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E-Books (english-e-reader), Halloween horror (1)

Halloween horror (1)

Chapter one


Salem is a beautiful American town in Massachusetts, USA. Naumkeag, ''City of Peace", is its Indian name. But it is also called the "Witch City" because of the witch hangings of 1692. There are seven historical witch museums in Salem. They all have a lot of information on the witches and hangings of 1692.

Kelly and Megan Connor are two sisters. They come from San Francisco, California. The Connor family now lives in Salem because Mr Connor teaches French at the University of Boston.

Kelly is fourteen and Megan is thirteen. They go to Salem Middle School and they like it. Kelly has red hair and blue eyes. She's tall and plays basketball for the school team.

Megan has fair hair and blue eyes. She is a champion swimmer. She is a member of the Salem Swimming Team.

It's Friday, October 28, and Halloween is on Monday, October 31. Kelly and Megan are very excited because they love Halloween. This is their first Halloween in Salem, the "Witch City."

"I think about Halloween all the time," says I Megan.

"Me too!" says Kelly.

"We must buy a pumpkin and make a jack o'lantern," says their mother. "Now finish your breakfast. It's late! School starts in twenty minutes."

The girls eat their eggs and drink their milk. Then they go upstairs to brush their teeth. They're ready at quarter past eight.

"Goodbye, mom! Don't forget to buy the pumpkin!"

"OK! Goodbye girls!"

Kelly and Megan always walk to school. They meet their friends Susan Garcia, Nick Lee and Bill Goldberg.

"I'm so excited about Halloween," says Susan. Susan is Hispano-American. She is 13 years old and has long black hair. "This is the first time we can have a party without our parents!"

"We must find a place to have the party," says Nick. He is 14 years old and he's a good cook. His parents have a Chinese restaurant in Salem.

"Let's see!" says Bill. "I can ask my grandmother." Bill Goldberg is a handsome boy of 14. His favorite school subject is science. He lives with his grandmother.

"Susan, do you have a scary costume for Halloween?" asks Kelly.

"It's a surprise! I can't tell you," says Susan.

"Do you believe in ghosts?" Bill asks.

"Yes!" they all say.

"Oh, I don't!" says Bill. "Science can explain everything."

"Really?" says Nick. "A lot of strange things happen on Halloween night. My grandparents come from China. They believe in ghosts and evil spirits too."

Bill laughs.

"Do you remember the story of the old woman in the cemetery..."

"Oh, Nick, please don't tell us again!" says Bill.

Nick smiles mysteriously. It's 8.30 a.m. and the school bell is ringing.

chapter two


School finishes at 3.30 p.m. Kelly and Megan meet their friends outside.

"Do you have any ideas for our Halloween party?" Kelly asks.

"No, I don't," says Susan.

"I have an idea," says Megan. "Let's visit one of the Salem Witch Museums! We can get many ideas from there."

"That's a good idea!" says Susan. "There are a lot of scary things there. Remember, Salem is the 'Witch City'. At the museum there are pictures of the witch hangings. There are also the names of the Salem witches of 1692. We can read about their terrible magic."

"Oh, how exciting!" say Megan and Kelly.

"Let's go," says Susan.

The girls call Nick and Bill. Together the five friends go to the museum. When they arrive it's late.

"How many tickets do you want?" asks the attendant.

"Five tickets, please," says Bill.

"That's $10. Remember, the museum closes at 5 p.m. You only have half an hour."

The five friends walk around the museum. They look at the interesting exhibits.

"Look, here are the names of the witches of 1692... and here are the pictures of the hangings," says Nick.

"Look at this rope!" says Bill.

"How scary!" say the girls.

"I'm going upstairs," says Megan.

"Be careful," says Kelly.

Megan laughs, "I'm not afraid of witches or ghosts."

There are no visitors upstairs. There is a sweet smell of roses in the air. Megan walks around and looks at everything. Then she sees an old lady. She has a long black dress with small black buttons. Her skin is very white and her lips are very red. There is a strange red mark around her neck. She smiles at Megan. Megan smiles too, but she is nervous. Suddenly the air is very cold.

"How strange," she thinks. "I want to go downstairs."

When Kelly sees her, she asks, "What's upstairs?"

"Oh, some interesting exhibits," answers Megan.

"The museum closes in five minutes," says the attendant.

Susan buys a book called Salem and the Witches of 1692.

The three girls walk to the front door.

"Is there anyone still upstairs?" asks the attendant.

