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E-Books (english-e-reader), As the Inspector Said

As the Inspector Said

It is impossible to say when Charles Darrell and Sonia French first decided to murder Sonia's husband, Robert. Robert was nearly twice as old as Sonia, and he married her ten years before Charles Darrell came into her life. For eight of those years, Sonia was bored with her husband, although he did not seem to realize this. He was more interested in his books, and the silver which he bought.

Sonia and Charles were lovers for six months before things became difficult. People were beginning to talk, and it could not be long before Robert found out about them. 'Robert will never give me a divorce,' thought Sonia. 'And Charles and I have no money of our own.' But Sonia knew that Robert's silver alone was worth enough money to make life very comfortable for her and Charles.

By a strange accident, it was a policeman who gave them the idea for their murder plan. The inspector made a surprise visit to the Frenches' house one evening. Charles was also there. He often came in for a drink.

'There have been several burglaries near here,' the inspector told Robert, 'and we haven't caught the burglar. We know who he is, and it can't be long before we catch him, but we're very worried. He carries a gun, and we're almost sure he has killed a man. Now this house is in a very lonely place. Mr Darrell is your only neighbour. You also have a lot of valuable silver.'

'What are you trying to say?' asked Robert.

'I'm saying that it's sensible to be careful,' said the inspector. 'Very careful. Why not put your silver in the bank, until the burglar is caught?'

'I don't want to do that,' said Robert.

The inspector tried not to sound angry. 'Well, I have warned you, sir,' he said. 'Please remember that.'

The inspector left, and Charles said, 'The inspector didn't warn me. He knows I've nothing worth stealing. But if this gunman does visit me, he'll be sorry. I have a gun, and I won't think twice before using it.'

He was tall and strong, and Sonia thought he was very good-looking. And she did not try to hide her feelings.

'I feel sorry for the burglar who tries to frighten you, Charles,' she said.

Three nights later, Sonia was lying awake in her bed. Robert was asleep. It was ten minutes to two.

Sonia was excited. 'Ten minutes before Charles enters the house,' she thought. It was ten long minutes.

And then she heard a noise. Glass breaking, followed by the sound of a window as it was pushed up.

Robert did not wake up. Sonia waited until she heard the sound of Charles climbing through the open window, then she reached across to Robert's bed.

'Robert!' She was shaking him. 'Wake up. There's somebody downstairs!'

Robert woke slowly. 'What? Someone downstairs? No, I'm sure you're-' He sat up in bed, awake now. 'There is someone! I'll have to go down, I suppose.'

He put on his old grey dressing-gown, and went out of the room. Sonia waited in the dark. It seemed a very long wait, but it was less than half a minute. Then a thin line of light appeared under the bedroom door. Sonia heard her husband give a sudden cry, then she heard a gun explode. Something - or someone - heavy fell to the floor, then a door was banged open, and there was the sound of running feet outside the house.

Sonia waited. 'Charles must have time to escape before I call the police,' she thought.

She put on her bedside light and got out of bed. Now it was all over, she felt strangely calm. She knew what she was going to say to the police. How soon could she marry Charles? Six months from now? They could go to Venice for a holiday, after they were married. She had always wanted to see Venice...

Then the door opened. And Robert walked in.

For a long moment, Sonia could only look at him, her stomach sick with fear. He looked back at her, silent, white faced and untidy. But alive.

'What - what happened?' she said.

'He got away,' said Robert. 'I'm afraid he's taken some of my best silver with him. I wish now I had listened to the inspector and sent it to the bank.'

'But I heard a gun,' said Sonia. 'I thought you - you're not hurt, Robert?'

'No, Sonia, I'm not hurt,' said Robert. 'But I have some bad news. It s Charles. I think the dear, brave man was watching the house, and followed the burglar in, to try and help us. He's at the bottom of the stairs. I'm afraid there is nothing that we can do for him.'

Sonia fell forwards, her eyes closing, and Robert caught her. He carried her to the bed, then went downstairs. When he reached the bottom, he had to step over the body. He did this calmly, stepping around the blood on the carpet. But when he walked into the room where he kept his silver, he wanted to cry. All of the best pieces were gone.

