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E-Books (english-e-reader), Peter Pan (1)

Peter Pan (1)

Chapter one

The Nursery

Wendy, John and Michael Darling live in a lovely house in London. They have got a big, sunny nursery. There are colourful pictures and a big clock on the wall. There are toys here and there. The Darlings are a happy family. Mr Darling and Mrs Darling love their children very much. Wendy is the first child, John is the second and Michael is the third.

The children's nanny is called Nana and she is a big Newfoundland dog! Her kennel is in the nursery and she is a wonderful nanny. She loves the children and the children love her.

One evening Mr and Mrs Darling want to go to a dinner party. They have their best clothes on.

'Nana, it's time to put the children to bed,' says Mrs Darling.

Nana goes to the bathroom. She turns on the hot water for Michael's bath. She puts her paw in the water to check the temperature. It's perfect!

'I don't want to have a bath!' says little Michael.

But Nana is a firm nanny and Michael has his bath.

Then Nana gives the children their pyjamas. Now they are ready for bed.

Mrs Darling comes into the nursery and smiles. 'Good work, Nana! I see the children are ready for bed.' Nana wags her big tail.

Suddenly there is a noise. Mrs Darling sees a young boy outside the nursery window. She is very surprised. Nana barks and shuts the window quickly. The boy's shadow falls on the floor. The young boy flies away. 'Who's there?' asks Mrs Darling. She opens the window and looks outside, but she sees nothing. Then she sees the boy's shadow on the floor and says, 'Poor boy, this is his shadow. Let's put it in the drawer.'

The children are in bed. Mr Darling takes Nana to the garden. Then he goes to the sitting room and waits for Mrs Darling.

Mrs Darling sings to the children and kisses them. She is a perfect mother. Soon the three children are sleeping. Mr and Mrs Darling go to their bedroom. They put on their coats and go to the dinner party.

Chapter two

The Shadow

The children are sleeping and dreaming. Suddenly the window opens. A small ball of light enters the nursery and flies around. It is a lovely fairy called Tinker Bell. She is looking for something. After a moment a young boy enters the nursery and says, 'Tink, where are you? Please find my shadow.'

Tinker Bell finds his shadow in the drawer and gives it to him. 'Now I can stick the shadow to my feet with some soap,' he thinks. He tries and tries again, but he can't. He is very confused and starts crying.

Wendy wakes up and sees the boy but she is not afraid. His clothes are made of leaves. 'Little boy, why are you crying?' Wendy asks.

The boy takes off his cap and asks, 'What's your name?'

'Wendy Moira Angela Darling. What's yours?'

'Peter Pan.'

'Is that all?'

'Yes!' says Peter. Then he thinks, 'My name is very, very short.'

Wendy looks at his shadow and asks, 'Can I help you with your shadow?'

'Yes, please!' says Peter.

Wendy gets her sewing basket and sews on Peter's shadow.

After a few minutes she says, 'Finished! Now you have your shadow again.'

Peter looks at the floor and sees his shadow. He is very happy and dances around the room.

'Oh, Wendy, you are wonderful!' says Peter.

'Do you really think so?' asks Wendy.

'Yes,' says Peter.

Wendy smiles and gives Peter a kiss on the cheek.

'Oh!' says Peter. 'How nice!'

'How old are you, Peter?' asks Wendy.

'I don't know, but I am young. I don't want to grow up. I always want to be a boy and have fun.'

Peter looks around the room for his fairy. He hears a noise and looks in a drawer. Tinker Bell flies out. Wendy is delighted to see a fairy, but Tinker Bell is afraid. She hides behind the big clock.

'Where do you live, Peter?' asks Wendy.

'I live in Neverland with the Lost Boys,' says Peter.

'Neverland? The Lost Boys? Who are they?' asks Wendy.

'The Lost Boys haven't got a mother or father. They are alone in the world and they live in Neverland. I am their Captain. In Neverland we fight the pirates. We also swim in the lagoon with the beautiful mermaids. Fairies live in the trees in the forest. The fairies are my friends,' says Peter.

'Oh, what fun!' says Wendy.

'I must go back now. I must tell the Lost Boys a story. They love stories,' says Peter.

'Don't go away! I know a lot of stories,' says Wendy.

'Then come with me, Wendy. You can tell us stories. We all want a mother. Please come,' says Peter.

'But I can't fly,' says Wendy.

'I can teach you to fly,' says Peter.

'Can you teach John and Michael to fly too?'

'Yes, of course,' says Peter.

'John! Michael! Wake up! This is Peter Pan. He's from Neverland. It's a beautiful place,' says Wendy.

John and Michael are very surprised.

'We can go there with him. But first we must learn to fly,' Wendy says.

Wendy, John and Michael are very excited. They try to fly but fall on the beds and on the floor.

'No, no,' says Peter. 'Here is some fairy dust.' He puts some fairy dust on their shoulders.

'Now try again,' says Peter.

'Look, I can fly!' says Wendy.

'I can too,' says John.

'Me too,' says little Michael.

'Tink, show us the way to Neverland,' says Peter.

They follow Tinker Bell and fly out of the nursery window. In the garden Nana looks at the sky and barks.

Mr and Mrs Darling return from the dinner party. They go into the nursery, but it is empty!


The Neverland

Wendy, John and Michael fly over cities, towns, mountains, forests and seas.

Finally they see an island in the sea below them.

'Look, that's Neverland,' says Peter.

'Neverland!' say the children.

In Neverland the Lost Boys live in the forest in a secret underground home. There are six Lost Boys: Slightly Soiled, Tootles, Nibs, Curly and the Twins. They are waiting for Peter.

