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Self-Help - Youtube, How to become 37.78 times better at anything | Atomic Habits summary (by James Clear) (1)

How to become 37.78 times better at anything | Atomic Habits summary (by James Clear) (1)

Do you ever feel like you're just floating through

life...but not actually getting closer to the person that you want to be.

It usually happens around New years, you imagine all the bad habits your going to break free from,

and all the good habits you will begin.

“This time it will be different” you say to yourself. This time I

AM going to do the things that I say I will.

Only to end up back where you began shortly after and no closer to what you had envisaged.

So the question is, how do you become the person you dream of becoming? How do you break free

from bad habits and make the habits you desire easier and automatic?

Atomic Habits by James Clear answers all these questions.

We are going to be doing a detailed visual summary of this book, And dive deep into topics like

Habit loops Dopamine spikes

Priming your environment Plus heaps more

And make sure to stick around until the end of the video where we tie everything

together from the video and I go step by step through how I've personally been using

this book with my own habits and how you can start applying it to your own habits.

I hope this summary inspires you to go out and grab a copy of the book for yourself

because this book deserves a space on everyone's bookshelf!

Let's jump into it

Imagine a plane taking off and travelling from New York to Los Angeles.

Just before takeoff you adjust the plane just slightly by 3 degrees

or around 80 inches. If you kept flying in a straight line...You would end up closer

to Tijuana in Mexico than in your intended destination of Los Angeles.

The same goes for our habits. Tiny changes in our habits

can change the trajectory of our lives in ways that we can't even notice

until many years into the future looking back. In both good ways and bad. You are your habits.

The Power of Atomic Habits

“A slight change in your daily habits can guide your life to a very different destination”.

Massive action Vs 1% improvements

Far too often, we convince ourselves that massive success is only possible through massive action

in any goal we are pursuing. We expect ourselves to make some quantum leap or

momentous improvement that will gain others attention.

However it is the tiny improvements, that aren't even noticeable at first,

that create incredible change.

Let's look deeper into the Math

1% better every day for a year will compound to nearly 38 times better.

1% worse every day for over a year will bring you close to zero!

Your habits can compound against you in the form of things like stress or negative self-talk.

Or they can compound for you in the form of things like knowledge,

productivity, skills and relationships.

“Success is the product of daily habits—not once-in

a lifetime transformations”

The Truth About progress

When you start any endeavour in your life, here is what we think should happen. Linear progress.

Here is what actually happens. Notice this section here. In the beginning,

small changes in our progress are not even noticeable.

James Clear refers to this part of the graph as “the valley of disappointment”

You've done so much! Put in so much effort and you can barely see any results!

This is where most people fail and slip back into their old routines.

The most powerful outcomes of any compounding process are delayed so Patience is required.

Goals Vs Systems.


A goal is the result you want to accomplish. Systems deal

with the processes that lead to results.

The conventional wisdom suggests that the best way to achieve anything we want in life-getting

into better shape, building a successful business,

spending more time with family is to set specific, realistic goals.

But if you completely ignored your goals and focused only on your system,

would you still succeed?

The Author argues that you would.

Here are some problems with only having goals. Successful and unsuccessful people share the

same goals, so therefore the goal can not be what differentiates winners from losers.

Achieving a goal only changes your life for a moment in time.

Goals can create an either-or conflict. Either you achieve the goal and succeed,

or you don't and you are a failure. Even if you were making progress in the right direction

When you achieve a goal, what do you do after? If your goal was running the local marathon,

chances are after completing it, your motivation will quickly fade

and you will just slip back into your old routines.

“Goals are good for setting a direction, but systems are best for making progress”


The problem with changing your habits is not you. The reason why you repeat the same bad habit for

so long isn't because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change.

Atomic habits are small routines and behaviors that accumulate to produce incremental positive

outcomes over time. Big breakthroughs tend to get more attention than small improvements.

But what really matters are the little daily decisions and actions we take.

“Just as atoms are the building blocks of molecules,

atomic habits are the building blocks of remarkable results”.

There are 3 layers to behavior change.

The first layer is changing outcomes.The result. Losing that weight, writing that book,

winning the season. The outcomes are what you get

The Second layer is changing your process. What you do.

The new workout routine, developing a daily reading habit.

And the third layer is changing your identity. What you believe.

Your worldviews and how you think about yourself and others.

Most people focus on the outcomes but the best way to change your habits

is by focusing on the person you want to become instead of the results you want.

The goal isn't to learn an instrument, it is to become a musician.

The goal isn't to run a marathon, It is to become a runner.

When something you want in your life becomes part of your identity,

that is when your behaviors will naturally change.

When you tell yourself and others “I'm a runner”. You want to live up to that identity.

Remind yourself

Every Time you do a workout, you are an athlete.

Every time you write a line of code, you are a coder.

Each time you instruct your team, you are a leader.

The Habit Loop A habit is when

something has been repeated enough times that it becomes automatic.

Ultimately we want our habits to solve problems in our lives with the least amount of effort.

A habit is formed and reinforced by means of a continuous feedback loop:

Cue + Craving + Response + Reward. The key to creating habits that stick

is to create feedback loops that are continuously being improved.

Cue. Phone buzz. Craving. Want to know who messaged.

Response. Pick up phone. Reward. Solve the problem of who messaged.

Cue. Mind goes blank at work. Craving. Want to alleviate the frustration.

