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Self-Help - Youtube, How to Unlock the Full Potential of Your Mind | Dr. Joe Dispenza on Impact Theory (3)

How to Unlock the Full Potential of Your Mind | Dr. Joe Dispenza on Impact Theory (3)

When that program jumps ins because the person doesn't want to be in the present moment and engage it consciously

So when you teach people how to do that with a meditative process

Turns out that when they're in their life

They're less likely to emotionally react

they're less likely to be so rigid and believe the thoughts they were thinking they're more aware of when they go unconscious back into a


and that is what starts the process of change and

So we have to unlearn

Before we relearn we have to break the habit of the old self before we reinvent a new self

We have to pre synaptic connections and sprout new connections. We have to unfired unwire and refire and rewire. We have to unmemorable

Body to a new mind into a new emotion like the program and reprogram that's the act and it's a two-step process

Yeah, I like the way that you call that out as an action

There was another thing that you said that I thought was really powerful about how insights themselves are essentially inert. They don't do anything

What what then do we do with an insight?

How do we take a breakthrough moment and make sure that it's not just a breakthrough moment

Like I guarantee people watching right now are having like a hundred aha moments for sure

That was definitely the case for me as I was researching you and when you said that I was like and that's the danger that

You have the AHA and then nothing. Yeah


and that's it's a it is a danger because then people will will shrink back into mediocracy and they'll use the insight to

Excuse them from taking a leap. They'll say yeah, you know, I have a chemical imbalance in my brain. Yeah, my father was

Really overbearing he was a perfectionist. That's why I am the way

I am you know people they come up with stuff to to excuse themselves. The insight is

Actually giving them permission to stay limited and it's an amazing idea because they'll say to you

And they really want to get over their anxiety. But let's ok. Let's take your ex-husband. Let's put him in a straitjacket

Let's duct tape them and shoot them to the moon know what I mean. What are you gonna do now?

You still have to make those changes. And so then the person's enemy dies or they're

something shifts in their life

And that person's gone. They'll find another person to hate. This is just how we function as human beings. We just slide another

Reason to feel those emotions. So I think I think when people start to understand this, you know,

I think knowledge is power but knowledge about yourself is self empowerment. So how much of this is really learning to?

just bifurcate the world into there's negative emotions that have negative neuro chemistry associated with

and you said that in those states if you're living in a perpetual state of

stress hormones and things like that illness is like a step away and

Then just the other side of that is understanding but there's this whole other side of positive energy which happiness joy

Empowerment whatever that you know neurochemical cocktail is but that when you're on that side

Your immune system is more likely to function. Well, like is that

Just sort of bringing it down to like a really basal. Yeah, that's sort of one of the biggies

Well, let's talk about it in terms of survival or creation

As I said 70% of the time people live in stress and living in stress is living in survival now

All organisms in nature can tolerate short-term stress, you know a deer gets chased

by a pack of coyotes when it out runs the Coyotes it goes back to grazing and the event is over and

The definition of stress is when your brain and body are knocked out of balance out of homeostasis

The stress response is what the body and Nate Lee does to return itself back to order. So you're driving down the road

Someone cuts you off you jam on the brakes

You may give them the finger and then you settle back down and the event is over and boom now. Everything's back back to normal

But what if it's not a predator that's waiting for you outside the cave, but what if it's your coworker?

Sitting right next to you and all day long you're turning on those chemicals because they're pushing all your emotional buttons

When you turn on the stress response, and you can't turn it off

Now you're headed for a disease because no organism in nature can live an emergency mode for that extended period of time

It's a scientific fact that the hormones of stress down regulate genes and create disease long term affects

Human beings because of the size of the neocortex we can turn on the stress response just by thought alone

Which I think about our problems and turn on those chemicals

That means then our thoughts

Could make us sick

So if it's possible that our thoughts could make us sick. Is it possible that our thoughts could make us? Well, the answer is absolutely


So then what are the emotions that are connected to survival? Let's name them

anger aggression hostility


competition fear

Anxiety worry pain suffering guilt shame unworthiness the envy jealousy. Those are all

Created by the hormones of stressin and psychology calls them normal human states of consciousness

I call those altered states of consciousness

So then we tend to remember those traumatic events more because in survival, you better be ready if it happens again

that's an and in one's survival gene is switched on you could have ten really great things that happen to you in your day and

you just have one bad thing that happens and you cannot take your attention off that bad that that unhappy thing because

The survival gene is switched on it's really interesting

How does epigenetics come into play and all this like what's actually happening? You've talked pretty profoundly about?

