himself. He tried to remember. 'Rain Man. That's it. The Rain Man. When I was frightened I held this coat and listened to the Rain Man sing.' He smiled. 'That was a long time ago.'

Susanna laughed and touched Charlie's arm. 'What happened to your friend?'

'I don't know,' Charlie said. 'I just... grew up, I think.' He turned the coat around in his hands for a few seconds longer. Then he threw it back into the box.

'Let's go and eat.'

Charlie Babbitt and his father's lawyer, John Mooney, met in the dining-room that evening.

Mr Mooney put on his glasses and took some papers from his case. 'Before I read the will,' he said, 'your father has asked me to read you a letter that he wrote to you. Is that all right?'

Charlie did not want to listen to his father's letter. But he did want his father's money. 'Of course,' he said.

Mooney opened an envelope and took out two pieces of expensive paper.

'"To my son, Charles Babbitt. Dear Charles,"' the lawyer began. '"Today is my seventieth birthday. I am an old man, but I well remember the day that we brought you home from the hospital. You were the perfect child..."'

'He wrote it,' Charlie said, with a very small smile. 'I hear his voice.'

'"And I remember too,"' Mooney continued reading, '"the day you left home. You were so angry, and you had all these big ideas..."'

The lawyer stopped reading. He looked up at Charlie, but there was no change in the young man's expression.

Mooney did not look up from the letter again. '"You did not write, or telephone, or come back into my life in any way. For all these years I have not had a son. But I want for you now what I always wanted for you. I want you to have the best life possible."'

John Mooney stopped reading and put the letter back into its envelope. The old lawyer seemed sad. Charlie did not say anything. He just sat there waiting for Mooney to read the will.

Now Mooney picked up the will. Without looking at Charlie, he began to read.

'"To Charles Sanford Babbitt, I give my 1949 Buick. I also give him my roses."'

Charlie moved anxiously in his chair. He did not like what he was hearing.

'"I am leaving my home and all my money to someone who is very important to me. Because this person cannot use the money, a friend will look after the money for him."'

Mooney stopped reading and looked up.

'I don't understand,' Charlie said.

'Your father's money, around three million dollars, will go to someone who cannot use it,' Mooney explained. 'Another person will look after the money.'

So Charlie Babbitt was not getting his father's house, or his father's money.

'What's the name of the person who is going to get the money?' he asked.

John Mooney put the will back into his bag. 'The will says that I cannot tell you.'

Charlie was beginning to get angry. 'Who is this person who's going to look after the money? You?'

'No, it isn't me,' Mooney said. The old lawyer stood up and picked up his hat.

'Who is it then?'

'I'm sorry, Charles,' Mooney said. 'I'm your father's lawyer. I can't tell you.' He walked towards the door and then turned to face Charlie. 'I'm sorry, son. I can see that you're upset, but -'

'Upset?' Charlie jumped out of his chair. 'I get an old car and some roses. Wonderful! And this man without a name -'

'Charles -'

'This secret person gets three million dollars!'

'Charles -'

'Sanford Babbitt. You want to be his son for five minutes?' Charlie shouted. 'Did you hear that letter? Were you listening?' Charlie was so angry, he could not continue speaking.

'Yes, sir, I was,' John Mooney replied, looking at Charlie straight in the eye. 'Were you?'


Charlie wanted that three million dollars. It was his money! But first he had to know who was looking after it.

Next morning, he went to his father's bank and talked to a woman there. He smiled his beautiful smile and lied to her. Five minutes later he had the name and address that he needed in his pocket. Dr Walter Bruner of Wallbrook Home, Ohio.

With Susanna next to him, Charlie drove the Buick out of Cincinnati. It was a hot July day and they had the roof of the car open. On both sides of the road were the Ohio hills.

'This is beautiful,' Susanna said. 'Where are we going?'

'We're going to see a Dr Bruner,' Charlie answered. He did not say another word.

Twenty minutes later Charlie slowed the car down and turned to the left. The new road was very narrow. On both sides there were big trees. 'This is the place,' he said, 'Wallbrook Home.'

'But why have we come here, Charlie?' Susanna asked.

'It's something about my father's will,' Charlie said. 'It won't take long.'

On the way up to the house, they saw a strange man. There was paint all over his face and he was smiling like a child. They got out of the car and walked up to the front door. A nurse came out to meet them.

'I'd like to see Dr Bruner, please.'

The nurse took them into a comfortable waiting-room. 'Could you wait here, please?'

The nurse left the room. Charlie jumped up and went through a door into another room.

'Charlie,' Susanna called. 'Where are you going?'

She followed him into the other room where a group of people were watching television. Others sat at tables, playing with children's games. Two nurses in white coats sat at the back of the room. Nobody spoke.

'I don't like being here, Charlie,' Susanna said. 'It isn't right! Let's go back to the waiting-room.'

Dr Bruner was a big man. He was about fifty-six, with grey hair and a calm face.

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Rain Man Chapter 1-5 (1) رجل المطر الفصل 1-5 (1) Rain Man Kapitel 1-5 (1) Rain Man Capítulo 1-5 (1) Rain Man Chapitre 1-5 (1) レインマン 第1章~第5章 (1) 레인맨 챕터 1-5 (1) Rain Man Rozdział 1-5 (1) Rain Man Capítulo 1-5 (1) Человек дождя Глава 1-5 (1) Yağmur Adam Bölüm 1-5 (1) Людина дощу Розділ 1-5 (1) 雨人第1-5章 (1)


It was Friday afternoon in the office of Babbitt Cars, Los Angeles. كان ذلك بعد ظهر يوم الجمعة في مكتب شركة Babbitt Cars في لوس أنجلوس. Péntek délután volt a Los Angeles-i Babbitt Cars irodájában. ロサンゼルスのバビットカーズのオフィスで金曜日の午後だった。 금요일 오후 로스엔젤레스에 있는 Babbitt Cars 사무실에서였습니다. Charlie Babbitt was shouting on the phone. |||кричал||| كان تشارلي بابيت يصرخ على الهاتف. Charlie Babbitt kiabált a telefonba. Charlie Babbitt estava gritando ao telefone.

