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E-Books (english-e-reader), Ned Kelly a True Story (1)

Ned Kelly a True Story (1)


In the prison in Melbourne, Australia, a young man has visitors - his mother, a brother, and two sisters. Nobody is saying very much. There is only one word to say, and the word is 'Goodbye'.

Because the young man is Ned Kelly, the most famous outlaw in all Australia. And tomorrow morning the prison officers are going to put a rope around his neck and hang him until he is dead.

This is Ned Kelly's story...


Ned's Young Days

JULY, 1865. The story begins in Avenel, a small town north of Melbourne. Ned Kelly lives here with his parents, John and Ellen Kelly. Ned is ten years old, the oldest boy of the seven Kelly children. He has two brothers, Jim and Dan, and four sisters - Anne, Maggie, Kate, and Grace.


'Where's your father, boy?' Ellen Kelly called out to her son one evening. 'Is he on the road? Can you see him?'

Ned Kelly looked out of the door. 'No, Ma,' he said. 'I can't see him.'

Ned's father came home late, and he came in quietly.

'Ellen,' he said, 'come with me. I need your help. There's a dead cow by the trees on the hill. We must cut it up and bring it home.'

'Oh, John, is it one of our cows?' his wife asked. 'How did it die?'

'It's one of Morgan's cows, and I killed it,' John said. 'So we must be quick, before he comes looking for it.'

'Oh, you fool!' said Ellen.

In the children's bed in the next room, Ned listened to this. It was a small house, with only two rooms, and you could hear everything. Ned was pleased about the dead cow. They didn't often have meat to eat, and the children were always hungry.

But dead cows bring trouble. Three days later there was a policeman at the door. 'John Kelly, you killed Morgan's cow, and I'm taking you to prison...'

That was the end of school for Ned Kelly. He was the man of the family now. He helped his mother, and he worked on the Kellys' farm. The farm was not very big, and life was not easy for the Kellys.

John Kelly and Ellen Quinn were from Ireland. They first met in Melbourne, and then came north, to find land for a farm. Many other Irish people did the same thing. Everybody wanted land, but some people had a lot more land than other people. It was a hard, wild life. There was a lot of drinking, a lot of fighting, a lot of stealing - horses, cows, dead or alive...

John Kelly was in prison for six months. Prison was not good for him, and when he came out, he began to drink. A year and a half later he was dead.

'What are we going to do now, Ma?' Ned asked.

Ellen thought about it. She was a tall, strong woman, and all her life she was a fighter. She had twelve children in the end and was ninety-three years old when she died.

'We must leave here,' she said. 'We must go to the northeast, and live near my family.'


The Kellys' new house was at Eleven Mile Creek, near Greta. They had some animals and a small garden, and Ned worked hard to get money for the family. He could do farming work, take care of horses and cows, cut down trees.

But trouble was never far away. The police did not like the wild Kelly boys, or their friends. In 1870, when Ned was fifteen, he hit a man very hard in a fight, and the police put him in prison for six months.

The next year something worse happened. Ned was in the town of Greta on a brown horse when Policeman Hall came up to him.

'Ned Kelly, you get down and come with me. You stole that horse and I'm taking you to prison.'

'That's not true,' said Ned, and then there was a terrible fight. Policeman Hall had a gun and Ned did not, but Ned was the better fighter. In the end Hall called for help and five men came to help him.

Next day they took Ned down to Wangaratta and he went in front of the judge.

'It's not my horse, it belongs to a man called Wild Wright,' Ned told the judge. 'Wright was at my mother's house, and his horse ran away. He needed a horse so I gave him one of my horses. And he said to me, "When you find the brown horse, you keep her for me." And so when I found the horse, I kept her.'

'Ned Kelly stole that horse!' Policeman Hall said. 'It belongs to a man in Mansfield, and someone stole it on the 6th of March.'

'Well,' Ned said, 'I was in Beechworth prison up to the 29th of March. How can I steal a horse when I'm in prison? And Wright told me it was his horse - I didn't know it was a stolen horse.'

But it is a crime to have a stolen horse. Wild Wright, of course, stole the horse, and he went to prison for eighteen months. But they put Ned Kelly in prison for three years. When he came back to Eleven Mile Creek in 1874, things were very different.


The Kelly Gang

MAY, 1874. Neds sister Annie is dead; his brother Jim is in prison (five years for stealing cows), and his brother Dan is often in trouble too. There are new faces at home - a new husband, and a new baby, for Neds mother.


'Ned? Is that you? Oh, Ned!' Ellen Kelly ran to the door. Ned, now nineteen years old, tall and strong, was home from prison. He put his arm round his mother.