Proteins and like really at a deep level how we're signalling to our genetics to create these kinds of changes

What does that actually look like? Well

epigenetics epi means above the gene and

Many years ago after the DNA helix was discovered by Watson and Crick

They said the blueprints of life, you know, all diseases are created from genes

it turns out less than 5% more like 1% of people on the planet are born with a genetic condition like type 1 diabetes or

Tay-sachs disease or sickle cell anemia the other 95 to 99 percent

Are created by lifestyle and by choices you can take to identical twins

Exact same genome one dies at 51. The other one dies at 85

same gene different environment, so

All of a sudden they said we lied

That was wrong. It's not genes that create disease. It's the environment that signals the gene that creates disease. Well, ok, but

That's not the whole truth too because you could have two people working side by side in the same factory

One gets cancer after being exposed to a carcinogenic for 25 years both working for 25 years

The other one has no cancer at all. So there must be some

internal order

That would cause one person to not get it while another one does

So is it possible then if?

The environment signals the gene and it does and the end product of an experience in the environment is called an emotion

Can you signal the gene ahead of the environment by embracing an elevated emotion?

We've done the research on this where we measured

7,500 different gene expressions in a group of people

it came to an advanced event for four days and we

Had them doing a seated meditation a walking meditation a laying down meditation a standing meditation and at the end of four days

Just four days

The common eight genes that were upregulated

two genes to suppress cancer cells and tumor growth

Two genes for neurogenesis the growth of new neurons in response to novel experiences and learning the gene that signals stem cells

To go to damaged areas and repair them the gene for oxidative stress was upregulated

We started seeing all these genes that are very very healthy to cause the body to flourish

Imagine if people were doing that for three months. We also measured telomeres the little

Shoestrings on the end of DNA that tell us our biological age. We asked people to

Do the work meditation five out of seven days for 60 days

Measure their telomeres that determine their biological age sixty days later

seventy four percent of the people lengthen their telomeres 40 percent

significant change twenty percent a very remarkable change

That means that they got a little bit of their life back if it lengthened by ten percent

They got 10% of their life back. That's incredible

Before I ask my last question tell these guys where they can find you online

Sure. My website is just dr. Joe Dispenza dot-com. You can follow us on Facebook Twitter Instagram

We're all over and then my final question. What's the impact that you want to have on the world? I?

think that

the end game for me is to empower people to

Such a degree that they realize that they need less things outside of them to make them happy

less things outside of them to regulate their moods and their behaviors and that they begin to use the kind of the power that we

All have access to and into really and to change the world to make a difference so that there's more peace

There's more homeless. There's more connection that we support and love each other and we serve better

and and I think that we have to start for the most part if everybody's working on themselves and


Trying doing their best to present the greatest ideal of themselves to the world. I think the world would be a better place. And so

That's my passion and I'm witnessing it happening now

The more than I ever thought I would was incredible Joe. Thank you so much for being here and amazing having you


Go watch this man's videos

They are some of the best explanations of what's going on inside the mind that I've ever come across

There were of several that I literally have people in my life that I'm going to force to sit down and watch these things

It's just incredible explanations of how you create yourself out of the things you do

Habitually the way that you think creates a feeling the way that you feel creates thinking that matches that and then you get in this

cycle and that coming down to that personality ultimately being a finite set of

patterns in your brain I think is really really

illuminating in terms of how we actually experience the world and

I think when people understand that that it's within your control that you don't have to believe every thought that you think that you can

step outside of that that you can leverage metacognition to think about your thinking and

Deconstruct and decide what you want to think about and start focusing on that and create an entirely different version of yourself that has new

Elevated feelings that's over on the side of the positivity empowering yourself

I think it's really incredible and he gets deep into the mechanistic stuff

Which I love you guys will not regret diving deep into this man's world. I think you will get some incredible revelations

All right, if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and until next time my friends be legendary. Take care

Thank you so much for being hired by the incredible

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How to Unlock the Full Potential of Your Mind | Dr. Joe Dispenza on Impact Theory (3) ||||Complete|Capability||||||||| Wie Sie das volle Potenzial Ihres Geistes freisetzen | Dr. Joe Dispenza über Impact Theory (3) Cómo liberar todo el potencial de tu mente | Dr. Joe Dispenza sobre la teoría del impacto (3) Joe Dispenza sur la théorie de l'impact (3) Come sbloccare il pieno potenziale della vostra mente | Dr. Joe Dispenza sulla teoria dell'impatto (3) 心の可能性を最大限に引き出す方法|ジョー・ディスペンザ博士のインパクト論(3) Jak uwolnić pełny potencjał umysłu | Dr Joe Dispenza o teorii wpływu (3) Como desbloquear todo o potencial da sua mente | Dr. Joe Dispenza na Teoria do Impacto (3) Как раскрыть весь потенциал своего разума | Доктор Джо Диспенза о теории воздействия (3) Zihninizin Tüm Potansiyelini Nasıl Açığa Çıkarırsınız | Dr. Joe Dispenza Etki Teorisi Üzerine (3) Як розкрити весь потенціал вашого розуму | Доктор Джо Діспенза про теорію впливу (3)

