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E-Books (english-e-reader), 47 Ronin a Samurai from Japan (1)

47 Ronin a Samurai from Japan (1)


In the old days in Japan, the samurai were warriors, fighting men. They served a daimyo, one of the great Japanese lords. They lived in his castle, fought for him, and died for him. They fought with long swords and short swords, spears, and bows and arrows. They were brave, fierce men, famous for their loyalty to their lord.


The Death of Asano

'Good morning, Lord Asano.'

The speaker was Lord Kira Yoshinaka, a tall man, in black. He stood in the middle of a room in the Shogun's palace. He watched Lord Asano, and waited.

Lord Asano Naganori was a younger man, thirty-four years to Lord Kira's sixty years. He walked slowly across the room from the door, and stopped in front of Kira.

'Lord Kira,' he said coldly. 'Good morning.' And then he bowed, just a small bow of the head.

Lord Kira bowed too, an even smaller bow. He smiled, but his eyes were cold.

'Are you ready for your next lesson, Lord Asano?' he said. 'You have much to learn about palace ceremony, and you are a very slow student. Shall we begin?'

Lord Asano bowed again, but did not speak. His mouth was a thin, hard line. Every day Kira called him 'slow', or 'stupid', or 'difficult', and he did not like it.

In the Shogun's palace at Edo in the year 1701, ceremony was very important. The right words, at the right time of day. The right bow, small or deep, for different people. The right clothes, at different hours of the day. The right presents, for the right people... This was the way of life in the Shogun's palace, and Lord Kira was the teacher of ceremony - for this Shogun, and for many Shoguns before him. After forty years as a teacher, Kira knew everything about the ceremony of the palace.

But Lord Asano knew nothing. He was a daimyo from the country, from Ako Castle, a place seventeen days' journey by horse to the south-west of Edo. The daimyo were powerful men in Japan at this time, and were rulers in their own part of the country. But daimyo must also serve the Shogun, and every year the Shogun called two of them to his palace at Edo.

'Every day is the same,' said Asano angrily, at his house in Edo that evening. 'Every day I must do this ceremony, or that ceremony, I must stand here, or there, bow to this person, or that person. And I must do six months of this! Every day Kira calls me bad names! I make mistakes because he is a bad teacher!'

Hayami, one of Asano's samurai, helped him with his ceremonial clothes. Hayami was very good with the bow and arrow, but not so good with words.

'Lord, I heard something about Kira,' he said.

'What?' said Asano.

'He likes presents, and money. The other daimyo gives him presents or money, and then Kira is happy, and the lessons go well. Why don't you give him a present?'

'No!' shouted Asano. 'I am Lord Asano of Ako, and I do not give presents to the Shogun's servants! His job is to teach me ceremony, not to ask for presents!'

Hayami said nothing more, but he was afraid for his master. Every day Asano came back from the palace with an angry face, and angry words.

'How is this going to end?' Hayami said to Kataoka, another of Asano's samurai. 'Four more months of this. What can I do? We need Oishi here. Lord Asano doesn't listen to me, but he listens to Oishi sometimes.'

But Oishi Yoshio was at Ako Castle, a long way away. He was the captain of Lord Asano's three hundred samurai. When Lord Asano came to Edo, most of his samurai came with him, but Oishi stayed behind at Ako to take care of everything there.


It ended suddenly on a spring day in 1701.

The day began well, with a blue sky and the song of birds in the palace gardens. Lord Asano arrived at the palace, put on his ceremonial clothes, and went for his lesson with Lord Kira.

Perhaps Kira was tired that day. Perhaps he was angry because there were no presents from Lord Asano. Perhaps he just did not like the young lord from Ako.

'You must wait,' he told Asano. 'I have another, more important meeting first.' He turned his back on Lord Asano. 'What a stupid man!' Kira said. Usually, he said things like this in a quiet voice, but today he did not speak quietly, and everybody in the great palace room could hear him. 'I hear Asano's wife is stupid too, and his children,' Lord Kira said to the room.

Something broke inside Lord Asano. 'Lord Kira, stop a moment,' he cried.

'Well, what is it?' said Kira, turning back to Asano.

People remembered this moment for many years. Asano drew his sword, and attacked Lord Kira. With a cry, Kira put his hand to his head, but he did not fall. Asano lifted his sword again, but now there were palace guards around him. They: pulled him to the floor, and held his sword arm. Lord Kira ran away. There was a deep cut on his face.

