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Self-Help - Youtube, How to Unlock the Full Potential of Your Mind | Dr. Joe Dispenza on Impact Theory (1)

How to Unlock the Full Potential of Your Mind | Dr. Joe Dispenza on Impact Theory (1)

It's a scientific fact that the hormones of stress downregulate genes and create disease. Long-term effects.

Human beings because of the size of the neocortex, we can turn on the stress response

just by thought alone as I think about our problems and turn on those chemicals

That means then our thoughts

Could make us sick

So if it's possible, that our thoughts could make us sick then it is possible then our thoughts could make us well, the answer is absolutely yes

Everybody welcome to Impact Theory our goal with this show and company is to introduce you to the people and ideas that will help you

Actually execute on your dreams

Alright today's guest is a New York Times bestselling author and one of the most sought-after speakers in the world

He's lectured and given advanced workshops in more than 30 countries

Across five continents all with the aim of helping people better understand and unlock the power of their mind

His expertise is the intersection of the fields of neuroscience

Epigenetics and quantum physics and he's partnered with other scientists across multiple disciplines to perform

extensive research on the effects of meditation

Using advanced technologies such as epigenetic testing brain mapping with EEG s and gas-discharge

visualization technology. Through his work

He is endeavouring to help advance both the scientific community and the public at large as understanding of mind derived health

optimization, a topic he covered extensively in his groundbreaking book, You are the placebo.

His teaching has had such a profound impact on the way that people perceive a wide range of brain related topics around

Mindfulness and well-being that he's a faculty member at the quantum University in Hawaii the Omega Institute for holistic studies in New York

And the Kerr Paulo Centre for yoga and health in Stockbridge, Massachusetts

He's also an invited chair of the research committee at life University in Atlanta

As well as a corporate consultant where he delivers his lectures and workshops for businesses

So, please help me in welcoming the man who has appeared in such films as Heal, People versus the state of illusion and Unleashing creativity

The author of the recent book Becoming supernatural. Dr. Joe Dispenza

Thanks for being here

So, diving into your world and how you perceive the sense of self and

the way that you marry science to - the way that we form memories the way that we live in a perpetual state of

Reliving our past and things like that

It's really, really incredible and I want to dive into the whole notion of you sort of being a habitual

Construct like what? What is that? What is the habit of you?

Well a habit is a redundant set of

Automatic unconscious thoughts, behaviors and emotions that's acquired through repetition

The habit is when you've done done something so many times that your body now knows how to do it better than your mind

So if you think about it people wake up in the morning


Begin to think about their problems

Those problems are circuits, memories in the brain, each

One of those memories are connected to people and things at certain times and places and if the brain is a record of the past

The moment they start their day, they're already thinking in the past. Each one of those memories has an emotion

Emotions are the end product of past experiences

So the moment they recall those memories of their problems, they all of a sudden feel unhappy, they feel sad, they feel pain

Now how you think and how you feel creates your state of being. So the person's entire

State of being when they start their day is in the past. So what does that mean?

The familiar past will sooner or later be predictable future

so if you believe that your thoughts have something to do with your destiny and

You can't think greater than how you feel

Or feelings have become the means of thinking by very definition of emotions you're thinking in the past

And for the most part you're going to keep creating the same life, so then people grab their cell phone

They check their WhatsApp. They check their texts. They check their emails. They check Facebook

They take a picture of their feet. They post it on Facebook. They tweet something, they do Instagram

they check the news and now they feel really connected to everything that's known in their life

And then they go through a series of routine behaviors

They get out of bed on the same side. They go to the toilet. They get a cup of coffee

They take a shower, they get dressed, they drive to work the same way. They do the same things

They see the same people that pushed the same emotional buttons and that becomes the routine and it becomes like a program

So now they've lost their free will

To a program and there's no unseen hand doing it to them. So when it comes time to change the

Redundancy of that cycle becomes a subconscious program. So now

95% of who we are by the time we're 35 years old is a

Memorized set of behaviors, emotional reactions, unconscious habits, hardwired attitudes, beliefs and perceptions that function like a computer program

So then person can say with their five percent of their conscious mind. I want to be healthy

I want to be happy. I want to be free but the body's on a whole different program

So then how do you begin to make those changes? Well?

you have to get beyond the analytical mind because what separates the conscious mind from the

Subconscious mind is the analytical mind and that's where meditation comes in because you can teach people

through practice how to change their brainwaves, slow them down and when they do that

Properly they do enter the operating system where they can begin to make some really important changes. So

Most people then wait for crisis or trauma or disease or diagnosis, you know, they wait for loss

some tragedy to make up their mind to change and my message is why wait and and

You can learn and change in a state of pain and suffering or you can learn and change in a state of joy and inspiration

I think right now the cool thing is that people are waking up


really interesting and where I found the

the deepest hooks into how powerful this can be for somebody is when you talk about trauma and you've talked about how

People experience a traumatic event, but they then basically rehearse it and how that then has this knock-on effect. So, what is that?

Why do people find it so hard to get past trauma? Well?

the the stronger the emotional reaction

You have to some experience in your life the higher the emotional quotient

The more you pay attention to the cause and the moment the brain puts all of its attention on the cause

It takes a snapshot and that's called a memory. So long-term memories are created from very highly

Emotional experiences. So what happens then is that people think neurologically within the circuitry of that experience and

they feel chemically within the boundaries of those emotions and

So when you have an emotional reaction to someone or something most people think that they can't control their emotional reaction

Well, it turns out if you allow that emotional reaction, it's called a refractory period to last for hours or days

That's called the mood. I say to someone. Hey, what's up think so I'm gonna move well, why are you in a mood?


I had this thing happen to me five days ago and I'm having one long emotional reaction if you keep that same

emotional reaction going on for weeks or months

That's called temperament. Why is he so bitter? I don't know. Let's ask him. Why is he so bitter? Why are you bitter?