He closed the door and went into his study. But before he telephoned the police, he was careful to clean the small gun that was in his dressing-gown pocket. Then he locked it inside his desk. He had taken care of the one problem in his usually very tidy life, and he wanted to make sure he would have no more trouble.

As the inspector said, it was sensible to be careful.


As the Inspector Said Wie der Inspektor sagte Como dijo el inspector Comme l'a dit l'inspecteur Come disse l'ispettore 警部が言ったように 검사관이 말했듯이 Como disse o inspetor Як сказав інспектор 正如檢查員所說

It is impossible to say when Charles Darrell and Sonia French first decided to murder Sonia's husband, Robert. ||unmöglich||||||||||entschlossen||||| Es ist unmöglich zu sagen, wann Charles Darrell und Sonia French zum ersten Mal beschlossen, Sonias Ehemann Robert zu ermorden. 찰스 대럴과 소니아 프렌치가 언제 처음 소니아의 남편 로버트를 살해하기로 결정했는지는 말할 수 없습니다. Robert was nearly twice as old as Sonia, and he married her ten years before Charles Darrell came into her life. |||zweimal so alt||||||||||||||in ihr Leben trat||| Robert war fast doppelt so alt wie Sonia, und er heiratete sie zehn Jahre bevor Charles Darrell in ihr Leben trat. Robert był prawie dwa razy starszy od Soni i ożenił się z nią dziesięć lat przed pojawieniem się w jej życiu Charlesa Darrella. For eight of those years, Sonia was bored with her husband, although he did not seem to realize this. |||||||||||obwohl||||zu bemerken scheinen||| Acht Jahre lang lang langweilte sich Sonia mit ihrem Mann, auch wenn er das nicht zu merken schien. Przez osiem z tych lat Sonia nudziła się z mężem, choć on chyba nie zdawał sobie z tego sprawy. Durante oito desses anos, Sonia ficou entediada com o marido, embora ele não parecesse perceber isso. He was more interested in his books, and the silver which he bought. Er interessierte sich mehr für seine Bücher und das Silber, das er kaufte.

Sonia and Charles were lovers for six months before things became difficult. Sonia und Charles waren sechs Monate lang ein Liebespaar, bevor es schwierig wurde. People were beginning to talk, and it could not be long before Robert found out about them. Die Leute fingen an zu reden, und es konnte nicht lange dauern, bis Robert von ihnen erfuhr. 'Robert will never give me a divorce,' thought Sonia. ||||||Scheidung|| „Robert nigdy nie da mi rozwodu” – pomyślała Sonia. 'And Charles and I have no money of our own.' |||||||||eigenes — E Charles e eu não temos dinheiro próprio. But Sonia knew that Robert's silver alone was worth enough money to make life very comfortable for her and Charles. ||||||||wert||||||||||| 하지만 소니아는 로버트의 은화만으로도 자신과 찰스의 삶을 매우 편안하게 만들 수 있는 충분한 가치가 있다는 것을 알고 있었습니다. Mas Sonia sabia que só a prata de Robert valia dinheiro suficiente para tornar a vida muito confortável para ela e Charles.

By a strange accident, it was a policeman who gave them the idea for their murder plan. ||seltsam|Zufall||||||||||||| Zufälligerweise war es ein Polizist, der sie auf die Idee für ihren Mordplan brachte. 우연한 기회에 이들에게 살인 계획의 아이디어를 제공한 것은 경찰관이었습니다. The inspector made a surprise visit to the Frenches' house one evening. ||||Überraschungsbesuch|Besuch|||||| Eines Abends stattete der Inspektor dem Haus der Frenchs einen Überraschungsbesuch ab. Charles was also there. Charles war auch dabei. He often came in for a drink.