The Shogun's palace was a place of ceremony, not a place for fighting. It was a terrible thing to do - to draw a sword and attack someone inside the palace.

The attack happened at about midday. At one o'clock the guards took Asano to the house of another daimyo. At four o'clock an order came from the Shogun. 'Lord Asano must die, but because he is a daimyo, he can die the samurai way, with honour. He can commit seppuku.'

And so it happened. At six o'clock that same day Lord Asano of Ako committed seppuku. He took out his long knife, and cut into his stomach from left to right.

Outside the palace Lord Asano's samurai, Kataoka, knew nothing of this. He waited for his master to leave the palace at the end of the day, but Asano never came. At last another daimyo told Kataoka the terrible news.

Kataoka ran back to Asano's house in Edo, and called for Hayami and the other samurai. 'Our lord is dead,' he cried. 'Get the horses ready! We must ride to Ako at once!'


The Plan

At that time, it was usually a journey of seventeen days from Edo to Ako, but Kataoka and Hayami did the journey in ten days. When they arrived at Ako Castle, they were tired, dirty, hungry, and thirsty. Oishi Yoshio, the captain of the Ako samurai, was not pleased with them. 'Look at you!' he said. 'What kind of samurai are you? Dirty clothes, dirty horses...'

But Oishi forgot about that when he heard the terrible news of Lord Asano's death.

'And that's not all,' said Hayami. He pushed the hair out of his eyes. 'The Shogun's government is going to take Lord Asano's castle, his land, his money - everything! Can they do that, Oishi?'

'Yes,' said Oishi. 'They can. To draw a sword in the Shogun's palace is a crime. But why did Lord Asano attack Kira? What happened? Did they fight?'

'We don't know,' said Kataoka, 'we weren't there! But Lord Asano was angry every day because of Lord Kira.'

'But Asano didn't kill Kira?' said Oishi.

'No,' said Hayami. 'Kira is alive and well. People say that he just has a cut on his head.'

'And where is Lord Asano's body now?' asked Oishi.

'They're taking it to the temple of Sengaku-ji,' said Kataoka, 'just outside Edo. Some of our samurai went with the body. Then they are coming back to Ako.'


During the next days, Lord Asano's samurai made the journey down to Ako. Some of them brought news.

'Lord Asano's younger brother, Daigaku, is under house arrest in Edo,' Yoshida told Oishi. Yoshida was one of the older samurai. He and Oishi were old friends.

'Did you see Daigaku?' asked Oishi.

'Yes, just for two minutes. They're going to send him away, to Hiroshima, to the Asano family there.'

Soon there were nearly three hundred of Asano's samurai at Ako, and Oishi Yoshio called a meeting. It was a noisy, angry meeting.

Horibe was a famous swordsman. He was a fierce fighter, and a brave man, but he did not often stop to think before he spoke. He was the first to speak.

'Lord Asano is dead because of Kira,' he shouted to the meeting. 'Kira is a killer. A man cannot live under the same sky as the killer of his lord. This is the code of the samurai! When do we attack Kira?'

The samurai began to talk, but Oishi held up his hand. 'Nobody questions your honour as a samurai, Horibe. But we are not samurai now, we are ronin. We have no master, no lord. The Shogun's government killed Lord Asano because of a crime - the crime of drawing a sword in the palace. And why did this crime happen? Because of Lord Kira. We want revenge for our lord's death, and that means Kira must die. But he knows that, and he has many friends in the government. So we must be careful, we must be clever.'

'Careful? Clever?' shouted Horibe. 'What kind of samurai are you? We must attack Lord Kira at once! In Edo, people in the streets are saying that. They know we must take revenge for Asano's death. People want us to do that! It is the samurai way!'

'So you want to die a dog's death outside the palace?' called Yoshida. 'How many guards are there at the palace? Eh? Tell me that! Hundreds! We can't get near Kira - he knows we want him, so he has hundreds of guards around him, day and night.'

'The government is going to take Ako Castle away from the Asano family,' called another samurai. 'When the government soldiers come here, can we fight them? Can we hold Ako Castle for Daigaku? He's the head of the Asano family now.'

Kataoka answered this question. 'For a week, perhaps. But not longer. No, the Asano family at Ako is finished. We must leave Ako Castle and begin new lives as ronin.'

'So what can we do?' called Okuda, one of Horibe's friends. 'Tell us, Oishi! What can we do?'

