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E-Books (english-e-reader), Peter Pan (2)

Peter Pan (2)

Peter Pan is a perfect father. He brings home food and protects the family.

Wendy and Peter play with the children and laugh with them.

But one night something happens. Wendy tells the children this bedtime story:

'In the big city of London there are two parents. They are very sad because they cannot find their three children. Every night they leave the nursery window open. They wait and wait for their children to return. But they don't return. Poor parents! They are very sad without their children.'

'Oh, Wendy, this is the story of our parents,' says John.

'Yes, it is,' says Michael.

Peter listens and says, 'Sometimes parents forget their children and other children take their place.'

Wendy is very surprised. 'Oh, no!' she says! 'Perhaps there are other children in our beds! John, Michael we must go home!'

'Do we really have to?' ask John and Michael.

'Yes, we've got to return home.'

The Lost Boys are sad and say, 'Oh, Wendy, please don't leave us!'

'Don't be sad. You can come and live with us in London,' says Wendy.

'Oh, how wonderful!' the Lost Boys say. 'We can have a real family.' They jump up and down with joy. They dance around the room.

But Peter is not happy. He is very serious and says, 'I'm not coming with you to London. I don't want to grow up. I want to be a boy forever.'

Everyone says goodbye to Peter. Outside, the pirates are waiting for them! The children come out of the underground home and the pirates capture them. Then they take them to the Jolly Roger.

They don't make any noise. Peter doesn't know where they are.

He is sad without Wendy, John, Michael and the Lost Boys. He sits and thinks.

'Tap, tap, tap!' There is someone at the door.

'Who is it?' asks Peter.

He can hear the sound of little bells and opens the door. Tinker Bell flies in and says, 'The pirates have got Wendy, John, Michael and the Lost Boys! They are in danger. Let's help them!'

'I must save them. Come Tink, let's go to the Jolly Roger! This time I must attack Hook!'


The Jolly Roger

There is a yellow moon in the night sky. The folly Roger is in the bay near Kidd's Creek. The children are on the pirate ship. They are prisoners of Captain Hook and his cruel pirates.

Captain Hook looks at them and says, 'This time it's Peter Pan or me! You idiots! Peter Pan can't save you now.' Hook laughs and then calls Smee. 'Smee, get the plank ready!'

'Yes sir!' says Smee.

'Now listen to me,' says Hook. 'You must all walk the plank!'

'Walk the plank?' asks John.

'Yes! First you walk the plank and then you fall into the sea with the crocodile. It will eat you! Ha, ha!' laughs Hook. 'But I can save two of you. I want two young pirates. Who wants to be a pirate?'

The Lost Boys look at John. John looks at Michael and says, 'The life of a pirate is exciting. I don't want to walk the plank. I don't want to be food for the crocodile. Let's be pirates!' Michael looks at his brother. Then they look at Wendy. She doesn't like their idea.

Captain Hook laughs and moves his hook in front of their faces.

'Do you want to be pirates, yes or no?' he asks.

John and Michael say, 'Never!'

Captain Hook is angry and says, 'Then you must walk the plank and die!'

Wendy is afraid. She loves her brothers and the Lost Boys. She has tears in her eyes.

The boys stand near the plank and Wendy watches them. A pirate asks, 'Who is the first to walk the plank?'

At that moment there is a loud noise. 'Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock!'

Captain Hook's face is white. He says, 'The crocodile is here. He wants ME!' He runs to his cabin and hides there.

'Who is the first to walk the plank?' asks a pirate. 'Come on! Let's go! The crocodile is hungry.'

Suddenly Peter Pan appears on the pirate ship. Tinker Bell follows him. Wendy and the boys cheer. They are very happy to see their young hero.

Hook and his pirates are furious. Hook takes his sword and says, 'I want to fight you, Pan! Tonight you will die!'

Hook fights with his long sword and with his hook. Peter fights courageously. He pushes Hook to the back of the ship. It is a terrible fight. John, Michael and the Lost Boys fight the pirates. After a long fight they throw the pirates into the sea.

Peter and Hook move all around the big ship. Their swords make a loud noise. Suddenly Peter takes Hook's sword and pushes him into the sea! Hook shouts, 'OH, NO!' He falls into the sea and into the mouth of the hungry crocodile.