Response. Check social media. Reward. Satisfied the need to feel less frustrated

Over time, rewards become associated with cues.

So, in this example, checking social media becomes tied to your mind going blank at work.

And then checking Facebook may be the cue to check Instagram, which becomes the cue to check YouTube.

And before you know it, your mind going blank cue has led to 20 minutes of wasted time.

And you more you repeat these habit loops, the stronger and more automatic they become.

Cues can really be anything. A smell, a sound a sight, a person, a location etc.

Try to think of any cues in your daily life that are initiating your good or bad habit loops.

So how can we influence the habit loop to work for us?

This book shows us the 4 laws that will guide us to do just that.

Law 1 Make it obvious

Most of your current habits are so automatic that you don't even realize them. You must first become

aware of your habits before you can change them. You can achieve that with your Habit Scorecard.

Write down all your daily behaviors on a habits scorecard,

from the moment you wake up until the moment you go to bed.

Your scorecard may look something like this.

Based on whether it helps you become the person you aspire to be,

categorize each habit as positive (+), negative (-), or neutral (=).

At this stage we aren't trying to change anything,

just observe what is actually going on in our daily lives.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call

it fate.” Carl Yung

Vagueness is a real problem when it comes to habit formation, and studies have shown that quite often

the reason people fail to stick to a habit is not because of a lack of motivation,

but because of a lack of clarity. “One day, I will get into shape” is easy to say to yourself

but too vague to get any momentum. What you need is a time and a place.

The most common cues—time and location—will help you achieve your goals.

Clearly state your intention to act using the following formula:

I will behavior at time in this location.

Here is a bad example,

“I will read more this month”

Here is a good example

“I will read a book for 15 minutes daily at 6am in the spare bedroom”.

Another good way to get a habit started is by Habit stacking.

To stack habits, tie a desired habit to an existing habit according to the following formula:

“After [current habit], I will [new habit]”.

For example,

“After I brush my teeth, I will stretch for 5 minutes”.

You can stack habits together, for example after you finish brushing your teeth,

you will meditate for 10 minutes, then plan the rest of your day, before checking social media.

A “chain of habits” is more likely to be sustained if you practice this consistently.

Choosing the correct trigger is essential. YOU NEED A TRIGGER CUE

Your trigger should be;

something that you do automatically without fail during your day,

such as waking up, turning off your alarm or brushing your teeth.

James Clear tells us in the book that Motivation is highly overrated.

You can better shape your behavior by designing your environment.

We are more influenced by our environment than our willpower or motivation.

It's hard to stick to positive habits in a negative environment.

“Environment is the invisible hand that shapes human behavior.”

Creating a habit requires you to redesign the space around you (home/work) to

1 - make it easier to see the cues for the desired habits and

2 - avert bad habits by making them invisible.

If you want to drink more water, make the cues visible and obvious. Place water bottles around

the house in places you are likely to see them. Want to read more? place the book somewhere you

will see it. If you want to get better on the guitar, don't leave it out of sight in a closet.


Objects in the environment do not determine our behavior; rather, it is our relationship to them

that does. Stop seeing your environment as a place simply filled with objects.

Imagine it as a place filled with relationships. The couch in the living room is the place where

one person reads an hour a night. For another, the couch is where they watch Netflix and eat pizza

and relax after work. If your relationship with the couch is a place to relax,

then trying to get a work related task done in that environment may be difficult.

Try to make separate zones in your house for different activities.

The author likes to use the mantra “One space, One use”

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How to become 37.78 times better at anything | Atomic Habits summary (by James Clear) (1) Как|||||||||резюме||| ||turn into||||anything|||||| |||||||||resumo||| Wie man 37,78-mal besser in allem wird | Atomic Habits Zusammenfassung (von James Clear) (1) Cómo ser 37,78 veces mejor en cualquier cosa | Resumen de Atomic Habits (por James Clear) (1) Come diventare 37,78 volte più bravi in qualsiasi cosa | Riassunto di Atomic Habits (di James Clear) (1) 何事も37.78倍うまくなる方法|アトミックハビットのまとめ(ジェームス・クリア著) (1) Jak stać się 37,78 razy lepszym w czymkolwiek | Podsumowanie Atomic Habits (autor: James Clear) (1) Como tornar-se 37,78 vezes melhor em qualquer coisa | Resumo dos hábitos atómicos (por James Clear) (1) Как стать в 37,78 раза лучше во всем | Краткое содержание "Атомные привычки" (автор Джеймс Клир) (1) Kako postati 37,78-krat boljši v čemerkoli | Povzetek o atomskih navadah (avtor: James Clear) (1) Herhangi bir şeyde nasıl 37,78 kat daha iyi olunur | Atomik Alışkanlıklar özeti (James Clear tarafından) (1) Як стати в 37,78 разів кращим у будь-чому | Атомні звички короткий виклад (автор Джеймс Клір) (1) 如何在任何事情上变得更好 37.78 倍 |原子习惯总结(作者:James Clear)(1) 如何在任何事情上變得更好 37.78 倍 |原子習慣總結(作者:James Clear)(1)

Do you ever feel like you're just floating through |||||||trôi nổi|qua auxiliary verb||at any time||as if|you are|merely|drifting through life|in and out |||||||تطفو| |||||||flutuando| |||||||плаваешь| ¿Alguna vez te has sentido como si estuvieras flotando a través de

life...but not actually getting closer  to the person that you want to be. ||||aproximando-se||||||||| vida... pero sin acercarte realmente a la persona que quieres ser. жизнь... но не приближаясь к тому человеку, которым вы хотите стать.

