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E-Books (english-e-reader), A Moment of Madness by Thomas Hardy (1)

A Moment of Madness by Thomas Hardy (1)


A wedding is arranged

Most people who knew Baptista Trewthen agreed that there was nothing in her to love, and nothing in her to hate. She did not seem to feel very strongly about anything. But still waters run deep, and nothing had yet happened to make her show what lay hidden inside her, like gold underground.

Since her birth she had lived on St Maria's, an island off the south-west coast of England. Her father, a farmer, had spent a lot of money on sending her to school on the mainland. At nineteen she studied at a training college for teachers, and at twenty-one she found a teaching job in a town called Tor-upon-Sea, on the mainland coast.

Baptista taught the children as well as she could, but after a year had passed she seemed worried about something. Mrs Wace, her landlady, noticed the change in the young woman and asked her what the matter was.

'It has nothing to do with the town, or you,' replied Miss Trewthen. She seemed reluctant to say more.

'Then is it the pay?'

'No, it isn't the pay.'

'Is it something that you've heard from home, my dear?'

Baptista was silent for a few moments. Then she said, 'It's Mr Heddegan - David Heddegan. He's an old neighbour of ours on St Maria's, with no wife or family at all. When I was a child, he used to say he wanted to marry me one day. Now I'm a woman, it's no longer a joke, and he really wishes to do it. And my parents say I can't do better than have him.'

'Has he a lot of money?'

'Yes, he's the richest man that we know.'

'How much older than you is he?'

'Twenty years, maybe more.'

'And is he, perhaps, an unpleasant man?'

'No, he's not unpleasant.'

'Well, child, all I can say is this - don't accept this engagement if it doesn't please you. You're comfortable here in my house, I hope, and I like having you here.'

'Thank you, Mrs Wace. You're very kind to me. But here comes my difficulty. I don't like teaching. Ah, you're surprised. That's because I've hidden it from everyone. Well, I really hate school. The children are awful little things, who make trouble all day long. But even they are not as bad as the inspector. For the three months before his visit I woke up several times every night, worrying about it. It's so difficult knowing what to teach and what to leave untaught! I think father and mother are right. They say I'll never be a good teacher if I don't like the work, so I should marry Mr Heddegan and then I won't need to work. I don't know what to do, Mrs Wace. I like him better than teaching, but I don't like him enough to marry him.'

These conversations were continued from day to day, until at last the landlady decided to agree with Baptista's parents.

'Life will be much easier for you, my dear,' she told her young friend, 'if you marry this rich neighbour.'

In April Baptista went home to St Maria's for a short holiday, and when she returned, she seemed calmer.

'I have agreed to have him as my husband, so that's the end of it,' she told Mrs Wace.

In the next few months letters passed between Baptista and Mr Heddegan, but the girl preferred not to discuss her engagement with Mrs Wace. Later, she told her that she was leaving her job at the end of July, and the wedding was arranged for the first Wednesday in August.


A chance meeting

When the end of July arrived, Baptista was in no hurry to return home to the island. She was not planning to buy any special clothes for the wedding, and her parents were making all the other arrangements. So she did not leave Tor-upon-Sea until the Saturday before her wedding. She travelled by train to the town of Pen-zephyr, but when she arrived, she found that the boat to St Maria's had left early, and there was no other boat until Tuesday.

'I'll have to stay here until then,' she thought. 'It's too far to go back to Mrs Wace's.' She did not seem to mind this - in fact, she was almost happy to wait another three nights before seeing her future husband.

She found a room in a small hotel, took her luggage there, then went out for a walk round the town.

'Baptista? Yes, Baptista it is!'

The words came from behind her. Turning round, she gave a jump, and stared. 'Oh, is it really you, Charles?' she said.

With a half-smile the newcomer looked her up and down. He appeared almost angry with her, but he said nothing.

'I'm going home,' she continued, ' but I've missed the boat.

He did not seem interested in this news. 'Still teaching?' he said. 'What a fine teacher you make, Baptista, I'm sure!'

She knew that was not his real meaning. 'I know I'm not very good at teaching,' she replied. 'That's why I've stopped.'

'Oh, you've stopped? You surprise me.'

'I hate teaching.'

'Perhaps that's because I'm a teacher.'

'Oh no, it isn't. It's because I'm starting a new life. Next week I'm going to marry Mr David Heddegan.'

At this unexpected reply, the young man took a step back. 'Who is Mr David Heddegan?' he said, trying to sound bored.

'He owns a number of shops on St Maria's, and he's my father's neighbour and oldest friend.'

'So, no longer a schoolteacher, just a shopkeeper's wife. I knew you would never succeed as a teacher. You're like a woman who thinks she can be a great actress just because she has a beautiful face, and forgets she has to be able to act. But you found out your mistake early, didn't you?'

'Don't be unpleasant to me, Charles,' Baptista said sadly.

'I'm not being unpleasant - I'm just saying what is true, in a friendly way - although I do have good reason to be unpleasant to you. What a hurry you've been in, Baptista! I do hate a woman in a hurry!'

'What do you mean?'

'Well - in a hurry to be somebody's wife. Any husband is better than no husband for you, it seems. You couldn't wait for me, oh no! Well, thank God, that's all in the past for me!'

'Wait for you? What does that mean, Charley? You never showed that you felt anything special for me.'

'Oh really, Baptista dear!'

'What I mean is, there was nothing that I could be sure of. I suppose you liked me a little, but I didn't think you meant to make an honest engagement of it.'

'That's just it! You girls expect a man to talk about marrying after the first look! But I did mean to get engaged to you, you know.'

'But you never said so, and a woman can't wait forever!'