Well, I had this thing happened to me nine months ago

And if you keep that same emotional reaction going on for years on end that's called a personality trait

And so learning how to shorten your refractory period of emotional reactions is really where that work starts

So then people when they have an event

what they do is they keep recalling the event because the

Emotions of stress hormones the survival emotions are saying pay attention to what happened

Because you want to be prepared if it happens again

Turns out most people spend 70% of their life living in survival and living in stress. So they're they're always

Anticipating the worst-case scenario based on a past experience and they're literally out of the infinite

potentials in the quantum field they're selecting the worst possible outcome and they're beginning to emotionally embrace it with fear and their

Conditioning their body into a state of fear do that enough times

Body has a panic attack without you you you can't even predict it because it's programmed subconsciously

So then you say to the person why are you this way?

And they'll say I am this way because of this event that happened to me

15 or 20 years ago and what that means from biological standpoint is that they haven't been able to change since that event

So then the emotions from the experience tend to give the body and the brain a rush of energy

So people become addicted

To the rush of those emotions and they use the problems and conditions in their life to reaffirm their limitation

So at least they can feel something. So now when it comes time to change you say the person why are you this way?

Well, every time they recall the event they're producing the same chemistry in their brain and body as if the event is occurring

firing and wiring the same circuits and

Settings the same emotional signature to the body. Well, what's the revelant behind that? Well your body is the unconscious mind

It doesn't know the difference between the experience that's creating the emotion and the emotion that you're creating by thought alone

So the body's believing it's living in the same past experience

24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year

and so then when those emotions influence certain thoughts and they do and

Then those thoughts create the same emotions and those same emotions influence the same thoughts

Now the entire person's state of being is in the past. So then

the hardest part about change is not making the same choice as you did the day before a period and

The moment you decide to make a different choice get ready because it's going to feel uncomfortable

It's going to feel unfamiliar. It's there's gonna be something so why does it feel so uncomfortable? Is it because of the the

neurons that fire together wire together

so I've there's like an

Easiness to that loop just because literally and you've talked very eloquently

about this the way that the neurons connect in the brain how rapidly I've seen you show footage of how

Rapidly those connections happen, which is pretty incredible

Is is that what makes it so?

discomforting for people I think that I think that the bigger thing is that we we keep

Firing and wiring those circuits they become more hardwired. So there you have a thought and then the program runs

but it's the emotion that

follows the thought if you have a if you have a

Fearful thought you're gonna feel anxiety the moment you feel anxiety your brains checking in with your body and saying yeah, you're pretty anxious

so then you start thinking more corresponding thoughts equaled how you

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How to Unlock the Full Potential of Your Mind | Dr. Joe Dispenza on Impact Theory (1) |||||||||||Dispenza||| |||||Full capability||||||||| |||||||||||Dispenza||| |||||||||||디스펜자 박사||| ||解锁|||||||||||| |||||||||||دي سبنزا||| |||||||||||Джо Диспен||| |||||||||||Dispenza||| كيفية إطلاق الإمكانات الكاملة لعقلك | الدكتور جو ديسبينزا حول نظرية التأثير (1) So setzen Sie das volle Potenzial Ihres Geistes frei | Dr. Joe Dispenza über die Wirkungstheorie (1) How to Unlock the Full Potential of Your Mind | Dr. Joe Dispenza on Impact Theory (1) Cómo liberar todo el potencial de tu mente | Dr. Joe Dispenza sobre la teoría del impacto (1) 心の潜在能力を最大限に引き出す方法|ジョー・ディスペンザ博士のインパクト論 (1) 마음의 잠재력을 최대한 발휘하는 방법 | 조 디스펜자 박사의 임팩트 이론 (1) Como desbloquear todo o potencial da sua mente | Dr. Joe Dispenza na Teoria do Impacto (1) Как раскрыть весь потенциал своего разума | Доктор Джо Диспенза о теории воздействия (1) Kako sprostiti celoten potencial svojega uma | Dr. Joe Dispenza o teoriji vpliva (1) Zihninizin Tüm Potansiyelini Nasıl Açığa Çıkarırsınız | Dr. Joe Dispenza Etki Teorisi Üzerine (1) Як розкрити весь потенціал свого розуму | Доктор Джо Діспенза про теорію удару (1) 如何释放大脑的全部潜能 | 乔·迪斯本萨博士谈影响理论(1)

It's a scientific fact that the hormones of stress downregulate genes and create disease. Long-term effects. ||||||hormones|||régulent à la baisse||||||| ||||||stress hormones|||||||||| ||wissenschaftlich|||||||herunterregulieren||||||| |||||||||억제하다|유전자|||||| |||||||||regolare al ribasso||||||| |||||||||تقلل من||||||| |||||||||抑制する||||||| |||||||||regulan a la baja|genes|||||| إنها حقيقة علمية أن هرمونات التوتر تقلل من تنظيم الجينات وتسبب المرض. آثار طويلة المدى. Es ist eine wissenschaftliche Tatsache, dass Stresshormone Gene herunterregulieren und Krankheiten hervorrufen. Langzeiteffekte. It's a scientific fact that the hormones of stress downregulate genes and create disease. Long-term effects. C'est un fait scientifique que les hormones du stress régulent les gènes à la baisse et créent des maladies. Effets à long terme. ストレスのホルモンが遺伝子をダウンレギュレートし、病気を作り出すことは科学的事実だ。長期的な影響 Znanstveno dejstvo je, da hormoni stresa znižujejo regulacijo genov in povzročajo bolezni. Dolgoročni učinki.

Human beings because of the size of the neocortex, we can turn on the stress response ||||||||신피질||||||| ||||||||néocortex||||||| ||||||due to||||||||| ||||||||Neokortex||||||| ||||||||neocorteza||||||| البشر بسبب حجم القشرة المخية الحديثة، يمكننا تشغيل الاستجابة للضغط النفسي Menschen können aufgrund der Größe des Neokortex die Stressreaktion einschalten Los seres humanos, a causa del tamaño del neocortex Les êtres humains, en raison de la taille du néocortex, peuvent activer la réponse au stress. 人間は大脳新皮質が大きいので、ストレス反応をオンにすることができる。 Seres humanos por causa do tamanho do neocórtex, podemos ativar a resposta ao estresse Ljudje lahko zaradi velikosti neokorteksa vklopimo odziv na stres.

just by thought alone as I think about our problems and turn on those chemicals ||||||||||||||化学物质 ||mental focus|||||||||||| |思うだけで||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||sustancias químicas فقط من خلال التفكير وحده وأنا أفكر في مشاكلنا وأقوم بتشغيل تلك المواد الكيميائية nur durch Gedanken allein, wenn ich an unsere Probleme denke und diese Chemikalien einschalte rien que par la pensée, lorsque je réfléchis à nos problèmes et que j'allume ces produits chimiques 私たちの問題について考え、化学物質のスイッチを入れる。 apenas pensando sozinho enquanto penso em nossos problemas e ligo esses produtos químicos samo z mislijo, ko razmišljam o naših težavah in vklopim kemikalije.

