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E-Books (english-e-reader), Muhammad Ali (2)

Muhammad Ali (2)

For six rounds, Foreman hits Ali again and again. But Ali stays on his feet. In round 8. Foreman is getting slow. He is very hot and tired. His hands are heavy slow. Suddenly Ali is quick and strong again. He hits his opponent again and again. And suddenly Foreman is on the floor. He can't stand up. Ali is dancing. He is the world champion again. He is the world champion again.

Ali stayed the champion for six years. He beat Joe Frazier again in Manila in 1975 after a long and difficult fight.

In 1978, Ali lost a fight with Leon Spinks in Las Vegas. But then, seven months later, he beat him. Ali was the new world champion three times in fourteen years.

A Quiet Time with his Family

In 1980, Ali lost a fight with Larry Holmes, and in 1981, he lost again to Trevor Burbick. He was slow and tired. He wasn't well, and he well, and he went to a doctor.

"You're very sick," the doctor said. "And you're not going to get well. It's not going to kill you, but you're going to get tired very quickly every day You're going to walk slowly and talk slowly. I'm sorry but we can't stop it. And, of course, you can't box."

Ali stopped boxing. Now he lives quietly with his family in a big house in the country in Michigan. In the U.S. today, there are no places for "whites only." On television and in movies there are faces of all colors. People are people. Ali is happy because he was one of the first famous black Americans.

And now Ali is working for peace in the world. He makes money with his famous name. He meets and talks with governments and other famous people. He gets medals these days, too. He is a worker for peace in the world, peace for all people-blacks and whites, Christians and Muslims. In the U.S. they now say. "Ali was right. We were wrong about Vietnam. He fought tor his people and for peace. He is our American Nelson Mandela.

Ali gives a lot of money to the children of the world. He loves children. He always loved children. There are nine children in his family.

He moves very slowly now. He sits at home. He gets tired very quickly. He likes watching his old fights on television. He is a good Muslim and a good man. People visit him and talk with him.

Young Muhammad Ali talked and worked for black Americans. Then he was a famous boxing champion. But today they call him a peoples champion.


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Muhammad Ali (2) Muhammad Ali (2) Muhammad Ali (2) Muhammad Ali (2) モハメド・アリ (2) 무하마드 알리 (2) Muhammad Ali (2) Muhammad Ali (2) Мухаммед Али (2) Muhammed Ali (2) Мухаммед Алі (2) 穆罕默德-阿里 (2) 穆罕默德·阿里 (2)

For six rounds, Foreman hits Ali again and again. لمدة ست جولات، يضرب فورمان علي مرارا وتكرارا. Durante seis assaltos, Foreman bate em Ali uma e outra vez. But Ali stays on his feet. لكن علي يبقى واقفاً على قدميه. Mas Ali mantém-se de pé. In round 8. في الجولة 8. Na ronda 8. Foreman is getting slow. فورمان يصبح بطيئا. O Foreman está a ficar lento. He is very hot and tired. إنه حار جدًا ومتعب. Ele está muito quente e cansado. His hands are heavy slow. يداه ثقيلة وبطيئة. As suas mãos são pesadas e lentas. Suddenly Ali is quick and strong again. فجأة أصبح علي سريعًا وقويًا مرة أخرى. De repente, Ali voltou a ser rápido e forte. He hits his opponent again and again. يضرب خصمه مرارا وتكرارا. And suddenly Foreman is on the floor. وفجأة أصبح فورمان على الأرض. E de repente o Foreman está no chão. He can't stand up. Ele não se consegue levantar. Ali is dancing. He is the world champion again. Ele é novamente o campeão do mundo. He is the world champion again.

Ali stayed the champion for six years. Ali manteve-se campeão durante seis anos. He beat Joe Frazier again in Manila in 1975 after a long and difficult fight. ||||||مانيلا||||||| ضرب جو فريزر مرة أخرى في مانيلا في عام 1975 بعد معركة طويلة وصعبة. Voltou a vencer Joe Frazier em Manila, em 1975, após um longo e difícil combate.

In 1978, Ali lost a fight with Leon Spinks in Las Vegas. |||||||سبينكس||| ||||||Spinks|Spinks(1)||Las Vegas|Las Vegas في عام 1978، خسر علي معركة مع ليون سبينكس في لاس فيغاس. Em 1978, Ali perdeu um combate com Leon Spinks em Las Vegas. But then, seven months later, he beat him. لكن بعد ذلك، بعد سبعة أشهر، هزمه. Mas depois, sete meses mais tarde, venceu-o. Ali was the new world champion three times in fourteen years. |||||||||catorce años| كان علي بطل العالم الجديد ثلاث مرات في أربع عشرة سنة. Ali foi campeão do mundo três vezes em catorze anos.