'Baptista, I promise you that I was planning to ask you to marry me in six months' time.'

She appeared very uncomfortable, and they walked along in silence. Soon he said, 'Did you want to marry me then?'

And she whispered sadly back, 'Yes!'

As they walked on, away from the town and into the fields, her shoulder and his were close together. He held her arm with a strong hand. This seemed to say, 'Now I hold you, and you must do what I want.'

'How strange that we should meet like this!' said the young man. 'You and I could be husband and wife, going on our honeymoon together. But instead of that, we'll say goodbye in half an hour, perhaps forever. Yes, life is strange!

She stopped walking. 'I must go back. This is too painful, Charley! You're not being kind today.'

'I don't want to hurt you - you know I don't,' he answered more gently. 'But it makes me angry - what you're going to do. I don't think you should marry him.'

'I must do it, now that I've agreed.'

'Why?' he asked, speaking more seriously now. 'It's never too late to stop a wedding if you're not happy with it. Now - you could marry me, instead of him, although you were in too much of a hurry to wait for me!'

'Oh, it isn't possible to think of that!' she cried, shaking her head. 'At home everything will be ready for the wedding!'

'If we marry, it must be at once. This evening you can come back with me to Trufal, the town where I live. We can get married there on Tuesday, and then no Mr David Heddegan, or anyone else, can take you away from me!'

'But I must go home on the Tuesday boat,' she said worriedly. 'What will they think if I don't arrive?'

'You can go home on that boat just the same. The only difference is that I'll go with you. You'll tell your parents that you've married a young man with a good job, someone that you met at the training college. When I meet them, they'll accept that we're married and it can't be changed. And you won't be miserable for ever as the wife of an awful old man. Now honestly, you do like me best, don't you, Baptista?'

'Yes,' she whispered.

'Then we will do what I say.'


Baptista gets married

That same afternoon Charles Stow and Baptista Trewthen travelled by train to the town of Trufal. Charles was, surprisingly, very careful of appearances, and found a room for Baptista in a different house from where he was staying. On Sunday they went to church and then walked around the town, on Monday Charles made the arrangements, and by nine o'clock on Tuesday morning they were husband and wife.

For the first time in her life Baptista had gone against her parents' wishes. She went cold with fear when she thought of their first meeting with her new husband. But she felt she had to tell them as soon as possible, and now the most important thing was to get home to St Maria's. So, in a great hurry, they packed their bags and caught the train to Pen-zephyr.

They arrived two hours before the boat left, so to pass the time they decided to walk along the cliffs a little way. It was a hot summer day, and Charles wanted to have a swim in the sea. Baptista did not like the idea of sitting alone while he swam. 'But I'll only be a quarter of an hour,' Charles said, and Baptista passively accepted this.

She sat high up on the cliffs, and watched him go down a footpath, disappear, appear again, and run across the beach to the sea. She watched him for a moment, then stared out to sea, thinking about her family. They were probably not worried about her, because she had sometimes missed the boat before, but they were expecting her to arrive today and to marry David Heddegan tomorrow. 'How angry father will be!' she thought miserably. 'And mother will say I've made a terrible mistake! I almost wish I hadn't married Charles, in that moment of madness! Oh dear, what have I done!'

This made her think of her new husband, and she turned to look for him. He did not appear to be in the sea any more, and she could not see him on the beach. By this time she was frightened, and she climbed down the path as quickly as her shaking legs could manage. On the beach she called two men to help her, but they said they could see nothing at all in the water. Soon she found the place where Charles had left his clothes, but by now the sea had carried them away.

For a few minutes she stood there without moving. There was only one way to explain this sudden disappearance - her husband had drowned. And as she stood there, it began to seem like a terrible dream, and the last three days of her life with Charles seemed to disappear. She even had difficulty in remembering his face. How unexpected it was, meeting him that day!' she thought. 'And the wedding did I really agree to it? Are we really married? It all happened so fast!'

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A Moment of Madness by Thomas Hardy (1) Ein Augenblick des Wahnsinns von Thomas Hardy (1) Un momento de locura de Thomas Hardy (1) Un moment de folie par Thomas Hardy (1) Un momento di follia di Thomas Hardy (1) トーマス・ハーディによる狂気の瞬間(1) 토마스 하디의 광기의 순간 (1) Chwila szaleństwa Thomasa Hardy'ego (1) Um Momento de Loucura de Thomas Hardy (1) Момент безумия Томаса Харди (1) "Мить божевілля" Томаса Гарді (1) 托马斯·哈代的疯狂时刻 (1)


A wedding is arranged Svatba je domluvena|Svatba je domluvena.||uspořádána 結婚式の手配 Организована свадьба

Most people who knew Baptista Trewthen agreed that there was nothing in her to love, and nothing in her to hate. バプティスタ・トレウテンを知っているほとんどの人は、彼女には愛するものはなく、憎むものも何もないことに同意しました。 밥티스타 트루텐을 아는 대부분의 사람들은 그녀에게 사랑할 것도, 미워할 것도 없다는 데 동의했습니다. Большинство людей, знавших Баптисту Трютен, сходились во мнении, что в ней не было ничего, что можно было бы любить, и ничего, что можно было бы ненавидеть. She did not seem to feel very strongly about anything. 彼女は何についてもあまり強く感じていなかったようです。 그녀는 어떤 것에 대해서도 그다지 강하게 느끼지 않는 것 같았습니다. Казалось, она не испытывает сильных чувств по поводу чего-либо. But still waters run deep, and nothing had yet happened to make her show what lay hidden inside her, like gold underground. しかし、それでも水は深く流れており、地下の金のように、彼女の中に隠されているものを彼女に見せるために何も起こっていませんでした。 그러나 여전히 물은 깊고, 지하에 숨겨져 있는 금과 같은 그녀의 내면을 보여줄 만한 일은 아직 일어나지 않았습니다. Но воды глубоки, и еще не случилось ничего такого, что заставило бы ее показать то, что скрыто в ней, как золото под землей.