"Yes," says Megan. "There's an old lady."

"Really!" says the attendant. "That's strange. You are the only visitors in the museum this afternoon. There aren't many visitors here on Fridays."

"There is an old lady upstairs," says Megan.

"I'm going upstairs to see," says the attendant.

After a few minutes he returns. His face is red and he says, "Is this a joke? There's no one upstairs... and the only door of the museum is this front door."

Megan's friends look at her. She is silent.

Then she says, "Let's look outside."

They run out of the museum and look outside. There's no one in the street, only a black cat.

After this strange experience they walk home.

"Now I have a lot of ideas for our Halloween party," says Kelly.

"Yes, I do too," says Susan.

"You're very quiet, Megan," says Bill.

"I'm thinking about the old lady at the museum."

Chapter three

September 22, 1692

There is no school on Saturday. It is a cloudy autumn day. Autumn is usually a beautiful season in Salem. The leaves on the trees are yellow, red and orange.

Mr and Mrs Connor have a big orange pumpkin. They are making a jack o'lantern. "When it's finished we can put it in front of the window," says Mr Connor. "Are you girls ready for Halloween?"

"No, Dad. We must find a place for the party," says Kelly.

"We must make our costumes too," says Megan.

"Today is a perfect day to do many things," says Mrs Connor. "Finish your homework this morning. Then you can look for a place for the party this afternoon."

"I can start my science homework," says Megan.

"I must study English," says Kelly. "I have a test on Wednesday." They go to their room and study until noon. Then the phone rings.

"Hello! This is Bill. I have a place for our party."

"Really! That's great! Where is it?" says Kelly.

"It's a surprise. Meet me and Nick in front of the school at 1.30 p.m. We can go together."

"OK. At half past one then," says Kelly.

The five friends meet in front of their school. They are very excited.

"Where is the place?" asks Susan.

"Follow me," says Bill. "My grandmother knows this place. It is the best place for a spooky Halloween party."

They walk past the park, past the tennis courts and past the church. Then they walk down a country road. At the end of the road they see an old cemetery.

"This is the oldest cemetery in Salem," says Bill. They enter the old cemetery.

"Look at the dates on the tombstones. This one says September 22, 1692," says Megan.

"This one says September 22, 1692, too," says Kelly.

"Here's another tombstone with the same date, September 22, 1692," says Nick. They look at a lot of tombstones.

"These are probably the tombstones of the Salem witches," says Bill.

"How spooky! Let's go now!" says Susan.

The five friends run to the country road. Then they walk for a few minutes. At the end of the road they see an old, abandoned house. It is near a forest. There is a rose bush near the door.

"This is the house for our party," says Bill. His friends are very surprised. They look at the house. "Wow! Is this a haunted house?" Nick asks.

Bill laughs. "This is a very old house from the 1650s. Poor people sometimes live in it but then they go away. It's abandoned. There is no electricity."

"Why is it abandoned?" asks Nick.

"They say strange things happen here. It's the perfect place for a spooky party. Remember, ghosts don't exist," Bill says.

"Are you sure?" asks Kelly.

The five friends look at each other.

"There is something strange about this place," says Nick.

chapter four

The Abandoned House

Megan looks at the old house and says, "Look at the writing above the door:


Who is Abigail Cross? Look at the date: September 22, 1692. Do you remember the tombstones? Many of them have the same date."

"You're right," says Susan. "Let me look in my new book, Salem and the Witches of 1692." After a few minutes Susan says, "Oh, no! Abigail Cross is a witch. Her name is in this book. I don't like this old house."

"Let's find another place for the party," says Kelly.

"You girls are silly! This is perfect!" says Bill. "Come on! Follow me!"

Bill is the first to enter the house. Nick and the girls follow. It is very cold inside. There is a big room with an old table, chairs and a cupboard.

On the wall there is an old portrait of a woman. She is wearing a long black dress. She has a red rose in her hand. Her eyes are dark and evil.

"This portrait is very old. There's a date at the bottom. It says June 1659," says Megan.

"It's probably a portrait of Abigail Cross," says Nick.

"She's looking at us and she's... smiling!" says Megan.

"What an evil smile!" says Susan.

"Everything here is so old and scary," says Kelly.

"I like it," says Nick. "We can make spooky decorations and light candles. I can bring my portable radio for music."

"First we must clean this house. Then we can make the decorations," says Susan.

Nick and Bill go to buy some cleaning products. The girls talk about the party.