That means then our thoughts ||||pensieri وهذا يعني إذن أفكارنا Das bedeutet dann unsere Gedanken ということは、私たちの考えは Isso significa que nossos pensamentos

Could make us sick |||krank machen يمكن أن تجعلنا مريضين pueden enfermarnos Poderia nos deixar doentes

So if it's possible, that our thoughts could make us sick then it is possible then our thoughts could make us well, the answer is absolutely yes Also||||||Gedanken|||||||||||||||||Die Antwort ist||| لذا، إذا كان من الممكن أن أفكارنا يمكن أن تجعلنا مرضى، فمن الممكن أن أفكارنا يمكن أن تجعلنا بصحة جيدة، فالإجابة هي نعم بالتأكيد Entonces, si es posible que nuestros pensamientos nos enfermen, 思考が私たちを病気にする可能性があるのなら、思考が私たちを健康にする可能性もある。

Everybody welcome to Impact Theory our goal with this show and company is to introduce you to the people and ideas that will help you ||||Theorie|unser|Ziel|||||||||||||||||| |||임팩트 이론||||||||||||||||||||| مرحبًا بالجميع في Impact Theory، هدفنا من هذا العرض وهذه الشركة هو تعريفك بالأشخاص والأفكار التي ستساعدك Bienvenidos todos a "Impact Theory". Nuestro objetivo con este show y compañía es Tout le monde est le bienvenu à Impact Theory. Notre objectif avec cette émission et cette société est de vous présenter les personnes et les idées qui vous aideront. 皆さん、インパクト・セオリーへようこそ!この番組と会社の目標は、皆さんに役立つ人々とアイデアを紹介することです。 Sejam todos bem-vindos à Impact Theory, nosso objetivo com este show e empresa é apresentar a você as pessoas e ideias que irão ajudá-lo

Actually execute on your dreams |실현하다||| |夢を実行する||| في الواقع تنفيذ على أحلامك 実際に夢を実行する Realmente execute em seus sonhos Справді реалізуйте свої мрії

Alright today's guest is a New York Times bestselling author and one of the most sought-after speakers in the world ||||||||meilleure vente|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||gefragtesten||||| |||||||||||||||인기 있는||||| ||||||||ベストセラー|||||||||||| ||||||||бестселер|||||||||||| حسنًا، ضيف اليوم هو المؤلف الأكثر مبيعًا في نيويورك تايمز وأحد أكثر المتحدثين رواجًا في العالم Nuestro invitado de hoy es bestseller del New York Times Très bien, l'invité d'aujourd'hui est un auteur de best-sellers du New York Times et l'un des conférenciers les plus demandés au monde Tudo bem, o convidado de hoje é um autor best-seller do New York Times e um dos palestrantes mais procurados do mundo Отже, сьогоднішній гість - це автор бестселера Нью-Йорк Таймс та один з найбільш затребуваних спікерів у світі

He's lectured and given advanced workshops in more than 30 countries |enseigné|||||||| |hat Vorträge gehalten|||||||| |강연했다|||고급 수준의||||| |講義を行い|||||||| |ha dado conferencias||||talleres avanzados|||| لقد ألقى محاضرات وورش عمل متقدمة في أكثر من 30 دولة ha dado conferencias y talleres avanzados... Il a donné des conférences et des ateliers de perfectionnement dans plus de 30 pays. Ele deu palestras e deu workshops avançados em mais de 30 países Він читав лекції та проводив просунуті майстер-класи більш ніж у 30 країнах

Across five continents all with the aim of helping people better understand and unlock the power of their mind ||||||Ziel|||||||||||| ||대륙들|||||||||||||||| |||すべての|||目的|||||||||||| ||continentes|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||розкрити||||| عبر القارات الخمس، كل ذلك بهدف مساعدة الناس على فهم قوة عقولهم وإطلاق العنان لها بشكل أفضل Sur les cinq continents, l'objectif est d'aider les gens à mieux comprendre et à libérer le pouvoir de leur esprit. Nos cinco continentes, todos com o objetivo de ajudar as pessoas a entender melhor e desbloquear o poder de sua mente По всіх п'яти континентах з метою допомогти людям краще зрозуміти та звільнити силу свого розуму

His expertise is the intersection of the fields of neuroscience |||||||||neurosciences |Expertise|||||||| ||||교차점||||| |experiencia especializada||||||||neurociencia خبرته هي تقاطع مجالات علم الأعصاب Sua expertise é a interseção dos campos da neurociência Його експертиза знаходиться на перетині областей нейронауки

Epigenetics and quantum physics and he's partnered with other scientists across multiple disciplines to perform Épigénétique||||||partenariat||||||disciplines|| Epigenetik und Quantenphysik||||||||||||||durchführen 후성유전학||||||협력하고 있다||||||분야들|| エピジェネティクス|||||||||||||| Епігенетика|||||||||||||| علم الوراثة اللاجينية وفيزياء الكم وقد شارك مع علماء آخرين عبر تخصصات متعددة في الأداء epigenética y física cuántica L'épigénétique et la physique quantique, et il s'est associé à d'autres scientifiques dans de multiples disciplines pour effectuer des recherches sur l'épigénétique et la physique quantique. Epigenética e física quântica e ele fez parceria com outros cientistas em várias disciplinas para realizar Епігенетики та квантової фізики, і він співпрацює з іншими вченими з різних дисциплін для проведення

extensive research on the effects of meditation ||||||冥想 étendu|||||| |広範な研究||||| بحث مكثف حول آثار التأمل extensa pesquisa sobre os efeitos da meditação