'Hello, Ma,' he said.

'Oh, Ned, it's good to see you,' said Ellen.

'I heard about Jim,' Ned said. 'And little Annie.'

'Poor, poor Annie,' said his mother. 'She was so ill after she had the baby, and we couldn't do anything to help her. And poor Jim got five years!'

'Yes, that's hard,' said Ned. 'And what about you, Ma? I hear you've got a new husband.' He looked at the sleeping baby in his mother's arms.

'He's a good man, Ned. Little Ellen here - she's his daughter.'

Ned touched the baby's little hand.

'I'm happy for you, Ma. And I'm happy to be back.'


Ned soon found work. He moved from farm to farm, cutting down trees and helping with the horses and cows. He often came home to see his mother, and he and George King, Ellen's new husband, were soon friends. George was from California, and was only five years older than Ned.

On one visit home, Ned talked to George about the police. 'Why do they give me all this trouble?' he said.

'I don't know,' said George. 'They just don't like you.'

'It's true,' Ned said. 'When somebody loses a cow or a horse, the police always come to me with their questions. Then they go to my mother's house and ask her questions. And they always go late at night, when you're all in bed. It isn't right.'

'Well, come and work with me,' said George. 'Why not? You're good with horses, and I don't have any trouble with the police.'

'What work are you planning to do?' said Ned.

'Sell horses - lots of them.'

'And where are you going to get all these horses from, George?' asked Ned.

George smiled. And Ned laughed.


It was exciting work. 'We stole 280 horses,' Ned said later. 'Then we took them across the Murray River and sold them in New South Wales for a lot of money.'

The police got angrier and angrier. They couldn't stop the stealing, and they couldn't catch Ned Kelly or George King with the stolen horses.

In August 1877 a new policeman came to Benalla. Alex Fitzpatrick liked horses, girls, and drink, and for some weeks he and Ned were friends. Ned's sister Kate was a beautiful girl with long black hair. She liked Fitzpatrick too, at first. But soon there were angry words between him and Ned, and then a fight. A policeman could not be a friend of the Kellys for long.

April 1878 came. The police had questions about stolen horses for Dan, and for Ned's best friend, Joe Byrne. So Fitzpatrick rode out to the Kellys' house, to find Dan. Perhaps he wanted to see Kate too - but did Kate want to see him? On his way there he stopped and had two or three drinks. When he arrived at the house, he felt very strong and brave.

'Dan Kelly, you're coming with me to the police station,' he said.

'I'm having my dinner,' said Dan. 'You can wait.'

Fitzpatrick sat at the table, waiting for Dan, but his eyes were on Kate all the time - on her long black hair, on her beautiful body. The small room felt very hot.

Then Kate walked past the table, very near him, and he put his arm around her.

'You're a beautiful girl, Kate,' he said. 'Let's -'

'Take your hands off me!' said Kate.

Suddenly Ned was at the door, with a gun in his hand. He fired at Fitzpatrick and hit him in the wrist.

'Get out!' said Ned. 'Get away from my sister!'

Fitzpatrick ran out of the house and rode through the night back to Benalla.

The next morning there were ten policemen at the door. They found Ellen at home, but not Ned or Dan.

'Ellen Kelly,' they said. 'You and your sons tried to kill Policeman Fitzpatrick.'

'Nobody tried to kill Fitzpatrick!' said Ellen. 'You just want to make trouble for me and my family.' She had a new baby in her arms, her third child by George King. But George did not live with Ellen now.

'Mrs Kelly, where are your sons?' said a policeman.

Ellen looked into the policeman's eyes. 'I don't know,' she said. 'You want them, you go and find them.'


When Ned and Dan left their mother's house that night, they rode away into the Wombat Hills. At Bullock Creek, miles from anywhere, they built a small hut. They lived wild, and looked for gold in the river.

Joe Byrne, Ned's good friend, went with them, because he needed to hide from the police too. And in June, three months later, Steve Hart, another good friend, came out of prison. He, too, got on his horse and rode to Bullock Creek. So there were four of them.

Then, in October, Ellen's brother came to find them, with some terrible news.

'Your mother's going to prison, Ned. For three years. Because she and you and Dan tried to kill Fitzpatrick, the judge said. And the police are looking for you and Dan. Be careful, boys - stay in the hills!'

For a second Ned's eyes were red like fire. He spoke slowly and coldly.

'They can look,' he said, 'but they can't catch me out here.' He looked at his brother Dan and his friends Joe and Steve. 'These policemen, these judges - they're worse than dogs! They put my mother in prison, and what did she do? Nothing! From now on, we're the Kelly gang. We're free men - and we're staying that way. Are you with me, boys?'