'There have been several burglaries near here,' the inspector told Robert, 'and we haven't caught the burglar. |||mehrere|Einbrüche|||||||||||| Es hat hier in der Nähe mehrere Einbrüche gegeben", sagte der Inspektor zu Robert, "und wir haben den Einbrecher nicht erwischt. “Houve vários assaltos aqui perto”, disse o inspetor a Robert, “e não pegamos o ladrão. We know who he is, and it can't be long before we catch him, but we're very worried. Wir wissen, wer er ist, und es kann nicht lange dauern, bis wir ihn fangen, aber wir sind sehr besorgt. He carries a gun, and we're almost sure he has killed a man. |trägt|||||fast|||||| Er trägt eine Waffe und wir sind fast sicher, dass er einen Menschen getötet hat. Nosi broń i jesteśmy prawie pewni, że zabił człowieka. Now this house is in a very lonely place. Mr Darrell is your only neighbour. You also have a lot of valuable silver.' ||||||wertvoll| Sie haben auch eine Menge wertvolles Silber.'

'What are you trying to say?' Was wollen Sie damit sagen? asked Robert. fragte Robert.

'I'm saying that it's sensible to be careful,' said the inspector. ||||vernünftig|||||| 「気をつけたほうが賢明だと言っているのです」と検査官は言った。 'Very careful. Why not put your silver in the bank, until the burglar is caught?' ||||||||||||gefasst

'I don't want to do that,' said Robert.

The inspector tried not to sound angry. ||versuchte|||klingen| Der Inspektor versuchte, nicht verärgert zu klingen. 検査官は怒っているように聞こえないようにした。 'Well, I have warned you, sir,' he said. Nun, ich habe Sie gewarnt, Sir", sagte er. 'Please remember that.' Bitte daran denken.|| Bitte merken Sie sich das.

The inspector left, and Charles said, 'The inspector didn't warn me. |||||||||warnen| Der Inspektor ging, und Charles sagte: "Der Inspektor hat mich nicht gewarnt. He knows I've nothing worth stealing. |||||stehlen Er weiß, dass ich nichts zu stehlen habe. 彼は私が盗む価値がないことを知っています。 Wie, że nie mam nic wartego kradzieży. But if this gunman does visit me, he'll be sorry. |||Bewaffneter|||||| Aber wenn dieser Schütze mich besucht, wird es ihm leid tun. でも、もしこのガンマンが私を訪ねてきたら、彼は後悔するでしょう。 하지만 이 총잡이가 저를 찾아온다면 후회하게 될 겁니다. I have a gun, and I won't think twice before using it.' ||||||||||benutze| Ich habe eine Waffe, und ich werde nicht zögern, sie zu benutzen. 私は銃を持っており、それを使う前によく考えるつもりはありません。 나는 총을 가지고 있고, 그것을 사용하기 전에 두 번 생각하지 않을 것입니다.

He was tall and strong, and Sonia thought he was very good-looking. ||||stark|||||||| Er war groß und stark, und Sonia fand, dass er sehr gut aussah. 彼は背が高くて丈夫で、ソニアは彼がとても格好良いと思っていました。 And she did not try to hide her feelings. ||||||||Gefühle Und sie hat nicht versucht, ihre Gefühle zu verbergen. I nie próbowała ukrywać swoich uczuć.

'I feel sorry for the burglar who tries to frighten you, Charles,' she said. |||||||||einschüchtern|||| Der Einbrecher, der dich erschrecken will, tut mir leid, Charles", sagte sie. 「チャールズ、あなたを怖がらせようとする強盗が気の毒です」と彼女は言った。 '당신을 겁주려는 강도에게 미안한 마음이 들어요, 찰스'라고 그녀는 말했습니다.

Three nights later, Sonia was lying awake in her bed. ||||||wach||| Drei Nächte später lag Sonia wach in ihrem Bett. 3夜後、ソニアはベッドで目を覚ましたまま横たわっていました。 Robert was asleep. ||Robert schlief. Robert schlief. It was ten minutes to two. |||Minuten|| 10分から2分でした。 10분에서 2분 사이였습니다.

Sonia was excited. 'Ten minutes before Charles enters the house,' she thought. ||||betritt|||| It was ten long minutes.

And then she heard a noise. Glass breaking, followed by the sound of a window as it was pushed up. |Zerbrechen|gefolgt von||||||||||| Zerbrechendes Glas, gefolgt von dem Geräusch eines hochgeschobenen Fensters. 유리창이 깨지는 소리와 함께 창문이 밀려 올라가는 소리가 났습니다.

