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E-Books (english-e-reader), Ghastly Ghosts by Gina D. B. Clemen (2)

Ghastly Ghosts by Gina D. B. Clemen (2)

Anne Boleyn is a very active royal ghost. In 1533, she became King Henry VIII's second wife. But Henry soon got tired of her because she did not give him a son.

In 1536, Henry decided to marry another woman. He accused Anne Boleyn of treason and put her in the Tower of London. She was beheaded on Tower Green in May 1536.

Her ghost is white and transparent. She haunts Tower Green, the White Tower and the church in the Tower. Sometimes she appears with her head. At other times, she holds her head in her hand!

The ghosts of Henry's other unlucky wives - Catherine Howard and Jane Seymour - haunt Hampton Court Palace, just outside London.

In 1972, a nine-year-old girl visited the Tower of London with her father.

The tourist guide said, 'Anne Boleyn and other royal prisoners were beheaded on Tower Green. The executioner used a big axe to cut off their heads.'

'That's not true! I saw Anne Boleyn a minute ago. But the executioner did not use an axe because Anne Boleyn was a queen. He used a special sword from France.'

The other visitors were surprised. The little girl was right.

'How do you know this?' asked her father.

'I saw the whole execution on Tower Green a few minutes ago!' she said.

Perhaps the most famous ghosts of the Tower are the two princes. They were heirs to the English throne. When Edward V became King of England in 1483, he was only twelve years old and his brother Richard was ten. Their uncle Richard wanted to be King of England. He took the princes to the Tower and soon they disappeared.

People began asking questions, 'Where is young King Edward, where is his brother?'

People said that Richard was responsible for the murder of the princes.

Then one night a soldier saw two children at the bottom of the stairs. They had long white nightclothes. They looked at the soldier silently. They were very sad and frightened. Suddenly they disappeared. Then the soldier understood. The children were the ghosts of the two princes. Many people saw the two ghosts at the bottom of the stairs and people still see them now.

In 1647, workmen found the skeletons of two children under the stairs. The skeletons were buried immediately. On windy nights, the ghosts of the sad princes still haunt the Tower of London.

The Tower is a very spooky place at night!


American Spooks

Ghosts, spooks, poltergeists and phantoms are part of America's past and present. Halloween is the festivity of ghosts and the supernatural, and as you know, it is celebrated on October 31.

The Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, California, is the spookiest American monument to ghosts. It is a famous tourist attraction and people say that mysterious spooks live there.

Sara Winchester was part of the rich Winchester family. The family made Winchester rifles in the 1800s. During the nineteenth century, these rifles killed many people.

When Sara Winchester's husband and baby daughter died, she was very unhappy. Strange things were happening to her. She went to a psychic expert and asked for help.

The expert told her, 'The spirits of the people killed by a Winchester rifle are angry with you. They want revenge!'

'What can I do?' Mrs Winchester asked.

The expert answered, 'The spirits want you to build a big home for them. You must follow all their instructions. And you cannot rest - you must work seven days a week.'

Mrs Winchester bought a house in the country. For thirty-eight years, she built a home for ghosts! She and the workmen worked seven days a week. She lived in the haunted house and every evening she wore a long blue dress and had dinner and secret meetings with the ghosts. They gave her instructions for building the strange house. Every night she slept in a different bedroom.

Today the Winchester Mystery House has 160 rooms and is similar to a maze. There are stairs that go nowhere, doors that open onto walls and a window in the floor! Thirteen was a favourite number of the ghosts because there are thirteen bathrooms and all the stairs have thirteen steps.

Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts in 1804. He was a famous American writer. His grandfather was a judge at the Salem witch hangings. He was very interested in ghosts, evil spirits and demons.

Every evening after work, Hawthorne went to the Atheneum Library to read the newspaper. Reverend Harris went to the Atheneum Library too. He was an old minister of the church. Hawthorne saw Reverend Harris every evening for many years. But they were not friends.

One evening a friend of Hawthorne said, 'Reverend Harris died last week.'

'What? Are you sure?' Hawthorne asked.

'Yes, of course,' his friend answered and went away.

'How is that possible? I saw Reverend Harris at the library this evening and all last week,' Hawthorne thought.

For many weeks, Hawthorne saw Reverend Harris at the library. He sat in his usual chair and read the newspaper. But the other people at the library could not see him! Hawthorne said nothing to the others.

He was afraid to talk to the ghost. He was also afraid to touch it. After about a month, the ghost started looking at him.

'Why is Reverend Harris' ghost looking at me? Perhaps he wants to say something,' Hawthorne thought.

He was confused. He saw the ghost and did not know what to do. One evening he went to the library and Reverend Harris' chair was empty. Hawthorne never saw the ghost again.

For years he thought, 'Why did I see Reverend Harris' ghost? Why didn't the other people see him?'

Hawthorne thought about Reverend Harris' ghost for a long time, but he was never able to solve the mystery. The White House in Washington D.C. is also a haunted house! The ghosts of assassinated American Presidents haunt it. Abraham Lincoln's ghost is the most famous.

Lincoln was President of the United States during the American Civil War. Many Americans loved him, but he had dangerous enemies too. He stopped slavery in America, but the southern states did not agree with this.

On 5 April 1865, Abraham Lincoln had a very bad dream. He was at the White House and he heard people crying in the next room. He got up and went to the East Room. He saw a coffin in the middle of the room. Many people walked by the coffin.

'Who is inside the coffin?' he asked a man.

'The President of the United States, sir. An assassin killed him!'

'What?' said Lincoln. He looked inside the coffin and saw his own body. He was DEAD! He suddenly woke up. He was very scared about this dream. He told his wife and friends.

