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E-Books (english-e-reader), Davy Crockett (2)

Davy Crockett (2)

All the men crossed the line. These men wanted to defend the Alamo. These men wanted an independent Texas.

On February 23, 1836, General Santa Anna and his army arrived. He sent a messenger to the Alamo. He wanted the people in the Alamo to leave. The men in the Alamo answered with a cannon shot! They did not want to leave. They did not want to return to the United States. General Santa Anna was furious. He showed a red flag. The red flag meant: No Prisoners! He wanted to kill everyone in the fort!

On February 24, 1836, General Santa Anna's army attacked the Alamo. The Mexicans had an enormous cannon. It shot a cannon ball that damaged a wall of the fort.

Davy said, "We must destroy that cannon. It can destroy the walls of our fort."

That night, Davy and Jim Bowie left the fort. They went to the Mexican camp. Everyone in the camp was sleeping. Davy and Jim silently passed behind the two Mexican guards. They put mud and stones in the enormous cannon. Then they returned to the Alamo.

The next morning, the Mexican army used the cannon. It exploded! The Mexicans were very surprised. Their enormous cannon was destroyed.

The men in the Alamo killed many Mexican soldiers. The Mexican army attacked many times during the day. But the Texans and the American army defended the Alamo.

Chapter eight

The Massacre

The days passed. The battle continued. There was little food and ammunition. The men in the Alamo fought courageously. Nothing stopped them!

After twelve days of fighting, General Santa Anna sent all of his army to attack the fort. On March 6, at 5 a.m., the Mexican bugles played the "Deguello." The "Deguello" was a war song. It meant "Death for everyone." The women and children at the fort were tired and afraid. The situation was desperate.

The men at the Alamo heard the "Deguello." They understood the message. General Santa Anna's army attacked the fort from all sides. It was a terrible battle. Everyone was shooting. Cannon balls were flying. A lot of men were injured. Some men were killed. Davy and the other men defended the fort. They sent back the Mexicans twice.

The third time, the Mexicans entered the fort. They killed many people: men, women and children. It was a massacre!

Jim Bowie was a great fighter. He was a strong man and he was never afraid. He fought with his famous Bowie knife. He killed many Mexican soldiers. At the end of the day, three Mexican soldiers killed Jim Bowie.

Davy and the other men fought until the end. They killed many enemy soldiers. It was a desperate battle. Four Mexican soldiers killed Davy with a long knife. The tall, courageous trapper fell to the ground!

Only two women and two children were alive after the massacre. But General Santa Anna did not kill them. These women and children returned home.

The Mexicans burnt the bodies of the dead people. It was a big victory for General Santa Anna. He lost 1,544 men at the Alamo.

On April 21, 1836, General Sam Houston and his army attacked General Santa Anna. General Houston made General Santa Anna prisoner. Santa Anna then signed a treaty. This treaty said that Texas was independent! Everyone remembered

Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, Colonel Travis and the other men. They died for the independence of Texas. Texas became a state of the United States in 1845.

All through his life, Davy Crockett did what he believed was right. With his honesty and determination, he became a national hero. Davy Crockett was the perfect example of the American free spirit. In his life story Davy wrote, "I leave this rule for others when I'm dead:

Always be sure you're right-then go ahead!"


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Davy Crockett (2) Davy Crockett (2) Davy Crockett (2) Davy Crockett (2) デイビー・クロケット (2) 데이비 크로켓 (2) Davy Crockett (2) Davy Crockett (2) Дэви Крокетт (2) Davy Crockett (2) Деві Крокетт (2) 戴维·克罗克特 (2) 戴維‧克羅克特 (2)

All the men crossed the line. všichni||||| Bütün erkekler çizgiyi geçti. These men wanted to defend the Alamo. tito|||||| Bu adamlar Alamo'yu savunmak istiyorlardı. These men wanted an independent Texas. Bu adamlar bağımsız bir Teksas istiyorlardı.

