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E-Books (english-e-reader), Money For a Motorbike (1)

Money For a Motorbike (1)

It was the month of June and the weather was beautiful. Stuart left school. He was on holiday. But he was not happy. He did not have a motorbike.

Stuart was seventeen years old. He left school, but he did not start work. All his mates started work immediately, but Stuart did not want to work. He wanted a long holiday and he needed a motorbike.

Stuart lived in Leeds - a big city in the North of England. Leeds is a busy city - full of offices, shops and factories. It's not a good place for a holiday.

Martin, a friend of Stuart's, worked in a garage. Martin had a bike for sale. It was a beauty - a Japanese Suzuki. Martin wanted 350 pounds for the bike, but Stuart did not have 350 pounds. He didn't have any money.

Stuart went and looked at the bike every day. It was a beauty. He wanted to buy it.

'Where can I find 350 pounds?' Stuart asked himself.

Stuart left the garage and walked back home. His house was in Blenheim Street, near the university. There were lots of old, empty houses in Blenheim Street.

The university was one of the biggest in England. The university often bought land and buildings. Most of the old houses in Blenheim Street belonged to the university.

Some of these houses had been empty for years. Stuart often searched through them. Sometimes he found old books and gramophone records.

'One day,' he told himself, 'I'll find something valuable.'

There was a large house at the corner of Blenheim Street. Its owner - a rich, old woman - had died a few days ago. The university bought the house immediately.

Now the house was empty. There was wood across the front door and the windows were broken.

Someone looked out of a window. It was a man of about twenty. He had long hair and was wearing a headband. He looked strange.

He was a squatter. Squatters live in old, empty houses and they don't pay any rent.

The stranger waved to Stuart. He wanted to speak to Stuart.

'What does he want?' Stuart asked himself.



"Like to help me?"


"Watch this house."

"How long?"

"Half an hour."


"I'm Stuart."

"My name's Frank."

"I'll go and get my things."

"Are you going to squat here Frank?"

"Yes, don't let else in."

"I'll be back soon."

"Ok. See you."

Frank walked off slowly down the street. His head was bent forward and he was looking down at the pavement. He was about twenty, but he looked much older.

Frank went round the corner and Stuart turned towards the house. It looked interesting.

The window was low - quite near the ground. The street was empty. Stuart put one leg over the window sill and looked inside.

Outside the sun was shining brightly. Inside the house, it was dark. Stuart stood for a few moments and waited. Slowly the inside of the room became clearer.

There was a calendar on the wall. Lots of old newspapers were lying around on the floor. There was a mattress against the far wall. It looked new.

Stuart looked up and down the street. There was no one around. He quickly climbed into the room.

Stuart walked to the middle of the room and kicked away the old newspapers. There was nothing underneath them. There was no carpet and the floorboards were covered with dirt.

Stuart took the calendar down from the wall. It was an old one - five years old. No one had changed it for five years. Then Stuart remembered. The owner of the house - the old woman - had been ill for a long time. She hadn't got out of her bed for five years.

The mattress was leaning against the far wall. Stuart went over and looked at it carefully. It was a good mattress.

Stuart picked up the mattress and turned it over carefully. There was some stitching along one side - about ten centimetres long. Stuart held the mattress between his knees and took out a small knife.

Stuart cut the stitches carefully and then put his hand in the hole. He felt a bundle of newspapers and pulled it out. He quickly unwrapped it. Inside the bundle of newspapers there were some banknotes.

Suddenly Stuart heard a voice. It was Frank.

'Hey - Stuart - where are you?' Frank was shouting. Stuart quickly wrapped up the money inside the newspapers. He held the bundle behind his back.

'I'm in here, Frank,' he shouted.

Frank came up to the window and looked into the room.

'What are you doing in there?' Frank asked.

'Nothing,' replied Stuart. 'I'm looking around.'

Frank climbed into the room and came closer to Stuart. Stuart moved to the wall. He held the bundle of newspapers behind his back.

Frank looked round the room. He didn't see Stuart's knife on the floor.

'You haven't taken anything, have you?' asked Frank.

'I haven't taken anything of yours,' replied Stuart.

'You've moved this mattress,' said Frank.

Frank picked up the mattress and turned it over carefully. Then he saw the hole in the side.

"You've this mattress."

"It was stitched."

"Is this your knife?"


"What were you doing?"


"You found something."

"I didn't."

"What's that in your hand?"


"Behind your back."


"You've got something."

"Some old newspapers."

"Hand them over."

"They're mine."

Stuart remembered the motorbike. He needed the money. He was going to keep it. It was his money, not Frank's.

Frank was holding Stuart's knife in his hand. He came nearer to Stuart.

'Give me those newspapers,' he said again.

Stuart had an idea.

'There's something else in the mattress,' he said to Frank. 'There was something under the newspapers. It's still there.'

Frank looked at Stuart for a few moments. He didn't believe him at first.

'Look and see,' said Stuart.

Frank put the knife down on the floor. He picked up the mattress and put his hand deep in the hole.

Stuart did not wait for a moment. He turned and jumped out through the window into the street.