On 15 April 1865, Lincoln and his wife went to the theatre. He wanted to relax after a long day. At the end of the performance, John Wilkes Booth shot the President in the back of the head! The President of the United States was dead!

Was Lincoln's dream a coincidence? Or did he have supernatural powers?

In the 1920s, President Coolidge's wife saw Lincoln's face at the window of the Oval Office. He was very sad.

In the 1930s, Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands was a guest at the White House. One evening she heard a knock at the door. She opened it and saw Lincoln's ghost. He looked at her and then walked away.

In the 1980s, President Reagan's daughter saw Lincoln's ghost too. Today people at the White House still see his ghost in the East Room, in the Oval Office and in the halls.


Spanish Spirits

Maria, Juan and Miguel Pereira lived in the village of Belmez in southern Spain. They were farmers. On 23 August 1971, Maria Pereira was in the kitchen of her home.

Suddenly she saw an image of a human face on the kitchen floor! She tried to wash the floor but the face did not go away. It became more visible. It was the sad face of a man with big eyes.

'Juan, come quickly! There is something strange on the kitchen floor!' Maria cried.

Her husband came quickly and looked at the floor. He was terrified.

'Oh, no! What is this? A human face! Call Miguel!' Juan said.

Their son Miguel looked at the floor and said, 'What's happening? This is macabre!'

Miguel took a hammer and destroyed part of the floor. But soon after another face appeared and then another. Miguel destroyed another part of the floor. But after a few days other faces appeared. There were faces of men, women and children of different ages. Sometimes small crosses appeared too. At other times, parts of the body were visible: a woman's hand with a flower.

Soon everyone in Belmez knew about the mysterious faces. People came from other parts of Spain to see them. Many psychic experts were interested too. Professor de Argumosa of the University of Madrid started studying the faces. He also studied the chemical composition of the floor. But he found nothing unusual.

Professor de Argumosa discovered that in the 17th century the governor of Granada executed five people in Belmez. But this was not a complete explanation because there were more than five faces.

Workmen started digging under the Pereira's house. They found many skeletons under the kitchen floor. Two skeletons were headless! Was this an old cemetery? Yes, it was. In the past, there was a cemetery in the same place as the house. Perhaps the faces were the spirits of the dead in that cemetery.

Professor de Argumosa heard horrible cries and frightened voices in the Pereira kitchen. He made a recording of the cries and voices. He could also hear words in Spanish.

Experts from other countries went to Belmez to study the mysterious faces. The psychic expert Jose Martinez Romero wrote a book about them. But no one has an answer... yet!


Literary Ghosts

Ghosts and the supernatural are part of literature.

Let's meet some famous literary ghosts. William Shakespeare used ghosts in several of his plays. In Hamlet, the castle guards see the ghost of Hamlet's father one night. Then the ghost speaks to Hamlet and tells him terrible things about his murder.

Shakespeare's play Macbeth begins with three ugly witches. They tell Macbeth and Banquo strange things about their future. Later on in the play, Banquo's ghost appears at a banquet table and scares Macbeth.

In Richard III, the sad ghosts of two boy princes appear to King Richard. He murdered them earlier in the play.

In Julius Caesar, Caesar's ghost appears to remind Brutus of his crime.

The American writers Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Allan Poe were very interested in the supernatural and in spirits. Their stories often talk about ghosts, evil spirits and demons. In Poe's stories death and the supernatural are often present. In Eleonora (1842), the ghost of Eleonora returns to give a message to the narrator. In Hawthorne's novel The House of the Seven Gables (1851), unhappy people and strange spirits live in an evil, old house. His short story Young Goodman Brown (1846) talks about a young man and his adventure in the forest with witches and the devil!

Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol (1843) is a complete ghost story with four ghosts: Jacob Marley and the ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present and Christmas Yet to Come. The ghost of Jacob Marley is an important character of the story.

Wilkie Collins was a writer and a friend of Charles Dickens. He was the father of the modern mystery story. He also wrote a complete ghost story called The Haunted Hotel (1879).

At the end of the 19th century, the ghost story became a literary form. The Canterville Ghost (1887) by Oscar Wilde is an excellent example of a humorous ghost story. The ghost makes friends with one of the characters of the story.

In The Turn of the Screw (1898), Henry James created a macabre ghost story about two evil ghosts and their two young victims - a very frightening tale!

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Ghastly Ghosts by Gina D. B. Clemen (2) Ghastly Ghosts od Giny DB Clemen (2) Gruselige Gespenster von Gina D. B. Clemen (2) Fantasmas espantosos de Gina D. B. Clemen (2) Ghastly Ghosts par Gina D. B. Clemen (2) ジーナ・DB・クレメンの恐ろしい幽霊(2) 지나 D. B. 클레멘의 무시무시한 유령 (2) Ghastly Ghosts autorstwa Giny D. B. Clemen (2) Fantasmas medonhos de Gina DB Clemen (2) Мерзкие призраки Джина Д. Б. Клемен (2) Огидні привиди, Джина Д. Б. Клемен (2) 吉娜·DB·克莱门 (Gina DB Clemen) 的《可怕的幽灵》(2)

Anne Boleyn is a very active royal ghost. アン・ブーリンは非常に活発な王室の幽霊です。 In 1533, she became King Henry VIII's second wife. 1533年、彼女はヘンリー8世の2番目の妻になりました。 1533 blev hon kung Henrik VIII:s andra hustru. But Henry soon got tired of her because she did not give him a son. しかし、ヘンリーは息子を与えなかったのですぐに彼女に飽きました。

In 1536, Henry decided to marry another woman. He accused Anne Boleyn of treason and put her in the Tower of London. |buộc tội|||||||||||| 彼はアン・ブーリンを反逆罪で非難し、彼女をロンドン塔に入れました。 She was beheaded on Tower Green in May 1536. 彼女は1536年5月にタワーグリーンで首をかしげられました。

Her ghost is white and transparent. 彼女の幽霊は白くて透明です。 She haunts Tower Green, the White Tower and the church in the Tower. |||||||||nhà thờ||| 彼女はタワーグリーン、ホワイトタワー、タワー内の教会に出没します。 Sometimes she appears with her head. 時々彼女は頭を抱えて現れます。 At other times, she holds her head in her hand! 他の時には、彼女は彼女の頭を手に持っています!