Since her birth she had lived on St Maria's, an island off the south-west coast of England. 彼女は生まれてから、イギリス南西海岸沖の島、セントマリアズに住んでいました。 그녀는 태어날 때부터 영국 남서쪽 해안의 섬인 세인트 마리아스에서 살았습니다. С самого рождения она жила на острове Святой Марии, расположенном у юго-западного побережья Англии. Her father, a farmer, had spent a lot of money on sending her to school on the mainland. 農夫である彼女の父親は、彼女を本土の学校に送ることに多額のお金を費やしていました。 Ее отец, фермер, потратил много денег на то, чтобы отправить ее в школу на материк. At nineteen she studied at a training college for teachers, and at twenty-one she found a teaching job in a town called Tor-upon-Sea, on the mainland coast. 19歳で彼女は教師のためのトレーニングカレッジで学び、21歳で彼女は本土の海岸にあるTor-upon-Seaと呼ばれる町で教師の仕事を見つけました。 열아홉 살에는 교사 양성 대학에서 공부했고, 스물한 살에는 본토 해안의 토르-온-시라는 마을에서 교사로 일하게 되었습니다. В девятнадцать лет она училась в педагогическом колледже, а в двадцать один год нашла работу преподавателя в городке Тор-апон-Си, расположенном на материковом побережье.

Baptista taught the children as well as she could, but after a year had passed she seemed worried about something. バプティスタはできる限り子供たちに教えましたが、1年が経過した後、彼女は何かを心配しているようでした。 밥티스타는 최선을 다해 아이들을 가르쳤지만, 1년이 지나자 뭔가 걱정이 되는 것 같았습니다. Баптиста учила детей, как могла, но по прошествии года ее, похоже, что-то беспокоило. Mrs Wace, her landlady, noticed the change in the young woman and asked her what the matter was. 彼女の女将であるウェイス夫人は、若い女性の変化に気づき、彼女に何が問題なのか尋ねました。

'It has nothing to do with the town, or you,' replied Miss Trewthen. 「それは町やあなたとは何の関係もありません」とミス・トレウテンは答えました。 "마을이나 당신과는 아무 상관이 없습니다." 트루텐 양이 대답했습니다. Это не имеет никакого отношения ни к городу, ни к вам, - ответила мисс Трютен. She seemed reluctant to say more. Казалось, она не хотела больше ничего говорить.

'Then is it the pay?' 「それなら、それは給料ですか?」 'Значит, дело в зарплате?'

'No, it isn't the pay.' 「いいえ、それは給料ではありません。」

'Is it something that you've heard from home, my dear?' 「それはあなたが家から聞いたことですか、私の愛する人ですか?」 '집에서 들었던 이야기인가요?'

Baptista was silent for a few moments. Then she said, 'It's Mr Heddegan - David Heddegan. それから彼女は言った、「それはヘデガン氏です-デビッド・ヘデガン。 그러자 그녀는 '헤데건 씨, 데이비드 헤데건입니다'라고 말했습니다. He's an old neighbour of ours on St Maria's, with no wife or family at all. 彼はセントマリアの私たちの古い隣人であり、妻も家族もまったくいません。 When I was a child, he used to say he wanted to marry me one day. 私が子供の頃、彼はいつか私と結婚したいと言っていました。 Now I'm a woman, it's no longer a joke, and he really wishes to do it. And my parents say I can't do better than have him.' そして、私の両親は、私が彼を持っているよりもうまくやることはできないと言います。 부모님도 '이보다 더 좋을 순 없다'고 하셨어요. А мои родители говорят, что лучше него ничего не придумаешь".

'Has he a lot of money?'

'Yes, he's the richest man that we know.'

'How much older than you is he?' 「彼はあなたより何歳年上ですか?」 'На сколько он старше тебя?'

'Twenty years, maybe more.'

'And is he, perhaps, an unpleasant man?' 「そして、彼はおそらく不快な男ですか?」

'No, he's not unpleasant.' 「いいえ、彼は不快ではありません。」

'Well, child, all I can say is this - don't accept this engagement if it doesn't please you. Nun, Kind, ich kann nur eines sagen: Nimm diese Verlobung nicht an, wenn sie dir nicht gefällt. 「まあ、子よ、私が言えるのはこれだけです-それがあなたを喜ばせないなら、この婚約を受け入れないでください。 '글쎄, 얘야, 내가 할 수 있는 말은 이것뿐이야 - 네가 마음에 들지 않으면 이 약혼을 받아들이지 말아라. Что ж, дитя мое, я могу сказать только одно: не соглашайся на эту помолвку, если она тебе не по душе. You're comfortable here in my house, I hope, and I like having you here.' あなたは私の家でここで快適です、私は願っています、そして私はあなたがここにいるのが好きです。 Надеюсь, вам комфортно в моем доме, и мне нравится, что вы здесь".