He ran quickly. There was a turning on the right. Stuart ran round the corner. He heard a shout behind him. It was Frank.

Round the corner, there was another old, empty house. It had a large garden on one side. Thick bushes had grown all over the garden. Stuart jumped over the low wall. He ran for a few metres and then hid under some bushes.

Stuart heard more shouting and footsteps. The footsteps became louder, then they stopped. Stuart waited silently. He did not breathe. Then the footsteps started once again.

Stuart laughed quietly to himself.

Frank had quickly picked up Stuart's knife. He jumped out of the window after him.

Frank saw Stuart. He was running round the corner. Frank ran after him and turned the corner. But the street was empty.

Frank stopped for a few moments and looked around. He noticed the old garden.

'Perhaps he's in there,' thought Frank.

But everything in the garden was quiet. Frank saw nothing. There was another corner farther down the street.

Frank started running again. He was still holding Stuart's knife.

Stuart was happy. He had escaped from Frank with the money.

Stuart sat up under the bushes and opened out the newspapers. The banknotes were wrapped tightly together. Stuart unwrapped them and counted them carefully.

'Ten, twenty, thirty... three hundred and twenty, three hundred and twenty-five.'

Stuart had found 325 pounds. And Martin wanted 350 pounds for his motorbike.

It was cool in the garden and Stuart lay back under the bushes.

I'll wait here for half an hour, thought Stuart. Then I'll go to Martin.

It was now nearly twelve o'clock. The day was getting much hotter. A police car was parked in a side street.

There were two policemen in the car. The sergeant - a fat, round-faced man - was half asleep. The other policeman was younger and taller. He was a constable.

Suddenly, the constable sat up. He had seen something strange.

'Wake up, sergeant,' he shouted. 'Look over there.'

'Where? What?' asked the sergeant still half asleep.

'Over there - someone's running with a knife,' replied the constable. 'The man's gone mad. It's this heat.'

'Quick - get out and catch him,' said the sergeant.

The two policemen jumped out of their car. Frank saw the policemen. He threw Stuart's knife away and started to run. The constable soon caught him and held his arm tightly.

The sergeant found the knife in some long grass. The constable took Frank towards the police car. The sergeant came up to them. He was holding the knife.

'Oh - it's you,' the sergeant said to Frank.

"What's going on, Frank?"

"I'm looking for a guy."

"With a knife?"

"What guy?"

"He's stolen my money."

"What money?'

"How much money?"

"I don't know - a lot."

"You don't know!"

"Where did you get it?"

"In an old house."

"Come on - into the car."

'Where are you taking me?' asked Frank.

'To the police station,' replied the constable.

'But I haven't done anything. The money was mine. That guy took it. What's his name? Stuart... Stuart took it.'

'Who's Stuart?' asked the constable.

'I met him in an old house,' replied Frank.

'Where you found the money?' asked the sergeant. 'Yes, I found it inside a mattress,' said Frank.

'Who's got the money now?' asked the sergeant. 'That guy - Stuart. He ran away with it.'

'So, now we have to find Stuart,' said the constable.

Stuart waited in the garden for half an hour. It was getting hotter. It was nearly twelve o'clock.

I'll have to move now, thought Stuart. Martin goes for his lunch at half past twelve.

Stuart looked out carefully from the bushes. The garden was empty. He hurried out of the garden onto the street. He walked towards Martin's garage.

Stuart did not see the police car. It stopped outside the garden a few moments later.

'Look in this garden,' Frank told the policemen. 'Perhaps he's hiding in here.'

"Hi, Martin."

"Hello Stuart."

"How much for the bike?"

"350 pounds."

"I want it."

"How much for me?

"Still 350 pounds."

"Have you any money?


"How much?"

"300 pounds."

"That's not enough."

"325 pounds?"

"Ok, she's yours."

"Great. Thanks."

The policemen got out of the car. Frank got out too. The constable held his arm tightly. The sergeant went into the garden. He looked around for some time. Then he came back. He was holding a bundle of newspapers.

'There's no one there,' the sergeant said. 'But I found these old newspapers.'

'That's them,' shouted Frank. 'Something was wrapped in those newspapers.'

Just then a motorbike drove up towards the police car.

'That's him,' shouted Frank excitedly. 'That's the guy. He's bought a motorbike with my money.'

'Stop,' the sergeant called to Stuart. 'Stop.'

Stuart did not see Frank.

'What do the police want?' Stuart asked himself. 'I haven't done anything wrong. I'm driving correctly.'

Stuart stopped the bike by the side of the road. He took off his helmet.

'Is that bike yours?' the sergeant asked him.

'Yes, it's mine,' replied Stuart. 'I bought it at the garage down the road.'

Then Stuart saw Frank.

'What have you told these cops?' Stuart shouted angrily at Frank.

'We'll all go to this garage,' said the sergeant.

They all walked back to Martin's garage.

A big, black cloud now covered the sun. It was beginning to rain.

'So, this lad paid you 325 pounds for this bike,' the sergeant said to Martin.

Martin agreed.

'And where did you get this money?' the sergeant asked Stuart.

'I found it,' replied Stuart. 'I found it in a mattress. It was in an empty house.'