When that program jumps ins because the person doesn't want to be in the present moment and engage it consciously ||mental program|||||||||||||||||with awareness |||skoči|v notranjost||||||||||sedanjosti|||zavedati se||zavedno Cuando ese programa salta porque la persona no quiere estar en el momento presente y comprometerse conscientemente その人が今この瞬間にいることを望まず、意識的にそのプログラムに関わろうとしないために、そのプログラムが飛び込んでくる。

So when you teach people how to do that with a meditative process |||||||||||meditativen Prozess| |||učite||||||||meditativnim proces| Takže když lidi učíte, jak to dělat pomocí meditativního procesu. だから、瞑想的なプロセスでその方法を人々に教えるのだ。

Turns out that when they're in their life se izkaže||||||svojem| Ukázalo se, že když jsou ve svém životě Resulta que cuando están en su vida

They're less likely to emotionally react |||||reagieren |manj|verjetno||čustveno|reagirati Je méně pravděpodobné, že budou reagovat emotivně. Ils sont moins susceptibles de réagir de manière émotionnelle

they're less likely to be so rigid and believe the thoughts they were thinking they're more aware of when they go unconscious back into a |manj|||||rigidni||||misli||||||zavedajo se|||||nezavedno||| je méně pravděpodobné, že budou tak strnulí a uvěří myšlenkám, které si mysleli, že jsou si více vědomi, když se v bezvědomí vrátí do es menos probable que sean rígidos y crean en los pensamientos que están pensando... ils sont moins susceptibles d'être aussi rigides et de croire les pensées qu'ils ont eues ils sont plus conscients lorsqu'ils redeviennent inconscients dans un état de stress. 無意識の状態に戻ったとき、その思考はより意識的なものになる。

habit navada

and that is what starts the process of change and ...y así es como empieza el proceso de cambio... Tenemos que desaprender antes de re-aprender.

So we have to unlearn ||||odviti se

Before we relearn we have to break the habit of the old self before we reinvent a new self ||ponovno naučiti||||prekiniti||navado||||starega jaza|||izumiti|||

We have to pre synaptic connections and sprout new connections. We have to unfired unwire and refire and rewire. We have to unmemorable ||||||||||||||||перезапустить||переподключить|||| |||||||neue Verbindungen bilden||||||nicht aktiviert|entkoppeln||wieder feuern|||||| |||prednje||povezave||pognati||||||odklopiti|odklopiti||ponovno aktivirati||preoblikovati||||nepomembno Tenemos que pre-conexiones sinápticas y brotar nuevas conexiones. Tenemos que desencadenar desencadenar y volver a encender y volver a cablear. Tenemos que desmemoriar Nous devons préparer les connexions synaptiques et en faire germer de nouvelles. Nous devons déconnecter, reconnecter et reconnecter. Nous devons nous souvenir

Body to a new mind into a new emotion like the program and reprogram that's the act and it's a two-step process telo||||||||||||||||dejanje|||||| ...y re-condicionar el cuerpo a una nueva mente a una nueva emoción, es como desprogramar y reprogramar...

Yeah, I like the way that you call that out as an action |||||||||izpostaviš||| Sí, me gusta la forma en que usted llama a eso como una acción Oui, j'aime bien la façon dont vous appelez cela une action

There was another thing that you said that I thought was really powerful about how insights themselves are essentially inert. They don't do anything |||||||||||||||||||inaktiv|||| ||||||||||||močna|||vpogledi|same insights||v bistvu|neaktivne|||| Il y a une autre chose que vous avez dite et que j'ai trouvée très puissante, à savoir que les idées elles-mêmes sont essentiellement inertes. Elles ne font rien もうひとつ、洞察そのものが本質的に不活性であることについて、とても力強いことをおっしゃっていると思いました。彼らは何もしない

What what then do we do with an insight? ||||||||spoznanje ..entonces...¿qué hacemos con esa visión?

How do we take a breakthrough moment and make sure that it's not just a breakthrough moment |||||preboj||||||||||preboj| ¿qué hacemos con ese momento de descubrimiento para asegurarnos...

Like I guarantee people watching right now are having like a hundred aha moments for sure ||jamčim|||pravkar||||verjetno||sto|||| 今見ている人たちは、間違いなく100回くらいハッとしたと思う。

That was definitely the case for me as I was researching you and when you said that I was like and that's the danger that ||||||||||recherchieren|||||||||||||| |||||||ko|||raziskoval sem|||||||||sem rekel||||| Este ciertamente fue mi caso cuando te estuve investigando, y cuando tu dijiste....