The ghosts of Henry's other unlucky wives - Catherine Howard and Jane Seymour - haunt Hampton Court Palace, just outside London. ||||||những người vợ|||||||||Cung điện||| ヘンリーの他の不運な妻の幽霊-キャサリンハワードとジェーンシーモア-はロンドンのすぐ外にあるハンプトンコートパレスに出没します。 헨리의 다른 불운한 아내인 캐서린 하워드와 제인 시모어의 유령이 런던 외곽에 있는 햄튼 코트 궁전에 출몰합니다. Duchy innych pechowych żon Henryka - Katarzyny Howard i Jane Seymour - nawiedzają pałac Hampton Court na obrzeżach Londynu.

In 1972, a nine-year-old girl visited the Tower of London with her father. 1972年、9歳の少女が父親と一緒にロンドン塔を訪れました。 W 1972 roku dziewięcioletnia dziewczynka wraz z ojcem odwiedziła Tower of London.

The tourist guide said, 'Anne Boleyn and other royal prisoners were beheaded on Tower Green. 観光ガイドは言った、「アン・ブーリンと他の王室の囚人はタワーグリーンで頭を下げられました。 The executioner used a big axe to cut off their heads.' |||||cái rìu lớn||||| Kat użył wielkiego topora, aby odciąć im głowy".

'That's not true! 'それは真実ではない! I saw Anne Boleyn a minute ago. 少し前にアン・ブーリンに会いました。 Przed chwilą widziałem Anne Boleyn. But the executioner did not use an axe because Anne Boleyn was a queen. しかし、アン・ブーリンが女王だったので、死刑執行人は斧を使いませんでした。 Ale kat nie użył topora, ponieważ Anna Boleyn była królową. He used a special sword from France.' 彼はフランスからの特別な剣を使用しました。

The other visitors were surprised. 他の訪問者は驚いた。 Pozostali goście byli zaskoczeni. The little girl was right. その少女は正しかった。

'How do you know this?' 「どうやってこれを知っていますか?」 "Skąd to wiesz? asked her father. 彼女の父親に尋ねた。

'I saw the whole execution on Tower Green a few minutes ago!' "Widziałem całą egzekucję na Tower Green kilka minut temu! she said.

Perhaps the most famous ghosts of the Tower are the two princes. They were heirs to the English throne. ||người thừa kế|||| Byli spadkobiercami angielskiego tronu. When Edward V became King of England in 1483, he was only twelve years old and his brother Richard was ten. エドワード5世が1483年にイングランド王になったとき、彼はわずか12歳で、弟のリチャードは10歳でした。 Their uncle Richard wanted to be King of England. Ich wuj Ryszard chciał zostać królem Anglii. He took the princes to the Tower and soon they disappeared. 彼は王子たちを塔に連れて行きました、そしてすぐに彼らは姿を消しました。 Zabrał książąt do Wieży i wkrótce zniknęli.

People began asking questions, 'Where is young King Edward, where is his brother?' Ludzie zaczęli zadawać pytania: "Gdzie jest młody król Edward, gdzie jest jego brat?".

People said that Richard was responsible for the murder of the princes. ||||||||giết hại||| 人々はリチャードが王子の殺害に責任があると言いました。 Ludzie mówili, że Richard był odpowiedzialny za zabójstwo książąt.

Then one night a soldier saw two children at the bottom of the stairs. それからある夜、兵士が階段の下で二人の子供を見ました。 Pewnej nocy żołnierz zobaczył dwoje dzieci na dole schodów. They had long white nightclothes. 彼らは長い白い寝間着を持っていました。 Mieli długie białe koszule nocne. They looked at the soldier silently. 彼らは静かに兵士を見ました。 Spojrzeli na żołnierza w milczeniu. They were very sad and frightened. |||||sợ hãi 彼らはとても悲しくて怯えていた。 Suddenly they disappeared. Đột nhiên|| Nagle zniknęli. Then the soldier understood. Wtedy żołnierz zrozumiał. The children were the ghosts of the two princes. Dzieci były duchami dwóch książąt. Many people saw the two ghosts at the bottom of the stairs and people still see them now.

In 1647, workmen found the skeletons of two children under the stairs. ||||bộ xương|||||| The skeletons were buried immediately. |||chôn cất| 骸骨はすぐに埋葬されました。 On windy nights, the ghosts of the sad princes still haunt the Tower of London. 風の強い夜でも、悲しい王子の幽霊はまだロンドン塔に出没します。 W wietrzne noce duchy smutnych książąt wciąż nawiedzają Tower of London.

The Tower is a very spooky place at night! タワーは夜はとても不気味な場所です!