'What do you want?' said Oishi. 'Do you want revenge? Revenge has a price, and the price is death. We cannot hope to live after we take our revenge on Kira. We must commit seppuku - everyone of us.'

'We are samurai!' cried a man called Hara. 'Death with honour is always better than a life without honour. That is the samurai code!'

Oishi smiled. 'There are brave hearts in this room. Now go away, and think. Think about the samurai way. Where is the road to honour? Can you live under the same sky as the killer of your daimyo? Think long and carefully. Talk to your families, and come back here in three days. Or leave Ako and begin a new life.'

In the next two days many ronin left the castle. They took their families and went away, perhaps to serve a new daimyo, perhaps to work in the cities, perhaps to go hungry. The life of a ronin was not easy.

After three days Oishi called the next meeting. He and Yoshida stood at the door and watched. Horibe, Okuda, and their friends arrived first, of course. Then more came, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty... sixty-two.

Yoshida closed the doors, and Oishi began to speak.

'You are here because you want revenge for the death of our daimyo. You are true samurai, loyal to your lord in life - and in death. We must make a league together - a league for revenge. But for now, we must be silent, we must be secret, we must wait for months, maybe years, before we can move. We cannot attack Kira now, because he and his guards are waiting for us. But when he forgets about us, then we can move. Because we, the ronin - we do not forget. We can wait a long, long time for revenge.'

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47 Ronin a Samurai from Japan (1) 47 Ronin ein Samurai aus Japan (1) 47 Ronin un Samurai de Japón (1) 47 Ronin un samouraï du Japon (1) 47 Ronin 日本から来たサムライ (1) 47 일본 사무라이 로닌 (1) 47 Roninas - samurajus iš Japonijos (1) 47 Ronin: Samuraj z Japonii (1) 47 Ronin um Samurai do Japão (1) 47 Ронин - самурай из Японии (1) 47 Ронін - самурай з Японії (1) 第47章 日本武士浪人(1)


In the old days in Japan, the samurai were warriors, fighting men. 在过去的日本,武士是战士,是战斗的人。 They served a daimyo, one of the great Japanese lords. |||daimyo, büyük lord|||||| Bir daimyoya, büyük Japon lordlarından birine hizmet ediyorlardı. They lived in his castle, fought for him, and died for him. They fought with long swords and short swords, spears, and bows and arrows. ||||||||mızraklar||yaylar ve oklar||oklar They were brave, fierce men, famous for their loyalty to their lord. |||sert|||||sadakatleri||| 彼らは勇敢で獰猛な男であり、主君への忠誠心で有名でした。


The Death of Asano

'Good morning, Lord Asano.'

The speaker was Lord Kira Yoshinaka, a tall man, in black. 話し手は黒ずくめの背の高い吉良吉良公。 연사는 키가 크고 검은색 옷을 입은 요시나카 키라 경이었습니다. He stood in the middle of a room in the Shogun's palace. |||||||||||saray 그는 쇼군의 궁전 방 한가운데에 서 있었습니다. He watched Lord Asano, and waited.

Lord Asano Naganori was a younger man, thirty-four years to Lord Kira's sixty years. 浅野長教公は吉良公の六十歳に対して三十四歳と若い男だった。 아사노 나가노리 경은 키라 경과 서른네 살 차이의 젊은 사람이었습니다. Lord Asano Naganori daha genç bir adamdı, Lord Kira'nın altmış yaşına karşılık otuz dört yaşındaydı. He walked slowly across the room from the door, and stopped in front of Kira.

'Lord Kira,' he said coldly. 'Good morning.' And then he bowed, just a small bow of the head. |||eğildi||||eğilmek||| それから彼はお辞儀をしました。頭を少しだけ下げました。 И тогда он поклонился, лишь слегка склонив голову.

Lord Kira bowed too, an even smaller bow. キラ様もお辞儀をした、さらに小さなお辞儀。 Лорд Кира тоже поклонился, еще более низким поклоном. He smiled, but his eyes were cold.

'Are you ready for your next lesson, Lord Asano?' he said. 'You have much to learn about palace ceremony, and you are a very slow student. |||||||saray töreni||||||| 「あなたは宮殿の儀式について学ぶことがたくさんありますが、あなたは非常に遅い学生です. Вам предстоит еще многое узнать о дворцовом церемониале, а вы очень медлительный ученик. 'Saray törenleri hakkında öğrenmen gereken çok şey var ve sen çok yavaş bir öğrencisin. Shall we begin?' はじめよう?' Начнем? Môžeme začať?