Using advanced technologies such as epigenetic testing brain mapping with EEG s and gas-discharge |||||épigénétique|||||||||décharge gas |fortgeschritten||||epigenetische Testverfahren|||Kartierung||EEG-Messungen|||| ||첨단 기술|||후성유전학적|||뇌 지도화||뇌파 검사||||방전 |||||||||||||气体放电| |передові|||||||||||||випромінювання ||||||||脳マッピング|||||| استخدام تقنيات متقدمة مثل اختبار الوراثة اللاجينية ورسم خرائط الدماغ باستخدام مخطط كهربية الدماغ (EEG) وتفريغ الغاز utilizando tecnologías avanzadas como test epigenéticos, エピジェネティック検査、脳波による脳マッピング、ガス放電などの先端技術を用いる Usando tecnologias avançadas, como mapeamento cerebral de testes epigenéticos com EEGs e descarga de gás Використовуючи передові технології, такі як епігенетичне тестування, картографування мозку з ЕЕГ та газорозрядна візуалізація.

visualization technology. Through his work 시각화 기술을 통해|||| 視覚化技術を通じて|||| visualización|||| tecnologia de visualização. Através de seu trabalho Через свою роботу

He is endeavouring to help advance both the scientific community and the public at large as understanding of mind derived health ||s'efforçant|||||||||||||||||| ||zich inspannend|||||||||||||||||| ||sich bemühen|||||||||||||||||| ||노력하고 있다|||발전시키다||||||||||||||파생된| |||||||||||||||||||похідний| ||努めている|||||||||||||||||| ||esforzándose|||||||||||||||||| Il s'efforce de faire progresser la communauté scientifique et le grand public dans la compréhension de la santé dérivée de l'esprit. 彼は科学界と一般大衆の両方が、心に由来する健康への理解を深めることに貢献しようとしている。 Ele está se esforçando para ajudar a promover tanto a comunidade científica quanto o público em geral como compreensão da saúde derivada da mente Він намагається допомогти розвитку як наукової спільноти, так і широкого загалу, оскільки розуміння здоров'я, яке походить з розуму

optimization, a topic he covered extensively in his groundbreaking book, You are the placebo. optimisation|||||de manière approfondie||||||||placebo Optimierung|||||||||||||Placebo 최적화|||||||||||||플라시보 효과 优化|||||广泛地|||||||| оптимізація||||||||||||| 最適化|||||広範囲に|||||||| optimización||||||||revolucionaria|||||el placebo uno de los tópicos que ha cubierto extensivamente оптимізація, тема, яку він детально розглянув у своїй новаторській книзі 'Ти є плацебо'.

His teaching has had such a profound impact on the way that people perceive a wide range of brain related topics around |Lehre|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||profunda|||||||perciben|||||||| Su enseñanza ha tenido un profundo impacto en Son enseignement a eu un impact profond sur la façon dont les gens perçoivent un large éventail de sujets liés au cerveau. 彼の教えは、脳に関するさまざまなトピックの捉え方に大きな影響を与えてきた。 Seu ensino teve um impacto tão profundo na maneira como as pessoas percebem uma ampla gama de tópicos relacionados ao cérebro ao redor Його навчання мало такий глибокий вплив на те, як люди сприймають широкий спектр тем, пов'язаних з мозком.

Mindfulness and well-being that he's a faculty member at the quantum University in Hawaii the Omega Institute for holistic studies in New York |||||||faculté|||||||||||||||| Achtsamkeit||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||教职员工|||||||||欧米伽||||||| |||||||факультет|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||ホリスティック|||| atención plena|||||||facultad|||||||Hawái||||||||| sobre mindfulness o el bien estar. La pleine conscience et le bien-être qu'il enseigne à l'Université quantique à Hawaï et à l'Institut Omega pour les études holistiques à New York. Mindfulness e bem-estar que ele é membro do corpo docente da Universidade Quântica no Havaí, o Instituto Omega para estudos holísticos em Nova York Увага до моменту та добробут - він є членом факультету Квантового університету на Гаваях та Інституту Омега для цілісних досліджень у Нью-Йорку.

And the Kerr Paulo Centre for yoga and health in Stockbridge, Massachusetts ||||||yoga||||| ||Kerr||||||||Stockbridge| ||||||||||ストックブリッジ| ||Kerr|Paulo|centro||||||| y el Kripalu Centre de yoga y salud E o Kerr Paulo Center for yoga and health em Stockbridge, Massachusetts

He's also an invited chair of the research committee at life University in Atlanta |||招待された|||||||||| |||||||||||||Atlanta También es miembro invitado del comité de investigación Il est également président invité du comité de recherche de la Life University d'Atlanta. また、アトランタのライフ・ユニバーシティーでは研究委員会の招待委員長を務めている。 Ele também é presidente convidado do comitê de pesquisa da Life University em Atlanta

As well as a corporate consultant where he delivers his lectures and workshops for businesses ||||||||行う|||||| ||||||||imparte|||||| Il est également consultant en entreprise où il donne des conférences et organise des ateliers pour les entreprises. また、企業コンサルタントとして、企業向けに講演やワークショップを開催している。 Além de consultor corporativo onde ministra suas palestras e workshops para empresas

So, please help me in welcoming the man who has appeared in such films as Heal, People versus the state of illusion and Unleashing creativity |||||||||||||||||||||||Libérer|créativité |||||||||||||||||||||||創造性を解放| |||||||||||||||||||||||Desatando| Por tanto, ayúdeme a dar la bienvenida Aidez-moi donc à accueillir cet homme qui a joué dans des films tels que Heal, People versus the state of illusion et Unleashing creativity. ヒール』、『人間対幻想』、『創造性を解き放つ』などの映画に出演しているこの男を、どうか歓迎してほしい。 Então, por favor, ajude-me a dar as boas-vindas ao homem que apareceu em filmes como Heal, People versus the state of illusion e Unleashing creative

The author of the recent book Becoming supernatural. Dr. Joe Dispenza |||||||surnaturel||| |||||||sobrenatural||| Es autor del reciente libro O autor do recente livro Tornando-se sobrenatural. Dr. Joe Dispenza