The sergeant took the money from Martin.

'We'll look after this money,' he said. 'You two can go now.'

'It's my money,' shouted Frank.

'Do you want to come to the police station with us?' asked the constable.

Frank walked away, still shouting.

'I'm sorry,' Martin said to Stuart. 'It's my bike again.'

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Money For a Motorbike (1) Geld für ein Motorrad (1) Dinero para una moto (1) Argent pour une moto (1) バイクのお金(1) 오토바이를 위한 돈 (1) Pieniądze na motocykl (1) Dinheiro para uma mota (1) Деньги на мотоцикл (1) Motosiklet İçin Para (1) Гроші на мотоцикл (1) 买摩托车的钱 (1)

It was the month of June and the weather was beautiful. |||czerwiec|czerwca|czerwiec|||pogoda|| Был июнь месяц, погода стояла прекрасная. Stuart left school. Stuart|wyszedł|szkołę スチュアートは学校を去った。 Стюарт бросил школу. He was on holiday. |był|na|na wakacjach 彼は休暇中だった。 But he was not happy. He did not have a motorbike.

Stuart was seventeen years old. スチュアートは17歳でした。 He left school, but he did not start work. |||ale|on|||| 彼は学校をやめましたが、仕事を始めませんでした。 All his mates started work immediately, but Stuart did not want to work. ||koledzy|zaczęli||natychmiast|ale|Stuart|||nie chciał|do|pracować 彼の仲間は皆すぐに働き始めましたが、スチュアートは働きたくありませんでした。 Все его товарищи сразу принялись за работу, но Стюарт не хотел работать. He wanted a long holiday and he needed a motorbike. |||długi||||potrzebował motocykla|| Он хотел долгих каникул, и ему нужен был мотоцикл.

Stuart lived in Leeds - a big city in the North of England. |mieszkał||Londyn|||||||| Стюарт жил в Лидсе — большом городе на севере Англии. Leeds is a busy city - full of offices, shops and factories. |||zajętym||||||| リーズは忙しい街で、オフィス、ショップ、工場がたくさんあります。 Лидс — оживленный город, полный офисов, магазинов и заводов. It's not a good place for a holiday.

Martin, a friend of Stuart's, worked in a garage. ||||Stuart|pracował|||warsztat samochodowy スチュアートの友人であるマーティンはガレージで働いていました。 Martin had a bike for sale. |||rower||na sprzedaż マーティンは自転車を売りに出していました。 У Мартина был велосипед на продажу. It was a beauty - a Japanese Suzuki. To było|był||piękność||| それは美しさでした-日本の鈴木。 Martin wanted 350 pounds for the bike, but Stuart did not have 350 pounds. マーティンは自転車用に 350 ポンドを欲しがっていましたが、スチュアートには 350 ポンドがありませんでした。 He didn't have any money. 彼にはお金がありませんでした。

Stuart went and looked at the bike every day. Stuart|poszedł||patrzył||||| Stuart codziennie oglądał rower. Стюарт каждый день ходил и смотрел на велосипед. It was a beauty. To było piękne. He wanted to buy it. |chciał||| Chciał go kupić.

'Where can I find 350 pounds?' Gdzie|||| 「350ポンドはどこにありますか?」 "Gdzie mogę znaleźć 350 funtów? «Где я могу найти 350 фунтов?» Stuart asked himself. zapytał sam siebie Stuart.

Stuart left the garage and walked back home. |||||szedł|| Stuart opuścił garaż i wrócił do domu. Стюарт вышел из гаража и пошел домой. His house was in Blenheim Street, near the university. ||||Blenheim Street|||| Jego dom znajdował się przy Blenheim Street, niedaleko uniwersytetu. Его дом находился на Бленхейм-стрит, недалеко от университета. There were lots of old, empty houses in Blenheim Street. ブレナム通りには古い空の家がたくさんありました。 Na Blenheim Street było wiele starych, pustych domów. На Бленхейм-стрит было много старых пустых домов.

The university was one of the biggest in England. |uniwersytet|była|||||| Университет был одним из крупнейших в Англии. The university often bought land and buildings. |uniwersytet|często|kupiła||| 大学はしばしば土地や建物を購入しました。 Университет часто покупал землю и здания. Most of the old houses in Blenheim Street belonged to the university. ||||||||należały do||| Większość starych domów przy Blenheim Street należała do uniwersytetu. Большинство старых домов на Бленхейм-стрит принадлежало университету.

Some of these houses had been empty for years. ||||miały|były||| これらの家のいくつかは何年もの間空でした。 Niektóre z tych domów stały puste od lat. Некоторые из этих домов пустовали годами. Stuart often searched through them. ||przeszukiwał|przez wśród| スチュアートはしばしばそれらを検索しました。 Stuart często je przeszukiwał. Стюарт часто просматривал их. Sometimes he found old books and gramophone records. ||||||gramofon|płyty gramofonowe 時々彼は古い本や蓄音機の記録を見つけました。 Иногда он находил старые книги и грампластинки.