'Thank you, Mrs Wace. You're very kind to me. But here comes my difficulty. しかし、ここに私の困難があります。 하지만 여기에 어려움이 있습니다. Но вот тут-то и возникают трудности. I don't like teaching. Ah, you're surprised. ああ、あなたは驚いています。 А, вы удивлены. That's because I've hidden it from everyone. それは私がそれをみんなから隠したからです。 모든 사람에게 숨겼기 때문입니다. Well, I really hate school. The children are awful little things, who make trouble all day long. 子供たちはひどい小さなことで、一日中困っています。 Дети - ужасные маленькие существа, которые целыми днями создают проблемы. But even they are not as bad as the inspector. しかし、彼らでさえ、検査官ほど悪くはありません。 하지만 그들도 검사관만큼 나쁘지는 않습니다. For the three months before his visit I woke up several times every night, worrying about it. 彼の訪問前の3か月間、私は毎晩数回目を覚まし、それを心配していました。 그가 방문하기 전 3개월 동안 저는 매일 밤 몇 번씩 잠에서 깨어 걱정했습니다. В течение трех месяцев до его визита я просыпался по нескольку раз каждую ночь, беспокоясь об этом. It's so difficult knowing what to teach and what to leave untaught! Es ist so schwierig zu wissen, was man lehren soll und was nicht! 何を教え、何を教えないでおくかを知るのはとても難しいです! 무엇을 가르치고 무엇을 가르치지 않아야 하는지 알기가 너무 어렵습니다! Так трудно понять, чему учить, а что оставить без внимания! I think father and mother are right. They say I'll never be a good teacher if I don't like the work, so I should marry Mr Heddegan and then I won't need to work. 仕事が気に入らなければいい先生にはなれないと言われているので、ヘデガンさんと結婚すれば働く必要はありません。 I don't know what to do, Mrs Wace. どうしたらいいのかわからない、ウェイス夫人。 I like him better than teaching, but I don't like him enough to marry him.' 私は彼を教えるよりも好きですが、彼と結婚するほど彼は好きではありません。

These conversations were continued from day to day, until at last the landlady decided to agree with Baptista's parents. ついに女将がバプティスタの両親に同意することを決定するまで、これらの会話は日々続けられました。 이러한 대화는 매일 계속되었고, 마침내 집주인은 밥티스타의 부모님과 동의하기로 결정했습니다. Эти разговоры продолжались изо дня в день, пока, наконец, хозяйка не решила согласиться с родителями Баптисты.

'Life will be much easier for you, my dear,' she told her young friend, 'if you marry this rich neighbour.' 그녀는 젊은 친구에게 '네가 이 부유한 이웃과 결혼하면 인생이 훨씬 쉬워질 거야'라고 말했습니다.

In April Baptista went home to St Maria's for a short holiday, and when she returned, she seemed calmer. 4月にバプティスタは短い休暇でセントマリアズに帰りました、そして彼女が戻ったとき、彼女は落ち着いているように見えました。

'I have agreed to have him as my husband, so that's the end of it,' she told Mrs Wace. Я согласилась взять его в мужья, и на этом все закончилось", - сказала она миссис Уэйс.

In the next few months letters passed between Baptista and Mr Heddegan, but the girl preferred not to discuss her engagement with Mrs Wace. 次の数ヶ月で、バプティスタとヘデガン氏の間で手紙が渡されましたが、少女はウェイス夫人との婚約について話し合わないことを好みました。 그 후 몇 달 동안 밥티스타와 헤데건 씨 사이에 편지가 오갔지만 소녀는 웨이스 부인과의 약혼에 대해 이야기하지 않기를 선호했습니다. В течение следующих нескольких месяцев между Баптистой и мистером Хеддеганом приходили письма, но девушка предпочитала не обсуждать свою помолвку с миссис Уэйс. Later, she told her that she was leaving her job at the end of July, and the wedding was arranged for the first Wednesday in August. その後、彼女は7月末に仕事を辞めると彼女に話し、結婚式は8月の第1水曜日に手配されました。 나중에 그녀는 7월 말에 직장을 그만둔다고 말했고, 결혼식은 8월 첫째 주 수요일로 잡혔습니다.


A chance meeting Случайная встреча

When the end of July arrived, Baptista was in no hurry to return home to the island. 7月末になって、バプティスタは急いで島に帰りませんでした。 Когда наступил конец июля, Баптиста не спешил возвращаться домой на остров. She was not planning to buy any special clothes for the wedding, and her parents were making all the other arrangements. 彼女は結婚式のために特別な服を買うつもりはなく、彼女の両親は他のすべての手配をしていました。 Она не планировала покупать специальную одежду для свадьбы, а все остальные приготовления делали ее родители. So she did not leave Tor-upon-Sea until the Saturday before her wedding. それで彼女は結婚式の前の土曜日までTor-upon-Seaを離れませんでした。 Поэтому она покинула Тор-апон-Си только в субботу перед свадьбой. She travelled by train to the town of Pen-zephyr, but when she arrived, she found that the boat to St Maria's had left early, and there was no other boat until Tuesday. 기차를 타고 펜-제퍼 마을로 이동했지만 도착했을 때 세인트마리아스로 가는 배가 일찍 떠났고 화요일까지 다른 배가 없다는 사실을 알게 되었습니다.

'I'll have to stay here until then,' she thought. 'It's too far to go back to Mrs Wace's.' 「ウェイス夫人に戻るには遠すぎます。」 '와이스 부인 집으로 돌아가기엔 너무 멀어요.' She did not seem to mind this - in fact, she was almost happy to wait another three nights before seeing her future husband. 사실 그녀는 미래의 남편을 만나기 전에 사흘 밤을 더 기다리는 것이 거의 기뻤습니다. Она не возражала против этого - более того, она была почти счастлива ждать еще три ночи, прежде чем увидеть своего будущего мужа.

She found a room in a small hotel, took her luggage there, then went out for a walk round the town. 그녀는 작은 호텔에 방을 구해 짐을 들고 마을 주변을 산책하러 나갔습니다.

'Baptista? Yes, Baptista it is!' Да, Баптиста!