Suddenly they hear the voices of the pirates. Nibs is very brave. He goes out, hides behind a tree and looks around him. He sees the horrible pirates. They are walking in the forest. They are big and ugly. Their pirate ship is the Jolly Roger.

The pirates' captain is James Hook. He is a cruel pirate and a very bad man. He's got black eyes, black hair and a black beard. He hates Peter Pan. He's only got one arm. The other is a hook! In the past Peter Pan cut off Captain Hook's right arm during a fight. A crocodile ate the arm. Now the crocodile follows Captain Hook everywhere because he wants to eat him. The crocodile has an alarm clock in its stomach! Captain Hook can always hear it.

'I know the Lost Boys live in this forest. We must find them and Peter Pan!' says Captain Hook.

'Tick, tock, tick, tock!' Captain Hook hears the alarm clock.

'Oh, no, the crocodile is coming to eat me!' says Captain Hook. He runs away and the pirates follow him.

Soon some Indians arrive in the forest. They are looking for the pirates. The pirates are their enemy. Tiger Lily is their leader. She is the beautiful daughter of the Indian chief. She loves Peter Pan. Tinker Bell and Wendy love him too. The Indians go away and the Lost Boys return to play in the forest.

Then Nibs looks at the sky and says, 'Look, there is a lovely white bird in the sky.'

'Is it really a bird?' the Lost Boys ask.

Tinker Bell says, 'Yes, yes, it's a bird. It's a Wendy bird. You must shoot it!' Sometimes Tink is a bad fairy. She knows it is Wendy, but she doesn't like her.

Nibs takes his bow and arrow and shoots Wendy. Poor Wendy falls to the ground. The Lost Boys see Wendy and say, 'She's not a bird! She's a lovely girl.'

Peter flies down with John and Michael and asks, 'Where is Wendy?'

Tootles says, 'Here she is.'

Peter goes over to her and asks, 'Wendy, are you all right?' Wendy slowly opens her eyes and smiles. 'Yes, but I'm very tired,' she says.

The Lost Boys are sorry. They decide to build her a little house.

When the house is ready Wendy says, 'What a lovely little house! Thank you.'

'Can you be our mother now? Can you tell us bedtime stories before we go to bed?' asks Nibs.

'Of course,' says Wendy. 'Come in and I can tell you the story of Cinderella.'

They enter, sit down and listen to Wendy's story. It is a wonderful story.

Peter Pan is outside the house with his sword. He wants to protect Wendy and the Lost Boys.


The Mermaid's Lagoon

One summer evening Peter, Wendy, John, Michael and the Lost Boys go to the Mermaid's Lagoon. Beautiful mermaids live here and they are Peter's friends. They swim and play in the blue lagoon. Then they sit on Marooner's Rock to comb their long hair. They sit in the sun and laugh.

The children like the mermaids and John says, 'I want to catch one!' He tries, but the mermaid jumps into the water.

Peter says, 'It is very difficult to catch a mermaid.'

Suddenly someone says, 'Look, the pirates are coming!'

A small boat with two pirates is coming to the lagoon. John, Michael and the Lost Boys jump off the rock and swim away. But Wendy stays with Peter. They hide behind the rock. Peter sees Tiger Lily. She is sitting in the small boat. Poor Tiger Lily is a prisoner of the pirates.

'Let's leave her on this rock. When the sea rises, she will die!' says Smee. The two pirates laugh. It is already night and it is very dark.

Peter wants to save Tiger Lily and thinks of something intelligent. He imitates Captain Hook's voice and says, 'Cut the ropes and let her go! Do as I say, you idiots! Let her go!' The two pirates are amazed.

'Can you hear Hook's voice?' asks Smee.

'Yes, but what do we do?' asks Starkey.

'We must obey him and cut the ropes,' says Smee.

They cut the ropes and Tiger Lily is free. She quickly jumps into the water and swims away.

Captain Hook sees everything and he is furious.

'That horrid Peter Pan! This time I must attack him,' he says.

He swims to the rock and fights with Peter. It is a long fight.

The Captain hurts Peter with his hook, but Peter fights courageously. At last, Peter wins the fight and Hook swims back to the Jolly Roger. Peter is now alone on the rock with Wendy.

'The sea is rising and we are in great danger here. We must leave this rock,' says Peter.

'Oh, Peter, I am very tired and I cannot swim or fly.'

He sees a big kite with a long tail. It is flying slowly over the lagoon. He takes the tail of the kite and says, 'Wendy, hold on to this tail and fly away with the kite.' Wendy flies away.

'The sea is rising. I must fly away,' Peter thinks. When he gets home everyone is happy to see him especially Wendy.

Chapter five

The Underground Home

The Underground Home is a secret place. No one knows where it is. It is a happy, warm place. There is only one room with a big fireplace. Tinker Bell has her tiny room too.

Wendy is a perfect mother. She cooks and sews for everyone. She also tells beautiful bedtime stories. The Lost Boys are happy because they finally have a mother. John and Michael are happy because there is a new adventure every day.