It usually happens around New years, you imagine  all the bad habits your going to break free from, |typically||||||||||||going to|||| |||||||||||||||livrar-se de|| Suele ocurrir en Año Nuevo, te imaginas todos los malos hábitos de los que te vas a liberar, Cela se produit généralement autour du Nouvel An, vous imaginez toutes les mauvaises habitudes dont vous allez vous débarrasser, Nó thường xảy ra vào những dịp năm mới, bạn hãy tưởng tượng tất cả những thói quen xấu mà bạn sẽ từ bỏ,

and all the good habits you will begin. y todos los buenos hábitos que empezarás.

“This time it will be different”  you say to yourself. This time I "Esta vez será diferente", te dices. Esta vez

AM going to do the things that I say I will. Voy a hacer las cosas que digo que voy a hacer.

Only to end up back where you began shortly  after and no closer to what you had envisaged. Только чтобы|||||||||||||||||представлял себе |||||||||||||||||imagined |||||||||||||||||forestilt Chỉ|||||||||||||||||đã hình dung |||||||||||||||||상상했던 것 |||||||||||||||||设想的 ||||||||poco después|||||||||previsto Sólo para acabar poco después donde empezaste y sin acercarte a lo que habías previsto.

So the question is, how do you become the person  you dream of becoming? How do you break free |||||||||||||||||вырваться на свободу| ||||||||||||||||||liberate Así que la pregunta es: ¿cómo te conviertes en la persona que sueñas ser? ¿Cómo te liberas

from bad habits and make the habits  you desire easier and automatic? ||||||behaviors||||| de los malos hábitos y hacer que los hábitos que desea sean más fáciles y automáticos?

Atomic Habits by James Clear  answers all these questions. Atomic Habits, de James Clear, responde a todas estas preguntas.

We are going to be doing a detailed visual summary  of this book, And dive deep into topics like |||||||detallado||resumen visual detallado||||||||| Vamos a hacer un resumen visual detallado de este libro, y profundizar en temas como Chúng tôi sẽ thực hiện một bản tóm tắt trực quan chi tiết về cuốn sách này và đi sâu vào các chủ đề như

Habit loops Dopamine spikes |bucles de hábitos||picos de dopamina Bucles de hábito Picos de dopamina Boucles d'habitude Pointes de dopamine

Priming your environment Plus heaps more Подготовка среды||||| Preparing||||| Preparar el entorno||||montones de cosas| Prepare su entorno y mucho más Préparer votre environnement Et bien d'autres choses encore 環境を整える

And make sure to stick around until the  end of the video where we tie everything |||||||||의||비디오 끝까지|||| Y asegúrate de quedarte hasta el final del vídeo donde lo atamos todo

together from the video and I go step by  step through how I've personally been using del vídeo y explico paso a paso cómo lo he estado utilizando personalmente.

this book with my own habits and how you  can start applying it to your own habits. |||||||어떻게||||||||| este libro con mis propios hábitos y cómo puedes empezar a aplicarlo a tus propios hábitos.

I hope this summary inspires you to go out  and grab a copy of the book for yourself |||resumen|inspire||||||||||||| Espero que este resumen te anime a hacerte con un ejemplar del libro.

because this book deserves a  space on everyone's bookshelf! ¡porque este libro merece un espacio en la estantería de todo el mundo!

Let's jump into it Let's jump into it Entremos en materia

Imagine a plane taking off and  travelling from New York to Los Angeles. ||||||viajando|||||| Imagine un avión que despega y viaja de Nueva York a Los Ángeles.

Just before takeoff you adjust the  plane just slightly by 3 degrees ||||||||немного|| ||departure from ground||adjust|||||| ||despegue||||||ligeramente|| Kurz vor dem Start stellen Sie das Flugzeug um 3 Grad ein. Justo antes del despegue ajustas el avión ligeramente 3 grados...

or around 80 inches. If you kept flying in  a straight line...You would end up closer oder etwa 80 Zoll. Wenn du weiter in einer geraden Linie fliegst, würdest du am Ende näher am Ziel sein. o alrededor de 80 pulgadas. Si siguieras volando en línea recta... acabarías más cerca

to Tijuana in Mexico than in your  intended destination of Los Angeles. |||||||planned||||Angels |||||||previsto|||| nach Tijuana in Mexiko als in Ihrem Zielort Los Angeles. a Tijuana en México que en su destino previsto de Los Ángeles.

The same goes for our habits.  Tiny changes in our habits ||||||tiny|||| Lo mismo ocurre con nuestros hábitos. Pequeños cambios en nuestros hábitos

can change the trajectory of our lives  in ways that we can't even notice |||轨迹|||||||||| |||path|||||ways||||| puede cambiar la trayectoria de nuestras vidas de maneras que ni siquiera podemos notar có thể thay đổi quỹ đạo cuộc sống của chúng ta theo những cách mà chúng ta không thể nhận ra

until many years into the future looking back.  In both good ways and bad. You are your habits. bis viele Jahre in die Zukunft zurückblicken. Sowohl im Guten als auch im Schlechten. Du bist deine Gewohnheiten. hasta muchos años en el futuro mirando hacia atrás. Tanto en lo bueno como en lo malo. Tú eres tus hábitos. jusqu'à de nombreuses années dans le futur, en regardant en arrière. Dans le bon comme dans le mauvais sens. Vous êtes vos habitudes.