The words came from behind her. Слова прозвучали у нее за спиной. Turning round, she gave a jump, and stared. Обернувшись, она подпрыгнула и уставилась на него. 'Oh, is it really you, Charles?' "О, это действительно вы, Чарльз? she said.

With a half-smile the newcomer looked her up and down. 半笑みを浮かべて、新参者は彼女を上下に見た。 He appeared almost angry with her, but he said nothing. Er schien fast wütend auf sie zu sein, aber er sagte nichts. 彼は彼女にほとんど腹を立てているように見えたが、何も言わなかった。 Он, казалось, почти рассердился на нее, но ничего не сказал.

'I'm going home,' she continued, ' but I've missed the boat.

He did not seem interested in this news. 'Still teaching?' he said. 'What a fine teacher you make, Baptista, I'm sure!' 「あなたが作るなんて素晴らしい先生、バプティスタ、きっと!」 '정말 훌륭한 선생님이시네요, 밥티스타!' "Какой прекрасный учитель из тебя получится, Баптиста, я уверен!

She knew that was not his real meaning. Она знала, что это не совсем так. 'I know I'm not very good at teaching,' she replied. 'That's why I've stopped.'

'Oh, you've stopped? 'О, вы остановились? You surprise me.'

'I hate teaching.' "Я ненавижу преподавание".

'Perhaps that's because I'm a teacher.' 「おそらくそれは私が教師だからです。」 'Возможно, это потому, что я преподаватель'.

'Oh no, it isn't. О нет, это не так. It's because I'm starting a new life. それは私が新しい人生を始めているからです。 Next week I'm going to marry Mr David Heddegan.'

At this unexpected reply, the young man took a step back. Bei dieser unerwarteten Antwort wich der junge Mann einen Schritt zurück. この予想外の返事で、若い男は一歩後退した。 От такого неожиданного ответа молодой человек сделал шаг назад. 'Who is Mr David Heddegan?' he said, trying to sound bored. sagte er und versuchte, gelangweilt zu klingen. 彼は退屈そうに聞こえようとして言った。 그는 지루하게 들리려고 노력하며 말했습니다. сказал он, стараясь казаться скучающим.

'He owns a number of shops on St Maria's, and he's my father's neighbour and oldest friend.' 「彼はセントマリアズにたくさんの店を所有していて、彼は私の父の隣人であり、最も古い友人です。」

'So, no longer a schoolteacher, just a shopkeeper's wife. 'Итак, уже не школьная учительница, а просто жена лавочника. I knew you would never succeed as a teacher. 私はあなたが教師として成功することは決してないだろうと知っていました。 선생님으로 성공하지 못할 줄 알았어요. Я знал, что вы никогда не добьетесь успеха в качестве преподавателя. You're like a woman who thinks she can be a great actress just because she has a beautiful face, and forgets she has to be able to act. あなたは彼女が美しい顔をしているという理由だけで彼女が素晴らしい女優になることができると思っている女性のようであり、彼女が行動することができなければならないことを忘れています。 얼굴이 예쁘다고 해서 훌륭한 배우가 될 수 있다고 생각하고 연기를 할 수 있어야 한다는 사실을 잊어버리는 여성과 같습니다. Вы похожи на женщину, которая думает, что может стать великой актрисой только потому, что у нее красивое лицо, и забывает, что нужно уметь действовать. But you found out your mistake early, didn't you?' Aber Sie haben Ihren Fehler früh erkannt, nicht wahr?' しかし、あなたは自分の間違いを早く見つけましたね?」 하지만 실수를 일찍 알아차리셨죠?' 라고요. Но вы ведь рано обнаружили свою ошибку, не так ли?

'Don't be unpleasant to me, Charles,' Baptista said sadly. 「チャールズ、私に不快感を与えないでください」とバプティスタは悲しそうに言った。 Не будьте мне неприятны, Чарльз, - грустно сказал Баптиста.

'I'm not being unpleasant - I'm just saying what is true, in a friendly way - although I do have good reason to be unpleasant to you. 「私は不快ではありません-私はあなたに不快になる正当な理由がありますが、私は友好的な方法で、真実を言っているだけです。 '나는 불쾌하게 대하는 것이 아니라, 당신에게 불쾌하게 대할 만한 충분한 이유가 있긴 하지만 친근한 태도로 사실 그대로를 말하는 것뿐입니다. 'Я не неприятен - я просто говорю правду, в дружеской манере - хотя у меня есть веские причины быть неприятным для вас. What a hurry you've been in, Baptista! Du hast es aber eilig gehabt, Baptista! バプティスタ、なんて急いでいたんだ! Как ты торопился, Баптиста! I do hate a woman in a hurry!' 急いでいる女性は大嫌い!」 서두르는 여자는 정말 싫어요!' Я ненавижу торопливых женщин!

'What do you mean?'

'Well - in a hurry to be somebody's wife. 「まあ、誰かの妻になりたいと急いで。 Any husband is better than no husband for you, it seems. どんな夫もあなたにとって夫がいないよりはましだと思われます。 어떤 남편이라도 남편이 없는 것보다는 나은 것 같습니다. Любой муж для вас лучше, чем отсутствие мужа, кажется. You couldn't wait for me, oh no! あなたは私を待つことができませんでした、ああ、いや! Ты не мог ждать меня, о нет! Well, thank God, that's all in the past for me!' さて、神に感謝します、それは私にとって過去のすべてです!」 다행히도 이제 그런 일은 다 지나갔어요! Ну, слава Богу, для меня это все в прошлом!

'Wait for you? '待つわ? What does that mean, Charley? チャーリー、それはどういう意味ですか? You never showed that you felt anything special for me.' あなたは私にとって特別な何かを感じたことを決して示しませんでした。」

'Oh really, Baptista dear!'