'But I have waited five weeks for these cars. "لكنني انتظرت خمسة أسابيع لهذه السيارات. „Ale na tato auta jsem čekal pět týdnů. "De én öt hetet vártam ezekre az autókra. 「しかし、私はこれらの車を5週間待っていました。 “Mas esperei cinco semanas por esses carros. Where are they?' Hol vannak? Onde eles estão?'

On another phone, Charlie's secretary, Susanna, was talking to a customer. Egy másik telefonon Charlie titkárnője, Susanna egy ügyféllel beszélt. 別の電話で、チャーリーの秘書、スザンナが顧客と話していました。 Em outro telefone, a secretária de Charlie, Susanna, estava conversando com um cliente. The customer wanted six Lamborghini cars and he wanted them that day. Az ügyfél hat Lamborghini autót akart, és még aznap akarta őket. 顧客は6台のランボルギーニ車を望んでいました、そして彼はそれらをその日に欲しがっていました。 O cliente queria seis carros Lamborghini e os queria naquele dia. Then a call came from the bank. Pak přišel telefonát z banky. Aztán jött egy hívás a bankból. その後、銀行から電話がありました。 Então veio uma ligação do banco. Sonra bankadan bir telefon geldi.

Susanna put her hand over the phone. Susanna položila ruku na telefon. Susanna a telefonra tette a kezét. スザンナは電話に手を置いた。 Susanna elini telefonun üzerine koydu. 'They want you to pay back the money you borrowed,' she said. |||||||||занял|| "Chtějí, abys vrátil peníze, které sis půjčil," řekla. Azt akarják, hogy fizesse vissza a kölcsönkapott pénzt - mondta. 「彼らはあなたが借りたお金を返済してほしい」と彼女は言った。 "Eles querem que você devolva o dinheiro que pegou emprestado", disse ela. 'Borç aldığınız parayı geri ödemenizi istiyorlar' dedi. 'They want it this afternoon.' "Chtějí to dnes odpoledne. "Ma délutánra akarják. 「彼らは今日の午後それを望んでいます。」 — Eles querem esta tarde.

'Tell them I'll pay oft Monday,' said Charlie. ||||в понедельник||| "Řekni jim, že zaplatím v pondělí," řekl Charlie. Mondd meg nekik, hogy hétfőn fizetek - mondta Charlie. 「私は月曜日によく支払うと彼らに言いなさい」とチャーリーは言った。 "Diga a eles que pago na segunda-feira", disse Charlie. "Onlara Pazartesi günü ödeme yapacağımı söyle," dedi Charlie. Then he spoke into his own phone. Pak promluvil do svého telefonu. Aztán a saját telefonjába beszélt. それから彼は自分の電話に話しかけた。 Então ele falou em seu próprio telefone. Затем он заговорил в свой телефон. 'You can have the cars on Monday, sir... Yes, I'm sure... Thank you, sir!' 'Pode ficar com os carros na segunda-feira, senhor... Sim, tenho certeza... Obrigado, senhor!'

Charlie put the phone down and smiled for the first time in a week. Charlie desligou o telefone e sorriu pela primeira vez em uma semana. Monday. And this was only Friday! E isso era apenas sexta-feira! He had the weekend to think of something to save his business. A hétvégén volt ideje kitalálni valamit, hogy megmentse az üzletét. 그는 주말 동안 비즈니스를 구할 방법을 생각해냈습니다. Ele teve o fim de semana para pensar em algo para salvar seu negócio. У него были выходные, чтобы придумать, как спасти свой бизнес.

He looked over at Susanna, his Italian secretary. Susannára, az olasz titkárnőjére nézett. Ele olhou para Susanna, sua secretária italiana. She was his girl and she was so beautiful! Ela era sua garota e ela era tão linda! Charlie loved every part of her little body, her big black eyes, her long brown hair. Charlie amava cada parte de seu corpinho, seus grandes olhos negros, seus longos cabelos castanhos.

'Are you ready for our weekend in Palm Springs?' 'Você está pronto para nosso fim de semana em Palm Springs?'

Susanna looked surprised. 'We're still going?' "Még mindig megyünk? "Ainda estamos indo?" 'Мы все еще едем?'

'Of course,' said Charlie. "Claro", disse Charlie. 'Don't worry about this little problem. 'Não se preocupe com este pequeno problema. I'm going to make eighty thousand dollars from those cars.' 이 차들로 8만 달러를 벌 수 있을 것 같아요. Vou ganhar oitenta mil dólares com esses carros. O arabalardan seksen bin dolar kazanacağım. He smiled his best smile. Ele sorriu seu melhor sorriso. 'Not bad... for two or three phone calls.' '두세 번 통화하기엔 나쁘지 않네요.' 'Nada mal... para dois ou três telefonemas.'

They were driving through the desert when a call came through on Charlie's car phone. Projížděli pouští, když se na Charlieho telefonu v autě ozval hovor. チャーリーの自動車電話に電話がかかってきたとき、彼らは砂漠を運転していた。 Eles estavam dirigindo pelo deserto quando uma ligação foi feita no telefone do carro de Charlie.

'Mr Babbitt? Mr Charles Babbitt?' It was a girl's voice. Era a voz de uma menina.


'I'm calling for Mr John Mooney. John Mooney urat keresem. 「ジョン・ムーニーさんを呼んでいます。 — Estou ligando para o Sr. John Mooney. He's your father's lawyer... here in Cincinnati. Ele é o advogado do seu pai... aqui em Cincinnati. Он адвокат твоего отца... здесь, в Цинциннати. And... I'm sorry, but it's bad news. E... desculpe, mas são más notícias. И... Мне жаль, но это плохие новости. Your father has died, sir.' Az apja meghalt, uram. Seu pai morreu, senhor.

'Oh, no!' Susanna said, her eyes on Charlie. Susanna azt mondta, tekintetét Charlie-ra szegezve. Susanna disse, com os olhos em Charlie. сказала Сюзанна, не сводя глаз с Чарли. But his face didn't change, and he didn't say a word. De az arca nem változott, és nem szólt egy szót sem. Mas seu rosto não mudou e ele não disse uma palavra.