American Spooks |Điệp viên Mỹ アメリカンスパイ American Spooks

Ghosts, spooks, poltergeists and phantoms are part of America's past and present. |ma quái|ma quái||bóng ma||||||| 幽霊、幽霊、ポルターガイスト、ファントムは、アメリカの過去と現在の一部です。 유령, 유령, 폴터가이스트, 팬텀은 미국의 과거와 현재의 일부입니다. Duchy, upiory, poltergeisty i zjawy są częścią przeszłości i teraźniejszości Ameryki. Halloween is the festivity of ghosts and the supernatural, and as you know, it is celebrated on October 31. ||||||||siêu nhiên||||||||| ハロウィーンは幽霊と超自然の祭典であり、ご存知のように、10月31日に祝われます。 할로윈은 유령과 초자연적인 것들의 축제이며, 아시다시피 10월 31일에 기념됩니다. Halloween to święto duchów i zjawisk nadprzyrodzonych, obchodzone 31 października.

The Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, California, is the spookiest American monument to ghosts. ||||||||||rùng rợn nhất||đài tưởng niệm|| カリフォルニア州サンノゼにあるウィンチェスターミステリーハウスは、幽霊の最も不気味なアメリカの記念碑です。 캘리포니아 산호세에 있는 윈체스터 미스터리 하우스는 미국에서 가장 으스스한 유령의 기념비입니다. Winchester Mystery House w San Jose w Kalifornii to najstraszniejszy amerykański pomnik duchów. It is a famous tourist attraction and people say that mysterious spooks live there. 有名な観光名所で、不思議なスパイが住んでいると言われています。 유명한 관광 명소이며 사람들은 신비한 유령이 살고 있다고 말합니다. Jest to słynna atrakcja turystyczna, a ludzie mówią, że mieszkają tam tajemnicze duchy.

Sara Winchester was part of the rich Winchester family. サラウィンチェスターは、裕福なウィンチェスターファミリーの一員でした。 The family made Winchester rifles in the 1800s. ||||súng trường Winchester||| 家族は1800年代にウィンチェスターライフルを作りました。 During the nineteenth century, these rifles killed many people. |||||súng trường||| W XIX wieku karabiny te zabiły wiele osób.

When Sara Winchester's husband and baby daughter died, she was very unhappy. |||||||qua đời|||| Po śmierci męża i córeczki Sara Winchester była bardzo nieszczęśliwa. Strange things were happening to her. Działy się z nią dziwne rzeczy. She went to a psychic expert and asked for help. ||||cô đồng|||||

The expert told her, 'The spirits of the people killed by a Winchester rifle are angry with you. |||||linh hồn|||||||||||| Ekspert powiedział jej: "Duchy ludzi zabitych z karabinu Winchester są na ciebie wściekłe. They want revenge!' ||họ muốn trả thù

'What can I do?' Mrs Winchester asked.

The expert answered, 'The spirits want you to build a big home for them. Ekspert odpowiedział: "Duchy chcą, abyś zbudował dla nich duży dom. You must follow all their instructions. |||||hướng dẫn And you cannot rest - you must work seven days a week.' そして、あなたは休むことができません-あなたは週7日働かなければなりません。

Mrs Winchester bought a house in the country. ウィンチェスター夫人は田舎で家を買いました。 For thirty-eight years, she built a home for ghosts! 38年間、彼女は幽霊のための家を建てました! Przez trzydzieści osiem lat budowała dom dla duchów! She and the workmen worked seven days a week. |||công nhân||||| 彼女と労働者は週7日働いた。 She lived in the haunted house and every evening she wore a long blue dress and had dinner and secret meetings with the ghosts. ||||ma ám||||||mặc||||||||||||| 彼女はお化け屋敷に住んでいて、毎晩長い青いドレスを着て、夕食と幽霊との秘密の会合を持っていました。 Mieszkała w nawiedzonym domu i każdego wieczoru zakładała długą niebieską suknię i jadła kolację oraz potajemnie spotykała się z duchami. They gave her instructions for building the strange house. 彼らは彼女に奇妙な家を建てるように指示した。 Dali jej instrukcje dotyczące budowy dziwnego domu. Every night she slept in a different bedroom. Każdej nocy spała w innej sypialni.

Today the Winchester Mystery House has 160 rooms and is similar to a maze. ||||||||||||mê cung 今日、ウィンチェスターミステリーハウスには160の部屋があり、迷路に似ています。 There are stairs that go nowhere, doors that open onto walls and a window in the floor! ||cầu thang|||||||||||||| どこにも行かない階段、壁に通じるドア、床の窓があります! Są schody, które prowadzą donikąd, drzwi, które otwierają się na ściany i okno w podłodze! Thirteen was a favourite number of the ghosts because there are thirteen bathrooms and all the stairs have thirteen steps. 13のバスルームがあり、すべての階段に13の階段があるため、13は幽霊のお気に入りの数でした。

Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts in 1804. ナサニエルホーソーンは1804年にマサチューセッツ州セーラムで生まれました。 He was a famous American writer. His grandfather was a judge at the Salem witch hangings. ||||thẩm phán||||phù thủy|"vụ treo cổ" Sein Großvater war Richter bei den Hexenverfolgungen in Salem. 彼の祖父はセイラム魔女裁判の裁判官でした。 그의 할아버지는 세일럼 마녀 교수형의 판사였습니다. Jeho starý otec bol sudcom pri salemských popravách čarodejníc. He was very interested in ghosts, evil spirits and demons. ||||||tà ác||| 彼は幽霊、悪霊、悪魔に非常に興味を持っていました。