'One day,' he told himself, 'I'll find something valuable.' ||||||||ценный |||||ja znajdę||| 「ある日、私は何か価値のあるものを見つけるだろう」と彼は自分に言い聞かせた。 "Pewnego dnia", powiedział sobie, "znajdę coś wartościowego". «Однажды, — сказал он себе, — я найду что-нибудь ценное».

There was a large house at the corner of Blenheim Street. |||duży|dom|na rogu|ten|róg||| ブレナム通りの角に大きな家がありました。 На углу Бленхейм-стрит стоял большой дом. Its owner - a rich, old woman - had died a few days ago. |właścicielka|||||miała|umarła|||| Jego właścicielka - bogata, starsza kobieta - zmarła kilka dni temu. Его владелица — богатая старуха — умерла несколько дней назад. The university bought the house immediately. ||kupiła||| Университет немедленно купил дом.

Now the house was empty. Теперь дом был пуст. There was wood across the front door and the windows were broken. ||drewno|przez|the|||||okna|| 正面玄関の向こうには木があり、窓は壊れていました。 현관문 건너편에 나무가 있었고 창문이 깨져 있었습니다. Na drzwiach wejściowych leżało drewno, a okna były wybite. Перед входной дверью было дерево, а окна разбиты.

Someone looked out of a window. ktoś|spojrzał|||| 誰かが窓の外を見ました。 Ktoś wyjrzał przez okno. Кто-то выглянул из окна. It was a man of about twenty. |||||około| それは約20歳の男性でした。 Był to mężczyzna w wieku około dwudziestu lat. Это был мужчина лет двадцати. He had long hair and was wearing a headband. ||||||||повязка на голову ||||||nosząc||opaska na głowę 彼は長い髪をしていて、ヘッドバンドをつけていました。 Miał długie włosy i nosił opaskę. He looked strange. ||dziwnie

He was a squatter. |||Он был самозванцем. |||dziki lokator 彼は不法占拠者でした。 Он был скваттером. Squatters live in old, empty houses and they don't pay any rent. Dzierżawcy lokatorscy||||||i||||żadnego|czynsz Squattersi mieszkają w starych, pustych domach i nie płacą czynszu. Сквоттеры живут в старых пустых домах и не платят арендную плату.

The stranger waved to Stuart. ||pomachał|| 見知らぬ人はスチュアートに手を振った。 Nieznajomy pomachał do Stuarta. Незнакомец помахал Стюарту. He wanted to speak to Stuart. Chciał porozmawiać ze Stuartem. Он хотел поговорить со Стюартом.

'What does he want?' "Czego on chce? 'Что же он хочет?' Stuart asked himself. |zapytany|sobie zapytał sam siebie Stuart.



"Like to help me?" 「私を助けたいですか?」 "Chcesz mi pomóc?" "Хочешь помочь мне?" "Bana yardım etmek ister misin?"


"Watch this house." obserwuj|to miejsce| 「この家を見てください。」 "Pilnuj tego domu". «Посмотри на этот дом». "Bu eve göz kulak ol."

"How long?" "どのぐらいの間?" "Сколько?"

"Half an hour." "Halbe Stunde." "30分。" "Pół godziny". "Полчаса." "Yarım saat."


"I'm Stuart." |Stuart

"My name's Frank." "Mam na imię Frank".

"I'll go and get my things." |||zdobędę|| 「私は行って自分のものを手に入れます。」 "Pójdę po swoje rzeczy". — Я пойду и возьму свои вещи. "Gidip eşyalarımı getireyim."

"Are you going to squat here Frank?" ||||siedzieć|| 「ここフランクにしゃがむつもりですか?」 "Zamierzasz tu przykucnąć, Frank?". — Ты собираешься присесть здесь, Фрэнк? "Buraya çömelecek misin Frank?"

"Yes, don't let else in." |nie wpuszczaj|pozwól|inaczej| 「はい、他の人を入れないでください。」 "Tak, nie wpuszczaj nikogo innego". «Да, больше не впускай». "Evet, başkasının girmesine izin verme."

"I'll be back soon."

"Ok. See you." Увидимся."

Frank walked off slowly down the street. フランクはゆっくりと通りを歩いて行った。 Frank szedł powoli ulicą. Фрэнк медленно пошел по улице. His head was bent forward and he was looking down at the pavement. |głowa||pochylony|||||patrząc||||chodnik 彼の頭は前に曲がっていて、彼は舗装を見下ろしていた。 Его голова была наклонена вперед, и он смотрел вниз на тротуар. He was about twenty, but he looked much older. Ему было около двадцати, но выглядел он намного старше.

Frank went round the corner and Stuart turned towards the house. ||||||Stuart|zwrócił się||| フランクは角を曲がり、スチュアートは家の方を向いた。 Фрэнк завернул за угол, а Стюарт повернулся к дому. It looked interesting. Это выглядело интересно.

The window was low - quite near the ground. ||||dość||| 窓は低く、地面のかなり近くにありました。 Okno znajdowało się nisko - całkiem blisko ziemi. Окно было низким — почти у самой земли. The street was empty. |ulica||pusty Ulica była pusta. Stuart put one leg over the window sill and looked inside. Stuart|postawił|||nad|||parapet okna||| スチュアートは片足を窓枠にかぶせて中を見ました。 Stuart przełożył jedną nogę przez parapet i zajrzał do środka. Стюарт перекинул ногу через подоконник и заглянул внутрь.