"How many chairs are there?" asks Kelly.

"There are eight chairs," answers Megan.

"We must bring chairs from home. Fifteen of our friends are coming to the party," says Susan. "I want to look at the old kitchen."

"I want to look at the other rooms," says Megan.

She walks down a long corridor. She finds three rooms with some old furniture. Then she opens a small door and enters a dark bedroom. There is a sweet smell of roses.

She sees a long black dress with small black buttons on a big bed. On the floor she sees a pair of old black boots. They are wet! She looks outside the window. It is raining.

She looks in an old mirror. Someone in the mirror is looking at her!

Megan is afraid. She wants to leave the room but her legs can't move. She wants to call Kelly and Susan. But she has no voice.

Suddenly Kelly calls her. "Megan, what are you doing?" Megan can't answer.

Kelly and Susan run to the bedroom. "Megan, what's happening?"

Megan's face is white. She points to the black dress and the wet boots. The girls are very surprised.

"Do you remember the old lady at the museum?" Megan whispers. "This is her dress and those are her boots. Look, they're wet!"

"Are you sure that old lady exists? Maybe it's your imagination," says Kelly.

Megan is angry. "It's not my imagination. This is Abigail Cross' house and these are her clothes. Abigail Cross is here!"

"Abigail Cross is dead!"

"But her ghost isn't!"

Chapter five

Halloween Costumes

Megan, Kelly and Susan go back to the big room. They look at the old portrait. They don't like it.

Soon the boys arrive with some cleaning products and a broom.

The girls say, "Abigail Cross' dress and boots are in the bedroom!"

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Halloween horror (1) 万圣节| عيد الهالوين| Halloween| رعب الهالوين (1) Halloween-Horror (1) Terror en Halloween (1) Horreur d'Halloween (1) ハロウィーン・ホラー (1) 할로윈 호러 (1) Horror na Halloween (1) Terror de Halloween (1) Ужасы на Хэллоуин (1) Жахи на Хелловін (1) 万圣节恐怖片(一)

Chapter one الفصل الأول

Salem Салем سلام Salem 塞勒姆 ساليم

Salem is a beautiful American town in Massachusetts, USA. |||||||马萨诸塞州| Salem é uma bela cidade americana em Massachusetts, EUA. Naumkeag, ''City of Peace", is its Indian name. 纳姆基格||||||| Naumkeag||||||| Naumkeag、「平和の都市」はインドの名前です。 Naumkeag, "Cidade da Paz", é o seu nome indígena. Naumkeag, "Barış Şehri", Kızılderili ismidir. But it is also called the "Witch City" because of the witch hangings of 1692. ||||||女巫||||||绞刑| ||||||||||||ejecuciones de brujas| ||||||||||||повешения ведьм| Pero también se la conoce como la "Ciudad Bruja" por los ahorcamientos de brujas de 1692. しかし、1692 年に魔女が絞首刑に処されたことから、「魔女の街」とも呼ばれています。 Mas também é chamada de "Cidade das Bruxas" por causa dos enforcamentos de bruxas em 1692. Ancak 1692 yılındaki cadı idamları nedeniyle "Cadı Şehri" olarak da anılmaktadır. There are seven historical witch museums in Salem. Hay siete museos históricos de brujas en Salem. They all have a lot of information on the witches and hangings of 1692. |||||||||女巫||| |||||||||las brujas||| 1692년의 마녀와 교수형에 대한 많은 정보가 있습니다. Hepsinde 1692'deki cadılar ve idamlar hakkında pek çok bilgi var.

Kelly and Megan Connor are two sisters. 凯莉||梅根|康纳||| ||Megan Connor|Connor||| They come from San Francisco, California. ||||Francisco| The Connor family now lives in Salem because Mr Connor teaches French at the University of Boston.

Kelly is fourteen and Megan is thirteen. They go to Salem Middle School and they like it. Kelly has red hair and blue eyes. She's tall and plays basketball for the school team. ||||篮球|||| ||||baloncesto||||

Megan has fair hair and blue eyes. ミーガンは金髪で青い目をしています。 She is a champion swimmer. ||||游泳运动员 ||||nadadora campeona She is a member of the Salem Swimming Team.

It's Friday, October 28, and Halloween is on Monday, October 31. Kelly and Megan are very excited because they love Halloween. This is their first Halloween in Salem, the "Witch City."