Every evening after work, Hawthorne went to the Atheneum Library to read the newspaper. ||||||||Thư viện Atheneum||||| 仕事の後、毎晩、ホーソーンは新聞を読むためにアテネウム図書館に行きました。 Każdego wieczoru po pracy Hawthorne udawał się do biblioteki Atheneum, aby poczytać gazetę. Reverend Harris went to the Atheneum Library too. Mục sư||||||| ハリス牧師もアテネウム図書館に行きました。 He was an old minister of the church. ||||ông mục sư|||nhà thờ 彼は教会の古い牧師でした。 Był starym pastorem kościoła. Hawthorne saw Reverend Harris every evening for many years. Hawthorne widywał wielebnego Harrisa każdego wieczoru przez wiele lat. But they were not friends. しかし、彼らは友達ではありませんでした。

One evening a friend of Hawthorne said, 'Reverend Harris died last week.' Pewnego wieczoru przyjaciel Hawthorne'a powiedział: "Wielebny Harris zmarł w zeszłym tygodniu".

'What? Are you sure?' Hawthorne asked.

'Yes, of course,' his friend answered and went away.

'How is that possible? "Jak to możliwe? I saw Reverend Harris at the library this evening and all last week,' Hawthorne thought. ||Mục sư|||||||||||| 私は今晩と先週ずっと図書館でハリス牧師に会いました」とホーソーンは考えました。 Widziałem wielebnego Harrisa w bibliotece dziś wieczorem i przez cały zeszły tydzień", pomyślał Hawthorne.

For many weeks, Hawthorne saw Reverend Harris at the library. He sat in his usual chair and read the newspaper. |||||ghế ngồi thường lệ|||| Usiadł w swoim zwykłym fotelu i czytał gazetę. But the other people at the library could not see him! |||||||có thể||| Ale inni ludzie w bibliotece nie mogli go zobaczyć! Hawthorne said nothing to the others. ホーソーンは他の人に何も言わなかった。 Hawthorne nic nie powiedział pozostałym.

He was afraid to talk to the ghost. Bał się rozmawiać z duchem. He was also afraid to touch it. 彼はまたそれに触れることを恐れていた。 Bał się też go dotknąć. After about a month, the ghost started looking at him. 約1か月後、幽霊は彼を見始めました。

'Why is Reverend Harris' ghost looking at me? Perhaps he wants to say something,' Hawthorne thought. Może chce coś powiedzieć" - pomyślał Hawthorne.

He was confused. ||bối rối Był zdezorientowany. He saw the ghost and did not know what to do. 彼は幽霊を見て、何をすべきかわからなかった。 Zobaczył ducha i nie wiedział, co zrobić. One evening he went to the library and Reverend Harris' chair was empty. ||||||||||||trống rỗng ある晩、彼は図書館に行き、ハリス牧師の椅子は空でした。 Pewnego wieczoru poszedł do biblioteki, a krzesło wielebnego Harrisa było puste. Hawthorne never saw the ghost again.

For years he thought, 'Why did I see Reverend Harris' ghost? 何年もの間、彼は「なぜ私はハリス牧師の幽霊を見たのですか?」と考えました。 Przez lata myślał: "Dlaczego widziałem ducha wielebnego Harrisa? Why didn't the other people see him?' Dlaczego inni ludzie go nie widzieli?

Hawthorne thought about Reverend Harris' ghost for a long time, but he was never able to solve the mystery. |||Mục sư||||||||||||||| Hawthorne długo myślał o duchu wielebnego Harrisa, ale nigdy nie był w stanie rozwiązać tej zagadki. The White House in Washington D.C. ワシントンDCのホワイトハウス is also a haunted house! |||ma ám| お化け屋敷でもあります! The ghosts of assassinated American Presidents haunt it. |||bị ám sát|||| 暗殺されたアメリカ大統領の幽霊がそれに出没します。 Nawiedzają go duchy zamordowanych amerykańskich prezydentów. Abraham Lincoln's ghost is the most famous.

Lincoln was President of the United States during the American Civil War. ||||||||||nội chiến| リンカーンは南北戦争の間、アメリカ合衆国の大統領でした。 Lincoln był prezydentem Stanów Zjednoczonych podczas amerykańskiej wojny secesyjnej. Many Americans loved him, but he had dangerous enemies too. ||||||||kẻ thù nguy hiểm| He stopped slavery in America, but the southern states did not agree with this. ||chế độ nô lệ||||||||||| Położył kres niewolnictwu w Ameryce, ale południowe stany nie zgodziły się na to.

On 5 April 1865, Abraham Lincoln had a very bad dream. He was at the White House and he heard people crying in the next room. ||||||||nghe thấy|||||| 彼はホワイトハウスにいて、隣の部屋で人々が泣いているのを聞いた。 Był w Białym Domu i słyszał płaczących ludzi w sąsiednim pokoju. He got up and went to the East Room. 彼は起き上がってイーストルームに行きました。 Wstał i poszedł do wschodniego pokoju. He saw a coffin in the middle of the room. |||quan tài|||||| 彼は部屋の真ん中に棺を見た。 Zobaczył trumnę na środku pokoju. Many people walked by the coffin. 多くの人が棺のそばを歩いていました。

'Who is inside the coffin?' he asked a man.

'The President of the United States, sir. An assassin killed him!' |Sát thủ|| Zabił go zabójca!

'What?' said Lincoln. He looked inside the coffin and saw his own body. Zajrzał do trumny i zobaczył własne ciało. He was DEAD! He suddenly woke up. |đột nhiên|| Nagle się obudził. He was very scared about this dream. Był bardzo przestraszony tym snem. He told his wife and friends. Powiedział o tym swojej żonie i przyjaciołom.