You have the AHA and then nothing. Yeah Tienes el AHA y luego nada. Sí.


and that's it's a it is a danger because then people will will shrink back into mediocracy and they'll use the insight to |||||||||||||schrumpfen|||Mittelmäßigkeit|||||| |||||||||||||umakniti|||mediokriteta|||||vpogled| Sí... esto es un peligro por que entonces la gente retrocede a la mediocridad それは危険なことだ。なぜなら、そうなれば人々は平凡主義に逆戻りし、その洞察力を利用して

Excuse them from taking a leap. They'll say yeah, you know, I have a chemical imbalance in my brain. Yeah, my father was |||||||||||||||Chemisches Ungleichgewicht||||||| Opravičite|||||skok||||||||||neravnovesje|||||||

Really overbearing he was a perfectionist. That's why I am the way |preveč zahtevni||||perfekcionist||||||

I am you know people they come up with stuff to to excuse themselves. The insight is jaz|||||||||||||||razumevanje| 私は、彼らが自分自身を弁解するために何かを考え出す人々を知っている。洞察力は

Actually giving them permission to stay limited and it's an amazing idea because they'll say to you ||||||omejeno||||||||||

And they really want to get over their anxiety. But let's ok. Let's take your ex-husband. Let's put him in a straitjacket |||||||||||||||Exmann||||||| |||||||svoji|tesnoba||||||||||||||zaporni plašč

Let's duct tape them and shoot them to the moon know what I mean. What are you gonna do now? |Klebeband|||||||||||||||||| |zlepite||||||||luno|veš||||||||| Mettons-leur du ruban adhésif et tirons-leur dessus jusqu'à la lune, vous voyez ce que je veux dire. Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire maintenant ? ダクトテープを貼って、月に向かって撃ちまくろう。どうするつもりだ?

You still have to make those changes. And so then the person's enemy dies or they're ||moraš|||tiste|||||||sovražnik|umre|| Vous devez toujours procéder à ces changements. Et alors, l'ennemi de la personne meurt ou elle est それでも変更を加えなければならない。そうして、その人の敵が死ぬか、あるいはその人が

something shifts in their life |se spremeni|||

And that person's gone. They'll find another person to hate. This is just how we function as human beings. We just slide another |||odšel||||||sovražiti||||||||||||premikamo se| Y esa persona se ha ido. Encontrarán a otra persona a la que odiar. Así es como funcionamos como seres humanos. Simplemente deslizamos a otro その人はもういない。彼らは憎むべき別の人物を見つけるだろう。これが人間としての機能なんだ。私たちはただ、別の

Reason to feel those emotions. So I think I think when people start to understand this, you know, |||tehna čustva||||||||||||||

I think knowledge is power but knowledge about yourself is self empowerment. So how much of this is really learning to? |||||||||||Selbstermächtigung||||||||| ||znanje|||||||||samospoštovanje||||||||| Creo que el conocimiento es poder, pero el conocimiento sobre uno mismo es autocapacitación. Entonces, ¿cuánto de esto es realmente aprender a? 知識は力だと思うが、自分自身についての知識は自己強化につながる。では、この中のどれだけが本当に学ぶことなのでしょうか?

just bifurcate the world into there's negative emotions that have negative neuro chemistry associated with |teilen||||||||||||| |razdeli|||||||||||nevro kemija|povezane z| Unterteilen Sie einfach die Welt in negative Emotionen, die mit negativer Neurochemie verbunden sind 世界は、ネガティブな神経化学反応に関連するネガティブな感情と、ネガティブな神経化学反応に関連するネガティブな感情に二分される。

and you said that in those states if you're living in a perpetual state of

stress hormones and things like that illness is like a step away and ||||||Krankheit|||||| ストレスホルモンとか、そういうものは、病気は一歩離れたところにあるようなものだ。

Then just the other side of that is understanding but there's this whole other side of positive energy which happiness joy y luego, en el otro lado está la comprensión pero está toda esa parte de energía positiva

Empowerment whatever that you know neurochemical cocktail is but that when you're on that side opolnomočenje|||||||||||||| エンパワーメント......神経化学的なカクテルがどんなものであれ、あなたがその側にいるとき

Your immune system is more likely to function. Well, like is that

Just sort of bringing it down to like a really basal. Yeah, that's sort of one of the biggies ||||||||||grundlegend|||||||| Il s'agit de le ramener à un niveau vraiment basal. Oui, c'est en quelque sorte l'un des points les plus importants ただ、それを本当に基本的なことにまで落とし込むんだ。ああ、それは大きな課題のひとつだね。

Well, let's talk about it in terms of survival or creation ||||||||||Schöpfung ||||||vidiku||preživetje||ustvarjanje

As I said 70% of the time people live in stress and living in stress is living in survival now

All organisms in nature can tolerate short-term stress, you know a deer gets chased ||||||||||||jelen|je|become prey

by a pack of coyotes when it out runs the Coyotes it goes back to grazing and the event is over and ||||||||||Kojoten|||||weiden|||||| ||||coyote|||||||||||paši|||dogovorjeno dejanje||| コヨーテの群れに追い払われると、コヨーテは放牧に戻る。