The Power of Atomic Habits El poder de los hábitos atómicos

“A slight change in your daily habits can guide  your life to a very different destination”. |Leve||||||||||||||destino diferente "Eine geringfügige Änderung Ihrer täglichen Gewohnheiten kann Ihr Leben an ein ganz anderes Ziel führen". "Un ligero cambio en tus hábitos diarios puede guiar tu vida hacia un destino muy diferente".

Massive action Vs 1% improvements Acción masiva frente a mejoras del 1

Far too often, we convince ourselves that massive  success is only possible through massive action Viel zu oft sind wir davon überzeugt, dass massiver Erfolg nur durch massives Handeln möglich ist. Con demasiada frecuencia, nos convencemos de que el éxito masivo sólo es posible a través de la acción masiva Слишком часто мы убеждаем себя в том, что масштабный успех возможен только благодаря масштабным действиям.

in any goal we are pursuing. We expect  ourselves to make some quantum leap or ||||||||||||квантовый скачок|квантовый скачок| |||||persiguiendo||||||||salto cuántico| bei jedem Ziel, das wir verfolgen. Wir erwarten von uns selbst, dass wir einen Quantensprung machen oder en cualquier objetivo que persigamos. Esperamos dar algún salto cualitativo o

momentous improvement that  will gain others attention. significant important notable|||||| 중대한 개선|||||| trascendental|||||| eine bedeutsame Verbesserung, die die Aufmerksamkeit anderer auf sich ziehen wird. mejora trascendental que llamará la atención de los demás.

However it is the tiny improvements,  that aren't even noticeable at first, |||||mejoras pequeñas||||perceptibles|| Aber es sind die kleinen Verbesserungen, die zunächst gar nicht auffallen, Sin embargo, son las pequeñas mejoras, que ni siquiera se notan al principio,

that create incredible change. |||cambio increíble

Let's look deeper into the Math

1% better every day for a year will  compound to nearly 38 times better. |||||||накапливаться|||| |||||||compound|||| |||||||복리로 증가하다|||| |||||||multiplicarse|||| Wenn man ein Jahr lang jeden Tag 1 % mehr leistet, ergibt das eine fast 38-fache Verbesserung.

1% worse every day for over a  year will bring you close to zero! Wenn Sie sich über ein Jahr lang jeden Tag um 1 % verschlechtern, nähern Sie sich der Null! 1 % de moins chaque jour pendant plus d'un an vous rapprochera de zéro !

Your habits can compound against you in the form  of things like stress or negative self-talk. ||||||||form|||||||| |||acumularse|||||||||||negativo|| Ihre Gewohnheiten können sich in Form von Dingen wie Stress oder negativen Selbstgesprächen gegen Sie richten. Ваши привычки могут обернуться против вас в виде стресса или негативного отношения к себе.

Or they can compound for you in  the form of things like knowledge,

productivity, skills and relationships. Productividad|||

“Success is the product of  daily habits—not once-in "Успех - это результат ежедневных привычек - не раз в

a lifetime transformations” ||transformaciones de vida

The Truth About progress

When you start any endeavour in your life, here  is what we think should happen. Linear progress. ||||начинание|||||||||||Линейный прогресс| ||||effort|||||||||||| ||||esfuerzo|||||||||||| ||||foretak|||||||||||| Cuando empiezas cualquier empeño en tu vida, esto es lo que creemos que debería ocurrir. Progreso lineal.

Here is what actually happens. Notice  this section here. In the beginning, Hier ist, was tatsächlich passiert. Beachten Sie diesen Abschnitt hier. Am Anfang,

small changes in our progress  are not even noticeable. kleine Veränderungen in unserem Fortschritt sind nicht einmal spürbar.

James Clear refers to this part of the  graph as “the valley of disappointment” |||||||||||||disappointment = disappointment |||||||||||valle de decepción||

You've done so much! Put in so much  effort and you can barely see any results! ¡Has hecho tanto! ¡Te has esforzado tanto y apenas ves resultados!

This is where most people fail and  slip back into their old routines. |||la mayoría||||recaen||||| An dieser Stelle scheitern die meisten Menschen und fallen in ihre alten Routinen zurück. C'est là que la plupart des gens échouent et retombent dans leurs vieilles habitudes. Đây là lúc hầu hết mọi người thất bại và quay trở lại với thói quen cũ của họ.

The most powerful outcomes of any compounding  process are delayed so Patience is required. |||resultados|||capitalización|proceso de acumulación|||||| Die wirkungsvollsten Ergebnisse eines jeden Compounding-Prozesses werden verzögert erzielt, daher ist Geduld gefragt. Los resultados más potentes de cualquier proceso de capitalización se demoran, por lo que se requiere paciencia. Самые мощные результаты любого процесса компаундирования достигаются с задержкой, поэтому необходимо набраться терпения. Kết quả mạnh mẽ nhất của bất kỳ quá trình tổng hợp nào đều bị trì hoãn nên cần có sự kiên nhẫn.

Goals Vs Systems.


