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E-Books (english-e-reader), Climate Change (5-) (3)

Climate Change (5-) (3)

Lots of companies are now developing clean energies, and this is making many new jobs. Building companies are making new houses that are comfortable, use very little energy and are cheaper to live in.

All the large car companies are now moving away from fossil fuels and are making cars that use electricity. Companies are also looking at ways of using new fuels in their cars and aeroplanes, including fuels from plants. This will cut the amount of carbon dioxide we put into the atmosphere.

A lot of companies are now working with the idea of "zero deforestation" in everything they do. People cut down trees in forests all over the world. But, in some forests, people cut down a tree and then grow a new tree - this is called zero deforestation. Companies across the world are now only using trees from forests like this.

Countries, communities and companies are trying to build a different future, without people putting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This idea is growing fast and is now making a lot of money. Countries can help this change happen faster - they can make it cheaper to make and use cleaner energy, and more expensive to make and use fossil fuels. Asking companies to develop clean ways of doing things can make more jobs, stronger communities and a better climate for everyone.

One Earth

For hundreds of years, we have used more and more from the natural world, but there is still only one Earth.

The number of people living on Earth grows every day, and every day we have a bigger and bigger effect on the Earth. For the communities of the world to have a positive future, we must find ways of living on the Earth without damaging it in the way we do today.

We are already seeing the bad effects of climate change, but things may be much worse for our children and our grandchildren. We need to see that the Earth is in danger and act now to find solutions.

Everyone must work towards stopping climate change - on our own and together. We can all help. Every day we can decide to do things that cut the amount of carbon dioxide we put into the atmosphere. Every day we can take positive steps to keep the natural world healthy. We have had a bad effect on the natural world for too long, and we need to stop now.

If we are good to the Earth, only then can the Earth be good to us.


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Climate Change (5-) (3) Klimawandel (5-) (3) Cambio climático (5-) (3) Changement climatique (5-) (3) 気候変動 (5-) (3) 기후 변화 (5-) (3) Zmiana klimatu (5-) (3) Alterações climáticas (5-) (3) İklim Değişikliği (5-) (3) Зміна клімату (5-) (3) 气候变化 (5-) (3)

Lots of companies are now developing clean energies, and this is making many new jobs. Building companies are making new houses that are comfortable, use very little energy and are cheaper to live in. 건축 회사들은 편안하고 에너지 사용량이 적으며 거주 비용이 저렴한 새 주택을 만들고 있습니다.

All the large car companies are now moving away from fossil fuels and are making cars that use electricity. Companies are also looking at ways of using new fuels in their cars and aeroplanes, including fuels from plants. 기업들은 또한 자동차와 비행기에 식물의 연료를 포함한 새로운 연료를 사용하는 방법을 모색하고 있습니다. This will cut the amount of carbon dioxide we put into the atmosphere.

A lot of companies are now working with the idea of "zero deforestation" in everything they do. ||||||||||||avskogning|||| 현재 많은 기업이 모든 업무에서 '삼림 벌채 제로'를 목표로 삼고 있습니다. People cut down trees in forests all over the world. But, in some forests, people cut down a tree and then grow a new tree - this is called zero deforestation. 하지만 일부 숲에서는 사람들이 나무를 베어낸 후 새로운 나무를 심는 경우가 있는데, 이를 삼림 벌채 제로라고 합니다. Companies across the world are now only using trees from forests like this. 전 세계 기업들은 이제 이런 숲에서 자란 나무만을 사용하고 있습니다.

Countries, communities and companies are trying to build a different future, without people putting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This idea is growing fast and is now making a lot of money. Countries can help this change happen faster - they can make it cheaper to make and use cleaner energy, and more expensive to make and use fossil fuels. 국가는 이러한 변화가 더 빨리 일어나도록 도울 수 있습니다. 청정 에너지의 생산과 사용은 더 저렴하게, 화석 연료의 생산과 사용은 더 비싸게 만들 수 있습니다. Asking companies to develop clean ways of doing things can make more jobs, stronger communities and a better climate for everyone. 기업에게 깨끗한 업무 방식을 개발하도록 요청하면 더 많은 일자리, 더 강력한 커뮤니티, 모두를 위한 더 나은 환경을 만들 수 있습니다.

One Earth

For hundreds of years, we have used more and more from the natural world, but there is still only one Earth. 수백 년 동안 우리는 자연계에서 점점 더 많은 것을 사용해 왔지만 지구는 여전히 하나뿐입니다.

The number of people living on Earth grows every day, and every day we have a bigger and bigger effect on the Earth. 지구에 사는 사람들의 수는 매일 증가하고 있으며, 우리는 매일 지구에 점점 더 큰 영향을 미치고 있습니다. For the communities of the world to have a positive future, we must find ways of living on the Earth without damaging it in the way we do today. 전 세계 커뮤니티가 긍정적인 미래를 맞이하기 위해서는 현재와 같은 방식으로 지구를 훼손하지 않으면서도 지구에서 살아갈 수 있는 방법을 찾아야 합니다.

We are already seeing the bad effects of climate change, but things may be much worse for our children and our grandchildren. We need to see that the Earth is in danger and act now to find solutions. 우리는 지구가 위험에 처해 있음을 직시하고 해결책을 찾기 위해 지금 행동해야 합니다.

Everyone must work towards stopping climate change - on our own and together. We can all help. Every day we can decide to do things that cut the amount of carbon dioxide we put into the atmosphere. Every day we can take positive steps to keep the natural world healthy. We have had a bad effect on the natural world for too long, and we need to stop now. 우리는 너무 오랫동안 자연계에 나쁜 영향을 미쳐왔으며, 이제 그만 멈춰야 합니다.

If we are good to the Earth, only then can the Earth be good to us. 우리가 지구에게 선해야만 지구도 우리에게 선할 수 있습니다.