"I think about Halloween all the time," says I Megan. 「いつもハロウィーンのことを考えています」とミーガンは言います。 "Her zaman Cadılar Bayramı'nı düşünüyorum," diyor Megan.

"Me too!" says Kelly.

"We must buy a pumpkin and make a jack o'lantern," says their mother. ||||南瓜||||南瓜灯|||| ||||calabaza||||farolillo de calabaza|||| "Мы должны купить тыкву и сделать из нее фонарь", - говорит их мама. "Now finish your breakfast. It's late! School starts in twenty minutes."

The girls eat their eggs and drink their milk. Then they go upstairs to brush their teeth. |||||刷|| They're ready at quarter past eight. Sie sind um Viertel nach acht fertig. 彼らは8時15分に準備ができています。 Они будут готовы в четверть восьмого.

"Goodbye, mom! Don't forget to buy the pumpkin!"

"OK! Goodbye girls!"

Kelly and Megan always walk to school. They meet their friends Susan Garcia, Nick Lee and Bill Goldberg. ||||||||||戈德堡 ||||||||||Goldberg Sie treffen ihre Freunde Susan Garcia, Nick Lee und Bill Goldberg.

"I'm so excited about Halloween," says Susan. Susan is Hispano-American. ||西班牙裔| ||hispano| スーザンはヒスパニック系アメリカ人です。 Susan Hispano-Amerikalı. She is 13 years old and has long black hair. "This is the first time we can have a party without our parents!"

"We must find a place to have the party," says Nick. He is 14 years old and he's a good cook. 彼は 14 歳で、料理が上手です。 His parents have a Chinese restaurant in Salem.

"Let's see!" "どれどれ!" says Bill. "I can ask my grandmother." ||||abuela 「おばあさんに聞いてみます。」 Bill Goldberg is a handsome boy of 14. His favorite school subject is science. He lives with his grandmother.

"Susan, do you have a scary costume for Halloween?" ||||||服装|| asks Kelly. 问|

"It's a surprise! I can't tell you," says Susan. Я не могу тебе сказать, — говорит Сьюзен.

"Do you believe in ghosts?" 「幽霊を信じますか?」 "Вы верите в призраков?" Bill asks.

"Yes!" they all say.

"Oh, I don't!" says Bill. "Science can explain everything." «Наука может объяснить все».

"Really?" says Nick. "A lot of strange things happen on Halloween night. 「ハロウィーンの夜には、奇妙なことがたくさん起こります。 My grandparents come from China. |祖父母||| They believe in ghosts and evil spirits too." |||||邪灵|| También creen en fantasmas y espíritus malignos". 彼らは幽霊や悪霊も信じています。」 그들도 유령과 악령을 믿습니다."

Bill laughs.

"Do you remember the story of the old woman in the cemetery..."

"Oh, Nick, please don't tell us again!" 「ああ、ニック、もう言わないで!」 says Bill.

Nick smiles mysteriously. |微笑| It's 8.30 a.m. and the school bell is ringing. и звенит школьный звонок.

chapter two


School finishes at 3.30 p.m. |放学||| |termina||| Kelly and Megan meet their friends outside.

"Do you have any ideas for our Halloween party?" Kelly asks.

"No, I don't," says Susan.

"I have an idea," says Megan. "Let's visit one of the Salem Witch Museums! We can get many ideas from there."

"That's a good idea!" says Susan. "There are a lot of scary things there. Remember, Salem is the 'Witch City'. At the museum there are pictures of the witch hangings. There are also the names of the Salem witches of 1692. 1692 年のセーラム魔女の名前もあります。 We can read about their terrible magic." 彼らの恐ろしい魔法について読むことができます。」

"Oh, how exciting!" say Megan and Kelly.

"Let's go," says Susan.

The girls call Nick and Bill. Together the five friends go to the museum. 5人の友達と一緒に博物館に行きます。 When they arrive it's late.

"How many tickets do you want?" asks the attendant. ||asistente

"Five tickets, please," says Bill.

"That's $10. Remember, the museum closes at 5 p.m. You only have half an hour."

The five friends walk around the museum. They look at the interesting exhibits. |||||exhibiciones

"Look, here are the names of the witches of 1692... and here are the pictures of the hangings," says Nick.

"Look at this rope!" |||cuerda "¡Mira esta cuerda!" says Bill.

"How scary!" "¡Qué miedo!" say the girls.

"I'm going upstairs," says Megan. "Me voy arriba", dice Megan.

"Be careful," says Kelly.

Megan laughs, "I'm not afraid of witches or ghosts."