'What I mean is, there was nothing that I could be sure of. 「私が言いたいのは、私が確信できることは何もなかったということです。 "제 말은, 제가 확신할 수 있는 것이 아무것도 없었다는 것입니다. Я имею в виду, что не было ничего, в чем я мог бы быть уверен. I suppose you liked me a little, but I didn't think you meant to make an honest engagement of it.' Ich nehme an, du mochtest mich ein wenig, aber ich dachte nicht, dass du eine ehrliche Beziehung eingehen wolltest.' あなたは私を少し好きだったと思いますが、あなたがそれを正直に婚約するつもりはなかったと思います。」 '저를 조금 좋아하시는 것 같긴 한데, 솔직히 말씀하실 줄은 몰랐어요. Полагаю, я вам немного понравилась, но я не думала, что вы собираетесь делать из этого честное дело".

'That's just it! 「それだけです! 'Вот именно! You girls expect a man to talk about marrying after the first look! Ihr Mädchen erwartet, dass ein Mann nach dem ersten Blick von Heirat spricht! あなたの女の子は、男性が一見した後に結婚について話すことを期待しています! 여자들은 남자가 첫눈에 반한 후 결혼에 대해 이야기하기를 기대합니다! Девушки, вы ждете, что мужчина заговорит о женитьбе после первого взгляда! But I did mean to get engaged to you, you know.' Aber ich wollte mich doch mit dir verloben, weißt du.' しかし、私はあなたと婚約するつもりでした。 하지만 당신과 약혼할 생각은 있었어요. Но я хотел обручиться с тобой, ты знаешь".

'But you never said so, and a woman can't wait forever!' Aber das hast du nie gesagt, und eine Frau kann nicht ewig warten! 「しかし、あなたはそう言ったことはありません、そして女性は永遠に待つことはできません!」 'Но ты никогда так не говорил, а женщина не может ждать вечно!'

'Baptista, I promise you that I was planning to ask you to marry me in six months' time.' 「バプティスタ、私はあなたに6ヶ月後に私と結婚するように頼むことを計画していたことを約束します。」 '밥티스타, 6개월 후에 청혼할 계획이었다고 약속할게요.' Баптиста, я обещаю тебе, что планировала сделать тебе предложение через полгода".

She appeared very uncomfortable, and they walked along in silence. Она выглядела очень неловко, и они шли молча. Soon he said, 'Did you want to marry me then?' すぐに彼は言った、「あなたは私と結婚したかったのですか?」

And she whispered sadly back, 'Yes!' そして彼女は悲しげにささやきました、「はい!」 И она грустно прошептала в ответ: "Да!".

As they walked on, away from the town and into the fields, her shoulder and his were close together. Когда они шли дальше, удаляясь от города и выходя в поле, ее плечо и его плечо оказались рядом. He held her arm with a strong hand. Он взял ее за руку сильной рукой. This seemed to say, 'Now I hold you, and you must do what I want.' これは、「今、私はあなたを抱きしめ、あなたは私がやりたいことをしなければならない」と言っているようでした。 Это как бы говорило: "Теперь я держу тебя, и ты должен делать то, что я хочу".

'How strange that we should meet like this!' 「こんな風に会うなんて不思議だ!」 "Как странно, что мы так встретились! said the young man. 'You and I could be husband and wife, going on our honeymoon together. '당신과 나는 신혼여행을 함께 가는 남편과 아내가 될 수 있습니다. But instead of that, we'll say goodbye in half an hour, perhaps forever. しかし、その代わりに、30分以内に、おそらく永遠に別れを告げます。 하지만 그 대신 30분 후, 어쩌면 영원히 작별을 고하게 될지도 모릅니다. Yes, life is strange!

She stopped walking. 'I must go back. This is too painful, Charley! チャーリー、これは辛すぎる! You're not being kind today.' 今日は親切ではありません。」 Вы сегодня не очень добры".

'I don't want to hurt you - you know I don't,' he answered more gently. 「私はあなたを傷つけたくない-あなたは私が傷つけないことを知っている」と彼はもっと穏やかに答えた。 '당신을 다치게 하고 싶지 않다는 걸 알잖아요'라고 그는 더 부드럽게 대답했습니다. Я не хочу причинять тебе боль - ты же знаешь, что не хочу, - ответил он более мягко. 'But it makes me angry - what you're going to do. 「しかし、それは私を怒らせます-あなたがやろうとしていること。 I don't think you should marry him.' 私はあなたが彼と結婚するべきではないと思います。」

'I must do it, now that I've agreed.' 「私は同意したので、それをしなければなりません。」 'Я должен это сделать, раз уж согласился'.

'Why?' he asked, speaking more seriously now. 彼は今もっと真剣に話して尋ねた。 'It's never too late to stop a wedding if you're not happy with it. 「あなたがそれに満足していなければ、結婚式をやめるのに遅すぎることは決してありません。 Никогда не поздно остановить свадьбу, если она вас не устраивает. Now - you could marry me, instead of him, although you were in too much of a hurry to wait for me!' さて、あなたは彼の代わりに私と結婚することができましたが、あなたは私を待つのにあまりにも急いでいました!」 이제 - 당신은 나를 기다리기에는 너무 서두르지만 그 대신 나와 결혼 할 수 있습니다! Теперь - ты мог бы жениться на мне, а не на нем, хотя ты слишком торопился, чтобы дождаться меня!

'Oh, it isn't possible to think of that!' 「ああ、それは考えられない!」 'О, это невозможно придумать!' she cried, shaking her head. воскликнула она, качая головой. 'At home everything will be ready for the wedding!' 'Дома все будет готово к свадьбе!'