A goal is the result you want  to accomplish. Systems deal ||||||||accomplish|| Ein Ziel ist das Ergebnis, das Sie erreichen wollen. Systeme handeln

with the processes that lead to results. ||процессы|||| mit den Prozessen, die zu Ergebnissen führen. con los procesos que conducen a los resultados.

The conventional wisdom suggests that the best  way to achieve anything we want in life-getting Принято считать, что лучший способ добиться всего, чего мы хотим в жизни, - получить

into better shape, building a successful business,

spending more time with family is  to set specific, realistic goals.

But if you completely ignored your  goals and focused only on your system,

would you still succeed?

The Author argues that you would. ||sostiene|||

Here are some problems with only having goals. Successful and unsuccessful people share the

same goals, so therefore the goal can not  be what differentiates winners from losers. ||||||||||distinguishes||| ||||||||||diferencia|||perdedores Les objectifs sont les mêmes, donc l'objectif ne peut pas être ce qui différencie les gagnants des perdants. cùng một mục tiêu, do đó mục tiêu không thể là yếu tố phân biệt người thắng và người thua.

Achieving a goal only changes  your life for a moment in time.

Goals can create an either-or conflict.  Either you achieve the goal and succeed, Les objectifs peuvent créer un conflit de type "ou bien, ou bien". Soit vous atteignez l'objectif et vous réussissez,

or you don't and you are a failure. Even if  you were making progress in the right direction

When you achieve a goal, what do you do after?  If your goal was running the local marathon,

chances are after completing it,  your motivation will quickly fade |||||||||угасать |||||||||desvanecerá lo más probable es que después de completarlo, su motivación se desvanezca rápidamente

and you will just slip back  into your old routines.

“Goals are good for setting a direction,  but systems are best for making progress”


The problem with changing your habits is not you.  The reason why you repeat the same bad habit for

so long isn't because you don't want to change,  but because you have the wrong system for change.

Atomic habits are small routines and behaviors  that accumulate to produce incremental positive |||||||||||постепенные улучшения| |||||||||||gradual| ||||||||||generar|incrementales positivos| |||||||||||inkrementelle positive| Thói quen nguyên tử là những thói quen và hành vi nhỏ được tích lũy để tạo ra sự tích cực gia tăng

outcomes over time. Big breakthroughs tend to  get more attention than small improvements. ||||прорывы|||||||| ||||significant advancements|||||||| resultados||||avances importantes|||||||| Los grandes avances suelen recibir más atención que las pequeñas mejoras. kết quả theo thời gian. Những đột phá lớn có xu hướng nhận được nhiều sự chú ý hơn những cải tiến nhỏ.

But what really matters are the little  daily decisions and actions we take.

“Just as atoms are the  building blocks of molecules, “Giống như nguyên tử là khối xây dựng của phân tử,

atomic habits are the building  blocks of remarkable results”. |||||||выдающихся|

There are 3 layers to behavior change. ||capas|||

The first layer is changing outcomes.The  result. Losing that weight, writing that book, |||||results|||||||| La primera capa es el cambio de resultados. El resultado. Perder ese peso, escribir ese libro, La première couche est la modification des résultats. Perdre du poids, écrire un livre,

winning the season. The outcomes are what you get ||||результаты||||

The Second layer is changing  your process. What you do. La segunda capa es cambiar tu proceso. Lo que haces.

The new workout routine,  developing a daily reading habit. ||||개발하는||||

And the third layer is changing  your identity. What you believe. |||||||identidad|||

Your worldviews and how you  think about yourself and others. |мировоззрения|||||||| |perspectives|||||||| |Perspectivas del mundo|||||||| Tu visión del mundo y cómo piensas de ti mismo y de los demás. Thế giới quan của bạn và cách bạn nghĩ về bản thân và những người khác.

Most people focus on the outcomes but  the best way to change your habits La mayoría de la gente se centra en los resultados, pero la mejor forma de cambiar tus hábitos

is by focusing on the person you want to  become instead of the results you want. es centrándose en la persona en la que quiere convertirse en lugar de en los resultados que desea obtener.

The goal isn't to learn an instrument,  it is to become a musician. El objetivo no es aprender un instrumento, sino convertirse en músico. Цель не в том, чтобы выучить инструмент, а в том, чтобы стать музыкантом.

The goal isn't to run a marathon,  It is to become a runner. ||||||||||transform into|| El objetivo no es correr un maratón, sino convertirse en corredor.

When something you want in your  life becomes part of your identity, Cuando algo que quieres en tu vida se convierte en parte de tu identidad,

that is when your behaviors will naturally change. entonces es cuando sus comportamientos cambiarán de forma natural.

When you tell yourself and others “I'm a  runner”. You want to live up to that identity. Cuando te dices a ti mismo y a los demás "soy un corredor". Quieres estar a la altura de esa identidad. Когда вы говорите себе и другим: "Я - бегун", вы хотите соответствовать этому образу. Khi bạn nói với chính mình và những người khác “Tôi là người chạy bộ”. Bạn muốn sống theo bản sắc đó.

Remind yourself напомнить себе| Recuérdate a ti mismo Напомните себе

Every Time you do a workout, you are an athlete. Cada vez que haces un entrenamiento, eres un atleta.

Every time you write a line  of code, you are a coder. |||||||||||programmer |||||||||||programador/programadora Cada vez que escribes una línea de código, eres un programador. Mỗi khi bạn viết một dòng mã, bạn là một lập trình viên.