There are no visitors upstairs. There is a sweet smell of roses in the air. В воздухе витает сладкий запах роз. Megan walks around and looks at everything. Then she sees an old lady. She has a long black dress with small black buttons. 彼女は小さな黒いボタンが付いた長い黒いドレスを着ています. Her skin is very white and her lips are very red. There is a strange red mark around her neck. She smiles at Megan. Megan smiles too, but she is nervous. Suddenly the air is very cold.

"How strange," she thinks. "Qué extraño", piensa. "I want to go downstairs."

When Kelly sees her, she asks, "What's upstairs?" ケリーは彼女を見ると、「2階は何ですか?」と尋ねます。

"Oh, some interesting exhibits," answers Megan.

"The museum closes in five minutes," says the attendant. ||||||||工作人员

Susan buys a book called Salem and the Witches of 1692. スーザンは「セーラムと 1692 年の魔女」という本を購入します。

The three girls walk to the front door.

"Is there anyone still upstairs?" "¿Hay alguien todavía arriba?" asks the attendant.

"Yes," says Megan. "There's an old lady."

"Really!" says the attendant. "That's strange. You are the only visitors in the museum this afternoon. There aren't many visitors here on Fridays." ||||||los viernes

"There is an old lady upstairs," says Megan.

"I'm going upstairs to see," says the attendant.

After a few minutes he returns. |||||regresa His face is red and he says, "Is this a joke? There's no one upstairs... and the only door of the museum is this front door." No hay nadie arriba... y la única puerta del museo es esta puerta principal".

Megan's friends look at her. Megan|||| She is silent.

Then she says, "Let's look outside." Sonra da "Hadi dışarı bakalım." dedi.

They run out of the museum and look outside. There's no one in the street, only a black cat.

After this strange experience they walk home.

"Now I have a lot of ideas for our Halloween party," says Kelly.

"Yes, I do too," says Susan.

"You're very quiet, Megan," says Bill.

"I'm thinking about the old lady at the museum."

Chapter three

September 22, 1692

There is no school on Saturday. It is a cloudy autumn day. |||nublado|| Autumn is usually a beautiful season in Salem. The leaves on the trees are yellow, red and orange.

Mr and Mrs Connor have a big orange pumpkin. They are making a jack o'lantern. "When it's finished we can put it in front of the window," says Mr Connor. "Are you girls ready for Halloween?"

"No, Dad. We must find a place for the party," says Kelly.

"We must make our costumes too," says Megan.

"Today is a perfect day to do many things," says Mrs Connor. "Finish your homework this morning. Then you can look for a place for the party this afternoon."

"I can start my science homework," says Megan.

"I must study English," says Kelly. "I have a test on Wednesday." They go to their room and study until noon. ||||||||mediodía Then the phone rings.

"Hello! This is Bill. I have a place for our party."

"Really! That's great! Where is it?" says Kelly.

"It's a surprise. Meet me and Nick in front of the school at 1.30 p.m. 午後1時30分に学校の前で私とニックに会いましょう We can go together."

"OK. At half past one then," says Kelly. 1時半に」とケリーは言います。

The five friends meet in front of their school. They are very excited.

"Where is the place?" asks Susan.

"Follow me," says Bill. "My grandmother knows this place. It is the best place for a spooky Halloween party." |||||||恐怖的|| |||||||espeluznante||

They walk past the park, past the tennis courts and past the church. ||||||||canchas de tenis|||| Then they walk down a country road. At the end of the road they see an old cemetery. ||||||||||墓地

"This is the oldest cemetery in Salem," says Bill. ||||墓地||塞勒姆|| They enter the old cemetery.

"Look at the dates on the tombstones. |||fechas||| This one says September 22, 1692," says Megan. |||九月||

"This one says September 22, 1692, too," says Kelly.

"Here's another tombstone with the same date, September 22, 1692," says Nick. ||tumba||||||| They look at a lot of tombstones.

"These are probably the tombstones of the Salem witches," says Bill.

"How spooky! 「なんて不気味だ! Let's go now!" says Susan.

The five friends run to the country road. Then they walk for a few minutes. At the end of the road they see an old, abandoned house. ||||||||||abandonada| 道の終わりに、古い廃屋が見えます。 It is near a forest. There is a rose bush near the door. ||||arbusto de rosas||| ドアの近くにバラの茂みがあります。

"This is the house for our party," says Bill. His friends are very surprised. They look at the house. "Wow! Is this a haunted house?" Nick asks.