'Oh, Peter, we are proud of you!' says Wendy. She kisses him on the cheek. The boys cheer. Peter smiles and says, 'The Jolly Roger is ours now. Let's go home!'


Home at Last!

At the Darling home, Mr and Mrs Darling and Nana are desolate. They always think about Wendy, John and Michael. They look at the three empty beds and tears come to their eyes. Mr and Mrs Darling never smile or laugh anymore.

Mrs Darling sits in the silent nursery and cries. She thinks of her children, their games and their happy voices. Nana tries to comfort her, but nothing can make Mrs Darling happy.

One night after several months something incredible happens. Wendy, John and Michael fly in to the nursery. Mrs Darling is sitting near the fireplace.

'Mother, Mother we're home!' says Wendy.

Mrs Darling turns around and sees her three dear children.

'Is this true or is it a dream? I can't believe it!' she says.

'Oh, Mother, we are home at last,' the children say.

Wendy, John and Michael embrace their mother and kiss her.

'How wonderful to see you, my dear children! How wonderful to hear your sweet voices. Oh, let me look at you!' She calls Mr Darling. Mr Darling is very happy and surprised.

There is great joy in the Darling nursery tonight.

'Mother,' says Wendy, 'Peter Pan and the Lost Boys are here too. They are waiting outside.'

The six Lost Boys slowly enter the nursery. They look at Mrs Darling and smile at her.

'Mother, these are the Lost Boys. They haven't got a mother. Can they stay with us?' says Wendy.

'What dear little boys!' says Mrs Darling. 'Of course they can stay with us. And where is Peter Pan?'

Peter enters the nursery and says, 'I am here, but I don't want to stay here. I don't want to go to school and I don't want to grow up! I want to be a young boy forever. I must return to Neverland. I am happy with the Indians and the fairies.'

Wendy is surprised and says, 'But Peter, when will I see you again?'

Mrs Darling says, 'I have an idea. Wendy, you can visit Peter in Neverland every spring! You can stay there for a week.'

'Can I really go to Neverland every spring, Mother?' asks Wendy.

Peter looks at Mrs Darling and asks, 'Is that a promise?'

'Of course it is,' says Mrs Darling.

'Then I want spring to come quickly,' says Peter.

'Yes, very quickly,' says Wendy.

'Come on, Tink! Let's fly home and wait for spring,' says Peter.

Peter Pan and Tinker Bell fly out of the nursery window into the night sky. Their destination? Neverland!


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Peter Pan (2) Питер Пэн| |Peter Pan Peter Pan (2) Peter Pan (2) Peter Pan (2) Peter Pan (2) ピーターパン (2) 피터팬 (2) Piotruś Pan (2) Peter Pan (2) Питер Пэн (2) Peter Pan (2) Peter Pan (2) Пітер Пен (2) 彼得潘 (2) 彼得潘 (2)

Peter Pan is a perfect father. Peter Pan ist ein perfekter Vater. Peter Pan is a perfect father. Peter Pan é um pai perfeito. He brings home food and protects the family. on přináší||||||| Er bringt Essen nach Hause und beschützt die Familie. He brings home food and protects the family. Ele traz comida para casa e protege a família.

Wendy and Peter play with the children and laugh with them. ||||||||смеяться|| Wendy und Peter spielen mit den Kindern und lachen mit ihnen. Wendy e Peter brincam com as crianças e riem com elas. Венди и Питер играют с детьми и смеются вместе с ними. Wendy in Peter se igrata z otroki in se z njimi smejita.

But one night something happens. Ale|||| Doch eines Nachts passiert etwas. Mas uma noite algo acontece. Но однажды ночью что-то происходит. Wendy tells the children this bedtime story: Wendy|||||| |рассказывает||||| Wendy conta às crianças esta história de ninar: Венди рассказывает детям сказку на ночь:

