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Crash Course European History, The Age of Exploration: Crash Course European History #4 (2)

The Age of Exploration: Crash Course European History #4 (2)

the capital of the Aztec empire, gathering allies for him and warning him of impending

danger along the way.

Because of the hostility among different groups, go-betweens who knew about the animosities

and warfare among them could help mobilize support for the Europeans, so that one local

group would lead the charge against another.

That happened in the conquest of both Central America in the 1520s and the Inca Empire in

the 1530s.

In Europe meanwhile, all of this voyaging and conquering produced chaos between the

Iberian kingdoms--what land would be Spain's, and what land would be Portugal's?

A treaty sponsored by the Church eventually settled disputes between Spain and Portugal

over territory that each was claiming.

I mean, who do you call about property disputes, if not the pope?

The Treaty of Tordesillas, which was signed in 1494, provided a permanent line of demarcation

370 leagues west of the Cape Verde islands off the Atlantic coast of Africa.

In 1529, another treaty set bounds for each country in the Indian Ocean and Pacific regions.

But treaties of course did not prevent the death at the hands of European weaponry and

diseases that contact entailed.

In the Western Hemisphere, the local inhabitants' lack of resistance to European diseases was

probably a more important factor than in conquest than weaponry was.

In the long run, violence, enslavement, and European diseases like smallpox and measles

led to the death of perhaps as much as ninety percent of the indigenous American population.

Diseases spread and killed so quickly that entire communities ceased to exist almost

--- at once, and with them their traditions, stories, and values.

Meanwhile, colonization proved extremely lucrative for Spain and Portugal, which within a century

went from being poor kingdoms to astonishingly rich ones, especially after 1545, when the

Spanish uncovered a huge deposit of silver in Potosi, in present day Bolivia, and began

conscripting indigenous people to do the most dangerous work in the mines.

Migration to both regions swelled, and ships now criss-crossed both Atlantic and the Pacific.

And this huge influx of wealth to Spain and Portugal would reshape power in Europe and

also life everywhere else, as everything from microbes to ideas suddenly had a truly global


Thanks for watching.

I'll see you next time.

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The Age of Exploration: Crash Course European History #4 (2) |||Исследования|||| |Era||Age of Discovery|Quick overview||European| |||Exploração|||europeia|História Das Zeitalter der Entdeckungen: Crashkurs Europäische Geschichte #4 (2) The Age of Exploration: Crash Course European History #4 (2) La era de las exploraciones: Curso acelerado de Historia Europea nº 4 (2) L'età dell'esplorazione: Corso accelerato di storia europea #4 (2) 大航海時代クラッシュコース ヨーロッパ史 第4回 (2) 탐험의 시대: 크래시 코스 유럽사 #4 (2) Tyrinėjimų amžius: greitasis Europos istorijos kursas #4 (2) Wiek eksploracji: Przyspieszony kurs historii Europy #4 (2) A Era da Exploração: Curso Rápido de História Europeia #4 (2) Эпоха исследований: Краткий курс европейской истории #4 (2) Keşifler Çağı: Crash Course Avrupa Tarihi #4 (2) Епоха великих географічних відкриттів: Прискорений курс європейської історії #4 (2) 探索时代:欧洲历史速成班#4 (2) 探索時代:歐洲歷史速成班#4 (2)

the capital of the Aztec empire, gathering allies for him and warning him of impending ||||||assembling|||||cautioning||belonging to|about to happen |capital|||asteca|império|reunindo|aliados||||advertindo|||iminente アステカ帝国の首都で、彼のために同盟者を集め、差し迫った警告を発した。 Aztek İmparatorluğu'nun başkentine gitti, onun için müttefikler topladı ve onu yaklaşan

danger along the way. |throughout|| perigo|ao longo|| Yol boyunca tehlike.

Because of the hostility among different groups, go-betweens who knew about the animosities |||tension|||||intermediaries|||||hostile feelings |||hostilidade|entre||grupos||intermediários|||||animosidades 異なるグループ間の敵対関係があったため、反感を知る仲介者がいた。

and warfare among them could help mobilize support for the Europeans, so that one local |conflict or fighting|||||gather support for|||||||| |e a guerra entre eles poderia ajudar a mobilizar apoio para os europeus, de modo que um local|||||mobilizar||||europeus||||local その結果、ヨーロッパ人の支持を集めることができた。

group would lead the charge against another. |would be||the|lead the attack|| grupo||lideraria||ataque|contra| そのような集団は、別の集団に対する攻撃を指揮することになる。

That happened in the conquest of both Central America in the 1520s and the Inca Empire in ||||military takeover|||||||||||| ||||conquista|||América Central|América||||||Império Inca||

the 1530s.

In Europe meanwhile, all of this voyaging and conquering produced chaos between the ||At the same time||||exploring and conquering||taking control of||disorder and confusion|| |na Europa|entretanto||||viajando||conquistando|produziu|caos|entre| 一方、ヨーロッパでは、こうした航海と征服のすべてが、覇権をめぐる混沌を生んだ。

Iberian kingdoms--what land would be Spain's, and what land would be Portugal's? Iberian Peninsula division|Medieval realms|||||belonging to Spain||||||belonging to Portugal ibérico|reinos||reino ibérico--qual terra seria da Espanha, e qual terra seria de Portugal?|||de Espanha||||||de Portugal イベリア王国--どの土地がスペインになり、どの土地がポルトガルになるのか?