Lord Asano bowed again, but did not speak. His mouth was a thin, hard line. |ağzı|||||ince çizgi 彼の口は細くて硬い線でした。 Его рот представлял собой тонкую, жесткую линию. Ağzı ince, sert bir çizgiydi. Every day Kira called him 'slow', or 'stupid', or 'difficult', and he did not like it. Каждый день Кира называла его то "медленным", то "глупым", то "трудным", и ему это не нравилось.

In the Shogun's palace at Edo in the year 1701, ceremony was very important. |||||||||tören||| Во дворце сёгуна в Эдо в 1701 году церемония имела большое значение. The right words, at the right time of day. |Doğru kelimeler, doğru zamanda.||||||| 適切なタイミングで適切な言葉を。 하루 중 적절한 시간에 적절한 단어를 사용하세요. Правильные слова, в правильное время суток. Günün doğru saatinde, doğru kelimeler. The right bow, small or deep, for different people. ||Doğru selamlaşma|||||| Farklı insanlar için doğru yay, küçük veya derin. The right clothes, at different hours of the day. 適切な服を、1 日のさまざまな時間帯に。 The right presents, for the right people... This was the way of life in the Shogun's palace, and Lord Kira was the teacher of ceremony - for this Shogun, and for many Shoguns before him. 適切な人への適切な贈り物... これが将軍の宮殿での生き方であり、吉良卿は儀式の教師でした - この将軍のために、そして彼の前の多くの将軍のために。 Doğru hediyeler, doğru insanlar için... Shogun'un sarayındaki yaşam tarzı buydu ve Lord Kira bu Shogun'un ve ondan önceki birçok Shogun'un tören öğretmeniydi. After forty years as a teacher, Kira knew everything about the ceremony of the palace. Kırk yıllık öğretmenlik hayatından sonra Kira saraydaki törenler hakkında her şeyi biliyordu.

But Lord Asano knew nothing. He was a daimyo from the country, from Ako Castle, a place seventeen days' journey by horse to the south-west of Edo. |||||||||||yer||||||||||| 彼は田舎の大名で、江戸の南西に馬で 17 日間の旅をした赤穂城の出身でした。 그는 에도에서 남서쪽으로 말을 타고 17일간 가야 하는 아코성 출신의 다이묘였습니다. Edo'nun güneybatısında, atla on yedi günlük bir yolculuk mesafesindeki Ako Kalesi'nden gelen bir daimyo idi. The daimyo were powerful men in Japan at this time, and were rulers in their own part of the country. ||||||||||||hükümdarlar||||||| But daimyo must also serve the Shogun, and every year the Shogun called two of them to his palace at Edo. 하지만 다이묘도 쇼군을 섬겨야 했고, 쇼군은 매년 다이묘 두 명을 에도의 궁으로 불렀습니다.

'Every day is the same,' said Asano angrily, at his house in Edo that evening. Her gün|||||||||||||| Каждый день одно и то же, - сердито сказал Асано вечером у себя дома в Эдо. Asano o akşam Edo'daki evinde öfkeyle 'Her gün aynı' dedi. 'Every day I must do this ceremony, or that ceremony, I must stand here, or there, bow to this person, or that person. Каждый день я должен делать эту церемонию или ту, я должен стоять здесь или там, кланяться этому человеку или тому. And I must do six months of this! |||||altı ay|| Ve bunu altı ay yapmalıyım! Every day Kira calls me bad names! I make mistakes because he is a bad teacher!'

Hayami, one of Asano's samurai, helped him with his ceremonial clothes. Хаями, один из самураев Асано, помог ему с церемониальной одеждой. Hayami was very good with the bow and arrow, but not so good with words. Хаями хорошо владел луком и стрелами, но не очень хорошо - словами.

'Lord, I heard something about Kira,' he said. 'Господи, я что-то слышал о Кире, - сказал он.

'What?' said Asano.

'He likes presents, and money. The other daimyo gives him presents or money, and then Kira is happy, and the lessons go well. Why don't you give him a present?'

'No!' shouted Asano. 'I am Lord Asano of Ako, and I do not give presents to the Shogun's servants! His job is to teach me ceremony, not to ask for presents!' 그의 일은 나에게 의식을 가르치는 것이지 선물을 요구하는 것이 아닙니다!'