On 15 April 1865, Lincoln and his wife went to the theatre. He wanted to relax after a long day. Chciał się zrelaksować po długim dniu. At the end of the performance, John Wilkes Booth shot the President in the back of the head! パフォーマンスの終わりに、ジョンウィルクスブースは頭の後ろで大統領を撃ちました! Pod koniec przedstawienia John Wilkes Booth strzelił prezydentowi w tył głowy! The President of the United States was dead!

Was Lincoln's dream a coincidence? リンカーンの夢は偶然の一致でしたか? Czy sen Lincolna był zbiegiem okoliczności? Or did he have supernatural powers? ||||siêu nhiên|

In the 1920s, President Coolidge's wife saw Lincoln's face at the window of the Oval Office. ||||||||||||||Phòng Bầu dục| 1920年代、クーリッジ大統領の妻は大統領執務室の窓でリンカーンの顔を見ました。 W latach dwudziestych żona prezydenta Coolidge'a zobaczyła twarz Lincolna w oknie Gabinetu Owalnego. He was very sad.

In the 1930s, Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands was a guest at the White House. |||||||Hà Lan||||||| 1930年代、オランダのウィルヘルミナ女王がホワイトハウスにゲストとして参加しました。 W latach 30. królowa Wilhelmina z Holandii była gościem w Białym Domu. One evening she heard a knock at the door. Pewnego wieczoru usłyszała pukanie do drzwi. She opened it and saw Lincoln's ghost. Otworzyła go i zobaczyła ducha Lincolna. He looked at her and then walked away. Spojrzał na nią i odszedł.

In the 1980s, President Reagan's daughter saw Lincoln's ghost too. Today people at the White House still see his ghost in the East Room, in the Oval Office and in the halls.


Spanish Spirits スペインのスピリッツ

Maria, Juan and Miguel Pereira lived in the village of Belmez in southern Spain. Maria||||Pereira|mieszkali|||||Belmez||| マリア、フアン、ミゲルペレイラはスペイン南部のベルメスの村に住んでいました。 Maria, Juan i Miguel Pereira mieszkali w wiosce Belmez w południowej Hiszpanii. They were farmers. oni|| 彼らは農民でした。 Byli rolnikami. On 23 August 1971, Maria Pereira was in the kitchen of her home. ||||była|||||| 1971年8月23日、マリア・ペレイラは自宅の台所にいました。 23 sierpnia 1971 r. Maria Pereira przebywała w kuchni swojego domu.

Suddenly she saw an image of a human face on the kitchen floor! |ona|zobaczyła|jakiś|obraz|||ludzki||||| 突然、彼女は台所の床に人間の顔の画像を見ました! Nagle zobaczyła obraz ludzkiej twarzy na podłodze w kuchni! She tried to wash the floor but the face did not go away. Próbowała umyć podłogę, ale twarz nie zniknęła. It became more visible. ||bardziej|bardziej widoczne それがより目立つようになりました。 It was the sad face of a man with big eyes. |był|||twarz|||||| Była to smutna twarz mężczyzny o wielkich oczach.

'Juan, come quickly! Juan, chodź szybko! There is something strange on the kitchen floor!' |||||||podłoga Maria cried.

Her husband came quickly and looked at the floor. Jej mąż przyszedł szybko i spojrzał na podłogę. He was terrified. Był przerażony.

'Oh, no! What is this? A human face! Call Miguel!' Zadzwoń do Miguela! Juan said.

Their son Miguel looked at the floor and said, 'What's happening? Ich|||patrzył|||||powiedział|Co się dzieje|się dzieje This is macabre!' ||Điều này rùng rợn! これは恐ろしい! To jest makabryczne!

Miguel took a hammer and destroyed part of the floor. |||młotek||zniszczył|część|pod||podłoga Miguel wziął młotek i zniszczył część podłogi. But soon after another face appeared and then another. Ale|wkrótce potem|po chwili|inny||pojawiła się|i|potem| しかし、すぐに別の顔が現れ、次に別の顔が現れました。 Wkrótce jednak pojawiła się kolejna twarz, a potem jeszcze jedna. Miguel destroyed another part of the floor. Miguel zniszczył kolejną część podłogi. But after a few days other faces appeared. Ale po kilku dniach pojawiły się inne twarze. There were faces of men, women and children of different ages. |były|twarze|||||dzieci|z||wiekach さまざまな年齢の男性、女性、子供たちの顔がありました。 Sometimes small crosses appeared too. ||krzyże||też 時々小さな十字架も現れました。 At other times, parts of the body were visible: a woman's hand with a flower. ||||||||widoczne|||||| 他の時には、体の一部が見えました:花を持った女性の手。 Innym razem widoczne były części ciała: kobieca dłoń z kwiatem.

Soon everyone in Belmez knew about the mysterious faces. |||Belmez||||tajemnicze| すぐにベルメスの誰もが神秘的な顔について知った。 Wkrótce wszyscy w Belmez wiedzieli o tajemniczych twarzach. People came from other parts of Spain to see them. 人々は彼らを見るためにスペインの他の地域から来ました。 Many psychic experts were interested too. |nhiều nhà ngoại cảm|||| |||||też 多くの超能力者も興味を持っていました。 Wielu ekspertów od psychologii również było zainteresowanych. Professor de Argumosa of the University of Madrid started studying the faces. ||Argumosa|||||Madrytu|zaczął|badanie twarzy|| He also studied the chemical composition of the floor. ||||chemiczny|skład chemiczny||| 彼はまた床の化学組成を研究した。 But he found nothing unusual. ||||niezwykłego