'In the big city of London there are two parents. |||||||||родители In der großen Stadt London gibt es zwei Elternteile. “Na grande cidade de Londres há dois pais. «В большом городе Лондоне есть двое родителей. They are very sad because they cannot find their three children. Sie sind sehr traurig, weil sie ihre drei Kinder nicht finden können. Eles estão muito tristes porque não conseguem encontrar seus três filhos. Им очень грустно, потому что они не могут найти своих троих детей. Every night they leave the nursery window open. Jede Nacht lassen sie das Fenster des Kinderzimmers offen. Todas as noites eles deixam a janela do berçário aberta. Каждую ночь они оставляют окно в детской открытым. They wait and wait for their children to return. |ждут|||||||вернуться Sie warten und warten auf die Rückkehr ihrer Kinder. Eles esperam e esperam que seus filhos voltem. Они ждут и ждут возвращения своих детей. But they don't return. Aber sie kehren nicht zurück. Но они не возвращаются. Poor parents! Die armen Eltern! Pobres pais! Бедные родители! They are very sad without their children.' ||||без|| Sie sind sehr traurig ohne ihre Kinder.' Eles ficam muito tristes sem os filhos.' Им очень грустно без детей».

'Oh, Wendy, this is the story of our parents,' says John. Oh, Wendy, das ist die Geschichte unserer Eltern", sagt John. "Oh, Wendy, esta é a história de nossos pais", diz John.

'Yes, it is,' says Michael. ||||Майкл „Ja, das ist es“, sagt Michael. "Sim, é", diz Michael. — Да, это так, — говорит Майкл.

Peter listens and says, 'Sometimes parents forget their children and other children take their place.' ||||Иногда|родители|забывают|их|||другие дети||заменяют|их|место Peter hört zu und sagt: „Manchmal vergessen Eltern ihre Kinder und andere Kinder nehmen ihren Platz ein.“ ピーターは耳を傾け、こう言います。 Peter ouve e diz: 'Às vezes os pais esquecem seus filhos e outras crianças tomam o seu lugar.' Питер слушает и говорит: «Иногда родители забывают своих детей, и их место занимают другие дети».

Wendy is very surprised. Wendy||| |||удивлённая Wendy ist sehr überrascht. ウェンディはとても驚いています。 Wendy está muito surpresa. Венди очень удивлена. 'Oh, no!' Oh, nein! she says! 'Perhaps there are other children in our beds! возможно||||||| „Vielleicht sind noch andere Kinder in unseren Betten! 'Talvez haja outras crianças em nossas camas! «Возможно, в наших кроватях есть другие дети! John, Michael we must go home!' ||musíme||| John, Michael, wir müssen nach Hause!' John, Michael, devemos ir para casa!' Джон, Майкл, мы должны идти домой!

'Do we really have to?' musíme|||| 'Müssen wir wirklich?' "Nós realmente temos que fazer isso?" — Мы действительно должны? ask John and Michael.

'Yes, we've got to return home.' Ano||||| |мы должны|||| Ja, wir müssen nach Hause zurückkehren. — Sim, temos que voltar para casa. — Да, мы должны вернуться домой.

The Lost Boys are sad and say, 'Oh, Wendy, please don't leave us!' Die Lost Boys sind traurig und sagen: "Oh, Wendy, bitte verlass uns nicht! Os Garotos Perdidos ficam tristes e dizem: 'Oh, Wendy, por favor, não nos deixe!' Потерянные мальчики грустят и говорят: «О, Венди, пожалуйста, не оставляй нас!»

'Don't be sad. „Sei nicht traurig. 'Não fique triste. «Не грусти. You can come and live with us in London,' says Wendy. Du kannst zu uns nach London kommen und dort leben", sagt Wendy. Você pode vir morar conosco em Londres', diz Wendy. Ты можешь приехать и жить с нами в Лондоне, — говорит Венди.

'Oh, how wonderful!' ||Чудесно 'Oh, wie wunderbar!' 'Ah, que maravilha!' — О, как чудесно! the Lost Boys say. dizem os Garotos Perdidos. 'We can have a real family.' my můžeme||||| "Wir können eine richtige Familie haben." — Podemos ter uma família de verdade. «У нас может быть настоящая семья». They jump up and down with joy. oni|||||| Sie hüpfen vor Freude auf und ab. Eles pulam para cima e para baixo com alegria. Они прыгают вверх и вниз от радости. They dance around the room. oni|||| Sie tanzen durch den Raum. Eles dançam pela sala. Они танцуют по комнате.