Each time you instruct your  team, you are a leader. |||teach|||||| Cada vez que das instrucciones a tu equipo, eres un líder.

The Habit Loop A habit is when ||Петля привычки|||| El bucle del hábito Un hábito se produce cuando

something has been repeated enough  times that it becomes automatic. algo se ha repetido tantas veces que se convierte en automático. une chose a été répétée suffisamment de fois pour qu'elle devienne automatique.

Ultimately we want our habits to solve problems  in our lives with the least amount of effort. In the end|||||||||||||||| En última instancia|||||||||||||menor cantidad||| En última instancia, queremos que nuestros hábitos resuelvan los problemas de nuestra vida con el menor esfuerzo posible.

A habit is formed and reinforced by  means of a continuous feedback loop: |||||укрепляется||||||| |||||strengthened||||a habit|ongoing|| |||||reforzado||||||| Un hábito se forma y se refuerza mediante un bucle continuo de retroalimentación: Une habitude se forme et se renforce au moyen d'une boucle de rétroaction continue : Một thói quen được hình thành và củng cố bằng một vòng phản hồi liên tục:

Cue + Craving + Response + Reward.  The key to creating habits that stick Сигнал|Желание|risposta|Reward||||||| trigger|Desire for reward|||||toward|||| Señal|||||||||| Pista + Deseo + Respuesta + Recompensa. La clave para crear hábitos duraderos Indice + envie + réponse + récompense. La clé pour créer des habitudes durables

is to create feedback loops that  are continuously being improved. |||||||||enhanced es crear circuitos de retroalimentación que se mejoren continuamente.

Cue. Phone buzz. Craving.  Want to know who messaged. cue|||||||| ||vibration||||||texted ||vibración del teléfono||||||mandó mensaje Cue. Zumbido de teléfono. Deseo. Quiero saber quién me ha mandado un mensaje. Телефонный гудок. Желание узнать, кто прислал сообщение.

Response. Pick up phone. Reward.  Solve the problem of who messaged. ||||Награда|||||| Respuesta. Coge el teléfono. Recompensa. Resolver el problema de quién ha mandado el mensaje.

Cue. Mind goes blank at work. Craving.  Want to alleviate the frustration. |||пустота в голове||||||облегчить||разочарование |||||||||ease||stress or annoyance |||||||||缓解|| |||||||||aliviar||frustración |||||||||lindre frustrasjonen|| Cue. La mente se queda en blanco en el trabajo. Deseo. Deseo de aliviar la frustración. Repère. L'esprit se vide au travail. Besoin. Vouloir atténuer la frustration. 仕事中、頭の中が真っ白になる。 欲しくなる。 イライラを和らげたい。 Подача сигнала. Ум затуманен работой. Желание. Хочется снять раздражение. Gợi ý. Đầu óc trống rỗng khi làm việc. Thèm. Muốn giảm bớt sự bực tức.

Response. Check social media. Reward.  Satisfied the need to feel less frustrated Respuesta. Comprobar las redes sociales. Recompensa. Satisface la necesidad de sentirse menos frustrado Реакция. Проверьте социальные сети. Награда. Удовлетворите потребность чувствовать себя менее расстроенным

Over time, rewards become associated with cues. ||rewards||||сигналы ||||||signals Con el tiempo, las recompensas se asocian a las señales. Theo thời gian, phần thưởng trở nên gắn liền với tín hiệu.

So, in this example, checking social media  becomes tied to your mind going blank at work. ||||||||связано с||||||| Así que, en este ejemplo, consultar las redes sociales va ligado a tener la mente en blanco en el trabajo. Так, в этом примере проверка социальных сетей привязывается к тому, что на работе у вас ничего не получается.

And then checking Facebook may be the cue to check  Instagram, which becomes the cue to check YouTube. Y luego, consultar Facebook puede ser la señal para consultar Instagram, que se convierte en la señal para consultar YouTube. Và khi đó việc kiểm tra Facebook có thể là gợi ý để kiểm tra Instagram, Instagram cũng có thể là gợi ý để kiểm tra YouTube.

And before you know it, your mind going blank  cue has led to 20 minutes of wasted time. Y antes de que te des cuenta, tu mente en blanco te ha hecho perder 20 minutos.

And you more you repeat these habit loops,  the stronger and more automatic they become. Y cuanto más repitas estos bucles de hábitos, más fuertes y automáticos se volverán.

Cues can really be anything. A smell, a  sound a sight, a person, a location etc. ||||||||||||||place| Las señales pueden ser cualquier cosa. Un olor, un sonido, una vista, una persona, un lugar, etc.

Try to think of any cues in your daily life that  are initiating your good or bad habit loops. |||||triggers|||||||starting|||||| |||||señales||||||||||||| Intente pensar en las señales de su vida diaria que inician sus bucles de buenos o malos hábitos. Cố gắng nghĩ về bất kỳ tín hiệu nào trong cuộc sống hàng ngày đang khởi đầu các vòng lặp thói quen tốt hoặc xấu của bạn.

So how can we influence the  habit loop to work for us? ||||||привычка||||| Entonces, ¿cómo podemos influir en el bucle de hábitos para que funcione a nuestro favor? Comment pouvons-nous donc influencer la boucle des habitudes pour qu'elle travaille pour nous ?

This book shows us the 4 laws that  will guide us to do just that. Este libro nos muestra las 4 leyes que nos guiarán para conseguirlo.