The definition of stress is when your brain and body are knocked out of balance out of homeostasis |||||||||||izgubljena||||||homeostaza la definición de estrés es cuando tu cerebro y tu cuerpo han sido noqueados y han perdido su homeostasis

The stress response is what the body and Nate Lee does to return itself back to order. So you're driving down the road ||odgovor na stres||||||Nate Lee||||||||redna stanje|||||| La respuesta al estrés es cuando el cuerpo, (y lo hace naturalmente), vuelve por sí mismo al orden ストレス反応とは、身体とネイト・リーが秩序を取り戻すために行うものだ。だから、あなたは道を運転している

Someone cuts you off you jam on the brakes |||||drücken||| 誰かが割り込んできてブレーキを踏む

You may give them the finger and then you settle back down and the event is over and boom now. Everything's back back to normal Il se peut que vous leur fassiez un doigt d'honneur, puis vous vous calmez et l'événement est terminé. Tout est rentré dans l'ordre 相手に指をくわえていても、そのうちに落ち着きを取り戻し、イベントも終わり、今はブームだ。すべてが元通りだ。

But what if it's not a predator that's waiting for you outside the cave, but what if it's your coworker? |||||||||||||||||||Kollege ...pero ¿qué pasa si no es un depredador el que está esperando afuera de la cueva? しかし、洞窟の外で待ち構えているのが肉食獣ではなく、同僚だったらどうだろう?

Sitting right next to you and all day long you're turning on those chemicals because they're pushing all your emotional buttons あなたのすぐ隣に座って、一日中、あなたは化学物質のスイッチを入れている。

When you turn on the stress response, and you can't turn it off ||||||odgovor na stres|||||| Cuando enciendes una respuesta al estrés y no la puedes apagar

Now you're headed for a disease because no organism in nature can live an emergency mode for that extended period of time ||na poti|||bolezen|||||||||izredni|izredni način|||podaljšano||| ahora te estas dirigiendo hacia la enfermedad, por que ningún organismo en la Naturaleza... Vous vous dirigez maintenant vers une maladie, car aucun organisme dans la nature ne peut vivre en mode d'urgence pendant une période aussi longue.

It's a scientific fact that the hormones of stress down regulate genes and create disease long term affects ||znanstvena||||||||||||||| C'est un fait scientifique que les hormones du stress régulent les gènes et créent des maladies à long terme.

Human beings because of the size of the neocortex we can turn on the stress response just by thought alone Los seres humanos, gracias a la medida de su neocortex...

Which I think about our problems and turn on those chemicals

That means then our thoughts

Could make us sick

So if it's possible that our thoughts could make us sick. Is it possible that our thoughts could make us? Well, the answer is absolutely ||||||||naredijo||bolne|||||||||bolne|||||


So then what are the emotions that are connected to survival? Let's name them ||kaj|||čustva|||povezane||preživetje||| Entonces...¿cuáles son las emociones que están conectadas a la supervivencia?

anger aggression hostility |agresija|sovražnost 怒り 攻撃性 敵意

hatred sovraštvo

competition fear konkurenca|strah

Anxiety worry pain suffering guilt shame unworthiness the envy jealousy. Those are all ||||||Unwürdigkeit||Neid Eifersucht|Eifersucht||| tesnoba|skrb|bolečina|trpljenje|krivda|sramota|neprimernost||neprijetnost|ljubosumje||| L'anxiété l'inquiétude la douleur la souffrance la culpabilité la honte l'indignité l'envie la jalousie. Ce sont tous des

Created by the hormones of stressin and psychology calls them normal human states of consciousness |||||||||||človeške|stanja||stanja zavesti 心理学では、人間の正常な意識状態と呼んでいる。

I call those altered states of consciousness |||veränderten||| |||spremenjene|stanja||zavedanje 私はそれを意識の変容状態と呼んでいる

So then we tend to remember those traumatic events more because in survival, you better be ready if it happens again |||tendencija||||||||||||||||| Entonces...tendemos a recordar esos eventos traumáticos mucho más por que... Nous avons donc tendance à nous souvenir davantage de ces événements traumatisants car, dans le cadre de la survie, il vaut mieux être prêt si cela se reproduit

that's an and in one's survival gene is switched on you could have ten really great things that happen to you in your day and ||||||||aktiviert|||||||||||||||| ||||||||vklopljena|||||||||||||||| que es un y en el gen de la supervivencia de uno se enciende usted podría tener diez cosas realmente grandes que le suceden en su día y 生存遺伝子のスイッチがオンになれば、1日のうちに10個の素晴らしいことが起こるかもしれない。

you just have one bad thing that happens and you cannot take your attention off that bad that that unhappy thing because ||||||||||ne moreš|odvleči|svojo||||||||| 悪いことが1つ起こっただけで、その悪いこと、不幸なことから目を離すことができない。

The survival gene is switched on it's really interesting ||gen preživetja||vklopljen||||zanimivo

How does epigenetics come into play and all this like what's actually happening? You've talked pretty profoundly about? ||epigenetika||||||||||dogaja||||| ¿Cómo entra en juego la epigenética y todo esto como lo que está pasando en realidad? Usted ha hablado muy profundamente sobre?