Robert did not wake up. Robert ist nicht aufgewacht. Sonia waited until she heard the sound of Charles climbing through the open window, then she reached across to Robert's bed. ||||||||||||||||griff hinüber|hinüber zu||| Sonia wartete, bis sie das Geräusch von Charles hörte, der durch das offene Fenster kletterte, dann griff sie nach Roberts Bett.

'Robert!' She was shaking him. ||Sie schüttelte ihn.| 'Wake up. There's somebody downstairs!' ||Unten

Robert woke slowly. |Robert wachte langsam auf.| 'What? Someone downstairs? Jemand unten?| No, I'm sure you're-' He sat up in bed, awake now. |||du bist||||||| Nein, ich bin sicher, dass du..." Er setzte sich im Bett auf und war nun wach. 'There is someone! 'Da ist jemand! I'll have to go down, I suppose.' ||||||Ich nehme an Ich werde wohl runtergehen müssen.'

He put on his old grey dressing-gown, and went out of the room. ||||||Morgenmantel||||||| Er zog seinen alten grauen Morgenmantel an und ging aus dem Zimmer. Sonia waited in the dark. Sonia wartete in der Dunkelheit. It seemed a very long wait, but it was less than half a minute. |||||||||||halbe Minute|| Es schien eine sehr lange Wartezeit zu sein, aber es war weniger als eine halbe Minute. Then a thin line of light appeared under the bedroom door. |||||||||Schlafzimmertür| Dann erschien ein dünner Lichtstreifen unter der Schlafzimmertür. Sonia heard her husband give a sudden cry, then she heard a gun explode. |||||||||||||explodieren Sonia hörte einen plötzlichen Schrei ihres Mannes, dann hörte sie die Explosion einer Waffe. Sonia usłyszała, jak jej mąż nagle krzyknął, potem usłyszała wybuch broni. Something - or someone - heavy fell to the floor, then a door was banged open, and there was the sound of running feet outside the house. |||schwer|fiel||||||||aufgestoßen|||||||||||| Etwas - oder jemand - Schweres fiel zu Boden, dann wurde eine Tür aufgeschlagen, und vor dem Haus hörte man das Geräusch laufender Füße. Coś - lub ktoś - ciężki upadło na podłogę, potem drzwi się otworzyły i za domem rozległ się odgłos biegnących stóp.

Sonia waited. Sonia wartete. 'Charles must have time to escape before I call the police,' she thought. |||||entkommen||||||| Charles muss Zeit haben zu fliehen, bevor ich die Polizei rufe", dachte sie.

She put on her bedside light and got out of bed. Sie schaltete ihre Nachttischlampe ein und stand auf. Włączyła lampkę nocną i wstała z łóżka. Now it was all over, she felt strangely calm. |||||||seltsam|ruhig Jetzt, wo alles vorbei war, fühlte sie sich seltsam ruhig. She knew what she was going to say to the police. How soon could she marry Charles? Jak szybko mogła poślubić Karola? Six months from now? They could go to Venice for a holiday, after they were married. She had always wanted to see Venice...

Then the door opened. And Robert walked in.

For a long moment, Sonia could only look at him, her stomach sick with fear. |||||||||||Magen|übel||Angst Einen langen Moment lang konnte Sonia ihn nur ansehen, und ihr Magen war voller Angst. He looked back at her, silent, white faced and untidy. |||||schweigend||blass im Gesicht||unordentlich Er sah sie an, schweigend, mit weißem Gesicht und unordentlich. But alive. |Aber lebendig.

'What - what happened?' she said.

'He got away,' said Robert. – Uciekł – powiedział Robert. 'I'm afraid he's taken some of my best silver with him. I wish now I had listened to the inspector and sent it to the bank.'

'But I heard a gun,' said Sonia. 'I thought you - you're not hurt, Robert?' |||||verletzt| — Achei que você... não está ferido, Robert?