'The funeral is on Sunday, Mr Babbitt. |Похороны в воскресенье, мистер Бэббит.||||| "Pohřeb je v neděli, pane Babbitte. A temetés vasárnap lesz, Babbitt úr. I've got his telephone number if you...' Mám jeho telefonní číslo, kdybyste... Megvan a telefonszáma, ha... 전화번호가 있는데...' Eu tenho o telefone dele, se você...' У меня есть его телефон, если вы...

But Charlie was not listening. Charlie však neposlouchal. De Charlie nem figyelt. Но Чарли не слушал. He just continued to look at the road in front of them. ||продолжал||||||||| Csak nézte tovább az előttük lévő utat. Ele apenas continuou a olhar para a estrada na frente deles.

'Oh, Charlie,' Susanna said softly. 'Oh, Charlie', Susanna disse suavemente. 'Are you all right?' 'Você está bem?'

He didn't answer, but a few seconds later he turned off the road and stopped the car. Neodpověděl, ale o několik vteřin později odbočil ze silnice a zastavil. 그는 대답하지 않았지만 몇 초 후 도로를 벗어나 차를 멈췄습니다. 'Sorry about the weekend,' he said finally. "Omlouvám se za ten víkend," řekl nakonec. "Desculpe pelo fim de semana", ele disse finalmente.

'The weekend?' 'O fim de semana?' Susanna said. 'Charlie -'

Charlie did not look at her. Charlie não olhou para ela. 'Look,' he said quietly, 'I hated my father and he hated me.' "Podívej," řekl tiše, "nenáviděl jsem svého otce a on nenáviděl mě. 'Olha', ele disse baixinho, 'eu odiava meu pai e ele me odiava.'

Susanna looked across at him. Susanna se na něj podívala. Susanna olhou para ele. Сюзанна посмотрела на него. Charlie was only twenty-six, but she thought he was the most handsome man in the world. Charliemu bylo teprve šestadvacet, ale ona ho považovala za nejkrásnějšího muže na světě. Charlie tinha apenas 26 anos, mas ela o achava o homem mais bonito do mundo. Чарли было всего двадцать шесть, но она считала его самым красивым мужчиной на свете. He was tall and strong, with thick dark hair and a wonderful smile. Byl vysoký a silný, měl husté tmavé vlasy a nádherný úsměv. Ele era alto e forte, com cabelos escuros e grossos e um sorriso maravilhoso.

'Poor Charlie! That's very sad.' Isso é muito triste.

'My mother died when I was two. – Minha mãe morreu quando eu tinha dois anos. And then it was just... me and him.' A pak už jsme byli jen... já a on. E então era só... eu e ele.

Susanna bit her lip and touched Charlie on the shoulder. |||губу|||||| Susanna se kousla do rtu a dotkla se Charlieho ramene. Susanna az ajkába harapott, és megérintette Charlie vállát. Susanna mordeu o lábio e tocou Charlie no ombro. Сюзанна прикусила губу и тронула Чарли за плечо. Susanna dudağını ısırdı ve Charlie'nin omzuna dokundu. 'What happened?' 'O que aconteceu?'

Charlie was silent. ||Чарли молчал. Charlie hallgatott. Then he said, 'Nothing I did was ever good enough for him.' Pak řekl: "Nic z toho, co jsem udělal, pro něj nebylo dost dobré. Aztán azt mondta: "Semmi, amit tettem, nem volt elég jó neki". それから彼は言った、「私がしたことは彼にとってこれまで十分ではなかった」。 그러자 그는 '내가 한 어떤 것도 그에게 충분하지 않았다'고 말했습니다. Затем он сказал: «Все, что я делал, никогда не было для него достаточно хорошим». Sonra da 'Yaptığım hiçbir şey onun için yeterince iyi olmadı' dedi.

'I'm going with you to the funeral,' Susanna said suddenly. "Jdu s tebou na pohřeb," řekla Susanna náhle.

Charlie smiled. 'That's nice,' he said, 'but you don't need to.' "To je hezké," řekl, "ale nemusíš.

'I want to go,' Susanna said.

Charlie looked across at Susanna. Charlie Susannára nézett. チャーリーはスザンナを見渡した。 'I forgot who I was talking to,' he said, with a small, sad smile. "Zapomněl jsem, s kým jsem mluvil," řekl s malým, smutným úsměvem. Elfelejtettem, hogy kivel beszéltem - mondta egy apró, szomorú mosollyal. 「誰と話しているのか忘れた」と彼は小さな悲しい笑顔で言った。 그는 작고 슬픈 미소를 지으며 "내가 누구와 이야기하고 있는지 잊어버렸다"고 말했습니다. Я забыл, с кем разговариваю, - сказал он с небольшой грустной улыбкой. "Kiminle konuştuğumu unuttum," dedi küçük, hüzünlü bir gülümsemeyle.


Charlie Babbitt walked away from his father's funeral without looking back. Charlie Babbitt odešel z pohřbu svého otce, aniž by se ohlédl. Charlie Babbitt úgy ment el apja temetéséről, hogy nem nézett vissza. チャーリー・バビットは、振り返らずに父親の葬式から立ち去りました。 찰리 배빗은 아버지의 장례식장에서 뒤도 돌아보지 않고 걸어 나갔습니다. Getting into the car beside Susanna, he said, 'We're going to stay in Cincinnati another night, OK? Nastoupil do auta vedle Susanny a řekl: "Zůstaneme v Cincinnati ještě jednu noc, ano? Susanna mellé beszállt a kocsiba, és azt mondta: - Még egy éjszakát maradunk Cincinnatiben, rendben? スザンナの横の車に乗り込んで、彼は言った、「私たちは別の夜シンシナティに滞在するつもりです、いいですか? 수잔나 옆 차에 타면서 그는 '우리는 신시내티에서 하룻밤 더 묵을 거야, 알았지? There's something I have to do before we go.' Než odjedeme, musím něco udělat. Van valami, amit meg kell tennem, mielőtt elmegyünk. Charlie started the car. Charlie beindította a kocsit.

'Where are we going now?' "Kam teď jdeme? "Most hová megyünk? Susanna asked. Susanna megkérdezte.