A treaty sponsored by the Church eventually settled disputes between Spain and Portugal |agreement or contract|endorsed by||||in the end|resolved|conflicts||||the Portuguese |tratado|||||eventualmente|resolve|disputas||Espanha||Portugal 教会主催の条約により、スペインとポルトガルの紛争は最終的に解決された。

over territory that each was claiming. |||||asserting ownership of |território||||reivindicando それぞれが領有権を主張していた。

I mean, who do you call about property disputes, if not the pope? |||||||land ownership issues|conflicts over property|||| |||||||propriedade|||||papa つまり、財産争いについて、ローマ法王でなければ誰に電話するのか、ということだ。

The Treaty of Tordesillas, which was signed in 1494, provided a permanent line of demarcation |||Tordesillas Agreement|||formally agreed upon|||||||boundary or separation |||Tordesilhas|||assinado||estabeleceu||permanente|||demarcação 1494年に調印されたトルデシリャス条約は、永久的な境界線を定めた。

370 leagues west of the Cape Verde islands off the Atlantic coast of Africa. nautical miles||||Cape Verde|Cape Verde||||||| ligas|oeste|||cabo|Verde|ilhas|a oeste||Atlântico|costa||África アフリカの大西洋岸、カーボベルデ諸島の西370リーグ。

In 1529, another treaty set bounds for each country in the Indian Ocean and Pacific regions. ||agreement||limits or borders|||||||||| |||estabeleceu|limites|||||||||| 1529年には、インド洋と太平洋地域における各国の境界を定めた別の条約が結ばれた。

But treaties of course did not prevent the death at the hands of European weaponry and |formal agreements||naturally|||||||||||European weapons| |tratados|||||impedir|||||mãos|||| しかし、条約はもちろん、ヨーロッパの武器や兵器の手による死を防ぐことはできなかった。

diseases that contact entailed. |||involved ||contato|envolvidas その接触がもたらす病気。

In the Western Hemisphere, the local inhabitants' lack of resistance to European diseases was |||half of Earth|||local people|||immunity to diseases|||| ||no Hemisfério Ocidental, a falta de resistência dos habitantes locais às doenças europeias era|hemisfério|||habitantes|falta||resistência|||| 西半球では、現地の住民がヨーロッパの病気に対する抵抗力を欠いていた。

probably a more important factor than in conquest than weaponry was. ||||do que|||||armamento| 征服においては、武器よりも重要な要素だっただろう。

In the long run, violence, enslavement, and European diseases like smallpox and measles |||||forced labor|||||infectious viral disease||infectious viral disease ||||violência|escravidão|||||varíola||sarampo

led to the death of perhaps as much as ninety percent of the indigenous American population. ||||||||up to|||||native people|| |||||||||noventa|por cento|||indígena||população その結果、おそらくアメリカ先住民の90パーセントが死亡した。

Diseases spread and killed so quickly that entire communities ceased to exist almost ||||||||entire populations|stopped existing almost||| Doenças|se espalhavam||mataram||rapidamente||completas|comunidades|cessaram||exist| 病気が蔓延し、急速に死者が出たため、コミュニティ全体がほとんど消滅してしまった。

--- at once, and with them their traditions, stories, and values. |de uma vez|||||tradições|||

Meanwhile, colonization proved extremely lucrative for Spain and Portugal, which within a century At the same time|settlement and exploitation|||profitable|||||||| |colonização|provou|extremamente|lucrativo||||||dentro||século 一方、植民地化はスペインとポルトガルにとって非常に有利であることが証明され、スペインとポルトガルは1世紀も経たないうちに、スペインとポルトガルを植民地化した。

went from being poor kingdoms to astonishingly rich ones, especially after 1545, when the ||||||surprisingly|||||| ||sendo|pobres|||espantosamente|ricos||especialmente|||

Spanish uncovered a huge deposit of silver in Potosi, in present day Bolivia, and began ||||a large amount||||Potosí|||||| descobriu um enorme depósito de prata em Potosí, na atual Bolívia, e começou|descobriu||enorme|depósito||prata||Potosí||atual||Bolívia|| スペイン人は、現在のボリビアにあるポトシで巨大な銀の鉱床を発見し、銀の採掘を開始した。

conscripting indigenous people to do the most dangerous work in the mines. drafting into service||||||||||| alistar|||||||perigoso||||minas 先住民を徴用し、鉱山で最も危険な仕事をさせる。

Migration to both regions swelled, and ships now criss-crossed both Atlantic and the Pacific. migração||||aumentou||navios||cruzavam|||||| 両地域への移民は急増し、船は大西洋と太平洋を横断するようになった。 Міграція в обидва регіони збільшилася, і кораблі тепер перетинають Атлантику та Тихий океан.

And this huge influx of wealth to Spain and Portugal would reshape power in Europe and |||arrival||||||||redefine|||| |||influx||riqueza||||||reformar|poder|||

also life everywhere else, as everything from microbes to ideas suddenly had a truly global ||em todos os lugares|outro||||microorganismos||ideias|de repente|||verdadeiramente| 微生物からアイデアまで、あらゆるものが突然、真にグローバルなものになったのだ。


Thanks for watching. ||obrigado por assistir

I'll see you next time.