'If we marry, it must be at once. 「私たちが結婚するなら、それはすぐにあるに違いありません。 Если мы поженимся, то это должно произойти немедленно. This evening you can come back with me to Trufal, the town where I live. 오늘 저녁에 저와 함께 제가 사는 트루팔 마을로 오세요. We can get married there on Tuesday, and then no Mr David Heddegan, or anyone else, can take you away from me!' 私たちは火曜日にそこで結婚することができます、そしてそれからデビッド・ヘデガン氏や他の誰もあなたを私から連れ去ることはできません!」 화요일에 거기서 결혼하면 데이비드 헤데건 씨나 그 누구도 당신을 내게서 빼앗아갈 수 없어요!'

'But I must go home on the Tuesday boat,' she said worriedly. 'What will they think if I don't arrive?' 「私が到着しない場合、彼らはどう思いますか?」

'You can go home on that boat just the same. 「あなたは同じようにそのボートで家に帰ることができます。 Вы можете вернуться домой на этом корабле, как и раньше. The only difference is that I'll go with you. 唯一の違いは、私があなたと一緒に行くということです。 Разница лишь в том, что я пойду с тобой. You'll tell your parents that you've married a young man with a good job, someone that you met at the training college. あなたはあなたが良い仕事をしている若い男、あなたが訓練大学で出会った誰かと結婚したことをあなたの両親に話します。 Вы скажете родителям, что вышли замуж за молодого человека с хорошей работой, с которым познакомились в учебном заведении. When I meet them, they'll accept that we're married and it can't be changed. 私が彼らに会うとき、彼らは私たちが結婚していることを受け入れ、それを変えることはできません。 Когда я их встречу, они примут, что мы женаты и этого не изменить. And you won't be miserable for ever as the wife of an awful old man. Und du wirst nicht für immer als Frau eines schrecklichen alten Mannes unglücklich sein. そして、あなたはひどい老人の妻として永遠に惨めになることはありません。 И ты не будешь вечно несчастной женой ужасного старика. Now honestly, you do like me best, don't you, Baptista?' 正直なところ、あなたは私が一番好きですよね、バプティスタ?」 Честно говоря, я тебе нравлюсь больше всех, правда, Баптиста?

'Yes,' she whispered.

'Then we will do what I say.' 「それなら、私が言うことをします。」 'Тогда мы сделаем то, что я скажу'.


Baptista gets married

That same afternoon Charles Stow and Baptista Trewthen travelled by train to the town of Trufal. Charles was, surprisingly, very careful of appearances, and found a room for Baptista in a different house from where he was staying. Charles war überraschenderweise sehr auf den äußeren Schein bedacht und fand für Baptista ein Zimmer in einem anderen Haus als dem, in dem er wohnte. チャールズは驚くべきことに、外見に非常に注意を払い、彼が滞在していた場所とは別の家にバプティスタのための部屋を見つけました。 놀랍게도 찰스는 외모에 매우 신경을 많이 썼고, 자신이 머물던 집이 아닌 다른 집에서 밥티스타를 위한 방을 찾았습니다. Чарльз, на удивление, очень внимательно относился к внешности и нашел для Баптисты комнату в доме, отличном от того, где жил он сам. On Sunday they went to church and then walked around the town, on Monday Charles made the arrangements, and by nine o'clock on Tuesday morning they were husband and wife. 일요일에는 교회에 갔다가 마을을 산책하고 월요일에는 찰스가 준비를 했고 화요일 아침 9시까지 그들은 부부가 되었습니다.

For the first time in her life Baptista had gone against her parents' wishes. 彼女の人生で初めて、バプティスタは両親の希望に逆らいました。 태어나서 처음으로 바티스타는 부모님의 뜻을 거스르게 되었습니다. Впервые в жизни Баптиста пошла против воли родителей. She went cold with fear when she thought of their first meeting with her new husband. Wenn sie an die erste Begegnung mit ihrem neuen Mann dachte, wurde ihr kalt vor Angst. 彼女は新しい夫との最初の出会いを考えたとき、恐怖で冷たくなった。 그녀는 새 남편과의 첫 만남을 생각하니 두려움에 떨었습니다. Она похолодела от страха при мысли об их первой встрече с новым мужем. But she felt she had to tell them as soon as possible, and now the most important thing was to get home to St Maria's. しかし、彼女はできるだけ早く彼らに話さなければならないと感じました、そして今最も重要なことは聖マリアの家に帰ることでした。 하지만 그녀는 가능한 한 빨리 가족에게 말해야 한다고 생각했고, 이제 가장 중요한 것은 세인트 마리아 병원으로 돌아가는 것이었습니다. Но она чувствовала, что должна рассказать им об этом как можно скорее, а сейчас самое главное - попасть домой к Святой Марии. So, in a great hurry, they packed their bags and caught the train to Pen-zephyr. それで、彼らは大急ぎで荷物をまとめ、ペンゼファー行きの電車に乗りました。 В спешке они собрали вещи и сели в поезд до Пен-зефира.

They arrived two hours before the boat left, so to pass the time they decided to walk along the cliffs a little way. 彼らはボートが出発する2時間前に到着したので、時間を過ごすために彼らは崖に沿って少し歩くことにしました。 Они приехали за два часа до отплытия судна и, чтобы скоротать время, решили немного пройтись вдоль скал. It was a hot summer day, and Charles wanted to have a swim in the sea. 暑い夏の日だったので、チャールズは海で泳ぎたいと思っていました。 Baptista did not like the idea of sitting alone while he swam. バプティスタは泳いでいる間一人で座るという考えが好きではありませんでした。 밥티스타는 수영하는 동안 혼자 앉아 있는 것이 마음에 들지 않았습니다. Баптисте не нравилась идея сидеть одному, пока он плавает. 'But I'll only be a quarter of an hour,' Charles said, and Baptista passively accepted this. 「しかし、私はたった15分になります」とチャールズは言い、バプティスタはこれを受動的に受け入れました。 Но я задержусь всего на четверть часа", - сказал Чарльз, и Баптиста пассивно согласился с этим.

