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Crash Course European History, Dutch Golden Age: Crash Course European History #15 (2)

Dutch Golden Age: Crash Course European History #15 (2)

It aroused high passions over enhancing the role of the stadtholder and bringing William

of Orange to become perhaps stadtholder for life.

If you're wondering why the Dutch soccer team wears orange, by the way, that's why.

In 1672 an angry mob, believing that William's rise was being prevented by brothers and high

officials Johan de Witt and Cornelis de Witt proceeded to lynch, flay, and cannibalize

those brothers.

The fight over how concentrated power should be, and who should have that power, clearly

wasn't over.

So even as it continued to prosper, the Dutch Republic was profoundly politically divided

by the end of the 17th century.

Meanwhile, Great Britain, its rival on the seas, had more or less resolved its political

questions and created the ground rules for an effective monarchy and its relationship

with the commercial classes.

and that meant the Dutch Golden Age receded.

As golden ages always do.

England meanwhile, was rising again--although only temporarily.

Next time we'll see how eastern Europe was faring during the seventeenth century.

Thanks for watching; I'll see you then.

[1] Quoted in Geoffrey Parker, Global Crisis:

War, Climate Change and Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century (New Haven: Yale University

Press, 2014), 237.

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Dutch Golden Age: Crash Course European History #15 (2) Dutch Republic|||||| Das Goldene Zeitalter der Niederlande: Crashkurs Europäische Geschichte #15 (2) Ολλανδική Χρυσή Εποχή: (2) El Siglo de Oro holandés: Curso acelerado de Historia Europea #15 (2) L'âge d'or néerlandais : Cours accéléré d'histoire européenne #15 (2) Il Secolo d'oro olandese: Corso accelerato di storia europea #15 (2) オランダ黄金時代クラッシュコース ヨーロッパ史 第15回 (2) Idade de Ouro Holandesa: Curso Rápido de História Europeia #15 (2) Золотой век Нидерландов: Краткий курс европейской истории №15 (2) Hollanda Altın Çağı: Crash Course Avrupa Tarihi #15 (2) Золотий вік Нідерландів: Прискорений курс європейської історії #15 (2) 荷兰黄金时代:欧洲历史速成班#15 (2) 荷蘭黃金時代:歐洲歷史速成班#15 (2)

It aroused high passions over enhancing the role of the stadtholder and bringing William |éveilla|||||||||||| |stirred up||||improving|||||stadtholder||| |despertou altas paixões||||aumentar|||||governador-geral||trazendo William| それは、シュタットホルダーの役割を強化し、ウイリアムを擁立することをめぐる高い情熱を呼び起こした。

of Orange to become perhaps stadtholder for life. |||||governor-general|| |||||governador-geral|| のオレンジを終身大統領に任命した。

If you're wondering why the Dutch soccer team wears orange, by the way, that's why. ||||||||indossa|||||| ところで、なぜオランダのサッカーチームがオレンジ色のユニフォームを着ているのか不思議に思っているなら、それが理由だ。

In 1672 an angry mob, believing that William's rise was being prevented by brothers and high |||mob|||||||prevented|||| |||||||ascensão||||||| 1672年、怒りに燃えた暴徒は、ウィリアムの出世が兄弟や高貴な人々によって妨げられていると考えた。

officials Johan de Witt and Cornelis de Witt proceeded to lynch, flay, and cannibalize ||||||||||lynch|to skin||consume the flesh ヨハン・デ・ウィットとコルネリス・デ・ウィットは、リンチを加え、皮を剥ぎ、共食いさせた。

those brothers. あの兄弟は。

The fight over how concentrated power should be, and who should have that power, clearly 権力をどの程度集中させるべきか、誰がその権力を持つべきかをめぐる争いは、明らかだ。

wasn't over. は終わっていなかった。

So even as it continued to prosper, the Dutch Republic was profoundly politically divided オランダ共和国は繁栄を続けていたが、政治的には大きく分裂していた。

by the end of the 17th century. |||||até o final de| 17世紀の終わりまでには。

Meanwhile, Great Britain, its rival on the seas, had more or less resolved its political |||||on|the|||||||| entretanto|||||||||||||| 一方、海上のライバルであるイギリスは、政治的な問題をほぼ解決していた。

questions and created the ground rules for an effective monarchy and its relationship を問い、効果的な君主制とその関係のための基本ルールを作り上げた。

with the commercial classes. 商業クラスと。

and that meant the Dutch Golden Age receded. |||||||retrocedeu それはオランダの黄金時代が後退したことを意味する。

As golden ages always do. 黄金時代はいつもそうだ。

England meanwhile, was rising again--although only temporarily. 一方イングランドは、一時的ではあったが、再び台頭してきた。

Next time we'll see how eastern Europe was faring during the seventeenth century. ||||||||se portait|||| ||||||||faring = faring||||

Thanks for watching; I'll see you then.

________________ [1] Quoted in Geoffrey Parker, Global Crisis:

War, Climate Change and Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century (New Haven: Yale University

Press, 2014), 237.