Outside the sun was shining brightly. |||był|świecący| 太陽の外は明るく輝いていました。 Na zewnątrz słońce świeciło jasno. За окном ярко светило солнце. Inside the house, it was dark. W środku|domu||to|| Wewnątrz domu było ciemno. Внутри дома было темно. Stuart stood for a few moments and waited. |stał|||kilka|momenty||czekał 스튜어트는 잠시 서서 기다렸습니다. Stuart stał przez kilka chwil i czekał. Стюарт постоял несколько минут и подождал. Slowly the inside of the room became clearer. ゆっくりと部屋の中がすっきりしました。 Powoli wnętrze pokoju stawało się coraz wyraźniejsze. Постепенно внутри комнаты стало чище.

There was a calendar on the wall. |||kalendarz|na|| Na ścianie wisiał kalendarz. На стене висел календарь. Lots of old newspapers were lying around on the floor. На полу валялось много старых газет. There was a mattress against the far wall. 向こうの壁にマットレスがあった。 У дальней стены стоял матрас. It looked new. Он выглядел новым.

Stuart looked up and down the street. スチュアートは通りを見下ろした。 Стюарт посмотрел вверх и вниз по улице. There was no one around. 周りには誰もいませんでした。 Вокруг никого не было. He quickly climbed into the room. Он быстро забрался в комнату.

Stuart walked to the middle of the room and kicked away the old newspapers. Стюарт прошел на середину комнаты и отшвырнул старые газеты. There was nothing underneath them. それらの下には何もありませんでした。 Под ними ничего не было. There was no carpet and the floorboards were covered with dirt. Коврового покрытия не было, а половицы были покрыты грязью.

Stuart took the calendar down from the wall. スチュアートはカレンダーを壁から降ろした。 Стюарт снял календарь со стены. It was an old one - five years old. それは古いものでした-5歳。 Он был старый - пяти лет. No one had changed it for five years. Никто не менял его в течение пяти лет. Then Stuart remembered. それからスチュアートは思い出した。 Потом Стюарт вспомнил. The owner of the house - the old woman - had been ill for a long time. Хозяйка дома - старушка - давно болела. She hadn't got out of her bed for five years. 그녀는 5년 동안 침대에서 일어나지 못했습니다. Она не вставала с постели пять лет.

The mattress was leaning against the far wall. マットレスは遠くの壁にもたれかかっていました。 Матрас был прислонен к дальней стене. Stuart went over and looked at it carefully. スチュアートはそれを注意深く見ました。 Стюарт подошел и внимательно посмотрел на нее. It was a good mattress.

Stuart picked up the mattress and turned it over carefully. スチュアートはマットレスを手に取り、慎重に裏返しました。 Стюарт взял матрац и осторожно перевернул его. There was some stitching along one side - about ten centimetres long. 片側に沿っていくつかのステッチがありました-長さ約10センチ。 С одной стороны были швы - около десяти сантиметров в длину. Stuart held the mattress between his knees and took out a small knife. スチュアートはマットレスを膝の間に挟み、小さなナイフを取り出しました。 Стюарт зажал матрац между коленями и достал небольшой нож.

Stuart cut the stitches carefully and then put his hand in the hole. スチュアートは慎重にステッチをカットし、穴に手を入れました。 Стюарт аккуратно разрезал швы, а затем сунул руку в отверстие. He felt a bundle of newspapers and pulled it out. 彼は新聞の束を感じてそれを引き出した。 Он нащупал пачку газет и вытащил ее. He quickly unwrapped it. 彼はすぐにそれを開封した。 Он быстро развернул его. Inside the bundle of newspapers there were some banknotes. 新聞の束の中にいくつかの紙幣がありました。 Внутри пачки газет было несколько банкнот.

Suddenly Stuart heard a voice. 突然スチュアートは声を聞いた。 Внезапно Стюарт услышал голос. It was Frank.

'Hey - Stuart - where are you?' Frank was shouting. Фрэнк кричал. Stuart quickly wrapped up the money inside the newspapers. Стюарт быстро завернул деньги в газеты. He held the bundle behind his back. 彼は束を後ろに持っていた。 Он держал сверток за спиной.

'I'm in here, Frank,' he shouted.

Frank came up to the window and looked into the room. Фрэнк подошел к окну и заглянул в комнату.

'What are you doing in there?' 'Что ты там делаешь?' Frank asked.

'Nothing,' replied Stuart. 'I'm looking around.' 'Я осматриваюсь'.

Frank climbed into the room and came closer to Stuart. フランクは部屋に登り、スチュアートに近づきました。 Фрэнк забрался в комнату и подошел ближе к Стюарту. Stuart moved to the wall. Стюарт отошел к стене. He held the bundle of newspapers behind his back. Пачку газет он держал за спиной.

Frank looked round the room. He didn't see Stuart's knife on the floor. Он не видел ножа Стюарта на полу.