On February 23, 1836, General Santa Anna and his army arrived. He sent a messenger to the Alamo. He wanted the people in the Alamo to leave. on|||||||| 彼はアラモの人々に去ってほしかった。 The men in the Alamo answered with a cannon shot! ti|||||odpověděli|s|u|| アラモの男たちは大砲を撃ちました! They did not want to leave. oni||||| They did not want to return to the United States. oni||||||||| General Santa Anna was furious. generál||||rozzuřený サンタアナ将軍は激怒した。 He showed a red flag. on|||| 彼は赤い旗を見せた。 The red flag meant: No Prisoners! ta||||| 赤い旗は意味しました:囚人はいない! He wanted to kill everyone in the fort! on||||||| 彼は砦の全員を殺したかったのです!

On February 24, 1836, General Santa Anna's army attacked the Alamo. The Mexicans had an enormous cannon. |||jednu|| ||||Mexikalıların devasa bir topu vardı.| It shot a cannon ball that damaged a wall of the fort. Ona|||||která|||||| 대포알을 발사해 요새 벽을 손상시켰습니다.

Davy said, "We must destroy that cannon. ||my musíme|||| It can destroy the walls of our fort." to||||||| それは私たちの砦の壁を破壊する可能性があります。」

That night, Davy and Jim Bowie left the fort. They went to the Mexican camp. Everyone in the camp was sleeping. Davy and Jim silently passed behind the two Mexican guards. Davy||Jim||prošli||||| They put mud and stones in the enormous cannon. Oni|||||||| ||çamur|||||| 彼らは巨大な大砲に泥と石を入れました。 Then they returned to the Alamo.

The next morning, the Mexican army used the cannon. ta||||||||dělo It exploded! to| |Patladı! 爆発した! The Mexicans were very surprised. ti|||| Their enormous cannon was destroyed. jejich||||

The men in the Alamo killed many Mexican soldiers. ti|||||||| The Mexican army attacked many times during the day. Mexická|||||||| But the Texans and the American army defended the Alamo. Ale||||ten|||bránili||

Chapter eight

The Massacre ta| |Katliam

The days passed. The battle continued. ta|| There was little food and ammunition. bylo||||| 食べ物や弾薬はほとんどありませんでした。 The men in the Alamo fought courageously. ti||||||odvážně アラモの男たちは勇気を持って戦った。 Nothing stopped them! Nic||

After twelve days of fighting, General Santa Anna sent all of his army to attack the fort. Po|||||||||||||||| 12日間の戦闘の後、サンタアナ将軍は砦を攻撃するためにすべての軍隊を派遣しました。 On March 6, at 5 a.m., the Mexican bugles played the "Deguello." |||||the||trumpety||| |||||||borazanlar çaldı||| 3月6日午前5時に、メキシコのとんがりコーンが「デゲロ」を演奏しました。 The "Deguello" was a war song. ta|||název|| It meant "Death for everyone." to|||| ||Ölüm|| The women and children at the fort were tired and afraid. Ty|||||||byly||| 砦の女性と子供たちは疲れていて恐れていました。 The situation was desperate. ta||| |||Durum umutsuzdu. 状況は絶望的でした。

The men at the Alamo heard the "Deguello." They understood the message. oni||| General Santa Anna's army attacked the fort from all sides. |||armáda||||ze všech stran|| It was a terrible battle. to|||| Everyone was shooting. Cannon balls were flying. 大砲のボールが飛んでいました。 A lot of men were injured. Mnoho||||| |||||Birçok adam yaralandı. Some men were killed. někteří||| Davy and the other men defended the fort. Davy||||||| They sent back the Mexicans twice. oni||||| 彼らはメキシコ人を二度送り返した。 그들은 멕시코인들을 두 번이나 돌려보냈습니다.