And that was the beginning of the Kelly Gang.


Three Dead Men

OCTOBER, 1878. Four policemen ride north from the town of Mansfield, Kennedy, McIntyre, Lonigan, and Scanlon are on their way to Stringybark Creek in the Wombat Hills. They plan to camp there for a week, look for the Kelly Gang - and bring them back to Mansfield, dead or alive.


Very early one morning Ned and Dan left Bullock Creek. Joe and Steve waited at the hut.

'Walk quietly, Dan,' said Ned, 'and listen. I saw horses' tracks near here yesterday, and I think the police are after us.'

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Ned Kelly a True Story (1) Ned Kelly|||| Ned Kelly eine wahre Geschichte (1) Ned Kelly, una historia real (1) Ned Kelly : une histoire vraie (1) ネッド・ケリー実話 (1) 네드 켈리 실화 (1) Prawdziwa historia Neda Kelly'ego (1) Ned Kelly uma História Verdadeira (1) Нед Келли - правдивая история (1) Ned Kelly Gerçek Bir Hikaye (1) Нед Келлі: правдива історія (1) 内德·凯利的真实故事 (1) 內德凱利的真實故事 (1)

IT IS THE YEAR 1880. ЭТО 1880 ГОД.

In the prison in Melbourne, Australia, a young man has visitors - his mother, a brother, and two sisters. V||||||||||návštěvy||||||| В тюрьме города Мельбурн (Австралия) к молодому человеку приходят посетители - его мать, брат и две сестры. Nobody is saying very much. 誰もあまり言っていません。 Никто ничего особенного не говорит. There is only one word to say, and the word is 'Goodbye'. Tam||||||||||| Есть только одно слово, которое можно сказать, и это слово - "Прощай".

Because the young man is Ned Kelly, the most famous outlaw in all Australia. |||||||ten|||zločinec||| 若い男はオーストラリア全土で最も有名な無法者であるネッド・ケリーだからです。 And tomorrow morning the prison officers are going to put a rope around his neck and hang him until he is dead. ||||vězni||||||||||||||||| そして明日の朝、刑務官は彼の首にロープを巻いて、彼が死ぬまで彼を吊るすつもりです。

This is Ned Kelly's story...


Ned's Young Days

JULY, 1865. The story begins in Avenel, a small town north of Melbourne. 物語は、メルボルンの北にある小さな町、アヴェネルから始まります。 Ned Kelly lives here with his parents, John and Ellen Kelly. Ned is ten years old, the oldest boy of the seven Kelly children. |||||ten||||||| ネッドは10歳で、ケリーの7人の子供のうちで一番年上の男の子です。 He has two brothers, Jim and Dan, and four sisters - Anne, Maggie, Kate, and Grace. 彼にはジムとダンの2人の兄弟と、アン、マギー、ケイト、グレースの4人の姉妹がいます。


'Where's your father, boy?' 「お父さん、男の子はどこ?」 Ellen Kelly called out to her son one evening. |Ellen Kelly||||||| エレン・ケリーはある晩、息子に声をかけました。 엘렌 켈리는 어느 날 저녁 아들에게 전화를 걸었습니다. 'Is he on the road? je|||| 「彼は道にいますか? Can you see him?'

Ned Kelly looked out of the door. Ned Kelly|||||| 'No, Ma,' he said. 'I can't see him.'

Ned's father came home late, and he came in quietly. Nedův||||||on přišel||| ネッドの父親は遅く帰宅し、静かにやって来ました。

'Ellen,' he said, 'come with me. 「エレン」と彼は言った、「私と一緒に来なさい。 I need your help. There's a dead cow by the trees on the hill. je||||u||||| 丘の木々のそばに死んだ牛がいます。 We must cut it up and bring it home.' my musíme||na kusy|||||| 私たちはそれを切り取って家に持ち帰らなければなりません。」

'Oh, John, is it one of our cows?' ||je||||| 「ああ、ジョン、それは私たちの牛の一人ですか?」 his wife asked. 'How did it die?' jak|||

'It's one of Morgan's cows, and I killed it,' John said. to je|||||||||| 「それはモーガンの牛の1頭で、私はそれを殺しました」とジョンは言いました。 'So we must be quick, before he comes looking for it.' |myšlenka na||||než|||||

'Oh, you fool!' |ty| 「ああ、あなたはばかだ!」 said Ellen.