But Peter is not happy. Ale|||| Aber Peter ist nicht glücklich. Mas Pedro não está feliz. He is very serious and says, 'I'm not coming with you to London. on|||||||||||| |||серьезный||||||||| Er ist sehr ernst und sagt: „Ich komme nicht mit nach London. Ele é muito sério e diz: 'Eu não vou com você para Londres. I don't want to grow up. ||||взрослеть| Ich will nicht erwachsen werden. Eu não quero crescer. Я не хочу взрослеть. I want to be a boy forever.' ||||||навсегда Ich möchte für immer ein Junge sein.' Quero ser um menino para sempre.

Everyone says goodbye to Peter. Alle verabschieden sich von Peter. Todos se despedem de Peter. Все прощаются с Питером. Outside, the pirates are waiting for them! Draußen warten die Piraten auf sie! Lá fora, os piratas estão esperando por eles! Снаружи их ждут пираты! The children come out of the underground home and the pirates capture them. |||||||||ty||| Die Kinder kommen aus dem unterirdischen Haus und die Piraten nehmen sie gefangen. As crianças saem da casa subterrânea e os piratas as capturam. Дети выходят из подземного дома, и пираты захватывают их. Then they take them to the Jolly Roger. |||||||Джолли Роджер Dann bringen sie sie zum Jolly Roger. Então eles os levam para o Jolly Roger. Затем они отвозят их в «Веселый Роджер».

They don't make any noise. oni|||| ||||шум Sie machen keinen Lärm. Não fazem barulho. Они не производят никакого шума. Peter doesn't know where they are. Petr||||| Peter weiß nicht, wo sie sind. Peter não sabe onde eles estão. Питер не знает, где они.

He is sad without Wendy, John, Michael and the Lost Boys. Er ist traurig ohne Wendy, John, Michael und die Lost Boys. Ele está triste sem Wendy, John, Michael e os Lost Boys. Ему грустно без Венди, Джона, Майкла и Потерянных Мальчиков. He sits and thinks. on||| Er sitzt und denkt nach. Ele senta e pensa. Он сидит и думает.

'Tap, tap, tap!' стук стук стук||Тук, тук, тук! 'Klopfen, klopfen, klopfen!' There is someone at the door. někdo||||| Da ist jemand an der Tür. Tem alguém na porta. Кто-то за дверью.

'Who is it?' 'Wer ist es?' 'Quem é esse?' asks Peter.

He can hear the sound of little bells and opens the door. on||||||||||| Er hört das Geräusch kleiner Glöckchen und öffnet die Tür. Ele pode ouvir o som de pequenos sinos e abre a porta. Он слышит звук маленьких колокольчиков и открывает дверь. Tinker Bell flies in and says, 'The pirates have got Wendy, John, Michael and the Lost Boys! Tinker Bell fliegt herein und sagt: „Die Piraten haben Wendy, John, Michael und die Lost Boys! Tinker Bell voa e diz: 'Os piratas pegaram Wendy, John, Michael e os Garotos Perdidos! Влетает Тинкер Белл и говорит: «Пираты схватили Венди, Джона, Майкла и Потерявшихся Мальчиков! They are in danger. oni||| |||опасности Sie sind in Gefahr. Eles estão em perigo. Они в опасности. Let's help them!' Helfen wir ihnen!'

'I must save them. ||спасать| „Ich muss sie retten. — Devo salvá-los. Come Tink, let's go to the Jolly Roger! Komm Tink, lass uns zum Jolly Roger gehen! Venha Tink, vamos ao Jolly Roger! This time I must attack Hook!' tento||||| ||||атаковать| Diesmal muss ich Hook angreifen!' Desta vez devo atacar Hook! На этот раз я должен атаковать Крюка!


**The Jolly Roger**

There is a yellow moon in the night sky. Na|||||||| Am Nachthimmel steht ein gelber Mond. Há uma lua amarela no céu noturno. В ночном небе желтая луна. The folly Roger is in the bay near Kidd's Creek. |blázen|||||zátoce||| |глупость|||||бухта||| |boat|||||inlet||| Die Torheit Roger befindet sich in der Bucht in der Nähe von Kidd's Creek. A loucura Roger está na baía perto de Kidd's Creek. Безумный Роджер находится в бухте возле Киддс-Крик. The children are on the pirate ship. Ty|||||| ||||||корабль As crianças estão no navio pirata. Дети на пиратском корабле. They are prisoners of Captain Hook and his cruel pirates. Oni||||||a||| ||||||||жестоких пиратов| ||||||||harsh| Eles são prisioneiros do Capitão Gancho e seus cruéis piratas.