Professor de Argumosa discovered that in the 17th century the governor of Granada executed five people in Belmez. ||||||||||thống đốc||||||| |||odkrył|że||||||gubernator||Granada|wykonał wyrok|||| de Argumosa教授は、17世紀にグラナダの知事がベルメスで5人を処刑したことを発見しました。 Profesor de Argumosa odkrył, że w XVII wieku gubernator Granady dokonał egzekucji pięciu osób w Belmez. But this was not a complete explanation because there were more than five faces. ||to było|||pełna|wyjaśnienie||tam||||| Dies war jedoch keine vollständige Erklärung, da es mehr als fünf Gesichter gab. しかし、顔が5つ以上あったため、これは完全な説明ではありませんでした。

Workmen started digging under the Pereira's house. robotnicy|zaczęli|kopanie|||Pereiry| 労働者はペレイラの家の下を掘り始めました。 Robotnicy zaczęli kopać pod domem Pereiry. They found many skeletons under the kitchen floor. |||bộ xương|||| ||||||kuchni|podłoga Pod podłogą w kuchni znaleźli wiele szkieletów. Two skeletons were headless! |bộ xương|| ||były|bez głów Dwa szkielety były pozbawione głów! Was this an old cemetery? ||||Nghĩa trang cũ był|to||stary|cmentarz Czy to był stary cmentarz? Yes, it was. In the past, there was a cemetery in the same place as the house. かつて、家と同じ場所に墓地がありました。 과거에는 집과 같은 곳에 공동묘지가 있었습니다. W przeszłości w tym samym miejscu co dom znajdował się cmentarz. Perhaps the faces were the spirits of the dead in that cemetery. ||||||||||tego| おそらく、その顔はその墓地の死者の霊でした。 Być może twarze były duchami zmarłych na tym cmentarzu.

Professor de Argumosa heard horrible cries and frightened voices in the Pereira kitchen. |||||||sợ hãi||||| |||słyszał|straszne|||przestraszone||||| Profesor de Argumosa usłyszał straszne krzyki i przerażone głosy w kuchni Pereiry. He made a recording of the cries and voices. 彼は叫び声と声を録音しました。 Nagrał krzyki i głosy. He could also hear words in Spanish. |mógł||słyszeć||| Słyszał również słowa w języku hiszpańskim.

Experts from other countries went to Belmez to study the mysterious faces. ||||poszli||||||| Eksperci z innych krajów udali się do Belmez, aby zbadać tajemnicze twarze. The psychic expert Jose Martinez Romero wrote a book about them. ||||||napisał|||| But no one has an answer... yet! Ale|||ma|jaką|odpowiedź| しかし、誰も答えを持っていません...まだ! Ale nikt nie zna odpowiedzi... jeszcze!


Literary Ghosts Literackie| 文学の幽霊 Literackie duchy

Ghosts and the supernatural are part of literature. |||||||văn học |||nadprzyrodzony||||literatura 幽霊と超自然は文学の一部です。 Duchy i zjawiska nadprzyrodzone są częścią literatury.

Let's meet some famous literary ghosts. ||||literackich| William Shakespeare used ghosts in several of his plays. |William Shakespeare||||||| ||||||||sztukach ウィリアムシェイクスピアは、彼の演劇のいくつかで幽霊を使用しました。 William Szekspir wykorzystał duchy w kilku swoich sztukach. In Hamlet, the castle guards see the ghost of Hamlet's father one night. ||||lính canh|||||||| |||zamek||||||Hamleta|ojca|| ハムレットでは、ある夜、城の警備員がハムレットの父の幽霊を見ます。 W Hamlecie strażnicy zamku pewnej nocy widzą ducha ojca Hamleta. Then the ghost speaks to Hamlet and tells him terrible things about his murder. |||||||||||||vụ giết hại それから幽霊はハムレットに話しかけ、彼の殺人についてひどいことを彼に話します。 그런 다음 유령은 햄릿에게 말을 걸어 그의 살인에 대한 끔찍한 이야기를 들려줍니다.

Shakespeare's play Macbeth begins with three ugly witches. |||zaczyna|z||brzydkie| シェイクスピアの演劇マクベスは、3人の醜い魔女から始まります。 They tell Macbeth and Banquo strange things about their future. ||||Banquo||||ich| 彼らはマクベスとバンクォウに彼らの将来について奇妙なことを話します。 Later on in the play, Banquo's ghost appears at a banquet table and scares Macbeth. ||||||||||bữa tiệc|||| ||||sztuce||||||uczta|||| Im weiteren Verlauf des Stücks erscheint Banquos Geist bei einem Bankett und erschreckt Macbeth. 劇の後半で、バンクォウの幽霊が宴会テーブルに現れ、マクベスを怖がらせます。 W dalszej części sztuki duch Banquo pojawia się przy stole bankietowym i przeraża Makbeta.

In Richard III, the sad ghosts of two boy princes appear to King Richard. W|Ryszard|||||||chłopiec|książąt|||| リチャードIIIでは、2人の少年王子の悲しい幽霊がリチャード王に現れます。 리처드 3세에서는 리처드 왕에게 두 소년 왕자의 슬픈 유령이 등장합니다. W Ryszardzie III smutne duchy dwóch książąt ukazują się królowi Ryszardowi. He murdered them earlier in the play. |zamordował|ich|wcześniej|||sztuce teatralnej 彼は劇の早い段階で彼らを殺害した。 Zamordował ich wcześniej w grze.