Law 1 Make it obvious Ley 1 Hacerlo evidente Закон 1 Сделайте это очевидным

Most of your current habits are so automatic that  you don't even realize them. You must first become La mayoría de tus hábitos actuales son tan automáticos que ni siquiera te das cuenta de ellos. Primero debe convertirse en La plupart de vos habitudes actuelles sont tellement automatiques que vous ne vous en rendez même pas compte. Vous devez d'abord devenir

aware of your habits before you can change them.  You can achieve that with your Habit Scorecard. ||||||||||||||||Habit Scorecard ||||||||||||||||Tarjeta de hábitos ser consciente de sus hábitos antes de poder cambiarlos. Puedes conseguirlo con tu Habit Scorecard.

Write down all your daily  behaviors on a habits scorecard, |||||||||карта привычек |anotar||tus|||||| Anota todos tus comportamientos diarios en un cuadro de mando de hábitos,

from the moment you wake up  until the moment you go to bed. desde que te levantas hasta que te acuestas.

Your scorecard may look something like this. Su cuadro de mando puede tener este aspecto.

Based on whether it helps you  become the person you aspire to be, ||||||||||want to be|| En función de si te ayuda a convertirte en la persona que aspiras a ser,

categorize each habit as positive  (+), negative (-), or neutral (=). classify|||||||neutral behavior Categorizar||||||| clasificar cada hábito como positivo (+), negativo (-) o neutro (=).

At this stage we aren't trying to change anything, En este momento no pretendemos cambiar nada,

just observe what is actually  going on in our daily lives. Basta con observar lo que ocurre en nuestra vida cotidiana.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious,  it will direct your life and you will call ||||||||guide your|||||| |||||consciente||||||||| "Hasta que no hagas consciente lo inconsciente, dirigirá tu vida y le llamarás Tant que vous n'aurez pas rendu l'inconscient conscient, il dirigera votre vie et vous l'appellerez "l'inconscient". “Cho đến khi bạn biến vô thức thành ý thức, nó sẽ định hướng cuộc sống của bạn và bạn sẽ gọi

it fate.” Carl Yung |судьба|| el destino". Carl Yung c'est le destin". Carl Yung это судьба". Карл Юнг

Vagueness is a real problem when it comes to habit  formation, and studies have shown that quite often Неопределённость||||||||||||||||| Uncertainty||||||||||formation||||||| Ambigüedad||||||||||||||||| La vaguedad es un verdadero problema cuando se trata de la formación de hábitos, y los estudios han demostrado que muy a menudo Sự mơ hồ là một vấn đề thực sự khi nói đến việc hình thành thói quen, và các nghiên cứu đã chỉ ra rằng khá thường xuyên.

the reason people fail to stick to a habit  is not because of a lack of motivation, la razón por la que la gente no consigue mantener un hábito no es la falta de motivación,

but because of a lack of clarity. “One day, I  will get into shape” is easy to say to yourself ||||||ясность||||||||||||| pero debido a||||||||||||||||||| sino por falta de claridad. Es fácil decirse a uno mismo: "Algún día me pondré en forma". mais par manque de clarté. Il est facile de se dire : "Un jour, je serai en forme" nhưng vì thiếu sự rõ ràng. “Một ngày nào đó, tôi sẽ lấy lại vóc dáng” là điều dễ dàng để nói với chính mình

but too vague to get any momentum.  What you need is a time and a place. ||расплывчатый||||||||||||| ||not specific||||force of movement||||||||| ||demasiado vago||||ímpetu||||||||| pero demasiado vago para coger impulso. Lo que necesitas es un momento y un lugar. mais trop vague pour donner de l'élan. Ce qu'il faut, c'est un lieu et un moment. nhưng quá mơ hồ để có được động lực. Điều bạn cần là thời gian và địa điểm.

The most common cues—time and  location—will help you achieve your goals. Las señales más habituales -tiempo y lugar- le ayudarán a alcanzar sus objetivos.

Clearly state your intention to  act using the following formula: Exponga claramente su intención de actuar utilizando la siguiente fórmula:

I will behavior at time in this location. Me comportaré a la vez en este lugar. 私はこの場所で時間をかけて行動する。 Я буду вести себя в это время в этом месте.

Here is a bad example, He aquí un mal ejemplo,

“I will read more this month” "Leeré más este mes"

Here is a good example He aquí un buen ejemplo

“I will read a book for 15 minutes  daily at 6am in the spare bedroom”. ||||||||||||extra| ||||||||||||extra| ||||||||||||libre| "Leeré un libro durante 15 minutos al día a las 6 de la mañana en el dormitorio de invitados". "Je lirai un livre pendant 15 minutes chaque jour à 6 heures du matin dans la chambre d'amis". 「毎日朝6時から15分間、予備の寝室で本を読む」。 "Я буду читать книгу в течение 15 минут ежедневно в 6 утра в свободной спальне".

Another good way to get a habit  started is by Habit stacking. |||||||||||наслоение привычек |||||||||||stacking habits Otra buena forma de iniciar un hábito es el apilamiento de hábitos.

To stack habits, tie a desired habit to an  existing habit according to the following formula: Para apilar hábitos, vincule un hábito deseado a un hábito existente de acuerdo con la siguiente fórmula: Чтобы сложить привычки, привяжите желаемую привычку к уже существующей по следующей формуле: Để xếp chồng các thói quen, hãy gắn một thói quen mong muốn với một thói quen hiện có theo công thức sau:

“After [current habit], I will [new habit]”. "Después de [hábito actual], haré [nuevo hábito]".