Proteins and like really at a deep level how we're signalling to our genetics to create these kinds of changes |||resnično|||globok|ravni|||||||||||| タンパク質や、私たちが遺伝学にどのようなシグナルを送り、このような変化を生み出しているのか、本当に深いレベルで考えている。 Proteini in kot resnično na globoki ravni, kako signaliziramo našim genetika, da ustvarimo take vrste sprememb

What does that actually look like? Well Kako to dejansko izgleda? No

epigenetics epi means above the gene and |über dem Gen||||| epigenetika epi pomeni nad genom in

Many years ago after the DNA helix was discovered by Watson and Crick ||||||||||||und Crick

They said the blueprints of life, you know, all diseases are created from genes |||||||||болезни|||| |||načrti|||||||||| ..dijeron que los planos de la vida...ya sabes..., todas las enfermedades son creadas por los genes...

it turns out less than 5% more like 1% of people on the planet are born with a genetic condition like type 1 diabetes or |||manj|kot||||||||||||||||| il s'avère que moins de 5 % - plus précisément 1 % - des habitants de la planète naissent avec une maladie génétique telle que le diabète de type 1 ou l'hypertension artérielle. 1型糖尿病や糖尿病のような遺伝的疾患を持って生まれてくる人は、地球上の5%以下、1%未満であることが判明した。 izkaže se, da manj kot 5 %, bolj kot 1 % ljudi na planetu se rodi z genetsko boleznijo, kot je diabetes tipa 1 ali

Tay-sachs disease or sickle cell anemia the other 95 to 99 percent Tay|Sachs|||Sichel||Anämie|||| bolezen Tay-Sachs ali srpastocelična anemija, preostalih 95 do 99 odstotkov

Are created by lifestyle and by choices you can take to identical twins so|||||||||||enake dvojčke| 一卵性双生児は、ライフスタイルや選択によって作られる。 je ustvarjenih z načinom življenja in odločitvami, ki jih lahko sprejmete, do identičnih dvojčkov

Exact same genome one dies at 51. The other one dies at 85 Тот же|||||||||| ||Genom|||||||| ||genom|ena|umre||||||

same gene different environment, so |gena|različnem|okolje|

All of a sudden they said we lied |||||||gelogen |||nenadoma||||smo lagali De repente dijeron que mentimos

That was wrong. It's not genes that create disease. It's the environment that signals the gene that creates disease. Well, ok, but ||||||||bolezen|||okolje||signalizira|||||bolezen|||

That's not the whole truth too because you could have two people working side by side in the same factory |||cela||||||||||ob strani|ob||||| Pero esto tampoco es toda la verdad, por que puedes tener dos personas trabajando juntas en la misma fábrica なぜなら、同じ工場で2人の人間が並んで働いている可能性があるからだ。

One gets cancer after being exposed to a carcinogenic for 25 years both working for 25 years ||||||||cancer-causing agent|||||| |||||izpostavljen|||karcinogeni sn||||||

The other one has no cancer at all. So there must be some El otro no tiene cáncer en absoluto. Así que debe haber algún

internal order notranja (1|

That would cause one person to not get it while another one does |bi|razlog|||||||medtem ko||| そうすると、ある人は手に入らないのに、別の人は手に入ることになる

So is it possible then if? では、もし可能なら?

The environment signals the gene and it does and the end product of an experience in the environment is called an emotion |okolje||||||||||||||||okolje||||čustvo 環境が遺伝子に信号を送り、それが実行され、環境における経験の最終産物が感情と呼ばれる

Can you signal the gene ahead of the environment by embracing an elevated emotion? ||signalizirati|||pred okoljem|||||sprejemanje||povišano| Können Sie das Gen vor der Umwelt signalisieren, indem Sie eine erhöhte Emotion annehmen? 高揚した感情を受け入れることで、環境に先駆けて遺伝子にシグナルを送ることができるか?

We've done the research on this where we measured ||||||||izmerili Hemos investigado sobre esto midiendo las expresiones de 7500 genes diferentes en un grupo de gente...