'You haven't taken anything, have you?' 「あなたは何も取っていませんね?」 '아무것도 먹지 않았죠?' — Вы ничего не взяли? asked Frank.

'I haven't taken anything of yours,' replied Stuart. 「私はあなたのものを何も取っていません」とスチュアートは答えました。 — Я ничего твоего не брал, — ответил Стюарт. "Nevzal som nič z tvojho," odpovedal Stuart.

'You've moved this mattress,' said Frank. 「あなたはこのマットレスを動かしました」とフランクは言いました。 — Вы передвинули этот матрац, — сказал Фрэнк.

Frank picked up the mattress and turned it over carefully. フランクはマットレスを手に取り、慎重に裏返しました。 Фрэнк взял матрац и осторожно перевернул его. Then he saw the hole in the side. それから彼は側面の穴を見ました。 Потом он увидел дыру в боку.

"You've this mattress." 「あなたはこのマットレスを持っています。」 — У тебя есть этот матрас. "Máte tento matrac."

"It was stitched." 「縫い付けられました。」 «Это было сшито».

"Is this your knife?" "Это ваш нож?"


"What were you doing?" "Что вы делали?"


"You found something."

"I didn't."

"What's that in your hand?" "Что это у тебя в руке?"


"Behind your back."


"You've got something."

"Some old newspapers."

"Hand them over." 「それらを渡してください。」 «Передайте их».

"They're mine." "Они мои."

Stuart remembered the motorbike. Стюарт вспомнил мотоцикл. He needed the money. Ему нужны были деньги. He was going to keep it. Он собирался сохранить его. It was his money, not Frank's.

Frank was holding Stuart's knife in his hand. Фрэнк держал в руке нож Стюарта. He came nearer to Stuart. Он подошел ближе к Стюарту.

'Give me those newspapers,' he said again. — Дайте мне эти газеты, — снова сказал он.

Stuart had an idea. У Стюарта была идея.

'There's something else in the mattress,' he said to Frank. 「マットレスには他に何かがあります」と彼はフランクに言いました。 В матрасе есть что-то еще, - сказал он Фрэнку. 'There was something under the newspapers. 「新聞の下に何かがありました。 — Под газетами что-то было. It's still there.' Он все еще там.

Frank looked at Stuart for a few moments. フランクはしばらくの間スチュアートを見ました。 Фрэнк несколько мгновений смотрел на Стюарта. He didn't believe him at first. 彼は最初は彼を信じていませんでした。

'Look and see,' said Stuart. 「見て、見て」とスチュアートは言った。 — Посмотри и увидишь, — сказал Стюарт.

Frank put the knife down on the floor. フランクはナイフを床に置いた。 Фрэнк положил нож на пол. He picked up the mattress and put his hand deep in the hole. Он поднял матрац и засунул руку глубоко в дыру.

Stuart did not wait for a moment. スチュアートはしばらく待ちませんでした。 Стюарт не стал ждать ни минуты. He turned and jumped out through the window into the street. 彼は振り返り、窓から通りに飛び出した。 Он развернулся и выпрыгнул через окно на улицу.

He ran quickly. There was a turning on the right. 右折がありました。 오른쪽에 커브가 있었습니다. Был поворот направо. Stuart ran round the corner. Стюарт выбежал из-за угла. He heard a shout behind him. Он услышал крик позади себя. It was Frank.

Round the corner, there was another old, empty house. За углом был еще один старый, пустой дом. It had a large garden on one side. 片側に広い庭がありました。 С одной стороны был большой сад. Thick bushes had grown all over the garden. 庭のいたるところに厚い茂みが生えていました。 Густые кусты разрослись по всему саду. Stuart jumped over the low wall. Стюарт перепрыгнул через низкую стену. He ran for a few metres and then hid under some bushes. 彼は数メートル走った後、いくつかの茂みの下に隠れました。 Он пробежал несколько метров, а затем спрятался под кустами.

Stuart heard more shouting and footsteps. Стюарт услышал еще крики и шаги. The footsteps became louder, then they stopped. Stuart waited silently. スチュアートは黙って待っていた。 Стюарт молча ждал. He did not breathe. 彼は呼吸しなかった。 Он не дышал. Then the footsteps started once again. するとまた足音が始まった。 Затем шаги возобновились.

Stuart laughed quietly to himself. スチュアートは静かに笑った。 Стюарт тихо рассмеялся про себя.

Frank had quickly picked up Stuart's knife. フランクはすぐにスチュアートのナイフを手に取った。 Фрэнк быстро подобрал нож Стюарта. He jumped out of the window after him. 彼は彼の後に窓から飛び出した。 Он выпрыгнул из окна вслед за ним.

Frank saw Stuart. He was running round the corner. Он бежал за угол. Frank ran after him and turned the corner. Фрэнк побежал за ним и свернул за угол. But the street was empty.

Frank stopped for a few moments and looked around. He noticed the old garden. Он заметил старый сад.

'Perhaps he's in there,' thought Frank. «Может быть, он там, — подумал Фрэнк.

