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E-Books (english-e-reader), Jaws - Chapter 1-5 (1)

Jaws - Chapter 1-5 (1)

Night Swim

The shark moved through the night water without a sound. It swam towards the shore, with its eyes and mouth open.

Between the sea and the shore was a long beach. Behind that each there was a house, with lights in its windows.

The front door of the house opened, and a man and woman came out. They stood for a short time and looked at the sea. Then they ran down to the beach.

The man sat down and closed his eyes. The woman smiled at him and said, 'Do you want to go for a swim?'

'You go on. I'll wait for you here.'

She began walking out towards the sea. The water came up round her feet. It was a warm June night, but the water felt cold. The woman called back. 'Come and have a swim with me!' But there was no answer from the man.

She ran into the sea, and soon the water was up to her head. She began to swim.

The shark was a hundred metres from the beach. It could not see the woman - it could not see anything in the dark water - but it felt the sea move. It turned towards the shore.

The woman swam away from the beach. After about a hundred metres she began to feel tired and stopped for a short time. Then she turned and began swimming back to the shore.

The shark moved closer to the woman. For the first time she felt afraid, but she did not know why. She looked up and saw the lights in the house. She was about seventy metres from the shore. She began to swim faster.

The shark was now above the water, about fifteen metres from the woman. Suddenly it dropped down to the left.

The woman felt something hit her right leg. She put her hand into the water and tried to find her foot. Then she cried out.

The shark turned and then turned again. This time it attacked the woman from below. It swam up fast and pushed her out of the water.

The shark carried the woman away in its mouth. It came up out of the water and then went under again. A short time later it began swimming away from the shore.

The man opened his eyes. It was dark and he felt cold. He stood up and began to dress. It was then he saw the woman's shoes on the beach. He picked up the shoes and walked back to the house.

The door to the woman's room was open, and the light was on. But she was not there.

There were two more rooms in the house. The man opened the door of the first bedroom and went across to the bed.


The man in the bed opened his eyes. 'What?'

'It's me. Tom. I think there's something wrong. Where's Chrissie?'

'I thought she was with you.'

'No, she isn't. I can't find her. She's not in the house and she's not on the beach.'

Jack sat up and turned on a light. He looked at his watch. It was five in the morning. 'I'll phone the police,' he said.


Body on the Beach

'Mr Brody, this is Hendricks. We've got a problem. We had a call from a house on Old Mill Road a few minutes ago. A girl went out on the beach there last night and she didn't come back. They -'

'What time is it?'

'Five-thirty. Sorry!'

'No, you were right to call. Tell me everything you know.'

It was nearly six-thirty when Brody drove his police car along Old Mill Road. He looked all along the beach but did not see anything unusual. At eight o'clock Hendricks arrived, and the two policemen called at Jack Foote's house.

A young man opened the door. 'I'm Tom Cassidy,' he said.

'No, Mr Cassidy, we didn't find her,' said Brody. 'We're going to look on the beach now.'

'I want to come, too,' said Cassidy.

The three men walked down to the beach. 'I went to sleep here,' said Cassidy. 'And I found the shoes here.'

Brody looked up and down the beach. 'Let's walk,' he said. 'Come with me, Mr Cassidy. Leonard, can you walk back towards Mr Foote's house?'

Hendricks took his shoes off and began to walk. The beach felt cold and wet under his feet. After about fifteen minutes he turned and looked back. Brody and Cassidy were now a half kilometre down the beach so he began to walk towards them.

Suddenly Hendricks saw something in front of him. He walked quickly towards it and then stopped. For a short time he did not move. Then he cried out.

In front of him was a woman's head and some of her arm.

Brody and Cassidy ran down the beach to Hendricks. Brody arrived first. He looked down and saw the woman. Then he closed his eyes. 'Mr Cassidy, is this her?'

Cassidy was very afraid. His eyes moved from Hendricks to Brody. Then he looked down.

'Oh no!' he cried, and he put his hand to his mouth.

'Is it her?'