7,500 different gene expressions in a group of people

it came to an advanced event for four days and we ||||napredni|dogodek|||||

Had them doing a seated meditation a walking meditation a laying down meditation a standing meditation and at the end of four days ||||sedeči|sedeča meditacija|||||||||||||||||

Just four days

The common eight genes that were upregulated |skupnih|osem||||povišane

two genes to suppress cancer cells and tumor growth |||zavirati||celice|||rasti deux gènes pour supprimer les cellules cancéreuses et la croissance des tumeurs

Two genes for neurogenesis the growth of new neurons in response to novel experiences and learning the gene that signals stem cells ||||||||||||||||||||Stamm| |||neurogeneza||rast|||||||novih||||||||matične| Zwei Gene für die Neurogenese, das Wachstum neuer Neuronen als Reaktion auf neue Erfahrungen und das Erlernen des Gens, das Stammzellen signalisiert Deux gènes pour la neurogenèse la croissance de nouveaux neurones en réponse à de nouvelles expériences et à l'apprentissage le gène qui signale les cellules souches 新しい経験や学習に応じて新しいニューロンが成長する神経新生に関わる2つの遺伝子 幹細胞にシグナルを送る遺伝子

To go to damaged areas and repair them the gene for oxidative stress was upregulated ||||||popraviti|||||oksidativni|||povečana eksp Um zu beschädigten Bereichen zu gelangen und diese zu reparieren, wurde das Gen für oxidativen Stress hochreguliert Za obisk poškodovanih območij in njihovo popravilo je bil gen za oksidativni stres povišan.

We started seeing all these genes that are very very healthy to cause the body to flourish ||opazovati||teh gene||||||zelo zdravi||za to da||||uspevati Nous avons commencé à observer tous ces gènes qui sont très sains et qui permettent à l'organisme de s'épanouir 我々は、肉体を繁栄させる非常に健康的な遺伝子を目にするようになった。 Začeli smo opazovati vse te gene, ki so zelo, zelo zdravi in povzročajo, da telo uspeva.

Imagine if people were doing that for three months. We also measured telomeres the little |||||||||||merili|telomere|| Stellen Sie sich vor, die Leute würden das drei Monate lang tun. Wir haben auch die kleinen Telomere gemessen もし人々が3ヶ月間それを続けていたらと想像してみてほしい。テロメアも測定した。 Predstavljajte si, da bi ljudje to počeli tri mesece. Prav tako smo merili telomere, tiste majhne.

Shoestrings on the end of DNA that tell us our biological age. We asked people to telomere||||||||||||||| Schnürsenkel am Ende der DNA, die uns unser biologisches Alter verraten. Wir haben die Leute darum gebeten DNAの末端にある靴ひもで生物学的年齢がわかる。私たちは人々に Žične niti na koncu DNK, ki nam povedo našo biološko starost. Vprašali smo ljudi, da

Do the work meditation five out of seven days for 60 days |||meditacija||||||| Faire le travail de méditation cinq jours sur sept pendant 60 jours 60日間、7日のうち5日は瞑想をする。 izvajajo delo meditacije pet dni od sedmih za 60 dni

Measure their telomeres that determine their biological age sixty days later Meritev(1)||||določajo|||||| ...medimos sus telómeros que determinan su edad biológica 60 días más tarde...... izmerijo svoje telomere, ki določajo njihovo biološko starost šestdeset dni kasneje

seventy four percent of the people lengthen their telomeres 40 percent ||||||podaljšajo|||

significant change twenty percent a very remarkable change pomembna||||||izjemna|

That means that they got a little bit of their life back if it lengthened by ten percent ||||||||||||||podaljša||| つまり、寿命が10%延びれば、少しは元が取れるということだ。

They got 10% of their life back. That's incredible Ils ont récupéré 10 % de leur vie. C'est incroyable

Before I ask my last question tell these guys where they can find you online

Sure. My website is just dr. Joe Dispenza dot-com. You can follow us on Facebook Twitter Instagram ||||||||pika|||||||||

We're all over and then my final question. What's the impact that you want to have on the world? I? ||||||||||влияние||||||||| ||||||||||vpliv||||||||| Smo povsod in potem moje zadnje vprašanje. Kakšen vpliv želite imeti na svet? Jaz?

think that Creo que el último juego para mi, es empoderar a la gente hasta tal grado mislim, da

the end game for me is to empower people to |||||||opolnomočiti|| je končni cilj zame opolnomočiti ljudi, da

Such a degree that they realize that they need less things outside of them to make them happy ||||||||нуждаются||||||||| |||||spoznajo|||||||||||| So sehr, dass sie erkennen, dass sie weniger Dinge außerhalb von sich brauchen, um glücklich zu sein A tel point qu'ils se rendent compte qu'ils ont besoin de moins de choses extérieures pour être heureux. 自分たちを幸せにするために、自分たちの外側にあるものをあまり必要としないことに気づく程度に。 Tako daleč, da spoznajo, da potrebujejo manj stvari zunaj sebe, da bi bili srečni

less things outside of them to regulate their moods and their behaviors and that they begin to use the kind of the power that we manj||||||urejati||razpoloženja|||vedenja||||||||vrsto||||| menos cosas afuera para regular sus estados de ánimo y sus comportamientos, manj stvari zunaj sebe za uravnavanje svojih razpoloženj in vedenja in da začnejo uporabljati tisto vrsto moči, ki jo