She sat high up on the cliffs, and watched him go down a footpath, disappear, appear again, and run across the beach to the sea. Sie saß hoch oben auf den Klippen und sah zu, wie er einen Fußweg hinunterging, verschwand, wieder auftauchte und über den Strand zum Meer lief. 彼女は崖の上に座って、彼が歩道を下り、姿を消し、再び現れ、ビーチを横切って海に向かって走るのを見ました。 그녀는 절벽 높은 곳에 앉아 그가 산책로를 따라 내려갔다가 사라졌다가 다시 나타나 해변을 가로질러 바다로 뛰어가는 모습을 지켜보았습니다. She watched him for a moment, then stared out to sea, thinking about her family. They were probably not worried about her, because she had sometimes missed the boat before, but they were expecting her to arrive today and to marry David Heddegan tomorrow. Wahrscheinlich machten sie sich keine Sorgen um sie, denn sie hatte schon öfter das Schiff verpasst, aber sie erwarteten, dass sie heute ankommen und morgen David Heddegan heiraten würde. 그들은 그녀가 전에 가끔 배를 놓친 적이 있었기 때문에 그녀에 대해 걱정하지 않았지만, 그녀가 오늘 도착하여 내일 데이비드 헤데건과 결혼 할 것으로 예상하고있었습니다. Возможно, они не волновались за нее, ведь она и раньше иногда пропускала пароход, но они ожидали, что она прибудет сегодня и завтра выйдет замуж за Дэвида Хеддегана. 'How angry father will be!' 'Wie wütend wird Vater sein!' '아버지가 얼마나 화를 내실까!' she thought miserably. 彼女は惨めに思った。 с досадой подумала она. 'And mother will say I've made a terrible mistake! 「そして、母親は私がひどい間違いを犯したと言うでしょう! I almost wish I hadn't married Charles, in that moment of madness! その狂気の瞬間に、チャールズと結婚していなかったらよかったのに! 그 광기의 순간에 찰스와 결혼하지 말았어야 했어요! Я почти жалею, что не вышла замуж за Чарльза в тот момент безумия! Oh dear, what have I done!' ああ、私は何をしましたか!」 О, Боже, что я наделал!

This made her think of her new husband, and she turned to look for him. これは彼女に彼女の新しい夫のことを考えさせました、そして彼女は彼を探すようになりました。 He did not appear to be in the sea any more, and she could not see him on the beach. 彼はもう海にいないようで、彼女はビーチで彼を見ることができませんでした。 В море его уже не было, и на берегу его не было видно. By this time she was frightened, and she climbed down the path as quickly as her shaking legs could manage. この時までに、彼女はおびえていました、そして、彼女は彼女の揺れている足が管理することができるのと同じくらい速く道を下りました。 이때 그녀는 겁에 질려 떨리는 다리가 감당할 수 있는 한 빨리 길을 내려왔습니다. К этому времени она испугалась и быстро, на дрожащих ногах, спустилась по тропинке. On the beach she called two men to help her, but they said they could see nothing at all in the water. 해변에서 그녀는 두 명의 남자에게 도움을 요청했지만 그들은 물속에서 아무것도 보이지 않는다고 말했습니다. Soon she found the place where Charles had left his clothes, but by now the sea had carried them away. 곧 그녀는 찰스가 옷을 버린 곳을 찾았지만 이미 바다가 옷을 떠내려간 뒤였습니다. Вскоре она нашла место, где Чарльз оставил свою одежду, но к этому времени ее унесло море.

For a few minutes she stood there without moving. There was only one way to explain this sudden disappearance - her husband had drowned. この突然の失踪を説明する唯一の方法がありました-彼女の夫は溺死しました。 갑작스러운 실종을 설명할 수 있는 유일한 방법은 남편이 익사한 것뿐이었습니다. And as she stood there, it began to seem like a terrible dream, and the last three days of her life with Charles seemed to disappear. Und als sie dort stand, kam es ihr wie ein schrecklicher Traum vor, und die letzten drei Tage ihres Lebens mit Charles schienen zu verschwinden. そして、彼女がそこに立っていると、それはひどい夢のように見え始め、チャールズとの彼女の人生の最後の3日間は消えたように見えました。 그리고 그곳에 서 있는 동안 끔찍한 꿈처럼 보이기 시작했고 찰스와 함께한 지난 3일의 삶이 사라지는 것 같았습니다. И пока она стояла там, все это стало казаться страшным сном, и последние три дня ее жизни с Чарльзом словно исчезли. She even had difficulty in remembering his face. 彼女は彼の顔を思い出すのにさえ苦労した。 그녀는 심지어 그의 얼굴을 기억하는 데 어려움을 겪었습니다. Ей даже трудно было вспомнить его лицо. How unexpected it was, meeting him that day!' その日彼に会ったのは、なんと予想外だったのでしょう。」 그날 그를 만나니 정말 뜻밖이었어요!' Как неожиданно было встретить его в тот день! she thought. 'And the wedding did I really agree to it? 「そして結婚式は本当にそれに同意しましたか? '그리고 결혼식에 정말 동의했나요? 'А на свадьбу я действительно согласилась? Are we really married? It all happened so fast!' それはすべてとても速く起こりました!」 모든 것이 순식간에 일어났습니다!'