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Peter Pan (1) |بان Peter| Peter Pan (1) Peter Pan (1) پیتر پن (1) Peter Pan (1) ピーターパン (1) 피터팬 (1) Piotruś Pan (1) Peter Pan (1) Питер Пэн (1) Peter Pan (1) Peter Pan (1) Пітер Пен (1) 彼得潘 (1) 彼得潘 (1) 彼得潘 (1)

Chapter one Chapter one Capítulo um Prvo poglavje

**The Nursery** Dětská| |Детский сад |الحضانة |childcare center |o berçário O Viveiro Vrtec Kreş

Wendy, John and Michael Darling live in a lovely house in London. Уэнди|||Майкл|Дарлинг||||прекрасном||| ويندي||||دارلينغ||||||| |||||||||home|| Wendy, John y Michael Darling viven en una bonita casa en Londres. وندی، جان و مایکل دارلینگ در خانه ای دوست داشتنی در لندن زندگی می کنند. Wendy, John e Michael Darling vivem numa linda casa em Londres. Wendy, John in Michael Darling živijo v čudoviti hiši v Londonu. 温迪、约翰和迈克尔达林住在伦敦一栋漂亮的房子里。 They have got a big, sunny nursery. |||a||| ||||большая||детская комната |||||مشمس| Tienen un vivero grande y soleado. آنها یک مهد کودک بزرگ و آفتابی دارند. Ils disposent d'une grande pépinière ensoleillée. Têm um viveiro grande e ensolarado. Imajo velik, sončen vrtec. There are colourful pictures and a big clock on the wall. na zdi|||||velký||||| ||яркие|||||||| ||ملونة|||||||| Hay cuadros de colores y un gran reloj en la pared. تصاویر رنگارنگ و یک ساعت بزرگ روی دیوار وجود دارد. Il y a des images colorées et une grande horloge sur le mur. Há imagens coloridas e um grande relógio na parede. Na steni so pisane slike in velika ura. There are toys here and there. jsou||||| ||игрушки||| ||الألعاب||| Il y a des jouets ici et là. Há brinquedos aqui e ali. Tu in tam so igrače. The Darlings are a happy family. |Дорогие|||| |الأعزاء|||| Os Darlings são uma família feliz. Darlingovi so srečna družina. Mr Darling and Mrs Darling love their children very much. |||السيدة|||||| Gospod Darling in gospa Darling imata zelo rada svoje otroke. Wendy is the first child, John is the second and Michael is the third. Wendy|||||||||a|||| |||первая|||||второй|||||третий Wendy je prvi otrok, John drugi in Michael tretji.

The children's nanny is called Nana and she is a big Newfoundland dog! Ta||chůva|||||ona|||velká|newfoundlandský pes| ||няня|||Няня Нана||||||Ньюфаундленд| |الأطفال|مربية الأطفال|||نانا||||||نيوفاوندلاند| ||유모|||||||||| |||||||||||dog breed| ¡La niñera de los niños se llama Nana y es una gran perra Terranova! La nounou des enfants s'appelle Nana et c'est un gros chien de Terre-Neuve ! A ama das crianças chama-se Nana e ela é uma grande cadela da Terra Nova! Varuška otrok se imenuje Nana in je velika novofundlandka! Her kennel is in the nursery and she is a wonderful nanny. její|kotec|||||||||| |собачья будка||||детский сад||||||няня для детей |بيتها للكلاب|||||||||| |dog house|||||||||| |개집||||유아원|||||| Su perrera está en la guardería y es una niñera maravillosa. O seu canil está no berçário e ela é uma ama maravilhosa. She loves the children and the children love her. Ela ama as crianças e as crianças adoram-na. Rada ima otroke in otroci imajo radi njo.

One evening Mr and Mrs Darling want to go to a dinner party. ||||||chtějí||jít|||| Uma noite, o Sr. e a Sra. Darling querem ir a um jantar. Nekega večera želita gospod in gospa Darling iti na večerjo. They have their best clothes on. oni||||| Ils portent leurs plus beaux vêtements. Têm as suas melhores roupas vestidas. Imajo svoja najboljša oblačila.

'Nana, it's time to put the children to bed,' says Mrs Darling. |je|||||||||| ||||уложить||||||| 'Nana, es hora de acostar a los niños', dice la señora Darling. Nana, é hora de pôr as crianças na cama", diz a Sra. Darling. 'Nana, čas je, da daš otroke spat,' pravi gospa Darling.

Nana goes to the bathroom. ||||تذهب نانا إلى الحمام Nana va al baño. Nana va aux toilettes. A avó vai à casa de banho. Nana gre v kopalnico. She turns on the hot water for Michael's bath. Ona|||||||| |||||||Майкла| ||||الساخن|||| Ella enciende el agua caliente para el baño de Michael. Prižge toplo vodo za Michaelovo kopel. She puts her paw in the water to check the temperature. ona|||||||aby||| |||лапа|||||||температуру воды |||مخلبها|||||||درجة الحرارة |||hand or foot||||||| Mete la pata en el agua para comprobar la temperatura. Elle met sa patte dans l'eau pour en vérifier la température. Postavi tačko v vodo, da preveri temperaturo. It's perfect! ¡Es perfecto! Popoln je!

'I don't want to have a bath!' ¡No quiero bañarme! "Não quero tomar banho! 'Nočem se kopati!' says little Michael. diz o pequeno Michael. pravi mali Michael.

But Nana is a firm nanny and Michael has his bath. |||a||||||| ||||строгая|няня||||| ||||strict|||||| ||||단호한|||||| Pero Nana es una niñera firme y Michael tiene su baño. Mais Nana est une nounou ferme et Michael a son bain. Mas Nana é uma ama firme e Michael tem o seu banho. Toda Nana je pridna varuška in Michael ima svojo kopel.

Then Nana gives the children their pyjamas. ||||||пижамы ||||||sleepwear Luego Nana les da a los niños sus pijamas. Depois Nana dá às crianças o seu pijama. Nato Nana da otrokom njihove pižame. Now they are ready for bed. teď||||| Ahora están listos para la cama. Agora estão prontos para dormir. Zdaj sta pripravljena na spanje.