He turned away. 'Yes,' he said. What happened?'

'I' don't know,' said Brody. 'But I think a shark attacked her.'

That night Brody met his friend Harry Meadows. Harry wrote for the town's newspaper, The Amity Leader.

'I think it was a shark attack,' said Brody.

'You're right,' said Meadows. 'This afternoon I talked to a young man called Matt Hooper. He knows everything about sharks.'

'What did he say?'

'He thinks it's a Great White Shark. They call the Great White the "man-eater". Other sharks don't usually attack people.'

'Does he think it will attack again?'

'No. Hooper thinks this was an accident. He thinks the shark is now far away'. Meadows looked at Brody. 'It's not going to happen again,' he said. 'And I'm not going to write about the accident in The Amity Leader!

'But it's a big story for your newspaper.'

'I know, Martin. But it's summer and this town must have visitors in the summer. People are afraid of sharks.'

'That's true, Harry,' said Brody. 'But I want to close the beaches for one or two days. And I want you to write the story.'

Meadows sat back in his chair. 'I can't do that, Harry,' he said. 'My bosses don't want me to. And I don't want to lose my job.'

Ten minutes later, Lawrence P. Vaughan came into Brody's office.

Larry Vaughan was an old friend of Brody's. He bought and sold houses, and made a lot of money. He was one of the most important people in the town.

Vaughan sat down. 'Please don't close the beaches,' he said. 'It will soon be the Fourth of July. That's our best weekend every summer.'

'I don't want any more shark attacks,' said Brody.

'There won't be any more shark attacks! But people will read about sharks in Amity, and they won't come here!'

Brody looked at his old friend. He liked Larry, but he did not see him much these days. 'OK,' he said. 'I' don't like it, but I won't close the beaches.'

Vaughan smiled for the first time. 'Thanks, Martin,' he said.

Brody arrived home two or three minutes before five. His wife, Ellen, was in the living-room.

'Hello,' she said. 'What's wrong? Did something happen today?'

He went and sat next to her.

'A shark killed a girl near Old Mill Beach.'

She looked at him. 'What are you going to do?'

'Nothing. Larry Vaughan doesn't want me to do anything. He wants the beaches to stay open.'


No Time to Cry

The next few days were hot, and summer visitors from New York began arriving in Amity.

Sunday was the twentieth of June. By twelve in the afternoon there were many people on Old Mill Beach. Children played near the water.

A boy of six walked up the beach. He sat down next to his mother.

'Can I go swimming?' he asked.

His mother turned to look at him. 'No. It's too cold.'

'Can I go out on my boat? I won't go far. And I won't go swimming. I'll just sit on my boat.'

His mother sat up. She looked up and down the beach. Fifty metres away a man stood in the water. He had a child on his back.

'Yes. But don't go too far out. And don't swim.'

'OK,' he said. He pulled the little boat out into the water and climbed on to it.

The shark swam under the water. It was sixty metres from the shore.

The boy sat on his boat and looked back towards the beach. His mother was about fifty metres away. He put his feet into the water and kicked towards the shore.

The shark saw nothing, but it felt the sea move. It knew there was something near, and began to swim up towards the surface. It moved slowly first, then faster.

The boy stopped, and the shark swam below him. Then it turned again.

The shark swam up fast. Its mouth opened.

The boy could not cry out - he had no time. The shark's head hit the boat and pushed it out of the water. Nearly half of the fish - with the boy and most of the boat in its mouth - came above the surface. Its jaws closed together and cut off the boy's legs. They dropped slowly down into the water.

On the beach the man with the child turned to his son and pointed at the sea. 'Did you see that?'

'What, Daddy?' His child looked up at him.

'Out there! A shark or something! Something very big!' The boy's mother opened her eyes. She looked over at the man, and saw him point at the water. People were running away from the sea.

She sat up. Suddenly she remembered. 'Alex,' she said.

The phone rang. Brody got up from his lunch and answered it. When he came back he looked afraid and angry.

'What is it?' asked Ellen.

'A shark attack. On a child.'