Captain Hook looks at them and says, 'This time it's Peter Pan or me! |||||||tentokrát|||||| Captain Hook sieht sie an und sagt: „Diesmal ist es Peter Pan oder ich! El Capitán Garfio los mira y dice: '¡Esta vez somos Peter Pan o yo! Capitão Gancho olha para eles e diz: 'Desta vez é Peter Pan ou eu! Капитан Крюк смотрит на них и говорит: «На этот раз Питер Пэн или я! You idiots! |идиоты Ihr Idioten! ¡Idiotas! Вы идиоты! Peter Pan can't save you now.' Petr||||| Peter Pan no puede salvarte ahora. Питер Пэн не может спасти тебя сейчас. Hook laughs and then calls Smee. |смеется|||| Hook lacht und ruft dann Smee an. Hook se ríe y luego llama a Smee. Hook ri e então chama Smee. Крюк смеется, а затем звонит Сми. 'Smee, get the plank ready!' Smee|připrav||prkno| |||доску| |||wooden board| „Smee, mach die Planke fertig!“ '¡Smee, prepara la tabla!' 'Smee, prepare a prancha!' — Сми, приготовь доску!

'Yes sir!' 'Sim senhor!' says Smee. diz Smee.

'Now listen to me,' says Hook. »Jetzt hör mir zu«, sagt Hook. "Agora me escute", diz Hook. — А теперь послушай меня, — говорит Крюк. 'You must all walk the plank!' Vy||||| |||||доска „Ihr müsst alle über die Planke gehen!“ '¡Todos ustedes deben caminar por el tablón!' 'Vocês todos devem andar na prancha!' «Вы все должны ходить по доске!»

'Walk the plank?' 'Andar na prancha?' — Ходить по доске? asks John.

'Yes! First you walk the plank and then you fall into the sea with the crocodile. ||||||||||||||krokodýl Zuerst geht man über die Planke und dann fällt man mit dem Krokodil ins Meer. Il faut d'abord marcher sur la planche, puis tomber dans la mer avec le crocodile. Primeiro você anda na prancha e depois cai no mar com o crocodilo. Сначала ты идешь по доске, а потом падаешь в море с крокодилом. It will eat you! Il vous mangera ! Vai te comer! Он съест тебя! Ha, ha!' laughs Hook. ri Gancho. смеется Крюк. 'But I can save two of you. Ale|||||| „Aber ich kann zwei von euch retten. Pero puedo salvaros a dos. — Mas posso salvar dois de vocês. — Но я могу спасти двоих из вас. I want two young pirates. Ich will zwei junge Piraten. Quiero dos jóvenes piratas. Quero dois jovens piratas. Мне нужны два молодых пирата. Who wants to be a pirate?' kdo||||| Wer will ein Pirat sein?' ¿Quién quiere ser pirata? Quem quer ser um pirata?

The Lost Boys look at John. Die Lost Boys sehen John an. Os Garotos Perdidos olham para John. Потерянные мальчики смотрят на Джона. John looks at Michael and says, 'The life of a pirate is exciting. ||||||Život|||||| ||||||||||||увлекательный John sieht Michael an und sagt: „Das Leben eines Piraten ist aufregend. John olha para Michael e diz: 'A vida de um pirata é emocionante. Джон смотрит на Майкла и говорит: «Жизнь пирата захватывающая. I don't want to walk the plank. Ich will nicht über die Planke gehen. Eu não quero andar na prancha. Я не хочу ходить по доске. I don't want to be food for the crocodile. Ich will kein Futter für das Krokodil sein. Let's be pirates!' Lasst uns Piraten sein!' Будем пиратами! Michael looks at his brother. Michael|||| Michael sieht seinen Bruder an. Michael olha para o irmão. Майкл смотрит на своего брата. Then they look at Wendy. Dann sehen sie Wendy an. Luego miran a Wendy. Então eles olham para Wendy. Затем они смотрят на Венди. She doesn't like their idea. ona|||| ||||идея Sie mag ihre Idee nicht. Ela não gosta da ideia deles. Ей не нравится их идея.