Mrs Darling comes into the nursery and smiles. |||||children's room||grins warmly La señora Darling entra en la guardería y sonríe. A Sra. Darling entra no berçário e sorri. Gospa Darling pride v otroško sobo in se nasmehne. 'Good work, Nana! 'Dobro delo, Nana! I see the children are ready for bed.' Vejo que as crianças estão prontas para dormir'. Vidim, da so otroci pripravljeni na spanje.« Nana wags her big tail. Nana|||| |виляет||| |moves back and forth|||appendage for wagging Nana mueve su gran cola. Nana remue sa grosse queue. A avó abana a sua grande cauda. Nana maha z velikim repom.

Suddenly there is a noise. De repente se oye un ruido. Soudain, un bruit se fait entendre. De repente, há um ruído. Nenadoma se zasliši hrup. Mrs Darling sees a young boy outside the nursery window. ||||молодой||снаружи||| A Sra. Darling vê um jovem rapaz do lado de fora da janela do berçário. She is very surprised. Ela está muito surpreendida. Nana barks and shuts the window quickly. Nana|||||| |лает||закрывает||| |||closes||| Nana aboie et ferme rapidement la fenêtre. A avó ladra e fecha a janela rapidamente. The boy's shadow falls on the floor. ta|||||| |||падает||| |of the boy||is cast||| La sombra del niño cae al suelo. L'ombre du garçon tombe sur le sol. A sombra do rapaz cai sobre o chão. The young boy flies away. ten|||| |||летит| |||soars| Le jeune garçon s'envole. O jovem rapaz voa para longe. 'Who's there?' Qui est là ? Quem está lá? asks Mrs Darling. pergunta a Sra. Darling. She opens the window and looks outside, but she sees nothing. ona|||||||ale||| Ela abre a janela e olha para fora, mas não vê nada. Then she sees the boy's shadow on the floor and says, 'Poor boy, this is his shadow. ||||||||||||||||тень мальчика Elle voit alors l'ombre du garçon sur le sol et dit : "Pauvre garçon, c'est son ombre. Depois vê a sombra do rapaz no chão e diz: 'Pobre rapaz, esta é a sua sombra'. Let's put it in the drawer.' |||do||zásuvka |||||давайте положим это в ящик |||||storage compartment Mettons-le dans le tiroir". Vamos pô-lo na gaveta'.

The children are in bed. As crianças estão na cama. Mr Darling takes Nana to the garden. ||||||outdoor area Sr. Darling leva Nana para o jardim. Then he goes to the sitting room and waits for Mrs Darling. Il se rend ensuite dans le salon et attend Mme Darling. Depois vai para a sala de estar e espera pela Sra. Darling.

Mrs Darling sings to the children and kisses them. paní|||||||| |||||||поцелуи|их |||||||gives them kisses| Mme Darling chante pour les enfants et les embrasse. A Sra. Darling canta para as crianças e beija-as. She is a perfect mother. ona|||| Ela é uma mãe perfeita. Soon the three children are sleeping. Em breve as três crianças estão a dormir. Mr and Mrs Darling go to their bedroom. |||||||master bedroom O Sr. e a Sra. Darling vão para o seu quarto. They put on their coats and go to the dinner party. |надевают||||||||| Ils enfilent leur manteau et se rendent au dîner. Vestem os seus casacos e vão ao jantar.

Chapter two Capítulo dois

**The Shadow** ta|

The children are sleeping and dreaming. Ty||||| |||||мечтая |||||having visions As crianças estão a dormir e a sonhar. Suddenly the window opens. A small ball of light enters the nursery and flies around. |||||влетает в||||летает|вокруг Une petite boule de lumière entre dans la crèche et vole autour d'elle. Uma pequena bola de luz entra no berçário e voa em redor. It is a lovely fairy called Tinker Bell. ||||víla||| |||прекрасная|||Тинкер| ||||magical creature||Fixer or creator| Il s'agit d'une charmante fée appelée Clochette. She is looking for something. ona|||| Ela está à procura de algo. After a moment a young boy enters the nursery and says, 'Tink, where are you? |||||||||||Тинк||| |||||||||||Tinker Bell||located at| Após um momento, um jovem entra no berçário e diz: "Sininho, onde estás? Please find my shadow.' |||sombra Veuillez trouver mon ombre". Por favor, encontre a minha sombra".

Tinker Bell finds his shadow in the drawer and gives it to him. Тинкер Белл|||||||ящик||||| Clochette trouve son ombre dans le tiroir et la lui donne. A Sininho encontra a sua sombra na gaveta e dá-lha. 'Now I can stick the shadow to my feet with some soap,' he thinks. |||||||||||mýdlo|| |||||||||||мыло|| |||attach||||||||adhesive substance|| Maintenant, je peux coller l'ombre à mes pieds avec du savon", pense-t-il. "Agora posso colar a sombra aos meus pés com sabão", pensa ele. He tries and tries again, but he can't. Ele tenta e tenta novamente, mas não consegue. He is very confused and starts crying. on|||||| |||сбит с толку||| |||bewildered||| Il est très confus et se met à pleurer. Ele está muito confuso e começa a chorar.

Wendy wakes up and sees the boy but she is not afraid. ||||||||ona||| |awakens|||||||||| Wendy se réveille et voit le garçon, mais elle n'a pas peur. Wendy acorda e vê o rapaz, mas não tem medo. His clothes are made of leaves. |||||листья Ses vêtements sont faits de feuilles. As suas roupas são feitas de folhas. 'Little boy, why are you crying?' ||proč||| Rapazinho, porque estás a chorar? Wendy asks. pergunta Wendy.