'East Walnut Hills.' "East Walnut Hills. "East Walnut Hills.

Walnut Hills is the richest part of Cincinnati. Walnut Hills Cincinnati leggazdagabb része. 월넛 힐스는 신시내티에서 가장 부유한 지역입니다. All the houses are big and very expensive. Minden ház nagy és nagyon drága.

Charlie parked the car in front of one of the largest, most expensive houses in Walnut Hills - Sanford Babbitt's house. Charlie zaparkoval auto před jedním z největších a nejdražších domů ve Walnut Hills - před domem Sanforda Babbitta. Charlie leparkolt a kocsival Walnut Hills egyik legnagyobb, legdrágább háza - Sanford Babbitt háza - előtt. 'This is my father's place,' he said. Ez az apám háza - mondta.

Susanna got out of the car. Susanna kiszállt a kocsiból. 'Is this where you lived when you were a boy?' "Tady jsi bydlel, když jsi byl malý? "Itt éltél, amikor kisfiú voltál? she asked, her eyes wide, full of questions. zeptala se s očima plnýma otázek. kérdezte, tágra nyílt, kérdésekkel teli szemmel. 그녀는 눈을 크게 뜨고 질문으로 가득 찬 채 물었습니다.

'Yeah, but I left when I was sixteen,' Charlie said. "Jo, ale odešel jsem, když mi bylo šestnáct," řekl Charlie. Igen, de tizenhat éves koromban elmentem - mondta Charlie. He picked up the suitcases and carried them towards the house. Zvedl kufry a odnesl je k domu. Felkapta a bőröndöket, és a ház felé vitte őket.

'I had no idea... you came... from all this,' Susanna said. "Neměla jsem tušení, že jsi z toho všeho...," řekla Susanna. Fogalmam sem volt... hogy te... mindebből jöttél - mondta Susanna. 「私にはわからなかった...あなたは...このすべてから来た」とスザンナは言った。 수잔나는 "이렇게까지 오실 줄은 전혀 몰랐어요."라고 말했습니다. This was a Charlie Babbitt that she didn't know. Tohle byl Charlie Babbitt, kterého neznala. Ez egy olyan Charlie Babbitt volt, akit nem ismert.

But Charlie wasn't listening. Ale Charlie neposlouchal. De Charlie nem figyelt. He put the suitcases down and walked towards a car that was in front of the garage. Odložil kufry a šel k autu, které stálo před garáží. Letette a bőröndöket, és a garázs előtt álló autóhoz sétált.

It was a 1949 Buick Roadmaster. Egy 1949-es Buick Roadmaster volt. It was light blue and everything about it was perfect. Világoskék volt, és minden tökéletes volt benne. 하늘색이었고 모든 것이 완벽했습니다.

'I've always known this car,' Charlie said in a quiet voice, 'but I only drove it once.' "Tohle auto jsem vždycky znal," řekl Charlie tichým hlasem, "ale řídil jsem ho jen jednou. Mindig is ismertem ezt az autót - mondta Charlie halkan -, de csak egyszer vezettem. "Bu arabayı hep biliyordum," dedi Charlie sakin bir sesle, "ama sadece bir kez kullandım.

Near the garage was a flower garden with some wonderful roses. A garázs mellett volt egy virágoskert, csodálatos rózsákkal. ガレージの近くには、素晴らしいバラが咲く花畑がありました。

'Someone must water those roses,' said Susanna, who loved flowers. "Někdo ty růže musí zalévat," řekla Susanna, která květiny milovala. Valakinek meg kell öntöznie azokat a rózsákat - mondta Susanna, aki szerette a virágokat. 「誰かがそれらのバラに水をやらなければならない」と花を愛したスザンナは言った。 Çiçekleri çok seven Susanna, "Biri o gülleri sulamalı," dedi. 'They're all dying.' ||умирают "Všichni umírají. "Mind meghalnak. 「彼らは皆死にかけている。」 "Hepsi ölüyor.

'I hate those roses!' "Nesnáším ty růže! Charlie said suddenly. Charlie náhle řekl. mondta hirtelen Charlie.

Susanna looked at him in surprise, but Charlie was already opening the front door. Susanna se na něj překvapeně podívala, ale Charlie už otevíral vchodové dveře. Susanna meglepetten nézett rá, de Charlie már nyitotta a bejárati ajtót.

Later that afternoon, Charlie and Susanna were looking round Charlie's old bedroom. Později odpoledne si Charlie a Susanna prohlíželi Charlieho starou ložnici. Később aznap délután Charlie és Susanna körülnézett Charlie régi hálószobájában.

'You know that car in front of the garage?' "Znáš to auto před garáží? "Ismered azt a kocsit a garázs előtt? Charlie asked suddenly.

'It's beautiful.'

'My father loved that car. The car and the roses. The Buick was his car and I could never drive it. Buick byl jeho auto a já jsem ho nikdy nemohl řídit. A Buick az ő autója volt, és én soha nem vezethettem. 뷰익은 그의 차인데 저는 절대 운전할 수 없었습니다. But one day I borrowed it to drive my friends round town.' ||||одолжил||||||| Jednou jsem si ho ale půjčil, abych v něm vozil své přátele po městě. De egy nap kölcsönkértem, hogy a barátaimmal körözzek a városban. 하지만 어느 날 친구들을 태우고 시내를 한 바퀴 돌기 위해 빌렸어요.

'What happened?'

'My father telephoned the police. He knew I had the car, but he telephoned the police and said, "Someone has stolen my car". Věděl, že mám auto, ale zavolal na policii a řekl: "Někdo mi ukradl auto." Tudta, hogy nálam van az autó, de felhívta a rendőrséget, és azt mondta: "Valaki ellopta az autómat". The police stopped us and took us to the police station.' A rendőrök megállítottak minket, és bevittek a rendőrségre. Charlie's face was angry now. 'My friends' parents came for them after an hour. "Rodiče mých přátel si pro ně přišli po hodině. A barátaim szülei egy óra múlva értük jöttek. 'Arkadaşlarımın ailesi bir saat sonra onları almaya geldi. My father left me there for two days.' Apám két napra otthagyott.