In the children's bed in the next room, Ned listened to this. v posteli||||v||||Ned||| It was a small house, with only two rooms, and you could hear everything. tohle||||||||||jste||| Ned was pleased about the dead cow. Ned|||||| They didn't often have meat to eat, and the children were always hungry. oni||||||||ty||||

But dead cows bring trouble. Ale|||| Three days later there was a policeman at the door. tři|||u dveří|||||| 'John Kelly, you killed Morgan's cow, and I'm taking you to prison...' |||||||já||||

That was the end of school for Ned Kelly. To|||||||| それがネッド・ケリーの学校の終わりでした。 네드 켈리의 학교 생활은 그렇게 끝이 났습니다. He was the man of the family now. On||||||| 彼は今家族の人でした。 He helped his mother, and he worked on the Kellys' farm. The farm was not very big, and life was not easy for the Kellys. ta|||||||život||||||

John Kelly and Ellen Quinn were from Ireland. ||||||z| ジョン・ケリーとエレン・クインはアイルランド出身でした。 They first met in Melbourne, and then came north, to find land for a farm. oni|||||||||||půdu||| 彼らは最初にメルボルンで出会い、次に北にやって来て、農場のための土地を見つけました。 Many other Irish people did the same thing. Mnoho||||||| Everybody wanted land, but some people had a lot more land than other people. Všichni||||někteří|||a skutečně|||||| 誰もが土地を欲しがっていましたが、他の人よりもはるかに多くの土地を持っている人もいました。 It was a hard, wild life. tohle||||| 大変でワイルドな生活でした。 There was a lot of drinking, a lot of fighting, a lot of stealing - horses, cows, dead or alive... Bylo tam|||||pití||||bití|hodně||||koně|||| たくさんの飲酒、たくさんの戦い、たくさんの盗みがありました-馬、牛、死んでいるか生きているか... 술도 많이 마시고, 싸움도 많이 하고, 말, 소, 죽었든 살았든 훔치는 일도 많았습니다...

John Kelly was in prison for six months. John||||||| Prison was not good for him, and when he came out, he began to drink. vězení|||||||když||||on||| A year and a half later he was dead. A|||||||| 一年半後、彼は亡くなりました。

'What are we going to do now, Ma?' co||||||| 「私たちは今何をするつもりですか、マ?」 Ned asked.

Ellen thought about it. Ellen(1)||| She was a tall, strong woman, and all her life she was a fighter. Ona|||||||celý svůj|||||| 彼女は背が高くて強い女性であり、生涯を通じて戦闘機でした。 She had twelve children in the end and was ninety-three years old when she died. ona||||||||byla||||||| 彼女は最終的に12人の子供をもうけ、亡くなったときは93歳でした。 그녀는 결국 12명의 자녀를 낳았으며 사망 당시 아흔셋의 나이였습니다.

'We must leave here,' she said. my musíme||||| 'We must go to the northeast, and live near my family.' my musíme||||||a|||| 「私たちは北東に行き、私の家族の近くに住まなければなりません。」 '북동쪽으로 가서 가족 근처에서 살아야 합니다.'


The Kellys' new house was at Eleven Mile Creek, near Greta. ケリーズの新しい家は、グレタ近くのイレブンマイルクリークにありました。 They had some animals and a small garden, and Ned worked hard to get money for the family. oni|||||||||Ned|||||||| He could do farming work, take care of horses and cows, cut down trees. on by mohl|||||a starat se o||||||pokácet|| 彼は農作業をしたり、馬や牛の世話をしたり、木を切り倒したりすることができました。 Çiftçilik yapabilir, atlara ve ineklere bakabilir, ağaç kesebilirdi.

But trouble was never far away. Ale||||| しかし、トラブルは決して遠くはありませんでした。 Ama bela asla uzakta değildi. The police did not like the wild Kelly boys, or their friends. ta||||||||||| 警察は野生のケリーボーイズやその友人たちを好きではありませんでした。 In 1870, when Ned was fifteen, he hit a man very hard in a fight, and the police put him in prison for six months. |když||||on||||||||||ta||||||||

The next year something worse happened. příštím||||| Ned was in the town of Greta on a brown horse when Policeman Hall came up to him. ||||||||na|||když|||||| ネッドは、警官ホールが彼に近づいたとき、茶色の馬に乗ってグレタの町にいました。 네드는 갈색 말을 타고 그레타 마을에 있었을 때 경찰관 홀이 그에게 다가왔습니다.

'Ned Kelly, you get down and come with me. You stole that horse and I'm taking you to prison.' ty||||||||| O atı çaldın ve seni hapse götürüyorum.'