Captain Hook laughs and moves his hook in front of their faces. |||||||před|||| ||||||крюк|||||лиц Captain Hook lacht und bewegt seinen Haken vor ihren Gesichtern. El Capitán Garfio se ríe y mueve su garfio frente a sus caras. Capitão Gancho ri e move seu gancho na frente de seus rostos. Капитан Крюк смеется и водит крюком перед их лицами.

'Do you want to be pirates, yes or no?' chcete|||||||| 'Você quer ser pirata, sim ou não?' «Вы хотите быть пиратами, да или нет?» he asks.

John and Michael say, 'Never!' John und Michael sagen: 'Niemals!'

Captain Hook is angry and says, 'Then you must walk the plank and die!' |||||||||||||умереть Kapitän Hook ist wütend und sagt: „Dann musst du über die Planke gehen und sterben!“ O Capitão Gancho fica bravo e diz: 'Então você deve andar na prancha e morrer!' Капитан Крюк сердится и говорит: «Тогда ты должен пройти по доске и умереть!»

Wendy is afraid. Wendy|| ||испугана Wendy hat Angst. Wendy está com medo. Венди боится. She loves her brothers and the Lost Boys. Ela ama seus irmãos e os Garotos Perdidos. She has tears in her eyes. ona||||| ||слезы||| ||liquid sadness||| Ela tem lágrimas nos olhos. У нее слезы на глазах.

The boys stand near the plank and Wendy watches them. Мальчики стоят возле доски, и Венди наблюдает за ними. A pirate asks, 'Who is the first to walk the plank?' |||kdo|||||||

At that moment there is a loud noise. v ten moment||||||| ||||||громкий| В этот момент раздается громкий шум. 'Tick! '¡Marcar! Tock! Tick! Tock!'

Captain Hook's face is white. ||||белый La cara del Capitán Garfio es blanca. He says, 'The crocodile is here. He wants ME!' He runs to his cabin and hides there. on běží||||chata||| Er rennt zu seiner Kabine und versteckt sich dort.

'Who is the first to walk the plank?' |||первый|||| asks a pirate. 'Come on! Let's go! The crocodile is hungry.' ten|||

Suddenly Peter Pan appears on the pirate ship. |||||||корабль пиратов Plötzlich erscheint Peter Pan auf dem Piratenschiff. De repente aparece Peter Pan en el barco pirata. Внезапно на пиратском корабле появляется Питер Пэн. Tinker Bell follows him. Тинкер Белл следует за ним. Wendy and the boys cheer. Wendy|||| ||||поддерживают ||||shout with joy Wendy und die Jungs jubeln. Венди и мальчики ликуют. They are very happy to see their young hero. oni|||||||| Sie freuen sich sehr, ihren jungen Helden zu sehen. Están muy felices de ver a su joven héroe.

Hook and his pirates are furious. |||||в ярости Hook und seine Piraten sind wütend. Garfio y sus piratas están furiosos. Крюк и его пираты в ярости. Hook takes his sword and says, 'I want to fight you, Pan! |||||||||бороться|| Hook toma su espada y dice: '¡Quiero pelear contigo, Pan! Крюк берет свой меч и говорит: «Я хочу сразиться с тобой, Пан! Tonight you will die!' Сегодня вечером|||умрёшь Heute Nacht wirst du sterben!'

Hook fights with his long sword and with his hook. |сражается||||меч|||| Крюк сражается своим длинным мечом и своим крюком. Peter fights courageously. Petr|| |сражается|смело ||with bravery He pushes Hook to the back of the ship. |толкает|||||||корабль Он толкает Крюк к задней части корабля. It is a terrible fight. tohle|||| |||ужасная|бой Es ist ein schrecklicher Kampf. Это ужасный бой. John, Michael and the Lost Boys fight the pirates. After a long fight they throw the pirates into the sea. Po||||oni|||||| ||долгом|||бросают||||| Nach langem Kampf werfen sie die Piraten ins Meer. После долгой схватки они сбрасывают пиратов в море.