The third time, the Mexicans entered the fort. ta||||||| They killed many people: men, women and children. Oni||||||| It was a massacre! to||to byla| |||Katliamdı!

Jim Bowie was a great fighter. |||byl|| He was a strong man and he was never afraid. on|||||a|||| He fought with his famous Bowie knife. on|||||| 彼は有名なボウイナイフで戦った。 He killed many Mexican soldiers. on|||| At the end of the day, three Mexican soldiers killed Jim Bowie. Na||||||tři||||| 一日の終わりに、3人のメキシコの兵士がジムボウイを殺しました。

Davy and the other men fought until the end. Davy|||||||| They killed many enemy soldiers. oni|||| It was a desperate battle. to|||| |||Umutsuz| Four Mexican soldiers killed Davy with a long knife. Čtyři||||||s dlouhým no|| The tall, courageous trapper fell to the ground! ten||||||| O alto e corajoso caçador caiu no chão!

Only two women and two children were alive after the massacre. pouze||||dvě||byly|||| 虐殺後、生きていたのは2人の女性と2人の子供だけでした。 But General Santa Anna did not kill them. しかし、サンタアナ将軍は彼らを殺しませんでした。 Mas o General Santa Anna não os matou. These women and children returned home. tyto|||||

The Mexicans burnt the bodies of the dead people. ti|||||||| It was a big victory for General Santa Anna. to|||||||| He lost 1,544 men at the Alamo. on|||||

On April 21, 1836, General Sam Houston and his army attacked General Santa Anna. General Houston made General Santa Anna prisoner. ヒューストン将軍はサンタアナ将軍を捕虜にした。 Santa Anna then signed a treaty. Santa Anna||||Santa Anna| |||||anlaşma その後、サンタアナは条約に署名しました。 그 후 산타 안나는 조약에 서명했습니다. This treaty said that Texas was independent! tato|||||| Everyone remembered

Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, Colonel Travis and the other men. They died for the independence of Texas. Oni|||||| Texas became a state of the United States in 1845. Texas||||||||

All through his life, Davy Crockett did what he believed was right. Po celou||||Davy Crockett||||||| |Boyunca|||||||||| デイヴィッド・クロケットは生涯を通じて、自分が正しいと信じていることをしました。 데이비 크로켓은 평생 동안 자신이 옳다고 믿는 일을 했습니다. Durante toda a sua vida, Davy Crockett fez o que acreditava ser correto. Davy Crockett hayatı boyunca doğru olduğuna inandığı şeyi yaptı. With his honesty and determination, he became a national hero. S||||odhodlání|on стал||národním||hrdina ||||azim||||| 彼の正直さと決意で、彼は国民的英雄になりました。 정직과 결단력으로 그는 국민적 영웅이 되었습니다. Com a sua honestidade e determinação, tornou-se um herói nacional. Davy Crockett was the perfect example of the American free spirit. Davy|Kroket|byl||dokonalý|||||| ||||||||||özgür ruh デイヴィッド・クロケットはアメリカの自由な精神の完璧な例でした。 데이비 크로켓은 미국인의 자유 정신을 보여주는 완벽한 예입니다. Davy Crockett foi o exemplo perfeito do espírito livre americano. In his life story Davy wrote, "I leave this rule for others when I'm dead: V|||||||||||||| 彼のライフストーリーの中で、デイビーは次のように書いています。 Na história da sua vida, Davy escreveu: "Deixo esta regra para os outros quando morrer: Davy hayat hikayesinde şöyle yazmıştır: "Öldüğümde bu kuralı başkalarına bırakıyorum:

Always be sure you're right-then go ahead!" Vždy||||||| ||||haklı olduğundan emin ol|||ilerle 常にあなたが正しいことを確認してください-それなら先に進んでください!」 항상 옳은지 확인한 다음 진행하세요!" Certifica-te sempre de que tens razão - e depois vai em frente! Her zaman haklı olduğunuzdan emin olun, sonra devam edin!"