'That's not true,' said Ned, and then there was a terrible fight. to je|||||a|||||| 「それは真実ではない」とネッドは言った、そしてそれからひどい戦いがあった。 Policeman Hall had a gun and Ned did not, but Ned was the better fighter. policista Hall||||||||||Ned(2)||ten|| 警官ホールは銃を持っていたが、ネッドは持っていなかったが、ネッドはより優れた戦闘機だった。 Polis Hall'un silahı vardı, Ned'in yoktu ama Ned daha iyi dövüşüyordu. In the end Hall called for help and five men came to help him. Na konci||||zavolal||||pět||||| Sonunda Hall yardım istedi ve beş adam ona yardıma geldi.

Next day they took Ned down to Wangaratta and he went in front of the judge. |||||||||on|||||| 翌日、彼らはネッドをワンガラッタに連れて行き、彼は裁判官の前に行きました。 На следующий день они отвезли Неда в Вангаратту, и он предстал перед судьей. Ertesi gün Ned'i Wangaratta'ya götürdüler ve Ned yargıcın karşısına çıktı.

'It's not my horse, it belongs to a man called Wild Wright,' Ned told the judge. tohle je||||to||||||||Ned||| 「それは私の馬ではなく、ワイルドライトと呼ばれる男に属しています」とネッドは裁判官に語った。 네드는 판사에게 '내 말이 아니라 와일드 라이트라는 사람의 말'이라고 말했습니다. 'Wright was at my mother's house, and his horse ran away. Wright(1)||||||a|||| 「ライトは私の母の家にいました、そして彼の馬は逃げました。 '라이트가 어머니 집에 있었는데 그의 말이 도망쳤습니다. He needed a horse so I gave him one of my horses. on potřeboval||||tak||||||| 彼は馬を必要としていたので、私は彼に私の馬の1頭を与えました。 And he said to me, "When you find the brown horse, you keep her for me." |||||až||||||ty|||| そして彼は私に言った、「あなたが茶色の馬を見つけたとき、あなたは私のために彼女を飼っている」。 И он сказал мне: "Когда найдешь коричневую лошадь, сохрани ее для меня". Ve bana dedi ki, "Kahverengi atı bulduğunda, onu benim için sakla." And so when I found the horse, I kept her.' A||když||||||| それで、私が馬を見つけたとき、私は彼女を飼いました。

'Ned Kelly stole that horse!' 「ネッド・ケリーがその馬を盗んだ!」 Policeman Hall said. 警官ホールは言った。 'It belongs to a man in Mansfield, and someone stole it on the 6th of March.' to patří||||||||někdo||||||| 「それはマンスフィールドの男性のものであり、誰かが3月6日にそれを盗んだ。」

'Well,' Ned said, 'I was in Beechworth prison up to the 29th of March. 「まあ、」ネッドは言った、「私は3月29日までビーチワース刑務所にいました。 How can I steal a horse when I'm in prison? jak||||||||| 刑務所にいるときにどうやって馬を盗むことができますか? And Wright told me it was his horse - I didn't know it was a stolen horse.' そしてライトはそれが彼の馬だと私に言った-私はそれが盗まれた馬だとは知らなかった。

But it is a crime to have a stolen horse. Ale|to||a|||||| しかし、馬を盗まれるのは犯罪です。 하지만 말을 훔치는 것은 범죄입니다. Ama çalıntı bir ata sahip olmak suçtur. Wild Wright, of course, stole the horse, and he went to prison for eighteen months. ||||||||on|||||| もちろん、ワイルドライトは馬を盗み、18か月間刑務所に入れられました。 물론 와일드 라이트는 말을 훔쳤고 18개월 동안 감옥에 갇혔습니다. Wild Wright tabii ki atı çaldı ve on sekiz ay hapis yattı. But they put Ned Kelly in prison for three years. |oni|||||||| しかし、彼らはネッド・ケリーを3年間刑務所に入れました。 하지만 그들은 네드 켈리를 3년 동안 감옥에 가두었습니다. Ama Ned Kelly'yi üç yıl hapse attılar. When he came back to Eleven Mile Creek in 1874, things were very different. |||||||||věci||| 彼が1874年にイレブンマイルクリークに戻ったとき、状況は非常に異なっていました。 1874년 그가 일레븐 마일 크릭으로 돌아왔을 때 상황은 매우 달랐습니다. Когда в 1874 году он вернулся на Eleven Mile Creek, все было совсем по-другому. 1874'te Eleven Mile Creek'e geri döndüğünde işler çok farklıydı.


