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Crash Course European History, The 17th Century Crisis: Crash Course European History #11 (2)

The 17th Century Crisis: Crash Course European History #11 (2)

least for now.

The war tapered off because of political and economic considerations, but also because

the level of devastation just became too horrifying.

Combatants met at a peace conference where Emperor Ferdinand III made concessions of

land and cash reluctantly, forced by exhaustion and the continuing miseries inflicted by the

little ice age.

All of this marked a turn to more “practical” concerns in government policy rather than

just like, going to war to promote your religion.

Rates of mortality were very high in the seventeenth century globally because of the pervasiveness

of the little ice age and because of devastating warfare.

And we need to remember the immense human costs of the thirty Years war: some 20 percent

of the central European population died, while in areas of intense and continuous fighting,

it was closer to 50 percent.

If I can return to a shockingly positive picture, amidst all of that, the creation of our modern

view of science and its benefits was taking place in many of the same regions, which reminds

us that history is not one human story, but all human stories.

Some good news is coming next week.

Thanks for watching.

I'll see you then.

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The 17th Century Crisis: Crash Course European History #11 (2) Die Krise des 17. Jahrhunderts: Crashkurs Europäische Geschichte #11 (2) La crisis del siglo XVII: Curso acelerado de Historia Europea #11 (2) La crisi del XVII secolo: Corso accelerato di storia europea #11 (2) 17世紀の危機クラッシュコース ヨーロッパ史 第11回 (2) Kryzys XVII wieku: Błyskawiczny kurs historii Europy #11 (2) A crise do século XVII: Curso Rápido de História Europeia #11 (2) Криза 17 століття: Прискорений курс європейської історії #11 (2) 17 世纪危机:欧洲历史速成班#11 (2) 17 世紀危機:歐洲歷史速成班#11 (2)

least for now. en azindan bugune kadar.

The war tapered off because of political and economic considerations, but also because ||diminished|||||||||| ||azaldı|||||||||| Savas hem politik ve ekonomik bedeller yuzunden hem de yikimin boyutunun cok

the level of devastation just became too horrifying. |||yıkım||||dehşet verici urkutucu hale gelmesi yuzunden git gide azalip son buldu.

Combatants met at a peace conference where Emperor Ferdinand III made concessions of |||||meeting for peace||||||compromises or allowances| Savaşçılar|||||||İmparator|Ferdinand III|||| Muharipler baris konferansinda bir araya geldiklerinde, Imparator 3. Ferdinand tukenmislik ve kucuk buz caginin

land and cash reluctantly, forced by exhaustion and the continuing miseries inflicted by the |||unwillingly|||fatigue||||sufferings|caused by|| ||nakit|isteksizce|||||||||| sebep olmaya devam ettigi caresizliklerden dolayi isteksiz de olsa toprak ve para vermeyi kabul etti.

little ice age.

All of this marked a turn to more “practical” concerns in government policy rather than ||||||||real-world|||||| Tum bunlar devlet politikasinda simdiki oldugu gibi kendi dinini yuceltmektense

just like, going to war to promote your religion. daha gercekci kaygilara donulmesine sebep oldu.

Rates of mortality were very high in the seventeenth century globally because of the pervasiveness ||||||||||||||widespread nature Savasin yikiciligi ve kucuk buz caginin hakimiyeti yuzunden olum oranlari

of the little ice age and because of devastating warfare. 17\. yuzyilda cok fazla yukseldi.

And we need to remember the immense human costs of the thirty Years war: some 20 percent ||||||huge||||||||| Ve ayrica 30 yil savaslarinin muazzam insan kaybini da unutmamaliyiz :

of the central European population died, while in areas of intense and continuous fighting, yogun ve bitmeyen catismalarin yasandigi ldugu bolgelerde yuzde 50 ye varirken,

it was closer to 50 percent. Merkez Avrupa'nin yaklasik yuzde 20 si hayatini kaybetti.

If I can return to a shockingly positive picture, amidst all of that, the creation of our modern |||||||||in light of|||||||| Tum bunlarin ortasinda, sok edici derecede pozitif fotografa donebilirsek:

view of science and its benefits was taking place in many of the same regions, which reminds ayni bolgelerde gunumuz modern bilim anlayisi yaratiliyor ve faydalari ortaya cikmaya basliyordu.

us that history is not one human story, but all human stories. Ki bu da bize tarihin tek bir insanin degil tum insanlarin hikayesi oldugunu hatirlatiyor.

Some good news is coming next week. Haftaya iyi haberlerle gelecegiz.

Thanks for watching. Izlediginiz icin tesekkurler

I'll see you then. Gorusmek uzere