Hayami said nothing more, but he was afraid for his master. Every day Asano came back from the palace with an angry face, and angry words.

'How is this going to end?' Nasıl||||| 「これはどのように終わるのですか?」 "Bu nasıl sona erecek? Hayami said to Kataoka, another of Asano's samurai. 'Four more months of this. What can I do? We need Oishi here. Нам нужен здесь Оиси. Lord Asano doesn't listen to me, but he listens to Oishi sometimes.' 아사노 경은 내 말은 듣지 않지만 오이시 경의 말은 가끔 듣는다'. Лорд Асано не слушает меня, но иногда прислушивается к Оиси".

But Oishi Yoshio was at Ako Castle, a long way away. ||||||Ako Kalesi'nde|||| Но Оиси Ёсио находился в замке Ако, очень далеко. Ale Oiši Jošio bol na hrade Ako, ďaleko. He was the captain of Lord Asano's three hundred samurai. Он был капитаном трехсот самураев лорда Асано. When Lord Asano came to Edo, most of his samurai came with him, but Oishi stayed behind at Ako to take care of everything there.


It ended suddenly on a spring day in 1701. ||Aniden||||| Он закончился внезапно весенним днем 1701 года. 1701'de bir bahar günü aniden sona erdi.

The day began well, with a blue sky and the song of birds in the palace gardens. Lord Asano arrived at the palace, put on his ceremonial clothes, and went for his lesson with Lord Kira.

Perhaps Kira was tired that day. Возможно, Кира устала в тот день. Perhaps he was angry because there were no presents from Lord Asano. Возможно, он злился из-за отсутствия подарков от господина Асано. Perhaps he just did not like the young lord from Ako.

'You must wait,' he told Asano. 'I have another, more important meeting first.' '더 중요한 회의가 먼저 있어서요.' He turned his back on Lord Asano. 浅野卿に背を向けた。 'What a stupid man!' Kira said. Usually, he said things like this in a quiet voice, but today he did not speak quietly, and everybody in the great palace room could hear him. 'I hear Asano's wife is stupid too, and his children,' Lord Kira said to the room. '아사노의 아내와 아이들도 멍청하다고 들었습니다.' 키라 경이 방에 말했다.

Something broke inside Lord Asano. |Bir şey koptu||| Lord Asano'nun içinde bir şeyler kırıldı. 'Lord Kira, stop a moment,' he cried.

'Well, what is it?' said Kira, turning back to Asano.

People remembered this moment for many years. Asano drew his sword, and attacked Lord Kira. |çekti|||||| With a cry, Kira put his hand to his head, but he did not fall. ||||||||||||||düşmek キラは泣きながら手を頭に当てたが、倒れなかった。 Kira bir çığlık atarak elini başına götürdü ama düşmedi. Asano lifted his sword again, but now there were palace guards around him. They: pulled him to the floor, and held his sword arm. |çektikleri||||||||| 彼らは:彼を床に引き寄せ、剣の腕を握った。 Onu yere yatırdılar ve kılıcının kolunu tuttular. Lord Kira ran away. There was a deep cut on his face.

The Shogun's palace was a place of ceremony, not a place for fighting. It was a terrible thing to do - to draw a sword and attack someone inside the palace. ||||||||çekmek|||||||| 칼을 뽑아 궁전 안에서 누군가를 공격하는 것은 끔찍한 일이었습니다. Bir kılıç çekip sarayın içinde birine saldırmak korkunç bir şeydi.

The attack happened at about midday. |||||Öğle vakti At one o'clock the guards took Asano to the house of another daimyo. |||||||||||başka bir| Saat birde muhafızlar Asano'yu başka bir daimyonun evine götürdüler. At four o'clock an order came from the Shogun. 'Lord Asano must die, but because he is a daimyo, he can die the samurai way, with honour. |||||çünkü|||||||||||| 「浅野卿は死ななければならないが、大名である以上、武士のように名誉ある死を遂げることができる。 'Lord Asano ölmeli, ama bir daimyo olduğu için samuray usulü, onurlu bir şekilde ölebilir. He can commit seppuku.' |Yapabilir|hara-kiri yapmak| Seppuku yapabilir.'

And so it happened. At six o'clock that same day Lord Asano of Ako committed seppuku. He took out his long knife, and cut into his stomach from left to right.