Peter and Hook move all around the big ship. |||движутся||вокруг||| Peter und Hook bewegen sich auf dem großen Schiff herum. Питер и Крюк перемещаются по большому кораблю. Their swords make a loud noise. jejich||||| |мечи|||громкий|шум Ihre Schwerter machen ein lautes Geräusch. Sus espadas hacen un ruido fuerte. Их мечи издают громкий звук. Suddenly Peter takes Hook's sword and pushes him into the sea! ¡De repente, Peter toma la espada de Garfio y lo empuja hacia el mar! Внезапно Питер берет меч Крюка и толкает его в море! Hook shouts, 'OH, NO!' |кричит|| Hook schreit: 'OH, NEIN!' Garfio grita, '¡OH, NO!' He falls into the sea and into the mouth of the hungry crocodile. on|||||a||||||| Er fällt ins Meer und in das Maul des hungrigen Krokodils. Он падает в море и попадает в пасть голодному крокодилу.

'Oh, Peter, we are proud of you!' ||jsme|||| ||||гордимся|| — О, Питер, мы гордимся тобой! says Wendy. She kisses him on the cheek. Ona||||| The boys cheer. ti|| Эти|| Los chicos aplauden. Chlapci jasajú. Peter smiles and says, 'The Jolly Roger is ours now. Peter lächelt und sagt: „Die Jolly Roger gehört jetzt uns. Peter sonríe y dice: 'El Jolly Roger ahora es nuestro. Питер улыбается и говорит: «Веселый Роджер теперь наш. Let's go home!'


**Home at Last! ||last ¡Por fin en casa! Наконец-то дома! **

At the Darling home, Mr and Mrs Darling and Nana are desolate. |||||||||||bezradní |||||||||||унылы |||||||||||deeply saddened |||||||||||황량한 Im Darling-Haus sind Mr. und Mrs. Darling und Nana desolat. В доме Дарлингов мистер и миссис Дарлинг и Нана в запустении. They always think about Wendy, John and Michael. Они всегда думают о Венди, Джоне и Майкле. They look at the three empty beds and tears come to their eyes. oni|||||||a||||| ||||||||lacrime|||| |||||비어 있는||||||| Miran las tres camas vacías y se les saltan las lágrimas. Они смотрят на три пустые кровати, и на их глаза наворачиваются слезы. Mr and Mrs Darling never smile or laugh anymore. pan|||||||| |||||||to laugh| Mr und Mrs Darling lächeln oder lachen nie mehr.

Mrs Darling sits in the silent nursery and cries. paní|||||||| |||||silent||| Mrs Darling sitzt im stillen Kinderzimmer und weint. Mme Darling s'assoit dans la chambre d'enfant silencieuse et pleure. Миссис Дарлинг сидит в тихой детской и плачет. She thinks of her children, their games and their happy voices. ona|||||||a||| |думает о|||||||||voices = voices Sie denkt an ihre Kinder, ihre Spiele und ihre fröhlichen Stimmen. Piensa en sus hijos, en sus juegos y en sus voces alegres. Она думает о своих детях, их играх и их счастливых голосах. Nana tries to comfort her, but nothing can make Mrs Darling happy. Nana|||||ale|||||| |||утешить|||||||| Nana versucht sie zu trösten, aber nichts kann Mrs. Darling glücklich machen. Нана пытается утешить ее, но ничто не может сделать миссис Дарлинг счастливой.

One night after several months something incredible happens. Jedna(1)||po|||něco|| ||||||невероятное| Eines Nachts nach mehreren Monaten passiert etwas Unglaubliches. Однажды ночью спустя несколько месяцев происходит нечто невероятное. Wendy, John and Michael fly in to the nursery. Mrs Darling is sitting near the fireplace. paní|||||| ||||||fireplace Mrs. Darling sitzt am Kamin. Миссис Дарлинг сидит у камина.

'Mother, Mother we're home!' says Wendy.

Mrs Darling turns around and sees her three dear children. paní||||||její||| Mrs Darling dreht sich um und sieht ihre drei lieben Kinder. Миссис Дарлинг оборачивается и видит своих троих дорогих детей.

'Is this true or is it a dream? ||true|||||dream I can't believe it!' ||believe| she says.

'Oh, Mother, we are home at last,' the children say. ||my jsme||||||| ||||||наконец-то||| „Ach, Mutter, endlich sind wir zu Hause“, sagen die Kinder. Oh, maman, nous sommes enfin à la maison", disent les enfants. «О, мама, наконец-то мы дома», — говорят дети.