The boy takes off his cap and asks, 'What's your name?' ten|||||||||| |||||кепка||||| ||tira|tira||boné||||| El niño se quita la gorra y pregunta: '¿Cómo te llamas?' Le garçon enlève sa casquette et demande : "Quel est ton nom ?". O rapaz tira o boné e pergunta: 'Qual é o seu nome?

'Wendy Moira Angela Darling. |Мойра|| |Destiny or Fate|Middle name| "Wendy Moira Angela Darling. What's yours?' Qual é o seu?

'Peter Pan.' |The Lost Boy

'Is that all?' C'est tout ? "É tudo?

'Yes!' says Peter. déclare Peter. Then he thinks, 'My name is very, very short.' ||||||||krátké Puis il se dit : "Mon nom est très, très court". Depois pensa: "O meu nome é muito, muito curto".

Wendy looks at his shadow and asks, 'Can I help you with your shadow?' Венди||||||||||||| Wendy regarde son ombre et demande : "Je peux t'aider avec ton ombre ?

'Yes, please!' says Peter.

Wendy gets her sewing basket and sews on Peter's shadow. |берёт||шитьё|||шьет||Петра| |||stitching fabric together|||stitches together||| |pega|sua|costura|cesta||costura|||sombra Wendy coge su cesto de costura y cose sobre la sombra de Peter. Wendy pega no seu cesto de costura e costura à sombra de Peter.

After a few minutes she says, 'Finished! Após alguns minutos, ela diz: 'Acabou! Now you have your shadow again.' Maintenant, tu as de nouveau ton ombre". Agora tem de novo a sua sombra'.

Peter looks at the floor and sees his shadow. Petr|||||||| Peter olha para o chão e vê a sua sombra. He is very happy and dances around the room. on|||||||| |||||танцует||| |||||moves energetically||| Ele é muito feliz e dança à volta da sala.

'Oh, Wendy, you are wonderful!' 'Oh, Wendy, és maravilhosa!' says Peter.

'Do you really think so?' veríš|||| Tu crois vraiment que c'est le cas ? "Acha mesmo que sim? asks Wendy.

'Yes,' says Peter.

Wendy smiles and gives Peter a kiss on the cheek. Wendy|||||na|||| |||||||||щеку ||||||peck on cheek|||side of face |||||||||bochecha Wendy sorri e dá um beijo na bochecha a Peter.

'Oh!' says Peter. 'How nice!' Que bom!

'How old are you, Peter?' 'Quantos anos tens, Peter? asks Wendy.

'I don't know, but I am young. "Não sei, mas sou jovem. I don't want to grow up. Eu não quero crescer. I always want to be a boy and have fun.' ||||||||se bavit| Eu quero ser sempre um rapaz e divertir-me".

Peter looks around the room for his fairy. Petr||||||| Peter olha à volta da sala para a sua fada. He hears a noise and looks in a drawer. on|||||||| ||||||||ящик |ouve||barulho||||| Il entend un bruit et regarde dans un tiroir. Ouve um ruído e olha numa gaveta. Tinker Bell flies out. Clochette s'envole. Sininho voa para fora. Wendy is delighted to see a fairy, but Tinker Bell is afraid. Wendy||potěšena||||||||| ||в восторге||||||Динь-Динь||| Wendy est ravie de voir une fée, mais Clochette a peur. Wendy está encantada por ver uma fada, mas a Sininho está com medo. She hides behind the big clock. ona||||| |прячется|||| |se esconde|atrás||| Elle se cache derrière la grande horloge. Ela esconde-se atrás do relógio grande.

'Where do you live, Peter?' Onde é que vives, Peter? asks Wendy.

'I live in Neverland with the Lost Boys,' says Peter. |||Země nezem|||||| |||Неверленд|||||| Je vis à Neverland avec les Garçons Perdus", dit Peter. Eu vivo na Terra do Nunca com os Rapazes Perdidos", diz o Peter.

'Neverland? The Lost Boys? Who are they?' kdo|| Qui sont-ils ? asks Wendy.

'The Lost Boys haven't got a mother or father. ti|||||||| Les garçons perdus n'ont ni père ni mère. Os Rapazes Perdidos não têm mãe nem pai. They are alone in the world and they live in Neverland. oni|||||||||| Eles estão sozinhos no mundo e vivem na Terra do Nunca. I am their Captain. |||kapitán Eu sou o capitão deles. In Neverland we fight the pirates. v|||||piráty Na Terra do Nunca lutamos contra os piratas. We also swim in the lagoon with the beautiful mermaids. my|||||laguně||||mořské panny |||||лагуне||||русалки Também nadamos na lagoa com as belas sereias. Fairies live in the trees in the forest. víly||||||| феи||||||| As fadas vivem nas árvores da floresta. The fairies are my friends,' says Peter. Ty|víly|||||

'Oh, what fun!' says Wendy.

'I must go back now. Je dois rentrer maintenant. "Tenho de voltar agora. I must tell the Lost Boys a story. |devo|contar||||| Je dois raconter une histoire aux Garçons Perdus. Tenho de contar uma história aos Rapazes Perdidos. They love stories,' says Peter. oni|||| Ils aiment les histoires", déclare Peter.

'Don't go away! neodcházej|| Ne partez pas ! Não se vão embora! I know a lot of stories,' says Wendy. ||hodně|||příběhů|| Je connais beaucoup d'histoires", déclare Wendy. Conheço muitas histórias", diz Wendy.