Thanks for being here Gracias por estar aquí Obrigado por estar aqui

So, diving into your world and how you perceive the sense of self and |plongée|||||||||||| |没入する|||||||||||| Pues, buceando por tu mundo y en cómo percibes el sentido del Ser Ainsi, en plongeant dans votre monde et dans la façon dont vous percevez le sens du soi et de l'autre, vous vous apercevrez que vous n'êtes pas le seul. だから、自分の世界に飛び込み、自己の感覚をどのように認識し Então, mergulhando em seu mundo e como você percebe o sentido de si mesmo e

the way that you marry science to - the way that we form memories the way that we live in a perpetual state of ||||結びつける||||||||||||||||永続的な|| ||||unir||||||||||||||||perpetuo|| la façon dont vous mariez la science à - la façon dont nous formons des souvenirs la façon dont nous vivons dans un état perpétuel de - la façon dont nous vivons dans un état perpétuel de - la façon dont nous formons des mémoires 科学と結婚する方法 - 記憶を形成する方法 - 私たちが永久に生き続ける方法 a maneira como você casa a ciência - a maneira como formamos memórias a maneira como vivemos em um estado perpétuo de

Reliving our past and things like that Revivre|||||| Wiedererleben|||||| 過去を振り返る|||||| reviviendo|||||| Revivre notre passé et ce genre de choses 過去の回想とか、そういうこと Revivendo nosso passado e coisas assim

It's really, really incredible and I want to dive into the whole notion of you sort of being a habitual |||||||||||||||||||habituelle |||||||||||||||||||常習的な人 y cosas por el estilo C'est vraiment, vraiment incroyable et j'aimerais me plonger dans la notion de l'habitude que vous avez d'être une personne qui a l'habitude d'être une personne qui a l'habitude d'être une personne qui a l'habitude d'être. É realmente incrível e eu quero mergulhar em toda a noção de você ser um

Construct like what? What is that? What is the habit of you? 構築するとは?||||||何ですか||||| constructo||||||||||| 何を構築するのか?それは何ですか?あなたの習慣は何ですか? Construir como o quê? O que é aquilo? Qual é o hábito de vocês?

Well a habit is a redundant set of |||||余分な|| |||||redundante conjunto de|| -Bien, un hábito es un conjunto redundante de pensamientos automáticos inconscientes 習慣とは冗長なセットである

Automatic unconscious thoughts, behaviors and emotions that's acquired through repetition |||||||||繰り返し 無意識に繰り返される自動的な思考、行動、感情。 Pensamentos, comportamentos e emoções inconscientes automáticos que são adquiridos através da repetição

The habit is when you've done done something so many times that your body now knows how to do it better than your mind el hábito, es cuando tú has hecho algo tantas veces L'habitude, c'est lorsque vous avez fait quelque chose tellement de fois que votre corps sait maintenant le faire mieux que votre esprit. O hábito é quando você fez algo tantas vezes que seu corpo agora sabe como fazê-lo melhor do que sua mente

So if you think about it people wake up in the morning Entonces, si piensas en ello, 考えてみれば、人々は朝目覚める。 Então, se você pensar sobre isso, as pessoas acordam de manhã

they elas

Begin to think about their problems empiezan a pensar en sus problemas Comece a pensar sobre seus problemas

Those problems are circuits, memories in the brain, each |||circuitos||||| esos problemas son circuitos de recuerdos en el cerebro Esses problemas são circuitos, memórias no cérebro, cada

One of those memories are connected to people and things at certain times and places and if the brain is a record of the past ||||||||||||||||もし|||||||| cada uno de esos recuerdos están conectados L'un de ces souvenirs est lié à des personnes et à des choses à certains moments et à certains endroits et si le cerveau est un enregistrement du passé その記憶のひとつは、ある特定の時間や場所での人や物事と結びついている。 Uma dessas memórias está conectada a pessoas e coisas em determinados momentos e lugares e se o cérebro é um registro do passado

The moment they start their day, they're already thinking in the past. Each one of those memories has an emotion Dès qu'ils commencent leur journée, ils pensent déjà au passé. Chacun de ces souvenirs est porteur d'une émotion

Emotions are the end product of past experiences 感情|||最終的な結果|||| As emoções são o produto final de experiências passadas

So the moment they recall those memories of their problems, they all of a sudden feel unhappy, they feel sad, they feel pain entonces, en el momento en que evocan esos recuerdos de los problemas

Now how you think and how you feel creates your state of being. So the person's entire El modo en el que piensas y el modo en el que sientes Or, la façon dont vous pensez et dont vous vous sentez crée votre état d'esprit. Ainsi, l'ensemble de la personne Agora, como você pensa e como você se sente cria seu estado de ser. Então toda a pessoa

State of being when they start their day is in the past. So what does that mean? 一日を始めるときの状態は過去のものだ。では、それは何を意味するのか? O estado de ser quando eles começam o dia está no passado. Então, o que isso significa?

The familiar past will sooner or later be predictable future ||||||||prévisible| el pasado conocido O passado familiar mais cedo ou mais tarde será um futuro previsível

so if you believe that your thoughts have something to do with your destiny and |||||||||||||destino| Donc si vous croyez que vos pensées ont quelque chose à voir avec votre destin et votre vie, vous pouvez vous en servir comme d'un outil de travail. então se você acredita que seus pensamentos têm algo a ver com seu destino e

You can't think greater than how you feel y no puedes pensar más grande de como sientes Vous ne pouvez pas penser plus que ce que vous ressentez Você não pode pensar maior do que como você se sente

Or feelings have become the means of thinking by very definition of emotions you're thinking in the past o los sentimientos se han convertido en los medios para los pensamientos, Ou bien les sentiments sont devenus le moyen de penser par la définition même des émotions que vous pensez dans le passé あるいは、過去に考えていた感情の定義そのものによって、感情が思考の手段になっていたのかもしれない Ou os sentimentos se tornaram o meio de pensar pela própria definição de emoções que você está pensando no passado