'Oh no! And you didn't close the beaches...' She stopped.

'Yes, I know,' he said. 'I didn't do my job.'

Twenty minutes later Brody arrived at the police station. The boy's mother was in the office.

'I'm sorry,' said Brody.

The woman began to cry.

Suddenly the door opened and Hendricks ran into the room. 'Shark attack!' he cried.

'We know, Leonard,' said Brody. 'This is the boy's mother.'

'Boy?' said Hendricks. 'What boy? This was a man, an old man. Five minutes ago.'

On Monday morning, Brody arrived at the police station soon after seven. He went into his office and found a newspaper on his desk. On the front of the newspaper it said, SHARK ATTACK KILLS TWO IN AMITY.

Brody sat down and began to read the story.

'Is that from New York?'

Brody looked up and saw Meadows at the door. 'Yes. Did you write about it, too?'

'I did,' said Meadows. 'And I spoke to Matt Hooper last night.'

'Does he think that one fish is doing all this?'

'He doesn't know, but he thinks it is. He thinks it's a Great White.'

'I do, too. I don't know a white shark from a green shark. But I think it's one fish. Can we do anything...?'

'Yes, there's one thing,' said Meadows. We can put food in the water for the shark. That'll bring him to us.'

'But then what do we do?'

'We catch him. With a harpoon.'

'Harry, I don't have a police boat! And I don't have harpoons.'

'There are fishermen here. They have...' A noise outside the office stopped Meadows.

Suddenly the door opened, and a woman ran into the room with a newspaper in her hand. It was the mother of Alex Kintner.

Hendricks came up behind her and said, 'I'm sorry, Mr Brody, I tried to stop her.'

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Jaws - Chapter 1-5 (1) Shark thriller| Mundo de Jaws| Der weiße Hai - Kapitel 1-5 (1) Tiburón - Capítulo 1-5 (1) Les Dents de la mer - Chapitre 1-5 (1) ジョーズ - 第1章-第5章 (1) 턱 - 1-5장 (1) Szczęki - Rozdział 1-5 (1) Jaws - Capítulo 1-5 (1) Челюсти - Глава 1-5 (1) Jaws - Bölüm 1-5 (1) Щелепи - Розділ 1-5 (1) 大白鲨 - 第 1-5 章 (1)

Night Swim

The shark moved through the night water without a sound. |||cez||||||zvuku 상어는 소리도 내지 않고 밤바다를 헤쳐나갔습니다. It swam towards the shore, with its eyes and mouth open. ||k brehu||||||||

Between the sea and the shore was a long beach. 海と海岸の間に長いビーチがありました。 Behind that each there was a house, with lights in its windows. それぞれの後ろには家があり、窓には明かりがありました。 그 뒤에는 창문에 조명이 달린 집이 하나씩 있었습니다.

The front door of the house opened, and a man and woman came out. They stood for a short time and looked at the sea. Then they ran down to the beach.

The man sat down and closed his eyes. The woman smiled at him and said, 'Do you want to go for a swim?' ||||||||||||na|| 女性は彼に微笑みかけ、「泳ぎに行きませんか?」と言いました。

'You go on. あなたは続けます。 I'll wait for you here.'

She began walking out towards the sea. The water came up round her feet. It was a warm June night, but the water felt cold. 暖かい6月の夜でしたが、水は冷たく感じました。 The woman called back. 'Come and have a swim with me!' But there was no answer from the man.

She ran into the sea, and soon the water was up to her head. She began to swim.

The shark was a hundred metres from the beach. It could not see the woman - it could not see anything in the dark water - but it felt the sea move. It turned towards the shore.

The woman swam away from the beach. After about a hundred metres she began to feel tired and stopped for a short time. Then she turned and began swimming back to the shore.

The shark moved closer to the woman. For the first time she felt afraid, but she did not know why. She looked up and saw the lights in the house. She was about seventy metres from the shore. She began to swim faster.