'Two days!' Susanna said. 'And you were only sixteen. Poor Charlie!'

But now Charlie was picking up an old coat from a box in the corner of the room. Ale teď Charlie zvedal z krabice v rohu místnosti starý kabát. De most Charlie egy régi kabátot vett elő a szoba sarkában álló dobozból.

'Is that yours, Charlie?' "To je tvoje, Charlie? Susanna asked.

Charlie didn't answer. He was looking carefully at the little coat. Pozorně si prohlížel malý kabátek. Alaposan megnézte a kis kabátot. 'It's like a map...' he said, in a strange voice. "Je to jako mapa..." řekl zvláštním hlasem. »Das ist wie eine Karte …«, sagte er mit seltsamer Stimme. Olyan, mint egy térkép... - mondta furcsa hangon. 'Bir harita gibi...' dedi garip bir sesle. 'A map of my past.' "Mapa mé minulosti. "A múltam térképe.

'What are you talking about?' "O čem to mluvíš? "Miről beszélsz?

'What?' Charlie looked over at Susanna and then back at the coat. Charlie se podíval na Susannu a pak zpátky na kabát. Charlie Susannára nézett, majd vissza a kabátra. 'Oh, I was just thinking... Susanna, when you were a child, did you have... secret friends?' "Aha, zrovna jsem přemýšlel... Susanno, když jsi byla malá, měla jsi... tajné přátele?' "Ó, én csak arra gondoltam... Susanna, amikor gyerek voltál, voltak titkos barátaid?

'Yes, I think everyone does.' "Igen, azt hiszem, mindenki így gondolja.

'What was the name of my secret friend?' "Jak se jmenoval můj tajný přítel? ‚Wie war der Name meines heimlichen Freundes?' Charlie asked himself. kérdezte magától Charlie. He tried to remember. Próbált emlékezni. 'Rain Man. "Esőember. That's it. Ennyi. The Rain Man. When I was frightened I held this coat and listened to the Rain Man sing.' |||испуганный||||||||||| Když jsem se bál, držel jsem tenhle kabát a poslouchal, jak zpívá Rain Man. Wenn ich Angst hatte, hielt ich diesen Mantel und hörte dem Rain Man zu, wie er sang.' Amikor megijedtem, ezt a kabátot tartottam a kezemben, és hallgattam, ahogy az Esőember énekel. Korktuğumda bu paltoyu tuttum ve Yağmur Adam'ın şarkısını dinledim. He smiled. 'That was a long time ago.'

Susanna laughed and touched Charlie's arm. Susanna nevetett, és megérintette Charlie karját. 'What happened to your friend?'

'I don't know,' Charlie said. 'I just... grew up, I think.' ||вырос||| "Myslím, že jsem prostě... vyrostl. "Én csak... felnőttem, azt hiszem. He turned the coat around in his hands for a few seconds longer. Ještě několik vteřin otáčel kabátem v rukou. Néhány másodpercig még forgatta a kabátot a kezében. 그는 코트를 몇 초간 더 손에 들고 돌렸습니다. Then he threw it back into the box. Aztán visszadobta a dobozba.

'Let's go and eat.' "Menjünk, együnk.

Charlie Babbitt and his father's lawyer, John Mooney, met in the dining-room that evening. Charlie Babbitt a otcův právník John Mooney se toho večera sešli v jídelně. Charlie Babbitt és apja ügyvédje, John Mooney aznap este az ebédlőben találkoztak.

Mr Mooney put on his glasses and took some papers from his case. Pan Mooney si nasadil brýle a vytáhl z kufříku nějaké papíry. Mooney úr feltette a szemüvegét, és kivett néhány papírt a táskájából. 'Before I read the will,' he said, 'your father has asked me to read you a letter that he wrote to you. "Než přečtu závěť," řekl, "váš otec mě požádal, abych vám přečetl dopis, který vám napsal. Mielőtt felolvasnám a végrendeletet - mondta -, apád megkért, hogy olvassak fel neked egy levelet, amelyet neked írt. 「私が意志を読む前に」と彼は言った、「あなたのお父さんは私に彼があなたに書いた手紙を読むように頼んだ。 Is that all right?' Ez így rendben van?

Charlie did not want to listen to his father's letter. Charlie nechtěl otcův dopis poslouchat. Charlie nem akarta meghallgatni apja levelét. But he did want his father's money. Chtěl však otcovy peníze. Ama babasının parasını istiyordu. 'Of course,' he said. Természetesen - mondta.

Mooney opened an envelope and took out two pieces of expensive paper. |||конверт|||||||| Mooney otevřel obálku a vytáhl dva kusy drahého papíru. Mooney kinyitott egy borítékot, és kivett belőle két darab drága papírt.

'"To my son, Charles Babbitt. Dear Charles,"' the lawyer began. '"Today is my seventieth birthday. '"Dnes slavím sedmdesáté narozeniny. '"Ma van a hetvenedik születésnapom. I am an old man, but I well remember the day that we brought you home from the hospital. Jsem už starý, ale dobře si pamatuji den, kdy jsme tě přivezli z nemocnice domů. Öreg vagyok már, de jól emlékszem arra a napra, amikor hazahoztunk a kórházból. Ben yaşlı bir adamım ama seni hastaneden eve getirdiğimiz günü çok iyi hatırlıyorum. You were the perfect child..."' Te voltál a tökéletes gyermek..."''

'He wrote it,' Charlie said, with a very small smile. "Napsal to on," řekl Charlie s velmi malým úsměvem. Ő írta - mondta Charlie egy nagyon apró mosollyal. Charlie küçük bir gülümsemeyle, "O yazdı," dedi. 'I hear his voice.' Hallom a hangját.

'"And I remember too,"' Mooney continued reading, '"the day you left home. "A já si taky vzpomínám," pokračoval Mooney ve čtení, "na den, kdy jsi odešel z domova. '"És emlékszem arra a napra is - folytatta Mooney a felolvasást -, amikor elmentél otthonról. You were so angry, and you had all these big ideas..."' Byl jsi tak naštvaný a měl jsi spoustu velkých nápadů..." Annyira dühös voltál, és olyan nagy ötleteid voltak..."' 당신은 너무 화가 났고, 당신은 모든 큰 아이디어를 가지고있었습니다..."''