For example, |example Por ejemplo,

“After I brush my teeth, I  will stretch for 5 minutes”. "Después de lavarme los dientes, haré estiramientos durante 5 minutos".

You can stack habits together, for example  after you finish brushing your teeth, Puedes acumular hábitos, por ejemplo, después de cepillarte los dientes,

you will meditate for 10 minutes, then plan the  rest of your day, before checking social media. ||meditarás||||||||||||| meditarás durante 10 minutos y luego planificarás el resto del día, antes de consultar las redes sociales. bạn sẽ thiền trong 10 phút, sau đó lên kế hoạch cho thời gian còn lại trong ngày trước khi kiểm tra mạng xã hội.

A “chain of habits” is more likely to be  sustained if you practice this consistently. |||||||||поддерживаться||||| |||||||||mantenida||||| Es más probable que se mantenga una "cadena de hábitos" si se practica con constancia.

Choosing the correct trigger is  essential. YOU NEED A TRIGGER CUE |||спусковой механизм||||||| |||disparador||||||| Elegir el gatillo correcto es esencial. NECESITAS UN GATILLO TACO

Your trigger should be; |trigger|| Su gatillo debe ser;

something that you do automatically  without fail during your day, algo que haces automáticamente sin falta durante el día,

such as waking up, turning off  your alarm or brushing your teeth. como despertarse, apagar el despertador o lavarse los dientes.

James Clear tells us in the book  that Motivation is highly overrated. |||||||||||переоценена |||||||||||overvalued |||||||||||과대평가된 James Clear nos dice en el libro que la motivación está muy sobrevalorada. James Clear nói với chúng ta trong cuốn sách rằng Động lực được đánh giá quá cao.

You can better shape your behavior  by designing your environment. Puedes moldear mejor tu comportamiento diseñando tu entorno.

We are more influenced by our environment  than our willpower or motivation. |||||||||сила воли|| |||||||||self-control|| Estamos más influidos por nuestro entorno que por nuestra fuerza de voluntad o nuestra motivación.

It's hard to stick to positive  habits in a negative environment. |||mantenerse fiel||||||| Es difícil mantener hábitos positivos en un entorno negativo.

“Environment is the invisible hand  that shapes human behavior.” |||unseen||||| "El medio ambiente es la mano invisible que moldea el comportamiento humano".

Creating a habit requires you to redesign  the space around you (home/work) to ||||||rearrange||||||| Crear un hábito requiere que rediseñes el espacio que te rodea (casa/trabajo) para

1 - make it easier to see the  cues for the desired habits and 1 - facilitar la visualización de las señales de los hábitos deseados y

2 - avert bad habits by making them invisible. избегать|||||| prevent|||||| 피하다|||||| evitar|||||| 避免|||||| 2 - evitar los malos hábitos haciéndolos invisibles. 2 - ngăn chặn những thói quen xấu bằng cách vô hình hóa chúng.

If you want to drink more water, make the cues  visible and obvious. Place water bottles around ||||||||||noticeable|||||| Si quieres beber más agua, haz que las señales sean visibles y obvias. Coloca botellas de agua alrededor

the house in places you are likely to see them.  Want to read more? place the book somewhere you la casa en lugares donde es probable que los veas. ¿Quieres seguir leyendo?

will see it. If you want to get better on the  guitar, don't leave it out of sight in a closet. la verá. Si quieres mejorar con la guitarra, no la dejes a la vista en un armario.


Objects in the environment do not determine our  behavior; rather, it is our relationship to them objects||||||||||||||| Los objetos del entorno no determinan nuestro comportamiento, sino nuestra relación con ellos. Объекты окружающей среды не определяют наше поведение; скорее, это наше отношение к ним

that does. Stop seeing your environment  as a place simply filled with objects. que lo hace. Deja de ver tu entorno como un lugar simplemente lleno de objetos. Перестаньте воспринимать свое окружение как место, просто заполненное предметами.

Imagine it as a place filled with relationships. The couch in the living room is the place where |||||||||sofa|||||||| Imagínatelo como un lugar lleno de relaciones. El sofá del salón es el lugar donde

one person reads an hour a night. For another, the  couch is where they watch Netflix and eat pizza Una persona lee una hora por noche. Para otra, el sofá es el lugar donde ven Netflix y comen pizza.

and relax after work. If your relationship  with the couch is a place to relax, |||||||||sofá para relajarse||||| y relajarse después del trabajo. Si su relación con el sofá es un lugar para relajarse,

then trying to get a work related task  done in that environment may be difficult. then = in that case|||||||||||||| entonces intentar realizar una tarea relacionada con el trabajo en ese entorno puede resultar difícil. thì việc cố gắng hoàn thành một nhiệm vụ liên quan đến công việc trong môi trường đó có thể khó khăn.

Try to make separate zones in your  house for different activities. Попробуйте|||||||||| |||||||home||| Intenta crear zonas separadas en tu casa para las distintas actividades.

The author likes to use the  mantra “One space, One use” |||||||один||| ||||||만트라|||| El|||||||||| Al autor le gusta utilizar el mantra "Un espacio, un uso". Автор любит использовать мантру "Одно пространство, одно использование".