The shark was now above the water, about fifteen metres from the woman. Suddenly it dropped down to the left. |||náhle kleslo dolu||| 갑자기 왼쪽으로 떨어졌습니다.

The woman felt something hit her right leg. She put her hand into the water and tried to find her foot. Then she cried out.

The shark turned and then turned again. This time it attacked the woman from below. It swam up fast and pushed her out of the water.

The shark carried the woman away in its mouth. It came up out of the water and then went under again. A short time later it began swimming away from the shore.

The man opened his eyes. It was dark and he felt cold. He stood up and began to dress. 그는 일어서서 옷을 입기 시작했습니다. It was then he saw the woman's shoes on the beach. He picked up the shoes and walked back to the house.

The door to the woman's room was open, and the light was on. La porte de la chambre de la femme est ouverte et la lumière est allumée. But she was not there.

There were two more rooms in the house. 家にはさらに2つの部屋がありました。 The man opened the door of the first bedroom and went across to the bed. 男は最初の寝室のドアを開け、ベッドに向かった。


The man in the bed opened his eyes. 'What?'

'It's me. Tom. I think there's something wrong. Where's Chrissie?' |Kde je Chrissie?

'I thought she was with you.'

'No, she isn't. I can't find her. She's not in the house and she's not on the beach.'

Jack sat up and turned on a light. He looked at his watch. It was five in the morning. 'I'll phone the police,' he said.


Body on the Beach

'Mr Brody, this is Hendricks. |Pán Brody|||Hendricks We've got a problem. We had a call from a house on Old Mill Road a few minutes ago. 数分前、オールド ミル ロードの家から電話がありました。 A girl went out on the beach there last night and she didn't come back. 어젯밤에 한 여자애가 해변에 나갔다가 돌아오지 않았어요. They -'

'What time is it?'

'Five-thirty. Sorry!'

'No, you were right to call. 「いいえ、あなたが電話したのは正しかったです。 Tell me everything you know.' Dis-moi tout ce que tu sais".

It was nearly six-thirty when Brody drove his police car along Old Mill Road. |||||||||||po||| He looked all along the beach but did not see anything unusual. |||||||||||nezvyčajné At eight o'clock Hendricks arrived, and the two policemen called at Jack Foote's house. ||||||||||||Footeovho domu| 8시에 헨드릭스가 도착했고 두 명의 경찰이 잭 풋의 집에 전화를 걸었습니다.

A young man opened the door. 'I'm Tom Cassidy,' he said. ||Cassidy||

'No, Mr Cassidy, we didn't find her,' said Brody. 'We're going to look on the beach now.' 「私たちは今、浜辺を見に行きます。」

'I want to come, too,' said Cassidy.

The three men walked down to the beach. 'I went to sleep here,' said Cassidy. 'And I found the shoes here.'

Brody looked up and down the beach. ||||||plážou 'Let's walk,' he said. 'Come with me, Mr Cassidy. Leonard, can you walk back towards Mr Foote's house?' 레너드, 풋 씨 집 쪽으로 걸어갈 수 있겠어?

Hendricks took his shoes off and began to walk. The beach felt cold and wet under his feet. 浜辺は寒く、足元が濡れているように感じた。 After about fifteen minutes he turned and looked back. Brody and Cassidy were now a half kilometre down the beach so he began to walk towards them. ブロディとキャシディはビーチを 0.5 キロ下ったところにいたので、彼は彼らに向かって歩き始めました。 브로디와 캐시디는 이제 해변에서 0.5km 떨어진 곳에 있었기 때문에 그는 그들을 향해 걷기 시작했습니다.

Suddenly Hendricks saw something in front of him. He walked quickly towards it and then stopped. For a short time he did not move. Then he cried out.

In front of him was a woman's head and some of her arm.

Brody and Cassidy ran down the beach to Hendricks. Brody arrived first. He looked down and saw the woman. Then he closed his eyes. 'Mr Cassidy, is this her?'

Cassidy was very afraid. His eyes moved from Hendricks to Brody. Then he looked down.

'Oh no!' he cried, and he put his hand to his mouth.