The lawyer stopped reading. Az ügyvéd abbahagyta az olvasást. He looked up at Charlie, but there was no change in the young man's expression. Podíval se na Charlieho, ale mladíkův výraz se nijak nezměnil. Felnézett Charlie-ra, de a fiatalember arckifejezése nem változott. 彼はチャーリーを見上げたが、若い男の表情に変化はなかった。 그는 찰리를 올려다보았지만 청년의 표정에는 아무런 변화가 없었습니다.

Mooney did not look up from the letter again. Mooney už od dopisu nevzhlédl. Mooney nem nézett fel újra a levélből. ムーニーはその手紙から二度と見上げなかった。 무니는 편지에서 다시는 고개를 들지 않았습니다. Mooney não ergueu os olhos da carta novamente. '"You did not write, or telephone, or come back into my life in any way. '"Nenapsal jsi, nezavolal jsi, ani ses nijak nevrátil do mého života. '"Nem írtál, nem telefonáltál, nem jöttél vissza az életembe semmilyen módon. '"당신은 편지도, 전화도, 어떤 식으로든 내 인생에 다시 오지 않았습니다. '"Você não escreveu, nem telefonou, nem voltou à minha vida de forma alguma. For all these years I have not had a son. Po celá ta léta jsem neměl syna. Ennyi éven át nem volt fiam. Por todos esses anos não tive um filho. But I want for you now what I always wanted for you. Ale teď pro tebe chci to, co jsem pro tebe vždycky chtěl. De most azt akarom neked, amit mindig is akartam neked. しかし、私は今あなたのために私がいつもあなたのために望んでいたものを望んでいます。 하지만 제가 항상 당신에게 원했던 것을 지금 당신에게 원합니다. Mas eu quero para você agora o que eu sempre quis para você. Ama senin için her zaman istediğim şeyi şimdi de istiyorum. I want you to have the best life possible."' Chci, abys měl co nejlepší život." Azt akarom, hogy a lehető legjobb életed legyen."' 可能な限り最高の人生を送ってほしい」と語った。 최고의 삶을 살기를 바랍니다."'' Eu quero que você tenha a melhor vida possível."' Senin mümkün olan en iyi hayata sahip olmanı istiyorum."'

John Mooney stopped reading and put the letter back into its envelope. John Mooney abbahagyta az olvasást, és visszatette a levelet a borítékba. John Mooney parou de ler e colocou a carta de volta no envelope. The old lawyer seemed sad. Az öreg ügyvéd szomorúnak tűnt. O velho advogado parecia triste. Charlie did not say anything. Charlie nic neřekl. Charlie nem szólt semmit. He just sat there waiting for Mooney to read the will. Jen tam seděl a čekal, až Mooney přečte závěť. Csak ült és várta, hogy Mooney felolvassa a végrendeletet.

Now Mooney picked up the will. Nyní Mooney sebral závěť. Most Mooney felvette a végrendeletet. Agora Mooney pegou o testamento. Without looking at Charlie, he began to read. Aniž by se na Charlieho podíval, začal číst. Anélkül, hogy Charlie-ra nézett volna, olvasni kezdett. Sem olhar para Charlie, ele começou a ler.

'"To Charles Sanford Babbitt, I give my 1949 Buick. '"Charlesi Sanfordu Babbittovi věnuji svůj Buick z roku 1949. '"Charles Sanford Babbittnak adom az 1949-es Buickomat. 「チャールズ・サンフォード・バビットに、1949年のビュイックを贈ります。 I also give him my roses."' Én is neki adom a rózsáimat."'

Charlie moved anxiously in his chair. ||беспокойно||| Charlie se na židli neklidně pohnul. Charlie bewegte sich ängstlich auf seinem Stuhl. Charlie nyugtalanul mozdult a székében. チャーリーは心配そうに椅子に腰を下ろした。 Charlie moveu-se ansiosamente em sua cadeira. He did not like what he was hearing. To, co slyšel, se mu nelíbilo. Was er hörte, gefiel ihm nicht. Nem tetszett neki, amit hallott. 彼は聞いていたものが気に入らなかった。

'"I am leaving my home and all my money to someone who is very important to me. '"Nechávám svůj domov a všechny své peníze někomu, kdo je pro mě velmi důležitý. „Ich hinterlasse mein Zuhause und mein ganzes Geld jemandem, der mir sehr wichtig ist. '"Otthonomat és minden pénzemet olyasvalakire hagyom, aki nagyon fontos nekem. 「私は家とすべてのお金を私にとって非常に重要な誰かに預けています。 "저는 제 집과 모든 재산을 저에게 매우 소중한 사람에게 맡기고 있습니다. "Evimi ve tüm paramı benim için çok önemli olan birine bırakıyorum. Because this person cannot use the money, a friend will look after the money for him."' Protože tento člověk nemůže peníze použít, postará se o ně jeho přítel." Da diese Person das Geld nicht verwenden kann, kümmert sich ein Freund um das Geld für ihn.“ Mivel ez az ember nem tudja használni a pénzt, egy barátja vigyázni fog rá." この人はお金を使うことができないので、友人が彼のためにお金の面倒を見るでしょう。」 이 사람은 돈을 사용할 수 없기 때문에 친구가 대신 돈을 관리해 줄 것입니다."'' Como essa pessoa não pode usar o dinheiro, um amigo cuidará do dinheiro para ela."' Bu kişi parayı kullanamayacağı için bir arkadaşı onun yerine paraya bakacak."'

Mooney stopped reading and looked up. Mooney abbahagyta az olvasást, és felnézett. Mooney parou de ler e olhou para cima.

'I don't understand,' Charlie said. Nem értem - mondta Charlie.