'No, Sonia, I'm not hurt,' said Robert. 'But I have some bad news. '하지만 나쁜 소식이 있습니다. It s Charles. I think the dear, brave man was watching the house, and followed the burglar in, to try and help us. Ich glaube, der liebe, tapfere Mann hat das Haus beobachtet und ist dem Einbrecher ins Haus gefolgt, um uns zu helfen. 親愛なる勇敢な男が家を見ていて、私たちを助けようと泥棒の後を追ったと思います. 그 용감한 남자가 집을 지켜보다가 도둑을 따라 들어와 우리를 도와주려고 했던 것 같아요. Myślę, że kochany, odważny człowiek obserwował dom i poszedł za włamywaczem, aby spróbować nam pomóc. He's at the bottom of the stairs. |||Er ist unten.|||Er ist unten. Er ist am unteren Ende der Treppe. 그는 계단 아래에 있습니다. I'm afraid there is nothing that we can do for him.' 残念ながら、彼のために私たちにできることは何もありません。 유감스럽게도 우리가 해줄 수 있는 일이 없습니다.

Sonia fell forwards, her eyes closing, and Robert caught her. ||vorwärts|||sich schließend|||| Sonia fiel nach vorne, ihre Augen schlossen sich, und Robert fing sie auf. ソニアは目を閉じて前に倒れ、ロバートは彼女を捕まえた。 Sonia upadła do przodu, zamykając oczy, a Robert ją złapał. He carried her to the bed, then went downstairs. |trug||||||| Er trug sie zum Bett und ging dann die Treppe hinunter. When he reached the bottom, he had to step over the body. |||||||||||den Körper Als er den Boden erreichte, musste er über die Leiche steigen. 彼が底に達したとき、彼は体をまたがなければなりませんでした。 Kiedy dotarł na dno, musiał przejść nad ciałem. He did this calmly, stepping around the blood on the carpet. |||ruhig|umgehend|||Blut||| Er tat dies in aller Ruhe, indem er um das Blut auf dem Teppich herumschritt. 彼は静かにこれを行い、カーペットの血を踏みつけました。 But when he walked into the room where he kept his silver, he wanted to cry. |||||||||aufbewahrte|||||| Doch als er den Raum betrat, in dem er sein Silber aufbewahrte, wollte er weinen. しかし、彼が銀を保管している部屋に入ったとき、彼は泣きたくなりました。 All of the best pieces were gone. ||||Stücke|| Die besten Stücke waren alle weg. Wszystkie najlepsze kawałki zniknęły.

He closed the door and went into his study. Er schloss die Tür und ging in sein Arbeitszimmer. 彼はドアを閉め、書斎に入った。 그는 문을 닫고 서재로 들어갔습니다. Zamknął drzwi i wszedł do swojego gabinetu. Ele fechou a porta e entrou em seu escritório. But before he telephoned the police, he was careful to clean the small gun that was in his dressing-gown pocket. |||anrief||||||||||||||||| Doch bevor er die Polizei anrief, reinigte er sorgfältig die kleine Pistole, die sich in seiner Kitteltasche befand. しかし、警察に電話する前に、ガウンのポケットに入っていた小さな銃を念入りに掃除しました。 Mas antes de telefonar para a polícia, teve o cuidado de limpar a pequena arma que estava no bolso do roupão. Then he locked it inside his desk. ||einschloss||||Schreibtisch Dann schloss er es in seinem Schreibtisch ein. Então ele o trancou dentro de sua mesa. He had taken care of the one problem in his usually very tidy life, and he wanted to make sure he would have no more trouble. |||sich gekümmert||||Problem|||gewöhnlich||||||||||||||| Er hatte sich um das einzige Problem in seinem sonst so ordentlichen Leben gekümmert, und er wollte sicherstellen, dass er keine weiteren Probleme mehr haben würde. 彼は、普段は非常にきちんとした生活の中で 1 つの問題を解決したので、これ以上問題が発生しないようにしたいと考えていました。 그는 평소 매우 깔끔한 생활에서 한 가지 문제를 해결했으니 더 이상 문제가 생기지 않도록 하고 싶었습니다. Zajął się jedynym problemem w swoim zwykle bardzo uporządkowanym życiu i chciał się upewnić, że nie będzie miał więcej kłopotów. Ele havia resolvido um problema em sua vida geralmente muito arrumada e queria ter certeza de que não teria mais problemas.

As the inspector said, it was sensible to be careful. Wie der Inspektor sagte, war es vernünftig, vorsichtig zu sein. Como disse o inspetor, era sensato ter cuidado.