'Is it her?'

He turned away. 'Yes,' he said. What happened?'

'I' don't know,' said Brody. 'But I think a shark attacked her.'

That night Brody met his friend Harry Meadows. |||||||Toho večera sa Brody stretol so svojím priateľom Harrym Meadowsom. Harry wrote for the town's newspaper, The Amity Leader. |||||||Amity|

'I think it was a shark attack,' said Brody.

'You're right,' said Meadows. 'This afternoon I talked to a young man called Matt Hooper. |||||||||Matta Hoopera|Matt Hooper He knows everything about sharks.'

'What did he say?'

'He thinks it's a Great White Shark. They call the Great White the "man-eater". |||||||žrút ľudí Other sharks don't usually attack people.'

'Does he think it will attack again?'

'No. Hooper thinks this was an accident. ||||nehoda| He thinks the shark is now far away'. Meadows looked at Brody. 'It's not going to happen again,' he said. 'And I'm not going to write about the accident in The Amity Leader!

'But it's a big story for your newspaper.'

'I know, Martin. But it's summer and this town must have visitors in the summer. People are afraid of sharks.'

'That's true, Harry,' said Brody. 'But I want to close the beaches for one or two days. And I want you to write the story.'

Meadows sat back in his chair. 'I can't do that, Harry,' he said. 'My bosses don't want me to. |moji šéfovia|||| And I don't want to lose my job.'

Ten minutes later, Lawrence P. Vaughan came into Brody's office. |||Lawrence P. Vaughan||Vaughan|||Brodyho kancelárie|

Larry Vaughan was an old friend of Brody's. He bought and sold houses, and made a lot of money. He was one of the most important people in the town.

Vaughan sat down. 'Please don't close the beaches,' he said. 'It will soon be the Fourth of July. 「もうすぐ独立記念日です。 That's our best weekend every summer.' 매년 여름 최고의 주말이죠.

'I don't want any more shark attacks,' said Brody.

'There won't be any more shark attacks! But people will read about sharks in Amity, and they won't come here!'

Brody looked at his old friend. He liked Larry, but he did not see him much these days. 'OK,' he said. 'I' don't like it, but I won't close the beaches.'

Vaughan smiled for the first time. 본은 처음으로 미소를 지었습니다. 'Thanks, Martin,' he said.

Brody arrived home two or three minutes before five. 브로디는 5시 2, 3분 전에 집에 도착했습니다. His wife, Ellen, was in the living-room.

'Hello,' she said. 'What's wrong? Did something happen today?'

He went and sat next to her.

'A shark killed a girl near Old Mill Beach.'

She looked at him. 'What are you going to do?'

'Nothing. Larry Vaughan doesn't want me to do anything. He wants the beaches to stay open.'


No Time to Cry

The next few days were hot, and summer visitors from New York began arriving in Amity.

Sunday was the twentieth of June. |||dvadsiateho júna|| By twelve in the afternoon there were many people on Old Mill Beach. 오후 12시가 되자 올드 밀 비치에는 많은 사람들이 모여들었습니다. Children played near the water.

A boy of six walked up the beach. He sat down next to his mother.

'Can I go swimming?' he asked.

His mother turned to look at him. 'No. It's too cold.'

'Can I go out on my boat? I won't go far. And I won't go swimming. I'll just sit on my boat.'

His mother sat up. She looked up and down the beach. 彼女は浜辺を見下ろした。 Fifty metres away a man stood in the water. 50m 떨어진 곳에 한 남자가 물속에 서 있었습니다. He had a child on his back.

'Yes. But don't go too far out. しかし、遠くに行きすぎないでください。 And don't swim.'

'OK,' he said. He pulled the little boat out into the water and climbed on to it.

The shark swam under the water. It was sixty metres from the shore.

The boy sat on his boat and looked back towards the beach. His mother was about fifty metres away. He put his feet into the water and kicked towards the shore.

The shark saw nothing, but it felt the sea move. It knew there was something near, and began to swim up towards the surface. It moved slowly first, then faster.