'Your father's money, around three million dollars, will go to someone who cannot use it,' Mooney explained. "Peníze vašeho otce, asi tři miliony dolarů, dostane někdo, kdo je nemůže použít," vysvětlil Mooney. Az apád pénze, körülbelül hárommillió dollár, olyasvalakihez kerül, aki nem tudja felhasználni - magyarázta Mooney. 'O dinheiro de seu pai, cerca de três milhões de dólares, irá para alguém que não pode usá-lo', explicou Mooney. 'Another person will look after the money.' "O peníze se postará jiná osoba. "Egy másik személy fog vigyázni a pénzre. 'Outra pessoa vai cuidar do dinheiro.'

So Charlie Babbitt was not getting his father's house, or his father's money. Charlie Babbitt tedy nedostal otcův dům ani jeho peníze. Charlie Babbitt tehát nem kapta meg az apja házát, sem az apja pénzét. Então Charlie Babbitt não estava recebendo a casa de seu pai, ou o dinheiro de seu pai.

'What's the name of the person who is going to get the money?' "Jak se jmenuje osoba, která dostane peníze? "Hogy hívják azt a személyt, aki megkapja a pénzt? he asked.

John Mooney put the will back into his bag. John Mooney uložil závěť zpět do tašky. John Mooney visszatette a végrendeletet a táskájába. 존 무니는 유언장을 다시 가방에 넣었습니다. John Mooney colocou o testamento de volta na bolsa. 'The will says that I cannot tell you.' "V závěti stojí, že vám to nemohu říct. "A végrendelet szerint nem mondhatom el neked.

Charlie was beginning to get angry. Charlie se začínal zlobit. 'Who is this person who's going to look after the money? "Kdo je ten člověk, který se bude starat o peníze? "Ki az a személy, aki vigyázni fog a pénzre? '이 돈을 관리할 사람은 누구인가? You?'

'No, it isn't me,' Mooney said. "Ne, to nejsem já," řekl Mooney. The old lawyer stood up and picked up his hat. Starý právník vstal a zvedl klobouk. Az öreg ügyvéd felállt, és felvette a kalapját. O velho advogado levantou-se e pegou o chapéu.

'Who is it then?'

'I'm sorry, Charles,' Mooney said. 'I'm your father's lawyer. 「私はあなたのお父さんの弁護士です。 I can't tell you.' To vám nemohu říct. 言えません。」 He walked towards the door and then turned to face Charlie. Šel ke dveřím a pak se otočil k Charliemu. 彼はドアに向かって歩いた後、チャーリーの方を向いた。 'I'm sorry, son. "Je mi to líto, synu. 「ごめんなさい、息子。 I can see that you're upset, but -' Vidím, že jsi rozrušený, ale - Látom, hogy feldúlt vagy, de... あなたが動揺しているのはわかりますが、-」

'Upset?' "Felzaklatott? Charlie jumped out of his chair. Charlie felugrott a székéből. チャーリーは椅子から飛び降りた。 Charlie pulou da cadeira. 'I get an old car and some roses. "Kapok egy régi autót és néhány rózsát. 「私は古い車といくつかのバラを手に入れました。 'Eu recebo um carro velho e algumas rosas. Wonderful! Csodálatos! And this man without a name -' Und dieser Mann ohne Namen –« És ez a névtelen ember -' そして、名前のないこの男-」

'Charles -'

'This secret person gets three million dollars!' 'Diese geheime Person bekommt drei Millionen Dollar!' 'Ez a titkos személy hárommillió dollárt kap!'

'Charles -'

'Sanford Babbitt. »Sanford Babbitt. 'サンフォードバビット。 You want to be his son for five minutes?' Chceš být na pět minut jeho synem? Willst du für fünf Minuten sein Sohn sein?' Akarsz a fia lenni öt percre?' あなたは彼の息子に5分間なりたいですか?」 '5분만 그의 아들이 되고 싶어요?' Quer ser filho dele por cinco minutos? Beş dakikalığına onun oğlu olmak ister misin?' Charlie shouted. rief Charlie. Charlie gritou. 'Did you hear that letter? "Slyšel jsi ten dopis? „Hast du diesen Brief gehört? 「あなたはその手紙を聞きましたか? '그 편지 들으셨어요? Were you listening?' Hast du zugehört?' Figyeltél te rám? 聞いていましたか?」 듣고 계셨나요?' Charlie was so angry, he could not continue speaking. Charlie byl tak rozzlobený, že nemohl pokračovat v řeči. Charlie war so wütend, dass er nicht weitersprechen konnte. Charlie annyira dühös volt, hogy nem tudott tovább beszélni. チャーリーはとても怒っていたので、話し続けることができませんでした。 찰리는 너무 화가 나서 말을 이어가지 못했습니다.

'Yes, sir, I was,' John Mooney replied, looking at Charlie straight in the eye. "Ano, pane, byl," odpověděl John Mooney a podíval se Charliemu zpříma do očí. »Ja, Sir, das war ich«, erwiderte John Mooney und sah Charlie direkt in die Augen. Igen, uram - válaszolta John Mooney, egyenesen Charlie szemébe nézve. 「はい、そうです、私はそうだった」とジョン・ムーニーはチャーリーをまっすぐに見ながら答えた。 "네, 맞습니다." 존 무니가 찰리의 눈을 똑바로 바라보며 대답했습니다. 'Sim, senhor, eu estava', respondeu John Mooney, olhando Charlie diretamente nos olhos. John Mooney, Charlie'nin gözlerinin içine bakarak, "Evet efendim, öyleydim," diye cevap verdi. 'Were you?' "Byl jsi? 'Warst du?' "Tényleg? 「あなたでしたか?」 '그랬나요?' "Öyle miydin?


Charlie wanted that three million dollars. Charlie wollte diese drei Millionen Dollar. Charlie azt a hárommillió dollárt akarta. It was his money! Az ő pénze volt! But first he had to know who was looking after it. Aber zuerst musste er wissen, wer sich darum kümmerte. De előbb tudnia kellett, hogy ki vigyáz rá.