Wendy, John and Michael embrace their mother and kiss her. Wendy|Jan|||||||| ||||they embrace||||| ||||hug and kiss||||| Wendy, John und Michael umarmen ihre Mutter und küssen sie. Wendy, John et Michael prennent leur mère dans leurs bras et l'embrassent. Венди, Джон и Майкл обнимают свою мать и целуют ее.

'How wonderful to see you, my dear children! Jak||||||| Quel plaisir de vous voir, mes chers enfants ! How wonderful to hear your sweet voices. Jak|||||| ||||||voices Qué maravilloso escuchar sus dulces voces. Quel bonheur d'entendre vos douces voix. Как чудесно слышать твои сладкие голоса. Oh, let me look at you!' Oh||||| Oh, laisse-moi te regarder ! She calls Mr Darling. Mr Darling is very happy and surprised. pan||||||

There is great joy in the Darling nursery tonight. Große Freude herrscht heute Abend im Kindergarten Darling. La joie est grande dans la crèche Darling ce soir. Сегодня вечером в детской Дарлинг царит большая радость.

'Mother,' says Wendy, 'Peter Pan and the Lost Boys are here too. Maman, dit Wendy, Peter Pan et les Garçons Perdus sont ici aussi. They are waiting outside.' oni|||

The six Lost Boys slowly enter the nursery. ||||slowly||| Шестеро потерянных мальчиков медленно входят в детскую. They look at Mrs Darling and smile at her. Ils regardent Mme Darling et lui sourient. Они смотрят на миссис Дарлинг и улыбаются ей.

'Mother, these are the Lost Boys. They haven't got a mother. oni|||| No tienen madre. У них нет матери. Can they stay with us?' mohou|||| Können sie bei uns bleiben?' says Wendy.

'What dear little boys!' |милые|| „Was für liebe kleine Jungs!“ ¡Qué queridos niños! Quels chers petits garçons ! — Какие милые мальчишки! says Mrs Darling. 'Of course they can stay with us. samozřejmě|||||| Por supuesto que pueden quedarse con nosotros. And where is Peter Pan?' Und wo ist Peter Pan?'

Peter enters the nursery and says, 'I am here, but I don't want to stay here. |enters = it enters|||||||||||||| I don't want to go to school and I don't want to grow up! I want to be a young boy forever. I must return to Neverland. Я должен вернуться в Нетландию. I am happy with the Indians and the fairies.' |||||Indians|||fairies ||||||||fairy creatures Я счастлив с индейцами и феями.

Wendy is surprised and says, 'But Peter, when will I see you again?' Wendy|||||ale||||||| ||||||||||||again Wendy se sorprende y dice: 'Pero Peter, ¿cuándo te volveré a ver?' Wendy est surprise et dit : "Mais Peter, quand est-ce que je te reverrai ?

Mrs Darling says, 'I have an idea. ||||||idea Миссис Дарлинг говорит: «У меня есть идея. Wendy, you can visit Peter in Neverland every spring! Wendy|||||||| Wendy, du kannst Peter jeden Frühling in Nimmerland besuchen! You can stay there for a week.' Ty|||||| Du kannst dort eine Woche bleiben.' Puedes quedarte allí una semana.

'Can I really go to Neverland every spring, Mother?' mohu|||||||| '¿Realmente puedo ir a Nunca Jamás cada primavera, madre?' asks Wendy.

Peter looks at Mrs Darling and asks, 'Is that a promise?' |||||||to||| ||||||||||promise Peter sieht Mrs. Darling an und fragt: „Ist das ein Versprechen?“ Питер смотрит на миссис Дарлинг и спрашивает: «Это обещание?»

'Of course it is,' says Mrs Darling. Bien sûr, dit Mme Darling.

'Then I want spring to come quickly,' says Peter. ||||||quickly = quickly|| 'Entonces quiero que la primavera llegue pronto', dice Peter. Alors je veux que le printemps arrive vite", dit Peter.

'Yes, very quickly,' says Wendy. «Да, очень быстро», — говорит Венди.

'Come on, Tink! Let's fly home and wait for spring,' says Peter.

Peter Pan and Tinker Bell fly out of the nursery window into the night sky. Питер Пэн и Тинкер Белл вылетают из окна детской в ночное небо. Their destination? jejich| |Их пункт назначения? Ihr Ziel? Их пункт назначения? Neverland! ¡Neverland!