But everything in the garden was quiet. Но в саду все было тихо. Frank saw nothing. There was another corner farther down the street. 通りのさらに下に別の角がありました。 길 아래쪽에는 또 다른 코너가 있었습니다. Дальше по улице был еще один угол.

Frank started running again. He was still holding Stuart's knife. Он все еще держал нож Стюарта.

Stuart was happy. He had escaped from Frank with the money. Он сбежал от Фрэнка с деньгами.

Stuart sat up under the bushes and opened out the newspapers. Стюарт сел под кустами и развернул газеты. The banknotes were wrapped tightly together. Банкноты были плотно свернуты вместе. Stuart unwrapped them and counted them carefully. Стюарт развернул их и тщательно пересчитал.

'Ten, twenty, thirty... three hundred and twenty, three hundred and twenty-five.' 「十、二十、三十…三百二十、三百二十五。」 — Десять, двадцать, тридцать... триста двадцать, триста двадцать пять.

Stuart had found 325 pounds. Стюарт нашел 325 фунтов. And Martin wanted 350 pounds for his motorbike. そしてマーティンは彼のバイクに350ポンドを欲しがっていました。

It was cool in the garden and Stuart lay back under the bushes. 庭は涼しく、スチュアートは茂みの下に横たわっていました。 В саду было прохладно, и Стюарт лег под кусты.

I'll wait here for half an hour, thought Stuart. Я подожду здесь полчаса, подумал Стюарт. Then I'll go to Martin.

It was now nearly twelve o'clock. 今はほぼ12時でした。 Было уже почти двенадцать часов. The day was getting much hotter. その日はずっと暑くなっていた。 День становился намного жарче. A police car was parked in a side street. パトカーが脇道に駐車していた。 Полицейская машина была припаркована в переулке.

There were two policemen in the car. The sergeant - a fat, round-faced man - was half asleep. 軍曹(太った丸顔の男)は半分眠っていた。 Сержант — толстый, круглолицый мужчина — полусонный. The other policeman was younger and taller. Другой полицейский был моложе и выше. He was a constable. Он был констеблем.

Suddenly, the constable sat up. Внезапно констебль сел. He had seen something strange. Он видел что-то странное.

'Wake up, sergeant,' he shouted. 'Look over there.' 'Посмотри туда.'

'Where? What?' asked the sergeant still half asleep. — спросил еще полусонный сержант.

'Over there - someone's running with a knife,' replied the constable. 「あそこ-誰かがナイフで走っている」と巡査は答えた。 — Вон там кто-то с ножом бежит, — ответил констебль. 'The man's gone mad. 「男は怒った。 «Человек сошел с ума. It's this heat.' この暑さです。」 이 더위 때문이죠. Это жара.

'Quick - get out and catch him,' said the sergeant. — Быстрее, вылезай и лови его, — сказал сержант.

The two policemen jumped out of their car. Двое полицейских выпрыгнули из машины. Frank saw the policemen. He threw Stuart's knife away and started to run. Он отбросил нож Стюарта и побежал. The constable soon caught him and held his arm tightly. Констебль вскоре поймал его и крепко взял за руку.

The sergeant found the knife in some long grass. 軍曹は長い草の中にナイフを見つけました。 Сержант нашел нож в высокой траве. The constable took Frank towards the police car. 巡査はフランクをパトカーに連れて行った。 Констебль подвел Фрэнка к полицейской машине. The sergeant came up to them. К ним подошел сержант. He was holding the knife. 彼はナイフを持っていた。 Он держал нож.

'Oh - it's you,' the sergeant said to Frank. 「ああ、それはあなただ」と軍曹はフランクに言った。 — А, это ты, — сказал сержант Фрэнку.

"What's going on, Frank?" — Что происходит, Фрэнк?

"I'm looking for a guy." «Ищу парня».

"With a knife?"

"What guy?" "Какой парень?"

"He's stolen my money." «Он украл мои деньги».

"What money?'

"How much money?"

"I don't know - a lot." "Я не знаю - много."

"You don't know!"

"Where did you get it?" "Где ты взял это?"

"In an old house."

"Come on - into the car." "Давай - в машину."

'Where are you taking me?' 'Куда вы меня везете?' asked Frank.

'To the police station,' replied the constable. — В полицейский участок, — ответил констебль.

'But I haven't done anything. 「しかし、私は何もしていません。 — Но я ничего не сделал. The money was mine. Деньги были мои. That guy took it. Тот парень взял. What's his name? Stuart... Stuart took it.' Стюарт... Стюарт взял его.

'Who's Stuart?' asked the constable.

'I met him in an old house,' replied Frank.

'Where you found the money?' — Где вы нашли деньги? asked the sergeant. 'Yes, I found it inside a mattress,' said Frank. — Да, я нашел его в матраце, — сказал Фрэнк.

'Who's got the money now?' 「誰が今お金を持っていますか?」 — У кого теперь есть деньги? asked the sergeant. 'That guy - Stuart. He ran away with it.' Он убежал с ним.

'So, now we have to find Stuart,' said the constable.

Stuart waited in the garden for half an hour. Стюарт ждал в саду полчаса. It was getting hotter. Становилось жарче. It was nearly twelve o'clock. Было почти двенадцать часов.