'Then come with me, Wendy. |venha||| Alors viens avec moi, Wendy. Então vem comigo, Wendy. You can tell us stories. ty|||| Vous pouvez nous raconter des histoires. Pode contar-nos histórias. We all want a mother. my všichni|||| Nous voulons tous une mère. Todos queremos uma mãe. Please come,' says Peter. Por favor, vem", diz Peter.

'But I can't fly,' says Wendy. Ale||||| |||летать|| Mas eu não posso voar", diz Wendy.

'I can teach you to fly,' says Peter. "Posso ensinar-te a voar", diz Peter.

'Can you teach John and Michael to fly too?' můžeš|||||||| Podes ensinar o João e o Miguel a voar também?

'Yes, of course,' says Peter. Sim, claro", diz o Peter.

'John! 'John! Michael! Wake up! Acorda! This is Peter Pan. C'est Peter Pan. He's from Neverland. It's a beautiful place,' says Wendy. tohle je||||| É um sítio lindo", diz Wendy.

John and Michael are very surprised. Jan||||| João e Miguel ficam muito surpreendidos.

'We can go there with him. my můžeme||||| Podemos ir lá com ele. But first we must learn to fly,' Wendy says. Ale||||||||

Wendy, John and Michael are very excited. Wendy|||||| ||||||в восторге A Wendy, o John e o Michael estão muito entusiasmados. They try to fly but fall on the beds and on the floor. oni||||||||||na|| Tentam voar mas caem nas camas e no chão.

'No, no,' says Peter. 'Here is some fairy dust.' tady|||| Voici de la poussière de fée. 'Aqui está um pouco de pó de fada'. He puts some fairy dust on their shoulders. on||||||| |||||||плечи Il met de la poussière de fée sur leurs épaules.

'Now try again,' says Peter. teď||||

'Look, I can fly!' Podívej se||| says Wendy.

'I can too,' says John.

'Me too,' says little Michael.

'Tink, show us the way to Neverland,' says Peter. |ukaž|||||||

They follow Tinker Bell and fly out of the nursery window. Ils suivent la fée Clochette et s'envolent par la fenêtre de la crèche. In the garden Nana looks at the sky and barks. v|||Nana|||||| |||||||||лает

Mr and Mrs Darling return from the dinner party. pan|||||||| M. et Mme Darling reviennent du dîner. They go into the nursery, but it is empty! oni|||||||| ||||||||пустая ||||berçário||||vazio Ils vont dans la chambre d'enfant, mais elle est vide !


**The Neverland**

Wendy, John and Michael fly over cities, towns, mountains, forests and seas. ||||||города|||леса||моря

Finally they see an island in the sea below them. |||nějaký|||||| ||||остров|в|||| Enfin, ils aperçoivent une île dans la mer au-dessous d'eux.

'Look, that's Neverland,' says Peter.

'Neverland!' say the children.

In Neverland the Lost Boys live in the forest in a secret underground home. |||||||||v|||| ||||||||||||подземный| There are six Lost Boys: Slightly Soiled, Tootles, Nibs, Curly and the Twins. |||||Slightly||||||| |||||Чуть-чуть|Испачканный|Тутлз|Нибс|Кудрявый|||Близнецы |||||Slightly Soiled|slightly dirty||Nibs|||| Hay seis Lost Boys: Slightly Soiled, Tootles, Nibs, Curly y los Twins. Il y a six garçons perdus : Slightly Soiled, Tootles, Nibs, Curly et les Twins. They are waiting for Peter. ||ждут||

Suddenly they hear the voices of the pirates. ||||голоса||| |||||||the pirates Soudain, ils entendent les voix des pirates. Nibs is very brave. Нибс очень храбр.|||смелый Nibs est très courageux. He goes out, hides behind a tree and looks around him. on jde|||||||||| |||прячется||||||| Sale, se esconde detrás de un árbol y mira a su alrededor. Il sort, se cache derrière un arbre et regarde autour de lui. He sees the horrible pirates. on|||| |||ужасные| They are walking in the forest. Ils se promènent dans la forêt. They are big and ugly. oni|||| ||||Они большие и уродливые. Their pirate ship is the Jolly Roger. |pirátská||||| ||корабль|||Весёлый Роджер|Рожер Su barco pirata es el Jolly Roger. Leur bateau pirate est le Jolly Roger.

The pirates' captain is James Hook. Ten||||| ||||Джеймс|Крюк Le capitaine des pirates est James Hook. He is a cruel pirate and a very bad man. On||než||||než||| |||жестокий||||очень|| |||harsh|||||| He's got black eyes, black hair and a black beard. on má|||||||černou|| |||||волосы||||борода |||||||||검은 수염 He hates Peter Pan. |ненавидит|| He's only got one arm. on má|||| |только|имеет||рука Ele|||| Il n'a qu'un seul bras. The other is a hook! ta|||jiný| ||||крючок ¡El otro es un gancho! In the past Peter Pan cut off Captain Hook's right arm during a fight. ||||Pan|odsekl|||||||| ||в прошлом|||отрезал||Капитан|Крюка|правая рука|рука|во время||драка En el pasado, Peter Pan le cortó el brazo derecho al Capitán Garfio durante una pelea. Dans le passé, Peter Pan a coupé le bras droit du capitaine Crochet au cours d'un combat. A crocodile ate the arm. Krokodýl|||| |Крокодил съел руку.|съел||рука Un crocodile a mangé le bras. Now the crocodile follows Captain Hook everywhere because he wants to eat him. |||||||protože||||| |||следует за|||повсюду|||||| Maintenant, le crocodile suit le capitaine Crochet partout parce qu'il veut le manger. The crocodile has an alarm clock in its stomach! ten|||||||| ||||будильник|Часы|||живот Le crocodile a un réveil dans l'estomac ! Captain Hook can always hear it.