Bill laughs. "This is a very old house from the 1650s. Poor people sometimes live in it but then they go away. 貧しい人々は時々そこに住んでいますが、その後去っていきます。 It's abandoned. 放棄されました。 There is no electricity."

"Why is it abandoned?" asks Nick.

"They say strange things happen here. It's the perfect place for a spooky party. Remember, ghosts don't exist," Bill says. 覚えておいてください、幽霊は存在しません」とビルは言います.

"Are you sure?" asks Kelly.

The five friends look at each other.

"There is something strange about this place," says Nick. 「この場所には何か奇妙なところがあります」とニックは言います。 "이곳에는 뭔가 이상한 점이 있습니다."라고 Nick은 말합니다.

chapter four

The Abandoned House

Megan looks at the old house and says, "Look at the writing above the door:


Who is Abigail Cross? Look at the date: September 22, 1692. Do you remember the tombstones? Many of them have the same date."

"You're right," says Susan. "Let me look in my new book, Salem and the Witches of 1692." 「私の新しい本、セーラムと 1692 年の魔女を見てみましょう。」 After a few minutes Susan says, "Oh, no! Abigail Cross is a witch. Her name is in this book. I don't like this old house."

"Let's find another place for the party," says Kelly.

"You girls are silly! |||傻乎乎的 "¡Chicas, sois tontas! This is perfect!" says Bill. "Come on! Follow me!"

Bill is the first to enter the house. Nick and the girls follow. It is very cold inside. There is a big room with an old table, chairs and a cupboard. ||||||||||||armario

On the wall there is an old portrait of a woman. |||||||retrato||| She is wearing a long black dress. She has a red rose in her hand. Her eyes are dark and evil. |||||邪恶

"This portrait is very old. There's a date at the bottom. V spodnej časti je dátum. It says June 1659," says Megan.

"It's probably a portrait of Abigail Cross," says Nick.

"She's looking at us and she's... smiling!" says Megan.

"What an evil smile!" 「なんて邪悪な笑顔だ!」 says Susan.

"Everything here is so old and scary," says Kelly.

"I like it," says Nick. "We can make spooky decorations and light candles. I can bring my portable radio for music."

"First we must clean this house. Then we can make the decorations," says Susan.

Nick and Bill go to buy some cleaning products. |||||||productos de limpieza|productos de limpieza The girls talk about the party.

"How many chairs are there?" asks Kelly.

"There are eight chairs," answers Megan. |||椅子||

"We must bring chairs from home. Fifteen of our friends are coming to the party," says Susan. "I want to look at the old kitchen."

"I want to look at the other rooms," says Megan.

She walks down a long corridor. She finds three rooms with some old furniture. Then she opens a small door and enters a dark bedroom. |||||||entra||| There is a sweet smell of roses.

She sees a long black dress with small black buttons on a big bed. On the floor she sees a pair of old black boots. 바닥에 낡은 검은색 부츠 한 켤레가 보입니다. They are wet! She looks outside the window. It is raining. ||está lloviendo

She looks in an old mirror. Someone in the mirror is looking at her! 鏡の中の誰かが彼女を見ています! 거울 속 누군가가 그녀를 보고 있습니다!

Megan is afraid. She wants to leave the room but her legs can't move. She wants to call Kelly and Susan. But she has no voice.

Suddenly Kelly calls her. "Megan, what are you doing?" Megan can't answer.

Kelly and Susan run to the bedroom. "Megan, what's happening?"

Megan's face is white. She points to the black dress and the wet boots. |||||||||靴子 The girls are very surprised.

"Do you remember the old lady at the museum?" Megan whispers. "This is her dress and those are her boots. Look, they're wet!"

"Are you sure that old lady exists? 「おばあさんがいるって本当ですか? Maybe it's your imagination," says Kelly. |||imaginación||

Megan is angry. "It's not my imagination. This is Abigail Cross' house and these are her clothes. Abigail Cross is here!"

"Abigail Cross is dead!"

"But her ghost isn't!" 「しかし、彼女の幽霊はそうではありません!」 "하지만 그녀의 유령은 그렇지 않아요!"

Chapter five

Halloween Costumes

Megan, Kelly and Susan go back to the big room. They look at the old portrait. They don't like it.

Soon the boys arrive with some cleaning products and a broom. ||||||||||escoba

The girls say, "Abigail Cross' dress and boots are in the bedroom!"