The boy stopped, and the shark swam below him. Then it turned again. それからまた回った。

The shark swam up fast. Its mouth opened.

The boy could not cry out - he had no time. The shark's head hit the boat and pushed it out of the water. |hlava žraloka||||||||||| Nearly half of the fish - with the boy and most of the boat in its mouth - came above the surface. 少年とボートのほとんどを口に入れた魚のほぼ半分が水面から出てきました。 소년과 배의 대부분을 입에 물고 있는 물고기의 거의 절반이 수면 위로 올라왔습니다. Its jaws closed together and cut off the boy's legs. 턱이 서로 맞닿아 소년의 다리를 잘랐습니다. They dropped slowly down into the water.

On the beach the man with the child turned to his son and pointed at the sea. 'Did you see that?'

'What, Daddy?' His child looked up at him.

'Out there! 'そこに! A shark or something! Something very big!' The boy's mother opened her eyes. She looked over at the man, and saw him point at the water. 彼女はその男に目をやると、彼が水を指さしているのが見えた。 People were running away from the sea.

She sat up. Suddenly she remembered. 'Alex,' she said.

The phone rang. Brody got up from his lunch and answered it. 브로디가 점심 식사에서 일어나 전화를 받았습니다. When he came back he looked afraid and angry.

'What is it?' asked Ellen.

'A shark attack. On a child.'

'Oh no! And you didn't close the beaches...' She stopped. そして、あなたはビーチを閉鎖しませんでした...」 彼女は話を止めた。

'Yes, I know,' he said. 「はい、知っています」と彼は言った。 'I didn't do my job.' |neurobil som||| 「私は自分の仕事をしませんでした。」 "Nespravil som svoju prácu.

Twenty minutes later Brody arrived at the police station. The boy's mother was in the office.

'I'm sorry,' said Brody.

The woman began to cry.

Suddenly the door opened and Hendricks ran into the room. 'Shark attack!' he cried.

'We know, Leonard,' said Brody. 'This is the boy's mother.'

'Boy?' said Hendricks. 'What boy? This was a man, an old man. 한 남자, 노인이었습니다. Five minutes ago.'

On Monday morning, Brody arrived at the police station soon after seven. 月曜日の朝、ブロディは 7 時過ぎに警察署に到着しました。 He went into his office and found a newspaper on his desk. On the front of the newspaper it said, SHARK ATTACK KILLS TWO IN AMITY.

Brody sat down and began to read the story.

'Is that from New York?' '뉴욕에서 온 건가요?'

Brody looked up and saw Meadows at the door. 브로디는 고개를 들어 문 앞에 있는 메도우를 보았습니다. 'Yes. Did you write about it, too?' '당신도 그것에 대해 썼나요?

'I did,' said Meadows. 'And I spoke to Matt Hooper last night.' Et j'ai parlé à Matt Hooper hier soir.

'Does he think that one fish is doing all this?' '물고기 한 마리가 이 모든 일을 한다고 생각하나요?'

'He doesn't know, but he thinks it is. '그는 모르지만 그렇게 생각하고 있습니다. He thinks it's a Great White.'

'I do, too. '私も。 '나도 그래요. I don't know a white shark from a green shark. 私は緑のサメからホオジロザメを知りません。 백상아리와 초록상어를 구분할 줄 모릅니다. But I think it's one fish. Can we do anything...?'

'Yes, there's one thing,' said Meadows. We can put food in the water for the shark. That'll bring him to us.' To ho||||

'But then what do we do?'

'We catch him. With a harpoon.' ||harpúnom

'Harry, I don't have a police boat! And I don't have harpoons.' ||||harpúny

'There are fishermen here. ||Rybári sú tu.| They have...' A noise outside the office stopped Meadows.

Suddenly the door opened, and a woman ran into the room with a newspaper in her hand. It was the mother of Alex Kintner. ||||||Kintnerovej

Hendricks came up behind her and said, 'I'm sorry, Mr Brody, I tried to stop her.'