And for the most part you're going to keep creating the same life, so then people grab their cell phone そして、ほとんどの場合、同じような生活を作り続けることになる。 E na maioria das vezes você vai continuar criando a mesma vida, então as pessoas pegam seus celulares

They check their WhatsApp. They check their texts. They check their emails. They check Facebook |||||||||||emails||| Eles checam o WhatsApp deles. Eles verificam seus textos. Eles verificam seus e-mails. Eles checam o Facebook

They take a picture of their feet. They post it on Facebook. They tweet something, they do Instagram |||||||||||||ツイート||||

they check the news and now they feel really connected to everything that's known in their life ||||||||||||それが|||| 彼らはニュースをチェックし、そして今、自分の人生で知られているすべてと本当につながっていると感じている。 eles checam as notícias e agora eles se sentem realmente conectados com tudo o que é conhecido em sua vida

And then they go through a series of routine behaviors ||||||||Routineverhalten| ||||||||日常的な行動| y entonces están en una serie de comportamientos rutinarios. E então eles passam por uma série de comportamentos rotineiros

They get out of bed on the same side. They go to the toilet. They get a cup of coffee ||||||||||||||Sie||||| Eles saem da cama do mesmo lado. Eles vão ao banheiro. Eles recebem uma xícara de café

They take a shower, they get dressed, they drive to work the same way. They do the same things ...toman una ducha, se visten.. Eles tomam banho, se vestem, vão para o trabalho do mesmo jeito. Eles fazem as mesmas coisas

They see the same people that pushed the same emotional buttons and that becomes the routine and it becomes like a program ven a las mismas personas que presionan los mismos botones emocionales.. Eles veem as mesmas pessoas que apertaram os mesmos botões emocionais e isso se torna a rotina e se torna como um programa

So now they've lost their free will entonces, han perdido su libre albedrío por un programa Ils ont donc perdu leur libre arbitre Então agora eles perderam seu livre arbítrio

To a program and there's no unseen hand doing it to them. So when it comes time to change the |||||||||||||いつ|||||| ||||||invisible|mano invisible|||||||||||| Il n'y a pas de main invisible qui leur fait subir cela. Ainsi, lorsqu'il s'agit de modifier le プログラムには、目に見えない手が加わっているわけではない。だから Para um programa e não há mão invisível fazendo isso com eles. Então, quando chega a hora de mudar o

Redundancy of that cycle becomes a subconscious program. So now Redondance||||||||| Wiederholung||||||||| 冗長性||||||潜在意識||| la redundancia de este ciclo, A redundância desse ciclo torna-se um programa subconsciente. Então agora

95% of who we are by the time we're 35 years old is a 35歳になるまでの私たちの95%は、そのような人間なのだ。 35세가 되었을 때 우리가 누구인지의 95%는 95% de quem somos aos 35 anos é um

Memorized set of behaviors, emotional reactions, unconscious habits, hardwired attitudes, beliefs and perceptions that function like a computer program Mémorisés||||||||préprogrammé||||perceptions|||||| |集合||||||習慣|||||認識|||||| Ensemble mémorisé de comportements, de réactions émotionnelles, d'habitudes inconscientes, d'attitudes, de croyances et de perceptions câblées qui fonctionnent comme un programme informatique. Conjunto memorizado de comportamentos, reações emocionais, hábitos inconscientes, atitudes programadas, crenças e percepções que funcionam como um programa de computador

So then person can say with their five percent of their conscious mind. I want to be healthy Entonces, la persona puede decir con el 5% de su mente consciente.. そうすれば、5パーセントの意識でこう言うことができる。私は健康でありたい

I want to be happy. I want to be free but the body's on a whole different program ||||||||||||corps||||| Je veux être heureux. Je veux être libre, mais mon corps suit un tout autre programme. Eu quero ser feliz. Eu quero ser livre, mas o corpo está em um programa totalmente diferente

So then how do you begin to make those changes? Well? Entonces, ¿cómo empiezas a realizar esos cambios? Então, como você começa a fazer essas mudanças? Nós iremos?

you have to get beyond the analytical mind because what separates the conscious mind from the ||||||分析的||||分ける||||| bien, tienes que ir más allá de la mente analítica.. você tem que ir além da mente analítica porque o que separa a mente consciente da

Subconscious mind is the analytical mind and that's where meditation comes in because you can teach people 潜在意識は分析的な心であり、瞑想の出番だ。 A mente subconsciente é a mente analítica e é aí que entra a meditação porque você pode ensinar as pessoas

through practice how to change their brainwaves, slow them down and when they do that |práctica|||||ondas cerebrales|||||cuando lo hacen||| par la pratique, comment modifier leurs ondes cérébrales, les ralentir et lorsqu'ils le font

Properly they do enter the operating system where they can begin to make some really important changes. So

Most people then wait for crisis or trauma or disease or diagnosis, you know, they wait for loss |||||||||||diagnostic|||||| |||||||trauma||||diagnóstico|||||| La mayoría de la gente, entonces, esperan, crisis o trauma o enfermedad ほとんどの人は、危機やトラウマ、病気や診断を待つ。 A maioria das pessoas então espera por crise ou trauma ou doença ou diagnóstico, você sabe, eles esperam por perda

some tragedy to make up their mind to change and my message is why wait and and |tragédie||||||||||||||| |tragedia||||||||||||||| そして、私のメッセージは、なぜ待つのか、そして待つのか、ということだ。

You can learn and change in a state of pain and suffering or you can learn and change in a state of joy and inspiration |||||で||||||||||||||||||| y puedes aprender y cambiar en un estado de dolor y sufrimiento Você pode aprender e mudar em um estado de dor e sofrimento ou você pode aprender e mudar em um estado de alegria e inspiração

I think right now the cool thing is that people are waking up Acho que agora o legal é que as pessoas estão acordando

that's - Esto es realmente interesante.. それは

really interesting and where I found the muito interessante e onde encontrei o

the deepest hooks into how powerful this can be for somebody is when you talk about trauma and you've talked about how ||crochets|dans|||||||||||||||||| |más profundo|||||||||||||||||||| トラウマの話をするとき、そして、そのトラウマがどのようなものなのかについて話をしたときだ。 os ganchos mais profundos sobre o quão poderoso isso pode ser para alguém é quando você fala sobre trauma e fala sobre como

People experience a traumatic event, but they then basically rehearse it and how that then has this knock-on effect. So, what is that? |||||||||再現する|||||||||||||| |||||||||ensayan|||||||||||||| y has hablado de cómo la gente.. 人はトラウマになるような出来事を経験し、それをリハーサルする。それは何なのか?