Outside the palace Lord Asano's samurai, Kataoka, knew nothing of this. He waited for his master to leave the palace at the end of the day, but Asano never came. At last another daimyo told Kataoka the terrible news. |||başka bir daimyo|||||

Kataoka ran back to Asano's house in Edo, and called for Hayami and the other samurai. 'Our lord is dead,' he cried. 'Get the horses ready! We must ride to Ako at once!'


The Plan

At that time, it was usually a journey of seventeen days from Edo to Ako, but Kataoka and Hayami did the journey in ten days. 당시 에도에서 아코까지는 보통 17일이 걸리는 여정이었지만, 카타오카와 하야미는 열흘 만에 완주했습니다. When they arrived at Ako Castle, they were tired, dirty, hungry, and thirsty. Oishi Yoshio, the captain of the Ako samurai, was not pleased with them. ||||||||||memnun değildi|| 赤穂武士の船長である大石義雄は、彼らに満足していませんでした。 아코 사무라이의 대장인 오이시 요시오는 그들을 달가워하지 않았습니다. 'Look at you!' Bak sana!|sana bak| "Şu haline bak! he said. 'What kind of samurai are you? Dirty clothes, dirty horses...' Kirli|||

But Oishi forgot about that when he heard the terrible news of Lord Asano's death. |||||||||||||Asano'nun| Ancak Oishi, Lord Asano'nun korkunç ölüm haberini duyunca bunu unuttu.

'And that's not all,' said Hayami. He pushed the hair out of his eyes. |saçını gözlerinden çekti|||||| 彼は髪を目から押し出した。 그는 눈에서 머리카락을 밀어냈습니다. Saçlarını gözlerinden uzaklaştırdı. 'The Shogun's government is going to take Lord Asano's castle, his land, his money - everything! '쇼군 정부는 아사노 경의 성, 땅, 돈, 모든 것을 빼앗을 것입니다! Can they do that, Oishi?' 大石さん、できますか?

'Yes,' said Oishi. 'They can. To draw a sword in the Shogun's palace is a crime. çekmek için||||||||||suç Shogun'un sarayında kılıç çekmek suçtur. But why did Lord Asano attack Kira? What happened? Did they fight?'

'We don't know,' said Kataoka, 'we weren't there! But Lord Asano was angry every day because of Lord Kira.'

'But Asano didn't kill Kira?' said Oishi.

'No,' said Hayami. 'Kira is alive and well. People say that he just has a cut on his head.' 人々は、彼は頭に切り傷があると言っています。

'And where is Lord Asano's body now?' asked Oishi.

'They're taking it to the temple of Sengaku-ji,' said Kataoka, 'just outside Edo. |||||tapınak|||||||hemen dışında| Kataoka, 'Onu Edo'nun hemen dışındaki Sengaku-ji tapınağına götürüyorlar,' dedi. Some of our samurai went with the body. 私たちの武士の何人かは体に行きました。 Then they are coming back to Ako.'


During the next days, Lord Asano's samurai made the journey down to Ako. Some of them brought news.

'Lord Asano's younger brother, Daigaku, is under house arrest in Edo,' Yoshida told Oishi. Yoshida was one of the older samurai. He and Oishi were old friends.

'Did you see Daigaku?' asked Oishi.

'Yes, just for two minutes. They're going to send him away, to Hiroshima, to the Asano family there.' 彼らは彼を広島に、そこの浅野家に送るつもりです。 히로시마에 있는 아사노 가족에게 보낼 거예요.

Soon there were nearly three hundred of Asano's samurai at Ako, and Oishi Yoshio called a meeting. |||neredeyse||||||||||||| It was a noisy, angry meeting.

Horibe was a famous swordsman. He was a fierce fighter, and a brave man, but he did not often stop to think before he spoke. |||sert|||||||||||||||| Azılı bir savaşçı ve cesur bir adamdı ama konuşmadan önce düşünmek için sık sık durmazdı. He was the first to speak.

'Lord Asano is dead because of Kira,' he shouted to the meeting. 'Kira is a killer. A man cannot live under the same sky as the killer of his lord. 男は主君を殺した者と同じ空の下には住めない。 주군을 죽인 자와 같은 하늘 아래서 살 수는 없습니다. This is the code of the samurai! |||samurayın kodu||| これが武士の掟だ! Bu samuray kanunu! When do we attack Kira?'