Next morning, he went to his father's bank and talked to a woman there. Druhý den ráno šel do otcovy banky a promluvil si s jednou ženou. Am nächsten Morgen ging er zu seinem Vater und sprach dort mit einer Frau. Másnap reggel elment az apja zsebébe, és beszélt egy ottani nővel. 翌朝、彼は父親のハンクに行き、そこで女性と話しました。 다음 날 아침, 그는 아버지의 행크에 가서 그곳에 있는 한 여성과 이야기를 나누었습니다. Na manhã seguinte, ele foi até a casa de seu pai e conversou com uma mulher de lá. He smiled his beautiful smile and lied to her. Usmál se svým krásným úsměvem a zalhal jí. Elmosolyodott gyönyörű mosolyával, és hazudott neki. 彼は美しい笑顔を浮かべて彼女に嘘をついた。 Five minutes later he had the name and address that he needed in his pocket. O pět minut později měl v kapse jméno a adresu, které potřeboval. Öt perccel később már a zsebében volt a név és a cím, amire szüksége volt. 5分後、彼はポケットに必要な名前と住所を持っていました。 5분 후 그는 필요한 이름과 주소를 주머니에 넣었습니다. Dr Walter Bruner of Wallbrook Home, Ohio. Dr. Walter Bruner, Wallbrook Home, Ohio. オハイオ州ウォールブルックホームのウォルターブルーナー博士。

With Susanna next to him, Charlie drove the Buick out of Cincinnati. Charlie se Susannou vedle sebe odjel buickem ze Cincinnati. Susanna mellett Charlie kihajtott a Buickkal Cincinnatiból. スザンナを隣に置いて、チャーリーはビュイックをシンシナティから追い出しました。 찰리는 수잔나를 옆에 태우고 뷰익을 몰고 신시내티를 빠져나갔습니다. It was a hot July day and they had the roof of the car open. ||||||||||крыша машины|||| ||||||e|||||||| Forró júliusi nap volt, és a kocsi teteje nyitva volt. 7월의 더운 날, 그들은 차의 지붕을 열어 놓았습니다. On both sides of the road were the Ohio hills. Po obou stranách silnice se rozkládaly kopce Ohia. Az út két oldalán az ohiói hegyek voltak.

'This is beautiful,' Susanna said. Ez gyönyörű - mondta Susanna. 'Where are we going?' "Hová megyünk?

'We're going to see a Dr Bruner,' Charlie answered. Elmegyünk Bruner doktorhoz - válaszolta Charlie. He did not say another word. Nem szólt egy szót sem. Ele não disse mais nenhuma palavra.

Twenty minutes later Charlie slowed the car down and turned to the left. |||||||замедлил машину||||| Húsz perccel később Charlie lelassította a kocsit, és balra fordult. The new road was very narrow. |||||узкая Az új út nagyon keskeny volt. On both sides there were big trees. Mindkét oldalon nagy fák álltak. 'This is the place,' he said, 'Wallbrook Home.' Ez az a hely - mondta -, a Wallbrook Otthon.

'But why have we come here, Charlie?' "De miért jöttünk ide, Charlie? Susanna asked. Susanna sordu.

'It's something about my father's will,' Charlie said. "Je to něco o otcově závěti," řekl Charlie. Valami apám végrendeletéről van szó - mondta Charlie. "É algo sobre o testamento do meu pai", disse Charlie. Charlie, 'Babamın vasiyetiyle ilgili bir şey,' dedi. 'It won't take long.' "Nebude to trvat dlouho. "Nem tart sokáig. "Não vai demorar muito." "Uzun sürmez.

On the way up to the house, they saw a strange man. Cestou k domu spatřili cizího muže. Útban a ház felé egy idegen férfit láttak. There was paint all over his face and he was smiling like a child. ||краска||||||||||| Po celém obličeji měl barvu a usmíval se jako dítě. Az arca tele volt festékkel, és úgy mosolygott, mint egy gyerek. 彼の顔全体に絵の具があり、彼は子供のように笑っていました。 Havia tinta por todo o rosto e ele sorria como uma criança. They got out of the car and walked up to the front door. Vystoupili z auta a přistoupili ke vchodovým dveřím. Kiszálltak a kocsiból, és a bejárati ajtóhoz sétáltak. A nurse came out to meet them. Vyšla jim vstříc zdravotní sestra. Egy nővér jött ki eléjük.

'I'd like to see Dr Bruner, please.' "Dr. Brunerrel szeretnék beszélni, kérem.

The nurse took them into a comfortable waiting-room. Sestra je odvedla do pohodlné čekárny. A nővér egy kényelmes várószobába vezette őket. A enfermeira conduziu-os a uma confortável sala de espera. 'Could you wait here, please?' "Megvárna itt, kérem?

The nurse left the room. A nővér elhagyta a szobát. A enfermeira saiu do quarto. Charlie jumped up and went through a door into another room. Charlie vyskočil a prošel dveřmi do další místnosti. Charlie felugrott, és egy ajtón át egy másik szobába ment.

'Charlie,' Susanna called. Charlie - szólította Susanna. 'Where are you going?' "Hová mész?

She followed him into the other room where a group of people were watching television. Následovala ho do vedlejší místnosti, kde se skupina lidí dívala na televizi. A lány követte a férfit a másik szobába, ahol egy csapat ember tévét nézett. Others sat at tables, playing with children's games. Ostatní seděli u stolů a hráli si s dětskými hrami. Andere saßen an Tischen und spielten mit Kinderspielen. Mások asztaloknál ültek, és gyermekjátékokkal játszottak. Two nurses in white coats sat at the back of the room. Vzadu v místnosti seděly dvě sestry v bílých pláštích. Két fehér köpenyes nővér ült a szoba hátsó részében. Nobody spoke. Senki sem szólalt meg. Ninguém falou.

'I don't like being here, Charlie,' Susanna said. "Nelíbí se mi tady, Charlie," řekla Susanna. Nem szeretek itt lenni, Charlie - mondta Susanna. "Não gosto de ficar aqui, Charlie", disse Susanna. 'It isn't right! "To není správné! "Ez nem helyes! 「それは正しくありません! Let's go back to the waiting-room.' Menjünk vissza a váróterembe.

Dr Bruner was a big man. He was about fifty-six, with grey hair and a calm face. ||||||||||спокойное| Bylo mu asi šestapadesát, měl šedivé vlasy a klidnou tvář. Ötvenhat év körüli volt, ősz hajjal és nyugodt arccal.