Why do people find it so hard to get past trauma? Well? |||見つける|||||克服する||| Entonces, ¿cómo es que la gente encuentra tan difícil superar el trauma? 人はなぜトラウマを乗り越えるのが難しいのか?さて?

the the stronger the emotional reaction Bien, como más fuerte es la reacción emocional... 感情的な反応が強ければ強いほど

You have to some experience in your life the higher the emotional quotient ||||||||||||quotient ||||||||||||quotiënt ||||||||||||emotionaler Quotient ||||||||||||지수 あなた||||||||||||感情指数 ||||||||||||cociente emocional 感情指数が高いほど、人生において何らかの経験を積まなければならない。

The more you pay attention to the cause and the moment the brain puts all of its attention on the cause ||||||||||||脳|置く||||||| más prestarás atención a la causa . あなたが原因に注意を払えば払うほど、そして脳が原因に全神経を集中させた瞬間に 원인에 더 주의를 기울이고 뇌가 원인에 모든 주의를 기울이는 순간

It takes a snapshot and that's called a memory. So long-term memories are created from very highly |||スナップショット||||||||||||||

Emotional experiences. So what happens then is that people think neurologically within the circuitry of that experience and ||||||||||neurologiquement|||circuits cérébraux|||| ||||||||||neurologisch||||||| ||だから||||||||||||||| ||||||||||neurológicamente|||circuitería neuronal|||| 感情的な経験。そうすると何が起こるかというと、人はその体験の回路の中で神経学的に考えるようになり

they feel chemically within the boundaries of those emotions and ||chimiquement||||||| |||||Grenzen|||| 彼らは||||||||| ||químicamente|||||||

So when you have an emotional reaction to someone or something most people think that they can't control their emotional reaction y entonces, cuando tienes una reacción emocional hacia alguien o algo

Well, it turns out if you allow that emotional reaction, it's called a refractory period to last for hours or days |||||||||||||réfractaire||||||| |||||||||||||불응기||||||| |||||||||||||反応性||||||| |||||||||||||período refract||||||| Bien, resulta que si tu permites esa reacción emocional その感情的な反応を許すと、不応期と呼ばれる反応が数時間から数日間続くことがわかったんだ。

That's called the mood. I say to someone. Hey, what's up think so I'm gonna move well, why are you in a mood? ...le llamamos estado de ánimo, それがムードというものだ。私は誰かに言う。やあ、どうしたんだい?

well bueno..tengo eso que me pasó hace 5 días..

I had this thing happen to me five days ago and I'm having one long emotional reaction if you keep that same ||||||||Tage||||||||||||| 5日前にこんなことがあったんだ。

emotional reaction going on for weeks or months

That's called temperament. Why is he so bitter? I don't know. Let's ask him. Why is he so bitter? Why are you bitter? ||기질|||||||||||||||||||| ||気質|なぜ||||||||||||||||||| se llama temperamento.

Well, I had this thing happened to me nine months ago ¿por qué estás amargado?

And if you keep that same emotional reaction going on for years on end that's called a personality trait ||||||||||||||||||Persönlichkeitseigenschaft ||||||||||||||||||kenmerk ||||||||||のため|何年も|続けて|||||| ||||||||||||||eso||||rasgo de personalidad Y si mantienes esa misma reacción emocional durante años y años そして、もし同じ感情的反応を何年も続けるなら、それは性格的特徴と呼ばれるものだ

And so learning how to shorten your refractory period of emotional reactions is really where that work starts |||||verkürzen|||||||||||| |||||短縮する|||||||||||| Entonces, aprender cómo reducir el periodo refractario de tus reacciones emocionales

So then people when they have an event Entonces, la gente cuando tiene un evento そうすれば、人々はイベントを開催する際に

what they do is they keep recalling the event because the ||||||rappelant|||| ||||||erinnern|||| ||||||思い出す|||| というのも、彼らはその出来事を思い出し続けるからだ。

Emotions of stress hormones the survival emotions are saying pay attention to what happened ||||||感情|||支払う|||| ストレスホルモンの感情は、生存のための感情である。

Because you want to be prepared if it happens again

Turns out most people spend 70% of their life living in survival and living in stress. So they're they're always ほとんどの人は人生の70%をサバイバルとストレスの中で過ごしていることがわかった。だから、彼らはいつも

Anticipating the worst-case scenario based on a past experience and they're literally out of the infinite Vorwegnehmen|||||||||||||||| 최악의 상황 예상|||||||||||||||| 最悪のシナリオを予測||最悪の|||||||||||||| 過去の経験から最悪のシナリオを予測し、文字通り無限の可能性から逃げ出す。

potentials in the quantum field they're selecting the worst possible outcome and they're beginning to emotionally embrace it with fear and their potentiels||||||||||||||||||||| Potenziale||||||||||||||||||||| 잠재력||||||||||||||||||||| 量子力学的な可能性において、彼らは最悪の結果を選択し、感情的に恐怖を抱き、それを受け入れ始めている。

Conditioning their body into a state of fear do that enough times 体を恐怖の状態にすることは、何度もやっていることだ。

Body has a panic attack without you you you can't even predict it because it's programmed subconsciously |||||||||||||||programmé|subconsciemment |||||||||||||||programmiert| ||||||||||||||||無意識に

So then you say to the person why are you this way? そこで、あなたはその人に、なぜあなたはこうなのかと言うのだ。

And they'll say I am this way because of this event that happened to me Y te dice..-Soy así por eso que me pasó hace 15 o 20 años atrás-

15 or 20 years ago and what that means from biological standpoint is that they haven't been able to change since that event |||||||||biologischer Standpunkt||||||||||| 15年も20年も前のことで、生物学的な見地から言えば、その出来事以来、彼らは変わることができなかったということだ。 15 ou 20 anos atrás e o que isso significa do ponto de vista biológico é que eles não foram capazes de mudar desde esse evento