The samurai began to talk, but Oishi held up his hand. 武士が話し始めたが、大石は手を挙げた。 'Nobody questions your honour as a samurai, Horibe. 「堀部君の武士としての名誉を疑う者はいない。 'Kimse senin bir samuray olarak onurunu sorgulamıyor, Horibe. But we are not samurai now, we are ronin. ||||||||ronin しかし、私たちは今、武士ではありません。浪人です。 We have no master, no lord. The Shogun's government killed Lord Asano because of a crime - the crime of drawing a sword in the palace. And why did this crime happen? Because of Lord Kira. We want revenge for our lord's death, and that means Kira must die. But he knows that, and he has many friends in the government. So we must be careful, we must be clever.'

'Careful? Clever?' shouted Horibe. 'What kind of samurai are you? '당신은 어떤 사무라이입니까? We must attack Lord Kira at once! 今すぐキラ様を攻撃しなければなりません! In Edo, people in the streets are saying that. They know we must take revenge for Asano's death. People want us to do that! It is the samurai way!'

'So you want to die a dog's death outside the palace?' ||istemek|||||||| 「それで、あなたは宮殿の外で犬のように死にたいですか?」 '궁궐 밖에서 개죽음을 당하고 싶다고요?' "Yani sarayın dışında bir köpek gibi ölmek mi istiyorsun? called Yoshida. 'How many guards are there at the palace? Eh? Tell me that! Hundreds! We can't get near Kira - he knows we want him, so he has hundreds of guards around him, day and night.'

'The government is going to take Ako Castle away from the Asano family,' called another samurai. |||||||Kale|||||||| '정부가 아사노 가문으로부터 아코 성을 빼앗으려 한다'고 다른 사무라이가 말했습니다. 'Hükümet Ako Kalesi'ni Asano ailesinin elinden alacak,' diye seslendi başka bir samuray. 'When the government soldiers come here, can we fight them? Can we hold Ako Castle for Daigaku? ||tutmak|||| He's the head of the Asano family now.'

Kataoka answered this question. 'For a week, perhaps. '아마도 일주일 정도는요. But not longer. 하지만 더 이상은 아닙니다. No, the Asano family at Ako is finished. ||Asano ailesi||||| 아니요, 아코의 아사노 가족은 끝났습니다. Hayır, Ako'daki Asano ailesinin işi bitti. We must leave Ako Castle and begin new lives as ronin.' ||||||||||"samuraysız savaşçılar"

'So what can we do?' called Okuda, one of Horibe's friends. 'Tell us, Oishi! What can we do?' Čo môžeme urobiť?'

'What do you want?' said Oishi. 'Do you want revenge? Revenge has a price, and the price is death. We cannot hope to live after we take our revenge on Kira. ||umut edemeyiz||||||||| Kira'dan intikamımızı aldıktan sonra yaşamayı umamayız. We must commit seppuku - everyone of us.'

'We are samurai!' cried a man called Hara. 'Death with honour is always better than a life without honour. That is the samurai code!'

Oishi smiled. 'There are brave hearts in this room. Now go away, and think. Think about the samurai way. Where is the road to honour? Can you live under the same sky as the killer of your daimyo? |||||aynı||||||| Daimyo'nun katiliyle aynı gökyüzünün altında yaşayabilir misin? Think long and carefully. Talk to your families, and come back here in three days. Or leave Ako and begin a new life.'

In the next two days many ronin left the castle. They took their families and went away, perhaps to serve a new daimyo, perhaps to work in the cities, perhaps to go hungry. The life of a ronin was not easy.

After three days Oishi called the next meeting. He and Yoshida stood at the door and watched. Horibe, Okuda, and their friends arrived first, of course. Then more came, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty... sixty-two.

Yoshida closed the doors, and Oishi began to speak.

'You are here because you want revenge for the death of our daimyo. You are true samurai, loyal to your lord in life - and in death. ||||sadık|||||||| We must make a league together - a league for revenge. ||||birlik||||| But for now, we must be silent, we must be secret, we must wait for months, maybe years, before we can move. ||||||||||||||||||||harekete geçebiliriz| Ama şimdilik sessiz olmalıyız, gizli kalmalıyız, harekete geçmeden önce aylarca, belki de yıllarca beklemeliyiz. We cannot attack Kira now, because he and his guards are waiting for us. But when he forgets about us, then we can move. Because we, the ronin - we do not forget. We can wait a long, long time for revenge.'