The Kelly Gang Kelly Çetesi

MAY, 1874. Neds sister Annie is dead; his brother Jim is in prison (five years for stealing cows), and his brother Dan is often in trouble too. Nedův|||||jeho||||||pět|||||||bratr|||||| There are new faces at home - a new husband, and a new baby, for Neds mother. Jsou||||||nový|||a|nové dítě|||pro Neds matku||


'Ned? Is that you? Oh, Ned!' Ellen Kelly ran to the door. Ned, now nineteen years old, tall and strong, was home from prison. He put his arm round his mother. on put||||||

'Hello, Ma,' he said.

'Oh, Ned, it's good to see you,' said Ellen.

'I heard about Jim,' Ned said. 'And little Annie.'

'Poor, poor Annie,' said his mother. 'She was so ill after she had the baby, and we couldn't do anything to help her. ona||||||||||my jsme|||||| 「赤ちゃんを産んだ後、彼女はとても病気でした、そして私たちは彼女を助けるために何もすることができませんでした。 And poor Jim got five years!' そして貧しいジムは5年を得ました!」 불쌍한 짐은 5년형을 받았어요! A chudák Jim dostal päť rokov!

'Yes, that's hard,' said Ned. 'And what about you, Ma? I hear you've got a new husband.' He looked at the sleeping baby in his mother's arms. 彼は母親の腕の中で眠っている赤ちゃんを見ました。

'He's a good man, Ned. Little Ellen here - she's his daughter.' ここのリトルエレン-彼女は彼の娘です。」

Ned touched the baby's little hand.

'I'm happy for you, Ma. 「私はあなたに幸せです、マ。 And I'm happy to be back.' |jsem|||| そして、私は戻ってきてうれしいです。」


Ned soon found work. Ned||| He moved from farm to farm, cutting down trees and helping with the horses and cows. on||||||||||||||| He often came home to see his mother, and he and George King, Ellen's new husband, were soon friends. on|||||||||||||||||| George was from California, and was only five years older than Ned.

On one visit home, Ned talked to George about the police. při jedné návštěvě|||||||||| ある訪問で、ネッドはジョージに警察について話しました。 'Why do they give me all this trouble?' proč||||||| 「なぜ彼らは私にこのすべての問題を与えるのですか?」 '왜 나한테 이런 문제를 일으키는 걸까? "Neden bana bu kadar sorun çıkarıyorlar? he said.

'I don't know,' said George. 'They just don't like you.' oni|||| 「彼らはあなたを好きではありません。」

'It's true,' Ned said. to je||| 'When somebody loses a cow or a horse, the police always come to me with their questions. Když||||||||ta|||||||| 「誰かが牛や馬を失ったとき、警察はいつも彼らの質問で私に来ます。 Then they go to my mother's house and ask her questions. |||||||a||| それから彼らは私の母の家に行き、彼女に質問をします。 And they always go late at night, when you're all in bed. A|||||||když|||| そして、あなたがすべてベッドにいるとき、彼らはいつも夜遅くに行きます。 Ve her zaman gece geç saatlerde, hepiniz yataktayken giderler. It isn't right.' tohle|| それは正しくありません。」

'Well, come and work with me,' said George. 「さて、私と一緒に来て働いてください」とジョージは言いました。 "O zaman gel ve benimle çalış," dedi George. 'Why not? 'なぜだめですか? You're good with horses, and I don't have any trouble with the police.' ty||||a|||||||| あなたは馬が得意で、私は警察に何の問題もありません。」 당신은 말을 잘 다루고, 경찰과도 문제가 없으니까요.

'What work are you planning to do?' Jakou|||||| 「あなたはどんな仕事をするつもりですか?」 '어떤 일을 할 계획이신가요?' "Ne iş yapmayı planlıyorsunuz? said Ned.

'Sell horses - lots of them.' "At sat, hem de çok sayıda.

'And where are you going to get all these horses from, George?' |kde|||||||||| 「そして、ジョージ、あなたはこれらすべての馬をどこから手に入れるつもりですか?」 "Peki tüm bu atları nereden bulacaksın George? asked Ned.

George smiled. And Ned laughed.


It was exciting work. to bylo||| 'We stole 280 horses,' Ned said later. 「私たちは280頭の馬を盗んだ」とネッドは後で言った。 Ned daha sonra, '280 at çaldık,' dedi. 'Then we took them across the Murray River and sold them in New South Wales for a lot of money.' 「それから私たちはそれらをマレー川を渡って連れて行き、ニューサウスウェールズでたくさんのお金でそれらを売りました。」 "Sonra onları Murray Nehri'nden geçirdik ve Yeni Güney Galler'de çok para karşılığında sattık.