'I know the Lost Boys live in this forest. We must find them and Peter Pan!' Nous devons les retrouver et retrouver Peter Pan ! says Captain Hook.

'Tick, tock, tick, tock!' тик|тук||тук Captain Hook hears the alarm clock. Le capitaine Crochet entend le réveil.

'Oh, no, the crocodile is coming to eat me!' ||ten|||||| |||крокодил||||| says Captain Hook. He runs away and the pirates follow him. on||||||| ||||||следуют за ним| Huye y los piratas le siguen. Il s'enfuit et les pirates le suivent.

Soon some Indians arrive in the forest. ||Индейцы|приходят|||лес Bientôt, des Indiens arrivent dans la forêt. They are looking for the pirates. oni||||| |||||Они ищут пиратов. Ils recherchent les pirates. The pirates are their enemy. ti|||| ||||враг Tiger Lily is their leader. Тигр|Тигровая Лилия|||лидер Tiger Lily es su líder. Tiger Lily est leur chef. She is the beautiful daughter of the Indian chief. Ona|||||||| ||||дочь|||индийского|вождь индейцев She loves Peter Pan. Tinker Bell and Wendy love him too. Тинкер Белл|||||| The Indians go away and the Lost Boys return to play in the forest. Les Indiens s'en vont et les Enfants Perdus retournent jouer dans la forêt.

Then Nibs looks at the sky and says, 'Look, there is a lovely white bird in the sky.' ||||||||podívej|tam|||||||| |Нибс|||||||||||прекрасная||||| Nibs regarde le ciel et dit : "Regarde, il y a un bel oiseau blanc dans le ciel".

'Is it really a bird?' je|||| the Lost Boys ask.

Tinker Bell says, 'Yes, yes, it's a bird. La fée Clochette répond : "Oui, oui, c'est un oiseau. It's a Wendy bird. Es un pájaro Wendy. You must shoot it!' |должен|Ты должен выстрелить!|его ¡Debes dispararle! Vous devez l'abattre ! Sometimes Tink is a bad fairy. |||||фея She knows it is Wendy, but she doesn't like her.

Nibs takes his bow and arrow and shoots Wendy. Nibs||své|luk||šipka||| |||лук||стрела||стреляет|Венди |pega||||||| Nibs coge su arco y flecha y dispara a Wendy. Poor Wendy falls to the ground. |||||земля La pobre Wendy cae al suelo. The Lost Boys see Wendy and say, 'She's not a bird! She's a lovely girl.'

Peter flies down with John and Michael and asks, 'Where is Wendy?' Peter vuela con John y Michael y pregunta: '¿Dónde está Wendy?'

Tootles says, 'Here she is.'

Peter goes over to her and asks, 'Wendy, are you all right?' Wendy slowly opens her eyes and smiles. Wendy|||||| 'Yes, but I'm very tired,' she says. ||||«Да, но я очень устала», — говорит она.||

The Lost Boys are sorry. ||||сожалеют Los Niños Perdidos lo sienten. They decide to build her a little house. oni||||||| |решают||построить||||

When the house is ready Wendy says, 'What a lovely little house! |||||||jak|||| Cuando la casa está lista, Wendy dice: '¡Qué hermosa casita! Thank you.'

'Can you be our mother now? můžeš||||| '¿Puedes ser nuestra madre ahora? Can you tell us bedtime stories before we go to bed?' můžeš||||||před|||| ||||на ночь|||||| asks Nibs.

'Of course,' says Wendy. 'Come in and I can tell you the story of Cinderella.' Vstupte|||||||||| ||||||||||Золушка

They enter, sit down and listen to Wendy's story. Oni|||||||| |||||||Уэнди| It is a wonderful story. tohle||||

Peter Pan is outside the house with his sword. Petr|||||||| ||||||||меч He wants to protect Wendy and the Lost Boys. on||||||||


**The Mermaid's Lagoon** Laguna|| |Русалочья|Лагуна русалки La laguna de las sirenas La lagune des sirènes

One summer evening Peter, Wendy, John, Michael and the Lost Boys go to the Mermaid's Lagoon. Jedno||||||||||||||| Beautiful mermaids live here and they are Peter's friends. Krásné|||||||| De magnifiques sirènes vivent ici et sont les amies de Peter. They swim and play in the blue lagoon. oni||||v||| ||||||голубой| Then they sit on Marooner's Rock to comb their long hair. ||||||aby|||| ||||Скалой Мародёров|Скала|||||волосы Luego se sientan en Marooner's Rock para peinarse el pelo largo. They sit in the sun and laugh. oni|||||| ||||||смеются Se sientan al sol y ríen.

The children like the mermaids and John says, 'I want to catch one!' Ty|||||||||||| ||||русалки|||||||поймать| A los niños les gustan las sirenas y John dice: '¡Quiero atrapar una!' Детям нравятся русалки, а Джон говорит: "Я хочу поймать одну!". He tries, but the mermaid jumps into the water. on|||||||| Lo intenta, pero la sirena salta al agua.