In Julius Caesar, Caesar's ghost appears to remind Brutus of his crime. |||||||przypomnieć|Brutus|z||zbrodnia ジュリアスシーザーでは、シーザーの幽霊がブルータスに彼の犯罪を思い出させるように見えます。 W Juliuszu Cezarze duch Cezara pojawia się, aby przypomnieć Brutusowi o jego zbrodni.

The American writers Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Allan Poe were very interested in the supernatural and in spirits. ||||Hawthorne||||||||||||| ||pisarze||||||||||||nadprzyrodzone zjawiska||| アメリカの作家ナサニエル・ホーソーンとエドガー・アラン・ポーは、超自然と精神に非常に興味を持っていました。 Amerykańscy pisarze Nathaniel Hawthorne i Edgar Allan Poe byli bardzo zainteresowani zjawiskami nadprzyrodzonymi i duchami. Their stories often talk about ghosts, evil spirits and demons. 彼らの話はしばしば幽霊、悪霊、悪魔について話します。 Ich historie często mówią o duchach, złych duchach i demonach. In Poe's stories death and the supernatural are often present. ||opowiadania|||||||obecne In Poes Geschichten sind der Tod und das Übernatürliche oft präsent. ポーの物語では、死と超自然がしばしば存在します。 포의 이야기에는 죽음과 초자연적인 것이 자주 등장합니다. W opowiadaniach Poego śmierć i zjawiska nadprzyrodzone są często obecne. In Eleonora (1842), the ghost of Eleonora returns to give a message to the narrator. |Eleonora|||||||||||| |||||Eleonora|powraca|do|dać|||||narrator In Eleonora (1842) kehrt der Geist von Eleonora zurück, um dem Erzähler eine Botschaft zu überbringen. エレオノーラ(1842)では、エレオノーラの幽霊が戻ってナレーターにメッセージを送ります。 In Hawthorne's novel The House of the Seven Gables (1851), unhappy people and strange spirits live in an evil, old house. |||ten|dom|z o z dotyczący|ten||szczyty|nieszczęśliwi||||duchy||||złym|| ホーソーンの小説「七つの切妻の家」(1851年)では、不幸な人々と奇妙な霊が邪悪な古い家に住んでいます。 His short story Young Goodman Brown (1846) talks about a young man and his adventure in the forest with witches and the devil! |||||||||||||cuộc phiêu lưu||||||||quỷ dữ ||||dobry człowiek||mówi|||||||przygoda|||||||| 그의 단편 소설 영 굿맨 브라운(1846)은 한 청년이 마녀와 악마와 함께 숲에서 겪는 모험에 관한 이야기예요! Jego opowiadanie Young Goodman Brown (1846) opowiada o młodym człowieku i jego przygodzie w lesie z czarownicami i diabłem!

Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol (1843) is a complete ghost story with four ghosts: Jacob Marley and the ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present and Christmas Yet to Come. Charles Dickens||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||pełna historia duchów|duch|||czterech||||||duchy||Boże Narodzenie|Przeszłość|||||jeszcze|do| チャールズ・ディケンズのクリスマス・キャロル(1843)は、ジェイコブ・マーレイとクリスマスの過去、クリスマスの現在、未来のクリスマスの幽霊の4人の幽霊がいる完全な幽霊物語です。 찰스 디킨스의 크리스마스 캐롤(1843)은 네 명의 유령이 등장하는 완전한 유령 이야기입니다: 제이콥 말리와 과거의 크리스마스, 현재의 크리스마스, 그리고 아직 오지 않은 크리스마스의 유령이 등장합니다. Opowieść wigilijna Charlesa Dickensa (1843) to kompletna historia o duchach z czterema duchami: Jacobem Marleyem i duchami minionych, obecnych i przyszłych świąt Bożego Narodzenia. The ghost of Jacob Marley is an important character of the story. ジェイコブ・マーレイの幽霊は物語の重要なキャラクターです。

Wilkie Collins was a writer and a friend of Charles Dickens. |||||||przyjaciel||Karol| Wilkie Collins był pisarzem i przyjacielem Charlesa Dickensa. He was the father of the modern mystery story. |||ojciec|z||nowoczesnej|tajemnica| He also wrote a complete ghost story called The Haunted Hotel (1879). |||||||nazywana||Nawiedzony|

At the end of the 19th century, the ghost story became a literary form. ||||||||||||formą literacką|forma literacka 19世紀の終わりに、幽霊の物語は文学形式になりました。 Pod koniec XIX wieku opowieść o duchach stała się formą literacką. The Canterville Ghost (1887) by Oscar Wilde is an excellent example of a humorous ghost story. |Canterville||||||||||||| オスカーワイルドによるカンタービルゴースト(1887)は、ユーモラスなゴーストストーリーの優れた例です。 오스카 와일드의 캔터빌 유령(1887)은 유머러스한 유령 이야기의 훌륭한 예입니다. The ghost makes friends with one of the characters of the story. ||zyskuje||||||postać||| 幽霊は物語の登場人物の一人と友達になります。 유령은 이야기 속 캐릭터 중 한 명과 친구가 됩니다. Duch zaprzyjaźnia się z jednym z bohaterów opowieści.

In The Turn of the Screw (1898), Henry James created a macabre ghost story about two evil ghosts and their two young victims - a very frightening tale! ||||||||||rùng rợn||||||||||||||| En La vuelta de tuerca (1898), Henry James creó una macabra historia de fantasmas sobre dos fantasmas malignos y sus dos jóvenes víctimas: ¡un cuento muy aterrador! ねじの回転(1898)で、ヘンリー・ジェイムズは2人の邪悪な幽霊と2人の若い犠牲者についての不気味な幽霊物語を作成しました-非常に恐ろしい話です!