The police got angrier and angrier. ta||||| 警察はどんどん怒りました。 Polícia bola čoraz nahnevanejšia. Polis daha da sinirlendi. They couldn't stop the stealing, and they couldn't catch Ned Kelly or George King with the stolen horses. oni||||||||||||||s ukradenými||| Hırsızlığı durduramadılar ve Ned Kelly ya da George King'i çalıntı atlarla yakalayamadılar.

In August 1877 a new policeman came to Benalla. v||||||| 1877年8月、新しい警官がベナラにやって来ました。 Alex Fitzpatrick liked horses, girls, and drink, and for some weeks he and Ned were friends. Alex Fitzpatrick|||||||a|||||||| 알렉스 피츠패트릭은 말, 여자, 술을 좋아했고 몇 주 동안 네드와 친구로 지냈습니다. Ned's sister Kate was a beautiful girl with long black hair. Nedova|||||||s dlouhými černými vlasy||| She liked Fitzpatrick too, at first. ona||||| 그녀도 처음에는 피츠패트릭을 좋아했습니다. Başlarda Fitzpatrick'i de sevmişti. But soon there were angry words between him and Ned, and then a fight. Ale||||||||||||| しかし、すぐに彼とネッドの間に怒りの言葉があり、それから戦いがありました。 하지만 곧 그와 네드 사이에 화난 말이 오갔고 싸움이 벌어졌습니다. Ama çok geçmeden Ned'le aralarında öfkeli sözler ve ardından kavga çıktı. A policeman could not be a friend of the Kellys for long. ten||||||||||dlouho| 警官は長い間ケリーズの友達にはなれなかった。 경찰관은 켈리 부부의 친구가 될 수 없었습니다. Bir polis uzun süre Kelly'lerin dostu olamazdı.

April 1878 came. The police had questions about stolen horses for Dan, and for Ned's best friend, Joe Byrne. ta||||||||||||||| 警察は、ダンとネッドの親友であるジョー・バーンのために盗まれた馬について質問をしました。 경찰은 댄과 네드의 절친한 친구인 조 번에게 도난당한 말에 대해 질문했습니다. Polisin Dan ve Ned'in en iyi arkadaşı Joe Byrne için çalıntı atlarla ilgili soruları vardı. So Fitzpatrick rode out to the Kellys' house, to find Dan. So(1)|||||||||| それでフィッツパトリックはダンを見つけるためにケリーズの家に乗り出しました。 그래서 피츠패트릭은 댄을 찾기 위해 켈리네 집으로 향했습니다. Perhaps he wanted to see Kate too - but did Kate want to see him? |||||||ale|||||| おそらく彼もケイトに会いたかったのでしょうが、ケイトは彼に会いたかったのでしょうか? Belki o da Kate'i görmek istiyordu - ama Kate onu görmek istiyor muydu? On his way there he stopped and had two or three drinks. na cestě||||||a||||| そこへ行く途中で彼は立ち止まり、2、3杯飲んだ。 Oraya giderken durdu ve iki ya da üç kadeh içti. When he arrived at the house, he felt very strong and brave. Když||||||on|||||

'Dan Kelly, you're coming with me to the police station,' he said. Dan||||||na||||| 「ダン・ケリー、あなたは私と一緒に警察署に来ています」と彼は言った。

'I'm having my dinner,' said Dan. já||||| 「私は夕食を食べています」とダンは言いました。 'You can wait.' Ty||

Fitzpatrick sat at the table, waiting for Dan, but his eyes were on Kate all the time - on her long black hair, on her beautiful body. ||||||||ale|||||||||na|||||||| The small room felt very hot. ta|||||

Then Kate walked past the table, very near him, and he put his arm around her. |||||||||a||||||

'You're a beautiful girl, Kate,' he said. jsi|||||| 'Let's -'

'Take your hands off me!' Sundej|||| "Çek ellerini üzerimden! said Kate.

Suddenly Ned was at the door, with a gun in his hand. ||||||s||||| 突然、ネッドは銃を手に持ってドアのところにいました。 He fired at Fitzpatrick and hit him in the wrist. on||||a||||| 彼はフィッツパトリックに発砲し、手首を殴った。

'Get out!' vypadni| said Ned. 'Get away from my sister!' dostaň||||

Fitzpatrick ran out of the house and rode through the night back to Benalla. フィッツパトリックは家を飛び出し、夜通しベナラに戻った。

The next morning there were ten policemen at the door. They found Ellen at home, but not Ned or Dan.

'Ellen Kelly,' they said. 'You and your sons tried to kill Policeman Fitzpatrick.'