All have access to and into really and to change the world to make a difference so that there's more peace ||dostop||||resnično|||||||||||||| そして、世界を変え、より平和をもたらすために。 vsi imamo dostop do in v resnici, da spremenimo svet, da naredimo razliko, da bo več miru

There's more homeless. There's more connection that we support and love each other and we serve better ||obdachlos|||||||||||||| ||brezdomcev|||povezave||||||||||strežemo| ホームレスが増えた。私たちは互いに支え合い、愛し合い、より良いサービスを提供することで、より多くのつながりが生まれる。

and and I think that we have to start for the most part if everybody's working on themselves and ||||||||začeti|||večinoma|večinoma|||||| そして、みんなが自分自身に取り組んでいるのであれば、ほとんどの場合、それを始めなければならないと思う。

and ...y tratando de hacer lo mejor que puede..para presentar la mejor versión de sí mismo al mundo...

Trying doing their best to present the greatest ideal of themselves to the world. I think the world would be a better place. And so ||svojih|||predstaviti||||||||||||||||||| 自分自身の最大の理想を世界に提示するためにベストを尽くそうとしている。そうすれば世界はもっと良くなると思う。そうして

That's my passion and I'm witnessing it happening now |||||beobachten||| ||strast|||opazujem||| それが私の情熱であり、私は今、それを目の当たりにしている。

The more than I ever thought I would was incredible Joe. Thank you so much for being here and amazing having you |||||sem mislil||bi|je|never||||||||||never|biti|


Go watch this man's videos Chicos, vayan a mirar los vídeos de este hombre...tienen algunas de las mejores explicaciones..

They are some of the best explanations of what's going on inside the mind that I've ever come across ||||||||||||||||||naletel

There were of several that I literally have people in my life that I'm going to force to sit down and watch these things ||||||dobesedno||||||||||prisiliti||||||| hay algunos que literalmente a algunas personas que hay en mi vida, las voy a obligar a sentar y mirar estas cosas... 文字通り、私の人生には、これらのものを無理やり座らせて見させようと思っている人が何人かいる。

It's just incredible explanations of how you create yourself out of the things you do ||||||||samo sebe|izven|||||

Habitually the way that you think creates a feeling the way that you feel creates thinking that matches that and then you get in this Običajno|||||||||||||||||se ujema||||||| Habituellement, la façon dont vous pensez crée un sentiment, la façon dont vous vous sentez crée une pensée qui correspond à ce sentiment, puis vous vous retrouvez dans cette situation. 習慣的に、自分の考え方が感情を生み、自分の感じ方がそれに合った考え方を生み出す。

cycle and that coming down to that personality ultimately being a finite set of цикл||||||||||||| |||||||osebnost|na koncu|||končna (1)|nabor| et que la personnalité est en fin de compte un ensemble fini d'éléments.

patterns in your brain I think is really really vzorci||||||||

illuminating in terms of how we actually experience the world and erhellend|||||||||| osvetljujoče||pogledu||||||||

I think when people understand that that it's within your control that you don't have to believe every thought that you think that you can ||||||||v okviru||||||||||misli|||||| ..y creo que cuando la gente entiende esto, que está dentro de tu control...

step outside of that that you can leverage metacognition to think about your thinking and |||||||izkoristiti|metakognicija||||||

Deconstruct and decide what you want to think about and start focusing on that and create an entirely different version of yourself that has new Деконструировать|||||||||||||||||||||||| Dekonstruieren|||||||||||||||||||||||| dekonstruiraj|||||||||||||||||popolnoma|||||||

Elevated feelings that's over on the side of the positivity empowering yourself povišane||||||||||opogumljajo| Sentiments d'élévation qui se situent du côté de la positivité et de l'autonomisation.

I think it's really incredible and he gets deep into the mechanistic stuff |||||||pridevnik|globoko|||mehanistične|mehanistične z 本当にすごいと思うし、彼はメカニズム的なことに深く入り込んでいる

Which I love you guys will not regret diving deep into this man's world. I think you will get some incredible revelations |||||||obžalovali||||||||||||||razodetja この男の世界に深く飛び込んだことを後悔することはないだろう。信じられないような発見があると思うよ

All right, if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and until next time my friends be legendary. Take care ||если||||||||||||||||| |||||||||naroči se||||||||legendarni||

Thank you so much for being hired by the incredible Muchísimas gracias por estar aquí...en lo increíble.. Merci beaucoup d'avoir été embauché par l'incroyable 信じられないような企業に採用され、本当にありがとう。