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Crash Course European History, Catholic Counter-Reformation: Crash Course European History #9 (2)

Catholic Counter-Reformation: Crash Course European History #9 (2)

still not finished with the repercussions of this questioning and the responses to it.

These religious upheavals weren't just about how to get into heaven; they were also about

who should learn and how, and what constituted an effective human life.

We are still in the shadow of those who modeled new ideas of what matters in human life

We'll have much more to say about Catholicism and the role of organized religion in people's

lives, but first….next week we dig into the world of witchcraft, shamans, magic, and

alchemy, which were also important belief systems in early modern Europe and ones that

co-existed with Christianity.

That's right, friends, it will soon be time to turn lead into gold and frog eyes into

hex potions.

I'll see you then.

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Catholic Counter-Reformation: Crash Course European History #9 (2) Katholische Gegenreformation: Crashkurs Europäische Geschichte #9 (2) Contrarreforma católica: Curso acelerado de Historia Europea nº 9 (2) Controriforma cattolica: Corso accelerato di storia europea #9 (2) カトリックの反宗教改革クラッシュコース ヨーロッパ史 第9回 (2) Katolicka kontrreformacja: przyspieszony kurs historii Europy #9 (2) Contra-Reforma Católica: Curso Rápido de História Europeia #9 (2) Католическая контрреформация: Краткий курс европейской истории #9 (2) Католицька контрреформація: Прискорений курс європейської історії #9 (2) 天主教反宗教改革:欧洲历史速成班#9 (2) 天主教反宗教改革:歐洲歷史速成班#9 (2)

still not finished with the repercussions of this questioning and the responses to it. この質問の反響とそれに対する反応については、まだ終わっていない。

These religious upheavals weren't just about how to get into heaven; they were also about これらの宗教的な激動は、天国に入る方法についてだけではなかった。

who should learn and how, and what constituted an effective human life. 誰がどのように学ぶべきか、何が効果的な人間生活を構成するのか。

We are still in the shadow of those who modeled new ideas of what matters in human life 私たちはまだ、人間の人生において何が重要かについて新しい考えを示した人々の影にいる。

We'll have much more to say about Catholicism and the role of organized religion in people's カトリシズムと、人々の生活における組織的宗教の役割については、もっと多くのことを語りたい。

lives, but first….next week we dig into the world of witchcraft, shamans, magic, and その前に......来週は、魔術、シャーマン、マジックの世界を掘り下げる。

alchemy, which were also important belief systems in early modern Europe and ones that 錬金術もまた、近世ヨーロッパにおける重要な信仰体系であった。

co-existed with Christianity.

That's right, friends, it will soon be time to turn lead into gold and frog eyes into そう、もうすぐ鉛を金に、カエルの目を金に変える時が来るのだ。

hex potions. ヘックス・ポーション

I'll see you then.