'Nobody tried to kill Fitzpatrick!' 「誰もフィッツパトリックを殺そうとしなかった!」 said Ellen. 'You just want to make trouble for me and my family.' Ty|||||||||| 「あなたは私と私の家族のためにトラブルを起こしたいだけです。」 She had a new baby in her arms, her third child by George King. But George did not live with Ellen now.

'Mrs Kelly, where are your sons?' said a policeman.

Ellen looked into the policeman's eyes. 'I don't know,' she said. 'You want them, you go and find them.' 「あなたはそれらが欲しい、あなたは行ってそれらを見つける。」


When Ned and Dan left their mother's house that night, they rode away into the Wombat Hills. その夜、ネッドとダンが母親の家を出たとき、彼らはウォンバットの丘へと走り去りました。 At Bullock Creek, miles from anywhere, they built a small hut. |||míle|||oni|||| どこからでも何マイルも離れたブロッククリークに、彼らは小さな小屋を建てました。 어디에서나 몇 마일 떨어진 불록 크릭에 작은 오두막을 지었습니다. They lived wild, and looked for gold in the river. Oni|||a||||||

Joe Byrne, Ned's good friend, went with them, because he needed to hide from the police too. ||||||||protože|||||||| ネッドの親友であるジョー・バーンも警察から身を隠す必要があったので、彼らと一緒に行きました。 And in June, three months later, Steve Hart, another good friend, came out of prison. A|||tři|||Steve Hart||další|||||| そして3か月後の6月、もう1人の親友であるスティーブハートが刑務所から出てきました。 He, too, got on his horse and rode to Bullock Creek. on také||vystoupil|||||||| 彼も馬に乗ってブロッククリークに乗りました。 So there were four of them. tak|||čtyři|| それでそれらの4つがありました。

Then, in October, Ellen's brother came to find them, with some terrible news. |||||||||s||| それから、10月に、エレンの兄弟はいくつかのひどいニュースでそれらを見つけるようになりました。

'Your mother's going to prison, Ned. tvá||||| 「あなたのお母さんは刑務所に行くつもりです、ネッド。 For three years. za|| Because she and you and Dan tried to kill Fitzpatrick, the judge said. protože||||||||||ten|| And the police are looking for you and Dan. A|||||||| Be careful, boys - stay in the hills!' buďte|||||| 注意してください、男の子-丘にとどまりなさい!」 조심해, 얘들아 - 언덕에 있어!'

For a second Ned's eyes were red like fire. Na(1)|||||||| 一瞬、ネッドの目は火のように赤くなった。 He spoke slowly and coldly. on|||| 彼はゆっくりと冷たく話しました。

'They can look,' he said, 'but they can't catch me out here.' |||||ale|||||| 「彼らは見ることができます」と彼は言いました、「しかし、彼らはここで私を捕まえることができません。」 "Bakabilirler," dedi, "ama beni burada yakalayamazlar. He looked at his brother Dan and his friends Joe and Steve. on||||||||||| 'These policemen, these judges - they're worse than dogs! tito||||||| 'Bu polisler, bu yargıçlar - köpeklerden beterler! They put my mother in prison, and what did she do? Oni|||||||||| 彼らは私の母を刑務所に入れました、そして彼女は何をしましたか? Nothing! From now on, we're the Kelly gang. ||||||gang これからは、ケリーギャングです。 We're free men - and we're staying that way. ||||jsme||| 私たちは自由な人間です-そして私たちはそのようにとどまっています。 Are you with me, boys?'

And that was the beginning of the Kelly Gang. A|||||||| そしてそれがケリーギャングの始まりでした。


Three Dead Men

OCTOBER, 1878. Four policemen ride north from the town of Mansfield, Kennedy, McIntyre, Lonigan, and Scanlon are on their way to Stringybark Creek in the Wombat Hills. Čtyři||||||||||||||jsou|||||||||| 맨스필드 마을에서 북쪽으로 케네디, 매킨타이어, 로니건, 스캔론 등 4명의 경찰관이 웜뱃 힐스의 스트링기바크 크릭으로 향하는 중입니다. They plan to camp there for a week, look for the Kelly Gang - and bring them back to Mansfield, dead or alive. oni|||||||||||||a||||||mrtví||


Very early one morning Ned and Dan left Bullock Creek. Velmi||||||||| Joe and Steve waited at the hut. Joe||||||

'Walk quietly, Dan,' said Ned, 'and listen. Jdi|||||| I saw horses' tracks near here yesterday, and I think the police are after us.' ||koně||||||||||||