I'll have to move now, thought Stuart. Мне придется двигаться сейчас, подумал Стюарт. Martin goes for his lunch at half past twelve. マーティンは 12 時半に昼食に行きます。 Мартин идет обедать в половине двенадцатого.

Stuart looked out carefully from the bushes. Стюарт осторожно выглянул из-за кустов. The garden was empty. He hurried out of the garden onto the street. Он поспешил из сада на улицу. He walked towards Martin's garage. Он направился к гаражу Мартина.

Stuart did not see the police car. Стюарт не видел полицейскую машину. It stopped outside the garden a few moments later. しばらくすると、庭の外で止まりました。 Несколько мгновений спустя он остановился за пределами сада.

'Look in this garden,' Frank told the policemen. — Посмотрите в этот сад, — сказал Фрэнк полицейским. 'Perhaps he's hiding in here.' — Возможно, он прячется здесь.

"Hi, Martin." «Привет, Мартин».

"Hello Stuart."

"How much for the bike?" "Сколько стоит мотоцикл?"

"350 pounds."

"I want it." "Я хочу это."

"How much for me? "Сколько для меня?

"Still 350 pounds." 「まだ350ポンドです」 «Все еще 350 фунтов».

"Have you any money? "У тебя есть деньги?


"How much?"

"300 pounds."

"That's not enough." "Этого не достаточно."

"325 pounds?"

"Ok, she's yours." — Хорошо, она твоя.

"Great. Thanks."

The policemen got out of the car. Полицейские вышли из машины. Frank got out too. Фрэнк тоже вышел. The constable held his arm tightly. Констебль крепко держал его за руку. The sergeant went into the garden. He looked around for some time. Then he came back. He was holding a bundle of newspapers.

'There's no one there,' the sergeant said. — Там никого нет, — сказал сержант. 'But I found these old newspapers.' — Но я нашел эти старые газеты.

'That's them,' shouted Frank. 「あいつらだ」フランクが叫んだ。 — Это они, — крикнул Фрэнк. 'Something was wrapped in those newspapers.' — Что-то было завернуто в эти газеты.

Just then a motorbike drove up towards the police car. ちょうどその時、バイクがパトカーに向かって走りました。 В этот момент к полицейской машине подъехал мотоцикл.

'That's him,' shouted Frank excitedly. Это он, - взволнованно воскликнул Фрэнк. 'That's the guy. 'Это тот самый парень. He's bought a motorbike with my money.'

'Stop,' the sergeant called to Stuart. 'Stop.'

Stuart did not see Frank. スチュアートはフランクに会いませんでした。

'What do the police want?' 「警察は何を望んでいますか?」 — Чего хочет полиция? Stuart asked himself. 'I haven't done anything wrong. «Я не сделал ничего плохого. I'm driving correctly.'

Stuart stopped the bike by the side of the road. Стюарт остановил велосипед на обочине дороги. He took off his helmet. Он снял шлем.

'Is that bike yours?' the sergeant asked him.

'Yes, it's mine,' replied Stuart. 'I bought it at the garage down the road.' — Я купил его в гараже вниз по дороге.

Then Stuart saw Frank.

'What have you told these cops?' 「あなたはこれらの警官に何を話しましたか?」 — Что ты сказал этим копам? Stuart shouted angrily at Frank. — сердито крикнул Стюарт Фрэнку.

'We'll all go to this garage,' said the sergeant. 「私たちはみんなこのガレージに行きます」と軍曹は言いました。 — Мы все пойдем в этот гараж, — сказал сержант.

They all walked back to Martin's garage.

A big, black cloud now covered the sun. 大きな黒い雲が太陽を覆いました。 Большая черная туча закрыла солнце. It was beginning to rain. Начинался дождь.

'So, this lad paid you 325 pounds for this bike,' the sergeant said to Martin. 「それで、この若者はあなたにこの自転車のために325ポンドを支払いました」と軍曹はマーティンに言いました。 — Итак, этот парень заплатил вам 325 фунтов за этот велосипед, — сказал сержант Мартину.

Martin agreed.

'And where did you get this money?' 「そして、どこでこのお金を手に入れましたか?」 'А где вы взяли эти деньги?' the sergeant asked Stuart.

'I found it,' replied Stuart. 'I found it in a mattress. It was in an empty house.' Это было в пустом доме.

The sergeant took the money from Martin.

'We'll look after this money,' he said. 「私たちはこのお金の世話をします」と彼は言いました。 «Мы позаботимся об этих деньгах», — сказал он. 'You two can go now.' 「あなたたち二人は今行くことができます。」 — Вы двое можете идти.

'It's my money,' shouted Frank.

'Do you want to come to the police station with us?' 「私たちと一緒に警察署に来ませんか?」 — Хочешь пойти с нами в полицейский участок? asked the constable.

Frank walked away, still shouting. Фрэнк ушел, все еще крича.

'I'm sorry,' Martin said to Stuart. 「ごめんなさい」とマーティンはスチュアートに言った。 'It's my bike again.' 「また私のバイクです。」