Peter says, 'It is very difficult to catch a mermaid.' ||to||||||nějakou| |||||трудно||поймать||

Suddenly someone says, 'Look, the pirates are coming!' ||||ti||| Вдруг|кто-то||||||

A small boat with two pirates is coming to the lagoon. malá loď|||||||||| ||лодка|||||||| John, Michael and the Lost Boys jump off the rock and swim away. |||ty||||||||plavou| John, Michael y los Niños Perdidos saltan de la roca y se alejan nadando. But Wendy stays with Peter. They hide behind the rock. oni|||| |прячутся|за|| Se esconden detrás de la roca. Peter sees Tiger Lily. Peter zagleda Tiger Lily. She is sitting in the small boat. ona|||||| Poor Tiger Lily is a prisoner of the pirates. Бедная|||||узник|||

'Let's leave her on this rock. Dejémosla en esta roca. Laissons-la sur ce rocher. When the sea rises, she will die!' až|||||| ||||||умрёт Quand la mer montera, elle mourra". says Smee. |Сми The two pirates laugh. ti||| It is already night and it is very dark. už|||||||| Ya es de noche y está muy oscuro.

Peter wants to save Tiger Lily and thinks of something intelligent. |||||||myslí||| ||||||||||умный Peter quiere salvar a Tiger Lily y piensa en algo inteligente. Peter veut sauver Tiger Lily et pense à quelque chose d'intelligent. He imitates Captain Hook's voice and says, 'Cut the ropes and let her go! on|||||||přestřih|||||| |подражает|||голос капитана Крюка|||||верёвки|и||| Imita la voz del Capitán Garfio y dice: '¡Corten las cuerdas y suéltenla! Do as I say, you idiots! dělejte||||| |||||идиоты ¡Hagan lo que les digo, idiotas! Faites ce que je dis, bande d'idiots ! Let her go!' Nech|| Laissez-la partir ! The two pirates are amazed. ti|||| ||||удивлены Los dos piratas están asombrados.

'Can you hear Hook's voice?' můžeš|||| ¿Puedes oír la voz de Garfio? Entendez-vous la voix de Crochet ? asks Smee. pregunta Smee.

'Yes, but what do we do?' ||co||| 'Sí, pero ¿qué hacemos?' Oui, mais qu'est-ce qu'on fait ? asks Starkey. |спрашивает Старки.

'We must obey him and cut the ropes,' says Smee. my||||||||| ||подчиняться|||||веревки||Сми "Debemos obedecerle y cortar las cuerdas", dice Smee.

They cut the ropes and Tiger Lily is free. Oni|||||||| She quickly jumps into the water and swims away. ona|||||||| |||||||плывёт проч| Elle saute rapidement dans l'eau et s'éloigne à la nage.

Captain Hook sees everything and he is furious. |||||||в ярости Le capitaine Crochet voit tout et est furieux.

'That horrid Peter Pan! ten|hrozný|| |ужасный|| This time I must attack him,' he says. tentokrát||||||| ||||атаковать||| Esta vez debo atacarlo', dice. Cette fois, je dois l'attaquer", dit-il.

He swims to the rock and fights with Peter. on|||||||| ||||||дерется|| It is a long fight. to|||| Es una lucha larga.

The Captain hurts Peter with his hook, but Peter fights courageously. ten||||||háček|ale||| ||ранит||||||||смело Le capitaine blesse Peter avec son crochet, mais Peter se bat courageusement. At last, Peter wins the fight and Hook swims back to the Jolly Roger. Konečně||||||||||||| Por fin, Peter gana la pelea y Garfio nada de regreso al Jolly Roger. Finalement, Peter gagne le combat et Crochet retourne à la nage vers le Jolly Roger. Peter is now alone on the rock with Wendy. Petr|||||||| ||||||||Уэнди

'The sea is rising and we are in great danger here. Ta|||||my jsme|||velkém|| |||поднимается||||||| La mer monte et nous sommes en grand danger. We must leave this rock,' says Peter. musíme|||||| Nous devons quitter ce rocher", dit Pierre.

'Oh, Peter, I am very tired and I cannot swim or fly.'

He sees a big kite with a long tail. on||jednu||drak|||| ||||воздушный зм||||хвост Ve una cometa grande con una cola larga. Il voit un grand cerf-volant avec une longue queue. It is flying slowly over the lagoon. to|||||| ||||над||лагуне Está volando lentamente sobre la laguna. Il vole lentement au-dessus de la lagune. He takes the tail of the kite and says, 'Wendy, hold on to this tail and fly away with the kite.' on|||||||||Wendy||||||||||| ||||||||||держись за|||||||||| Toma la cola de la cometa y dice: 'Wendy, agárrate a esta cola y vuela lejos con la cometa'. Wendy flies away. Wendy|| Wendy s'envole.

'The sea is rising. |||поднимается La mer monte. Море поднимается. I must fly away,' Peter thinks. Je dois m'envoler", pense Peter. When he gets home everyone is happy to see him especially Wendy. až||||||||||| ||||||||||особенно|

Chapter five

**The Underground Home** podzemní|| |Подземный дом| La maison souterraine

The Underground Home is a secret place. ta||||a|| No one knows where it is. nikdo||||| It is a happy, warm place. tohle||||| There is only one room with a big fireplace. Tam|||||||| ||||||||камин Il n'y a qu'une seule pièce avec une grande cheminée. Tinker Bell has her tiny room too. ||||крошечная|| La fée Clochette a aussi sa petite chambre.

Wendy is a perfect mother. Wendy|||| Уэнди|||| She cooks and sews for everyone. ona||||pro| |готовит||шьёт|| |||makes clothing|| She also tells beautiful bedtime stories. ona||||| ||рассказывает||на ночь| Она также рассказывает прекрасные сказки на ночь. The Lost Boys are happy because they finally have a mother. ti|||||protože||||| |||||||наконец-то||| ||||||||||mãe John and Michael are happy because there is a new adventure every day. ||||||||každý den||||