So then the emotions from the experience tend to give the body and the brain a rush of energy ||||van|||||||||||||| |||||||||与える||||||||| Entonces, las emociones de la experiencia Les émotions ressenties lors de l'expérience ont alors tendance à donner au corps et au cerveau une poussée d'énergie だから、その経験からくる感情は、身体と脳にエネルギーのラッシュを与える傾向がある

So people become addicted |||中毒になった entonces, la gente se convierte en adicta a la ola de esas emociones

To the rush of those emotions and they use the problems and conditions in their life to reaffirm their limitation |||||||||||||||||réaffirmer||limitation |||||||||||||||||재확인하다|| |||||||||||||||||再確認する||限界 その感情の奔流に押され、自分の限界を再確認するために、生活の中の問題や状況を利用する。 이러한 감정이 솟구치고 삶의 문제와 조건을 사용하여 자신의 한계를 재확인합니다.

So at least they can feel something. So now when it comes time to change you say the person why are you this way? だから、少なくとも相手は何かを感じることができる。だから、いざ自分が変わろうとするとき、その人に「どうしてあなたはこうなの?

Well, every time they recall the event they're producing the same chemistry in their brain and body as if the event is occurring ||||||||||||||||||||||stattfindet ¿por qué eres así? Eh bien, chaque fois qu'ils se souviennent de l'événement, ils produisent la même chimie dans leur cerveau et leur corps que si l'événement se produisait. その出来事を思い出すたびに、脳と体内でその出来事が起こっているのと同じ化学反応が起こっているんだ

firing and wiring the same circuits and ||Verdrahtung|||| encendiendo y cableando los mismos circuitos... la cuisson et le câblage des mêmes circuits et 同じ回路を焼成し、配線する

Settings the same emotional signature to the body. Well, what's the revelant behind that? Well your body is the unconscious mind |||||||||||pertinent||||||||| ||||Unterschrift|||||||relevant||||||||| |||||||||||의미||||||||| 設定||||署名|||||何が||関連性||||||||| ...y enviando la misma firma emocional al cuerpo La même signature émotionnelle est transmise au corps. Qu'est-ce qui se cache derrière cela ? Eh bien, votre corps est l'esprit inconscient 同じ感情のサインを身体に設定するその背景には何があるのだろう?あなたの身体は無意識のマインドである。

It doesn't know the difference between the experience that's creating the emotion and the emotion that you're creating by thought alone Il ne fait pas la différence entre l'expérience qui crée l'émotion et l'émotion que vous créez par la seule pensée 感情を作り出している経験と、思考だけで作り出している感情との違いがわからないのだ

So the body's believing it's living in the same past experience Le corps croit donc qu'il vit la même expérience passée.

24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year ...24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana, 365 días al año..

and so then when those emotions influence certain thoughts and they do and y entonces, cuando esas emociones influencian ciertos pensamientos そして、その感情がある思考に影響を及ぼし、それが実行に移されると、次のようになる。 e então quando essas emoções influenciam certos pensamentos e eles fazem e

Then those thoughts create the same emotions and those same emotions influence the same thoughts entonces esos pensamientos crean las mismas emociones

Now the entire person's state of being is in the past. So then L'état d'esprit de toute la personne appartient désormais au passé. C'est ainsi que

the hardest part about change is not making the same choice as you did the day before a period and |schwierigste|||||||||||||||||| la partie la plus difficile du changement est de ne pas faire le même choix que la veille de ses règles et de ne pas se laisser influencer par les autres. 変化で最も難しいのは、生理前日と同じ選択をしないことだ。

The moment you decide to make a different choice get ready because it's going to feel uncomfortable Y en el momento en que tú decides tomar una elección diferente...

It's going to feel unfamiliar. It's there's gonna be something so why does it feel so uncomfortable? Is it because of the the ||||inconnu|||||||||||||||||| ||||unbekannt|||||||||||||||||| ||||不慣れな|||||||||||||||||| te vas a sentir extraño...va a ser algo incierto..

neurons that fire together wire together neurones||||connectent ensemble| Neuronen||||verdrahten|

so I've there's like an だから、僕は

Easiness to that loop just because literally and you've talked very eloquently Facilité|||||||||||avec éloquence Leichtigkeit|||||||||||eindrucksvoll 쉬움|||||||||||유창하게 簡単さ|||||||||||雄弁に facilidad|||||||||||elocuentemente La facilité de cette boucle simplement parce que, littéralement, et vous avez parlé avec beaucoup d'éloquence そのループが簡単なのは、文字どおり、あなたが非常に雄弁に語っているからだ。

about this the way that the neurons connect in the brain how rapidly I've seen you show footage of how 脳内の神経細胞の結合の速さについて、私はあなたが映像を見せたのを見たことがある。

Rapidly those connections happen, which is pretty incredible

Is is that what makes it so? それがそうさせるのか?

discomforting for people I think that I think that the bigger thing is that we we keep déconcertant|||||||||||||||| Unangenehm für Menschen|||||||||||||||| 不快な|人々にとって|||||||||||||||

Firing and wiring those circuits they become more hardwired. So there you have a thought and then the program runs

but it's the emotion that ...pero es la emoción que sigue al pensamiento la que...

follows the thought if you have a if you have a を持っているのであれば、その考えに従う。

Fearful thought you're gonna feel anxiety the moment you feel anxiety your brains checking in with your body and saying yeah, you're pretty anxious Peurful||||||||||||||||||||||| Ängstlich||||||||||||||||||||||| Pensée craintive tu vas ressentir de l'anxiété au moment où tu ressens de l'anxiété ton cerveau se met en phase avec ton corps et te dit oui, tu es assez anxieux.

so then you start thinking more corresponding thoughts equaled how you ||||||correspondants||égalisait comment vous|| ||||||entsprechend||entsprachen wie du|| ||||||||等しい思考|| Entonces...empiezas a tener más pensamientos afines, iguales a cómo te sientes そうすれば、より多くの対応する思考をするようになる。