A Quiet Time with his Family وقت هادئ مع عائلته Um tempo de silêncio com a sua família

In 1980, Ali lost a fight with Larry Holmes, and in 1981, he lost again to Trevor Burbick. |||||||||||||||تريفور بربيك ||||||Holmes||||||||Burbick|Burbick في عام 1980 ، خسر علي مباراة مع لاري هولمز ، وفي عام 1981 ، خسر مرة أخرى أمام تريفور بربك. Em 1980, Ali perdeu um combate com Larry Holmes e, em 1981, voltou a perder com Trevor Burbick. He was slow and tired. كان بطيئًا ومتعبًا. He wasn't well, and he well, and he went to a doctor. لم يكن بصحة جيدة، وذهب للطبيب. 그는 몸이 좋지 않아서 병원에 갔습니다. Ele não estava bem, e estava bem, e foi a um médico.

"You're very sick," the doctor said. "أنت مريض جدًا"، قال الطبيب. "And you're not going to get well. وأنت لن تشفى. "I nie wyzdrowiejesz. "E não vais ficar bom. It's not going to kill you, but you're going to get tired very quickly every day You're going to walk slowly and talk slowly. لن يقتلك، ولكن ستشعر بالتعب بسرعة كل يوم، ستمشي ببطء وتتحدث ببطء. To cię nie zabije, ale będziesz się bardzo szybko męczyć każdego dnia. Będziesz chodzić powoli i mówić powoli. Não o vai matar, mas vai ficar cansado muito rapidamente todos os dias Vai andar devagar e falar devagar. I'm sorry but we can't stop it. أنا آسف ولكننا لا يمكننا وقفها. Przykro mi, ale nie możemy tego powstrzymać. Lamento, mas não o podemos impedir. And, of course, you can't box." وبالطبع، لا يمكنك أن تمارس الرياضة. I oczywiście nie możesz boksować". E, claro, não se pode boxear".

Ali stopped boxing. توقف علي عن ممارسة الرياضة. Ali przestał boksować. Ali deixou de praticar boxe. Now he lives quietly with his family in a big house in the country in Michigan. الآن يعيش بسلام مع عائلته في منزل كبير في الريف في ميشيغان. Atualmente, vive tranquilamente com a sua família numa grande casa no campo, no Michigan. In the U.S. في الولايات المتحدة. today, there are no places for "whites only." اليوم، لا توجد أماكن لـ "البيض فقط". 오늘날 "백인 전용" 공간은 존재하지 않습니다. Hoje em dia, não há lugares "só para brancos". On television and in movies there are faces of all colors. على التلفاز والأفلام توجد وجوه من جميع الألوان. Na televisão e no cinema há rostos de todas as cores. People are people. Ali is happy because he was one of the first famous black Americans. علي سعيد لأنه كان واحدًا من أوائل الأمريكيين السود المشهورين. Ali está feliz porque foi um dos primeiros americanos negros famosos.

And now Ali is working for peace in the world. والآن علي يعمل من أجل السلام في العالم. E agora Ali está a trabalhar pela paz no mundo. He makes money with his famous name. إنه يكسب المال بواسطة اسمه الشهير. Ele ganha dinheiro com o seu nome famoso. He meets and talks with governments and other famous people. |||||الحكومات|||| يقابل ويتحدث مع الحكومات وغيرهم من الشخصيات الشهيرة. Encontra e fala com governos e outras pessoas famosas. He gets medals these days, too. ||ميداليات||| ||medallas||| يحصل هذه الأيام على الأوسمة أيضًا. Atualmente, também recebe medalhas. He is a worker for peace in the world, peace for all people-blacks and whites, Christians and Muslims. إنه عامل من أجل السلام في العالم، سلام لجميع الناس - السود والبيض، المسيحيين والمسلمين. É um obreiro da paz no mundo, da paz para todos os povos - negros e brancos, cristãos e muçulmanos. In the U.S. they now say. dizem agora. "Ali was right. "Ali tinha razão. We were wrong about Vietnam. كنا مخطئين بشأن فيتنام. Estávamos errados em relação ao Vietname. He fought tor his people and for peace. قاتل من اجل شعبه ومن اجل السلام. Lutou pelo seu povo e pela paz. He is our American Nelson Mandela. |||||نيلسون مانديلا الأمريكي ||||Nelson Mandela|Mandela إنه نيلسون مانديلا الأمريكي لدينا. Ele é o nosso Nelson Mandela americano.

Ali gives a lot of money to the children of the world. علي يعطي الكثير من المال لأطفال العالم. Ali dá muito dinheiro às crianças do mundo. He loves children. إنه يحب الأطفال. Ele adora crianças. He always loved children. كان يحب الأطفال دائماً. Sempre gostou de crianças. There are nine children in his family. A sua família tem nove filhos.

He moves very slowly now. Agora move-se muito lentamente. He sits at home. He gets tired very quickly. He likes watching his old fights on television. Ele gosta de ver os seus antigos combates na televisão. He is a good Muslim and a good man. ||||O iyi bir Müslüman ve iyi bir adamdır.|||| People visit him and talk with him. As pessoas visitam-no e falam com ele.

Young Muhammad Ali talked and worked for black Americans. O jovem Muhammad Ali falava e trabalhava para os negros americanos. Then he was a famous boxing champion. Depois foi um famoso campeão de boxe. Sonra ünlü bir boks şampiyonu oldu. But today they call him a peoples champion. Mas hoje chamam-lhe campeão dos povos. Ama bugün ona halkların şampiyonu diyorlar.